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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1960, p. 14

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e-. - - -' ---.-...........~'-' -- r,........'..-.---4 ~ . ...---..~....-- r, PAGE FOURTEEN Rotary Club Heurs Lions Prize Winners The lst vice-president, R. P.j acter developmen, at BTS Rickaby, who is also the pre-I during the year. sident elect, presided at the John Bain. superintendent luncheon meeting of the Bow- of the Ontario Boys' Trang manville Rotary Club held at Schao here, introduce dthe, the Flying Dutchman Motel two speakers. He also com- on Friday. The two guest, mended the local Rotary Clubi speakers were Bryan Siauson for its community service and:I and Wray Budrea. the win-, support of BTS. ners of the Bowmanville He told the Rotarians that Lions' Oratorical Contest. Bra Sauo. ne fth An enthusiastic Silg-sO"g Lions Contest winners, is tai- led by Dr. Keith Siemon was ented in many ways. He is ai enjoyed, and there was also a1 fine pianist, also plays the or- special solo by William Thies- gan, and has a good singing bt rger. Murdoch Beaton was, voice, Mr. Bain said. He sta-' the piaflist.1 ted that he is pleased with Guests preseni id the lun- Bryan's progress and predic-1 rheon meeting in addition to ted an excellent future for the two speakers were., John him. Bain, superintendent of the' "Wray Budreo. the other Ontario Training School for: winner of the Bowmanville Boys. Bowmanville, Wray, Lions Oratorical Contest, is, Budreo. Bowmanville, Georgei another lad we are proud of Charlton. Ken Markle, A. at the school. His winning ad- Reed, ail of Oshawa, Rex dress on 'wild Ducks', which Wynn. Brantford, and Frank'he will present to you today,1 p. Smith. Toronto.i entaiied quite a bit of inves- Captain Norman Coies. on tigation and research**, Mr. be-haîf of the Rotary Cltub, Bain said. presentel a book to Larry! Wiid ducks nest and raise Johnson, the winner of the, their young aiong the Canada annual Rotary Award given' -United States border, young' to the student who has made Mr. Budreo stated. They win- the greatest progress in char- ter in the southern states. but AVO RED C-0-0-L MADRAS BLAZER IN DISTINCTIVE MUTED PLAID LIGHT AS A WHISPER, COOL AS A POOL 15 THIS MADRAS BLAZER. LT WILL PUTI DAD COMFORTABLY AND HANDSOMELY AT EASE ON EVERY CASUAL OCCASION~ FOR MANY A SUMMER TO COME! Klefls EN'S & BOYS# Ken sWEAR 35 TEMPERANCE ST. MA 3-5580 Coing On A I a a e dot take aic of ri Smith, Sin Mode andf Dotled by . UEVERA 10 WMAN VILLE THE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANViLLE, O (NTAmUO Octogenarian Takes Pride in His Vaied Hobbies J.ohnn TabbofoGeorge St. assemblea nîs extensive 1 Irom near and far has been amazing. At various times collection of articles of many kinds for our photogra- we have featured some of the items he -has made or pher last week. Mr. Tabb, well over 80 years of age, collected, but this is the f irst time we have presented has kept active throughout the years. His keen alniost his complete array of items for our readers. interest in making things and collecting bits of trivia return to the north when the We have great minerai andiE-E ' iice breaks up, he added. forest resources, but these M A P l The speaker told of the won- sources can be lost through' - A P L GO V derful protection against cold careless use," Mr. Siauson orndMsL..Catwthapt.Toepeet watr afodedth duks y arnd.Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. D. H. were: Mrs. Ted Gibner, Shiaroný their ouled feathers. He aiso He remarked that in the late Coates. Islingtan, were week- and Rager, Osiha.wa; Mrs. Ron pointed out that ducks do not 1Bth-, and eariy part of the end visitors last xveek with Rogers and Nancy, Mrs. W. have blaod vessels, and their l9th century, Canadians were Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mildred Brown and Pammy. Mrs. R. nervous system is so canstruc- convinced that these resources, and Bob. Wilton and Margot. ted that it is unaffected by couid neyer ail be used. To- ý1ýr and MMrs. Frank Moore, Misses Lynda Martin and t coid. day the realization has comne Osha'wa, were weekend guest.s Linda Scott sang adt the dance The nesting habits of differ- that our resources are not in- a.tehm fM.adMs rctla emnil nFi ent kinds of ducks were also exhaustable, he asserteci. 1a h oeo r ndMs rctlatBwavleo n describeci by Mr. Budreo. He Hesoeo1h xaso James Coiliss. day. Linda Scotit also took partV aisa spoke of the way ducks HfeCanadianfcte aisndus Maple Grove Mens Softiball in t -dace numbers. always walk to the water in, ris. n the mouîîting use of : team were victorious aga in Mr. and Mrs. borne Heard P single file. He told of the natrai resources as indus-l when they playeci the Burke- anid fiarniily, Taunton; MT. andi ducks' mou]ting time and ti'te triai material. He told of the ton Men's team ait the school M.rs. Jin Farrow and sons, have fooresomeatimerafter- dangers ta our foresits from1 grounds on Sunditay afternoon. Bowmanvile, were Sunday W i waverd hih e is t hidepoor cutting practices with- l The sYmpatihy of the coin- get fM.adMs le wars wichheps o hdeout re-forestation, which cau- munity is extended to the fam- Finneý,. ] them by blending with the ses erosion andi îoss of top- 113' of the late Mvr. Richard We welcome M-'. and Mrs.i surroundings. Ken Woodcock daughten. Rox- in Speaking, of non-diln soul. He also empliasizeci the Trimbie, who dieci in Oshawa ami andi son Steve ta aur coin- ducksMr. Bureo inger need of farmers rotating their, General Hospital last week. mnt.Te r iigi hýC aeseverai kinds, mallards, crops ta keep their soul in good Mrs. E. C. Ashiton is spend- mounity.hey re elivig h esF. conditiohousewhaene theslaih eeM ds. wood-duck, pintail, spoanbill in n fwdy it e a-Swailow lived.- and others. They are founç While fisheries have nlotghter. Mirs. Stewart Rod'man, Ms .C nwe n Mrs. on hlo ponds, bays, and become a conservation prob-onSug Isand. A. L.rC. Sowdeand Ms slow moving streams. He aiso lem in this country, Mr. Slau- David Plazek celebrateci hisSsaLidtavithrti spoke of the amazing feats of son expiaineci that illegai tliird bithdavasusay Ssteard is, W. P earnLae diving ducks that have been methocis, if used 1. greedy fltTusaysse, on sund a snLae known to bring fish up fron ommercial fîshermen, couici a member of Manvers Coun- Mrs Don Brooks entertainedl nets 165 feet below the sur- resuit in the extinction of cil serving as Reeve, Deputy severaà smaîî. guests li honour face. certain types of fisb. and Councillor.h of Janice's seventhbnday Bryan Slauson's tapic was The president elect of theC He was very active on the Mr. and Mrs. Gono ee "'Conservation of Our Naturai club, Mr. Rickaby thankedCiemetery Board and was Se- ratneiDcra o evc t lResources". He referred tai the two boys for their well, cretary-Treasurer for severala pte on on S rviceay. the tragic fact that approxi- presented and worthwhile years. HapoonSday1 mately 4,000 people die in In-spehsHepeetceah Teferlwsedfon Maple Grove Juniors de- dia every year from starva- wi th a gift as a memento of the United Cburch on Mon- feateci the Enniskiilen socceri tian, yet this country bas tons the occasion. He also presen- day, May i6th, witb Rev. W. team at Enniskiiien last Thurs-1 of food and much surplus ted a souvenir gift to mr, Duff and Mr. Sommerville, day. They play at Hamptoni wheait. Bain. conducting the service. Inter- this Thursclay (tonight). "In Canada we hear much On behaîf of bis fellow ment took place in th oa dygests xvetre . 'andi on conservation, but one won- members, Don Morris presen- cemetery under Masonic aus Mrs. E. Vhià eelk.a ders how mucb effort goes ted several gifits ta Ian Smith pices. The flowers were many Wis. Don Smitli andi family, into the study of the subjecit. for bis new baby daughter. and beautiful. Mrs. Ann Wiblidýal, Mr. andi I __________________________________Left ta mourna is lass are Mrs. Michael Hîckéy andi sons, thre.e sons, Clifford of Oshawa, ail of Oshawa; M1Vr. and Mrs. I jColin and Joe, Pontypool; two E.. S. Michael and family. WSU daughters, Mrs. Bruce Fisk Pickering. Mu ic I ew a d ie s Russell Kerr (Madeline), Be. and chilldren, Montreal, el (th on rtypoo,. aci Mfrs. Min ani Ms. Gofr.lcaSteve Do you realize that there were they able ta perform on Pontypool. Also surviving are Mils. Bob Labrecque. are literally bundreds of pi- the piano. Progress on the ten grandcbiidren. Miss Doroithy Foley, Base' ana students for every single violin, viola or 'cello can be Palîbearers were ail Masons, Line. spent Sunday with Jan-, student of the violin, andi the fairiy rapid, as the pertorm- William Miller, James Tam ice Beech. situation deteriorates in the er bas only ta cancern hlm- blyn andi Harry Mercer aof Mr. and lwMrs. Jim Laventy case of the viola and 'cello? self witb 'fingering accuracy Orono, W. James Boggs and andi family were guests at an, ýTin s a very serious situa- of one banci, as opposeci to two Curtis McKay, Pontypool, and anniversary party for Mr. a.ndý tointhe musical world, and bancis in the case of the.pia- Geraîd Austin of Kimount. Mrs. Tom Hannah et Southý those interesteti in culture no. Bowing, of course, is a Mvonagban, on Satunday even- generally are trying to remedy skill which demands time andi ~ «,«...* the situation. Scarcity of quai- patience ta master. However, ' tinMsr Cguro ndMn ified string teachers in the the chilci witb a gooci sense ...ondMesr Goiuph eanjd Ma smaller centres is partly re- of pitch (andi the wiil ta r sponsible for parents thinking work) can soon achieve pro-.-fîhngtp.oCerog:ae lu fierms af the piano, as the ficiency which wiîî give plea- ..n..f.etronugi on Sun- instrument ta be studieci. sure ta himself and others. dywhn the Pickerel were, bitng. It is true that a course of The greatest joy ta be anti- Miss Barbara MilIs entertain- tuition on the piano shoulci cipateci bowever is participa- ..d evra-sholmaesai gîve one a rough musical tion in a string orchestra. Tis party at ber home on Satur- foundation upon which to couici be formed in a very day. build, but in toa many cases few fiw years time wben the B N i*.~ h chilciren with littie or no in- students baci mastered tech- Mî. ave Bothwell Sr. andl terestin l the piano as an ln- nical rudiments and were able grandson Joe Bothîwell of Bow-! Y strument, spenci a few weary, ta play in tune, consistently. PD SERVf '1 anil wr ttenctae <gr&fLF Twin Lakes, duruig the week-i years trying ta make a go afi Iarqie sure that the ciayed t, andi leave off araund gr wli dawn when this greatK T LEnd eight (jusit wlîeî the doors country willhave many firsit by GENERAL FOODS KITCNENS Alex ad ti h ofun hos- af reai enjoyment are about "ne orchestras, and it is up ,ofl ita open). ta c ities of towns such as Bere's a way ta capture the cruitches. Bill Laird h as iefti The writer bas known many Bowmanviile ta take the ini- refreshing flavor of those deliciec for a hiolidlay in Englanci where fine violinists, andi rareîy tiative andi be the leader in strawherries for all-year-round be bas several relatives. Miss' - - cultural as weîî as sporting enjoyrnent. It's a quick, sure recipe Susan Laird accompanieci him activities. Why caulci not for Strawberry Preserves wbicb Vo catch his plane at Maiton Bowmanville be Ontarîo's tasteS as tempting as it looks. Airpoirt on Tuesday. musical centre?? Stratford re- STRAWBERRY RS VS A joLit meeting of the Maple presents Canada for dramaPRS VE Grove Unlitedi Church Circles' notwithstandîng the facitthaï 6 cuzis mall whoie berrnes (about 2 Was helc inLuthe basement of 'i n cit is reîativeîy isola ted coin- qts. firi-ipe smaUl strawberriea) the chu rab on Tuesday even-1 IC 7pared with Bowmanviile, andcV2 up water Lug, June 7th, with 22 ladies it bas no lake frantage. Bow- 7 cups (3 16.) sua presenit. Reports were heard1 manville has tremendous po- jV2 baille Certo fruit frmth reiensofte m tential by virtue of its situa- dles slîowing an increase in' tian andi close praximiity to Prepare the sttawberrjes. Hullmemnbership andi ail activeîy *Toronto. about 2 quarts small strawberries. e nngag ecidL projecits ta raise1 Some tuneful suggestions Measure 6 cups whole berriesfuîdis for the improvement of foryou reorceciîisenig: firmly packed witbout crushing) Our chus-ch. Worship Service fovr yur eoeo yWelita a -very large sauoepan. Add was condueite<d by Mns. Tom ber; 'Zampa' bY Harolci; 'Or-î water and sugar. McGuirk, Mrs. Ceci MilIs andi ____ite_ ewo1d y ow mMss. D. C. Bailey, the theme he pffeusbac he Undyliewnld'bYNoake your preserves. ,ng "Honorng Goti f rom thei Offnbch.Hapy isenig! Pîaoe over bigh beat and bring toa aHet,"i ful rolling bail, stirring carefully The next joint meeting 19wilÉ OBITUutARYe.Reuc hatbehed September 1thwhen, BERT RICHARDSON 81dm off foani with metal sp erepnsbe o tedeo Then let cool about 1 hour, ta e tionai, programme anti lunch., One of Pontypooi's Most prevenit floating fruit. Ladle i, themmer oec n - 1 bighly respecteci citizens pass- glasses. Caver preserves ait onoe mousiy ta bhelp the Parsonage edi away ait St. Joseph's Hos- with Y inch hait paraffin. Makes Board and alsothe Trustee foit4 o ptal Peerbrouh, n Fi- bou 10medum lases.Boas-cirefinisitihe basementi ru't for get to piay Petb inrtugb, on 1 bu 0mdu lse.floor with a donation. it was I of Mr. Berit Richarcison.Knw whai pectin is Y it's thejielling suggested a letter of apprecia-! Deceaseci, who was in bis substance found in ail fruits in tion be sent to Bert Snowden I eOtb year, was bora ln Cavan 1Prirwng amounîs. Certo is eci for istalling thbe new choirl brother, Mri. andti Mss. Jim Laverty lasit Tuesday. ?Wr. andi Mrs. Gordon Beech visiteti Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Larmnes-at South Mon.aghan. Miss Sandra Snowdea has re- turned ta work Lu Kitchener after a week's holiday bere with ber parents. Mrs. Haroldi Evans enter- taLuec iniii nour of her dîaugh- ter Leslie on thie occasion of her thirci birthday. Those pre- sent were Barbera Lee Mc- Guirk, Ralph MiJ.ls, Lyle and Wane Davidi. Mrs. D. Bailey anid Mn.. Tom McGuirk attentiet Miss Hai'- vey's dance recital ait Central Colleglate, Oshawa. . Mampie Grave Brownîes en- joyeti a weekend camping trip ait Camp Saimc. Leaders pre- sent were Browmn Owl, Mrs. W. Bothwell, Mrs. J. W. Noble, Mss. Jirn Coiliss, Mss. Ken Staîker, Lois Staiker and Mirs., Pugh. Three. Brownîes were en- rolleci by Br,,>, Owl, Mrs. Wally Bothwell lest ' Tuesday. Tbey were Gail *McDonald, Theresa Laver-ty anid Linda Cooney. -After this, the folloW- Brwaies walked down the mnade for thie Father and Son 9o0den ram to receive their Banquet ta be helti June 25. Golden Ban: Lknda Mils, Wil- Equipment, bad ges anci camp- helminta Blyleven, Sandra Rai- ingtrips were 'iLso discusse<j ston, Janice Bleck, Bette Elleni Kubake, Judy Fice, Lorraine Hoinies, Gail Cullen, Sharon' Gibson. Peggy Braylev andi Lee 1q M IlO Ana Hoar. Thase wbho recoiveti Profic- AIBL iency badges were: Sandra1 Bothwell, Skaters anti Artisits;RT A Louise Wbitney, Daxîce ns; Bet-I tAmn i WLdr, Skaters anci i B G E Writers: Judy Gibson, Skatersî andi Artisits; Carol Foskitt, Wni- tess; Joan Symons, Carole Bo- RALP S. JONES tb'weil anti Duanne Wiiton l recelveti their Sk'aiters badges Barrister and Solicitor The Group Coniiittee 0fj 130 King St. E. Oshawa, Maple Grave Boy Scout.As-, R -64 so0ciation met ait the hemeo A -64 The parachute ls probably the oldest idea for nian-carry- ing "aircraft." Leonardo dia Vinci sketcbed one in bis note- book in 1514. Fausto Veraazio published a description of a wvorkable parachute in 1595. It wvas Andre Jacques Garneriri who made the firsit "live"l para- chute jump f rom. a balloon in P'aris la 1797. Modemn para- chutes are simply imprave- inents on the Garnerin designs. -Encyclo'aedia Britannica To~m McGuk-k. Plans were --- - FreeBLAC FreelND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at your Viogo)r 0O6u CORNER 0F MANVERS .ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 Double Siamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and See Oui' Display of Gifts- Comiplete Lubrication et a Reasonable Price ASK-ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEl EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS "f. ~.--' * 5~(JI EV~kTIMII1C~FOR easures FaFth'sDay-June 1i You'l find the ideal gift for "Dad" in our large selection of colorful, practical and sturdy outdoor furniture that awaits you bere. Suitable for both indoors and out. FOLLOW THE SUN ... OR BREEZE WITH THE lightweight SUN-LITE Porch Chair 0 Sturdy, square-cornered alumlnum frame of 1" tubing. *Fluted extruded arm rests. *Wide deluxe Saran Web fastened with speclai Ilghtwelght clips. *Choice of brilliant Green, Veilow. Red or Aqua. Make Your Patio complete with à GARDEN UMBRELLA meade af triple laminated vinyl plastie fabrie that sun and rain can't harmi. See aur complete selecition of: Sun-Lite FOLDING GLTDER Sun-Lite "Fiesta" LOUNGE Sun-Lite TERRACE CHAIRS The Chaisette for the BUDGET SHOPPER Comfortable and roomy when open, folds campletely for storage. Fe A.-KRAMP LTD, BOXE FURNÎITUJIEAuD FURNISHINGS (Successor to F. F. Morris Furniture Co.) 37 KING ST. K. MA 3-7071 -I .11 wý 1 THURSDAY. JUNE loth, igeo T-I- 'r-l'i- -4! ce 1--.- . ---- 1 ý 1 1 Freel Freel MA 3-7071

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