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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1960, p. 15

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THURSAY, UNE eth,1960TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMA&NVILL, ONTARIO PAGE FXFTEEW Belleville Mon Heads PONTYPOOL Assoc. of Oshawia anti Mr. anti Mss. yelopment Assoc Steve Yacana'k were Sunday AJman J. A. Irelanti, of ty-Reeve, North Monahan visitois in the village. the City of Believille, was Twsp; Reeve E. J. esn A goodly number were pie- electet President of the Lake Haveiock; Mayor J. D. Bur- sent on Wednestay evening to Ontario Development Associa- net, Cobourg, Immediate Past enjoy the colti meat supper, tion àt the Directors' Meeting' President; Reeve R. Budge, semved by the Women of the helt Iin Peterborough Wednes- Port Hope; Mr. J. R. Jones, Congregation. A bail game bet- a vnig June 8th. Mr. Hastings; Mayor H. D. Sweet-wenteo'sfJaevil Ireland was Vice-President of nam, Deseronto; Reeve H. W. andi Pontypooi attractet a lot the Association last year anti Rose, Fankfort; Mr. H. A. of attention with the local boys succeeds Mayor J. D. Burnet Cleave, Bloomfield; Mr. J. E. the winners. Races were much of Cobourg.I Turnbull, Department of Plan- einjoyet by the chiltiren. A Vice-Presitents electeti were 1ning anti Deveiopment, Toron- concert in the L.O.L. Hall con- Mr. M. DeGroat, Lindsay' anti to. cludeti the affair with a fax'- Mr. G. Coling, Brighton. AI- The Directoîs of the Asso- ourable finanicial raturn to the ~iran H. L. Garner of Pe- ciation agreet on an exten- WA 9trborogh was elected Sacre- sive Pîogram of Womk for the~ Several membars of the L. tary-Treasurer. Other Direc- coming year. Most outstanti- O.B .A. anti L.O.L. attendeti the tors for the year are as foi- ing change in the Program of Church Parade in Tyrone on Iows: Mr. J. J. Behan, Depu- Work was the Association's Sunday momning. decision to purchase an indus- Newiywets Mr. and Mrs. trial promotion film entitieti Raymo~nd Emmiomey were gue- "Goit Mine on Main Street", sts of honour at a party held a film which can be useti by in their honour at the home of the member municipalities to Mi. anti Mis. Fred Youngman increase interest in industrial on Friday evening. After the w~ cIIW o~ TADE davelopment and aid their piasentation anti lunch most of HAVE M FEAR- eitn nutlcms- the young people attendeti a FOR I~KEDT ~ sions anti committees in their chivari at the home of Mi. and poéwdrga t rmoemoei- Mis. Douglas Logan. A goot The Association has sug- tiE wsrpre yal gastet an increase in the num- ýveiy oe eof the six ap- ber of sportsmen's shows to pontmants weme îepresented beattendet and have recom- at an official Board Meeting of aendeti to tha tourist com- the Manvers Pastoral Charge Wlr# mittae that thay consider the hald ini Pontypool on Thurs- ilowing shows: Cleveland, day evening with Rav. Snow- Ohio; Harrisburg, Pennsyl d'en of Miilbrook presiding. vania; Cincin nati, Ohio; Hart- For the emainder of the year f ord, Connecticut. the ordained minister wl It was also recommntet look after Betbany- Manvers thai the tisplays used be me- anti Pontypool charges and tha y novateti anti brought Up to student look atter janetville, date and that more promo- Yelverton anti Mt. Horeb. This IC L * nDi tional effort be done on the is on a trial basis to eliminate ELECTRUCLD over-ali Tient Canal System. a lot of travelling. The or- GONTRACUINS NIAIRS Member municipalitias in dainet i mnister wiil also take ~.Cnthe Association reachet an ail over ail communion and bap- RMFJERATION-ELECTRIC lime high of forty-eight mem- tismail services at ail charges. OO-SALES -SERVICE *oers. This is an increasa in Some increases of pay weme an- T.- RADIO- AppLI ANCES inembership over last yaar anti doiseti for the minister and a considerable jump fmom 1956 stutient. R ' when the organization first A lot of summer cotagas are was tormeti. I f il nt ent Dr rnn,..- WE CARRY A FULL LINE 0F Greeting Cards FOR FATHER'S DAY Large Selection of Suitable Gif t Ite *ASH TRAYS (Brass, China and Glass) S *DESK SETS *BRIEF CASES *VARIETY 0F GOOD BO( Many Other Gif t Items Corne in and Browse Arou ems: vice this yeaz is biamed as veî-y few trains stop haie. This is a very severe blow to business- men, farmaîs aind market gard- anars anti i is to be hopet that soma action wil ha taken to impiove the situation. We un- derstanti that a petition is ha- ing prepareti anti tesaîves the support of ail citizens. Mr. T. E. Ca who) spent the winter months in Toronto with his daugihter is noxv back at bis home in the village. Tyrone Senior anti Kendal Flute Bants will Supply music fer the annual orange Church Parade on Sundiay, June 26th, at 2:15 p.m. Orono Brass Banti bas been engagati to play for the July 9th celebration il-, Peterborough. Labor Minister Speaks to Graduates The pursuit of truth was )KSI daciaradtof0 hathe cornaîstone S 1 of the fiee world's damocratic md institutions by the Honorable Lind Michael Starr, M.P., Minister ofLabor, wben be gava the annual Commencement Ad- diess at graduation ceremon- ias this past weekent at Osh- awa Missionary Collage. "Parliament, a ac ti o ns, sebools, univarsitias anti a fiee press arealal baset on the pro- position that a fiee people must hava access to informa- tion in ordai to make right decisions," the Minister of La- L1ITED bor toit the giaduatas of the collage by the Savanth-day Adventist Chuich in Canada. Mn. Starr warned that, "in, a dictatoîship, the fimst thin.,z f0 dia is truth." Ha reminted1 UUD» DROP INTO OUR LOT IN EITHER BOWMANVILLE OR COURTICE AND ASK OUR SALESMEN FOR A DEMONSTRATION RIDE IN ONE 0F THE FOLLOWING A-1 RECONDITIONED USED CARS. 1959 VAUXHALL CRESTA Only 9,815 miles, custom built radio, white wall tires, windshield washcrs. Grey with red trini. One ownem car. 1959 CHEV. 2-Dr. SEDAN, 6-cyl. Standard transmission, customn built radio. One owner car with low mileage. 1958 CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE White wall tires, backup lights, 6-cyl. with standard transmission. One owner car, 1957 CHEV. 2-Dr. COACH 6-cyl., standard transmission. One owner car in A-i condition. 1956 VOLIKSWAGEN CUSTON 2-Dr. Piiced at oniy--- ---------- - $750.00 1953 VAUXHALL 4-Dr. SEDANl 6-cyl. Only w. $175.00 NICHOLS m Chevrolel m Corvaîr and Eavoy (British Bmiii) Cars BO WNAN VILLE Chevroiel Trucks Phone MA 3-3353 COMMTIE Phone MA 3-3922 Tyrone L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. iwas helti on Sna ihte' Tyrone Fife andti u bn Land an Forsts leading the way andi proving to everyone that they axe just Weeky Re ort as gooti as last year when they W eek y Re ortwon the cup at the 12t.h of July Calendar of Coming Events local time. Rifles must flot be' They weîe foiloweti by mem- June 18 - Christmas Tree useti to hunt pheasants. bers of the L.O.L. who were Growers' Fieldi Day, Durham HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGEfweil Prpiesopeiby liesc Forest. -Septembai 24 to November firo Po HoBaiibm, July l-Bass anti sk-19. Bag limit, eight (8) perbAjax, ontypol, oWhitb, aie ea. o pn in this! day. Possession limit, sixteen Blackstock anti Orono. area. ~~~(16) (no known population Te aeteeecthn AGE LIMIT FOR ISSUE 0F ini Lindsay District but faim to Te aeteeecthn HUNTING LICENSES gooti hunting may be expeet- Juvenile Banti with some little REDUCED -et in Kemptville anti Lake ones, wliose fifes seemeti near- By K. K. Irizawa, Biologlst. Erie Districts). ly as big as themnselves, blow- Under recent regulations, RUFFED GROUSE (also îng merrily away anti narching the Department of Lands antid RC ROSSAP like littla vaterans. It must take Forests were authomizeti to's- TAILED GROUSE)-Septem_ a good teal of time antipat- sue licenses to people of thebe24t oebr1.E-in yAci Vtu ad age of fifteen (15) proviiedci er 24ntolNokembd arli.nE- 1eTce Byarrh ladVirst eati that they have cmltdthe tn Ca n tiis, Draîîin Tom so wel traineti. Cutr saehtaCriiat ty, wheie tha season will co-1 Last, but certain'ly not least, ofCopetnce. Thericae incide with pheasants i.e., Oc-ý came the ladies with visiting agalimitencwas h pevo tober 8 to 29. Bag limit five lotiges f rom Pentypool anti ag smi aîlsixny oappi- (5) prda.Possession limit Bowmanville l oing ry lowit cants for resitent hunting i- twanty (20). 7 to la seo lourin givean by canses anti the minimum age DEER (a)-November 7 5 pUhso lurgvnb for applicants for non-rs-1 nHlbro ony in their med corsages anti orim- dent hunting licenses remains1 the portion of Peterborough son collais. at sixteen years whether or î County north of No. 7 High- The service xvas eondùcted not the non-rasitent bas a way anti in Victoria County, by Rev. F. J. Jackson, whiose Certificate of Competence the townships of Somarville sermon was veiy appropiate fîom bis own or some other anti Longforti anti those por- Ifor the occasion anti enjoyeti state or province. tions of Dalton, Digby anti by ail, though with a touch No hunting licenses will be Laxton kîoith of the Monk of sadnass, as it wiil probably issueti to resitents who are Roati (Highway 503 fîom Nor- be the last tîme hie can con- under the age of fiftaan. Ahl land west). (b)-November 7 tuct it as bie will be leaving youn aphicnts houti ui-to 12 in the portion of Peter- us to gio to another charge at nish proof of age in addition boiough County southofN.touathaniffxeoth f0 their Certificates of Com- 7 Highway. tru tthe Ty ndChuihe cnhi petence since license issuar MOOSE-Novembai 7 to 19! enchanteti the congregation have been spacifically insfruc-i in samearaea as ouflinet in with their renclition. A veiy tadti f satisfy thamsalves of Dean (a) aboya. Special moose 'beautiful moîning in ail and the correct age of an applicant! or deci licensa equireti for I think eveiyone want their if any doubt exists.1 moose hunting, cost $2600.,ý eaaewy feigaltl Huating Seasons Announced This licensa permits boîter to epaate foayth feein te The 1960 hunting seasons take moose or teer but not bte o h xeine have been announcet anti tha bof h. Weleome to Mr. anti l\fs. foilowing are the seasons asi NOTE: A special Township Cordon Ma'cDon'aldi anti chut.- they apply f0 the Lintisay license in addition to the re- ian of Ajax, who have moveti Forest District. gular provincial hunting hi- into Mrs. Elva Beckett's apait- PHEASANTS - October 8 cense is requireti to hunt ment. to 29. Bag Lîmit is tbrae (3), pheasants, rabbits or foxes in Mr. antiMms. C. H. McQuinn per day of which not more Claîke anti Daîlingf on Town- and family visiteti Mr. anti than one (1) shall be a haen. ships, Durham County. Mis. James McQuinn, Scugog Shooting rastrictat to boums D. R. Wilson, Islandi. between 8:00 a.m. to 5:OOp.m.ý District Forester. Mr. anti Mis. E. A. Virtue TYRONE The annual June tea of Ty- rone Womnen's Missionary So- ciety was held in Tyione Uni- ted Church June 8, with guests f nom Newcastle, Bowmanville, 'Hampton, Salem, Enniskiilen and Haydon Auxiliaries. Miss Grace Srnith, Pies., Mrs. Percy Werry, vice-pies., receiveti the guests eat the door. The meeting openeti with a welcome to ail guests and a short poem and prayer by Past President Mis. R. Glaspell. The worship service was taken by two Enniskillen ladies, Mim. Fred Toms and Mrs. Ralph Vir- tue. Mis. Fred Jackson was or- ganlst for hymns. Mms. Ken- neth Hull of Bowmanviile sang "Th'anks Be To Goti" aoeom- panied by Mms. A. Cole. Mrs. M. C. Fisher, New- castle, introduced o0115 uest speaker, Miss Alice Mîuns, from Carlo, Indiia, who has serveti 41 years as an Evan- gelistic woîker. Miss Munns gave a most inspiring andi in- formative add'ress on her work in India. Mis. S. James andi Mis. 0. Rîchmonti sang "A Word of Kindess" acconipa n iedtiby Mrs. Cole, ail of Bowmainville The collection was received by Mis. S. T. Hoai anti Mm. F. Werry. The appreciation of the Aux.. iliary was expresseti by Mms. Aldin Hoar to Miss Munns and to ail who helpeti make the af- ternoon service one to remnem- ber. Following the service re- freshments were servedt t over 100 ladies with Mms. A. Read, Haydon, anti Mrs. G. Shackle- ton pou.ring tea. Mis. F. Toms voiced the appreciation of the ladies to the Tyrone Auxilsary for the splendid afternoon. The local L.O.B.A. enter- taineti Blackstock, Pontypool, Bowmanvifle and G'oodwo Ladies' Lodges on June 9, in the Cornmunity Hall. The evening staiteti out mus- ioaily with two numbers by the kitchen basnd, when lo members were ail fetehingly attireti with pie plate hats. Chefs uniforms, Aunt Jernina get-up were the cail of the day and the instruments were outi of this world, inelutiing wash tubs, spoons, strainers, seru'b-' bing board and la liberal sprin- kling of a'ny kitchen gadget that would mnake a noise and, believe it or not, you could actually tell what they were piaying. The mistress of ceremonies was Mrs. Gwen Murphy who was dressed as Aunt Lizzie and I do mean dresseti. Some very funny skits and playsý were put on such as a fashion parade of thse gay nineties, which inicluded a bathing belle port rayet by MiQs. Pat Gibson who Put the present day bath- ing belle to shame. Mrs. Peggy Millson anti Mss. Arveila Barrett diti a very enthusi'astic charleston and madie us quite satisfieti with the very staid jive of the modern day. A penny sale was held after the enteitainment with some very nice loot taken homne by various members of the dif- ferent iodges. Then of course refresýhments were serveti and his listeners that "it was the Christian ethic which matie possible in our western woriti the pursuit of truth." Winton H. Beaven, Ph.D., of Washington, D.C., who deliv- ereti the baccalaureate sermon on Saturtiay scoreti the moti- ern fati of "status-seeking as the curse of the western worid." Dr. Beaven, who is academic dean of Washington Missionary College deploreti the tentiency of modern youth to "train for a particular job anti then not be happy until promoteti out of it."1 Percy W. Manuel, president of the Coliege anti himseif a graduate of the Ativentist Church educational institution prewented diplomas to over 50 high school anti junior college graduates. vaiy nice too, witbout which the evening wouldn't have been completa. The egular C.G.I.T. meeting was helti in the Sunday School oom. The meeting opened with Purpose followati by a hymn. The worship was lad by Miss Anne Moieiand. Business was tiscusseti anti wa finishet woîk on the coveis for tables anti bookcase. One game was playeti. The meeting closet witlh "Taps". The annual1 church parade of. visiteti Mi. anti Mis. S. Par- ker, Newcastle. Mr. anti Mes. Bil Hall anti famihy, Toronto, visif et bis parents, Mr. anti Mis. H. Hall, Sunday. Mi. anti Mis. J. C. Cook, John anti Lauraîne, Mr. anti Mrs. H. McClure, Misses Giace Smith anti Audrey Smala et- tenteti the wetiding of tiheir niece Miss Deanna Wills of Englewood on Saturtiay anti on Sunday attentiet Deconation Service at Boston Mils. Mi. anti Mis. Ray Rahm anti chiltiren, Saintfield, weîe me- cent visitoîs of Mi. anti Mis. D. Staintan. On Suntiay Mr. and -Mrs. George Ruahim anti SAlES yu BeatsN weabher, MONE Y!oi Sr_ a 4-year protection witli "Locked-1n" color e Weather-tested before you bu) e Available in a wide range of modern colors, at: EhEITIC U* ?h4t PMPAIUM NAINT Read hiow easily EiNVO eau solve thiem! LU ievs ok piorat or extra oiu) Brish car and bul ýfor Canadians! Generai Motors valu. TRUMDAY, JUNE 16th, 1960 "A Toronto-Dominlion Joint Account can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, many couples find it the ideal way to plan famiiy finances. Here's how it works: Usually a husband and wife share a Joint Account. It can be oper- ated as a Joint Savings or Personal Chequing Account. Either party can make deposits and either can write cheques on the account. Whether you're shopping uptown, doing business downtown, or paying cheques by mail, only one signature is necessary. Joint Accotmnts have another important advantage, too. In the event of illness or acci- dent . . . and when the husband or wife is away for any reason . . . the funds in the account are stili available to the other party. Opening a Joint Account is easy. Any of our people will be glad to supply you with complete details. Joint Accounts are just one of the many conv on- lent banking services the e ople at Toronto- ominion have to offer ou. Be sure to visit the ranch near you soon. You'I1 really enjoy our kind of "interested" service. See for yourseif peopJc makc [hlo differenice ab TORONTOM' DOMINIOI% 13. L BUEKC, Manager Bowmanvile Branch . BOWMAN VILLE COURTICE Il1 ROY Oldsmobile Wha's your main problemn in tbinling about aiiewocm-? If it's PRICE, put it out of your mind: Envoy is designosi anti cngineered ta bc tie thriftiest buy on wbcels! ]W you'rc concerned about PERFORMANCE -... a test drive at your Envoy dealer's wiIIcounvince you! If you're thinking about STYLE, remember that Envoy is the style leader in its price class-a car designed for you f0 bc prouti of! CRAFTSMANSHIP? Envoy is mcticulousiy plannet inh evcry detail-Canadian-style color, finely-finished detail, safcty glass ail 'round: Ii kind of careful car-building is an Envoy haUlma&k Sa forget thasçar-bfyimprobJamns.SoyoruW dealer-! <u*1 Fb. new8 desgneda NN( epecially , Anather C UA * Um ~ ~ ~ WSaL ne.I.U. i«" ROY W. NICHOLS PAGE M"IlLE14 Helen, Saintfield, also visited IL. By'am were Mr. and Mrs. their home. Lloyd Robinson Part Hope; Mr. and Mis. Dennis Fer- Mr. andti M. Fenton of Can- guson, visited his broiher F. ningten andi Mrs. J. Skinner 0. William Ferguson, St. Hu- anti daughters Eglinton. bert, and attendeti the Annual Mr. and Mss. H. Trivett, Wes-J Air Show. ton were supper guests of Mr. Mr. and Mis. J. Parkinson, and Mrs. A. Wood and visiteti visiteti Mrs. H. B. Jefferies ant iher father, Mr. H. Cameron in Mr. anti Mrs. L. Thiffault and Oshawa Hospital. 1family, Toronto. Johnnie Thif- Mr. andi Mis. W. Park, Mrs. f ault returned home with his Grenville Byam, Mr. and Mrs. sister for a holidey. James Murdoch, attendeti the Douglas Jones, Malton, vis- Lax-Robinson wedding at Wei- iteti his mother, Mrs. L. Jones. corne Unitedi Church on Satur- Visitors of Mr. and Mis. F. day. __________ CIL HOUSE PAINT Litme showyou how coniveient arf-D JOINT ACCOUNT canbo

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