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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1960, p. 1

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e ýcheckinIg Rifles at Inspection j DurhaW County's Great Family Journal JVOloUME 106 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THIURSDAY, JUNE 16th. 1960 loi' Per*v 9A STEEL ARRIl REBUILDING 'VES 'S AT Ld This week the structural steel girders arrived at LdSuffers Bowmanville Foundry's new plant. On Wednesday CO'l L. T. McLiugh lin Bruises ~morning, a huge crane from Dominion Bridge started M d o.M m e Bruse i erctngthhldde'sab within 10 ta 14 days the work M d o . Mm e Accident shoar e completed, ready for closing in the vast0fM lt y In it e Robert Cuthbertson, age ln1ofae . f M ltr.I s it t . on Saturday afternoon by a The ie staff moved out of their temrporary nteanalrprvs knocke from îs biccle ofice Inte Ran na otis- car at the corner of King and headcxuarters recentlyT and are orperatinrr in the sued bitay IttheoyalCandia Scugog Streets. Fortunat.ply ronr ' nw Mltay InstitedociTo- he escaped major injury, a- large administration building which will be separated lion is aeon tere ita- though hie sustained a bruised patpoe.md ntersg knee and head. The young from thepln r e. nation of Colonel Lorne T. lad is a son of Mr. and Mrs. - McLaughlin, due to ili Ž H. A. Cuthbertson, Martin As soon as the plant is covered with a roof and hel sabl 'lerongtand valu- Road. le adofficer o heIsti Haod .Drk. .R.à the floor and walls poured, a steady stream of new tute. Il ed sflos HaodO.Dae.R .5. "0f the officers who have Bowmanville, was the driver equipment will arrive f rom many parts of Canada and worked so diligently for of t le car. Constable Leslie the Institute, special men- Ricard of the Bowmanville the United States to provide the latest in machinery. tion must be made of the Police investigated the acci- loss of Colonel L. T. Mc- dent which happened at 4.nesth4an7ine '~eain heshdl Laughlin, C.M.G., D.S.O., p.m. No charges were laid. Unes teris i"oprtontesceue V.D. announced earlier of having the plant ready for "e ha for many dears. operation early in August will be maintained, accord- at Insttueand Board 700 Visit igt o pn rsdn .E edr meetings and has made a ing o C mpa y Prsidnt . E.Reh er.great contribution to the R.C.M.P. of today. As his Breeding Unit It will be recalled that the foundry' 40-year-old otnigaivymet frequent trpsfrom his At ellvi ieplant was destroyed by f ire here on March 9th. home in Bowmanville at a At B llevlletime when his health is not good he found it ne- ~ Sunday atternoons haveI / ln se r o a i cessary to resign from the - benbuyaround the .e (J Vnl Board. Our members can Quinte District C a ttlie be extremely grateful for Breeding Association at i, Colonel McLaughlin's ef- cad fsforts, which have becr re- R. R. 2, Belleville. a a e cgie by the Diredtors So far, the open house, cegnmen s C ded whlch will epntinue every i~ç n making his Life Mem- Sunday' afternoon during *~Ufiiers Bu rn s bership an Honorary Life June, has attracted over SL Memesi 700 interested visitors. On O n BL .T .SJ. EIspei on-IJ Painful burns werè suffered Coming dloser to home .Tune 5th, over 300 were by Ian Smith, General Man- the Statesman is pleased presenit and n4ore than The Cadet Corps of the On- form Institutions w:s t . I ager of Brookdaîe..Kingsway to da pe rst o l din 400 turned up on June tario Training School for specting Officer. CatHe In timate tndy.log ridb t t uife ha l2th. Boys, Bowmanville, made aI (AI.) Cuthbertson isWin com- Nreiso ody ogfin ysaigta Ho.w.A "i" ~- fine showing at the Annual mand of the Cadet Corps. 1 Mr. Smith is reported to Colonel McLaughlin's re- fellow. the Ontario Min- Inspection of the Corps held Mr. Graham was acco a vebe epn obr cr nteFrtWrd o.L .MLuhl istr f grculur fom in the grounds of the school ied by Rev. M. W. cPlikan, some brush when gasoline War as Officer Command- onFidyeenn.J.A Ga hara of AghicTraining m aught fire. He was rushed to ing the famous Second Bat- bravery and successfully direct- Norhubelad______o____________JAGa-__ iranofth Taiin hospital where Dr..E. D. H-ub- talion was ýoutstanding. He was one of the tourists ham, Deputy-Minister of Re- School's Advisory Board. bard and Dr. L. S. Miklos ad- was mentioned in despatch- ing the rnpvement of the battaliont last Sunday. Be has been Lieut. F . L. Furness of themnsee treatment. His es on several occasions for in the front battie Uines. a member of the Associa- FI rea Headquarters, Kingston, hanserms and face were tio fr evra yars P pis le t Following the Inspection of, seared with first degree burns ec r io lIthe Cadet Corps the Training! He is expected te return Dec r t Services Tennis Star C.olleagues School Band played several home before the end of the stirring bugle marches under week. the direction cf W. W. Bag-! - A t-m t ry o ý ù 1 Loses oe For A wardnell. There was also an ex- BY USAS Dctio C e rveery oedrn g Suna Loses Toe or Awa rdceptionally fine physical train. U1BUIES eoato aySr ie.aToe idtes ara to r Two students of Bow- ing display with the director Mr. James Paterson, who wilI be held in Bowman- thecipate th parad -t manVille Hlgh School Mr. Bagneli in charge. An- recently purchased a business ville Cemetery this Sun- ts eme rolofas- To À4ower were honored by their fel.. other interesting demonstra i Phllipsville, Ont., which day. June 19th., at 3:00 TwnHl, em rac low ppilsrecetly.They lion as o rife an Bre gun s siuate nea semblell lu ofrontlT cfprthe Colin Birtwistle, Goodyear were Eleanor Pickard, training. spent a few days last week P.m.Sta 2:15 p.m. chemist and one of the top daughter of Mr. and Mrs. In an appreciative address with his mother, Mrs. W. L. Citizens are urged te The service whll be ln tennis players in Bowmanville, Howard Piekard, Bow- Mr. Graham stated that the Paterson, Concession St. Mr. honor their deceased loy- charge of Bis Worshlp will net be on the courts for manville, and Gary Me- CadettCorps had given an ex- and Mrs. James Paterson willi ed eues by attending the the Mayor, Town Counchl a while. He caught bis foot in Ciilough, son of Mr. and cellent performance. Heex be meving shortly te Philips- service and by floral tri- and Branch 178 of the a rotary power mower last Mrs. 1. .J. McCullough of (Continued on page seven)ville* fromn Kirkland Lake. butes. Canadian Legion. Thursday evening and îs in Newcastle. FOUNDR Y When the cadets of the Ontario Training Scliool for Beys held tlieir annual inspection on Friday evening,Superintendent John Bain was on the job helping witli the details. Here, he is cliecking ovèr one of the rifles. Good weatlier featured the event whicli saw the boys go tlirough the many intricate details of inspection witli good precision. So much so that both the marking officer and the inspecting officer paîd higli compliment to tlie corps and to tlie band wlich played for the marching. __________________ Cite Landl Aareemei Hamp ton Move toJ Behind L A delegation of Hlampton' r»sidents headed by, Kenneth Cavýerly was present at a spe- çial meeting of Darlington Township Council lheld in the Township Hall, Hampton, on Wednesday evening, June 8th. The delegation had corne to p0otest, le planned construc- tibn of , large new garage the wnship on land be- the Township Hall and Cvryproperty. heTownship Council wasl ilearently unaware of lhe, aeement a prevous Darling- tnMunicipal Council had znade withM. and Mrs. Ken- ieth Caverly whereby the Uand had been purchased frorn them for the site of a Town- ahlp Hall and Comrnunity Centre. The extra land bought at the same time was sold on the understanding that it would be used for parking space, a park, or for extra ofices if eventually needed, Mdr. Caverly stated. Ç13ts an( MORE SâSAKES - Thes ed last week appear to1 one found in Trenton. Il real hungry. Somne curic found it had eaten 25 tac nuts, live smnall frogs, tý and one full grown builfr doubt it had been distur to start dessert. "BEAT WT'- Mrs. M.1 correspondent, reports b morning by somne of the k She lias been in the liab starlings that f lock aroui went out to shoo them a, one of themn chirped "Bea several times. Xv e'll wag see if lier hearing was pl OUT 0F SEASON - r Bowmanville, 'phoned to day morning, just east of Harry Bigelow, on the IV. line, she saw a large r through the pasture and c of fences, and even skirl taking off across an open cliappie realized lie was si of-season signs. nt iCitizen s Oppose' Buîld Twp. Garage )arlington 's -Hall He alse pointed eut that--- it liad been agreed that the c land was net te be used .for Suiattr stock piles, road machineryttrn equipment, buildings, or sheds E P re c for the works departmen t. He added that it had seemed leg- ical ïrnce there are two street Mr. and Mrs. Bert els-ey allowances. and the council of Newcastle had a shattering would net be obliged to build experience recently which hias them if they owned it. He as- left them shaken, but most serted that the extra land thankful. cest the taxpayer nothing. On Wednesday, June 8th, Mr. Caverly told the coun- about neon, Mrs. Kelsey plac- cil of the noise, dust and eb- ed their 15-month-old son, .iectionable fumes, he claimied Dav7id, in bis crib for his af- are' now a- constant source cf ternoon sleep. About a balf annoyance te the neighbours heur later, they were berri- on several sides cf the yard fied when they checked te sec now used for stock piles and how he was sleeping. He road machinery. This is across wasiVt breathing. There was the road from the front of his ne sign cf life. house. He alse pointed eut They rushed hîm te Dr. L. that the old sheds there are S. Mikios' home. Fortunately, net ornaments in the centre hie was there for lunch and of the village.I immediately applied artificial He stated that te spread the respiration which roused the wrecking yard appearance te yeungster. *(Continued on page seven> Fearing a relapse, they ar- ranged for Bud Wagar te drive them te the Sick Childleen's IHospital in Toronto for im- Imediate treatment. In less I .Ç -ieces than three quarters of an 1heur, they were met at High- snakes in this area report- way 401 and Yonge St. by a be pikers compared with Metro metorcycle officer Who radioed headquarters and :was .t was 41 inches long and soon1 jeined by another officer. us soul opened'it up and They went from 401 to the Ipoles the size of liickory hospital in about 10 minuteà -a record. Eighty and g0 wo te tliree inches long, miles , an hour througit city og, nine inches long. No traffic. bed just as it was about The child was still breatb- ing when they arrived and the doctors and nurses teck over. ï Y What caused the sudden stop- E. McHolm, oui' Morrisli page has net been clearly Deing .startled the other diagîîosed, but the child re- iirs hoviitlir lae. turned -home early in thel 'it cf saying "Beat it" to e wea ppretl i go rxd the place. Wlien she- twa recently, she claims Work to Start Soon iti"quite distinctiy, and ,er slie shook lier lieed te [ayin g tri cks. s. iRobert Burgess, R.R. Tonsi tell us that last Thurs- Betliany, at lier fatlier's, noose. It was walking .-_ orcliard, jumpcd a couple ed a clothes line before ifield. Could be the big aife after reading the out- Y~ t t t i. BEST WISHES --- We learn fronl'.our Nestletoii correspondent, Mrs. Grant Thompson, that ouÈ good .friend, nonagenarian Dr. R. P. Bowles is in >Port Perry hospital. Hg feil recently and suffered a,fractured'hip. His many friends will wish hlm ï speedy recovery. * .. OFF, AND RUNNING -Orono's owvn version of the Queen's Plate will be lield this Saturday when a terrific array of fine colts will take part in the annual Colt Derby. Tlie trotting fans shouid liave a lieldday. Orono Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the event. Y T . t *N"T RESIST'IT - No doubt most of yeu liave received notices at one time or other f rom the Income Tax folks saying that your deductions or returns were received late, and the penalty would ~be se much more money. Recently, the slioe was othe other foot. We received aletter from them, "We regret that we are overdue in renewing our .,ï&ubscription te your newspaper. Due te the fact b1at we have moved recently, we feel sure that 'YOU wilI appreciate our position and bear with ,u."What a temptation te write a nastyletter. .,We reoistçd that, but it 'vas too good te 'keep out :d1.paper. LIUspitai nere. Probably the Most ccv- Mr. Birtwistle was cutting eted award of flhc year, his lawn at 75 Scugog St., the Devltt-Ferguson prize. when he backed against. a was won by these two child's wading pool, throwing grade 13 students lnaa hlm off balance. Up came the school election. They willl left foot and the mower at the ecd reeeive $10 in books samne time. The damage was at the next commence- done in a split second, ment exercises. Mrs. Birtwistle phoned Dr. The award whieh was C. J. Austin and Morris Am-l donated by the late Dr. bulance. Both were on the J. C. Devitt and the late scene in minutes and 'the Vic- E. S. Ferguson is for the tim was rushed te hospital. boy and girl ivho showed Surgeon Dr. R. A. Gill, Osh- diligence ln studies and awa, operated later, remov- other sehool activities, ing bis big toc and part cf the cheerful submisslon to tee next to it. authority, self-respect and Doctors have assured the Independence of eharac- Birtwistles that the injury ter, readiness to forgive will not interfere wîth Mr. offence. a desire te con- Birtwistle's favorite sports, cilate di f fer e nce s et tennis and golf, but it will be others and moral cour- some weeks before he will age and unflinchlng truth.. be at top form again. fulness. Buys 4 Acres Lund ington P's Garage Big- Beit on Its Way to Quebec Mine Darlington Township Coun- cil has decided te build the new, township garage ona newly purchased lot on -thea' u e u e s H l 5th Concession west cf Hap ton, The Statesman was min-: formed on Tuesday. The coun- S aiM e ng H r cil bought the property from, A Harold Salter.LJf V fl'f V fU ll The purchase price wasl OnW.Udcày veningM $3,000 for-the four acre lot.' It is expected that 50 per cent1 A small general meeting of Town Hall sorts the money of the price will be received, the Bewrnanville Ratepayers'ibut it stili bas tei be counted frein a department cf high-: Association was held at Mcm j by hand. Mr. Coyle suggested ways subsidy. Als(? 50 per cent anial Park Clubhouse on Mon: that Deug Rigg, the director of fencing and the -cest of a' day evening. Four members cf recreation, ceunt the mon- *well will be paid by the .de- ef the" executive, Norman; cy. partment of highways. Hannan, the president, Mrs. It was decided that the pre- Darlmngton Couneîl feit tbat! NeIl Wilson, 2nd vîce-presi- sident, Mr. Hannan ask the it was desîrable te keep the1 dent, James Coyle and W. R. next meeting cf the Bowman- large garage eperatien outsîdei Mutton, directors, were pres- ville Town Council for a state- the village of Hampton. It cnt. eto h annsfo h also plars te move al the metc heerigsfo h roa euimet ro H ip Others who attended the parking meters, and if they ton. eupne roetywHmpe meeting were Mrs. J. E. Colc,i are paid for yet. ton.ThenewpropLtyMr. beCoyle citicized Police lare eoug temaitai aFrank Calver, and AI ymer.; Chiel Bernard R. Kitney's large service yoardinaiin aKari Colbary, vice-president: te the tewnship garage, cf the Darlington Ratepayers' Sawarnn lsh ed in egd The space ini the back cf: Association, was aise present. Stg atea lsteek red the Township Hall that the Mr. Colbary came te the meet- iyn waersetenrs hoffered council for a tîme censidered' ing te extend an invitation t eteynpnrmoioens theugh as a possible site for the new the members et the Bowman- lte rmto cee ville RPA t tedame The member of the Darling- garage would afford ne room; f te Dartten ate: ton executive, Mr. Colbar~y, for expansion, it was decided.,ing cftthelDaalingtoneRate- Work on the construction pyr'A oite.toldth ewloal orAeae tinhe1 of the new garage is te start There was some discussion Scugog Road is te be built . . . . .. in the very near future. Hugh regarding parking meters. Mr. in thc near future. Supveying Murray Ltd., Belleville, will Mutton wondcrcd why the' bas been going on for some Fifteen tons of rubber conveyor belting are jte be spliced together te make two 2,200 f t. conveyors be the contracter. Council ex-: moncy from the meters is net' Urne, he asscrted. gnl oee oteflo yE eHne t tli fraQee rnmne mn h ags n peets that the garage and me-1 collected by a policeman in --Tt will cut eut across Wa gnl oee oteflo yEneHne e1raQee o ie mn h ags n dern service yard will be a; uniform. Mr. Hannan men- verly Read. A ncw oe - s Bowmanvillc plant of Tlie Goodyear Tire & Rubber I trongest beits ever buîlt in Canada, each piece stands crefit te Darlington. tioned that the machine at the1 (Continued on page seven) iompany of Canada, Liznited. This is one of six pieces 101/ ft. high, 41/ ft. wide. - - -. -- -- -- - -. -'q-j ~~,J~v.L8JA:JA~ 1

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