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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1960, p. 5

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Honor Couple On Silver Anniversary Mn. antiMrs. Stanley H. Co- verly, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, received congratulations and good wishes froni a wide circle of frientis anti relatives on' June 1, when they celebrated their silver wedtiing anniver- sary. During the afternoon and evening they were at home to 125 guests. The couple received a num- ber of gifts and floral arran- gements; anti a letter frorn Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith, Port Stanley. Mr. Smith mar- ieti the couple in the bnîde's parents' home at Hanmony when he was minister of Eben- ezer United Church. Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, sister of the bride, was at the door TEE OIADIAN STATESMMI, EOWMANVZLE, ONTARTO theaiennonand evening.! MrsWeCaernad Mrs. S ster G a u t s o More Thon 180 Attend 'n thsecarnen a i Gautso Willim Pretonsisters of the I lbride, poured tea in the atr C1ýrebra1 aIsy Dance noon. Serving were hesi ters-in-law. Mrs. Morley Fim- toff, Mns. Cliff Flintoff and A most enjoyable dance was. A delicious lunch was served. i Mrs. Percy Flintoff, and a held at the Legion Hall, Mrs. B. Macey, Mrs. N. Har- niece, Mrs. Roy Eldridge. Mrs. . Queen Street, on Friday even- per, Mrs. D. Ankless, Mrs. D.: Lloyd Flintoff also helped. ing in aid of the Cerebral Clark, Mrs. L. Stainton, Mis. In the evening Mrs. Arthur ~ Palsy Association. It was giv- O. Pingle and Mrs. R. Bacon, Coverly and Mrs. Donothy Co- en by Mr. and Mrs. John Bath- members of the Parents' Coun- venly poured tea. Serving well and Mr. and Mrs. Albert cil of the Cerebral Palsy As- were four nieces, Mrs. Gordon Rose, members of the Parents'!I sociation, assisted. Kilpatrick, Miss Jean Flintoff. Council of the Cerebral Palsy Spot dance winnens were Miss Sheila Covenly and Miss Association., More than 180 Mr. and Mrs. C. Harpeil, Doreen Coverly. people were present. Whitby, Mr. and Mns. J. A. Present on this memorable An excellent program of Woodward, Mrs. Stephens and occasion were Mr. and Mrs. co*varied rnusic for dancing was Paul Richards, ail of Bow- Covenly's family, their son pnovided by the Rawhide manville and Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd and his wife Joan, son Ramblers Orchestra, Oshawa. Lawson, Oshawa. Kenneth and daughter Karen. The Cerebral Palsy Asso- Mrs. Coverly's mother, Mrs. ~ os Wiht LoS ciatin covers the area from Delbert Flintoff, aiea spent I 10 Yers Youner rts a school in Oshawa for COAT N."eeiwesdisease. b te WESLEY VILLE &go I tarted the Naran Plan and have last an average of 4 Ibs. a week since. I have lost 28 iba. and it bas not left me weak- ened or nervous. 1 can now work ail day and stili feel good. My Iriends say I look ten yeans younger and I feel that way too. 1 have taken off 6 inches around the waist. I have reconnnended the Naran Plan ta my friends and anyone who has had to give up en other reducing plans. With the Nanan Plan you take the weigbt off wbere you want it ta corne off." F. A. Desjardins, Co- balt, Ont. Don't let excessive weight tire you out, rnake you feel run down and older than you are. Your en- tire outlook on life will imprave if you lose excess weight, you will look yaunger, feel younger and regain the enthusiasrn that cornes with good health. Why let anything as vitally important as yoaur heaith and appearance be but by negiecting to lose excess Ireight. Try the Nanan Plan ta- iay, it ie eoid on a money back guanantee. What can you loee? Nohng but weght. UAW 9*52 ON A24 PCe. QUr "VfRMAI D *m E LI4AC LM TRAN % mPRI92... 4 complets place settingsA cansisting of 9" dnmmr plate, 6" 'brecd plate, soup bowl, dessert bowl, cup mid soucer. GGomine first quality Mekmac slni n dinrwar ... no rjects or second Guaranteed for 2 yses Uoinst chipping, crackng orladino. Attrativ o*isdurable, ideal fer oU occos. Pbpuil! turquois and whte. Joe du . fmon of satisfied mm ..buyno~w e. t tise kmue p- evomit INDIIDUAL 6 PFm.WUT10ONLY $19 PATIO ONLY 988 24 PME SET IW<46 PCE. PLACE SEYTINGS COTTAGE PICNIC 7&~J&im nu a amo wim e, meZOCa OumI 85 King St. W. - Bowmanvile 31A 3-3134 A. Boyd, Prop. Mfter we have gruxbled se inuch about continuous ramn, we m.ust mention hiaw every- one has appreciated the won- derful weather of the past week, ai-d the anieunt of work accamplished in the fields at this late date. Both Wesleyville andi Port Britain people were deeply shocked on Wednesday when Mars. Gwen Couchman received word of the accidentai death of her littie five year aid grand- son in Florida. Mars. Couchman was spending the summer with her cousin, Mars. H. Brooking, and her neighbours we.re en- joying the pleasure of her con- genual convpany, looking f or- ward to many hiappy weeks. She hianlthe heartfelt syrnpathy of them, ail. The Wonian's Association met in the church on Wednes- day, June 8th. The devotions were in charge of the presi- dent's group and the rest of the afternoon was spent li fin- ,al1 discussion of the Centennia-1 meals on Sunday anti Wetines- day. Happy anticipation is gro- wing as word cornes back from frientis of long aga wiho, hope to be here. There were 65 at Sunday School on Sunday morning, andi seripture wias reati by Mars. Reeve. Next SundJay evening will be Mnr. Harding's last reg- ular service and the service on the following Sundiay even- i!nig will be conducted by hlm to celebrate the church's cen- tennial, anti wil be his last in the regudar mjnistry. Several familles went to Co- bourg on Sundaty afternoon to see the boati the harbour but were unable te get on board because of the large crowti. Roy Lazier had hie fine teain of horses at ?M-lbrook show last week and won first place on "Siandy" in the singie cdrive; second on "Dandy" in the sin- gle drive; second ini the teain class; andi fifth When his tea'm was driven with another's in the four horse dirive. Mars. L. Holdaway spent the weekend with hec sister, Mis. Glover in Oshawa. Mrs. Rathburn anti daughter Rhonda of Carrying Place, were weIoome guests at Sun- day School, they camne with Mars. Howard Payine, hon sisten. Ottawa Civic HospitalOnndM.W.ere MisFhylbs Jackson is home this week recuperating fro>m having her tonsils removed in Memorial Hospital, Saturday. Rev. R. C. White took the service li Kendel United Church Sunday and introduced Jimmy Wilson, son of MIr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson, Kirby.. Jim- mny gave his speech on Tem- perance in a very pleasing mnanner and is to be congrat- k ulated an his success. There w-ill be no Sundny School next Sunday as the Sunday School Anniversary services are being held at 11:15 with the Rev. Harold Turner of Osharwa be- ing guest speaker. A unique record at Civic Hospital, Ottawa, was equalled last June lst, when Miss Kathleen Isobel Jackson, Kendal, shown left, was a member of the graduating class of that hospital's school of nursing. In June, 1953, her sister Miss Margaret Jackson, above centre, graduated and is at present head nurse in County State Hospital, Los Angeles, California. Pictured at the right is her sister Ruth, now Mrs. Allen Irwin of Kendal, who graduated in June, 1957, Only once before in the history of Ottawa Cîvic Hospital have three sisters been graduates. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson of Kendal. Red Cross Wom.en Complet e Big Quota For World Refuges honeyrnoon in northern p3oints the happy couple will reside li Orono. On' ils Of asseni Newcý Day1 for pr were free ci the Women's Work' Coin-i four shirts for boys ageti four, drink, mittec of the Bowmanville three sweaters for boys aged Lions Branch of the Canadian Reti 10, three sweaters for boysi year. Cross has campleteti the quo- aged four, 10 eitierdawn jac- il re ta assignedt t it for the Wonld kets, 10 eîderdown blankets, Georg Refugee Project. The finisheti 10 pairs of knee length boot- M E. supplies had ta be at RedI ees, 10 towels, 2,665 swabs, ýat* Mý Cross Heatiquarters, Toronto, anti 2,000 wipes. way1 by Wednesday, June 15th. The Mrs dteRnlith Mra shimet foi Bomaivileconvenor of the Women's Richnr was sent at the enti af last Work Committee for Bowman- Mrs. week. vle n r.BtySr shm The articles matie with a ille adh a rs. Bt ty Spry ian hani lot of tîme and effort by val- MrschagwenGb for y w-one, ni org unteer workers were: 10 girls' cawten isnfrNw en flannel nightgawns for 10 yearcst. - oltis, 25 pairs of girls' socks Appreciation of the fine for 10 year olds, three girls' wark donc by valunteers was sweaters for six year oltis, expresseti by Mrs. Runtile, She three sweaters for 10 year olti also asked that women keep in girls, 10 women's shawls, 25 mind that materials for swabs sets of baby bootees, jackets and wipes are available dur- anti bonnets, 100 flannel dia- ing the summer months. "As' pers, 20 flannel nightgawns, you know the Red Cross is on 20 flannel shirts, 10 face duty 24 hours a day. If yau cloths, 20 pairs boys pyjamas wauld like sanie work t d for 12 year oltis, 10 pairs of please caîl me at MA 3-5430O, shorts for boys àgeti 12, 10 or Mrs. R. Spry, CQ 3-2387," boys shirts for 12 year olds, Mrs. Runtile saiti yesterday. i take1 a nesty fail. He is back G rad. Nurses on the job again but still car- rying soi-e bruises. J.L <Miss Helen Dennis, Toronto, Ate d 1th spent the weekend with the Sinclairs. An nual M eet to pntStrdyngti The llth Annual Bowman- Toranto. ville Gnaduatc Nurses' Reun- Mr. and isr. Ross Boyd' en- ion was held in the Auditor- tertaineti severai couples on ium of the Lions Cammunity Satu'rday evening. Centre on Thursday, June Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Spiers 9th. anti girls, Toronto. anti Mis. The tables wene tastcfully Mary Bertrirnispenti the wee-k- decorateti with purple and end with Mr.n antiMrs. G. Ste- golti flowcrs, streamers and Pheilsan. yellow cantiles. The beauti-- fui Florence Nightingale lamp place cards were matie by Mis. KENDAL Hanlanti Truil and Miss Ruth Tha rt-tre gaats t- Mrn, antiMrs. Grady Cox anti Thiry-tree radateset-daughters of Oxford, N.C., vis- tentiet the noan dinner, coin. itet iher sister, Mrs. Fnarl Bur- ing froni as far as Fairview, leyEar anti fanily andi other Penn.; Perth, Toronto, Peter- relatives in Ontairio last week. borough, Brighton anti manv froni nearby points. A deli- Mr. ant ilas. Russel Rusk, cious dinnen was serveti by Toronto, spent the wcekend Group 2 of Tnînity United with I&. and Mins. George Mer- Churcb, conveneti by Mrs. cor. Lamne Kerr. Mar. anti Mis. George Clark, Mrs. Donald Bac as presi- Toronto, were at thein suinier dent, welcometi the guests anti home fan the weekenti. calleti upon secretary Mrs. Ai- Miss Jean Lofthouse, Osh- bert His ta reati the minutes awa, was with ber aunt, Miss of the previaus meeting. A Catherine Stewart, for the moment of sulent prayer was weekend. observeti in Memonial ta Mrs. Mis. Turansky, Mrs. Eddie Charles Bounsaîl who passeti away the latter part of Feb- Couroux, Mrs. George Mercer, ruary. fomMrs. Martin Manders, Mrs. A-lterfo Dr. C. W. Sic- Jack Neal and Mrs. Bob Young- mon thanking the nurses for n-an the young marnieti ladies two tiozen roses sent bum on who were bowling each Mon- Thanksgiving Day, was reati ' day evenlng at Newcastle, end- Mrs. David Alldreati pre- ed up the season recently at a sided in the chair for elcc- banquet 'at "The Acres" with a tion of ncw officers resulting bowling gaine afterwartis. as follows: Mrs. Ronald AI- Mai. and Mrs, Wes Josnston tien, President; Mrs. Hanlanti anti daughter from Barian Truli, Vice-President; Mrs. Springs. Michigan, visiteti heri Glpnn Martyn, Sec.-Treasur- siste'r and husbnd, Mr. ant en; Committec, Mrs. Rupert Mrs. Gordon Langstaff, Friday. Hanilyn antiMrs. Norman On Sunday they ail went ta Allin. ' Ayliner to, see their mother Mn. Reg. Harding kîntily 1Mrs. R. Vernon anti Mn. Ver- consentedti tacame anti showý non. Mrs. G. Lanigstaff anti pictures; one a heant film, fol-1 Danny aie staying at Aylmer lowed by his Centennial filmi for the week. whicb was rnost interestiflg iMn. and Mr-s. Carl Langstaff anti greatly enjoyeti by ail. 1 and daughllters were dinner Afternoon tea was serveti, guests Sund'ay evenîng with ta ail anti we were most for- Mr. antiMrs. Jack Neal. tunate in having Dr, antiMrs. M.at i.Gog a C. W. Siemon anti Dr. V. H. Mr nDos eog a Starcy partake of sanie. Mr.n.ald anti family spent tihe John James took time froni weekend with Mrs. Selleck et hic duties ta take a group pic- mme turc, aftcn which the nurses Suiday visitors with Mr. andi biti ail adieu anti returneti ta Mis. George Mencer were Mn. their variaus destinations, antiMrs. Cy Elsey anti f arily, ______________ Osh'awa; M\&. and Mrs. Haroldi E]sey and f arn-iy, Mn. Martin antiMiss Alene Martin, Tor- BROWN'S onto. Mais. Mary Luxon, Mr. anti The Brownies enjoyeti a Mrs. Ray Hughes antiGoi weekend at Camp Sarnac, Osh- were ta their cottage at% Laite awa. Mrs. Wildla Simipson anti Kushog for the weekend. Mrc. Hilda Cali wene i charge Mrs. W. Mencen, Mn. andi of a number of the girls anti Mais. George Mercer anti Mn. Mis. Lillian Bennett also as- anti Ms. Eddie Coumoux at- sisteti theni. The Brownies at- tendeti the wedding of Miss tentiing froni this Section in- Madeloh Allen anti Williami cludetci Mirses Georgie Stm.pson, Miadil ini the Orono Unitedi Tina Kozllb anti Pat Young. Church, Saturday aternoon. Visitons with Mr. R. Simnpson Thie receptIon was heiti in the on Sunday were bis father Odd Fellows Hall. After their Mint. Siirpson anti Miss Doris Simipson, Toronto and Mi. and Mrs. Eric Baikinti. M. .and Mis. Mult Downs.79 anti Ganry. Taranto, with Mi. 0joIdidi anti Mrs. W. Cali on the week--C end.MNE' Master Kenneth Boyd biat his append'ix reinoved at Bow- manviie Hospital on Monday P I oif last week. Gladt t report he ,, is home anti showing sat c-ac- tory progress. M.H. Sinclair, viile shingling I a roof recently et the home, ef Miss Mnnie Randall, New- 0T "ovilie, h"dthe Midortm .te Friday, June 10, the pup- 1Clarke township schools, bled at Waltona Park, castie, for their Sports! this yeýar and competed1 rizes. M.ost of the childiren.: disaýppointed when the; cone of ice cre-arn and soft zusualiy donated by theý sClub were not given this 1 sNeya Little and Mr. ,e Gianville visited Mr. ýNixon and Mrs. R. Case ilton last week. On the hiome they called to see, and Mars. Don Little at miond HIi and Mar. and Aylward Little at Mark- .-Eddie Couroux, Maris. ge Mercer, Mars. M. Lux- Lake Shore, Clarke LVery pleased to report that LMrs. Bill Lake is home frein the hospital recuperatig nice- 'y. _Mr. and Mjrs. Row Cobble- dick, Newcastle, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. Mrs. Samn Powell, Dorene, Ronnie and Floyd spent Sun- day with Mrs. Don Couliter, Dow'nsview. LMr. and Mars. Howard Taylor 1and lvIi,. and Mrs. Stan HOY and Wendy, Courtioe; Mr. and Mn. Frank Parker, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Finney, Mur- ray and Bannie, Omemee, were THUBSDAT. JUN l6th. 1080 The entire famlly will really go fer fresh strawberries and delicious Glen Rae Whipped Cream Order some of this extra fine whipping cream from your milkman today. Glen Rae Whipping Cream makes any dessert taste better. GLEN RAE DAIRY 98 King St. W. Bowmanville q ESUMMER -u- - --1- VALUE JUNE 16- 17 IN THE ..., LADIES' DEPT. LADIES' BLOUSES Ail Sizes- Values to $1.79 NOW -SPECIAL 89c ea. or 2. for $1.75 LADIES' DUSTERS A large selection of colore and sizes 1/30OFF LADIES' NYLON SUMMER HANDBAGS Washable - Draw-string type Colors: White, Pink, Blue Two Styles Reg. $3.98 SPECIAL 1.99P.7 Reg. $1.98 IN THE . BOYS' DEPT. FANCY KNIT T-SHIRTS Sizes 8 and 10 ouly BOYS' SPRING & SUMMER REVERSIBLE WINDBREAKERS Solid Cord or Colorful Plaid... Washable and water repellent. Reg. $298 up $9 BOYS' UNLINED JEANS In Grey Stripe or Black Denim... Sizes 8 - 10 - 12 Reg. $2.98sl9 SPECIAL$19 BOYS' MOTORCYCLE STYLE CAPS Reg. $1.29 VPRICE --65 IN THE... GIRLS'1 DEPT. FANCY KNIT T-SHIRTS and PULLO VERS Multitude of Colons and Design .. Sizes 10- 12 - 14 Values to $2.59 c SPECIAL - Ea. ---7 GIRLS' WESTERN STYLE JEANS Unlined- Sizes 7, 8 and 14 only Reg. $2.79 __$ /PRICE s__ 3 GIRLS' SHORTS Check Pattern ln Brown or Red Sizes 7, 8, 10, 12, 14 SPECIAL 77c GIRLS' COTTON SKIRTS Sizes 8 to 14 Reg. $4.98 & $5.98 SPECIAL $1 IN THE .. . CHILDREN'S DEPT. BOYS' DENIM JEANS Made for that hard wear. Sizes up to 6X SPECIAL 77c CHILDREN'S HAWAIIAN' SPORT SHIRTS lSises 3 t» 6x SPECIAL PRICE 77c ea. or 2 for $1.50 DAYS -18 IN THE... HOME FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT LUXURIOUS BORG MATS Ideal Glft for the Bride Size 24 x 36 Reg. $9.98 _~ SPECIAL _.__-799 Size 27 x 48 Reg. $11.98 SPECIAL ----$9.9 Colons: White, Pink, Blue, Green, Sandalwood, Turquoise BATH TOWELS EXTRA SPECIAL Large and Luxurious 26 x46 Reg. Value $1.98 SPECIAL -------- _._ 9 SUMM ER JEWELLERY EARRINGS - NECKLACES Reg. $1.00 SPECIAL -77c_ SUMMER GRASS RUGS SSummer Cottages Verandahs Sun Porches SRecreation om Two Sizes: SPECIAL -- -- I--$.59 6' x 9' - Reg. $4.98 $3 9 SPECIAL -------$39 KITCHEN RAG MATS " Heavy SPECIAL " Colorful PURCHASE " Wearable Each " Size 22 x36 s2.98 Green, Grey, Red, Brown, Rose, Blue Walker's of Bowmanville 5 KING ST. E. MA 3-5451 PAGE PM Sunday visitors with Mr. d. Bedwmn Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A]1dred and Barbava-Axin spent the. weekend ini Sinioe with Mr. A. R. H-ot.son and Mr. and Mrç. E. E. Westcott. Mr. an.d Mrs. Arthur Bedwi4. Manlene and Freddie and Wi. Ralph Murray spent SundaY with Mar. and Mrs. 011f 1f1:4Ju ray. Foxboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams haà tea with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rfr, therford, Orono, Sunday evem- ing, atterwards visiting Mýe. and Mrs. W. Holmesý, Bowman- ville accompan.ied by Mr. ai4 Mers. Rutherford and Douglaq CLEARANCEI il- qoq

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