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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1960, p. 6

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.PAG SI ___________________________________________________ A~TUE 5,r LDALI UIU LU STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLElmNTAM Religion for Today This Is Gods World sien, witii mumpo, with both ohidren and aduits affecte&. A few csrloads of Kedron ladies attended Zion W.A. baz- mev on Wedneedy pireIig, wtie Ws 11 E. 01e 9Kdron offleiaIly operMd the bazaar. Consteji.atofIs te$0 'iod mis, John imal4t* wtio er- ted the. 2ff anniveriary of their wedMg9 witi a pau'ty en aturdey. Mrs. H. C. Bohaker bas es a guest in bier borne 6cr the sgrnmer montha ber mothio of ]Batayie, lNew York, L Bisl ltc MORIF On Tuesday, June 7, at 4:30 was perfect and vases of! b' çmi a private clhristening was ly summer flowers around t] ýjeld at the home of Mr. and living-room made a suitab 2rs. Criss Anderson when background for this simp heir three youngest chii4ren ceremony. The children we vere christenied b y the Rev. well behaved, showingi ~±.W. Hardin~g. T he weather embarrassmeiit and seemed 80 WMAN ILLE ]R OY AL MA 3-5589 This Thurs. Io SaL, June 16 - 18 MATINEE $AT. 2 P.M. -~~Ç~iE~DMOEî1EXTRA! OLUlfl DEI ""SOUTH OF THE FORDUAPNM9W s HIMALAYAS" Shows: 7 and 0:05 NEIT MON. - WED., JUNE 20 m ""A SUNNER PLACE#" (Color) vltls Richard Egan, Doroflsy MeGuire, Sandra Dee, Troy Donahue 71 1elASUftAN SPECIALS 1 gai. Vacuum Jug 2.99 13o size Wldroot Creaiu Free 43e ize 98e size Colgates Paste Fiee 35c aize Pas-te Bathlng cape 790 - 1.98 Sun Glasses White Raa Shampea 2 for 99o N i a A~ lm Ioew Stop Ia» trri ncii gel PRICE 65e Tins; 7 & 9:20 SPECIALS Vacuum Bottics- 79a 98c Lustre Creme 79o 1,95 Halo _-___--- 1.29*z Noxzemna 1.10, 1.35 69c Suave- 2 for 98e For Father's Day Gillette Ramai 1.29 - 1.95 Yardley. Atter Shave 1.25, 2.00 Shavlnt Brushes 69c-$5 Bilifolda - 2.50 to, 10.00 Key Cases 1.35, 1.95, 2.50 Shavlng Bowls 1.75 Pre-Shavlng Lotion 1.25, 1.35 Old Spice Shavlng Sets 1.35 - 2.25 - 2.75 - 2.85 Dodorants pette Roll On 1.25 IRoll On ----1.25 Id Roil On 89c, 1.19 mien Spray 75c, 1.25 New Toni 2.00 Tonette for Chlld 1.75 Fashion Quick $2.50 Insect Repellontu 6-12 Liquld ego 6-12 Spray____ 1.35 Noxzema Guard 75j Tan an'< Guard 1.25 ies Colour Creme Rinse 75c COWLI NG'S PU MA IONE. : «-5695 1DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES Roi'. Matbie 13abcoek, a dis- finguished Preshyterian UMi mater, wrote a fime poem ot oniy two stanzas, whiUchi s found in many ehurais Hyma à»oks. Ho le ved God's Bock 91 Nature andi reggrded gli 4 treated things gs synmboj$ of < tbod's love, wis4om'ami row. yeveaal is epreçsence levry- where in tiature, by the thinga that Re bad pede. Ha declares Ithe first stanza Plbis poem: *This is my P'ather's world, And to my listening ears .611 nature sings and round me rings The music of the spheres. This is my Father's worl4* . I rest me ini thse houghi Çf rocks, and troos, of skies and seas His hand the wonders y* : . wrought." Everyone should stu4y and leve this beautiful worl.4ii which we live. It is, indeedI RV .SNihlo "'Our Father's World", and He thse cilsdren of the Aimlgbty bas placed us here ta enjoy Father enrich their conception îeverything, ta do His will and of the majesty and wisdo to fulfil His holy and wise pur- of the Maker cf heaven andm poses. earth, by meditating more The Patriarcis Job wrote: often on thse things Ho has 09Speak ta the earth and it made? aal teach thee." We are Qne way In whtich the God told in the First Chapter of pf 111s worl4 speals ta us Genesisthat at thse close o! the 1 s through the twel ve months uixth day God saw everything of the year. Each of them has that He had made, and, be- its own beauty and charms, bold, it was very good." Not and aiso, some peculiarities lrserely good, but very good. which are not so attractive. 'Vet how fiew of us appreciate Every month is a precious the beautiful world ini which gift from God and has its own qve live! pertinent message for the Nature is a revelation o! world. We are now. In thse mid- the character of God. It re- dle of the month cf June. Let veals the character of God be- us consîder a few of its many çause Nature la tthe crçalion attractions and blessings. çf God. Because God has crea- James Russell Lowel asks: > d the forceà of Nature, al "And what is 80 rare es a ;esc forces are His servants, day in June? F d they exist solely to do Then, if ever, core perfect i s~ Will. days; ýGod reveais Himsell ta us Then Heaven tries the earth many ways. We have, in- if it be in tune, ,eed, a continucus,.daily re- And over it softly her warm qclation cf His chgracter. We ear ly. '~ow fron tise study o! His June is the perfect month 'orks that Ho is a God Wh.o o! thse year. btas ai! the oves beauty, order and metis- freshness o! spring and the âed. He loves His world and richness cf summer. It is the ~les it by wise and ight- fuli ilment o! the promise cf ous laws which bring Veace, April and May. May ia like ~rmony and happinesg ta the a delicate maiden, fair and fives cf men. W hy should net beautiful, coy and changeable, Trinity Young People Confurmed ut St. John's with her Isair blowlg gwfd about ber çweet MSe. Dut June la 4 Mature, bsWWM Young WomaUi with rosy cheekas ed rUbyjips, flashing eyes, dump- ling wmUe and 4 unerry laugis. A pot et pas t, "Tfre fnlzy mont1h, thse merry montb. thse lasjghtor o! the year." May çamiot b. depended tipon. It 1 0 ficeg, thse onth cf moods, but June i. st.ea4fast, depegd- able, a mont flio positive qufflieg. June is the most charming month of ail the year. It is thse season cf singing birds andi abundant flowers, cf fragrant roses anti sweet claver, of singin« tlsrushes and rollick- ing bobollnks. It la tthe mentis of love and hlome-making, bots for bird. andi man. Ail nature is rnow at fui tide. Tise garden-s are resplendent with a profusion o!f towers. The air is heayy with fragrance, and at night it pulsates with the piping o! lnsects and frogs. Tise world is now full cf mu- sic, beauty and joy. It is thse heyday cf the year-the acme cf vitality in plants an~d ani- mais. June is pre-eminently the mentis of roses. Thi. rase is univgrsally acknowledged to be "Tise Quaen of Flowers". In delicacy and brilliance o! cabor, in richness o! texture and beauty of form, and in ex- quisite fragrance, the rose is unsurpassed. June is the montis wsen tise rases are at their best and reacis their higist development. Let us not forget that al this exuiberance and fulîneas o! life, this radiant beauty and glory, this over-!lowing joy, whieis is ail around us in tise month cf June, is God's special blessing for each cf us. Remember tise poet's1 words: "This ia my Fatiser's world; The birds their carol raise; Tise morning light, the lly1 whsite, Deciare their Maker's pralso. This is my Father's world: He shines in all that's fair, In the rustling grass I hear1 Hlm. pass, Hoe speaks te me every- wisere." 0 Tmway vnn t et coqs at wlhh th" twenty yoffl m m Ww 40 "oany ceu- gented emd arw oCir faut la the. vows MA*u b> th=m or on thplr behauln the Sacuament of- IJoIy Dapîlein" The. Buffragan Biohop of ;Fi- trona, the. Rigiit levermnd fM. it. Hfunt, M.A., 3.1). admnni- tered the Aix>stoUg Rit.et f Lsying Oo ofandeo, The followlng w repst .4 bw the. rectou', tis lw i CI Herbert for Confirmatin Mdytheie"r Maud Debon, John Arthur Qoode, Pleoec Grce. Grue., Zeloea 1Lorrean Hayes, Alan JamesHopr Douglas Sulriey HûoprIe verley Joy lnlght, I4areïd Leon Knight, Re][en Lakaris, Mgry Laskaris, Alan James Mundy, David James Presson, Beverley Anne Scott, Bever- ley Joan Smith, Brian Edward Smith, Wilson Wacle Sumnmers, Donald William Sweete, Pau~ Vernon Sweete, Margaret Eli- zabeth Thiesburger, Nancy Elizabeth Woolsey. A banquet waeheld k K.d- moa United Chur&s on June 2, for t*WeBsewnieis and Guides O! the. 20ti Comnpany and tisehi m.Oth8rs. Seeted at tables bea. utifully decorated with flowers by Mis. Ross Lee, the girls and tiseir guestis were weicomed by Mrs, Vinicent Ward President of thse Mothers, Ameocation. Roi'. Ronald Love said thse grae, and the -toast to thse Qucen was proposed bçy Mar- garet Maidm.anl. Tise toast tc tise churois was given by Mary IÇolYnko, and the toast te thse nothers by Anne Bishop, and replied ta by Mrs. R. S. Bishop. Mrs. Ward introduced the new executive for next yeaêr, Mrs. C. Hopkins, Mnlr. R, Wal- lier and Mas. A. S.cott. She an- nounced with regret that tue Brow-nie leaders, Mirs. G. Par- fitt, Brown Owl, Mrs. W. Milne, Tawrsy Owl and Willow Milne, Packy, are leaving this year, and gif ta from tise Mcffhers' Association anid from. the Bro- wnses were presenýted to the retiring leaders. Mrs. Ray Scott, treasurer, presented a report of Vthe fin- ance.5 and expenditures for the ye'ar. Guide Captain Mrs. IR. A. Patte and Commissioner Stephs- enson presented thse fo>llowing badges te the memibers o! thse Guide Coxnpa-py: Cild nurse- Shiaron Scott, Mary Kolynko, BaurbeSa Rose, Marie Maldanan, Mary-Jane 0'Niel; Swimmer- Marie Maidma.n; Cook- Mary Kolynko; Artist- Joan Kolyn- ko; Religion and Life- Mary Jane O'Niel; Mnrstrel- Linda Scott; Hastess- Mary Kolyn- ko, Joan Kolynko, Jean Ward, Molly Johnston, Barbava Rose; Emergency Helper- Bannie Dale, Marie Maliman; Home Nurse- Barbara Rose, May Kolynka, Joan Kolynko; Laun- dress- Joan Kolynko, Joan Hill .jean Ward, Molly John- stan, Barbara Rose, Mary Jane Mtead t*4. ely con- 0Ile! TUi tb Bishop uIir uton bW for yuthe Mmt important dey tnyour lite, whtch you soiod always 1w>' ta rennember. You have MoW pledd yeurself, la the rengwlns -of your Baptismal1 aM e n isla C h u rc h . You bolong te Mm, e aChris- fiai; yeu WOlong ta tihe Church. YOUu WIU rid Mis help to b. tffl t te sb#O pmoinsiethat you bave made and to beau' your witnffl, for Kim ta your doily lit. anti work," Yollowing thse ConfIrmatlon Bervice in thse Ch urcis a re- eia~ la s held lat the parias fiu, let which turne Bioiiop end Vro. Hunt met the newly- conflurned members, together witls their parents, relatives andi members o! St. John's Church. A delightful lunch- eon was served by members: o! the Guilciettes. Ail the newly-confirmed' members made their first Com- munion on Trinity Sunday znorning at 8 o'clock, at which service there was a large con- gregation. STÂRK VILLE Mr.l spent qu'iile Mr. thse we and fai Victor Mr'. Mis. P wereÉ and htf Rev. and da, visited lest we Mr. e ente, a, Elliott, guesta IS. spent MêKayl and fan O'Neil: Toy Maker- Joan Kol1- Acceuntants and Auciors ento. fuily understand the occasion. ynke; Hamnemaker- Mary Koi- Licensed Trustee la Dankruptcy Mr. a Present also were Mrs. Frank ynko, Joan Kolynko. 64 Oigst.waE. ntrA-o 2 am Anderson, grantimother, Mrs. Tise Guides anti BrowniesOsaaOtro their «o ve. Win. McHolm anti Miss Beck- formeti inte their companies, F B. L. Yale, C.A. Sei thse etfi so! tise family and and four Brownies, Susan Pat,-P. riedlander, B. Comn., C.P.A. pecIl christened were Gerald Vin- te, Susan Walker, Carol Wales MON77EITH . MONVTEITS anniver ble cent, aged 8 years, Brentia anti Betty Ana Weales, fleW RIEHL & CO. Sunday pie Elizabeth, aged 6 andi Laurna up te the Guide Company. Tise Chartereti Acceuntants Mr. a ere Gayle, aged 3 years. A gala Brownies entertaineti their mo- 135 Sinicce St. N., Oshawa and fan no supper was serveti at 6:00 p.m. tisers with two sangs,, "Catch RA 5-3527 Harold te with Mr. Harding as isonoureti a Falling Star" andi "Brother Bowmanville leyville h gucst. James' Air". . Can ZEnith 45750 bourg. A famihy birthtiay dinner Mis. J. C. Stephenson, Ross- Partners: was helt a1tishe home o! Mr. land District Commissioner, Hon. J. W. Menteitis, F.C,A. f rmVs. and Mrs. Haroldi Osborne on braught greetings te the girls A. B. Monteith, B. Corn.,C.A. W. T Sunday, June 12, in honar o! andi their mathers, end con- G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.'I.A. WA.lT Mis. M. J. Osborne whose gratulatedt iem an'a very good (Licensed Trustee) Carl To birthday came on Tuesday, year o! work. G. E. Tretiiewey, C.A. by as June 14. About twenty were In their turn, the mothers R. F. Ligstfoot, C.A._ Oro present upon this happy occa- entertained witis an amusing esds sion. Unfortunately, Mis. Har- parade e! hats created froin Chiropraciic~~ vey Obrewsunable ta besucis material a ahot waterCî h__ r__o__p__r__a __c __c wa img present having fallen in her bottle, radishes, carrots, a bird G.EWNMIND. sd Mia home tise previeus day, break- cage, muffin tins and mnaple G.EoINiANi iiand i- ing an arn-. Ne details are leaves. Mrs. Stanley Ogle ac- Ciiropractor T* ldies. available at tuis time but we ted as commentator. Office: 4 irI undeistanti Mis. Osborne was Following tise banquet the 15 Elgin St., cor of Horsey St. Mr. a detainet at Port Hope hospi- girls andti ieir leaders drove Phsone MA 3-5509 well vis tal te rest anti recover from clOwn te Parkwood) for a tour Office Hours- By Appointment Todd'a!r sisock. of tise grounds on thee invit- Sunday Scisool was held at ation ofCoCl. R. S. McLa.ughlîn. D e n f ai Ia.m. on June 12 with 31 Tise girls were thismilet i wtis______________ c present anti Mr. George Har- the beauty o! the gardens andi DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. ness, superintenient in charge tiseir gracious welcome by Col. Ofc:Jr ule îia In aur news o! a week ago we McLaughlin, andi they alcn fie uyJbleBds omitted oui reguhar Suntiay sidtered tise expediti aIltcon 40 King St. W. Bewmanville Scisool news. There were five hlighligist of tiseir year.is Office Houri: birtisdays honoureti, June Mai- ________ 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily YVou Ca vin, Russell Brimacomb, Mis. MVClosed Satuîday and Sunday If oe Milton Brimacomb, Mis. H-e- AA ', Office Pisone - MA 3-5790 on wor] len MeHolm andi Mia. Harolti gpI House Phone - Newmatle 3551 summer, Osborne. Oui biîtisday box isE DR. E. W. SîssoN tien and due te be opened in July and L.D.S., DD.ES. But actu shoulti prove for another year RE IE Office Ia bis liome. mer arr. a wortiswhile idea. V E V 100LietS.N, wmnle cessity fi On Suaday next, June 19, A UMRPAE Ofice Heurs: Wt there will be *regular worsip Mon. - Wed., June 2o - 22 9 a.M. te 6 p.m. tiaily la'î ahr service during wisici tise sa- witli Richard Egan, Dorothy Phone MA 3-5604 l' as 0ù crament o! Tise Lorti's Supper MeGuire, Sandra Dee, Arthur Closed Wetinestiay - Sundaya on. can1 will be serveti. This will be Kennedy. vegetabh( tise hast time when tise Rev. Warnei Bros. (TeehnlcQlor) D& C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. toc, proi A. W. Harding will officiate 130 Mina. Office of weecl as minister o! Wehcome charge Romantiec rama o! storm, 23 King St. E. - Bewmanvlle stirred u la oui churcis. Il is sincereîy -canflict and triumph. Resour- Office Heurs: 'One gea( wishedti hat as many as pos- cefuily Put together. 9 a.m. te 6 pan. daily with posi sible cf our churcis memibers A tale of tangleti lives, dasis- Choseti Saturday and Sunday tise ha-t -will be presenita unie in c d hopes andtritîumpisant Telephone: Office MA 35459 shoultib, -this service ta tise Glery of ypung lave is spun eut on a From Go nda afie ytîfibute! richly maunteti canvas in A d i t toou etrngpstr bh as Su mmci Place. The Tech ni- L e g a ejista serveti us weil in all branches clai production, basoti an tis - eea f of niinisteîiai werk. We deep- novel by Sloan Wilson, stars STRIKE and STRIKE froni the ly regret this paîting anti Richard Egan, Dorothy Mc- Baîristers, Selicitors tliem la wisli him Gotispeeti anti many Guire, Sandra Dec, Arthsur Notaries Public sisîubber. happy years of relaxation so Kennedy anti Troy Denahue. W. R. Strike, Q.C. trees and rinl dseve.It ruas an impressive 130 min- A. A. H. Strike, B.A.- niaIs, as uc y dsevet. utes anti pravides strang au- 40 King St. W. - Bowinanville summer We have been trying ta keep dience apneai en route. The, Telephane MA 3-5791 ltop starling6 away from aur bird. stary iS familiar, pied ictable LAWIRENCE C. manN.B t ofP: table by using these two anti commercial. There are MSN ter anti1 words, "Beat It!" Imagine oui elernents e! emation anti sen. Barrister, Solicitor anti be-t-t surpriÈe tise otiser morning timent wiic will appeai es. Notary Public If tisei wisen putting tise usual sciapa pecîaîîy ta tise wamnen. Kinig St~. W. - Bowmanviiie lated by ou-t te hear cleai anti precise Delmeî Daves producei, cdi. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 wateîing those sainie two woîds, "beat recteti anti pievidedtihie Resitience MA 35553 But ahl it, beat it", froni a starling la Egan, a mihllonaire, retuins NRiS APHA L HODGINS that garc tise apple tic. by tise house.' witis iis wife anti daughteî te oacm Ycs, it rcally Itio to- a New England mansion where Barrister, Solicitor te a com 'lbeat it!" he hati woîketi duîing lis T Notary Publice!Jue youth as a ifeguarti. His wife, emperaace St. - Bowmanvile la moat1 womn uh o!pijuice, E RICHARD LOVEKIN or fouitl KE R Nrepressions anti preteasions, la' U.E., B.A., LL.B. vegetable ]KE RONphayeti mos-t ably by Con- stance Ford, while tise daugis- Box 9, Néwcasthe beeta an,. Regular services were hehd ter is portrayeti by Miss Dee. honon Newcastle 2240 grow quii on Sunday moraiag witu tue Tise Summer mansion, now asultation1 appolntsnent and shou' minister Rev. R. H. Love prea- conveîteci intoi an i, is rua aiily. table tow chîng on "Tise Trinity" with by Arthsur Kennedy who W. KAT LYCETT, B. giit, anti special illustration for youngeî spentis Most e! his time drink- Bariister anti Solicitor Cont girls sud boys present. ing; andi his wife, Miss Mc. In tise offices of For e' Next Sunday, the rnorning Guire, and their son Denaisue. R. R. Wadtiell, Q.C~ shiub or servies have been withdrawn Great emetional untiercui. Main Street, Orono, Ontario nature isE for tise special service at2:30 rents tura baose veîy sean. t eaemy. If inteaternio when- tue an sems tha Miss McG;uie was gt e~ a disoase la iese o ron Snayn- love with Egan years back. Mo r t g gee0mentiei Schoolsary bhoberon S una Meanwhile his wife now cares -_rdg obsîve, Jne ttle foirisîm. Presently, Miss SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO gartieners 19. Rev. Walter A. Logan, B.A. McGuire anti Egan rcnew their Poei 6mucis, bec choir of Suntiay Scisool chilti-loeat is vnutslf First Mertgage Funtis ne ate stormy sessions between tise Resiciencea - Fam the attaci en provitiing tue music. latter anti iis wif c, culmina-t- Business Propeities control in On June 26, services wiIl ho ing la a divorce. In tise mean- veniently iseld at tue usual1 houra o! 10 lime, the youngsters, Miss De. f 0 edust. Eve: anti il a.m., with reception anti Donahue faUin l love. P 3Ome r y weeds we o! new menibers prier to tue cal killer, saraen o teLord's Sup- RUITH A. BILLEIT, O.D. plied. sperioto ts Home is tue dearest spot on, Optometrist Ts i li 14. William MGregor has artis, anti it shoulti be tise 141 KiingSt E. - Bowmanville ber is te c returneti home following a !ew centre, tueugis no-t tise boun- Office H ours: By appolntment ly once thi dary, o! tise affections.-Maryl Telepisone MArket 3-3252 o! lnjury. d.ays as a patient in Osisawa'Baker Eddty.9 a.m. to 5 p.m. wil be ai G1ea Hatl This la tue truc natur o!1 Monday ta Saturday For tise1 Several familles In Kedroni home-it is tise place o! peace Thursda.v evenings we usually Smmnikt have had long auo- -John Rus-kin.I Wednuedays: 0 to là those thal and Unp. Clifford Fonk the. weekend at Pres- Point. Franak Westheuser sperat ,ek ethome. and Mis. James Lowery Mily, Kirby, visited Mrs. Farrow. Jacek Waiker, Mi&. and >ere, Allen and fainily dier guests witis Mi. ým. Llew Hailowell, Sun- and Mrs. Robert Gay hugister, KiPling, Sask., 1Mr. andi Mrs. Herb Reid reek. and Mms. Richard-s, Tor- Land Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunisford, were recent at ?r. AU! Dobson's. Ida Plum, Toronto, Sunaday at Afirs. Arthsur 'es. and Mrs. Orme Falls ni]ýy pent Stnday with ld ls.Stan Falls, Tor- and Mrs. Ber-t Trim andi spent tue weekend et sttage. Ï81 music la being pie- >Y 8hâboh choir for tue rrY service at 2:30 7aftemenon. ad Mas. Bian Casweh raly witis Mr. and Mîs, Best and family, Wes- apent eundiay aýt Ca- J~ohn Sta-rk was hostess June meeting of Shi-ois rho vice-president Mns. add conducteth ie meet- s the devotionai portion Orme fal s andi Mrs. Triai. After tise busi- isUrAsOns Mis. Gardon gave a contest. Lunch ~'eI by Mrs. Lorne Todd m. Carl Todd. Mira. Carl Ivited the. ladies to meet homin aSeptember. and Mrs. Llew Halle- islted at 1%&. Loi-ne recently.1 'anadian Garden Un Take It Easy NOW e enjcys it anc can go .ing la a garden al r- It.'s excellent recrea- d igeptifer the healtis. Ually by tise tume suni- rives there la littIe ne- for any isard wcrk. thse warm weather tise ioulti no-t be cut near-! ften nomr as short antiî go easy on cultivating' le anti flawer gardens, )vitiedti ey were free! ds and tise soil wel upe -otis enatio! June. ti cultiva-tien la July,! ssibly a lit-tle extra for1 te sown vegetables, be sufficient.1 now on tise thing te take tisinga easy and'i se bloomi anti fies ý s tisa-tisave resulted! se gooti care we gave SMay anti June. With ry, fruit anti other id many o! tise perea-' I3 a mattci o! fact, is a tîme e! matur- )repaîing for tise dar-1 ýrioti during tise Win- these will be hardier ter able ta stand fîost growtis is ne-t stimnu- Fcultivation or extra eafteî JuIy. c f tisis tocs ntma tclg shsouldi corne, pitesop by tise end 1 Even a-t tiiat date! parts o! Canada it la :oQ late te make tird 1 th sowiags o! sucis es as beans, canrots,1 id lettuce. Tiscy wili cekly la tise sumnmer, Ild ho reaty for tise! waida tise endi o! Au- 1eaîly September. frai Made Easy wery plant, fîcwer, 7vegetable, it seems, las createti a speciai f tlons't a bug, it ia istat will attack, net: in -tise neigisbouî's ca-t But tise up-te-date' sdo not worr to :ause tisey know tisa-t rwisat tiseature e! ccir there is an easy ri tise fcrm o! a con- >packaged spray or en fr most o! tise enow have a cheni- rtuat i easily ap- lai tising te remem- counter attack quick- here la tise first aigri If we do tisat there j ;arcely any daime.Ij bugs tisat eat holesU [y apply a poison. For 4 mâ the uwo ew MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria Cornisl, Marketeria BLACKSTOCK Blyth's Market %EST BUY - SAVE Se SALADA- 60 Bags Tea. Bags 75c BERT i3UY - SAVE 5e BEE HIVE CORIN - 2 lb. tin Syru p 2Ior 57c BEST BUY - SAVE ec MONARCH - 2% lb. pkg. Tea Bisk 47c BEST BUY - SAVE lic - PUBS "NI' BOOTM 15 oz. tin Cat Food 4for.59C BEST BUY - SAVE 16e --- D Off Peck - Glant pk&r. Breeze Detergent 75c SWIFT'S BLUf, BRAN» I3EEF Ideal for Barbeeuing Rib Steakcs lb. 69c SWIFT'S PREMIUM SMOKED Boneless, fully cooked - 2 - 3 Ibs. average Fillet Homs' Lb.79c SWIFT'S PREMUM RINDLESS - 1 lb. pkg. FEATURE SAVE 4a Canada White 40 os. jug Vinegar 25c 5 FEATURE B AVE 4e Libby's Fancy - dg oe.u Tomi. Juice 29c FEATLIRE - SAVE 17e Maple Leaf 3c Off Pack - 8 oz. pkg. CheeseSlices, 2Ifor 53c FEATURE - SAVE 14e ec Off Pack - Glant Size Ajax Cleanser ÇrocIuce FINEST QUALITY PALM GARDEN 14 oz. cello tube TOMATOES ea. 21C NEW CROP - SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 39C GARDEN FRESH GREEN ONIONS or RADISH ES HOME GROWN FIRST 0F SEASON STRAWBERRI ES Fresh arrivais daily ATTRACTIVELY PRICED CRISP, TENDER Large headu LElTUCE 2 for 25%c SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED - 8 oz. Saran pkg. Bologna lb. 39c SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED - 6 oz. Saran pkg. Cooked Hum 42c- e nu drs ihpHn MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEEKLY REPORT For the week of June 6-12 inclusive: Admissitàs 66 Births, 4 maie, 2 femalq -O Discharges _____60 Major Operations 12 Minor operations --2 Emergency treatment - 13 Visiting hours 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. 'c c on an cy RAT J. DELLINO Certified Publie Accountant 93 Church Street 1 MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chrtered Accountant 'Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance St. Phone MArket 3-3612 YALE, FRIEDLANDER HUNTER & CO. BEST BUY - BAVE Se - MONARCUK - 1I L pkg. Shorten ing FEATURE - TOP YOUR STRAWBERRIES WITH MONARCE WHIP DESSERT- Toppi ng 9%oz. Aerosol tin 39c FEATURE -à AVE 4c B.C. Breakfast Cocktail ORANGE & APRICOT Drink 48 oz. tin 2 for41 FEATURE - SAVE 4a Quaker Muffets 2 for 3 5c Falher': Day Suggestions POPULAR BRANDS OF CI1GCARBET TE S 200 PER CARTON 30 Pkg. of 5 Cigara WhiteO0w! or Narguerite CIGAIRS 50c Players or Export FINE CUT TOBACCO '/3Lb. Tin 1.59 Kraft - Mild - 12 oz. wedge CRACKER BARREL CHEESE ______ei CHRISTIE'S CHIPPERS pkg. 3lc ALLSWEET MARGARINE - 1 lb. pkg. 3lc Dirds Eye Frozen Fooda STRAWBERRIES 15 oz. pkg., 2 for 69o GREEN PEAS, 1 12 oz. pkg., 3 for 59o GREEN BEANS 10 oz. pkg., 2 for 49o DMED VEGETABLUS 11 oz. pkg., 2 for 0et -MMONOM7 'PAGE SIX -914 dqAIKTA1%vâle r- STATESMAN, BOWMANVn= ONTAMO TRymqnAv- -inlt»- imu a.. - spay with uornethig that wtlI ef lnufan sasmt dammage. will uupply the ame v1Iamj_, burn the; ttackers or Pro" pimurs end Vu.mk and for a longer perlod am bi objeetionmble l1k.e oe et th~e Most people grw vegetables vegetableo t course wmI nicotine PreParMlti.a. And fer becSuse they like to eat thern, we 1 n stors e. For vita bis bOth, there l mlY 0 me and tbey know that only out B and B2 as well as a Ombnti*ft Of dust Qoç aPRY of the gardm et the door wyul la higlily 0l asmn t thit Wil deflntely d0acotw. they be really fresh. But there contains about twiice as iuch ame tilemi are vgluable vitarruns in these vitamin as ordinary cabbage Another point the; expert thinge, top, in case oneI la- and itt u cimier te grow. For garcloer keepu in mind Io territud. Lettute, for istmnce, the highly prîzed vltanjn C cleanlinous or sanitation, A an~d ozpecially leaf lettuce nothing la botter than a fragh vigorouz, faut grow1ngar- whielh Je more exposed to the. tomato, and the fresher the:.- de, free of weedg both41 it sua thomn the. other k4nds la things are the hgher andmore' snd arofld hitis the beat sort bia nvltatnia A& Carrts valuable the vltmianact 10z 1 1 ORONO 2for59c Meats Bacon 23C 1

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