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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1960, p. 8

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m*WEs -T ]MORT TTEMN OMA IL.ONAJ HRSAJTE Oh - (R ecreation (R eviews -By Dougl ai«îg A five day leadership train- ng ourse will be held for ail Playground leaders in the Cas Centrai Zone, which in- 5ldes Bowmanville, Cobourg, rn ton, Coiborne, Oshawa, td a, Peterborough, Carnx- waÊlewca stie, Gratton and >lville. The training course itder the direction of the :rtaTa of Recreation in the raCentral Zone and the Air, Rail or SteanMbp T1C K ET 8 TO EVERYWHERE Consuit SORXT *LOY ELL lu Ki"g st. W. MA 3.3801 Dsowmauvlie Canadian Roi Esign Durable nylon. For fing froam deek or stem ai emaller boat&. Sîze, 18"xg". 879 Bach ................ SELF-LIVELLIN@ ASH TRAY Sticks firmnly ta, any metal surface. Ash container pivota ta a perfect horizontal tin... ...... . 49 Community Pro grammes Branch, Ontario Department of Education.. The course le designed ta give the playground leaders the best passible information and materials on leadership, arts and crafts, active games, programme planning, raiety and speclal events. One feature ai the course la the opportunity for the playgraund leaders ta gain practicai experience while ai the course, schoal children from around the Madoc area are brought Into the camp for two daya for ibis purpose. Thone attending from Bow- mianvîlle are: Ter Black, Lînda Brooking, Ray Crom- bie, Ruih Goheen, Mary Lau drea in Bowmanvile will be- - gin on Monday, July iith at the Ontario Training Sehool for Boys' Pool Registration forms are avaliable at al Marr, Karen MeMurter, Da-! vid Mine, Joan Ormîston, John- Perry, Audrey Spicer and Heather Webb. The five day training course wlll be held at Camp Quin..Mo- Lac an Moira Lake, 30 miles north af Belleville, from June 24th ta June 29th There will be over 130 playground lead- ers attendlng this £ive day *ourse. Community Plenlo Due ta the reduced budget ai the Recreatian Department it has been found necesaary ta cancel the Annual Com- munlty Plenie, usually held on July listat Cream ai Barley Park. Swlmming Lessons Swimming classes forchil- .!ublic Schoou, iTown L.ierk' Office and the Recreation 0f- 'fice in the Lions Conxrunlty Centre. There wiil be Instruction for learx ta awîn, Red Cross Be. ginners, Juniors, Intermedi- ates and Seniors. The minimum age for anyone wishlng ta try their Senior Red Cross Test in 13 years af age. t I order ta take part In tthese swimming lessons you rmust complete an application .farm and returx it ta the Re- tcreation Office no later than rJune 25th. The minimum age for'owlmmlng lesson le seven years of age as of June lst, 1960. YACHTING CAP BGW LIOHI DuaI.Purpose Flashliglit For Dad the skipper. Smart, Chrome alloy. Wîth Red With bujît-in cigarette light- lightweighi. Chance f r o m and Green Fresnel lens. er - easy ta use Al-metal, Sand, White or Navy in the %" flagpole socket. 3" high, crm osn mosi papular 2.0 7" long. 6 or 12- chom husig sizes. ...................... 1 volt. $5.95 value .. With -beli-hoolc....1 9 Piugs Into Cigar Lghter SP GTLAM P Sealed-beam. Pistai grip handie with off- on switch, han d y hang-up hoak. 10-f t. cord. a 6 or 12-voit 4,98 Sturdy Hardwood Cross-Bars uHerouIesI car-top carrier Most popular and most versatile ma- SeL Ifor carrying luggage, ladders, boats, etc. Weather resistant lacquered cross-bars. Securely held by 6.19 sefety straps and suction cups mmmop" -..M I wm bàC. -AMWR MAGIC KEY CASE Tap grain cowhide. Conceals keys - if required, 11if t up snap and keys ap- pear. 31/x2". Each .......... 9 Air-conditioned Driving CAR CUSHION Open w e a v e plasticized caver aver spring type in- terlocking wire mcclx. Air passes jetwenw seat and driver. 29 18 x 37"............29 Cive Dad Beauty Under Fo of Kari Voightt 6-Pc AUTO TWIN MAT SET BINOCULAR, Protects original equipment. G o o d 30 mm coated optxcs tooking, long wearing soid jet black parate eye focussing. rubbr. eepdesin t hod dit, ud, justable eye width f or rubbr. eepdesin t hod dit, ud, cise vision. Perfectico Wt. For driver's and passen- 15 hunter, etc. U ae' aide. Set ........................ Carrying case.. Custom7 StyIed i ~ U IO C IP jExhusi Extension I VISOR HOLD-ALL popular long straight tube- Complete le a r carry - ail. meI h1us etil With comb, mirror, pencil, choeJÙh its ms pad.Wl ods glasses, c. - lui j oad maps, 1. ý - - ...... -IIIIIIIII e - .......... ..... îwel Is s. Se- Ad- )pre- 'r the 8895 DEFLECTOR Cuts wind noise ta a whisper. A d ds style . . . Plastic ln assorted colore. Fits mosi cars 9 Pair........... Ring B.oy White toau plastie w i t h polyethylene grab ropes. Use for: boat, awimming pool, Boat Laidor Anodized 1P alumin- arn tubing. Triple varnished oak steps. Vinyl covered 9195 hooka MARINE- SPEED-METER Surf ace mounted. Bl1a ck figures on White d I a 1. Shows speede irom 5 ta 35 mpfl. Chrome 19 plated .....79 Safety Vesi Comerment Approved For children weigh- Ing up ta 90 Ibs. With tle tab. 29 Each.. ,Adulte' size ......3.75 Speed-Metor Surfa ce maunted. Black figures on white dial. Sho% s speeds tram 5 ta 35 mi.p.h. 7o Chrome plated 86%7 REMOVES 8771 I OF SUN'S I RAYSI I OUN-VîSOR I DASH TRAY1 Soft green la color. In- Icreases d r i v i n g comfort, i t h compariments foôr I ase. Non-slip spring clips smokes, matches, etc. Stur- ta regular visor. 59*dy plastic in variusli 1~h. .. . . . colore. Each...I. - - -..............-25 9- -. 1 - Oum CIDOI* TIRE 160 Ckurch SI. RACK ' REST Fits ail small boat seats. Easy ta attach. Lets you enloy your f ishing 60 much more. Attractive blus convoi en plaited motal frame. Folds flot. Výý By Frank Mohun BASEBALL WEER Basebaîl Week la Ontarlo Wlll rua Football enthusiaste ai Bow- manville and district, particu- larly recent graduates ai Bow- manville High School, who are still interected in this vir- ile Canadian sport and would welcome an opportunity ta continue as an active player, will welcome the news that a "Football Clinîc" je ta be held un Bowmanville, this Thursday evening, (tonight) eîght o'clock at The Lions Centre, Beach Avenue. The football clinie bas been arranged by Messrs Jack Mun- day and Dr. Chas. Cattran, ai Bowmanville, in co-operation with the aificers ai the Osh- awa "Imps" Junior Football Club Ine. Oshawa "Imps" are again entered in the Canadian Prov- incial Junior Football Con- ference this year, togetherý with Burlington Braves, Lake- shore, Scarboro, Balmy Beach and North York. Last season the Oshawa " -mi" ade a commendable showing in ibis powerful Jun- ior football league, generallyý regarded as the biggest and strongeet Junior league. in Canada. With a nucleus of holdovers frori lasi year's club, together with otherý prospects, it is hoped ta round out a contending team Xor the 1960 honors. It le hoped that severai Bowmanville players1 wiil john the club. Bill Zock, veteran star lune- man of Toronto Arga Grey Cup team ofai a few years back, bas been secured ta, coach Oshawa "Imnps" thîs season. ZocJc, together with Teddy Morris, another former MlA 3-7234 1 ibis year from June 25th to July 2nd. To get the week underway an exhibition Pee Weà game will be played ln Newcastle at 3 o'clock, a week from this Saturday. Three players have been selected from each of the six team inl the Lakeshore League ta play as an ail-star entry against the Peterborough Ail-Stars. Doug Walton will manage the local lads. To end Basebaîl Week, a Bantam Ail-Star Exhibition has been lined up for July 2nd at the Memorial Park ln Bow- manville. The Lakeshore All-Stars will be represented by two players irom each af the nine teams in the graup. We understand the opposition will either be Leaside or Richmond Hill. The manager will be Bill Veitch of Bowmanville. Don't forget this opportunity ta cee the best young players in this area on Saturday, June 25th, and the follow- ing Saturday, July 2nd. t. ti. t i. t SOMEBODY GOOFED Somebody goofed in laet week's Sportopiecalumix, and it must have been this reporter. Thanks ta Morley Oke, we discovered that we had written that he end hic son John had won the parent-teenager bowling tournament. We did know who won too, but for some reason or other we had Mr. Oke's name down. The only things right were the score and the firat name - Morley. With aur sincere apologies, we'd like ta now congratulate Morley Etcher and hie son Ron, who were the winners. t t t t t1 AGE LIMIT FOR ISSUE 0F IIUNTING LICENSES REDUCED Under recent regulations, the Department ai Lande and Forests were authorized ta Issue licenses ta people of the age ai fifteen (15) provided that they completed the Hunter Saiety Training Course and had a Certificate of Competence. The previous age limit was sixteen years. This applies only ta, applicants for resident huntlng licences and the minimum age for applicants for non-resident hunting licences relmains at sixteen years whether or flot the non-resident has a Certificate af Competence from hie own or corne other state or province. No hunting licences will be issued ta residents who are under the age of iifteen. Ail young applicants should furnish proof ai age in addition ta their Certif icates of Competence since licence issuers have been specifîcally instructed ta satisfy themselves of the correct age of an applicant if any doubt existe. t t*I t t t "KICKERS" GOLF TOURNEY Now I know why the tournament held at the South- view Golf and Country Club last weekend was called a "Kickers'" tourney. Here this reporter went and broke 100 for the first time this year and with a 25 handicap ended one under par. Not only did we take too large a handicap, but the hidden score was the closest under and over 85. The winners were Don Wright with 118-36 for an 82 and Ray Twist, 100-12 for 88. Other prize winners in the Lloyd Hamilton and Jerry Heal both had 90's. "H-ammy" under division were Gord Jackson, 106-25 - 81, and Tom Lyle with 80 on 100-20. On the other side oi the ledger, was 107-17, while Jerry, registered 103-13. Taronto Argo star, will con- duci the football dlinle ai Lions Centre, here on Thurs- day evening. Members cf the Oshawa Club executive will also be an hand, ta explain the club'c policies and plans. The age-limit for Junior football le 21 yearc-of-age and under, as ai December 3 ici, 1960. AIl Bowmanville boys of 18-19-20-21, especialiy those former members oi Bowmian- ville High School football teams, who have since grad- uated or quit echool, are e- pecially urged ta attend thel football clinie here an Thus day night. Ail players inter- ested are inviied ta attend.1 Ken's Win First Game SPORTOPICSI 'Juvs' Win. Third Straight Bowmanville Ju ve nie s broke into an early 8-i lead and went on ta defeat Ajax 8-6 in a darkness-shortened five inning game, Monday night in Ajax.'A couple ai Midget players inserted into the local line-up, gave a good account ai thernselves, with Ray Crombie's triple and in- gle pacing the attack, while Alex Wiseman added a in- gle. Clean-up slugger, Grant Wright also had a pair ai safe- ties. Bowmanville scored three in the iirst on ingles by Don Bagnell, Wright and Crombie, a bit batsmaa and three walks. The winners doubled their margin with three more un the third, started by Crom- bie's lead-ofi three-bagger. A base on balle ta Jim McK.night, Ai Woodlock's double andi Jim Moorcrait's single, pro- duced the runs before pitcher Elis retired the nexi three batters. Hits by Wright and Larry H-ancock and an infield out gave Bowmanville a com- manding 8-i bulge in the 4th, aiter the home club had scor- ed a singleton un the third. ,Ajax put together four 4th inning safeties ta tally four markers against pitcher Moor- crait, with Bagnell's relay cutting down another run at the plate. A base on balle, Moorcraft's wild throw to first and hits by Finnigan, Ellis, Arsenault and Daze put Ajax right back in the bail game. Brewer and Desroches put together caieties for a fiith inning marker, but Moorcraft bore down ta dlaim two ai the last three auts on strikes, as darkness forced a hait ta fur- ther play. I - p ~ A PLUMBING- HEATING ïWo BURNER DEALMER- £-0 ADULT SWINNING CLASSES Swlmnming Instruction for aduits wili be carrled an in this district during July and August at Cedar Park Pool. Learix to Swim, Beginners, Junior, Inter- mnediate and Senior levels wiil be taught if participation In each group la sufficient. Two qualified Red Cross Swlnmlng Instructara will conduet classes, Mr. Murray Walker and Mr. David Milne af Bowmanvilie. Classes will be held two nights a week for an elght-week perlad. The fee la $5.00 per persan or W~a marrled couple wlsh ta take lessans the tee is $6.00. Candidates will enter regular Red Cross groupe and may be presented for exammiation at the end of the course. Awards wlil be given ta those successfui ln the testlng. Came out, learn, and enjoy yaurself. Anyone. Interested mar contact Dave Mfine ai MA 3-3937. In Hampton contact Mdn. H. Balson at Co 3-2295. M Eh Aiter dropping their fîrat threa stari., Ken'a Men'e Wear finally broke into the wln col- uman with a thrilling 3-2 de- cision over Stephen Fuels, in a Town League conteet, last Thursday night, at the Cen- irai School diamond. "Ace" Richards, making hie first appearanice of the sea- son, was the hera ai the win, holding the Fuels -ta seven hite and baiting In the win- ning run in the seventh with his second safety af the game. The- boss was a heart-break- er for rival moundeman Geo. Stephen, who allowed four hits, while fanning elght and givngup wobases on balle. Richards picked up the first hi ffSephen with twa out un the ith. An error by Vince Vanstone and a walk ta Ham- Mlon loaded the bases, and Bob Williams delivered a two rua single. Fuels catcher, "Jlggs" Cowling, failed ta sea a foul pop-up, which would have ended the lnnlng with no runs ecored. Triples b Cowling and pinch-hitter Iurie Garbe ac- counted for a cingle Stephen marker lix the iourth, but Garbe was stranded on third when Stephen fanned and Jack Bond grounded ta sec- ond. Singles by Cowling, Stepheu and Bond knotted the count in the sixth. Everett King led. off the final inning with a triple and countcd the wln. ner an Richard's hit. Short- stop, Bob Abbott m ade a fine stab ai Ken Kelly's liner and doubled the runner off first ta prevent any further scoring, but the cingle run wvas enou h, with Richards getting the sfde in order (including twn strîke- outs), ta end the game. ýj Pigeons Fly, From Qurwash In 4th Race The Bowmanvllle Racing Pigeon Club flew their fourth Old Bird race of the season fromn Burwash,..Ont., June il, a distance of 195 miles. C. Lemon's bird was first in the race and also took the 200 mile Trophy Pr esented by L. Richards for this race. There were only four Birds timed in, out of an entry of over 70 birds-a real tough race. Resuits of the race are as follows:-lst C. Lemon, 2nd *Mavin Broc., 3rd Piper and Woolacott, 4th Bill White. Girls Win One And Lose One On Weekend Bowmanville's J u v e n 1l e Girls, indulging in a p air or high-scoring games, d1ropped a 19-3 contest to Port Hope, last Friday night, and defeat- ed Newcastle 16-13 in New- castle, Monday ni&ht. Only bright spot in the lo- cals lop-sided defeat, were two home runs by Judy Paeden. PoiDt Hope scored in every in- ning, picking up a pair of runs in each of the first three in- nings, splurging for four in the fourth, and adding a sin- gle in the fifth and three in the final two frames ta romp ta the win. In the Newcastle contest, Bowmanville broke into an early 8-0 lead, scoring three in the first and five lnx the second. Newcastle cut the mar- gin in half with four un the bottom of the second, and then staged a five run upris- lng of their own in the fourth to turix the game into a real hitters' battie. The winners, taking a leaf out of Port Hope's note-book, scored in every inning to maintain a lead ail the way. League Standings W L T Port Hope - 3 () 1j.000 ®rono - -------i-1O0 .500 Bowmanville -1 iO 0 0 Newcastle -o 3 O 00 CAMERA CARNIVAL Cameras and Sundry Equipmenl NEW and USED Reductions front 2OC/o to 50O4 15 King St. W. 29 KING ST. E& Bowmanville MA 3-3361 MA 3-5747 STOP IN AT VOUR HEADOUARTURS FOR KODAK EQUIPMENT JURY & LOVELL YOUR REXALL STORE Hold Football Clinic This Thursday Night Enjoy the extra safety of SUPER-LASTIC Tom NY LON AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN 670/1 5UUwm 750/14 11095Clas^ Similar sav1ga sOumoemi"&, tneIudingtubelesa TYREX u NA* :'.9093 C. Stewart NcTavish, Prop. BOWMANVI LLE1 OWoW.prwo-Wh.n cas, aown end opy.îi cSe inha froni$ HO OPER'S JEWELLERY and GIFT SHOP eoccooooos ---------- - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 ý 11 TRIMSDAY, JUNE l6tb, IM THE CANADIAN STATICSMAN,. BowmANvnjýx ONTAIUO paew. nowin SUMMER ...

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