PAGE TEN TEE CAIiADIAN STATMMAN, DOWMAiIVILLU. «ITARTO been selected as "ldairy month" Mr. Lutes replied quite frank- L c l S e p B e d r This Is DaryMnh *that the peak production LclSepBedr . 1 r h i sIls airy onth was reached on most farms in X June which made an extra sefling effort Mnost appreciat- "Each year at this tîme! by the national producer grup1 cd at that tirne. He aise rie- Canad.ians becorne more awarei with being responsîbl for mînded that the peak con. .f the importance of daiiry!much ef the incrcased awarcsumption period was begin- lod n h ar nuty1ness. ning about that Urne with 10othds and rte dalyandustry r LtssadtatoeCa-iwarmer weather dictating tei ther ntriinl nce- M. ue siihasn Cn impler meals, and greater Lt et, says Frank E. adian out ef six derived ail, consumptien eofniilk and other Lues Peidnt e Dairy or part of his livelihood frem arn feods. PVarmners of Canada. He credits1 the dairy industry. He point.jTedlyfrie edsi the annuel "June is Dairy ed out that in addition te soe, ththe conry aler es at ~doth'prootin sonsred400,000 farm familles there its best in June, with green -were empleyees ef dair3rmaes n rzigcti plants, trucking firrns, sterage m:aklos ng d sgrthy gcfat FA M SER VICE fcmprsand mrnny ter ~ Sunday div.Mr. Lutes add- DEAn, OLD & CRIPPLED , phassof our total economy eeple seaeredte agy re it FARM STOCK 'whose welfare depended upen is opl Jue seemed gaewt Removed FrecetfCharge a healthy dairy îndustry. He gethi ne tht e ap eemah e jto the farmer eventually foundse a orby mp s- Ask our Operator For its way bck into urban cir- i cd by the favrns. "Thereis se ZEnih 6550 culation to pay for the thingemuhtedar frmn ta thde itancesar eoprte person docsn't sec frern the s oTl hrgkn anti ar and te highway, that we can be par- NIok Pecoul Peterborough previde for a farm farnily. 1dened f or pointing eut that it When asked why June had i isne bcd ef roses," said Mr. LutLes. "I personally arn hap- py te be a dairy farmer but s . -e - - .certainly it is a constant strug- gle te maintain a profitable operetion."1 He addcd that there were Make mr fifty theusand less dairy farm- ly ers four years age then there YOUR pay when due. had been aine years age and Don't take chances. that the next census would PEMIUM DUE? Prompt payment of undeubtedly show a further Hosptal nsurncedecline. The dalry fermer -kee insured! opti nuac head suggested that anyone eeppremiums safe wanting te go into such an guards your fuur operation take a long, hard Members of the executiVe of the Ontario Shý protetion It my Ure and investment. rcently attended the sheep field day at O.A.C., Gu be a blessing to you On a happier note Mr. Lutes Lee, Highgate, Ont.; Tasker Grant, Stayner, Ont.; R, smre day. added that Canadians are for- the president of the Ontario Sheep 'Breeders, and hi tunate te have an abundance Glaspeil, Bowmanville, Fred Trewin, Nestieton, an, of fine teeds available te them READand that Uic dairy industry Livestock Branch, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. In wa cnsanîystxvng te in- Palmer, Shepherd at the O.A.C., and his sheep deg, R~ TUR O crease its efficiency and quai- trials. ~ONTAlO iy. He cxpressed the opinion !OSPITAL that Canadien dairy foods SURANCES~A were "second te none, any-G cis for Dairymen SEVCSCMISO undry te "meke dairy foode . m i'ou haven't one, ask SEVCSOMIIN daily foods" in June. W o rth Consederu ng (your employer or write TORONTO 7 ONTARIO deing "tee bad" five years ago milk per cew; 50% et the ..Sixteen Brownies and five are the people having the ikpouebtwnOc. toughest tirnernaking ends rikpoue ewe co * \~ '~c" *leaders spent an enjoyable meet newadays; those that ber 1 and March 31; 3 crop Gre Oweee nd te Scottage-e aren't deing "tee bad" this acres per cow; 6 tons et hay Garey wa one wiCe year right be the people in (or the equivalent) per cew; L saea.trouble five years from new. Yields et 2.5 tons hay, 12 tons iF.Miss Dianne Wheeler has The peint, et course, is that cern, and 75 bushels oats; gene te Wasaga Beach te work a dairyrnan has te think ahead 20% rnilk sales fer tee d-at mcôRIC Mfer the summer holidays. and plan for expansion whlle most; No more than 20% milk >~~ORICK McoRM .1 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze he's stili in fair tinancial sales for feed; 250,00pus s RED WRAP & Buë CK spenta few days last week 00pud 9EWRlfetA with friends in Midland. shape. That's what Ontario et milk sold per man; $350 or 1 91000fee, f, r.Ry alrDcpartment et Agriculture ex- lcss inventory per cew in per baie ~ Per b Ieet ,Mr. J oan sd Mr . andQ tension specialist Ross Milnepower and machinery; $125 or Oie 1Mrs. J. Fordelr ait M r means whcn he suggests aim- 1 less expenses per cow in pow- Mrsttanon Tie alor a hi ing for these goals: 50 or er and machinery. afternoon. ~'N Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snew- H C H T IN E den, Maple rvvstdM.K NA and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and 'IN"H CH T IN E amily Sunday. Kirby and McLeans' public long weekend at Capdie Bay Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- sdhÙol bail teams played off with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Nally, Coîborne, spent the Wcdnesday afternoon on Ken- A. Couroux. 1 ris otchd toyourneedà.)-weekend with Mr. and Mrs. dal park for the rural school Mr. and Mrs. Fred White and If you put up heaviest bales, get McCormick twine Mrs. Charlotte Feyder, Port a good gaine with McLeans were diriner guests Sunclay ev- ,IN THE RED WRAPPER. Safely holds bales u Perry, spent the weekend winning by a score of 15 te 13. ening with Roy Mercer and »size balesU with Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeLcans had thidi last inning later ail visited Mr. Mary IfyuptForder and tamily. not played. Lxn ouptupavrg iebls for ecenomny's sake Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hel- Thursday evening Kendal M.Gere ac )get McCormick twine IN THE BLUE WRAPPER. nies, Oshawa, visited the Carl aMr.coepaedacoe oadand fMlly Gergsitc- e ~afel hols bals upto oe ~ WrghtsandN MNlls game here with the score at sister and husband, Mr. and Cine bale* of McCormick '9,000 feet' twine ties 500 CngruatinstoD -5 for sometime. Ini the last Mrs. Caihan, Omemee. heavy bales. One bale* of McCormick '10,000 feet' ogauatost r. and innings Kendal got one run in M ad r.BbCarthr ,twine tics 555 bales. In either case, you'll bale more to !iake it 6-5 in their favour. Mret and ay witho Mia ndthr Jiyfor less money, in the secure way you want it Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ma Sn- l s. w. Fr.tan. tida dgtsottobefe efrac ri ders and Gale visited her bro- ivir and Mrs. Ab Colon Ham- oued-and e t m o h t o b e fr e p r or a c roEher, Harvey W eirmeir, Ban- ilton,* were te sec er mother, yok eodteprc a hn aler. - n. Cm. roft for tic wekend. Mms. Hattie Martinel. Lookbeynd he ric ta whe buingtwie. om-Mr. and Mms. Eddie Cour- Mr. and Mrs. Jee Yendrick ýare length, strength, and unifermity. Even-spun, eux, Ray and Marie spent a and sons Wayne and Terry ,notless McCormick twine is made in Canada from w<>uuu ~'mov~ed froma their nw house tru Sialaa fbreflos feel thoug an kntte. " Mrs. D. Bilbey (Pearl Wright) in Kendal back te Port Hope. 0r2 bis qalana1fbr-owfelhoghanyknttr. Wl - Who wele mrried in the Un- Mr. and Ms. Venning were '2 bu eueli bie.ited Church here Saturday et- guests of mi. and Mis. Cecil ternoon. Holland Sundeay. tilILirMr. and Mrs. Grant Fergu- Gordon Langsta'ff end Bob- cCOR ICK ALER M INEson, Ian and Mary, Toronto, by Irwin were te Aylmcr Sun- lubags or En exclusive Quality Guard Carton ~ spent the weekend with Rey day te bring Mm. G. Langstaff and Bill Ferguson. and Daimy home ater spend- Donna and ~Janice Pargater, ing a week wjtlh her mother, Poua rcdPort Pcrry, spent e tew days'M.oyeron with their grandparents, Mr. M'ýr. andi Mis. George Mercer CUSOMua Pi and Mrs. Mervyn Graham, 1 an'd family spent Sunday af- CUSOMwhile their parents, Mr. and1 ternoon et Bewd'ley. BALERTWINEMrs. Don Pargater and bro- 1Mi. and Mrs. Jack Neal, ther Bill enjoyed a trip Neisha and Kenny virited Mr. F cIig tonca through Muskka district. and Mrs. K. Neal, Orno, Sun- bol.flg-ess thanMisses Gertrude H-ennyan dy BOWMAVILL Just a Reminder.. 0F THE Opeza Koise AT QUINTE DISTRICT CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION, BELLE VILLE Every Sunday Alternoon During Juno FROM 2:00 P.M. TO 4:30 P.M. Visit Our LABORATORIES - sec where our products are processed. OFFICES - see how our records are maintained. PHONE ROOMS - sec how your service cails are received. COLLECTION ROOM.NS - see how semen is collected. SEMEN STORAGE - sec how frozen sernen is stored. SIRES - sec our sires, they are here for your inspection andus R9EFRESHMENTS . Yes - that's right - FREE REFRESHMENTS Bring the Whole Family ... and bring yotur neighbour Directors and Staff members will be on hand to explain our business to you. We'11 see you hn June! WLLpool. M.dMrs. Jobhn Ford.Mn. and Mrs. Bob Youing- Jane and Robert, and Mr. mTan wr nOilaSna Dick Mew, Toronto, spent Sun-. o sec Frances. day with Mr. and Mrs. Aus- Miss Betty Savery westhie tin Beacock. guest of Miss Jane Foster for Sorry te report Mrs. John the weekend. Merlow, Mrs. David Archer Mr. and Mms. Awde et Jar- and Mrs. Dixon (Mrs. Miltotn vis spent the weekend with Fîshen's mother) are in Port their daugh'ter and her hus- Pcrry hospital. band, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shook Foster and took their grand- and Mr. and Mns. Dudley daughiter Marie home with Kemp, Toronto, werc Sunday themn for a visit. atternoon visitors et Mr. and Wc wcrc pleased te sec Mr. Mrs. Gilbert Marlow and cail- id Mrs. Chanlie Cooper out cd on Mrs. J. Marlow ini hos- te our Anniversary services pifai. with Mrs. J. Stapleton, aise Miss Agnes Whittaker, te sec Mis. B. Alexander eut health nurse et the Indien Re- with Mrs. Falls. serve, Brantford, visited ber Mr. and Mms. Bob Carruth- sister, Mrs. David Archer in crs had the pleasure (?) o« a hespital and spent the week- visit fremi gli charivari gang end with Mr. Archer. Saturd:iy night. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lar- The Kendal W.I. meeting was mer, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ler- held Wednesday evening. June mer and Douglas, spent Sun- 15, at lic home of Mis. W. day in Midland. Mercer with Mrs. Eddie Cour- Miss Reta Harris with other eux presiding. The roll caUl was chef epenators spent Monday e nswered by namiin-g a way te aiglit et Weter-Wheel Motel,! make our comrnunity better. Lindsay, and Tuesday attend-' Some ideas mentioned were- ed a chief operators' meeting thec possibillty ef a swimming ln thie Bell Telephone Office.' pool on Carscaddcn's crcek, the Mrs. Herry Graham and very greet nced of a new sîde- Miss Verena, Torono, spent walk over tothie church from fthe weekend with the Mount- h onr lwe et eln jev and Greharn relatives. lecrefoe id eln y ted in the park anid other Items MS. Tony Duivestcyn flew ie uptr adhî U to Holland this week te, visit woxed up there and tthi al her mether who iî ill. or eeTheruetionofgetHings .Mr. Eldon Fec hec beca en- sdene. meorebosorethge11g joying a visit with bis sister bsome mslore oos for lic h and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Mrrv .vH. aiste d scussedta Armstrong, Alaska. teMirs. H. oes ranrd thet Mr. and Mis. Frank Cook,' flic figtips ewels afld soe jBeeverfon, were Wcdnesday oter ierm ha flyeTei supper guests et Mr. and Mrs. rcic rn erili h W. Archer. Mrs. Archer ne- conveners aise plaaned their turned home with Hiem nd f meetingcs forthie years pro- accempanied thern te Ingolds- gram. Mrs. Turansky teok up by te attend the tunenal of the penny collection. Mrs. G. their niece, Mrs. Harold H. Cathcart read an aniusing Hill. poeen entitied "The IsIe of Several froni here attend- Truth". whene in a dream ev- cd decoration service at Prnce eryene was heard te state the, Albert cemetery, Sunday. jblunt truth. Sec Coming Eveits for An-.I The mette for thil meeting laiversary Services notice. under Citizenalip and educa- at Guelph ceep Breeders Association ielph. Left to right: John Laymond Comfort, St. Ann's, is grandson Mark; Ralph ad R. D. Graham of the the foreground is Harry Eocky, who took part in the tion was "It la botter tio take part in the creation of good things than to boast of their pmssio ". The top'c taken by Mrs. W. Mercer wasc"Building a better comniunity". Wlhen seeking a way to irnprove the community iît le necesary to find out the necessary tacts, te survey the aceas where im- prevernent la needed, inake an inventory of the resources in people and material; explore means of rousing intercet; in- forrn the public o~f every stop; and provîde epportunities for everyone te share in the plan- ning and work. New conditions have hrought new needs and oniy the commubity whose people are guided by intelli- gent awareness of its needs and the determinatien. Vo meet thein cen preserve the goodness it has and go forward. Mrs. IL Foster conducted a contest of wiordes starting with B. MIrs. Murphy and Mrs. Lux- on were winners. Mrs. G. Cath- cart was again our efficient auctioneer for articles on hand. A social tirne was enjoyed over the tasty lunch pravided by Mrs. Manders and Mrs. Cour- eux. The next meeting wMl be ~.vmn~ * UV - - - - -~ A~UA~.IJ~ Z. .1 IJI'd E ~NVA ~ Vernon Singer, M.P.P., Member et the Ontario Legis. lature for North York willl address a meeting spensored by the Durham County Lib- el Association in Orono on Mondey, June 27. Mr. Singer is a recegnized authority on municipal affaire, having served as a member of the North York Council for threc years and as Reeve et that Council in 1957 and 1958, during which years he was alse a niember et the Metro- pelitan Toroato Council. Mn. h 1Singer SB the youngest pergon 1ever to be elected to the Exe- cutive Comxnlttee of Metro- poitan Toronto. It i. general- lconsidered that Mr. Sing- er would be appointed Minis- 1ter of Municipal Affairs in any government fornied by Liber- ai Leader John Wmntermeycr. E. IR. Lovekin, President ef the Durhamn County Liberal Association, in maklng the announcernent, stated that the would be "Current Municipa Problem". Mr. rLovekin ex- Pressed the hope that ail per- sons lnterested, irrespective eL pelitical leanings, would ea theinselves oet he opportuai ef hearing tHiew ll-lnforrne. speker on a preblein ef great interest today. FeerIo thie weapen lathe. hands ai tyranta.-mMBak- dollar heat watsr - **-----' -M E. .Lovekin President Secretary.Treasurer Russell è. Houey -GASOLINE Reasonable Price CALL VIGOR OIL 78 BOND WEST AVAILABLE RA 5-1109 M -FAIM TANKS 9bOSHAWA TELE PH ON E I i luI charge of Mim.Mandera and Mms. MeMackin when we wifl vluit Barnumn House near Graf- ton and have oui plcnic. Date will be announccd later. Guets with Mvrs. Alva Swar- brick Sunday were Mir. and Mrs. Wilfred Roughley, Orono, and Mrs. Errol Trew and deu- gliter of Oshawa. The church was prettily de- ers for Kendai Sunday School SAnnîversery service wbich wes hcld Sunday rnorning with the Rev. Harold Turner as guest speaker asisted by thie super- intendient, Mr. Leonierd Falls who led in tlic reeddng et the Psalrn.. Thc younger children of the Sunday Sehool sang "Al thingS bright and beau- tifu.l and thec regular choir alse sang. The Rev. H. Turner preached e fine sermon for the young and eider folks both, comparing oui lives te visita te the store and ended with thec best things in life cannot be had et bargain prices and child- ren are net pressed into e mold Ilke ice-cream, they can choose their own nîold. Liberals to Meet at Oronoi Monday Night~ k> gi those Who . wantthe Most from eaich *-r Liberal Meeting GDD FELWS HALL, GEGNO NqONDAT, JUNE 27, 1960 s8:30 p.m. Vernon Singer M.P.P. MEMBER FOR NORTU YOMK "CURRENT MUNICIPAL PROBLEMS" EVERYGNE WELCONE Refreshmenis semae DURBAN COUNTY LIDERAL ASSOCIATION 1 -PAGE UN TM CANAIDIM STATZSMM. BOWMANVnJL& OUTAMO AT THE MOST qemllmnlqw 1"»M ma--a a- M» FARM