THURSDAY, JUIf! 23r& 1006 TEE CANADIAN STATESMANI BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE ELEVERI Plan June Wedding The engagement is announoed of Miss Mary Holubenko and Mr. George Ensley Rogers, M.A., of Guelph. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. Peter Holubenko of Oshawa and the late Mr. Holubenko, forrnerly of Newcastle, and has been on the teaching staff of Oshawa Public Schools for the past three years. Her fiance, a graduate of the University of New Brunswick, is the son of Mr. Amos Rogers of Moncton, New Brunswick and the late Mrs. Rogers. The ceremony will take place in St. George's Memorial Churcli on Thursday, June 30, at 7:30 o'clock. Lionettes Entertain Daugh fers at -Dinner The many friends of Mr. Fred Lovekin will be sorry ta learn that he was taken to the Memorial Hospital in Bowmanville on Saturday. Misses Hazel Barrie and Tucker Couch and Mr. Wal- ter Fenton of Toronto visited with friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- tan attended a golden wedding reception in honour af Mr. and Mrs. William Bradd of Orillia on Saturday. The re- ception was held at the home ai Mr. Mrs. Floyd Dudley at Foxboro. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kirk of Platsburg, N.Y., spent a few days last week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan and family. Members af the Durham County Club of Toronto on tour through Durham County stopped in Newcastle an Sat- urday and were shown through St. George's Angli- can Church before proceed- ing on ta Orono and Port Hope. His many friends will be p leased ta see Mr. George Meadows out and around again following his stay in hospîtal in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John McMen- emy and son Wayne of Glen Williams were Friday visitars .With Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew. Misses Mary Dewdney and Rtuth Bonathan let by air on Saturday for an extended tour of Europe. Brownies See Prince Philip ln Village Newcaistle - An intercsting outdoor meeting af the Ist and 2nd Newcastle Packs af the Brownies was held on, Jun e lst . Excitement reached its peaik when the Brawnies! formed an King Street in iront ai the cammunity hall ta sec Prince Philip pass enraute ta Batterwood Hause ta spcnd the night with the Rt. Hon. Vincent Maissey at Canton. Pi Raa Hgnss the Prince Phllp siledandwaved ta tho Bawnis ashe passed slowly alang the street. The aider Brawrilcs aged 9 ta 11, were still talking about this experience when they i bit for a wcekend camp at Camp Sarnac on Saturday marning. They spent the week- end hiking, plaig games and warking on handicrait. Saturday cvcning the Brow- nies cnjoycd a sing-sang around the campf ire and on Sunday morning attended church beiorc starting their day's activities. Whlle wark- ing on their handicrat on Sunday aitornoon the firls were given another thrll,' ta add ta their weokend, when they saw a young deer run through the tail grass nearby. The Brownic leaders are most grateful ta Mrs. Y. Bar- chard and Mrs. Marie Gibson who sa aibly assisted the staff on the weekend and ta Mms Buttcry af Bawmainville who fîllod in at the last moment Also ta the fathers wha sa Ikindly assisted with the trans- portation probiom. The wcekend was a real succcss and ail thoso attendlng had a most enjoyabile. Her many friends wlll be ploased ta bearn thait Mrs. Barbara Grainger eturned ta hem home with Mr. aind Mrs. Harold Caucli on Sunday fol-, lowing a lcngthy stay in Mcm- anial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Gond Graiy and iamuly entent ained on Saturday in honour ai the iarmer's fathen and mot hon, Mn. and Mns. H. A. Gray oi Oshawai, who celebnated, their 55th wedding anniversairy on June 2lst. Present ion the celebration wene their daiugh- fer, two sons aind seven grandchildnen. Guesfs includ- ed Mn. aind Mns. Harold Gray, Martin, Bob, Bvian and Bet- ty Jean af Wallaceburg; Mn. and Mns. Len Headîng ai Wil- lowdale; Mr. H. T. Manes and Mrs. Rota Embly af Newcastle. Fniends af Mn. Dean will be plcased ta sec hlm ouf and ainound aigain iollowing lis ne- cent aperation in Memonial Hospital, Bowmainvillc. Friends in the village will be samny ta leamn af the e- cent dcaitl af Mrs. Arthiur Harris ai Sharbot Lake, ion- monly of Newcastle. Mrs. Han- ris was thc mother o! Mrs. Harold Dean and Mn. Buster Harris of Newcastle. Mn. aind Mns. Harry Daley and famuly ai Newmainket were Sunday visitons with Mr. aind Mns. C. G. Gould and family. Mr. aind Mrs. G. H. Hadg- son wenc in Toronto on Sat- undaiy attending the wodding ai hem ganddaiugliten in Hill- cnest Chundli. Mr. aind Mns. P. F. Haine visited in Trenton an Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Ernest Haire. Newcastle - If was inter- Invicial nif e at lic instal- fat ion meeting aiflice Newcas- tle Lions Club on Thursday cvcning when ai bus laad af the membens aifIe Cobourg Lions Club invaided the meet- ing and Lion Verne Barber af the Dixie Lions Club was flic guest speaker fonrflic oc- casion. Follow~ing a hilariaus dinner hour, duning which membens a! flic Evening Braindli aiSt. George's Auxiliany served a deliciaus sailaid dinnen with strawbcrny shatcake, Lion Murraiy Paterson intraduced the guesf speaker for the oc- casion, Lion Verne Barber ai Dixie, Assistant General Man- ager aiflice Merchandising Di- vision aiflice Oshawa Whole- sale,, sorving flic IGA Stores in Ontaioi. Mr. Barber in speaking af lis home club, ai whidh lie hais just become president, said flic club liais 32 miembers and hais just completed the construction ai a swimming pool. TIc subjecf ai bis aid- dress was "Food Merchiandis- ing" and lie outllned flic ad- vaincemont in tIc food indus- fry aven flic past 20 years saying flic stores have grown beyond fIe belief duning flie past 20 years due taeflie large variety ai producfs which are continuing ta increase. He said the improvement in f ix- turcs ta gnocery stores lias maide a big improvement and lie sald, thaugli very costly ta fthc gracen; flic frozen food in- dusfny hais aidded greatly ta food merchiandising. The speaker said nefrigemationi Inrnce payments are «M«ie to curry when you spread them out Ourt Premium Payment Plan gives yaur pockctbook a break by spreading out your property insuraince premium over a period of months. If thxe prablem'of meeting one large yearly bitl for your in- sutance hais kept you from Ce ig a weli-rounded pro- tetinprogram.. . this plan i8 the answer. LUt us give you (ls complets story aow. MUJAT a.lAIESI INSURANCIR Lima nt. IL OMMe nowmanvile Residenee MA 3-54931 <1/te /ve wcY044/M 9:depi Gordon Àgnew, Edilor Phono 3621 PONTYPOOL We were soi-ny to learn that Mr. Bill Strong who was cm- ployed by Charles Chapm-an sustained a bad accident ne- cently while working in the bush he feulu-crom a tree when a dead limb broke landing on a truck breakin.- his heel and tearing other ligaments. His foot, is now in a cast and he wili be unable ta wonk for months. People from al aven Ontario anal U.S.A. attended a Field Day Dernonstratilon sponsoned by Dept. ai Lans and Forests. The peoPle gathered ait the Durham Farmion Manvers- Clarke Bounla*ry where they heard interesting talks on mar- keting, control of disease, dam- age by rmice, handing and oth- or interestin; subjects. Two lo- cal men Wil-fred Richardson and Fred Lycett gave very in- teresting talks on suitable sub. jects. After the speaking a mo- torcade xvas formed when the group visited different plo)ts and received more information. At Stop 10 the W.A. had a booth where everyone enjoyed coiiee and refreshments. Several from here attendedj the Orange Church Parade in Janetville on Sundiv evening.,i Ana then big parade will beo held liere Suncia:. , June 261h wîth two bancis in attendance. Parade wiil leave hall at 2:15 p.m. The LOBA have been p:rac- tising regularly an their play 'Keep it under your hat' wrnich wrnl be put on first at Bethany the end af June, and at Ponty- pGol in July. 'Iiis humrnom.s play is under tlie direction af Mns. Cliii Fa(llis. . Our Juvenile Rail Team piayed a neturn game with the Janetville Tc,rm on Saturday evening at their Garden, Party. This was a close garne w'ith aur boys defeated 15-14. The Pyle familY left, Satun- day on th)eir plane trip to New- caistle, England. They will be gone fori- fve weeks. HAMPTON W&. andl Mns. Alex Alexo3n- der ai Godericli, xere recent weekend guests oi Mn. anal Mr-s. Chanlie Warren. Mi-s. Chas. Daw and daugli- fer, Mrs. Leslie Patrick, Toron- to, were guests of lVrs. Lorenzo Truli on Thursd-ay ai last week. Mrn. andl Mrs. S. Nash, Miss Mavis Nash and iniend Mrs. Francis Thomas ai Detroit, Miehigan, armivedalat the week- end ion a visit with Mu-s. Naish's sisten, Mrs. Wm. Chanman and Mn. Chapman. Miss Nashi andl Mis. Thomas motorcd on ta Montreai for a iew days. Mr. and Mrs. Ha'rry Bantlett, Bowmanville, wene visitons with. Mr. andal Ms. Sam Dewell. Mn. anal Mr. Ken Pooler and f amui]y, Oshawa; Mr. andl Ma-s. Len Playe- anal Tommy, Bowmanville; Mr. andl Mus. Haroldi Ashton, Clame andl Dou- glas, Ermiskillen; Mr. anal Mrs. J. Lyon and iarrnily wcrc Fa- ther's Day visitons ait S. Ken- S"y. Mm. anal Mrs. Lorenzo Truil wene Sunday guests af Mr. anal MnÙs. Roy Metcali, Maple Grave andl attendeal the Annive-sary. 7%ey also attendeal Decorafion Service aft lie Bowrnanviile Cemetery. Nfm. andl Mis. Jackson Wray, Maxine and Debora andl M'sses Heaithen andl Ann Louise Ross, O"bwa, visited lisparents ILamnds and. Forests, Weekly_ Report nfewca st/e Social and l £/ersona/ equipment in modern stores casts appraximately $200 per lineal foot ai display space. In the past 20 years, said the speaker, cash and carry buying hais almost complete- ly replaccd credit buying in the food industry and the modern supormarkcts are gra- dually working toward the aid goneral store, carrying so many other praduets bosides food, including drygoads. Hie predicted the stores ai tamar- row would be sepairate gra- cery, meait, produce, etc., stores ail under one roof, but separate entities. In speaking ai the ever- changing fixtures in stores, the speaker stated there were at least twa new innovations which were now being tested. These are a second starey warchouse in which gaods are replenxshed an the shelves by shutes fromn above and an au- tomatic eloctrically controllcd check-out cashier. The appreciatian ai the ga- thoring ta the speaker for his interestin.g aind enlightening address was expressed by Lion Irwin ColWill who presented Lion Verne with a small gift as a memento ai his visit. Lion President Chas. Megit then called on the members ai the installing team of the Cobourg Club who installed the new officers of the local club in a very efficient main- ner. Thanks ta members ai the team was expressed by the incaming president, Lion Harry Jase, and the autgoîng president, Lion Chas. Megit, for the fine manner in which the installation was conduct- ed. Band For Carnival Following the installation ai the new officers, the new President, Harry Jase, con- ducted the remainder ai the business ai the meeting. During the business part ai the meeting, Lion John Rick- ard, chairman ai the carnival committee, repanted the 52 piece RCAF Band had been secured ta present an hour concert at the beginnîng ai the annual carnival on July 8th, and asked the members ta remember the carnival was the day following the next regular meeting ai the club and ta corne ta the meeting prepared ta help construet the booths etc., in readiness for the carnival. A donation ai $25 was made ta the Follet Flood Relief Fund and it was decided the holiday meetings ai the club would be held on the first Thursday in July and the third Thursday irD August. Lion Murray Paterson was the lucky winner ai the 50-50 convention fund draw. Calendar of Comlng Eventa are pîaioed on theïr roots lui July l-Bass and Maskln- single file, then the trencÇi is ange Seasan Opens. refilled and well tramped ta COOUNTY FOREST CORNER exclude air pockets. Ta pro- Ed Youngman, Caretaker, venit the earth becoming dry Durham County Forest. and warmn, thc trenchos are lI spite afintnumerable'dug as noquired. As thec trocs lectures, movies and litera-i are betag placed in position, trsome people each yeair' someone is filuIng the trench, fatu bsreeweemn thus the roats are oniy ex- faile obevesaryiorw u elemear ndsnlgt o coss in planting trocs abtata- a iow seconds. cd imom Provincial Tree Nur- d If the season is dry, the series.heeled in" trees are given a At Dra County Forest, libonal soaking ai water at vie try ta protect thec trocs * 1 least once a day. "Heeling In" transit from sun and wind should always be donc li with a tarpaulin. Upon arri baose, cultivatcd sail, nover val ait home base, if the trocs ta sod, because thec latter will cannat be planted withln a flot paik down praperly and short periad of tume, we quit lbaves air packets which wiUi other work ta heel them ln. be detrimental ta the trocs. "'Hceling in", is simply digging When plantlng trees, wo a trench, usually anc foot trY ta observe flince basic deep aind anc foot wide, with mules, maike sure the roots are anc side gently slaping, into:ý damnp; maike the hale large which the bunches o! trocs enougli ta accammadate the roots; alfter eplaclng thec Mr. andl Mrs. T. Wray on Sun.cairth, punch it down firmly dy evening. wit~h th boot heel. pa Thewrierhais known po Jackson was amang a nfltile icta beave trocs ta crates, ber oi ather Oshtawa Ohurch aut in the sun, without wa- Officiels who attended the ter, for two or mare weeks- men's conicirence ait Elgin before planing, thon cam- House andl Keswick, Lake plain ai hîgh mortality and Simcoe aven thse weekend. blame the nursery far dispen- An enjoyable Pascoe iainliy sing pon stock. picnic was held ina aur park on The aid maxim that "amy- Saturday andl was lairgely ait- thing thait's wonth doing, tended. should be donc riglit", cor- The funea-al services cd Mr. fainly holds truc ta troc R. Preston Mapie Grave, and plainting. Mr. Hooyer ai Hampton, were CRSMSTE held at the nartlu cemeter,, onCGRIWES'MSEEG Saturday andl were langely at- GE F. MEETINGn temndd. Thexr~tnhyai fthe Timber Superviser ceramnis i xtncdtte A Forestry field day, de- Coreatua osad.xtne signed toa assist growers with Conratlaion an etenedtheir pnoblems af manage- ta Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson mont, will be heid ait Durham who on Saturday neacihed their Couinty Forest an Saturday, 58tih wcdding anniversar37. June l8th at 1:00 p.m. Christ- They were guess oit tlic home mas trocs play an important oi their son Dean andl Mr. robe in this area; thcy pravide Hodgson, Bowmanvillc, where paitg cnops from poor land, a pleasant famiÉly gatherîng and the labour empiayed in was heid in iiheir hanor on their production is a boom ta Saturday cvening. They were the local econamy. An estim- .the recipients of many beauti- ated 600 persans aire emplay- fui flower, gifts and cards. cd in the Lindsay District Theur many friends sincerely during July an pruning alone. trust thcy may be spained ta Speakers will discuss in- enjoy health andl strengtih and sects aind diseases, radent more haippy wedding ainnivers- damage, fire protection, mar- amy occasions. kets, pruning techniques and Mn. aind 1&Als. Oliver Hub- cane ai cut aven aroas. A tour bard, Oshawa, visited Mx-.oa the noarby plantations wili Sairah Allun on Sunday and aic- be held ta demonstrate pro- companied thcm ta Osh'awa for per gnowing techniques. iirst- a visit with tlhemn there. haind. Mn. andl Mrs. Gondon Wakely Ail interested individuals and iamiulY, Toronto, visited aime welcome. Mrs. Luther AIIIIin and farmlly FOREST PIRE on Sunday. Mms. L. AllUn aie- EXTINGUISHE» com'panied them ta Port Penny .J. Waddell, ta attend the 25th wedrdin6a an- Timber Forester. niversary celebratian o! Mm. Lindsay District's third far- anr "m-- Martyn Rennick. est line ai the season occurred N_ýewDodu!e Six ln Methuen Township onj June 9th. Frortunateiy, aIent dotoction work by the Lands and Forosts tawerman onabled the angers ta be on the scene very qulckly wlth the resuit that the tire was confined ta a small area. The cause- CARELESS SMOKERS. Be vigilant when yau are in the bush. Careful attention ta the way you dispose af your cigarette butt or match is anc way you can provent iorest tires and heIn ta keep ON- TARIO GEXE. YELVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bris- tow, Gwry and Cathy, Mr. and Mns. W. J. Malcolmn, Miss Zmna Henders aind Mis. Hazel Clubine spent portions ai titis week et a cottage ait Lake Cat- ciiecom-a on vacation. Deopest synipathy is extenal- cd to Mr. andl Mis. Jaicob Van Déni Sr. and other close tri- ends andl relatives in the death of their son-in-law Mi. John Hooyer of Hampton. Alsa to the farmlly of that grand oadd maxiChamecdlon R. P. »owles oi Ncstlcton who was ioved aod rospecteal by al wl» i the fiprivilege oi know- ing hina, comnbtalng that rare conbikmtion of modesty, hum- Make Your Summer Count Acquire new ukilis and knowiedge. Get an early start on au office- position. Enjoy a satisfying sense of achievement ENROLL AT ONCE - IN SUNNE SCROOL CLASSES J AT THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Chaose froin the foliowing: Shorthand, Typing, Bookkeeping, Business Machines and Associated Subjects. Asic For Free Lileralure If you need a Review or Refresher on English, SpeIling, Rapid Calculaition, Arithmctic, Penmanshîp - Now Is Tour Opportunity Rours: 9:00 am. t. 1:00 p.n. Registrations also accepted now for Fail Term ,Just Dia! RA 5-3375 - Get the Facts 10 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA, ONT. icts like an Eight-,ý ... saves on any gas!1 'XStmxIbY PeMpleWho Inow... by Canadians rroa osst-to-coeauthedi Dodr. Ecoouy Siant 'Six", a bril- riant acbisveanof ai Oysier Corporation Enineeing. le's a new kind of high-.piriW e oeomy cugine, designed ta take funi advantage of the latest advances in gsoline developmnent. Thoroughly tested on ail major brands of gis, it conflrmed early peictions... V-8 spirit and pep witb up ta 50 ex-ra mile. on ever tankfuLl. oin the swing to Dodp DM - .. aaclinat it todayl 60 DO.DGE DARTf m vOIEOa" DOmOm solrO MALl MO.6A Newcaistle - The annuai othon and Daugliter Ban-1 tet ai the Newcastle Lian- tes Club was hcld on Mon- ýy evening in flic Honey Ilow Restaurant. Eacli ai e daughters were prcsenfed h a suitable gift, and aiter doliciaus tunkey dinner flic .sident, Mis. Pauline Storks nducted flic business o!flice *niag. A. veny. special guest oiflice ening, introduced by Mrs. dson, was Mrs. Conleft imsey aiflthc Isle of Main o told the gathening a!flier :u ta Canada and flic difier- ces she cncaunfened hoe Dm those ait hem home. She id she liad enjoyed hon visit Canada immcnseiy. Winners ai a dnaw conduc- at flic meeting were two fhe daugliters, Leslie Ste- xnson and Susan Goode. If is announced fIat flicLion- ts club had realized $21.02 tlie booli ait the park on 1niglit a! Maiy 23 wlien thec rimunity fieworks display as in pnagross. Two mcm- ýr aiflic club, Lionette Doaa fsey and Kay Stephenson ýre appainfcd ta niake caf- for flic refneshment boofli the Lions Cairnivai on July iThe members ailso decid- fa t serve supper fa flic ,AF Baind an thaf niglit be- re flicir concert. Plans wene ide ionrflic Lionette baoth the carnivai whidh will in- ide sale ai homemade can- 1novelties, etc. Arrange- Dnts have been made for a rcel post sale and Mirs. dson lias oifened ta bake fruit cake which wlll be ed as a pnize ianrflic pen- Sguessing neainest ta flic necf weiglit aiflie cake. LÂonette Orena Megit gave report aiflice activifies ait eLions District Carnivai Id in Ottawa in May. Lion- ýKay Stephenson was flic nner o! the confcst con- eted on "Trecs". 'l7e most enjoyabie evcning tbrauglif ta a close witli msat interosting and inior- A DURO PUMP Means Better Living!! UR DURO Water Sys- /tem gives us fresli, pure water when and where we need it ... adds ta our con- venience and comfort of daiy tif e. DURO Pumps are avait- able in ail sizes ta nieet in- dividual needs. Sec yoir Plumber or DURO dealer for fuit information or write for FREE foider, «Running Water, the Farm Necessity". PUMPS & SOFTENERS LIMITED PF 82 LONDON - CANADA JACK BROUGHI PLUMBING and HEATING Division Street South MA 3-5615 BOWMWAN VILLEý mative travelogue presented by Lionetto President Pauline Stonks illusfrated witli beau- tiiully coloureal slides on lien recent trip ta Mexico. Lions -En joy "Food" Subjeci At Meeting S evei St. George s Av W.A. Adjourns Ra whc Till Autumn ec Newcastle - The regular said meeting of the Evening Branch in of St. George's Women's Aux- iliary was held in the Parish I hall on Wednesday eve nied June l5th, and was vpenmgofai with prayers, iollowed b tephei reading and approval of the wa: minutes ai the previaus meet- ette ing and reports by the treas- at1 urer and flower secretary. the con The Little Helpers' Secre- was tary announced the postponed berc picnie ai the Little Helpers Kel] would be held in canjunctian wer with the St. George's Sunday iee School picnic at Waltona Park at t an July 6th. 8th. A thank you card was re- cd ceived ironi Mary Dewdncy I for the bon voyage gift given fr ta her by the members ai the mai Branch at the last meeting att aind a letter ai ýthanks was re- cluc ceived irom the Durham dy, Trustees and Ratepayers' As- mer sociation for the fine banquet par served to thcm by the Brainch Bni at the ainnual meeting. a f Following the business the son remainder ai the meeting was corr spent ini quilting and the L branch adjaurncd until the ar next regular meeting ta, beth I eld in September. held *ette Win] lewcasile duct Sd and Gravel' . Supplies DULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING Phone Newcastle 3136 Gordon Heatlie NE WTON VILLE ONTARIO Au YOM DRAM SAsOUTMfl eflUPCAR CARIVL N____ N flity and humnnty complmeu'., ted witi a great sense of hwn.. Our. Yelvertamians divided theéfr allegiance titis past week uin-' ong three local garden parties, Cadimus, Lifford and Janetville and praceed thds week ta f iglit the "lBattie of thé Bulge". Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan en-' tertained Mr,. and Mrs. Joshua Evans af Woodville es Sunday' dinner guests. Other guests in. oluded hft. and Mrs. Wmn. Med. land, Mir. andl Mrs. John Med- land, Bille and Barbara of Ercooklin. The Rae Mélcolms acci1Wnu panied us et Malconia to a Mal- colni-Wriglet relly at the hS»e of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright of Islington. Other guests were Mr. Les Wright of Toronto, the Ralph Malcolnis of Scar- borough and the Victor Mal- colmas of Nestieton. Cet Tour Price through S T AT E S M A N Phono MArket 3-3303 FREE! FREE! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase 0f gas t you VIGOR OIL SERVICE STATION 'We Speclallze la Pet oad Servimoe CORNER 0F MANVEES BOA» AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 8-3681 Double Siamp Day E9very Tauday - Corne Ont and S». Our DIspIay et Gifla Complete Lubrica" tiaa a Reasonable Prie. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PIUCE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUA14TITY AT THE STATION VPEENIIGS Al SUNATS NE WTON VILLE GARAGE i i- 1 PAGE M-3m TRURSDAT, TM CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANvnj,& ONTAMO RW Mr& lm