- - -- - --- -- ______- ~.- -.---v--w--v----v~~w--vw~ TER CANADIAN STATESMffl, OWMANYHLE, ONTAIO SEXTEEW TRU SDAY, 3UM'IK& US PAGE " Multi stripes of Rose, Gnon, lue e nd WALK!R'S o i Yeilow June Heohod Unen Sole 1. " Sized to fit cil standard pillows FI Gay pillow covers of finely woven firm cotton that should give yeors of wear . .. Sized to fit ail standard pillows -... plain hems ta last longer . . . Buy severai in these colorful multi-stripes of Rose, Green, Blue, Yellow . .. Packed in poly bag for storing or giving. Walker's Household Linen Sale, pair 1.17. Spe-wcial Purchase!1 Chip Foa. PiIlows " Size 17 x 25 WALKER'5 " Quilted Anol. Hoseol sin Covoring Um aiI ACH SPecial Purchose cf a popular (Chippedi plastic foam f illed pillows .. . quilted white angelskin covering. . . Gaod looking cern- fort for every day use - at home or the cottage . . . inexpensive toc. . . Walker's Household Linon Soto-,eoch 1.37. Big 22 x 32 Inch Si». Tea Towols " Iporfted Linon WA&LKWU juane " Pastel stripea Househol * Uuoly 9 Une SOMI 3 fC Tea toweis- a big 22 x 32 inch size ot linen that dries glasswaro and china sa sparkling dry . .. in seft pastel stripes that will blend with mest kitcher, colars. Us- ually .49. Walke,'s Jum eïuseheSi LLaem soie, «eh .39, 2 for .73. Low Pricedi1 Imported Embroidered PiIIow Cases " Fne CoHen WALKERI54 Standard sixe., h Iu 2 " Usuolly 1.79 Linon Soli] PAIR Embroidered Pillow cases, Of fine weoive cotton, make such fine June gifts... these in a variety cf designs will find favor with most home makers. Standard size, and first quality of course. Usually 1.79. Walker'a Houseold Linon Sale, pair 1.22. Big Thick Terry Buckh Towels *Subetadord *36 x60 lammu Nons.hld 388 Lia« SolAC Sig, thick, thirsty toweis in a varietv of beach prints. . . Substandard mostly in printing . . . defects sheuld net affect drying quality of tewels in the ieost. woIker's J,.. Houseoed Une. Sale, em*l 1.88. Summer Weight in Two Sizes "Storm King" Flannelotte Blankets Bh9 Double Bed Size 70" x 90" 4m49 PAIR Extra Large Bed Six. 80" x 90" 4m99, PAIR Softly napped flannelette blankets in a just right weight for Summer use . . . fiq'nly woven of natural cotton fiannelette sheeting with Rose or Blue borders .. . Whipped ends for longer wear . .. f irst quality of course . . . Walker'm Houmehold Linen Sale, Two ixes 70" r 90". pair 4.49 or 80" x 90" pair 4.99. Warmth W ifho ut Weight ! Our Lowest Price Eve 1 Viscorlon Blankots 0 90 % Viscose, 10% Orlon blend WALKER'S 0Double bed 7W x 84" ixe June Houtehold 39 0Usually 5.98 Ue.Sl.lAcHf Viscorlon Biankets give snug weightless comfort summer and al year round . .. blended of Viscose and Orlon yarns in just the right weight to chose summer night chilis . .. avoulable in colors that stay bright washing after washing of--Gypsy Red, Green, Pink, Blue, Sandalwood or Turquoise. Matching color 6" satin ribbon binding . .. 72 x 84 inch size. Walker's June Houmehold Linen Sale, each 3.99. i -~ Mealtime Drighteners Gayly Printed Table Cloths Popular Inches I Sixs 139 "Coi 32 x 70 I fl £ACH Gavý prrt- that will blend with many a color scheme and bring added brightness ta meoltime . . . Chaos. from a variety of prints on "Wabasso" quaiity cotton. Two sizes. Walker's June Household Linen Sale, 52" x 52" each 1.99. ST' x 72" eoch 2.99 Big, Big Selection ! Low, Low Priced! Thick Thirsty Terry Towcls " Mill Clearance LKR " Bath Sizus Mostly 22' x 42" JaineoIusehold @7 7 " Some firsh, Some substondards Linon Sole!1 EACN Whether yeu need towels for now or later, It wiii pay you te shop this big, big selection . . . This miii clearance cf better quality bath tawels incfudies plain colors, strIpes-some are substandards with sl;ght defects that sh;uld flot af fect use . . . In bath sizes - mostly 22 x 42 inches. Waike,'s June Household Linen Sole, aooh .77. dm-gy Face Ce.o'À's Speciai purchase cf a miii cicorarce offers a w dn selection et strjpeý, picin celors and fancy bordered wash cloths. . . Some firsts, some ubstar. Ail feature value during - 5for Walker's June HWmehold Linon Silo................. 5 MON., TUES., THURS. AND SAT., om av STOBE 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. li FR1E. -A.M.A LTO 12:30P.M. W alkzer's oiB wmnv lle HOUE: WE. - 9 A.M. TO 19:30 P.M. 5 KING ST. E. MA 3-5451 uane isuscholdlinen, 9 FmLL - THUESAI JUNE 23 THEUGE SATUEAT, JILY 2 kmn; Ken Sedirnan, Roy Owen. Four Legged race open, Ri- ckey Gay, David Tonkin, Ed- dy Hanewich; Glen Sawich, John Hiall, Reiiardt Silver- thorn; Ken Sedn-an, Dernit Long, Roy Owen. Girls, Lece Adamis, Rosanne Mitchell, Betty Alçlsworth; Be- atrice Mitchell, Carol Long El- aine Bebee; Donna MicQuade, Lorraine Wilkins, Maii Pi-- ean. Relay R4oce, open, Girls, Bea- trice Mitchell, Lee A.damsa, Car- ol Long, A. Whs; Rosanne Mitchell, Betty Aldsworth, Jan- ice Tivlor, Donnca GoC«mx. Bûys, Ro-r Owen, RickeAilay Ken SE& , , lec mm Wal.er liEddy Hanïet Nick Ce-. David Tonkin. Sack Wi--ce, open, Beatrice Mfitcheil, G«> ':01o Long, Lee Ad- aâ.-s. Boy'. 1,:ui Hall, WalVer with engraved plaques ait ti- Septemnber meeting of Haie.4 and SchooL As in foer yr m members of Homne md = 1oo served refreahanezta duripg the noon hotu- and a stSdy sile o«! pop, ice creain, hot doUa, - vgetc. until aul vu a" L V, E COURTICE Mr-. and Mm .Wlit Erow% Mr-. Gordon Brown, spent Wed- nesdmcy in IMddieportS Yorek, and attended thef al ocf tiheir cousin Mira. Sparks. IMrs. A. Wilkin2s, Mirs. Rab. ert Bryans and Virginia Brown attended a shower held Wed- nesday evenmng at the home of Ma's. Wallace Munday, Maple Grove. Guest of honour wus T7' TiaMolly Bennett Who wlU ,orne 1the lbide of Mr. Ted' Coalwell on July 2nd. Miss Judith Coulter, Toron.. to, is visiting her uncle and aunt Mr-. ad Mns. Alexcoul. ter. Mr'. and MrB. Harry Wil- cox, Buffalo, N.Y., are vlslting with Mir. and Mini. Len Cook. Mr'. and Mira. George Hutton and daughters, Guelph, we weefcend guests of Mr. and Mr&. HomryHUtton Sr-. Mirs. Harry Hutton was guest of honor at a birtchay party at the home aCf MIrs, Myrtle Stouffer, Oshawa, assgted by Mrs. Viola Tait. The monthiy meeting of thé Midcway Group of tihe CourtUe W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Barry Johnston with Mm, S. K.iriman in charge. Devo- tions were conducted by Mmra Mary Robinson. Conteet wim. ners durinig the meeting were 1.trs. A. Wilkins, MIra. B. John- ston, Mrs. C. Archecr. Lunch was served by the hosteau and Mmr. R. Cook. Prembyterial Tes A very successful Pi-esby. terlal Supply Tea was held at Ebenezer Uncted Ohurch on Motnday, June 20th. A large number ocf new and used articles were displayed around tihe Sunday School room and superviset by Pres- byterial Supply Secretary Mrs. Carl Down, Ebenezer WXMS. Supply Secretary Mira. Robert Muir and Ebenezer Evenlng Auxiliary Supply Secretaxy Miss Jean Gay. Presidents Mirs. Ken Hopkins and Mirs. Wilfred Brocwn re- oeived bhe many gueste froni the various woanen's organiza.. tions in finis Presbyterial. Refreshments were served sit attractive tables In a pink and white theme. Memrbers of Eb- enzrWMS. and Ebenezer Evening Auxfliary served and made the ladies niost welcome to the first Supply Tea at our ohurch. Fild Day The annual field day exer- cises were held at tihe North Courtice Publie cSol oh Thursday with tihe follo'wlig winners: Girls 8 and under, running race, Lorilel Beerthuzin, Deb. bic Taylor. Wendyr Brown. Boys, RîchrSd FAlls, Gary Bah. me, Harry Weinshiimer. Girls 9 a.nd 10- Diane Hu- meniuk, Jayne Gay, Kar nIl. 1fe. Boys- Keith K ey Ronald Pidduck, John io-xa Girls 11 and 12- Donne Mc- Quade, Lorraine Wilkms, Ro- berta Cook. Boys- Wayne Mc- Lachlin, Dennis Walker, Greg- Couch. Girls 13 and over- Beatrice Mitchell, Cairol Long, Connie Walker. Boys- Roy Owen, icky Gay, Glenn Sawiah. Running Broad Jumip, Girls Il andic under- Donna Me- Quade, Rutlh Porter, Lorraine Wilkins. Boys-- John Slkoea Ronald Piddruck, John Krezan- ouski. Girls 12 and over- Bea-trice Mitchell, Caroyl Long, Lee Ad- anis. Boys, Dennis Long, Don- ald MeLiacihlan, Eddie Hiane- wioh. Shoe Kick, Girls open, Carol Lonig, Maija Plrinean, LArraine Wilkins. Boys open, Glenn Sawich, Dennis Long, Rlckey Gay. Wiheeabarrow race, Grls open, Carol Long and Beatrice Mfitchell, Barbar-a Brocwn and Car-ole Sedcman. 4**-ý >00,10