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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1960, p. 6

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"M CAADIAN STATUMAN«. DOWUMN2V=LLq OIITAUSDA.JNEUd Add 5 Rooms at Port Hope Board Accepfs Proposai To Build New High School Between« Newcastle & Oronoi *-The Durham County Dis- tirict Higli Scimool Board hel the regular June meeting ut Mmll"Xbrook Wed., June 15. Fif- teen membens were present. Accaunta loalling $19,120, ýwene approvel for paynicnt. SThe Board agreed ta pay Zrfl Uic fane ai the students froin -Orono attending Uic United N~1aions Seminara and Uic Sleadership Camp. The ncw *~piao for Orono that was z se far nheicbudget la ta, ha purchased mand Uic aid anc -advertiscd for sale. Duning Uic summer a pro- - granm ai renovatians and de- -.ecorating will b. carried an at bah Part Hope and Bowman- -vile. Tenders for fuel ail wcre *considered. Bei arc a decisian Ia rcached, lime bidders anc la ba asked as regards a local tic-mn. Some aiflime bids ap- --'pear la be ignorlng local mer- chints. The two shimta for Bowman- ville arc belng compilcd with a view ta lining up Uic bus routes. When detalis are com- pieted, ekch pupil will reccive a letter wihUice oom, room tcacher, book lista and infor- miation needcd. Approvals fan Uic MUif. brook school have been ne- cived from ail cuglt muni- cipalities and Uic malter was befare Uic Municipal Board fon approvai. If ail goas wefl, construction can tarI iJuly. Final plans for the Cou- lice school have beau approv- cd by Uic Board and thc School is presentiy out fon tender. Tenders are to b. op- encd on July 6U.__ beensFdylng theeed1fr"d addition ta Port Hope. This Committee recommended that five roomi b. added ta be ready by September 1962. This was accptcd by thc Board and a proposai is to b. sent to the Dept. and discussed with the Port Hope council. A special Conittee had also been studying the needs af Clarke Township and New- castle. Their recommendation that a sehool b. bufit about half-way between Newcastle and Orono wss accepted by the Board. The ncxt meeting will b. in Port Hope, Wednesday, July 2n ut 8:00 pi. Mn. and Mnr. T. Vaughan and son, Arnol, and Mis. Wil- liam Vaughan oi Port Credit were weekend guests with Mr. anid Mns. Tiomas Jen.nings. Ernest Lamb, who lias been a patientI Clvlc Hospital for many montlis was home for a few days last week, going back again on Frlday, and le expect- cd to undengo furtimar uurgcry on Wedncaday. Mn.. Hazel Clubine, Grand Prairie, Alla., is visiting for twa months with her sister, Miss Emma Henders hi Yelver- ton anmd renewing aid friand- ships li Bethany. Beverley White, daughter ai ai Mr. and Mrs. Harold White, le hoie again from Civic Hos- pitl, Peterboroughi. Mrs. Ina Gribble, Lanmbeth, spent Uic past week with Miss Laure Morton. The houselol furniture ai Uic asIate aiflime late Miss Han- nah SImples was soid by public auction on Wednesday mter- nos>. Mr. and Mirs. Cecil Hughes, Toronto, visited with Mies Lau- ra Falles duing Uic wcekend. Wliss Joan Morion, 'wsho un- derwenl auccessfu-1 eye surgct'y i Peterboroughi Hospital last week, is aow caavaiescinig ai time home of her parents, Mr. anid Mns. Hecor Morton. Mr. and Mirs. Haily Me- Mahon, Peterboroughi, ware wcekend guesta witii Mrs. Ina Pailmer. Norma» Lowes, Toronto, waa home for lime wcekend with hi. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Lowes. Min. Wm. Balley, Ingersol and Mr. and Mn.. F. Hathaway, Port Huron, are visiting witih I0 WMANVIE ROYALm3M TMISTH0 S. TO SAT'.,JMRE23 -2à Matlne. Sut. at 2 p.m. NOSI[R PJYM icCfC Mi ccomu Extra:- Colon Short and Cartoon Complete shows st 7 and 9,20 NON. TO UnD., JUNE 27 - 29 "The Tempest" (Colon)' Van Heilin, Viveca Lindfors Weli-madc cntertainlng spectacle TRIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDATS JULY 11 le 23 inclusive Taugel ..____85o Health Salto 59e Nuecanl 1.00 Eno Salta 79c, 1.19 Unguentine 79e_ ~ Koa Si.3c,6e 8 Ozonol .--- -70oc kvhSla 9,6c 8 i & .J Firsi Aid Sal Hepatica 45c, 89c, 1.09 Cream ---63e - 9ge Andrews Saitas 5c, 89e AnTaps Vacation Needs Deodrat 250 Sunrite Glaises 25e t. 1.98 1.25 -Polaoi Glaises 1.98-2.98- Toue Ray Ant x Glaises .- 4.00 te 10.00 Stopette fer garden Dathiar Caps 79e-98-1.U b On o 45. Nivea Cream 43c-73c.1.33 ipecW 1.2u - ~Noxzema Suntan _____ M T« ~Lotion -S60o -1.00 mne Fli Tex Coimierte.-9ne 1.50 Mne Spray Noxema Guard -- 75o stick 390 -6ou Off - Immcc Repeleat 89. 1.00 Inecl omba Lipshcks lu y= - 88.-LU New Catez Slistlok 6Oc Km m -_____1.-l1i Quik U On - 2M0 Rail_____ L89 Rai Elsop -.00-1.5 COWLI NG'S tu. DRUG STORE " en an. ud Mmrs.James MclCinnon. St. ft-il'. Ladies Guild Thme Ladies Guil aio St. Paul's Anglican Church met ai lima home ai Mn. Charles Smithm, with Mire. Morgan Bige- 1low preauiding for lime meeting and leading ini prayers. The secrctary. Murs. Gien Wcntworih read minutas of pravious meeting, aiea report- lng on lime coupons iurned in for Uic new caiffce urn. 1r Mi'.. John Palumer, treaurer, rcported Uic financilisuecess af oatering for Uic Teachcr's Federation banquai recently. It was agreed Ibet no mcel- ings b. held durlng Uic months ai July and August. » Lunch was servel by Uic hosless,, assisted by Mrs. Rob- crrt Sisson and Mis. G. Wenl- weirth. United Churah W.M.S. The menmbers ai the W=ien's Mussionary Society ai the Uni- ted Church wene entertained a± the home ai Mis. Mervyn Par- toua on Tueday evening, with Mrs. Otto Spencer presiding for theur meeting. Murs. Clarence Roweui had chargeaiflime dJevotionai period witm hynin singing, acripture treading and explanations anid tleading mn prayers. A card of Uianks was received- for a baie af clotming recenliy sent ta headquarters. Miss Mary Mceamzie gave a talk on Obnistiani Citizeiuship, reniadi.ng thc members ai stheir rasponsibiiity as world 1citizana. I"We shouid have a -deep cancer» fer the happeni- ings In lthe world lodasi. Wc 1should rememnben gralcfully thoe wlio have gane before and pved the way for un. Cil- izenhipaffrdsmainy pnivil- cgees ad new Canadans takc grat pride I receiving their citizenship papers i this Uand ai timeir adoption. In years past niany individuals have ,bac» wifling la make personai. sac- rifices for their country. Wc need ta b. on lime sida of thc litle people aiflthe world anid work in tiheir defence." Min MucKenzie alsa gave a bnifrevlew oi th. hlstory ai Canada. Mrs. Henry Jakeman was pnesenuted w'ith a 111e menibar- slip certiflente muid pin m* ap- preciation oiflier meuiy ycars ai active service. Mure. George WALddell readtUi c compasiy-1 îing addireesand Mur. Thomas Jackon prasentcd Uic gifle con beimalf aiflime Society. Followtmg lime cloaing banc- diction tiSe iostess served lunch and a social hour was enjayed. Womcn's Institut. Meeting The Weman's Institute hall thiar meeting lii week in Uic United Clmurch, Sunday Schoai room, with Mis. Adddsosi Scott presiding. The rail call wmas nswened by nanig a Oanadlma Beauty Spot attractive ta touriste. Murs. Vrmeent Jackeon read a pacm cancernlng Uic evenang's motta: "He who works witli Nature, werks wltm God." Mura. Ruapl Presto» secret- ary, rcad thme minutes, item from, Uic Federatel News and Canedien Association of Con- 0simmers bulletin; aïisa announ- cing time short course "EFat ta -Live" limaI wiU be lieldi Uic fail. Members werc given bro- chures of Institute holiday weeks being lield Mi Guelphi anmd Kemptville. Mn.. Scott requestedl mem- bers ta attend a citizens mccl- 4ng ta bc licld in Uic Township Hall on Ji.ne 23 whlen furtmer fire Protection fur Uic area will be d'iscussad. Hl. J. Misilory af time fira marsliall's office will b. ai lime meeting. Murs. Mansae Funney, distrlct director gave a repart aiflime recent district annuel meeting held aI M-unl Pleasant. Mr. H. R. McKnglml public relation representative ai Pas- t'al Services, of Taronto was guest Speaker and Uiawed a film 'Postimark Canada', wlhich gave on iMca ai Uic vast am.- ount ai mail liandî'cd dedfly in thc larger post offices iTor- onto and Monlureai, mx how it i. handil. ."Canada'. pootai mseiel G. Wentworlh, Imm .T ings, Ms. H. White, Mr Spefler, Ms. Haif y Ryle Vincent Jackson, Mrs.'1 coinume and Mn. Bruce with Mis. Emony Smith1 siffg Uic thenks of Uteum to, die houtes roup. 14< ings wMflb. held durit end August. LONG SAUL Mr. end lB.. J. M and Mms. H. Piertner ar ily, Orono, and UMx. w G. ICovacs were Sund iou ofiMr. and Ms. 1 fer. Mar. and Mm. W. wcre Satmnday evenlng of Ma'. and Mm. H. I Bewmanvlle. Mirs. G. MLaggan axi werc Sundm isoriaton i J. Woodley arid Mis. Hoq hIr. and Mai. H. M and faroily, Whltby, WE dey visitais of Mr. w W. Carr. Mr.. and Mis. BRye Miss Sandra Gibson a Norniain Davis werc visitons et Mm .G. B Toronta, and MT. and: Willarns, Aideawood. BETHANY 1. jenni- T. Ml- Northumberland - Durham :emb r Health Unit Report îg July REPORT FOIR MAT 190 the sanatorium or local clinle. Communicable Dises» Public heaith nurses visit pr -Total cases ai commumica- IodcaUlY ta ensure that thcy; bic disease n e d in May are contlnulng wlth thein vii as 7, uticrr exe e r vers, Homed P ery ownhip wa 4 u eewr e teiet om ramncases of any particular disease. bas resulted i a uhortenlng Diseuses reported were chic- of stay I hospital, and toge- kidltof kenpxballr dysentcry, ther wlth early diagnosis has id tam- mnctous hepatitis, germai; belpd ta eut down on Uic, nd Mrs. measies, red measies, mumps nuiber of patients ini hospi-1 IaY Vis- and scarlet fever. tal. F. Pat One suspected cases of na- Immuatlen bics i a cat i Hamilton In Uic varlous rural schools Veneyk Township was -confirnied by of Craunahe, Hamilton, Man- vistor th Laoraor afeiýexpri-ver, nd ere Tonshpsan DeMille, mental animais >used as a test immunization team consisting developed rabici. af doctan and nurses made the d Victor. Tuberculosls second of three trips ta 54 of Mis. A recent survey ,has shawn achools for immunization of )dgcson.. that there were 21 former school chîldnen and those pre- ýcKeown patients hi thc United Cou»- school children bnought ta thc re Sun- cds h have been discharg- schools by Uic parents. nd rs.edfrom sanatorium ta con- Family Hcalth Viiting rdMa.tinue on drug treatment at Public health nurses vlsited Gbohome. These persans rema-iî 686 homes In the United Cou»- Gbounder supervision of their tics during May. In 114 af these and Mr'. family physician as weil as Uic visit was made because of Sunday iliness i» the home, ta give . Dyce, ' Maili~' help and nursing supervision. Mns. H. In the ELwîors ii A bcd bath or nursing treat- ment was given In 86 of thc Bowmanviile, Ont. visita. June 16, 1960. Most ai the vieits, however, on Dean Mr. James, were ta homes whcre there On behalf of Bowmanville werc infants and smail child- .d to tic Graduates may I take this op- rn ulchat usn Ln HaJoy- portunity ta thank you for so sriet i ebr st kindly consenting ta corne same extent a continuation of rEmer- and take aur pictures an aur the nursing supervision given Macl Reunian Day, a gesture which i the hospital. was grcatly appreciatcd by us There werc 98 interviews in kend. hospital with maternity pa- Orono al.- tients. In their regular visits Toronto, Wishing the best ai success ta local hospitals, the public m. Ar -ta you and your staff mcem- health nurses sec patients and bers.1 hospital hcad nurses, thus en- Sameils Yours veny truly, suring that infants needing aid MiS. (Pies.>_ Hester Bac close supervision, such as pre-, girls in mature infants, reccive prompt IBusiness Drectory and frequent visita by the S.__________ -___ nurse aiter thcy leave the vas held i CC n1a I hospital: whercas expcricnccd ickstack. uccoi li fnothers with healthy infants wtlh the _______________ reccive a minimum of visita, or n Rev. RAT 3. DILLINO none. aycr. There wcrc 159 visits ne- by Mr OCertiflcd Public Accountant igarding Uic hcalth ai a school the De- 93 Church Street child. During thc month 29 )y Mrs. MArket 3-3861 ncw vision defecta wcre found nas sung. WN. 3. EL COGGINS aniong achool children, as wcll and ap- Chartcred Acutn as the 43 hcaring defects ce was Accoudntant found or confirmed by audio- «es were NewLSecond Blor g metric testing. I» cach case a Cor. King and Temperance Sts. oevsti aeb h' !rm aur Phone MAket 3-3612 public health nurse, who then' urer re- sends a note ta the doctor Uic ank ac- ALE FRIEDLANI)ER family will cansuit. HUNTER & CO. Health Unit staff made 30 rs. Hea- Accountants and Auditors visits in regard ta children at- ,Bowers Llcensed Trustee ini Bankruptcy tcnding mental health dlinics fore the 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 and patienta home ater treat- b joining Oshawa, Ontario ment for mental illnesa. .Wilson B. L. Yale, C.A. Audlometry, em. I. Friedander, B. Com., d.P.A. During the month 'of May, 1 anistin MONTEITH -MONTEITH because of the good weathcr call wasEHLtheUicmajarlty ai the lime spent Eany Old Chartcred Accountants on audiometer testing was at led. 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa rural schools. lisanHA 5-3527 A total ai 26 complete nt and Bowmanville classrooms ai pupils were mnadue on Cail ZEnith 45750 tcsted, of which appraximate- as, $340. Partiiers: îy 16 were anc or twa room of rcad- Ho». J. W. Montcith, P.C.A. schools in Clarke Township. kenbush, A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. Severai achools wcre also Mr.G G. W. Richi, C.A., R.I.A. viaitcd for the first time i ýee;rg* (Licenscd Trustee) Millbrook, Cavan and Man- Cartri- G. E. Trethewey, C.A. vers Townships, adding ta the Dung and R F. Lightfoot, C.A. total ai 908 children tcsted iwas re- during the month oi May. 0f, C hi1r o p r a ci c this total 43 wcre found ta r _____________a_ have hearlng defects, -Z ap- ta Mas. ELVEDWIN MANN. D.C. proximnately 4.5% ai those icharge Chirapractan Ges eneaantto Christsaui Office: GnrlSntto 15 Elgin St., cor ai Harsey St. In the swimming waters -Phone MA 3-5509 contrai programme, an early, Office Haurs: By Appointment start was made ta determine ____________________ thUi degie of pollution at al [E known swimming places. 33 E Dent a 1ispections wcre made with 37 was hos-_______________ water samples taken for bac- tea held DR. W. I. RUDELL, D.D.S. tei'iological examidnation. At *< Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. polina where iea s knw who 's 40 King St. W. Bowmanville pollution, dwer samplng t ta the office Hjours: provespouinwnngp- included 9am 6pmdly cards are erectcd. '. Alan P.m. atrayad da The winter's backlog ai pni- S. Ills» Office Phone - MA 3-5790 vate sewage disposai systems ergusan, Rouie Phone - NwcaÉtle 3551 ta be installed fallowing win- C. Fish- tcr and early sprlng hause H. Mcl- DR. E. W. SISSON construction requircd 130 in- L.D.S. . D.S. spections. The time involved Ly Wood- Office i his home in interviews in the liglit ai re week- 100 Liberty St. N., Bewmanvilc Uie resulling corrections cf- parents, Office Hours: iected is aiways difficulita Cooxuba 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily asscss. Tiis, however, is a, North Nesiiei SyMpat& extendeï faumnlie ai ic le Joh. er and R. P. Bowlas. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar son 'wiuh Mr. and Ms.. J Emerson over lime week Salie Hamilton ai and Mr. Geo. Joncs,1 with Mr..mand Mis. W= atrong on Sunday. Mr. and Mn.. Ken muid Anna visitaI Mr. na Melvile Samelis and1 OshMwa oni Suxxlay. W.Lan sd W.MJS The June meeting wi et Uic Parsonage, Bla< The meeting opened w tiheme sang and lime Ronieril led us i pi Scrlpiure wàs read1 O. Quaiekeuibualiandt volA anal was given b3 Emerson. Hymn 308 we Minutes were readà provel. Correspondenc rend and Uiank-you not misa real. We cleared $189.00 fr suPPe!r and oui' traa Ported $25648 In aur h cout Il was moved byM slip, secondel by Mns. limai we gel Biblesf Young people wimo ara thme chunlli. Mrs. A. was asked ta aider the: Mn.. J. Cairns read tcreting paper on C Stewardship. Ou i îoic an aid lime customi. M oustomes were mentionE There were 17 iadj saine duidIren pnese liera were four eaU. in shul-ins. Collection wa Progrtam consisted o igs by Mn.. 0. Quaci "A Mother's Lament"; Bowers, "Perfect Love N. Malow, "-Min Ch glil". Hytnn 157 was su Uic Mizpeh Bendiction peateËL Mrs. C. Adamni hcanty vote aoflilanica Romern ud gi'oup in taresting papen o» C meeting. BASE LIN] Mire. K. C. Hopkins v lama ai a 'Bon Voyage' aI her borne ihonour Fred Raed, Hasmpon, leaving acoc» on a visil British Iles. Guastsi Mas. Cari Down, Mrs Down, Ebenezar; Mii. Munday, Mrs. IH.Fi Bowmanviiie, Mrs. M. an, Newcastle, anmd Mrs. icw, Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Beun: wexd and son Jack wer end visitors with lier Mri. and Mrs. George and brotimers Bil and Mr. Fred Gale, Aja> 1a iew das lasi week tl of Mn mmd Mrs. Roy Va 1fMr. and Mrs. John' ;unI finily ailended til yea Pienie hel at beach on Saturday. Mrs. Lau Rowe, Toroc Mira. Maudc Dcnscm, D ville, werc Sun., callen .mad Mm.. Boy VanuCeu .Mri. and Mrs. Sain1 1 ad Mu&. end Mir. Dani tains spent lime weckerm %zin w4th Mr. anî Mis. 1Battams, Mi'. and Mns. Battants and, Mn. and M Ion Turnbull. Durinf 1visil Uiey al enjayed a at Sand Lake aI which: Battaumis was chef. .Miaple Grava Sunday 1Anuiversary services wi 1on Sunday maid Bey.a H. Staintôn. Mv. and » Nichais, Mn..maid Mr, Down and boys, MT. Do Miss Alice Arnol aRi lice: Mi'. mmd Mns.. Triait. Hamtpon; Mm s. ok, Mrs. P. Langnaid .R. Crossley, Oshawa,M ;supper guesi. af Mr.a 1J. R. Meteali and Mr. R( m'I. Mr'. muid Mre. Edwar tmuid fmrnily hal as the 1dey nightl aupper guest SM Mmrs E. W. Paley, Cno-lUMSure.,+er BEST BUY - SAVE 17e Green Giant Fancy - 15 oz. tdu SNALL PEAS 6 for %$.0O BEST BUY - SAVE 9c Stokeiy's Fancy - 20 oz. tini TONATO JUICE 7 for $1.00 BEST BUY - SAVE lic Niblets Brand - 14 oz. tini CO0RBN 6 for sl.00 BEST BUY - SAVE 16e Kam - 12 oz.ti LUJEWEON MEAT d4 for $100 BEST BUY - SAVE 24c Robin Hood - 5 Varieties CAKE WXES 4 for $.00 BEST BUY - SAVE 8c Regular - Doc. Ballard's Champion 15 oz. tini DOG FOOD 8 for $1.00 BEST BUY - SAVE 8c White or Coloured - Ballet TOILET TISSUE 8 rolis $1.00 BEST BUY - SAVE 30e Regular or Chubby KLEENEX TISSUES 7 pkgs. $1.00 FEATURE - SAVE Dole Fancy - 20 oz. tin CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 3 for $1.00 MEATURE - Kraft - % lb. pkg. CHEESE SLICES 3 for $100 FEATURE Begular 75c size Johnson's BABY PGWDER 2. tins $1.00 7<Teats CHOICE MEATY LAMB LEGS lb53c SWIFT'S PREMIUM FULLV COOKED, SMOKED % Cryovac Cottage Rolis ILb.59 c SWIFT'S EVERSWEET u Lb. pkg. Rindless Bacon lb.5 3 c SWIFT'S SLICED - 6 oz. package RE .: FT BNSjff MAPLE GROVE ORONO' BLACKSTOCI 1< FEATURE - SAVE lie Boue Brand - 1 lb. pkg. Colour QU&k %g NARGARINE 4 for $1,00 FETURE - SAVE 15e York Choie - 20 oz. tini DESSERT PEARS 5 for $1,00 FEMMUE - SAVE ns ]Red & White --Tall Tin EYAPGDATED MILE 7 for $1.00 FEATURE - SAVE 16e Special "K" 6% oz. Sugar Smaclks Corni Flakes 12 oz. Corni Pops EELLOGGS CEREALS 4 for $1.00 FEATURE - SAVE 29e York Brand - 15 oz. tini NEUT BALLS 3 for $100 FEATURE - Assorted Flavoiliis Red & White JELLY POWDERS 14 for $1,00 FEATURE - SAVE 10e size - Assorted CHOCOLATE RIS- 12 for $100 FEATURE Aybmer - 8 oz. Ice Box Jar STUFFEDOLIVES 3 for $100 FEATURE Red & White - 8 oz. jar INSTANT COFME $1.00 1 METM1E - HOMOGENIZ1WI Red &White - 9 oz. Tumbloer PEANUT BUTTER 4 for $100' FE4TUE - FANCY RED Gold Seul - % tins SGME ESAiLMqNl 2 for $100 FEATURE Plum - Grape - Auple Jeu3y Fruit Marmalade Wagstaffe's - 24 oz. jar »NMS and JELFtsg 3 jars $1.00 FEATURE FROZEN FOODS BIs ETm ORANGE JIJICE 4 &&un it 5 for $100 fkrocluce SWET, JUCY. CALIFOIMNA Good Size ORANGES 3 9 for $1.00 SNAPPY, CIS? l IGreen Beans 1- 2 lbs. 25c -Maple Grove Groceter-ia - Cornish Mark eteria - Blyth's Market ,1. PArIE mm adM.Temperance St. - Bawmanville been movad ta Oshawa. ~rer lie E.RICARDFour wecks ai observation wer the L IM LOVEKIN adsuevi fedworki and m. X.,B-4 LLB. ubli helthnuringwaspro- tase Met- Box 9, Newcastle vidcd for each aifaur nurses Pe.,ne Newcastle 2246 wha liaI compleled timeir rd Fodey Consultation by appaintmeni ca' study i public hcallh iir Sun- oniy. nus= g i Toronto, Western, ta- Mr. - % en's and Ottawa Univer- Mi'.. M. W. KAT LYCET1T, BA. sites. Each ai thase la a re- Calwell, Rarieter and Solicitor gistcred nurse who liad some ~ I MthyeuUi offices of years ai haspitl or other !eUc; Mn. R.LR. Waddcfl, Q.C. nursing before laking the pub- i Mis. S. Main Street. Onano, Ontario lic health course. lel¶- M orîg ges Miss Olga Wallace, Harrow- Muttn M rt gagi S umith, a publiceliealth nurse _________________ wilh some ycars o alalliunit larbrtn SAIXSA MTN ORONO work, completed Uic course' tCour- m public health nursig su-1 gucats oi Phone i r 16 penvision at Taranto Univer-> 1Cryder- flrst Monigage Fud sity anid spent Uic manth ai nday. Residences - Faims May with Uic Nonthumben- cms Tor- Business Properties land-Durliam Health Unit, ne- te aya , ccivlng field work I super- oy Van- 0up 1om et1ry vision with Min L. Steele. Visitons for a day ut thc , Wi, on E31E A. BILLETT O.D. Ilcailli Unit werc Mn. Ma'id trip tbis Optometrist of Malaya and Mr. Tete-Asie- 141 King StM - Bowmunvflc du of Ghiana, who have been 3vanef office Hous: By appointment studylng municipal adminis- nI. Teisphone MAnket 3-325 tration i Canada under the lemi Our 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Colombo Plan. thc Min- Manday ta Saturday Charlotte M. Honner, em on Thunsdav eveninov B.A., MM., D.P.H., Wednesdfys: 9 to là Mediemi Officer of Health J~I t.G *'~~ L mi> "i t. 4-f t4~) '-w, A,, flT -~v. ¶ * ** 41 :4 -"'g * 4,,,, 4:i I * 't. f i I -4 1,'. t,, 'J 'i. (t 11/ ,( 'I 1/ J, 'I If Si 2 - u %XM - arrs% 1 -, 8

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