?HURSDAYTJUY î4th, 1i6 Geoi Io High Schoo -Vrxminatïn R esuii (Continued from page ane) Pt CO 3-228 - OO Grade XI ta XII - lst Class Honours-M. Bat- tics, D. Brown, G. Burnham, S. Chernesky, M. Dickens, D. Gill, G. Houshander, J. Jaf- ieny, P. Knox, S. Leach, S. Lucas, L. Raberts, J. Traibal, J. Twist, A. Werry, N. Wit- voat, A. Woodlock, M. Yurko. BOWMANVI LLE BOY SCOUTS Paper Drive Starting ai 6 p... FR1., JULY ISth Citizens- are requcsted to have their old papers and magazines tied i bundles and placed homes. on the boulevards in front of their Vour co-operation is appreciated. *Grade X ta Grade XI - D. Turansky, N. Vanstone, C. Vermeulen, T. Watson, R. Wil- hst Chas. Honours-L. Ash- lis. ton, K. Bail, D. Brent, M. 3r hs oor-C. Ab- Bridson, G. Burgess, B. bot lasHoor Burth, . Cmber C.Chu bott, G. Baker, G. Balson, T. luey, J. DeJong, M. Fahîs, jiBlack, R. Burgess, E. Cale, W. Graham, D. Lane, L. Miller-, askovich, B. Coates, P. J. Owen, C. Robinson, J. Scott: Coates, D. Colwill, L. Cook, KÂren Sorenson, Cheryl Syme, M. Cardan, M. Cowan, N. Dan- SVanstone, S. Williams. rach, C. Elston, J. Fraser, L. Gibbs, D. Halîman, B. Han- 2nd Class Honours - B. sen, L. Hatcly, R. Hellam, C. Adams, J. Allison, J. Baker, Hicks, Eileen Hughes, D. Kerr J. Bac, C. Carr, D. Cox, J. (Fr.), B. LaChappelle, J. Lane, Culiy, N. DeJong, W. Devitt, B. Lowthcn, D . Mastenson, M. J. Hayes, G. Hendry, Evelyn Munday, E. McPherson, M. Hughies, R. Jackson, J. Lan- Oliver, J. Rekker, G. Rickand, der, R. Lander, C. Lathangue, j. Stammis, B. VanBelle, N. C. Liptay, N. Lascher. D. Voutt, D. Werry, C. Wilson Mann, M. McDonald, G. Mir- (Fr.) sch, K. Nimigon, M. Osborne, Pass-D. Alison (Geom.), H. Parrindar, J. Phillips, E. S. Alison, S. Anderson, B. Reyenga, D. Rickand, R. Rick- Annis, R. Baker, J. Bezubiak, ard, L. Samis, K. Sampsan, E. L. Brock (Math., Fr.), M. Car- Shackleton, D. Simmons, H. ter, A. Cale, J. Cale (Geom., Smdta Krse Sresn, F., L. Cannaghan, S. Coutts, MStwrt, H. Strikwenda, D.C.ox J. Coyla (Ind. Arts), Sweete, L. Taylor, R. Taylor, C. Finnigan (Maths.), G. Flin- toff, D. Foley, A. Foran (Fr.), M. Foran, I. Fowler, R. Fow- ler, Doug. Gibson (Fr.), Don u Gui (Maths., Fr.), J. Hallow- cil, W. Hannan, P. Heavysega (Gaog.,), A. Hofstede (Lat. Fr.), R. Holmas, (Fr.), N. &Hooey, E. Huggins, P. Hughes, L.Labrecque, P. Lake (Fr.), ~rDI ~ N. Lee, K. MacDonald, S. Mac- Donald (Math.), G. MacDou- ~- ALL KIND9 WE DO gai, R. McDonald, R. McMan- AT PRICEC TU1TARE us (Lat.), P. Mclntyne, P. FAIR TO YW!J Meaks, A. Malloy, C. Murphy ...> Fr.), M. Nettan, L. Nickerson, J.Oke (Fr., Lat.), R. Pearce, J.Pluisten (Fr.), L. Pring (Fr.), C. Rowen (Geog.), S. Simpson, D. Snider, D. Souch, Da. tainton, L. Welsh, K. Wor- The fllowing students will receive thair Sccondary School Graduation Diplomas: - H. Baker, W. Bantan, G. Black- burn, A. Boyd, D. Bragg, L. Braoking, R. Chant, V. Chant, K. Davay, P. Davis, A De With, J. DeWitb, E. Down, T. Dykstra, M. Emmerson, P. Gearing, A. Geboars, G. Gray, A. Groan, R. Hagarman, G. Hallowall, D. Higgon, R. Hof- stade, G. Hagetcrp, B. Hughes, J. James, Larry Jamieson, B. Knudsan, L. Landar, A. Lip- tay, C. Lyncb, K. Mackie, R. Marsh, C. Mason, C. Massie, K. McArthur, P. McCuilougb, H. McDonald, P. McQuccn, R. Meadows, D. Milne, E. Nick- erson, B. Ormiston, B. Ovens, L. Pearce, L. Piper, L. Rack- bain, L. Rackham, I. B. Raad, J. Rickard, J. Rowan, J. Run- dia, B. Savery, G. Smale, B. Staintan, D. Staintan, B. Thompson, K. Thompson, L. Thompson, L. Tink, D. Tnim, N. Turner, M. Vanstona, M. Wahker, T. Wraight, M.1 Wright.1 Credits as follows:- D. Bagnel-Hist. C; Geog.1 C; Ind. Arts C.1 H. Bakr-Eng. 3; Hist. 1; Gcag. C; Alg. 3; Chein. 3. B. Barton-Phys. C. G. Blackbun-Hist. C; Fran. Il '-. Now-you can guarantee your bot water supply for only a few cents a day with a modern two-element electric water heater. There' s a size and capacity suited ta yorir family's needs that will assure you of ail the hot water you need. If your present electric water heater has only one element, enquire abou. adding a second element of the same size for better performance. Heating water electrically is safer, cleaner, mare economical. What's more, with low Hydro Flat Rates there's no increase in operating cost. To get more out of life - get the most out of electricity. Bowman ville (tPublic Ut ilities Commission st. 3. ELLIOTT GEO. VAN BRIDGER Chair nManager J 2nd Class Honours-L. Aal- bers, C. Courtice, D. Foley, W. Gibson, S. Hancock, K. Hoff- man, D. Imlach, D. Irwin, D. Jase, B. Luxton, E. Nimigon, D. Oke, J. Rogers, K. Rose- vean, J. Sparrow, F. Rudman, D. Thompson, J. Widdicombe, G. Wright, B. Yourth. 3rd Class Honours-S. Bar- clay, R. Blackburn, J. Bath- well, L. Cameron, B. Clarke, J. Davey, J. DeGaoyer, S. Gray, R. Hetherington, G. Ken- nedy, J. Marsh, T. Mason (X- Fr.), J. Mooncrat, D. O'Rour- ke, J. Porter, L. Patta (Phys.), S. Rekkcr (Fr.). Pass-J. Alhin (Phys.), C. Austin, T. Bartlett, J. Beach, J. Brown, R. Brown (Phys. & Latin>, M. Bruder (Hist., Fr.), A. Cola (Hist.), J. Collacutt (Fr.), R. Crombie (Phys.), D. Crydarman, A. DaMan, W. Fisher, G. Fortnum (Hist.), Jane Fosten (Fr. Phys.), Judy Foster (Phys.), J. Hancock (Hist., Maths.), D. Hataly (Math.), D. Herbert, J. Hof- stade (Gr. X-Fr.), D. James, G. Jeffcry (Hist.), M. Kirkton (Hist.), R. Kostis (Fr.), D. Ly- catt, D. Maguire (Hist.), V. Malloy (Phys.), M. Mutton (Fr.). H. Panas, B. Phillips, J. Quinney, S. Rivers (Maths. Phys.), B. Rowe (Geom.), D. Rudman (Phys.), T. Simpson, N. Stephenson (Math.), A. Stinson (Maths. Phys.), G. Tomlînson (Geomn., Fr.), D. Tordifi (Fr. Phys.), G. Van Dyk (Phys.), K. Van Nest (Fr.) K. Wclsh, R. Welsh, J. Westheuser (Fr. Phys.), D. Williams (Fr.), D. Wright (Gcom.). Cradit le given ta the fol- lowing students in subjccts listed: W. Alliston-Geog. Ind. Arts; J. Flsber-Hist. Fr.; R. McLean-Geom.; A. Pickcr- ing-Comp., Lit., Art; W. Wil- son-Comp. Art; M. Foster- Camp. Lit. Ho. Econ. Grade XII Resuits L. Mutton-Fran. 3. E. Nickeson-Hist. C; Ge( 3; Chem. 1; Lat. C; Fran.2 B. Ormiston-Eng. C; H 3; Gaog. XI 2; Gaog. XII Alg. C; Chem. C. J. Ormiston-Eng. C; Mlg Art 2. B. Ovcns-Eng. C; Hist. Gaag. C; Chain. C; Home Ec L. Pearce-Eng. C; Hist. Geag. C; Alg. C; Chem. C. J. Perry-Eng. 3; Hist. Geog. C. L. Piper-Lat.. C. Lec Rackbam-Eng. 2; H 3; Geog. 2; Aig. 2; Chein. Fren. C; Mus. 2. Lynda Rackbam-Eng Hiet. 1; Alg. 1; Chem. 1; fat, Fren. 1. I. B. Read-Gcom. 2. J. Rlckard-Eng. C; Hist. Chain. 3; Lat. C; Ind. Arts 1 J. Rowan-Eng. 2; Hist. Geog.2; Alg. 2; Chem. C., J. Rundle-Eng. 2; Hist. Mlg. 1; Chem. 1; Lat. 1; Frg 1; Mus. 1. B. Savry-Eng. C; Hist. Gcog. 3; Chem. C; Home Ecc 3. G. Smale-Eng. C; Hist. Gcam. C; Chein. 2. A. Spicer-Home Ec. 3; Ei Camp. 3; Geain. C. B. Stainton-Eng. 3; Hist. Geog. 2; Alg.C; Chcm. 3;LI Arts 2. D. Stalnton-Eng. 1; Hist. Ag. 2; Chein. 2; Lat. 2; Fren. Wï. Thrtel-Lat. C. B. Thompson-Eng. 3; Hi 8; Alg. 3; Chem. 1; Lat. Fren. 3. K. Thompson-Eng. 2; Hij C; Geog. C;Phys. C; Chain.1 Fran. 3. b. Thompsan-Eng. 2; HIi 2; Alg. 3; Chein. 1; Lat.9 Fren. C. U b Tink-Eng. C; Hist. J. 1; AI Geoi D. A. T. M. laops wlth six wins and onc tic apicce. Zion trounced fourth place Bowmanvllle 10- 0, whila Courtice downed Ty- rone 4-1. The twa winles clubs met, with Hampton mav. ing past Enniskillan and out ai the callar on the strength af a 5-3 decision over tic En- niskillen crew. Sauina swamp- ed Maple Grave 7-0 ta break thc cxisting second place dead- hock between the twa clubs completing a full slate og. C; Chem. C; Ind. Arts C. :Trimn-Eng. C; Hut. C; og. 3; Chem. C; Fren. C; ne Econ. 1. qTurncr-Eng. 3; Hst. 1 9C; Chem. 3; Lat. C;Frn [nd. Arts C. FVanDyk--Georn.2. 9. Vanstone-Eng. 1; Hist. Alg. 1; Chem. 1; Lat 1; Fren. Gorm. 3. 4. Wa]ker-Eng. 2; Hist. 2; og. C; Chem. C; Art C. Welsh-Hlst. C. Wiseman-Hist. 3; Mus. 2. r.Wraight-Eng, 2; Hist. 1; S3; Chem. 2; Lat. 3; Fren. End. Arts 3. d. Wrlght-Eng. 1; Hist. 2; 93; Chem. 2; Lat. 2; Fren. .2 W. Blackburn-Eng. 2; Hist. 2; Chem. 2; Lat. 2; Fren. 2. A. Boyd-Eng. C; Hist.3; Alg. C- Chem. C; Fren. C; Ind. Arts à. D. Bragg-Eng. 2; Hist-XI 2; Hist.-XII C; Phys. C; Cbem. C; Fren. C; Art 2; Alg., C. L. Brocklng-Eng. 3; Hist. 3; Mlg. C; Chem 3; Fren. C. R. Chant-Fren C. V. Chant-Eng. 1; Hist. 1; Alg. 1; Chem. 1; Lat. 1; Fren. 1; Mus. h. G. Conway-Hist. C. J. Davey-Fren C. K. Davey-Eng. 2; Hist. 2; Alg. 2; Chem. 2; Lat. 2; Fren. 3. P. Davis-Eng. 3; Hist. C; Mlg. 3; Chem. 2; Lat. C; Fr. C; Mus. 1. A. DeWitb-Eng. 1; Hist. 1; Alg. 1; Chem. 1; Lat. 2; Fran. 2; Germ. 3. J. DeWith-Eng. 3; Hist. 3; Gcog. C; Alg. C; Cham. C; Fran. C. J. Dolan-Eng. 2. T. Dykstra-Eng. 3; Hlst. 2; Geog. 2; Alg. C; Art C. E. Down-Fran. C; Chem. 3. M. Emmerson-Eng. 3; Hist. C; Geog. C; Alg. C; Cham. C; Fren-XI 3; Mus. 3. E. Down-Fran C; Chem. 3. M. Emmerson-Eng. 3; Hist. C; Gaog. C; Alg. C; Chem. C; Fren-XI 3; Mus. 3. K. Fowlcr-Fren. C. P. Geaning-Eng. 3; Hist. 1; Alg. C; Chcm. 3; Fren. C; Ind. Arts 2. A. Geboers-Eng. C; Hist. 2; Alg. 2; Cham. 3; Garm. C. I. Gill-Eng. C; Ind. Arts C. S. Gimblett-Eng. C; Alg. C; Chem; Lat. 3; Mus-. 2; Hist. C. G. Gray-Eng. 3; Hist. 3; Geog. 2; Mlg. C; Art 1. A. Graen-Eng. 3- Hist. 2; Geag. 3; Alg. 2; ëhem. 2; Fren. C; Mus. 2. R. Hagerman-Eng. 2; Hist. 2; Alg. 3; Cham. 2; Lat. 2; Fran. 2. G. Hallowell-Eng. 2; Hist. 1; Aig. 2; Chem. 2; Lat. 1; Fren. 1. L. Hancock-Geom. C; Fren. C; Ind. Arts C. D. Hcnning-Chem. C; Alg. C; Phys. C; Geom.-X 1; Gaom- xi C. B. Higgon-Gaam. C; Chem. C; Fren. C; Home Ec. 2. D. Higgan-Eng. 2; Hist. C; Geog. 2; Alg. C; Chem. C. R. Hofstede-Eng. 1; Hist. C; Gaog. C; Ahg. C; Cham. C; Art 3. G. Hogeterp-Eng. 3; Hist. 1; Geo. 1; Mig. C; Chem. 1; Fran. 2; Germ. 2. Brenton Hughas-Eng. C; Hist. 3; Mlg. C; Cbem. 3; Lat. 3; Fren. C. A. Huggins-Mlg. 3; Chem. 3; Ind. Arts 3. S. Hull-Eng. 2; Hist.-XI C; Gaog. C; Frcn.-XI 2; Art 2; Alg. C. J. James-Fran. 3; Geom. 2; Chem. C. Larrane Jamieson-Eng. 3; Fren.-XI 3. Larry Jamieson - Eng. C; Hist. 3; Alg. 2; Cbem. 2; Lat. 1; Fren. 3. B. Knudsen-Eng.. 2; Hist. 1; Alg. 1; Phys. 2; Chem. 2; Lat. 1; Fran. 1; Germ. 1. L. Landen-Eng. 1; Hist. 1; Alg. 3; Chem. 3; Lat. 2; Fren. 3; Home Ec.2. W. Lcmon-Chem. C. A. Liptay-Eng. C; Hist. 2; Geom. 1; Chem. 2; Fren. C; Art 2. C. Lynch--Geam. 2; Hist. C; Chem 3. A. MacLeod-Eng. C; Alg. C; Chem. C; Fren. 3; Mus. 2. K.* McArthur-Eng. 2; Hist. 1; Alg. 2; Chem. 1; Lat. 2; Fren. 2; Mus. 1. P. McCullough Hist. C; Chem. C. H. McDonald- Phys. C; Chem. C; Lat. C; Fren. C. B. MeRobbie-Fren. C. P. McQueen-Eng. 2; Hist. 3Gcog. 2; Alg. 3; Chem. C; Fran. 3.1 K. Mackie-Eng. 2; Hist. C; 1 7eog. C; Chcm. C; Art C. 4 M. L. Marr-Eng. 2; Hist. C; êeag. C.1 IR. Mansh-Eng. C; Hist. C;1 3eog. XI 3; Gaog. XII C; Alg. Chem. 3; Iuid. Arts 3. C. Mason-Eng. 2,- Hist. 2; eeog. 2; Alg. C; Chem. 3; ren. C; Home Ec. 1. P C. Massie-Eng. 2; Hist. 3; %lg. C; Chcm. C; Lat. C; Fren. s ISoccer HigFilights Courtice Moves Far Ahead Undefeated Caurtice down- ed Zion 3-1 in a first place battie last Monday night, and then shut out Sauina 2-0 inia mld-week game ta move six ia~nsn front of the pack ini t week's Senior action. brecque. Toronto-Dominion Bank Cup for Speed and Accuracy 1ný Sharthand-Pauline Labracque. The following students wil] reccive their Commercial Di- o lmas: J. Bertrim, B. Branch, Clarke, K. Clarke, M. Coon- ey .Dupuis, B. Hughes, P. Laýbrecque, B. McRobbie, M. Moore, C. Osmond, K. Park, G. Smith, D. Staiker, A. Wood. The following studants will receive a Commercial Certif- icate: J. Davey, D. Grills, L. Highflcld, M. Murphy, C. Park, E. Reid, D. Vance. Notice Grade XIII studants wha applied ta go ta Teachers' Col- lege next year may get Appli- cation Fonms for the August Examinations at the school office aiter July 20, and thasa forms must be compheted and returned ta the Department ai Education before August hst. The August Examinations ara for Teachers' Collage apphil- cants only. Other Grade XEII students are not eligible ta apply for such examinations. Many Improvements For Beffer Service' Underway at Arena Public and Skaters' conven- ienco was the abject of the plans mide by tht Arena com- mittee for the improvements ta the Bowmanville Memor- il Arena this summer. New cement steps wlll replace the old wooden ones at the main east entrance. There will be a checkroom ta take shoes, etc., nat coats, which will be open for public skating. Four dressing-rooms will be avail- able, instead of three as for- merly. The Arena Committee bas also decided ta take over the canteen instead of renting aut the concession as has been done in the past. Dispensing machines will be placed in the lunch-room s50 that hockey players and fans will be able ta buy cacoa, coffee, choca- late bars, and cigarettes when the canteen is closed. Fountain pop will be served from behind the caunter. This wlll do away with the hand- ling of thousands of botties and give the fans a cooler drink. Smith Beverages Lim- ited is installing the fountain heads free of charge. Many of the boards around the !ce surface have been re- placed and a new dada has been installed. The seats on the north side will be repaint- ed and all places renumbered in order ta give more room ta each custamer. The Arena Manager, Ray Neads, is in charge of the wark and has already done a lot of it himself. The praject bcmng undertaken is the re- Mr. and Mrs. Geaad De, and famuiy, Ajax, were Sat- .arday aiternooa visitons ai Mn, and Mire. G. Fletcher. Miss Margaret 'Dhaisburgar sperut the weekend with Miss Jean Baker. Mrs. Gordon Fletcer sparit tha weekand wtth Mn. and Mrs. M, Keats, Onoa, at thein cottage north of Havelock. A goodhy numiben attandad tha Glonious Tweifth oela- >nation at Petarbarough on Satunday. Mr. and Mirs. Win. Sima vis- ited Mr. Robant Sim Saturdey eveniing. Mn. and Mrs. Win. Clark and famnily, Toronto, spent the weekend w.lUi thair parents, Mrn. and Mina. E. Harper. Mr. aid Mrs. Tom Turner and isam- iy, Toaronto, wera Sunday ai- aernoon caaiers. Bowmanville, were Sunday supper guests af the Smiths. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Milar with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc- Clelland at their cottage on Six Mile Lake. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kayacs and Mirs. Sophie Kayacs visdted relatives in London on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Penwar- den and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk motored t0 Mifand Balmoral Coffee Shop OPfE KICHE Lighi Lunches Short Orders Himm-made Pie MA 3-3347 up , suIt ai the recommendations ai the maintenance sub-com- mittea, Walter DaGear and Frank Hoopar, wbo made a tbonough examination ai the building tagather with Glen- holme Hughes, chairman ai Uic Arana Committea, E. J. Rundlc, a memban, and Mn. Neads. Sidney Little, vice-chair- man ai the Arena Cammittea, is in charge ai machinery and equipment. Ha and Mr. Neads havealaready carried out the repains raquirad ta the ice maklng machincry. Mn. Run- dla is in change ai thec antean sub-committaa, assistad by Mr. Hughes. Othar mambers ai Uic Arena Board are Nal- son Osborne and Don Stutt. Clarence Oke is the sccratary- treasurer. MORRISH Mr. D. Smith ai Bechen- ham, Kent, England, who is an a visit to his diaughtar, Mrs. K. Lewis ai Walcomne, called ta sec Min. and Mcs. H. T. Ayres ai Cheltenhain, England, at present with his sister, Mns. William MéHodrn. Two Eng- lishman vislting in this district ait Uic sanie tima la rather unusuai and vary pleasant.* Mn. and Mcs. Eph Holdaway of Shernman Oak's, Califonnia, are visiting relatives in Mon- rish and neighbaurhaod with beadquartens ait M.rs. A. Haid- sway's. Mms. Win. MeHoini,_Mr._and and Bradiford and called on friends. Mns. John Mitchell, Toronto, spent a few diays with Mcs. Partner. Mn. sud Mrs. Murray Adams and Mr. and Mins. R. Oameran motored to Niagara Falls and spent the waekend thena. Ray- mond Cameron spent a waak's holiday with Geraid and Bruce Kelhctt, Janetviile. Mr. and Mirs. John Carnigan, Hamnpton, were Sunday call- ers; Mrs. E. Murphy, Tyrone, was Satunday supper guest af Mr. and Mins. Harold Murphy. Mr. and Mirs. E. Penwarden and fanuiiy wane Sunday visit- ors ai Mn. andi Mrs. Morley Keliet, Janetville. (Intanded for lest week) Mc. Dali Bliandali and Mn. Dick Evers, Tanonto; Mr. and Mre. L. Bonstra, Bradford, spent the long holidýay week- cnd with Mr. and Mrs. W. VaneYk. Othan weekend vis- itans were Mr. Paul Vandin- brink, Mise Nellie Sohippar, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, Nawtonvilla. Mr. and Mirs. Harold Triv- att and f amily, Taronto, wara weckend visitons ai Mr. and Mire. Bob Camrneon. Vlsitnirs at Mn. sud Mca. Bae-t Jobnson's werc Mns. Ivan Rowlay, Miss Joan. Rowlay, Mr. sud Mrs. Stewart Rowiey sud Rodgcn, Palgi-ava; Mr. sud Mirs. Grant Stone1house, Cathy and Trevor Schom-berg. bfs. Bert Johnson and Jean onu holidays in Toronto, Ham.- ilton sud Dundas. Whila at Dundas tbey visited with Isobel sud Wzn. Irvine and Mre. Jahnson'a niace, Miss Jania Bell who is heaving fan Gernany ta taach languagas and as an inites-preter. Mr. sud Mis. A. Canipbe1, Whitby, were Sunday visitons of Mr. and MrIs. Ryc GIbson. Mr. and Mms. Keith Hobden and farnhly, Kinsale, wcrc Sunday dinner guests, Mn. sud Mirs. Ian Snmith and fam.uly, Toronto; Mr. and Mca. Stan Millson anud family, Solins, Sunday a.iternoon visitons of Mr. and Mi. Wm. Carr. 1 Keep your girden tools cecan; they'll do a bettar job and tbcy'lh hast longer, toa. Alter each use, dlean the tools sud wijpa the matai parts wlth ail ta pravent rusting. Wooden handhes that show ulgns ai drylng aut may be inpravcd wîth a thin coating of is« oaeil. Hampton, iighting for a play- ellers adged Tyrone 1-0 ta off berth, stayed within a climb into a second place tiel single point ai the second pla- with Zion. The loss li tT- cers wîth a 2-1 win aver cel- rone three points away fro lar-dwelling Maple Grave. the hast playoff position In a Saturday contest, Zion and Courtice continue Bowmanville Hoaper's Jew- ita set thc pace in the junior Thursday nlght phay. Ban tams Bow to Courtice 10-7 Countice avercame an early 5-2 deficit ta hand Bowman- ville a 10-7 defeat in a Ban- tam game, Monday night in Courtice. The homasters rai- MIrs. H. T. Ayras, Engiand, vis- ited Mns. Mary Uglow and Mns. Robert MeHolmn, Newton- villa, on Monday, July 4th. COrtMERCIAL RESULTE Grade XI-C lst Claus Honours-H. Allin, S. Chaskavich, P. Fisher, P. Gibbs, K. Ormiston, M. Owen, P. Pascoe. 2nd Class Honours-P. Craw- ford, G. Dalby, D. Mdllroy, C. Plazek, J. Thertell. 3rd Clasa H-onours-D. Beck- lmn, B. Bickle, N. Frost, B. Gilkes, J. Knapp, J. McKnlght, E. Sprague. Pass - J. Anderson, W. Brooking, K. Cochrane, B. ICrossey, B. Ellis, S. Jackson, G. Leaver, A. Maguire, L. Pascoe, G. Wickman, A. Yeo.' Grade XRI-C Bank of Montreal Cup for Speed and Accuracy ini Typ- ing-Marie Cooney. Bank of Commerce Price in Bookkeeplng - Pauline --La-i lied far three third inning runs ta knot thecocunt, and then aitar cach club scorad once in Uic naxt two frames, Courtice want ahead ta stay with theineathe icsixth. Ray Pickell allowed a doz- an saietias aven the distance ta register the win. Genalcl Harness startcd far Uic locals, Are You Planning a New Home? Contact us for A ?RW HOME ON N.H.A. Approved Lots Serviced with: Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewers Sorne houses nearing completion with N.H.A. mortgages arranged. Choose from our large selection of plans or we will build £rom yours. 1J'J.IFL ETT aven in the first.1 Dcwn had the lone extra base bit far Courtice, athough Pickall cnacked a homer which was wiped out whcn the pracading base-runner missed second base. Johnson tripled for Uic las- ers, with Doug Lana, Ted Bats and, Tallae Thampsan conncc- 29 centre st. Bowmanvle Mrs. Wm. McHolm, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Ayres and Miss Beckett were supper guests of Mrs. M. J. Osborne and Mrs. Haines on Friday, July 8th, aiter a very pleasant drive via 401 Highway ta Newcastle, Orono ta visit Mrs. Cecil Jones, Elizabethville, Garden Hill ta Highway No. 1 and on home. 1 Mrs. Mel MVcHolm, Misses fRuth and Katherine, Mrs. Edith Brimacom-b and Mrs. M. Brim- acomb were Sunday visitors at Mrs. William MaHoam's. Miss Ruth Brimacomb was guest at the birthday party given in honour of Cynthia Inch at her home on Sunday, July loth. Once again the annual straw- berry supper was a most en- jayable affair on Wednesday, July 6th. Starting at à p.m. the weather was perfect and a large crowd came t0 enjoy the attractive menu whiloh consisted ai cold meats, salads, pickles, pies, cake, tarts, brown and white baread and butter iand, of course, as many straw- 1berrnes with sugar and cream 1as one could wish with plenty tof hot tea. The tables looked very pretty set with dainty china, sllverware and colour scheme of dark red roses. T'he roo-m had been recently decorated and enlarged thus providing extra room for tables and serving. The twa new serv- ing ha-tches proved a very grat help for receiving and returning dîishes ta diining room and kitchen. The berrnes were supplied by Harnen Bros. and L. Bevan. Duning the waiting in church as tables were cleared and madle ready for guests Mrs. Plilsworth most kindly played old time music and melodies which was mucli appreciated. Over 200 attended this annual social event. Congratulations are due to ai! memibers of the W. A. and other frienôs who worked so liard and with a wihl ta make the supper a success. T-here are two dogs, flot very far away, ane a pet collie, the other a real*growler and very fierce looking. Having oc- casion ta visit at this home we gingerly tried to pass the kennel very quietiy ta avoid this growling diog but failed. A deep growl and bark quick- ly brought thie collue from the bouse. Quick as could be caillie gripped the ear af the larger dog .and s0 i~t seemed ta us as they stood head to head that collie was telling the other ta "Shut up." There were na more girowls non barks and on aur return bath diogs stood sida hy sida as we pass- ed bY ini silence We feel cer- tain now that dogs have a language fully undgrstoo by eacli other. We wish to thank our many friends and customers who visited our store during our lst Birthday Sale, also for their loyal support and patronage during our first year in business. BIRTHDAY CAKE was won by Mrs. A. Thonipson R. R. 1, Bowmanville <DEEP CUT SPECIAL.SSe NGRADE "'A" LARGE 4 FRESH E G GS ONLY 49c D PRODUCED AND FACKED 13Y W. K. NOWAK $ $ DOLLAR DIT SPECIAL $ $ SOLO" BALLET MARGARINE TISSUE 4 LBS. $1 .00 8 ROILS $1 «00 STOKELWS TOMATO JUICE 7 TINS $1 .00 DYKSTRA',S yO1aODETS 77KINC St. W. RA 3-3541 FREE FREE! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas layou VIGOR OIL SERVICE STATION 'We Specialize in Personal Service* CORNER 0F MANVERS ROM> ANM FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday - Corne Ont and See Our Display of Gits- Couiplet. Lubrication at a Reasonable Price ABK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PuICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE INi ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION apu VEiiNGS ABD sulDAYS I LONG SAULT MATUM", »UWULANVUJ^ OWAM . PAM Mm p