PAIE TEK TECAWADIAN STATES)&, BOWMALÀ%NTaLLE, ONTARI Santon and Jon Hoar re-SeDW h f Mrs. C. McLaughlin and boys; evening callers with Mr&s. jas.elebi Cancel Sunrise Tour SurdanectDon Welsh or r .Sugitnd Hnry and Mr. Melville Grif- PostpOncohl he n Due to Complications Hoa seiid4-H Leadership Week lúMa AetnSepDy "E The executive committee of wheat. ad 1 rs. Peregu s of and Mr. Donald Welsh, Bow- and eleventh once. In addition M.andMrsms. g aVrs. W. Cobbled cklbOro o IO JUýy 2 n eoeti ie theDuhamCont Sol nd Special pasaebigM.nd r.FakWrym ville, R. R. No. 4 has been hie was the high contestant in family; Mrs. Blythe; Mr. and Leangt, e S dy Crop Improvement Associa- made to include a tour for last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. selected to represent Durham the Inter-Club Judgmng Comn- Mrs. Tomchishin and family. guaigon1 aeerSna The Durhaon tion has decided to cancel the senior farmers at the time of G. White, Jean, Lorraine and County at the Provmncial 4-H petition in dairy cattle in 1958 Rev. andf Mrs. .aRmerl T .s. orne yN 0 - annual Sunrise Tour, origin- the Durham County Land Use Marilyn, Bowmanville, Mr. Leadership Week to be held at Guelph and was tied for spnmiopeo asls mso.SepCu civmn a ally planned for July 14th. Judging Competition. This and Mrs. Aldin Hoar, Jo-Ane at the Ontario Agricultural second im the Inter-CubCo- eekthcoplfriend s n ail Mrs. P. C. Clubine of Grand has been pospndfo Mn VIAL The lateness of the sao event will be held on Wednes- Kathy and Louise, joinednthe College, From July 18th to petition in swine judging in tn Rapids, Alberta, wás a guestdaJl1thuilFdyFR tha mahthaarnhe executive fel ay, July 27th in Hope Twn-family gathering for a pienic pr v n e ouna nsis e 5H l rMrs. Johne e e is visiting f s EnWednes Miss uly 22nd.Teps nmet M 'T be involved in haying at that 93 a.m. at the oourarm- Roslyn Taylor spent t which is carried out by mem- competitions, linvi inc Glad to report Mrs. John Miss D. Hurd. Oshawa, fello,,v the fact thatmsebr time and if haying was com-n.ler visitingonthecot farm- M wseek with hier sister, Mrs. D on bers of the Extension Branch high in the Co( ulioi te Marlow was able to come home pioneers of theBllTlehn were unable t ted ea sartwouldh rvetingw nter ass yand also takingin reel.R. Bnurgess, Bow- a ela h tf tteO-JdigCme lo n well horspl ud convale ICo.,unc t"ertAineMs"s, ar o enAcheemn Dywil:AP3S other points of interest in that mnilMradMs har- tario Agricultural College. The as being meligh couiif-e l s .n1,tn nha h ce etu ei t73 ..o rdy area. It is suggested that les Milnier and children Sta- purpose of the.week is to de- thle paust 1oynt1inth)D1.1 rant.1 July 22nd, tteOooFi.arse n oiio everyone bring their lunch hoogwr eet visto velop leadership and citizen- hum Conily live Nlferl; .1imle Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes Mr. and Mrs. W. White and1 Grounds. Theewllntb ithte n otdik wl RBrienv S rsship with the young people ing Crpl liç ii has a lad lhuily enjoyed the trip Mr. Braithwaite, Cavan, were aypn t h rud s 3 igSt . Ohw 111, be provided by the Crop lim- who are now becoming semior beenit ine n iabewirb thfie Burley Bus Lines Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.i you will be epce oke A864 proemnt ssciaio atnon. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Down, in the 4-H work in Ontario. deeg ifr Niationaitl 4 Ilsonoe for their drivers Wilbert Werry.yorsepiyurtckr Lunch will be eaten in the neqwLaeilwrSudyvst Donald was suggested for C'luihWeek n %Ili iloewin;re, and i iilies on) Sunday. They Gaarsk Wteshd ut- s of Mrs. R. Virtue and Leon haigcmleeilvnd- coenwl > sltle n ewn y buit from Bowman- ority Park at Garden Hill. A Moores. club projects, in which hiewas tiiit el'of the l'rvinc(ii 4ili ville l.o Gananoque and then dam has been constructed and Mr. H. E. Millson and Ellen, first on three occasions, seconi.emie:11,rship Week u 11t ithe on. lind n t three hour boat trip a beautiful pond and park is Mrs. V. E. Millson, Mrs. Ha- once, third three times, fout,ti.-in Avriuiltural Coylleue in arfount the Thotusandl Islands. cbeing made by the author-ityzel Farrow, Orono, were Sun- once, fifth once, sixth once July. Clifford 'i Dyes; spent most and it certainly will be of in-I day evenmng callers of Mr. and of lart week holidaymng around terest to all to visit the newi Mrs. Leon Moore. Nindhville, Tenn. park. In the afternoon the ac- Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian andB LA C K S T 0 C K Mr. onnr Mrs. Dalton Dor- tual land judging competi- family attended the Vivian ré-ll andl family met Mr. and tion will be held at the farmi Picnic at Cedar Park, Sunday. Thirty-sevenl ladies of Bllaýck- Wrightf, Port Perry; Mrs gWiai Mr!:. Roger Dorrell and fam- of Elmore Scott who is Chair- Mrs. H. Philp, Mrs. L. stc n eteo pn ntrWihlon.LiE ly (of Ottawa ait Peterborough cman of the Ganaraska Water.. Jones, Mrs. Leon Moore, ac- ejybedyo hrtnnrut ,lienu r.Lor eerto Saturday and aill c shed Authority. All farmescmaenHryadMr July 7th, wheni they went on Wigh.Dnll si rws tStra ih n and 4-H and Junior Farmer Ellen Hill of Kendal to hear atrip by chartered bius. The(,,Cheryl nad ii arl<l SiofNntlay camping at Keene on members are urged to keep W. B. McKay, tent meeting afis tp wsfratoro h esl* tth oeo t. ieLake. DUIO P MP ti dat openAugusat 3r, nOhaa.Stephen Leacock home rat Old mid Mrs. Henson Dunni, 04h1-' Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- A DU O P MP taringat 930 el-Brewery Bay, near Orillin, niwn, onWeiely Lornia, joy are spending a few days cme corner. For further in- where two informative guides Lois and Eleanor, spenlt lafew in Toronto with Mrs. H. Gra- Means Better Livng !! formation contact the OntarioBE H N conducted the group throughi days with Miss Forder. Mr. hamr and Mis% Verena. Department of Agriculture in th ouewthis ayrom na rs ur r vstigi Miss Gertrude Henry, Miss OUR DRO Wter Ss- Bwmanvlle.Mr. and Mrs. Orloe Wright and treasures and supplied San Frwnicisco whevre they at- DrsGifn isSel watet wem giesnu fhere we and son Glen spent the past dataand facts of Stephen Lea.. tendled the welingii of their Smr n omnSmr edit .. dds aorcn week at their summer cottage cock's very ieresting life. daughter Ione and Mr. R. D. spent the weekend and Mr. - nee ..a to oron- ilyTYRONE near Burnt River. After a picniic lunich in Or- Bri:mi on .lune 24. and Mrs. N. Somers and Glen, y nene ad omfrtof aiy Ms.RuprtWoo ad du-illia Park and a friendly ming- Elainie Mounttjoy has been Toronto, were Sunday guests Sorry we omitted three Pi- ghter Maureen of St. George's, lin g i ordpemcethe sewlcted to reprl tese Onar- adM.adMs rea DURO Pumps are avail- ano and Theory pupils last Nfld., arrived here Tuesday agr o againebordethe us w righ ltiSchola th n-p brOhwSna able in ail sizes to meet in- week, who were successful in and wIll for two months, be ankfdjod the drivedrughCari o Athleic LteaDei dividual needs. See your their exammnations: Carroll visiting her parents, and rfieloboconklRose ale ampsnor eduby tnhe e G O Plumber or DURO dealer McRoberts, Jo-Anne Hoar and! Mrs. James Fraser and hieranFeeoFls.prmnofEuti.Th for full information or write D5oreen Wright; their teacher'snadduhe-nlw r In Fenelon the ladies of that camp, situated along Lake Ms aoeGena a for FREE folder, "Running Mrs. Rob Roy. and Mrs. Gordon Wood. Institute graciously served a Couchichng near Longford returned home fromn visiting Water, the Farm Necessity". Monday evening Walter Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Fin. hot dinner, which made all Mills, provides training for miss Irenie Harvey of Osh- Park suffered a fall fromn the.ney have purchased the home feel refreshed and ready to worthy students in basic ath- awa, at hier cottage on Lake roof of Grenville Byam's new of the late Miss Hannah Sta- enjoy the rest of the trip letic skills. Elamne will be at- Kachagawigamog, Haliburton. .. house suffering a broken leg ples and will be moving there home. All felt it had been tending the camp during the Mr. and Mrs. A. St. Pierre, anda adl buisd ace H son.another successful outing plan- two week period, Jutly 17 to Joyce, Vera and Frank, spent was taken to Memorial Hos- Members of the Bethany ned by the energetic Women's 29.aswek itfrndad 1 pital, Bowmanville, by ambu- Loyal Orange Lodge 1022 and Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Horton relatives at Arnprior. While lane, ut as rasferedto he ades odg, atened Mesdames Eleanor Werry and family moved Saturday there, they enjoyed a visit to uloOshawa General Hospital. All service in the United Churchan RuyVnCm were -into the home in north Black- the Parliament Buildings an wish him a speedy recovery. on Sunday morning, with the hotse o ice how- stock which lhe purchased re- Experimental Farm in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gross.. Rev. J. A. Steed of Peterbor- er in honour of Miss Gwen cently from Mrs. Jas. Ginn. Mr. George Jarvie and son gþ kurth, Guelph, spent a fewough, past grand chaplain, Wilson at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Me. Ken of Vancouver, visited his days with Mrs. S. T. Hoar. conducting the service. The and Mrs. Richard Van Camp Laughlin, Bowmanville, were mother, Mrs. Robert Jarvie, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mc-. Bethany Community Band led Saturday might. Sunday supper guests of Mr. last week. Mrs. Robert Both- Quinn, Bonnie and Brian, re- the parade to and from the The Pee Wee b.all teamn play- and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin well, Bob and Donny, have turned home after visiting Lodge rooms to the Church. ed with Orono in Orono Fri- and family. returned home with them and hier, parents. Mr. and Mrs., Mrs. Elizabeth Patton, St. day eveming; score, Orono 9, Sunday was visitors' day at plan to visit the Calgary -Harry Sowers of Fredericton,! Thomas, visited with Mr. and Blackstock 8. The Bantams Doe Lake Girl Guide Camp. Stampede en route. N.B., hier father being quite1 Mrs. Reg. Edmunds on Thlurs- played mn Ajax with Ajax and The following from here went Mrs. Tom Colliss visited Mr. ill. day. Her son, Bob, is staying1 were also defeated. up to see their wives, daugh. and Mrs. Roy Colliss and fam- Mrs. Irene Groves and son. with them for two weeks. 1 Rev. Evans, Dunbarton, ters, sisters and friends: Mr. ily in Minden during thel PUMPS SOFTENERS'Lorne, Chilliwack, B.C., is The members of the Wom- Bath, England, occupied the and Mrs. Fred Hamilton, Mr. weekend........... L IMITED PF 82 visiting hier father, Mr. 0. en's Missionary Society of the 1pulpit Of St. John's Church Ivan Thompson, Elizabeth and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty LON D ON - C A N A D A Beckett and other relatives. United Church met on Tues- eyacpal dymr- Bill; Mr. Roy Turner, Mr. and family enjoyed a motor Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clark, day evening at the home of ing. He and his wife are StnRh1n al r n ti oHlbro atWd Leaside, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Earl Weatherilt, with guests of their son and fam- Mrs. John Carnaghan and fam- nesday where they called on JM C ]K 1BR 0 u G H J. C. Cook. Mrs. O. Spencer presiding. 11y Mr. Gerald Arundel Evans, ily; Mr. an-d Mrs. Harold Kyte hier aunt, Mrs. Fred Dean, and Mrs. A. Hamilton and Mrs. Mrs. Florence Johnston con- at their summer home on Con- and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jim other relatives. PLUMBNG ad HETING A. Hoar, took John Hamilton ducted the worship serviceceso1,Crwih.D in Marlow and Anne; Mr. and Sunday tea guests with Mrs. Division Street South and Glen Rundle to Quin-Mo- and led in prayers; she also the afternoon Mr. and Mrs' . Frn StiadadL.CSoweeeMs.. NA1 3-5615 BOWMANVIILLE1 Lac Camp last Saturday. Rob- read excerpts from an ad- G. A. Evans entertained somne family; Mr. and Mrs. Murray B. Williams, Bowmanville, and ert and Irwin Hamilton, Ken dress by the late Mrs. K. Kil- members of their congrega- Byers and Jim and Don Mrs. Aylmer Beech. lop who had served on the tion and a few neighbors in a Swain; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Me.. Mr. John Whalen spent the Dominion board in many cap- get acquainted way.LaglnDeisnd eby weekend at his home here. He acities. Mrs. Ira Argue, Mr. and agln eisndDby has been a patient in hospital. Mrs. Mervyn Porteous was Mrs.TmHg n os r and Mrs. Jack Ralston, IMPERIAL in charge of the study period, Mrs .D yan r usl FARM SERVIE Sandra and David were week- -4 talking of the Eskimos and Spinks attended the Silver end guests of his parents, Mr. their modes of living. Weddmng of Mr. and Mrs. Ce- DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED and Mrs. John Ralston, at At the conclusion of the cil Hyde, Toronto, Friday FARM STOCK Moorefield. Fes s o meeting the hostess served evenmng- Removed Free of Charge Mrs. W. Folliott, Billy and PRODUCTS lunch.Ms eaFrdro oo- Immediate 24-Hr. Service Joan, are visiting her brother, St. Paul's Anglican Church .to entertained Mrs. Garnet sTorOearFr Mr. and Mrs. John W. Noble'---- Junior W.A. met Tuesdlay inAsYorOearFr and family, for a month. Mr. une ~the Parish Hall, with Patricia Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keane "aL EE6655 Folliott has returned home to and Heather Green displaying and son Douglas, Oshawa, I U U Cincinnatti, Ohio, after a the group's new banner. were Sunday evening supper No Toll Charge week's holiday here. Kathleen Morton gave the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Nick Peconi -Peterborough Mr. and Mrs. Tom Galla- treasurer's report and Sharon Wray. gher, Bowmanville, were Sun- T p P t d i l e McGill read the minutes. Mrs. Geo. Davidson, Pick- day supper guests of Mr. and Birthday greetings were ex- ering, was a recent visitor• Mrs. Murray Marchant. tended to Karen McGill, Su. with her sister, Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. A. St. Pierre san Scott and Sandra Wilson. msS. and family attended the D.I. To most people that might appert e tagecmiato u Mrs. Noel Wood read an Mrs. J. Hill, San Francisco, L. picnic at Lakeview Park, article on Caledonia. Mrs. S. and Mrs. A. Holmes are visit- Oshawa, on Saturday. it's not when you get to know Joh6 daAssan.conata Smith was in charge of the ing their brother, Mr. James Miss Isobel McArthur and Your chain saw will give you better recreation period. It was an- Smales and Mrs. Smales. Mr. N. Hallobrook, Toronto, the Guelph Branch of The Toront-oiinBn.Lk oto service -- and last much longer - if nounced that a church parade The Woods-Rundle picnic were guests of Mr. and Mrs.J. you use Imperial Esso Chainoil. For will be held July 17. There was held in our park on Wed- W. Noble and family on Sat-. the enthusiastic young men at"TeBn ,Jontksa en this high duty lubricant has been. will be no further meetings nesday last and on Saturday urday evening.- specially developed for chain saw use. until September. the Courtice-Everson family. Those from Maple Grove mnterest in sports activities. He spedmstohssprtiegln. It maintains a tough film that reduces* Mr. and Mrs. M. M11ountjoy who attended the St. Joseph's plag hocey r wi ig ie wear . .. and helps prevent rust. spent Saturday in Peterbor- Parish picnic at Waltona Park,.yn rsimn. sas nadn olco fsap In two grades: heavy for summer; ough. Newcastle, were: Mr. and Mrs- and coins, light.for winter.HA P O Alan Luke, Johnny Lyon, e Cecil Cullen and family; Mr. BOWMANVILLE MArket 3-5516 seéy-on Sunda'y.-"'*' The- room and chair, toKEL SAETA atheomofM.nd rs Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon which the bride-elect was es- LesLYCollacuttACo n Sudy, June spent the weekend in Toronto. corted, were nicely decorated RAYON. BMACKWALL TUBE-TYPE 26, 1960.uThe rom suwedayue- Thepink r and luiven b s gate by ely skfo dtals sreaerwith pink and white two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Au- *13 45 sTerid ndgom f2 ~~drey Holroyd and Mrs. Jean 6Th5 earbwreescodredmtofthe Horyd ih h assane ru IREADUUABLE TIE place of honor and presented of hier mother, Mrs. Fred Hel- with lovely sterling silver. Mr. o watroyd Sr. LOOK FORt THE SIGN OF Elmer Phillips, Toronto, sang * ALL RUST PROOF Coerdbya Miss Susan Holroyd, a niece WJORRY-FREE DRIVING "Through The Years" and "AllUnodtna G AO I Eof the honored guest, read a Through the Night"'. 5-YearGarne fe aprprae'liesfom L A buffet luncheon was en- * CLOSEST SKIMMERS an attractively arranged book joyed. The wedding cake was AT THE MOST of memoirs which was lateragitoMr.NMuonm- prnted t the rdeAsist-an ther of the bride. Guests were * OUTSTANDING BEAUTY lb m wit th preentaionand usgpresent from Toronto, Oshawa PR unwrapping of the gifts were g and Courtice. AND PERFORMANCE 8050 0 e lCe her sister, Mrs. Doreen Lamb, V ~~~~of Enmiskillen, and sister-mn- ULTOASA law, Mrs. Muriel Holroyd. Now is the time to bring your It's a good idea to brace *0ULTT0LS A i i Mrs. Joan Edwards, of Osh- car in for a tune-up and check- your small trees, say horticul- LFTM C L-| awa, assisted in displaying the over for that care-free turists with the Ontario De- LFTM OGOgifts. hoiday driving partment of Agriculture. Trees 1 After an expression of that aren't braced will have V IG O R O IL thanks and appreciation from their rootlets damaged every- Sold By Eileen for the many lovely time the slightest wmnd comes 78 BOND WEST OSHAWA and useful gifts she received,RA up and they won't develop a large circle was formed and very stately growing habit, 0 .H L N dainty refreshments were either. A single stake, driven. TE LE P H ONE served and enjoyed while aill G B * into the ground beside the À& S ullo qengaged in friendly chit chat, tree, offers the best brace.! R.R. 3, BURKETON FARX TAMFriends from Hampton, Bow- SUNOCO STATION Protect the tree where it *is manville, Enniskillen and a 181 King St.E A330 tied, with bits of burlap or POEBAKTC 6R1 number from Oshawa wereMA350 small sections of rubber hos- POEBAKTC 6R1 included in the gathering. Bowmanville ing. ý quade» momma -- - ý àqAIWAIvàle MdWM*A»"»Vlm