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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1960, p. 11

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HURSDAY, JULY l4th, 1960 TUN CANADIAN STATUMAN, BOWMANVHLE, ONTARTO Cobourg Company Buys N'ewcastle Subdivision Hope t S fart Building Sooný Newcastle - Council was informed at its July meeting on Monday evening that the Allwood Development and Construction Ltd. of Cobourg was in the process af purchas- ing the assets of the Newcas- tle Development Company which bas been planning the development. E. R. Lovekin, wha presented a latter from Surveying Village for Waterworks Newcastle - Workmen no- ticed meastaring on local streets last week were arn- ployees of R. K. Kilborn & Associates, Consulting Engin- eers, who are preparing tbe working plans for the munici- pal waterworks systam. These plans must be com- pleted befora tenders can ha P allad for tbe installation of PMhe system. The tenders will ba called by tbe Ontario Wa- tar Resources Commission whose agreement with the village ta proceed witb con- struction of the system bas been approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. Lions HoId First Meeting 0f New Year Newcastle - The first meet- ing of the 1960-61 year of the Lions Club was beld in the Lions room of tbe cammunity hall an Tbursday evening last with the new president Lion Harry Jase presiding. A delicious dinner prepar- ed and served by a group of the members of the United Church Woman's Association %-as very much enjoyed by the inembers who after a brief meeting were scheduled ta do some manual labçur preparing Sfor the next night's carnival. During a very brief m-eet- ing the members decided ta àtodthe next meeting at tbe, "larm of Lion Rad Carveth' where Lion Rod bas offered ta prepare ane of bis delîciaus barbecued steak dinners which have been sa much enjoyed by the members in past years. Lion John Rickard, chair- man of the carnival commit- tee then gave a brief report of preparations for the carnival and invited the members ta go out and belp transpJrt the baotbs from the arena ta the hall grounds and get out the' tables and chairs ready ta be set up Friday afternoon for the carnival. Lion John also announced that ha wanted everything put back in plae Friday evening following the .vial. The members rolledý j~Jtheir sleeves and went ta Iw rk and the job wvas finished in a couple of hours of hard, labour. For Old Appliances Cet Cash Today through S TA TE S MA N C L AS S1F1E D S Phone MArket 3-3303 Newcastle Sand and Gravel Supplies EULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING Phone Newvcastle 3136 Gordon Heatije the Allwoad Ca. explained that everything was ini readi- nass ta make the transfer, but permission from the Minister awaited approval of council ta certain undertakings baing made by the company. Mr. Lovekîn explained the Allwood Co. planned ta build on the lots in the subdivision, hoping ta get started this sum- mer. The company wishes ta open Rabert Street from Church ta Baldwin Streets ta connect wîth the registered subdivision plan, according ta the requirements of the Dept. of Highways; will abide by plans already registered; will build only single dwelling homes and will abide by the local impravement bylaw for services. A counicil resolution gave tentative approval ta the transfer an completion of the planned agreement. Mr. Love- kin explained that the New- castle Development Company had planned the subdivision and had the plan registered and planned ta have roads and services supplied and sell lots at costs. Me said the late How- ard Toms had organized the company and was the driving force behind the plan and since bis death no one has taken the initiative and the campany decided to seil the subdivision as a whole. The Allwood Company plans ta complete the development, flot selling lots, but building homes on the lots for sale. Only the approval of the Min- ister is needed ta get this pro- ject underway. Hotel Compte tes System Corrects Creek Pollution Newcastle - A letter from the Northumberland and Dur- ham Healtb Unît received by the village council on Monday evening informed council that an adequate sewage system bas been supplied by the Queen's Motel and that its sewage system is no longer connected ta the village drain. It will be remembered that last faîl a report from the Sanitary Inspector, traced the pollution in the creek ta the King street drain and ta the Queen's Hotel and the Queen's management promised ta have the matter rectified in the spring. Mr. Dlugosz said he bad just purchased the pro- perty and did fot know the sewaga system was connected ta the drain. Council axplain- ed the pollution had been present for many years but only recently had the source been found. Mambers of council were noticeably pleased when the letter was read an Monday evening infarming them of the rectification of a long standing nuisance in the vil- lage. Four building permits ware approved by council including two dwelling permits issued ta Herman Schmidt on Arthur St. and John Scott on Clarke street. A permit ta Karl Wey- rich, North St., for a patio and ta Alf Gray, Beaver St., for a starage building. Mr. Alex Hendry was ap- pointed a member of the Re- creation Committee filling the vacancy left by the resigna- tion of William Starks First and second readings were given ta a by-law auth- orizing the closing af Munro street from Mill street to the easterly limîts of Lot 28. This unopened street runs through the property an which the stand pipe for the municipal water system will be erected. The clerk was instructed ta take the necessary steps ta have the street allowance of- ificially closed. - flewastleMerchants newcstleComplain of Social and1 £Personal 1Lack of Signs Newcastle - A delegation Mr. and Mrs. George Allun 250 Orange Lodges from 10 composed of Ervin Atkinson and daughter Helen ware in caunties in eastern Ontario of the Rainbow Cabins and Toronto an Saturday where joined in the mammoth pa- Frank Carpenter of the Mon- they attended the funaral of rade. Local residents missed ay Hollow Restaurant addrass- the late Mrs. George Nichai- the usual preview of tbe pa- ed counicil on Monday aven- sonradepreente bytbe aw-ing with regard ta signs on Miss S. A. Maîrosa of To- manville Fife and Drum Band.tenwscino 0 ih ronto is visiting with ber cou- No doubt the ramn here Satur- way.. Thay said tbere were no sins Mrs. Floyd Butler and Mr. day marning was responsible. signs ta indicate there was any accommodations for tour- Hanlan Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas ists in Newcastle and aven Mrs. C. R. Lovekin enter- Wright an~d Jamie o Teno previaus custamers wera un- tained on Thursday everinçe were weekend visitors with ab]e ta find local business as- at bridge in honour of a vis-~ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrad tablishments because there itor in the village, Miss S. A. and other relatives in the vil- were not aven any signs point- Meirase of Toronto. - agp.........__'--". .141- ing the way ta No. 2 Highway. Mr. Harold Coucb and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollack Several ideas were express- and Mrs. William Couch vis- and Colin of Detroit, Mich., ed such as a sign indicating ited in Niagara Falls and dis- spent the weekend visîting FOOD - FUEL - ACCOMMO)- trict on Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Car- DATION at next cloverleaf or A Pastoral Relations Com- vatb and family. something ta that effect. mittee appointed by the 0f- Friands of Mrs. Marjorie After considarable discus- ficial Board of the United Cunningham will be pleased sion it was suggestad the mat- Churcb was unanimously an- ta learn that she bas left Bow- ter shouîd be taken up with dorsed by the Congregation of manvilla Hospital and i5 flow the Chamber of Commerce at the Church on Sunday marti- convalescing at the home of an immediate special meeting ing. The Cammittea is comn- her sister and brother-in-law, where it could be discussed posed of Clarence Allin, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. with ail business men in the Chairman, Francis Jase, Sec. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Couch village and coma up with a and Mrs. P. F. Mare, Mrs. Gar- and Mrs. Harold Couch visit- suitable idea and write a let- net Rickard, and Messrs. Mar- ed the latter's sister, Mrs. Ma- ter ta the Department of low Mancock, Irwin Colwîll bel Mattice of Haileybury On Highways and the village and Ken Dean. The commit- Sunday. Mrs. Mattice is ser- council for its endorsement. tee has already started ta iouslv l and is a patient in The delegation were agrea- work seeking a new ministar the Central Hospital ini To- able and will contact the Pra- for the congregation ta re- ronto. sident af the Chamber of plae ey.M.C. Fisher who radMs e.Wo-Cmec sigfra m is leaving at the end of Au- .adMs e. od omreasigfra m gust. u hams of Toronto were week-1 mediate meeting ta discuss the Mrs. George Smith has ra- end visitors with Mrs. Fred situation and members af turnied home following an ex- Couch Sr., Mrs. Samis and counicil gave assurance of tended visit witb relatives and _Mr. L. Aluin. their interest and their an- friends in the west. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pa- dreeto utbepa Smith visited with ber sister terson and family visited with of action. Mrs. W. J. Bell in Atitler, Mrs. Bruce Drummond af Vir- Sask., and members of the ginia Town and Mr. and Mrs. Smith family at Souris, Man. J. G. Paterson of Toronto at Payg o n A good sized congregation the latter's cottage in Fenelon' lyg o n was an band Sunday evening Falls on Sunday. ta enjay the first of the out- Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Embley side services being held by and family left an Monday for, Report the Newcastle and Orono Un- a holiday an the aast coast. ited Churches. The Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Nino Martina evening service was hald on and children and Mrs. A. Mar- By Sharon Hancock the beautiful shady west lawn tina af Toronto were recent i community hall with the visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Newcastle-The Playground 1 Rev. M. C. Fisher leading the Chas. Megit and Wayne. began on Manday, July 4th service and the Rav. Basil His friends will be inter- with a very good attendanca Long of Orono preaching the asted ta know that Mr. Ted whicb continued throughout sermon. The service was great- Belsey was taken fram Mem- the week. During the week ýly enbanced by the music of orial Hospital ta the Surmny- games and sangs which were the Orono Band. The second brook Hospital in Toronto on learned last year were review- service of the series will be Monday. Mr. Belsey was com- ed whicb regained the an- ,held in the Orono Park July fortable during the trip in the thusiasm af the children. In ý24th. Marris Ambulance and is aur arts and crafts periads the SMr. E. A. Forbas af Mimica comfortably settled in Sunny- children made name cards F visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gar- brook wbere al bis friends with Post Alphabets cereal, don Agnew on Tuesday. will wîsh him an aarly recav- gaily decorated bats out of A number of village resi- ery.- paper plates, finger painting dents attended the 270th an- niversary af the Battle of' 'Boyne celebratians in Pater-en s Hou Sborough an Saturday where r en s H n u KEN p OBITUARY NEIL F. PORTER I After an illness of several! manths Neil Francis Porter af Orono passed away at Bow- manville Memarial Hospital, on Tuesday, June 14th, 1960. Born in Manvers township bis life was spent mainly in the Peterborough and Orono area where for some thirty! years ha became widely' knawn thraugh bis business, church and community activi-, ties. Me was for many years an active member ai the Orange; Ladge, holding advanced de-: grees in the Scarlet Chapter Mis fondness for flowers and Miss Ruth Han cock organizational wark found expression in bath local and district Horticultural Socie- ties. Ha was also active in theI Prio to eparureCanadian Legion, the Orono Newcastle - A large num-i As a sligbt token af the ap- the Bowmanville Men's Club. ber af lady friands of the Un- preciation afilbar friands Mrs. Me leaves ta mourn bis pass- itad Church gatherad in tha' Irwin Colwill and Mrs. Char- ing bis wife Ruby Oliver, bis Sunday School Auditorium les Megit presented twa pieces daughter Shirley (Mrs. John recantly ta honour Miss Ruth of matched luggage and a lea- W. Bah aif Aylmer) and grand- Mancock prior ta ber depar- ther writing case. Miss Han- son John Porter Bail. Mam- ture from ber home commun- cock expressed bier sincere anial Services were held at the: ity and church in Newcastle. thanks for the lovely gifts Barlow Funeral Home on Wed- The room was beautifully and kind thoughts that had nesday evaning, June 15th by decorated wîth baskets af been expressed. Branch No. 178 of the Bow-! flowers for the occasion. Mrs. F The progrm continued manville Canadian Legion Garnet Rickard, prasident of with two deîightfuî trios by and an Thursday evening,! the Woman's Association, pra- Mrs, Helen Baskarviîîe, Mrs. June 16th by L.O.L. No. 409. sided with Mrs. C. Cowan atGlnAinadMsBraa The funeral service on Fri- the piano. The program open-Ge Alld awit Miss HelenaAa day, June l7th at 2 p.m. from dwihasing sang and M;rs. lin as accompanist. Two piano the Orano United Churcb was Rickard welcomed aIl present solos were presented 1», Fred conducted by Rev. Basil Long, and expressed regret that ona Grabam who also pîayed the~ minister of the church, who so highly esteemed was leav-acm nietfra o- delivarad a message of hope ing the church and commun-acm nintfra m- and camfort. Rev. John Kit- ity. bona solo rendered by Doug- cheri of Niagara Falls, former Mrs. George Allia president las Jase. An interesting con- minister, assistad. af the W.M.S. read an address test was enjoyed by ail pres- Acting as Bearers, repres- of appreciation from the W.1 ent. enting the church, the Orange M.S., W.A. and many offices!j Miss Helen Allin at the pi- Lodga and the Insurance field af the church for the willing ana played soit music as a de- were O. W. Rolph, W. J. Rid- help they had received over, iciaus lunch was served by delI, George R. Morton, Lyall. many years. Not only ta the' the ladies in charge, bringing Lowary, Alex Carruthers and church but tô the whole com- a mast enjoyable evening toaaj Fred E. Lycett. Interment in 1munity was this help given. close. Orono Cemetary. c1i& Vecde :4j!edi [à~rdon Agnew, Edilor Phono 3621 T&. and Mms. E. J. William- son, Mr. and Mrs. George Brewer and family have been visiting Sam Searl and other relatives. Miss Marian McKelvey, R.N. of Sunny'brook Hospital was with Miss Catherine Stewart for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Zealand and family spent Sunday even- ing with Mrs. Mary Luxon. Mrs. Norgrave of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. W. Mercer. M.Irs. Foster of Port Hope visited last week with Mrs. Chas. Thompson and Arthur. Mrs. C. Thompson has mot been feeling so weil lately. Mrs. J. E. Gosney, Danville, Virginia, is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. H. Foster. Guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer were Mr. and Mrs. Cy Elsey and daugh- ters, Oshawa; Mr. Martin and daughter Alena, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Elsey and sons, Tor- onto. MT,. and Mrs. Bob Youngman and daughters spent Sunday with bis mother at a cottage at Feneloni Falls. MVr. and Mrs. George Mac- Donald, Roy and Treasa at Peterborough Saturday and then with ber mother at Omemee. Saturday afternoon a num- ber of the girls and boys againi staged their fancy dress parade down and up Kendal street. They afterward sold Freshie and have $10.25 to send to the Star Freshi Air Fund. and a crayon drawing of something at the playground. On Friday we held aur first special event "Topsy Turvy Day". The children wore their clothes inside out and back- wards and their shoes on the wrong feet. They were judged and the winner of the girls was Mary Grace Paterson, who bad made a face an a paper bag mask and wore it backwards. The winner of the boys was Mark Tilison who had worn his undershirt over his shirt. These two children had done a littie extra as well as what was required. We alsa liad races and the winners were as follows: Plain backwards races, yaunger graup-Norman Tillson; old- er group-Yannette Rogerson; Hopping backwards, younger graup - Tommy Wallace; Backward wheelbarrow race. aider group-Alice and Freda Wesselius; Shoe Scramble, younger group - Greg Gray; aider group-Jaan Kimbali; Shoe Kick, younger graup- Darlene Flintaff, aider graup -Eleanor McCracken. Guess- ing the right number fram one to hundred, Jennifer Gray. Susan and I wauld like ta tbank Mrs. Tillsan and Mrs. Storks for donating the prizes for aur special avent. The chairman of the New- castle Recreatian Committee, Sam Breretan wishes ta add this footnote ta this splendid report, namely, this play- graund is an educational as welI as, &» .entertaining --ven- ture and the Committee bopes any parents of children start-1 ing to scbool in the fali will' take this apportunity ta ac-1 quaint their children with' some of thase with whom they.I will be gaing ta school. It is boped also the parents wxill keep up interest in the Play- graund by making certaini their children are in attend- ance each morning. We are very fortunate indeed tohave such fine girls as Susan Gray and Sharon Hancock as Lead- ers again this year. Swimming Classes The Red Cross swimrning- classes got underway oný Tuesday marning July l2th in the new swimming pool at Waltona Park with Miss Pat Fraste of Port Hape, recently graduated Red Cross Instruc- tar in charge assisted by Mr. Alex Wiseman of Bowman- ville. Miss Fraste was recently ap- painted for the position replac- ing Mr. John Phillips of Bow- manville who had been pre- ~*A*~ ZILA NO WASTE - NO LEFTOVERS 10 oz. pkg. of 8 TableRite WIENERS Pkg. of 8 Dempster ALL A Wiener FORq9cLa ROLUS ONfLY49La Burns Shamrock %/ Cryovac - 2%/ - 3 lb Average M n e DINNER HAMS lb. 89c Mne Burns Shamrock - By-the-piece - 2 ta 3 lb. average Beef BOLOGNA lb. 39c ILb39c Bright's Choice - Save 4c - 48 oz. tin APPLE JUICE 25C IGA - Save 4c -i/% lb. ti BEEF STEW Sunny Marn - Save 4c - 1 lb. bag IGA COFFEE 33C 55C Pillsbury Pineapple-Leman - 15 oz. pkgs. CAKE MIX 2 for8 9C York Fancy - Save 6c - 15 oz. tins CUT WAX BEANS - - Prem - Save 5c - 12 oz. tins LUNCHEON MEAT Kraft - Save 6c - 14 oz. jar BARBECUE SAUCE Save 10e - 25 ft. ral SABAH WRAP- Christie's - il az. pkg. LENON & ASSORTE PUFFS 0 m a 2 For 29c1 m 0 a m m 2Far 49C 0 m ne m 33c 29c m - m 43c PARKAY REGULAR 4 Pkge. FRESH FROZEN FRASERVALE STIRAWBERRIES 3 15 oz. Pkgs. s CANADA No. 1 GRADE FRESH, TASTY, ONTARIO GROWN New Potatoes 101h.c Bag 4 Golden Ripe BANANAS m f m- Lb.lOC SNo. 1 Grade Garden Fresh Tender Green ý CABBAGE - m Ea. lOcl Long Green Slcers - Ontario Grown CUCUDERS- 2Forl19C For Cool Rafreshing Drinks U.S. No. 1 Grade - Large Size LIMES - - . 2k~ Free Gifts for Summer Time Fun YGUD.S FREE FOR ICA CASH REGISTER TAPES and BONUS BOOSTER TAPES SHOP AND SAVE AT a & 0 Bowmanvil-le IGA Market IOWNANYILL - TARIO Toms' IGA Marlket uawcul, ONitwinO m 1 Ail Food Prices Effective July 14, 15, 16 We Resarve the Right te Limit Quantities Change of Location il JAKE McLAREN Fina Station Mloved from No. 2 Highway ta Junction of Highway 115 and 35 Tires - Batteries - Minor Repairs Phone Newcastle 4123 LUCKY'S B.A. Phone 2081 j- intario Newcastle Percy "Lucky" Luxton, Prap. LUBRICATION TOWING MNRREPAIRS 10-MINUTE CAR WASH Free Pick-up and Delivery Next to Elmhurst Hotel EURSIDAY, JULY 14th, IM ý 1 il bu 1. Il rz_ý -mai PAGE ILZVM TM CAMADIAN STATES&UN. BOVIL&NVnOL& ONTARIO b Kendal's hardball tean of won from Newcaste fturs- Fife and Drum band paradeci D A L te Rural South Durham lea- day evenmng. avound Kenclal and serenaded d1.I gue played two games last MI roads led ta the big the folks Saturday morning Kendl W I.enjyeda tip eek. Newtonville beat themn Orange Walk ut Peterborough before they left to join in the an Thursday ta Barnum House Tuesday eveni>g and they Saturday. Kendal L.O.L. and big walk.- near Grafton. The bouse was ______________________________________ erected in 1817 and very sturdily built. A few years ago it was made intoa North- iimberland County Museumi and is full of articles used by our forefathers. The dresses TP VLE On returning ta Cobourg the! IN ladies enjoyed the usual shop-~ ping sprea then proceeded to~ the park by tbe lake for a M bountiful pienic supper. M Mrs. Annie (Robinson) Ev- ans passed away TuesdayS ET K Newcastle, where she was mov- ed ta from Memnorial Hospital FO a few weeks ego. Service was F O held Thursday in Orono with intarment in Orono Cemetery. Mrs. Evans was born and raised neasr Kendal and for a far (of yoccupiedb oydW . NICOL fa numbero yer ied b Lon , O theC HL Glass) with ber first husband,ý Wes Paterson. She then at-IO OU OR CEADBW NVL OT tended Kendail United Church O U ORIEADBW AVLELT and was a great help in the choir. Our heartfelt sympathy' 97C E.'zTNPC -P - - . - * $,9 is extended ta har brother, 197C E ./2TN P U P$#5 Milton Robinkon. Mucii interest was taken 15 HV SD N D LV R 9 this weekend wben George 196C E .SD NB LV Y$85 Mercer filled bis swimmingi tank with water, by the usel 15 HV /-O IC -P - n - n n $,9 of Allin Foster's irrigation out- 196CE ./2T I C1-P -$05 f it. It took somne tim e ta get~ the outfit in readiness but 15 CHV /2-TON PICK-W" - - $ .87501 not long ta fill the tank . 15 H A shower was held in tihe ' Sunday Schoril room Friday 1~ 'K /.fN L )n - - $ 7 evening for Miss Phyllis Jack- 1955CHE . 1/2-TON 87 son, bride-to-be on Saturday, July 16. Phyllis, seated in the 15 T D D K R 'zTN PC U 5 chair of bonour, was assisted 15 T D B R R 12T N PCU 5 by Miss Carolyn Foster and' Miss Editih Cox in opening the 1954 CHEV. 1/-TON PICKUP n - - - $ 675 many lovely and useful pres- ents she received. Miss C. W. '.ft Stewart conducted a "Bride 14 HV 34T NPC -P - - - n - p~u and Groom" contest which was 198C E .34T NP K-P . . . .$50 answered by the namne of a flower. A tasty lunch and SUITABLE FOR TOWN OR FARM USE social hour was enjoyed. Sun- day morning after Sunday Most of the above trucks have been reconditioned, repainted and al Sehool Phyllis was presented necessary work done to make them look and run 11k. new. with a lovely wbite zippared Bible by the Sunday School clmoasCeroetCrvi Rev. R. C. White conducted n service at Kendal OdUnil CertedCrvi Cb.urch Sunday evening at 7:30 preachinjg on three verbs adEvy(rts ul)Cr u1sed in the Bible: Cnme, mdEvy(rts ul)Cr Abide, Go. Mrs. White sang a OW A VIL Chvoe TrcsC RTC veypleasing solo "How Great Those Art" with Mrs. L Pin NA -32 - Swarbrick at the organ. Ser- gPhone MA " 53 -eMA3-92 vice is at 7:30 just drn July. unj

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