?RUDAYJUA' 4th. 1960 TMI CANADIAJISTATTSMMI. BOWMM<VuLLE, OINTAEIO I. -- m planotis comprxsed ber cor- sage. On their returu the cou- ple will reside ln Oshawa. Out of town guests were present froin Oshawa, Port riffsCredit, Whitby, Port ,Hope, 'S Bancroft, Birmingham, Ma- bama and Rame, N. Y. i ~w/q~The bride was entertained at several prenuptial parties pnior ta her marriage. Mrs. William Leask Jr., Oshawa, was hostess for a linen show- er with Mrs. Donald Leask and Mrs. John Marshall as ca-hast- esses. Mns. Thomas Gould Jr., LEASK - GOULD is the daughter ai Mrs. Louise Oshawa, gave a mîscellaneous r~init' United Church, Edwards of Birmmngham, Ala- shower and wvas assisted by wmanviîîe, was tue setting! bama, and the bridegroorn s Miss Donna Gould in serving for a wedding at 3:30 o'clock, the son ai Mrs. W. J. Leask reineshients. Mrs. Ernest Satudayaitrnon, uly2ndoaiBawmanville, and the late Rashatte and Miss Patricia when Beverley Louise Gould' Mr. Leask. Marr were ca-hostesses for a 'Was united in marniage with! The double ring cenemony miscellaneous shawen held at Robert John Leask. The bride was conduct.ed by Reverend W.S. Raortte hm,.iet - '~~K. Housiander, and the wed- S.Nrh ding music was played by Mr. Mrs. Ronald Richards an- . .A.t.u. .ol ison, who accom- ranged an office shawer at her . ......panied Mr. Donald Allman ai home on Etna Street, Oshawa. Oshawa, who sang "The Wed- hs attendingweefm .~...A. ~ ding Prayer," "The Lord's the General Motors Office, Prayer" and "O Perfect Lave." Oshawa. Frain the staff ai 4 Given in marriage by hier General Matons Office, Osh- 'brother, Mn. Marshall Tho- awa, the bride received an mas Bnyan Gould, Bowman- heirlooma bedspread, a mixette ville, the bride w-are an orig- and a bath mat set. mal ulilenth ownai ar- Following the rehearsal, 1,5 % ' ~~~nation white silk arganzamebraite rdipry over net and peau de soie, and adimdaemmesa hiaving a slight sweep. French th andimie wereneraine PP4LEeERV NG ~lace fashioned the Victorianth aieswrenrand ý.. 8bodice, which wvas offset w'ith by the groom's mother, Mrs. fflg iL FL a scalloped neckline and long W. J. Leask. ~ SENRAL KITHENSsheath sleeves. A back bow ai bY ENUL 00D KTCHNSorganza with full length MUTTON - BARTELS Rere's a delightfuîîy different jam streamers accented the back of hat's sure ta become a 'famiîy the gown. The bell skirt, edged Maple Grave United Church, favoaite, Nice ta have on hand for with scallops af Chantilly lace, beautîîuîîy decorated with 'special occasion" treats too! also featuned a front panel of baskets ai white 'munis and lace. A crown of simulated or- the guest pews marked with DRAGE PNEAPL, ND ange blossoms held hier finger lace circlets centred with TRA WB, IERRY JA D tip veil ai tulle illusion, and white 'mumis, was the setting STRABERR JAM she carried an ail white cas- on Saturday, June 18, 1960, at 9,V2 cups prepared fruit (3 medim- cade ai roses and gardenias. 3 o'clock when Patricia Lii- sized aras ges, i1 uduo-jp Mrs. John R. Marshall ai hian Bartels, daughter ai Mrs. 1 wn irediurn-sized pincapple, Oshawa, sister ai the bride- Donald Keith Whitney and 1 Pint strawberries) groom, wvas matron ai honor, the late Leonard Charles Bar- 934, CUpa sugar and the other attendants were tels, became the bride ai Mn 4 balle Certo fruit pectîn Miss Donna Gould and Mrs. Ronald John Muttan. Mr: Thomas Gould, cousins ai the Mutton is the son ai Mn. and ['oprearefrut.Grae te rndbride. They al vore full skirt- Mrs. Cecil Sidney Mutton,I ýo reprefrut. rae te rnded, sleeveiess gowns ai em- Bowmanvîhle. nd squeeze the juice tram 3 hroidened mint green nylon medium-sized oranges and 1 chiffon aven layers ai net and Rev. H~arold Stainton wvas redum-sized leman. Pare 1 taifeta, with open crowned the offîciatîng clergyman and nedium-sized, fully ripe pilleapple matching picture hats. They the wedding music was play- ind chop very fine or gind. Cru.4h each carried cascades ai paîest ed by organist Mrs. Wm. Laird horoughly about 1 pint fully ripe green andi white chrysanthe- who also accompanied soloist trawbernies. Combine inti, juices mums. Mrs. L. W. Van Dniel, a cou- Lnd fruits andi measure 3ý21 cups Mn. Edward V. Datison ai sin ai the groom. nta a very large saucepan. Bowmanville peniormeti the Given in marniage by ber duties ai best man, anti the step-iather, Mn. D. K. Whit- ro make jam. Add sugar ta fruit ushers were Mr. Donald Leask ney, the bride wo~re white nsauoepan and mix weil. Place and Mr. William Leask ai Osh- shadow lace. The long sleeved ýver high heat,' bring ta a A1,11 awa. brothers af the bride- bodice was designeti witha olling bil, and iailhrd m1 le groom. . quare neckline and tiers oai irring constantly. Rernave frasa The reception was held in lace formed the bouffant skirt teat andi at once stir in Certo. the banquet hall ai TinitY ai the floo-length, gown. Rer hen stir anti skim by tu.rns for just Unitedi Church, Bowmnanville, lace timmed veil was caught Sminutes ta cool slightly, ta pre- wherc the bride's mother ne- ta a headdness ai pearl trim- ,nt floating fruit. Latile quickly ceiveti the guests wearîng a meti white velvet flawers anti ito glasses. Caver at once iih 1< sheath dress ai grey bine she carricd a cascade bouquet ch hot paraffin. Makes about 10 Chaénti]ly lace aven satin with of wvhite carnations and pink edium glasses. a mnatching baiera jacket. A roses. smnall white stnaw bat, white Matran ai honor Mns. )Don reserving Pointer. If yo;raccr whi canatinscrsageteofClins, bnîdesmaîis Misses ecipe calls for just "ý boille f Uerto,whrte cainsm.Asting letasBarbara andi Marilyn Flintof -cap the rest, store i&, ?our reir ir< nebe.g-sin a adjnorbiemadMs aloir andi use il wimhin a »,oath. 2ete bitiegraam's inother who antisejunirtnesthaidMiss chose a pincess line gawn aouf eWhte, h.nii' pawden hîtie French lace aven sister, were in pink chiffon yau hav'e any problenu? uith YOr taffeta wil ogna c ans ven pink tafieta, accenteti by . u a vid brmme lit o mach.bows at the back wvaistline, tm or jelly, do u'rile us, Gezerai ing bIne silk razmth anti pink shoes. The flower 9ds Kitchwens, 44 Epiaton Ave. ing accessonies, and a corsage girl, ttie Miss Brenda Barr, ,:, Toraonto. And ivatch for our ?u't aifîink rases. xvas in embraidered, blue. Al F,'&Mnm- witholahcrfaioritc,fire The wecltiig dinnen vas wore white bandeaux with 1W Certo reipe.seedbth WmasAs- veils anti white glaves, anti ciation oa iTnity Unitedi carnied cascades ai white and Chnrch. Redi rases and white pink carnations. The bnitie's ,-orange blossoms enhanced thecosnMatrBbyTmp tabls. rac xva afere byson, was ring bearen. .. tabes. RcendHoslner. n TmGoii abbsy For the honcymoon trip the man and the ushers wene Mes- . ... ... .... ... ... bridewe an ivory brocade ans. Dean Allun, Archie Cross- - ~~ice bag andi shoes. White ste-,TAhr1'q n.p S ummer Clearance Cotton Dusters ON SALE s 3.0 8 Skirts FLORAL AND PATTERN SIZES 10 to 18 I ~~ REG. $3.98 $8 f. ON SALE ---28 '~ Nylons FULL FASHION FIRST QUALITY SEAMS SEAMLESS Pr. 79c Pr. 98c CLEARING ALL SUMMER HATS JA CK CHILDS> LADIES' WEAR Bowmanville 1 .x&e r ae-smVo *ineU±flcS Fiv- 1 ed the gtîests at the neception helti in the Legian Hall, Bow- manville, in an imponteti en- broidereti beige anti brown French linen sheath anti dus- ter with beige accessories. To assist, the graam's mothen chose mauve chiffon aven mauve flowened pnint anti white accessanies. Bath wone corsages ai yellow- 'mums. Fan the honeymoon trip en- circhîng Lake Ontario, the bride donneti a bine sheath with matching jacket, white picture hat anti accessanies and: corsage ai pink rases and; white carnations. Mn. ant iM. Muttan wili neside at 39 Cen- tre St. Ont af town guests were present iromn Toronto, Tren- ton, Tweed, Lindisay, Oshawa, Part Penny and Whitby. Several miscellaneons show- ens were helti in honar ai the bride. Mns. Don Collins was hastess for a shower helti in Scarboraugh. Mrs. Frank Roi- nayd anti Mrs. Howard Eti- montison were ca-hostess when neighbaurs anti relatives at- tenieti. Anothen miscellaneous sho- wer was given by Misses Ban- bara anti Marilyn Flintoif. Parts Receiving af General Matons, Oshawa, where the bride is employeti, presenteti her with a General Electnic floon polishen. The bride anti groom werei the honoreti guests at a mis-1 cellaneaus shower given by -Mn. anti Mrs. Tom Goulti . BUY NOW ... AND SAVE! .Summer Prices- NOW EFFECTIVE ON Famous Reading Anthracite (LOWEST PRICES 'IN YEARS) Tou can be sure you are getting the world's finest hard ceai! Remember there is economy i quality. Ask for it today ! NUT Stephen Fuels PEA CALL US TO-DAY-4ar OFFICE AT mnmtjrsu. C.N.R. YARDS93M Have Late June Wedding ... ... ...... Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leo Mutton, shown ab~ were married in the Salvation Army Citadel, B manville, on Saturday, June 25, 1960, at 3 o'clock.1 Mutton is the former June Reid, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Collin Currie of Taronto. The groom is the e' son of Mr. Leo Mutton and the late Mrs. Mutton. -Photo by Rudi Ge Wed in Trinity Church Mr. and Mrs. Robert John Leask are shoN signing the register following their marriage in Trini United Church, Bawmanville, on Saturday, July 1960, at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. Leask, the former Beverl Louise Gould, is the daughter of Mrs. Louise Edwar of Birmingham, Alabama. The groom is the son Mrs. W. J. Leask and the late Mr. Leask. -Photo by Ireland Stut I COLIVELL - BENNETT applique and iashîoned with Before a îoveîy setting a ogolfkr sepn back into a chapel train andt > baskets ai pink and white a shant-sleeved fitteti bodice. gladioli and icrns in Spencer-' with roundeti neckline. Rer ville United Clinrch. on July headtircss, formed af a dou- > 2, 1960, at 3 o'clock, Rev. Lea- ble band ai mirnomist, held nard MacD. Ferguson officiat- her cinculan veil ai tulle il- eti at the double ring cere- lusion banded with mirnomist > mony uniting in marniage and she carnieti a cascade of Mary Grace Jane Bennett, htegadoi danghter ai Mn. and Mrs. . Mrs. Ronald Wells, Bow- Garuet Bennett, Spencerville, manilwsmtoofh -1 and Mn. Etiwand Stuart Col-, or. ndliews maon ai hon wcli. Mn. Coiwcll is the elden Missdoth bnieaitis ero: son of Mrs. Albert I. CalweIl Bowvmanville and Mrs. Robt. and the late Mn. Colwell. 1 Williams, Bnockviiie. They Organist Mns. A. S. Vincent' wore strcet-length white si]k1 played the wveddiiug mnsic and onganza aven white taffeta accompanicd soloist Mrs. Earl %with bateau neckiine, V-backs, Connell who sang "The Lord's short cap s]eeves anti gather-1 Prayen" duning the service cd skirts. Turquoise taifeta anti "The Wetiding Prayer"1 sashes. side gathered, crosseti during the signing ai the ne-1 in front and formeti back gister. As the bride entered i drapes. Thieir double band' the church the congregatian ' headpieccs matcheti their sash- sang "Praise My Soul The es anti they carrieti pink car- King of Heaven" andi duriuîg nations and shasta 'mums. the service "0 Perfect Lave".' Mn. William Lymer ai Osh- The bride, wha was given' awa. was best man and the [n marniage by ber father, ushers wene the groom's bro- wore a gown ai white mira- ther, Mr. Irwin Colwell, and mist tafeta accenteti with lace the bride's brother, Mn. JamesW ____Bennett. W . 1 The neception was heldidnu H ampton W .. unherwoe isyPleb &cre ' with pink accessanies. A-nsist- H as Special tuqos lwrdseroe f ~taffeta with white accessor-1 G ran y s ay iies.Bath wone corsages af pink, For the wedding tnip ta Wes-r Hanmpton W. 1. met Tuesday 'tenui Canada anti the United aiternoon. Arrangements wene States, the bride donned a La be heid Aug. 2nd at Osh- with white accessanies anti awa-on-the-Lake. corsage ai whitc carnations., It was decîded ta take ad-' On thein return, Mn. and Mrs. vantagae ai the short course Colwell wili reside at 14 on making drapes at Orono Grandview Ave., Toronto, at the. md af Jnly.r Ont. Mrs.L. lun nesded ver The bride, who is a gratin-r Mrs L Alinpreidd oerate ai Quiecn's University the Grantimothers' Day pro- whene she obtaineti len B.A. i gram. Rail call was answered'n .HE Dgeswaa. banti B.P.H.E. Degrees, was a by pemsino olt scoolmember of the teaching staff; reader. roa Bowmanville High Schaol. The motta, "Take fnom the, Mr. Colweii, who is a grati- aItar ai the past the fine, n ate ai Bowmanville High the ashes", was prepareti Iy School, Peterborongh Teach-,IL. mrs. Haney, who owing ta iii ers' College anti ai University I health was unabie ta be pre- of Toronto with a B.A. De- sent, so the weil pnepareti es- gree, will enter Emmanuel say was reati by Mrs. T. S. Coliege ncxt Fali. At anc time: Mountjoy. he taught in Courtice anti Robent Sieman, grantison of Bowmanville Public Schools. Mrs. Knox, rendered two na- Several parties were helti ther dffilcuit piano numbens, in honor of the bride prior ta anti diti exceptionally well. : bher marniage.. Mns. Wallace Mns. A. Prescott hati a iengthy' Munday anti Misa Ruth Wilk- paper on "a trip thnough the ins, Oshawa, were co-hostess- r centuries" showing that the es ior a shower at Mrs. Mun- present generatians are not tiay's home, Bowmanville.r carryîng ont the traditions set A cammunity shower ivas down by aur pioneers. helti at the britie's haine, Mrs. Nidtieny was aur most Specerville, anti a shower hanoneti grantinothen anti Mrs. wa!r given by Miss Beatnice Prescott receiveti special men- Rotitick <uow Mns. Ronald tion. _i Wells), Miss Donothy Somer- T Ice cream and cake were ville anti Miss Manjorie Somn-1 serveti in abundance anti Mns. erville. T. Mountjay hati the lucky Presentations were matie bv' plate at lunch. the B.H.S. girls' basketball Na meeting next month but teams ai 1959:60, B.H.S. tes- h we hope everyone will try ta ching staff anti the Young attend the picnic. Peoplela executive. à rSTAINTON - BOTHWELL MUTION - REID of ai nk rome. Mr. and Mrn. misceflaneous shower attenê g iStadads fpin an wite OnSatrda, une25 190,Muttan will reside at 31 Lib- ed by nexghbours. j Seondas fed andvehytback- at o'clock n e 2Sal1ationerty St. North. peoiesforeda lvel bak-at o'loc i th Savaton The bride was the honored Both the bride and grooa ground in Maple Grave Unit- Army Citadel, Bowmanville, guest at several prenuptial are active members of the ed Church on Friday, June 24,1'enhanced by standards ai parties. A miscellaneous Salvation Arniy Band and ý 1960 at 6:30 o'clock when Rev. white 'muis, Captain Norman shower was held by members the Sunday School. Harold Stainton oficiated at Coles united in marriage June of the family and a similar the double ring ceremany un- Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. shower was attended by rela- iting in marriage Shirley Eli- Colin Currie of Toronto, and tives of the groom residing i Dn't eut down stemsa aflg zabeth Bothwell, daughter of Mr. Clarence Leo Mutton. Mr. Whitby. leaves of spring-flowerihi Mr. and Mrs. David William Mutton is the eider son af Mr. A miscellaneous shower was bulbs, warn Ontario Depart* Bothwell, Maple Grave, and Lea Mutton and the late Mrs. held by members af the Sal- ment of Agriculture hortlcu% Mr. Clarence Ross Staintan. Mutton. vatian Army Citadel, Baiv- turists. Let them die down Mr. Stainton is the son af Mr. Mrs. Muriel Albin played manville, after which the on their own. It looks untidY and Mrs. Milton Stainton, En. the wedding music and accam- bride and groom were pre- for a time, but the leaves 4M niskillen. panied the soloist, Captain sented with a beautiful living- making food for next yearkÈ The wedding music wa Mrs. Norman Cales. room mirror. Mrs. Gearge flowers-and they'll need thtW played by organist Mrs. Jake The bride, given in marriage Cherriflgton was hosteass for a. extra nourishment. Laird who accampanied the by hier step-father Mr. Collin soloist, Mr. Ross Metcalf. Currie, ware a bouffant skirt- g ed floor length gawn ai white Given in marriage by lier organza tapped by a short- father, the bride wore a twa- sleeved lace bodice with scal- piece bridai gown ai lace and lopped neckline. Her shoulder A Kuan ehol Inuuector was 4 nylon net aver tafieta. Three egtvelwsaghtaaeamlnlng littie Ivan, who hlm tiers, each over net, fashion- per n hnstn rme eacher boauted was "a whole ' *' ' ed the skirt and the long crown and she carried a cas- year ahead of the others." sleeved bodice was embroid- cade of red roses and white "MVo are the three greatest ered with cup sequins and carnations, traitora ln the hlstory of simulated pearis. Her shoul- Russa," asked the inspector. der length veil îelî îrom a Mrs. Peter Dykstra, Toron- To which hlm star pupîl re- crown set wîth rhinestones ta, as matron ai hanor, was in plied: "Stalin, Malenkov and and she carried a cascade bau- pastel pink net aver taffeta Khrushchev." quet ai red roses and steph- with full street length skirt . anotis with smaîl carnation- and short sleeved bodice with "«You're qulte riglit," sald the ove, ets a scoop neckline, and white Inspector, turnlng to the teach- 3ow- Th accessories. Her headpiece was er. Hfe IS a year ahead cf the The ar bride's sister, Miss Bar- a matching bandeau with chin others." and honor in waltz length powder nosegay ai white and dark 1 don't knaw about being a- ider blue chiffon over net. Rer blue chrysanthemums. year ahead, but aur dry clean picture hat was oi powder Mr. Peter Dykstra was ing plant is certainly equipped rbrblue nylon and she carried a best man and the ushers were ta handie any cleaning prob- ebrnosegay ai pink carnations the groom's brother, Mr. Paul lem that cames aur way..- And and white 'mums. Little Miss Mutton, and Mr. Ted Part- more important than machin- Nancy Bothwell, another sis- lett, a cousin af the groom. ery ... the people on aur staff ter ai the bride, was flower The reception was held at are highly trained in their Ed. Le"li girl in wvhite flacked nylon the home ai the groom's un- field. For finest results send with lace over net. She wore cie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. your dry cleaning ta us. a white and yellow nylon Harry Bartlett, where the headdress and hier nosegay bride's mother received in Leioin ICmvnivm1 U- u.nm d Pu was ai yellow and white powder blue lace with white-- -a 'munis. accessaries. The groom's aunt,Frdy Iy 5h-- Mr. Elwin Dickey ai Bow Mrs. Harry Bartlett who as- rdy a 11 manville, the goms rt-sisted, alsa chose blue with er-in-law, was best man and white accessories. Bath wore the ushers were the bride's corsages af pink carnations. cousin, Mr. Joe Bothwell of As the happy couple leit on Bowmanville, and Mr. Grant a honeymoon trip to Eastern Z Wer fEnikle.Ontario, the bride was wear- -19, t M W. MA.S ing a blue box jacket suit with The reception xvas held in white accessaries and corsagel the Church Sunday School Room where the bride's mo- RED andi BLUE BRAND ther received in a blue floral B W OL dress with white accessories.BEFO Y Assisting, the groom's mother ~.., was in bine brocaded silk or- Lean, .uîcy, Tender, Boneles ganza ith white accessories. Bath wore corsages af pink FIRTH Round and white carnations. For the wedding trip ta B RO takiO Niagara Falls, the bride wore R Ste kC a two-piece pawder blue lace or dress with white accessories. ULT ME S Mr. and Mrs. Staînton wîîî re- QAIYMAS Roaist I7a side at 33 King St. West, Bow- 47 KING ST. E.L MA 3-5081 ___________________ manville. LAPA M Guests were present irai A, KLÂY8LA Maple Grave, Hampton, Osh- j awa, Bowrnanville, Peterbor-Co t g augh, Port Perry, Enniskillen î Several showers were held BONE IN7 9 Roll I.49..7 in honor ai the bride prior ta lier marriage. Enniskillen girls held a miscellaneous A Mrs. Bruce Staker and Mrs. u m u4A sh o we and in d MaegraveU NR].8 29 ~Don Martyn were ca-hostesses BU0 À T 4J A presentation was alsa R CK N held or th brie andgroo ýwn by the Enniskillen commun- AL .ity ity and wedding gits werei Tp 9 2, presented ta the bride by R.l.8 5 "MHollingshead Ca., her place ley of employment, and by Pres- rds tanTransport. 1 .of IFlF'FI V v q Fw F' idio m HEBEIS YOIJ CHANCE TO!. WINe.. WHAT YOU BUY REGARDLESS OF HGW LARGE OR HOW SMALL- IT CGULD BE A CHESTERFIELD SUITE OR A HASSOCK ... Ail you have Io do is ll iont a coupon similar Io Ihis aller you have made your purchase- a aanaa aaan a.a.a.n........a....ana a N F. A. KRAMP Limited (Successor ta F. F. Marris Ca.) Name - -. -.- ----- --- ----_ _ _ Address --- N Purchased __ _ _ N ~~~Total _____ N Must present sales slip to qualify The wiuner wilI receivo a cheque reimbursing hinm for th. mil amouni of 1h. purchase. DRAW'WILL BE MADE SAT.,, JULY 301h AT 6 P.M. F. A. KRA PLD HOME FURNTURE and FURNISHINGS 37 RING St. E BO WNA VLLE 1 i a? M ra in ar th et ar l roi eti TI ini Pr tec de, Wr if' 37 King St. W. STOVE TELEPHONE MA 3541 PAM ý ým i7l ý m