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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1960, p. 5

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~~!{~AY,.ULv!14th 196n THE CANADIAN STATKSMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO [tu ma FLOAT WITH COKE Enjoy a rea ltaste sensation ... sparklming Coca-Cola fo 'Ith a scoop of Ice creani! The ecooeat idea ever! Pick up a carton of King Size Coke and ioe cream taday! 4à. . ù«e i Ct. O d br. , Aie wàný .It sio.( of roi , a r nM, LM .mp rni seO io, ,u i, ,.n n Authorized botier of (Coca-Cola under coniract with Cobca-Cola Ltd. Hambly's Beverages (Oshawa) Limited Oshaw a, Ontario Easing the Load iROASIS 1. Miss Emima Werry, 344 Spa- the cequest it be publishedI diiia Road, Toronîto 10, well iii The Statesmnan as a ioving; kuîown and beloved native of message ta hec maîîy friends' Tyroume, ha- senit the follow- in Durham Caunhy. She mak-eq ing poem ta the editor wîth the explanatian that the poenî is from a fî'ieuid wha fell w7h n on heu' way to sce her Reduce Easily 'With niid cracked or broke he The Naran PIon IR The day was long the burdien FOREFST. ONT. "f am happy 1 had borne ta saY that by uîing the NL'aran~ Seemed heavier than 1 cou id Plan for one nionth 1 have lost langer bear sixteen pounds. I don't kîîow of Amd then itlilfted--but 1 could an casier or more pleasant way nat know mta lose weight. 1 amn verv pleased with youi' product andjomeone had knelh in praver,; ýainrecomening t and y ad taken me ta God that friends." G. Addison, RRI, For- vend askdth asn c h est. Ont. Adakdteesn fte How often have you looked in, boad. and He the mirrar and decided that you. In infinite compassion had are getting too fat? How often stooped down have you had ta have IaAt Yeafca And taken it fcom me. clothes let out or boy* a laîger We cannat heullîow afteuî. as - size? Haw often have you ce- we pray aolved ta educe but given up he- For same bewildered one hurt cause of tiring exercise or star- and dîstressed vatlon diets? Thousands have The answer cames-but manv, found that there is an easy. safe limes those heacîs and effective way ta ge' rid of Find sudden peace anîd rest. unqightly fat. Prove il ta OU t'. Someone had prayed, and self. try the Naî'an Plan today, faith a reaching hand, your druggist has it and it la Took hald of God and brought sold with a nioney back guaraul- Hi dontady tee. What can you 'ose? Nothing Sno mny. mn hat ayhv but wjg~t.need of prayer Sn let us pray. vilageon ednsda beoree a l m ieMrs. Gerald Shackleton, Mr. S- S- NO. 16 DARLINGTON NEilWTgN VILLEdnedavc lunch MarinLd ydVisMrs. Clarence Allin: La-1, (Enniskillen Publie col Miss Alîe Nesoit of fora * ,.'. e.'. .Long; Horse shoe pitching,0Pdrmtn. (Apatia Mi s A i e N s i t o oron- viii. for a few da s f r a m înor . Miss o rotflx .t p lo i s G eorge W ilson S .and O liver ' nord r).- ea h r, M to spcnt the weekend -wîth hier oeain attending sumnmer school -Gasel sister Miss Anne Nesbiti. X'îeîH Qucen s UnîversitP owatLawA n fu~ ~~.Gapi. .Jniow r re1-te acerii, DMles. Mis Go.McuIouh ws M ad rsan- F ' er Iity. ~ A prize for the oldest per- Calnan. Memorial cirk.oandetrborough er e rs \i7 rWa-gg of Mark- son attending the GrdeI t 2Grîwon!Dle Mrnd Mrs. Sid Brown. Aastin cbyk Mr PeseebrAugh n 89,yearset0rLogan. Joyce: Simpson, Mark;l MeoilHospital. Bowrnman- calling on old friends in the ham -Penit a few days with Mr. C athMr.crsle yougeA Thamp son, Phyllis. STaEnBW AdILE Mr. id Mr on. mor T l flCPriefor Gae2t the yuge person Gr ead- attenaing the pinic, won bv aAe Ctot3o-iGreenley 18 RINGandnfathe pandMrs. Kwonare Joyce; Hibben, Bobbie; ed1 18 INGST.E. OWM NVILE nofaTroi nto'sd Mrs. Go. he Prs înî fS a- Wallraff. The Open Race 15 Scott Dowvn, youngest son of beater.Tmy ily on or ornandiitunder wasTe Prih wan byS. osMr. and Mrs. Wesley Down, .Tmy;ily on Ovens on Tuesday. eph's Roman Catholic Churcn, years Grade 3 to -.-Grwon n. ea- W ID EMN Mr. Keith uBrýleyý was Inov-; Bowmanvîlle, and St. John's 1. Billy Buday and 2. Larry: the longest distance, wnb hr LADES WARcdfrm te or HpeHo. ission Church. Newcastle, McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cornish Grade 4 to 5-Boyd, Martha; LDE'W A pital toth East General Hos- was held at Waltona Park, Ail the children in the Luc-'an miyNotBy Greenley, Norene:Grt, pitl. Toronto. on Tuesday. Newcastle. on Sunday after- ky Spot race. 5 years oid an .d' fml.NrhBy Robert. Hibben, Linda:, Rob-! Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vaseyý noon. and was a great success. under. receîved an award.ý Everyone journeyed home- soit Jamie; Stainton, Gai.il. of Port MeNîcol spent the More tihan 400 people had a The three-legged (mnixed)î waî'd af ter a very eventful Senior Room-Teacher. Mrs.; G R A r J L S L weekend with hier parents, Mr.! happy time. race was won by Bernice Bu- and enjoyable day amang Taylor. !etrn Barbara Stapleton and Miss ish priest. and Rev. R. J. Gar- three legged race, 6-15 erle each other next year. glas; Avery, Diane, Beckett, featrin ý,ariyn tapeto ofBowman-! vey, Peterborough, were pres- was won by Karen and Billyï Relatives wvcre present froni Marie. Cox, Wendy; Fergu- ville returned home with them 1 cnt. Joe Cooper, president of Buday. Open race 16 yearslGrimsby. Duntroon, Toronto, son, Evelyn; Greenley. Har- for a fcw days. :the Holy Name Society. was and over was won by John1 Oshawa, Uxbridge. Ajax, vey; Irwin, Rodney; Pethick, Sp c a ul rSa i g Cnltua.tin oi charge of arrangements for Zolîman. Claremont. Stouffville. Lind- Ruth; Rabsan, Janet, Slemon, "Sp ct cu ar S vi gs i oniaultins to Miss, the event. He was assisted by Girls' race winners were» say, Peterborough. Ida, New- Robert; Thompson, Bob: Yel- TO YU 0FDorothyv Elliott who Passedj the executive of the Haly 6-7 years ad .Agl castle, Bowmanville and sur- îowlees, Marilyn. with honors lier Grade 4 exams1 Name Society, John Regani, Chard. 2. Rosemarv Cascajen- rounding districts. Gae6t -stn lc: in music ai Bowmanville1ci rd e7AhoCae - ootyisa peen vc-president: James Fair, ette, 3. Ellen Cowan; 8_9; McNair, Lockie: Wearn, Su- Z >rotO itoat reseO spending secretary: Deibert Hensbee, years aid, 1I. Gisela Verleysen. an rgt arne 2 /o t # 0 /o1afew days with the D mttreasucer: George Bodnar, 2. Patsy Nowlan. 3. Diana hGrli ade 7 tWrîght.Cence! ;siter o Potyool iarsal alo oseh udd- owls;10-13, 1. Vicki Chard cho l Resu' Gades: 7 xt 8-Asht on.r "SPortr-ite'" REVERSIBLE S1URTS Mr. aind Mirs. Frank Gilmerl he Tom Masterson, Martin 2. Marlene Pelletier, 3.ls:CoKaerreFeguon Re.$25.0OSl 1.0 spent Sunday wîth Mr. and M olloy and Don Thampson. Buday. ENTERPRISE S. S. NO. 19 Leowna: Griffin, Muriel,, Reg.1.0 r. amodGimr n Leadbeater, George, Werry, I Mr. ayon ileranThe Dcaw for a Power The open race for girls and1 CLARKE Betty Jane, Wright, Betty:! "Iansen" Pure Botany CARDIGANS family of Toronto. Lawn Mower was won by Miss ladies. 16 and avec, vas won:Nd fi~rt Yeo, Neil.Sh- Reg. $1295 Sale $8.95 Mr- and Mrs. Ron Smith andi Marie Leddy. Prince Street, by Peggy Goulah and 2. Mar-jNansi reofmit Grade 8 ta 9-Avery. hr ~Lase" PreBotnyPULOVRSfamily of Hamlilton and Mc-.IBowýmanville. The Attend- ian Harte-Maxwell. The la-j Promoted ta-- H: ety ey; Beckett, Wayne; Begley, "Laset" Pre otay PLLOERSand Mrs. Ron Lax and farniîiylance Prizes were won by Mrs. dies open saft bail throw a Grade 9 - Clifford Francis Bruce; Begley, Carale; Bayd 0fl Port Hope .-were recent vis-j D. Britton and A. Mitchell. woiyBrnc ua. The H.: George Joncas, HBtyGro;MNiMuen Short Siceves Sale $5.95 ýitors wîîh Mcs. Wml. Milligan.: The winners of the races Lucky Spot for grandmothers Aldread. H. Gro:MNî,Mucn iMr. Chas. Clarke and his wee:~ Boys 6-7 vears aid. 1. was won by Mrs. DeVries. The Grade 8-Donald Ransbcr- mnother. Mis. Etta Clarke of Gerry Mtîrphy. 2. Jamie Su-, egg catchîng contest winners, ry. H. S. S. NO. 14 MANVERS D R E S E Bufllu. a ri\u dt -r cot-, theiland, 3. Michael Cowies: xvere Bernice and Bill Buday.: Grade 7-Aiiiiie Joncas, H.CRCDE' D E S S -tage onSunday . Mrs. Clarke ýBoys 89\ears aid. 1.Danny Tesingle meni bcsted rde6 armPrdeH.erd.7t -AlnBois %vill remain for sonie timie and: Noxv an 2. Wilîie Vergurgghe. mari red men iin thc tug of war. Dorsadre SadH.;Prdon A:. brI an eek.la Bwi Comifflete Stock of Dresses ill have as lier gucst Mrs. !3. Aiaîi Cowles: Boys 10.13IjJim Laverty aind Bob Labre-Doi Alldread H. ; Lida rni, Grtad e t 7Lnd ore IPhilp of Toronto. Vyears aid. 1.Bîlly Buday. 2., que were the winners of the (H), Linda Yaungmaii (H),ý AlilRcduced for JuIv Sale Mrs. J. T. Peanve visited Larîv MeLean, 3. Werner horseshoe contest.__ pra efrAla onr xith Mrîs. Gen. Campbelli on_-Grd 3 Sr.-Bruce Francis Grade 5 to 6-Henry Vanr $5 - $7 - $8 - $10 $15 1 nsa~ ie ald nF n e ia i e Grade 3-Donîia Cochrane. Beek. 4t -ai ae ý Mr. A. . SynionsFine Recial G ivenGrade 4t -ai onr Reg. SI0.9i to $29.95 been ilI but is improviîig. H.; Robert Voigt. H.: Helen (H). Mr. aîîd Nrs. RoY Wilard ~Kîîapp, H.; Kaye Alldread, H.;1 Grade .1 ta 4-Carol Horner and farni]y of Moiitreal were1 V ýOfO ~Nancy Francis H.: Jim Fran- (.Cey uly() receiit vîsitors .v ith Mr. anîd ML'1, N.P. Grade 2 ta 3-Wayne Hod- iBLOUSES Ms e.SaltnGrade 2--Mildred Voigt H.; 1 dinott. JuIv Sale $2.001 and $3.00 I ogatltoni ara0M s. WW o ka Nancy Perdue H. . Grade 1 ta 2--Gertie Hor- Stapleton. Doris Hi'yiiuka. Grade 1 Sr.-Ronnie Fran-1 nec (H), Olive Burley. COTTON SUMIMER SKIRTS James Hathcrl 'v aîîd Werner An excellent piano recital liott, Jini Hcndrv. Mar-ion is P. Mrs. Gladys Wood, Teacher. JUIy Sale 201-5. $40 Mark svho passed ilîcir Grade xvas given by 53 pupils of Mvrs..- Johnson. Phlyiss Emmerson. i _______________________________ 8 exains and are now ready l»r, W. E. C. Wockman at the Margaret Shackleton, Brian HAT CLEARANCE High Schooi. Lionîs Cornmunity Centre re- Hancock, Julie Hawke. Ann' JuIy Sale 5.1 n 30) Mr. and Mis. Sîd Lancasteîý cently. t was much enjoyed, Weriy, Sharon Afin Anderson, $2.00and $.00 dnd daugliter Doreila niotorcd b thie large audienîce of par- Gary Leno and Dorothy Faley. to a Girl Guide camp near, eiîs and friends. Manv of the! - __ Haliburton on SuixdaN' \vhere: stucits shoxved special1 talent, Doiella wili take uip camp lire!ada]dmnt'tdakoi C oro Pyjamas for a couple or \VCCks. Mr.> edge of pianoa technique. ,Blackbu rn - J e ellryBaby Dolt and Mrs.~ Lanicaster then pro-' The program was varied aiid, - w e alrrg $13 ceedcd onta visit Algonîquin, well chosen. The numbers H d C an M.Donald Gra.vson. whowby.Pak- r Brclt ald a be traîîsferred fron. il a memnber of the teachiiîîg AiJwleyCto atite Mli as bec amitonspent staff of Centr'al Coliegiate, lE c Ail.I'vllrvCoto Btise onrel Hnîitn, Oshîawa. Mr. Parkhîll is a for- od Pc i the weekeîîd witii bis granid-!Ho a SOc E~~. $I.98 pr. mrother M\rs. J. T. Pearce mer Assistant Superiiitendent TeBakunHîyaia 50C $1r..98 rPrDonS.aleoff ie Ontar'io TrainîinîgSchooi h lcbrnHryana Mar.aiîl and Mr. nSapni's for Boys, Bowmnîville. picilc was iîeld on Frîday, !and_______________a__d__Mr.___a__d_______ fli Ist, 1960. at the Sauina co Loriîe Todd hiad a farnily pic- If was anîîouîîced thiatHon- Caîniunity 1li and Schoo- .v BULKIES nie at Mr. Win. Dean's of ours inithie recent Toronto gonswt 2 rs Gai-den Hill an Suimda. Royal Conservatory of Music:gonswth15peet Limited Quantity -.. $5.00 Rv n is .C lie xamniiations wr eevd Tue executive toc 1961 is as %,ent to Roseiieath on au-b hls mesni rd foilows. Han. Pres., Farewell.IVV BRASSI ERS ~dav ho attend tue -401h wed-! V. Tiicory and by Brian Han- Bakun av~Rud Reg. ta 5$3.95 Sale $M.501 $2.04) dîî niiesrvo c.ad cock in Grade Ill Theary. Kini- i Past President. Wesley Yel I £l Mis. Alfred Pringle. WhileI dergai'teii Certificates werc laowlees. President, Walter i there thev visited mianrV of received by Kelly Kirby and Blackburnu: lst. Vice- Presid en t. A. i .Jfl~4their former friciîds. among Gay Quinton. Keinebli Bcown; 2nd Vice- Woo Cois nd ustr Catsthem IVMr. aîîd Mis. Win. Tav-iMi's. Woî'krnan wvas made Presideîît, Carl Down. 3rd Reduced for July Sale loc. Mr. Tavlor is n bis 94ihl thie îecipieîît af a gift from bee~i! Vice-President, Alfred Allun: -g.;1 vearaîî isstîl qute ientllx: ppilswit thiî' pprcuaian rctacy. Mrs. Arthur Thomp- yeradi tllq etl ppl ihtei prcain son: Assistant Secretacx,Mi J L Y r fro $1.00 Up alert and eîîjoyvs a shi'olin i luls 'aiîd affection. Brian Hancock, :Jack1Pearce Treasuie" Mis garden. M ~~ made bhe pieseuitatian. Gace BackbTrurî PanSagrd rCiurn.s.d. -A Mr. adMs. Ceu. Jlis Tiose wopiayed ini(lie e Fitting speeches were giveiisnA K.2 ~ 9 S horlie Coais $10.00 each and MNIrs. G. W. Jones visîted citai were: Erla Andersoi-r' arv Ere oîa O U Foxboro and Mr. aîîd Mrs. D.' Puk.Nancy Hooper, Laurel, on akCrih usi AlilSales Cash Al Sales Final sun Caronof Belleville on Qintn. Pts Basse, CreAli ____________________________________________momentor silence was ab-. & Margret lummr, Kthy!served foi' those wiio had A P s S g 9 « S l Marîeb PluFranimSei', ahypassed away silice July 1, 1959. roi His, Pat Rudeil, Wayne 1 Walter Blackburn gave a: A&P Fancy q.hdty Mkq 4 tm 49*-$AvE t Hunt, Beverley An dersonî, laik about the arigin ofthie J Rachelle Hunît, Marilyn Bebee,,1Backburn - Har'dy Picnic, UUM TO JU IR 9 20-,z #W,99« Wilma Rypstra, Linda Karp!w h ich aciginally started as a Sandr'a Gallagher, John Wer- bicthday party ini 1904. Otheu 3 Flaveursà ii. 4 tin 4@o-SAVE net ry, Jauîje Ferbeck. Ray Rip-i bii'thday parties wcre celebua P P~i 1e.HlaFrek ao el ted in the years 1907 1908,! rnan, Donald Blake. Glenný 1921. In 1923 the Blackburn- Rabb, Mary Van Cam ,p. DavidiHFardy Picnic became an an- 111111,1114 -P4~ 35-ABVE en i Puk, Roîiiie Hooper,May nual gabhering, and alwa.ys C R A E 1.z&s9 iK i g S ZeJane Walter, Rita ane . i eon July ls: from year TV. RMUT LAMRIh'LKbft3Mozpp9 st.. i Susa1.1 I o(t1 Lusader. vear. and Kirk Chaein e* WU90-4^V£ '1% tic Tighe, Caruiyn Tennant, woni by Shiaron Earle and Ca--____________ StephenJeffery. Carinmne El-, rai Dawn: Boys 7 years and ___ ~jujder. won by Biily Biack- - ,brn and Bryan Blackbur'n,; xr'; e î ls u Girls 10 years and under, wxtri W o' a IlYjby Kathy Blackburn and LoisSp cus tA P ~~. Dosvn; Boys 10 years and Lu- Hae i oo uo Bug- 2 bus Sa-BVE80 \ ~ Il Ids KIClIC dei-, won by Geo. Wilson Ji'., À&Y L *EA t Bîyî Ere Gîi 1 1 4» z, J5 A ç Peî'*nrndi o bnen Fu.NphaBe s-AES $1.50 Coules iniiVWite, lI'ory, Crearn. Buff, Peach, Aqua. Green, Birch Grey, Horizon Blue, Sheli Pink. J. H. Abernethy's Paint and Walipaper Store 32 King St. W. MA 3-5431 M* tMd Vrage" Specie CA' IFORNIA VALENCIA.% FANCY G"~DE, ORANGES INOW Air THEIR BEST 4 .%-& oeb" 9 LUSCIOUS,4 SUGAR SWEET, R£O SLUXER& NO. 1 GRADE WATERMELONS e"c79c lwnported, Cultivated, Ne. 1 Grade BLUEBERRIES Pt 6Xc3 5, lmported, No. 1 Grade, GircMed, Large Clustira SEEDLESS GRAPES vo 29c Imported, No. 1 Grade, Very Finet For Eiatrn DUARTE PLUMS Ptb,25% Ontario Growvn, Outdoor, N. 1 Grade CUCUMBERS 2 ioi 9c Bradford Marsh, No. 1 Grade, Tender. Criisp, Pascail CELERY STALKS 2;o, 2 S Ontario Grouvn, No. 1 Grade, Snow White Coo<e.'s POMMTES eo-ba49e eekend Meut Feutures ok or Roost ýýuwBff M% 016 W PontSirloin toast CANNED HAM Le.os SàuMerCuft mild Cured, Vac Pum CORNED BEEF sw..t P -/k , /2t.3-lb En, to u BACK BACON Swe lPielied, Centre Ciii or gliemi BACKBAO am&"k., Cowk.d, Poi tl PORKSHUDE Funsy Quality SuICE oD v Lg Tbwwma mm - oerS - uprLar -t BOLOGNA MAPUiW &87c MaPle Leaf, Barbecue Type 8,59c JUMBO WIENERS 2* civub 6 9 P4igo8 49c 1&79« LIVER & BACON &-oz chubt 27c Schneider%: Pure, Cnunt.ry Style &59C PORK SAUSAGE 5 3c Bhopsa' &79c dSALAM CHUBS &.45e POTATO SALAD S ,tsD.ti, 43C LUNCH SALAM &69«Super-Right, S.noked, Rnd.m. .69<SIDE BACON AUCo"d. Sniolcd, Rindieu SIDE BACON r2-0£ .4 5 9c 24-« m 5 9c 6-cR pkg 35< ~-b PIg 57c MAPLE LEAF ASSORTED (OLD CUIS Macmnm md (bosse, M.ck Chkeu andi 0" Lod1 i.'-. il ~~ j' i 4 I t 1' ~' 14 mw*.d P4 59't v I BFTHESDA 1(Hon.). S. S. NO. 10 DARLINGTON: Grade 2.-Rickard Broome, Names appear in aiphabe- i Louise Hoar. tical order in the grade in1 Mrs. A. Rosevear. teacher. whieh thev will be in Sep-! tember. Grade 8 Io 9--Gwendolvnx Having trouble with ants in Glaspeil (Hon.). Robert Ham- the garden? Entomologist,% ilton (Hon.). Mervin Smith, with the Ontario Department Kenneth Stainton.1 of Agriculture say that chior. Grade 8 - JoAnne 1-bar, dane, the favourite white grub John Hoar. Linda Smith killer. vill do an equally good (Hon.), job on ants. Grade 7-rwin H-amilton, ** Kathy Hoar. 1Grade 5-iohn Hamilton Lawn experts with the On- (Hon.). Rickey Smith (Hon.), tario Departrnent of Agricul. Glen Rundie. Rîckey Rundie. turc suggest -cutting high" for Grade 4-Douglas Broorne. lawns during the hot summer Ann Hamilton (Hon.). Donald months. Grass eut to a height Stainton. of 112-2 inches won't browti Grade 3- David Dceley off so much, and it will resist (Hon.), Margaret Hamilton' crabgrass that much better. CUT DECGRATING COSTS A&LATINT CASEIN PAINT ci 'i. PAGE Plviv 5 Lbs. Makes 21/j to 3 Quarts of Paint For Only - - - - I"éwl.49

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