PAGE SIX TE CANADIAN SrATISM, DOWMANVILL, 01OTARIO * East and Wet--divided by i different Ideologies and phil- o sophies hav provided littie gEYI Lth or ofkndhs choisce. Onth Monday evening, July 'ielighted with the assurance sT' T h e ild o se B eck n s M Makindbas he hoic Of thWesleyville enjoyed its and accomplishment of the 1T 1 TheiWiIdaRose BeckonsoMeor :an-wn annual music festival boys and girls, same of whom da By Winnifred Werry nhltoM.Mnigadd 0e r.CrolNcos have been taking lessons from of Ao th ussatth TMhlareilfohr Mrs. Nichais to bring tem tolw Having attended the thirty- ily and the Vanstones. A cou- Clubs take ini braad areas edtL wr heiuenpplsTeewago t- the grade where they may!,M fourth Biennial Canierence of ple from Hamiltan enquired as their names suggest. In ant Governar af the Province tendance and everyone was teach others. Al The Association of Canadian about Rev. Housiander who Southern Ontario, Bawman- af Alberta, His Honor J. Per-- The foliowing was the pro- i Clubs of Canada held at the had been their minster in ville, a Women'a Canadiaix cy Page and Mrs. Page. Hees, Minister af Transport, gramme: Piano solos by Rob- in Macdonald Hotel, Edmontan, Hamnilton. Club af about 60 ladies then At Saturday noon delegates was scheduled ta turn the iirst ert Scuithorpe, "Falling Lea- 1 .Alta., June 17, 18, 1 feit that On Friday marning the fol- outside the Association, last were driven ta the Mayiair sod for the construction af the ves" and "The Knight and the bel 1 would like ta share some of lowing registered. The Mon- year re-aiiiliated and changed Golf and Country Club in$0,0000 permanent termin- Lady"; Larry Dinner, "The Co my experiences with readers treal delegates including Lady its character ta became the cars provided by menibers ai al building at the Edmonton Fox Hunt" and "Evening Uû of The Statesman. Aylnier, Mr. Allan Magee, Mr. (mnixed) Canadian Club Of the Men's Canadian Club af International Airport at Nis- Belîs"; Irene Kimbail, grade Leaving Malton by Super and Mrs. W. H. Budden, Mr. West Durham." Edmontan. ku, about 15 miles south af the 1, "Littie Spring Sang" and Constellation Thursday marn- Budden, chairman ai the na- Mark Portages Prom there we were driven city. He said Edmonton has "The Marching Trumpets"; lng June 16, at approximately tional executive and vice-pre- In 1his report some Cana- ta the new nrhr iet eoeavtlcnr nteCey lre rd ,"r 10:0 .m. Iarrve laEd sden a Mcea, Bddndian Club special activities ai Jubilee Auditorium built by economy ai the West and ai anges and Lemons", and "The monton at 2:00 p.m. Mountain Ltd., investment counsellors antoa auewihhv the Provincial Government ai the cauntry as a whole be- iyCwlpBl" hli StndrdTie.I oud ha l Mntea. urngth Sc-ta do with historic sites was Alberta In 1956 ta commemor- cause ai its tremendous Nichais, grade 2, "Ail Through m cntwseats wer Dr. Miradadry ai t he wa ina cem- mentioned. Follawing the ex- ate the 50th Anniversary ai grawth since the Secand World the Night" and "Yellaw But cetL aswr r arTrot h ar o te ar Hianh or- ample ai the two Cmadian Alberta as a Province. Buiît at War and its geagraphic loca- terily"; Ruth Nichais, grad Lw, TootVce Carman mitee eta wa. He as re- Clubs af Ottawa, the Cana- the cast ai 4% million it is tion as gateway ta the Narth. 3, "Three Blind Mice"; Jame of the Convention and Miss presented the Canadian Insti- dian Clubs ai Sudbury and ai considered '"acoustically per- The airport will be opened Nichais, grade 3, "Allegretto in 1~uh ar, Pesdet i te ut aiIneratona AiarsNorth Bay have undertaken iect," and rates with the fin- somnetime in October and will C, and "Jolly Rager". Torot. h en's Canadian Club ai rodad a reie ta mark special aid portages est in the world. Here we were be able ta accammadate the Dorelia Lancaster, grade Thro rto. i tehonIs ent Mntre aid in lb5othan passing through the area irom privileged ta see the eighth biggest and iastest planes the and 4, "Peter Enjoys a Swinw. with Mrs. Gilchrist and hier niversary year 1955-56. na i an ao o tnalAbrari '0Itr irie iwbeuigi h and "Morning Prayer"; Patri- dauhte May. rs Gichrst algrydelgats iciuedacross Canada. In addition nainl here craits werc foreseeable future. cia, grades 3 and 4, "Serenade" ls a sister ai the late Mrs. Mrs. C. Alexander, Mrs. M. Mhe.HiMoriSies ord wthon dailyof wrof Junert4-1 Edmontan, built along the by Sigmund Romberg, and John Hendry. When she "iqme Crackford, Mrs. A. P. Dreyer,Cadai the taicSte Boarid airimarîly ana caio s ita banks of the North Saskatche- "Laver Came Back ta Me"; ta Canada irom Scotland as a Mrs. F. Fish, Mrs. I. Gisiaso n ad ntemteiie-rsdns aaacatt wan River impressed me with Vaierie Austin, grade 4, "Ha- * yun wmansh (issEr- r. . . oodrhmMrtiiying and eventually mark- coast and irom U.S.A., Japan, its space, cleaniiness, wise waiian Folk Song", and Rose- kin) stae wthhersis Er,- A. E. R. Lo h, Mrs. .M e:ing this historic canae route Germany, France, Halland, pann i ak n rive- mr,"";Ja Mrfe)s. Hedyathher akehr R. nD . R . oesnonce used by' the explorers Latvia, Sweden, Denmark. plannsn, ofpaciuscas dd at U- icoistgrade 4,"awaian ar.nd d uc nrsgi the and hrebit Mrs. C. C.oertone and fur traders across Can- In this Jubiiee Auditorium iversity, beautiful homes and Twilight"; Linda Thorndyke, Newcastle area. delegates were: Mrs.O. G. ada. Steps have also been tak- we were entertained at lunch- gardens. I even saw a house grade 4, "Allegro Vivace" and " Te IIdRoe" ibs, rs M.L.Bran nien, where desirable ta stimu- eon as guests ai the Province which has gold taps in the "Monkeys in the Trees"; Bar- Mr. JMr . L. uncan, and-lt neeto the part ai ai Alberta, Dr. C. J. Macken- bathraom. There are no tele- bara Dinner, grade 5, "Moon- ATehaigdinnser"te eMr. . J. Band on, Missta ortree Chabersof zie, President ai the Atomic visian acrials as at present îlowers". Gilch vn ist m Irturn ed . Dww n Mrs. R.. E.ado R Commerce in acqulring the Energy Contrai Board and there is just one television Dan iblgae5 the hatel where an informai Doxsee, Regina; Mr. and Mrsladowhccetiadpr-PsPrienaiteNinsain. "The Sieigh Ride", and "Ron-, * cfie prt ha ben rrfl- J H BrwnandDr Ola artages lie. Research Council, spake on The conference closed with do in C"; Marie Hoskin, grade cfed whîch had been prceded dine.Viori and. McClgagJPar- Canada, Science and the a dinner when we were guests 7, '"Waitz in A", by Shubert,' edy meing hai henatiodena G.torM. Broweli nd Laer ildisusinIke Changing Worid. He told dele- ai the Men's and Women's and "Chautauqua Lake Waltz";' exa etingwarfaithe ntoa Mrs. G.M-. nelan ater ndsusinImoates that aithough admitted Canadian Clubs ai Edmonton Gloria Nichais, grade 7, exeutie.For the first time Mr. Charles Kraft, Winnipeg;ofth laque which had been few recognize a revolution îoîîowed by an informai even- "Gioaming"; Donna Kimbail, I became wr te floral Miss C. Carrai, Dr. Law and erected in Bowmanviiie, mark- when it starts he thinks Can- ing ai entertainment and fun. grade '7, "Gavotte" by Careili, embiem ai the Province ai Ai- Miss Ruth Park, Toronto; Mrs. lng it as the blrthpiace aol. ada and the worid has passed Leaving Edmonton Sunday and "Melodie D'Amour"; ini berta, populariy known as the J. B. Clipsham and Mrs. M. G. TvcCulough, founder af Can- the threshald ai a technoiogi- marning I arrived at Malton grade 9, Marie Austin, "Bal-' "wild rase",' which was chas- Gauid (Darothy Bonnycastie) adian Clubs. One delegate cal revolution. An eminent Sunday evening having made ltMsc ySuet n en in the Floral Emblem Act North Bay; Mrs. J. Crawford, who knew the iamily well, scientist, he is also president stops at Saskatoon and Win- "The Lord's Prayer"; and oi 1930. It was depicted at the Dr. C. J. Mackenzie, Mrs. A. later toid me she had been ai the Association ai Canadian nipeg. DyeHsi,"oac"b top ai each hostess' badge. On K. Wills, and Mr. and Mrs. unaware ai this, having Clubs. He said that anyone The wild rase beckons me Jean Sîbileus, and "Country Saturday I was ta see it Eric W. Morse, Ottawa; Mr. thought he was born la Ham- who is impressed with the and I hope ta return again. Gardens" by Perey Grainger. bloaming aiong the roadside J. H. Davidson, Prince Ai- iMon where the first Canadian changes science has braught n Piano duets by James and' as we drove from the Coun- bert. Club was oraie.aoti oit hs'e n . try Club ta the Auditorium. Jug J.EHusnHa-ornze.auti cet"hn'sen US OE Philip Nichols, "Row Broth- The hostesses ai the Con- fax, Miss L. Lawrence, St. Ste- Centenary Couneli anything yet." eielr rs Row" and "The Maid in ference, members ai the exe- lien, N.B.; Dr. and Mrs. D. I was lnterested la hearing He said the technoiogical I the Green"; Dayie Hoskin and cutive ai the Women's Cana- eacClement, Hamilton; Mrs. Mr. Budden report that The revolution is not ephemneral IC c Oil f t at nlC Y Marie Austin, "Over Hill and dian Club ai Edmonton wel- j. Macdonald, London; Mr. Canadian Centenary Council but is a distinctive feature ai Dale"; Donna Kimbaîl and camed us with true western and Mrs. H. S. Mann and Mr. made up ai national voluntary society-Eastern as well as RATY.1. DILLING Gloria Nichols, "Little Boy hospitality. 1 feit quite at home L. Shaver, Medicine Hat; Mrs. arganizations has been set up Western, communist and cap- Certiied Public Accountant Blue March". as I was asked if I knew the H.. C. Reesor, Mrs. F. R. ta give guidance ta the form itaiist alike. It began around 93 Church Street Piano trios by Barbara Dmn- late Dr. Norman Allin and Smith and Mrs. C. G. Sch- ai celebratian Canada wil ex- 1940 under the stimulus ai war MArket 3-3861 ner, Joan Nichois, Gloria Ni- Mrs. Allan, anyone by the mitt, Saskatoon;Mr. and Mrs. perience la 1967. The Confer- but its momentum has contin- WM ..COG S chiTePrnssDcs" name ai Rickard, met Mrs. J. C. Reid, Quabium; Mrs. R. ence heartily endorsed this, ued due ta the demands :for Wiia. H.d AcouGNant Dianne an rDons a Kimbai, Maitiand Gouid (Darathy E. Unicumne, Brandon; Mrs. D. Mr. Budden being arSrprc-onntnud pagrss Bonnycastie). Later I had en- M. Wathem, St. John; Mrs. K. entative on this Council. While the advance has econd Fr Blor g Gad opra Ncai,"h quiries about the Roenigks, Werry, Bowmanviile, and Mrs. I was mast encauraged by created problims and sharp- Car. Ke ir aryBidnnrshpe" the Caurtices, the Annis fam- A. R. Wilson, Kamloops. th iavourabie reporta îrom ened them, he said, it has also Klgad Temperance Sts. Vocal solo by Joan, "Fair- Phoee-MArk-- 3-3612 ings"; Barbara, "He"; Mrs. FINE QUALITY Recelve Report other Clubs cancerning the drawn countries tagether be- ~nn~Mre Carrall Nichais, "Loves a SOUETSA» Dr. C. J. Mackenzie, C.M.G. speakers we are ta enjoy at cause their prablems are be-, TALE, FRIEDLANDER Merchant", and "Your Eyes MOUET N) M.C.. of Ottawa, national pre-. the Canadian Club af West caming increasingiy common HUNTER & CO. Have Tald Me Sa", accampan- MARKERS sident, opened the business Durham this fallowing seasan. ta them ail. Accauntants and Auditors ied by Marie Austin; also session in which reports ai ai- A civic luncheon, as guests af The significance ai this for Lioensed Trustee in Bankruptcy "Trees," and "Sunshine af fier wrtsbmttd City ai Edmonton was Canadai s that aur problems 6,4 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Your Smile", accompanied by for discussion laciuded, f1an tendercd Friday for the na- now are nat narrowiy nation-OsaaOnriDaeHskn"TeQe" 0V STAFFORD ces, speakers, memberships, tional delegates and executive. al but worid wide. Dr. Mac- B. L. Yale, C.A. was piayed by Donna Kimbali.1 BRS. attendance, historic sites and Addresses ai weicome were kenizie said that in earlier p. Friedilander, B. Cam., C.P.A. Mrs. F. W. Hayden returned RO. monuments, citizenship and given by Mayor Roper, Hon. times pea le were reasoniably w_ . L. C. Halmrast, M nister of assured t e condition ai life MONTEITH - MONTEITH ta Toronto on Wednesday af- new Canaddans Agriculture; Mrs. Fraser Dun- la society wouid nat change RIEHL & CO. teriîoan after visiting here MONUWNT escelve Honorable Mention can, president ai the Ednion- radicaily fram the time they 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa since the Centennial Sunday. It is interesting ta note that tan Women's Canadian Club were born until the time they Chartered Accountants Mrs. Carroll Nichais and la the repart ai the National and Earle Cruikshank, presi- died. This is completely chan- RA 5-3527 daughters were in Mount Plea- 1 Stf rdBo. Director hric Morse, the local dent ai the Edmonton Men's ged now due ta the continuai- Bowmanvilie sant on Wednesday evening Stafod Bos club a mentioned twice: (1) Canadian Club, Most Rev. H. iy acceierating pace of scien- Cail ZEnith 45750 for their strawberry festival. "In iess than 10,000 popula- H. Clark, Anglican archbishop tiic advance. He said -the face Partiiers: CA The., Percy Snells, George Nommeita Woks tion towns we have two Can- ai Edmonton and primate ai ai the worid has changed late- Han. J. W. Monteith, FP. Tuffords, R. Bests and mem- bj lundas St. E. Whltby adian Clubs, Chilllwack 1(345) Ail Canada was a special ly faster than ever and pre A. B. Monteith, B. Comn., C.A. bers ai the A. Austin, H. Aus- and West Durham (335) which gucst at the head table. dicted that it wiîî certainîy G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A tin and E. Barrowciough fam- ; Phono Whltby have enrolled no iess than At the Bienniai heid Frida2 change faster in the next de- (Licensed Trustee) ilies attended Morrish festi- MOhawk 8-3552 5% ai their local population in night Premier Manning sac cade. The Second World War G. E. Trethewey, C.A val and enjoyed their usuai the Club." (2) "Ail new-model man must recognize the im- provided the incentive for the R F. Lightioot, C.A. excellent meai, and the plea- partance ai spiritual values "take-off", in scientiiic re-: sure ai chattîng with neigh- b if civilization is ta survive. Nu- search and since then full cm- ir pr c lC bours. clear weapons can destroy pîoyment, the public insistence _______________Wc were sorry ta hear Mrs. mankind while spiritual re- on material progress and the DWIN MANN, »DC, A. W. Harding was iil when BOWMANVILLE generation can make new emergence ai t he under-de- aB Chirapractar it was time ta move into their ]RYLMA 3-5589 creatures out ai men with a veloped cauntries has muiti- fie new home in Bowmanvilie and -new autlook an lufe. piied this scientific effort. He 15flgin St., cor ai Hore St. we hope she will soon b per- The strength ai a nation said there is much taik today Phone MA 3-550 fectly weil ta enjay the new doe na dpen anscentîîcoa the jet age brlnging the Offce Hours: By Appaintment leisure. hlh nt epndor sietifad- worid doser together but Word has been received TB &We A . UIiE 14 16 phiosopîical o cuural d hr a o eneog from Presbytery that the in- 1___________ _aesp tiritual ve ogities n th hught given owa we do De ta duction ai Rev. E. K. Norman exmof1istea a upremead ein" when we get dloser.- will be heid in this church on. oeLILq AC1existbnomnta spritual ver- Differences in people and DI. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Friday evening, Juiy 29th. ' Ab.II h~andnmabfs ritalerha nations changed slowiy in the Office: Juryý Jubile Bidgs. _ Good weather has heiped TH1E * k.itiesadaslt usbs past but now under the im- 40 King St. W. Bowmanviile g ~led mankind ta lase the vision petus ai tcchnoîogy and indus. Office Hours: T i ai a sovereign God who judg- trialization countries are coim- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily North aestleion1 R " ' the right. Mackenzie said the world Office Phne - MA 3-5790 Mrs. 9. Brooks, Bowman- -----------------------______Man___as found new ex- technoiogicai revolution has House Phone - Ncwcaitie 3551 ville, spent the weekend with planations for right and wrang made comman prablems ioom DR. E. W. SISSON Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mal- factors. Wrong actions are not larger than distinctive prob- L.D.S., D.D.S. colm and family. On the ume proguam bianied on the individual but lems. He said nationalismn Ofc nhshm Mr. and Mrs. Melville and on other existing factors. while it divides people, has Oic nhshm "We say that the murderer becomne, "a matter ai feeling I0n Liberty St. N., Bowmanville girls spent the weekend with is suffering from psycha-neu- mare and marc about iess and Office Hours: Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sameils rosisi. I ser t e-heps--es"1D. acezi dscu- 9am a6pm al nd Anna. haviq "he utur inourevening dinner guests with Mr. Dr.ns, h said. IL RICHARD LOVEKIN and Mrs. J. A. Barnes, Grace D.Mackenzie at a morn- U.E., B.A., LL.B. and Ted.B ing session was rc-elocted Box 9, Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brownel a n d C R Epresideat of the Association Ptone Newcastle 2240 and Valerie motared ta Finchý for 1960-62. The regionai vice- Consultation by appolatment on Friday evening and re- j B presidenta are B.C., H. M. only. turned on Saturday cvening, strwbrris nd elclos oy ce, Vancouver; Prairies, .KA LYE1, bringing Mr. and Mrs. Charies j The nti faoy HI «Il goforfr« stawbrrisH.d dFish, CaFrakigary;, algry- W.nATllCEhome withellhomthem temforý Ontario, Trevor Moore, To- In the offices aiaoisf ronto; QeeMe en Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hop- M Charl eBcc, ntMatme.sea, R. Waddefl, Q.C. kins were in Engiehart over; Hon. Mr. Justice G. J. Twee- Mi tet rnOtrote weed wt hi Glen Rae Vhipped Cream C. hare oeat iies, MainStreetfOrthe Starlo hter, M.nd Mwrs en Charlottetown National Exoou-tg a ea tive la W. H. 8uddea, Mon-_____________RcyadHthr treai. 5» HMLO BN r. F ank Seaer, acov Order smre of thisextafluewhippiig Cr5lU froi» 70ur miflklflal "y. The vice chairman ai the "DU hane 1 - 16 Nor.C.;Fr n Sager, a tcou- National Executive are Dr. Pon 1Ma 6 rtgg a, O., weMr.eJhnSauraytcali- Glen It» Whipping Crear nake my dessert taste better. Martha Law ai Toronto and crs agaeFuds igOt.,Mr a rdarda Mr. Trovor Moore. Reaidencos - Farma esa r n r.Ewr In the aiternoon by personal Buins Properties Foley's.i BusiessMr. and Mrs. Sam Battamsý Invitation ai anc ai the hast- f attendod the Silver Anniver-: esses Mrs. J. M. Cairns, I was 0pto m e r y" sary celebration in honour ai, taken an a tour ai the city - Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrie G L E R D R Yby she and her husband, KEITU A. BILLET!!, 0. inl the Legion Hall, Bowman- Judge Cairns, Chanicellor ai Optometrist ville, on Saturday evening. h the University ai Alberta. Ed- 141 King St. E..- Bowxnanville Mrn. Charles Depew was a St.monton is ccrtaialy the city ai Office Hur: By appolatment Sunxlay cvening caller with tawn ai 400 while now I am 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis, tald it is thec fourth largest Manday ta Saturday Whitby. spent Sunday cveningc & -City ini Canada. On the same Thursdav evenings with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. "y which 1 arrived, lion Gmo Wedneadays.' 9 to là Barnes, iiday gpers an their way his past week and many have tarted on their way; Sharon .hrndyke is spending a few îys in town, Barbara Lowes ýfMount Pleasant is vislting vith the Nichais' girls, and Jrs. A. Quineli with famiiy Ofic, Betty, Linda and Bob- ie ai Scarborough arc visit- g the Austin families. Thiere is no church service ýre until aur new minister omes ini August, but Suaday schooi was held as umual wlth nearly 70 present. James Ni- chois rcad the Scripturc. Gloria, Joan and Ruth Ni. chais, Barbara Lawes, Valere Austin and Gwcn Ford packcc picnic lunches anc day last wcek and went for a hike back as far as highway 401 ta in- spect the traffic on that new hi ghway. Muriel and Marie Austin took a trip ta Kingston and other castern points duriniI weekend, and Mma Erika Vo- SwIrT'IS PRENIJE SWEET PICKLED - % Cryovac COTTAG E ROLLS 49C SWIFT'S PREMIUM - 6 oz. pkg. BROWN "N"l SERVE SAUSAGE 31 SWIFT'S DELICIOUS, SCOTCH STYLE LAMB CHOPS - - - M.. 4, Swift's Premium - Sliced - "Vue Vac MAC & CHEESE LOAF PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF VEAL, PORK & CHICKEN LOAF OLIVE & PIMENTO LOAF Each c" Packi S21 BEST BUY - Fancy - Mediumn Srall 1 GREEN GIANT PEAS - - 13EST BUY - White Swan TOILET TISSUE - White or Colo BEST BUY - New - 15e Off Pack NYLON BEFT - Large pkg. - FEATURE - Wheaties, Cheerios, FEA Frosty O's, Rice Corn Flakes cul, Betty Crocker Cereals 4 p'<gs. $1 Cr4 FEATURE MAI National - Orange Peki TU BGS ne - 50 Bags Johnson & Johnson JGol BAND AIDS - Plastic P»kg. 53c Fil Circus Paîl - Homogenized - 4 IL pail PEANUT BUTTER 1.35 Kraft READY DINNERS 2 pkgs. 3 1c Golden Hour - 1I L cello pkg. POPPINO CORN - 19C Popular Brands - 200 per carton CIGARETTES Eddy's - 50 per pkg. BOOK MATCHES - 3.19 * 19C Freshie Eoft Drink Powders 5 i'r 29c Tat LNT TRAPS Fly Tox - Large size INSECT BOUBS a 3 For69C a $1.39 FROZEN FOODS Birds Eye - Fordhook LIMA BEANS -12 oz. pkg. m 29c Beef, Chicken, Turkey - 8 oz. pkg. BIRDS ETE PMES 2 For 59C TRURSDAY, JULY l4th, 1960 gelsgcsang and twa chidro4ý, have gone for a camping holi-'-5 day with her husband whose work keeps him at Barrie moEt of the time. stAir, Rail or Steamshlp TO EVERYWHERE Consult, ,n JURY & LOVE1L I15 King St. W A386 Dowmanvlile - BEST BUY Fancy Red Sea! COHOE SALMON 12't ting 2for 79c BEST BUY Chicken Noodie Tomato Vi geta blc LIPTON SOUPS 3pkgs.35c BEST BUY - Wagstaffe's STRAWBERRY JAN Se Off Pack - 24 oz. Jar 37c 41 c BEST BUY 19C PILLSBURY Oc CAKE MII ;ae lOc Coupon la each pkg. g Double Dutch Devil's Food * 19 oz. pkg. 19c. 15 oz. Un . m - 2 for 35c lureil .4 rais 49c MTURE iverhouse Choice - 20 oz. tin ,ea Style CORN 2 For1 35C &RGENE - 4c off pack LICABINE - Lb. Pkg. 29c Jden Hour Toffees, 14 oz. colla pkg. Ilery or Hum & Butter 39c -ade bag s bag Place your order now for your requirements of CHILLED PITTED CHERRIES BLACK, SWEET or RED SOUR 22 Ibo. - sugar added MAPLE GROVE ORONO BLACKSTOCK 4Maple Grove Groceteria a Cornish Marketeria - Blyth's Market :11'7~7I~I1 yjonmara~ Ii$Fv'~ A - PRODUCE - Crispy, Fresh, Ontario No. 1 Gri Head Lettuce 2for 23c New Crop - No. 1 Grade - 10 lb. Ont. Potatoeg. d45c Refreshing - Good size Col. Lemons É4forl19c Nutritious Ontario Pascal - Poly1 Celery Hearts eachî 15 c New Crop - No. 1 Grade TRANSPARENT Apples 2IIbs. 33c 1 lp,&Cm Mx