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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1960, p. 7

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ATULY l4th, 1980 cSoci .aI & Piersonai Mr. G. W. Fitchett, Toronto, spent the weekendwt i Ikunts, Misses Elizbt n CaTrne Painton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Strike re- t'ýed last Saturday from an e,oyable trip to Enygland and tfic Continent. Dr. and Mrs. John 1. Lodge and son Johnnie of Baltimore, Md., have been visiting with her mother, Mrs. C. J. Smale. Miss Marion Gerlach of Chicago spent the weekend wlth Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cudda- hee, coming and retunning by T.C.A. Mrs. Harold Capp, Noranda, spent the weekend with Mrs. C. A. Wight, Horsey Street, while nenewing acquaintances ln Town. Mr. Tom Park is spending the summer at Camp Kawa- gama Halibunton District, Dor- set, Ont., as a music and pro- gram director. Mr. and Mrs. J. Newman, 18 Silven Street, have just return- cd from enjoyable holidays, visiting Pointe Au Baril, Mid- land, Parry Sound and Toron- to. Mrs. D. R. Alldread and Miss Mary Alldread, Reg.7N. accom- panied by Lauredyn and Bruce Welsh visited Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Breen in Colingwood last week. Mns. Reuben Bengtsson, Mal- mno, Sweden, and Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Mayberry, Nicky and 'Pina, Seijo, Japan, are spend. Ing the month of July with "I' and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk. '-Miss Mldred Willrnott of i"Churcih St., received word on F'rid'ay that her sister, Mrs. Charles Warder (Emma), Roch- ester, N.Y., had <ied sudden- ]y. The funeral was held on Monduy. Mr. Ted Pethick, Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich., spent a few days here visiting hîs father, Mr'. F. C. Pethick, a patient in Strathaven Nursing Hiome, and hls sîsten, Mrs. Ina McNaughton, Queen Street. Mn. and Mrs. Ernie Wessels and Denise drove to Malton Rirpont on Monday afternoon to see Mrs. Wessell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Graham of Scanbonough, leave via B.O.A. C. for thnee week's holiday in England. Mr. and Mrs. George Lake, Richmond Hill, Mrs. John ]King, Kingston, Jamaica, and her daughter Mns. Fritz Marti, Town, were dinner guests on Tuesdiay of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Jam~es at the Flying Dutch- tnan Mtor Hôtel. Mr. Howand Gerry, Exeten, x Devon, En'gland, has been vis- lti.ng bis sQeen St, r. He \ E. Geory, Qe M S r. W. jeft Saturday to, visit his bro- --her li Calgary and attend the ýÉtaîmpede, and later plans ta, go on to British Columbia to visit another brother.. Mr. and Mirs. Ernest W. Poley, Mrs. Bert Colwell and Irwin spent the weekend at Spencerville and attended the C3olwell - Bennett wedding. On Su.day they went ta Cornwall and Ottawa visiting Mr. and Mns. Otis Pritchard. The next lew days were spent sightsee- ing in Ottawa and visiting friends at Fnankford. The Bowmanville Racing Pigeon Club flew the final race of the Oid Bird series on July 9th fnom Hillsport, Ont., 503 miles. L. Richards got the Ï. bird in the day winning - place and this win gave 'Ymthe Old Bird average in the eight races flown. Resuits, first, L. Richards; second, C. Lemon; Mavin Bros. and R. Fredericks, no report. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNeil and sons David, Robent and Jeffrey, Ottawa, were weekend visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, going to Toron- to Saturday and visiting their daughters, Mr. and Mrs. ]Ronald Cartwright, Stephen, Michael and Catherine, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bingham and Colleen. Recent dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. John -Killeen- of TEE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. DOWMANVILLE, O?~TAE!O PAGE SEVEN il and Mrs. Harvey Aiken, Tom and Barbara cf Miilbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Challice of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Paaley cf Oshawa and Mr. and Mns. Edward Curtis cf Ca- bourg. Teachers of the Bowmnanville High School staff manking grade thirteen papers at Un- iversity Colle ge, Taranto, this summer include Mn. Len Lucas, marking Geometry; Mr. Man- seil Stacey, manidng Chemis- try; Mn. Bob Sheridan, mark- ing Latin; and Miss Boyd, marking English. Mn. AI. Witherspoon, principal Onono H.igh Schoolisl manking Gea- gra!phy. Fiftieth Anniversary celebra- tions cf Queen's University Summer School wene beld Fi- day te Sunday, Juiy 8 - 10. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mansell Stacey attended the Saturday and Sunday services. P n- nouncements and invitati s were sent toalal Arts gradua ._ýs of the University and more than 200 graduates cf extra- mural and summen scbooi work attended the celebrations. Miss Mary Alldread, Reg. N., bas recently returned from a two weeks' vacation which she spent visiting Misses Betty Bahl, Reg. N. and Evelyn Bain, Reg. N., in Montreal, Que.; Mn. and Mrs. G. R. Pettit, Orono, Maine, and Mn. and Mrs. Fred Sharp, Fishers, N.Y., U.S.A. Mn. and Mrs. D. R. Aldread and Mrs. Jack Welsh also vis- ited Mn. and Mns. Fred Sharp, Fishers, N.Y., when Miss Mary Alldread returned bame with them. Mns. Elgin Wight, with hen daughter Mrs. F. C. Lehmann and grandson Bill, neturncd home ta Bowmanville on Sat- urday, July 2nd, after an ex- tended visit with bier children in Brooklyn, N.Y., wbere she was recuperating after a long illness. Due ta the inability ta obtain domestic help Mns. Wight found it necessary ta neturn ta Brooklyn, N.Y., wbere ber daughtens can give bier the proper cane until such time that ber bealth wlll per- Smit ber return ta Bowmanville. Guests from Bowmanville attending the Coiwell - Bennett wedding at Spencenville were Mrs. Albert Colwell and Irwin, Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mn. and Mns. Ernest Foiey, Mrs. R. L. Worden, Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Mn. and Mrs. Edwand Foley, Miss Dorothy and Mn. Donald Foley, and Mn. and Mrs. Fane- well Blackburn. Oshawa guests wene Mrs. A. J. Lymen, Mn. William and Master Douglas Lymer, Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Lymer, Mr. and Mrs. Theo- dore Wilkins and Miss Ruth Wilkins. BURIKETON The funerai of the late Mrs. Lamne Dean was held froin the Church on Monday after- noon and was largely attend- cd. The community extends deepcst sympathy ta Mn. Lamne Dean and families. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Evans, Bath, Somerset, England, is spending a month's vacation with bis son, Mn. and Mns. Arundel Evans and family. Mr. and Mrs. Evans ententain- cd neighbouns and friends on Sunday afternoon at their home. We are pleased ta know that Rev. G. A. Evans took charge of the Worship service at Blackstock Anglican church on Sunday monning. Mrs. Jack Sinclair, Kenny and Billy, visited friends in Cobourg. Billy is spending a week's vacation with fniends in Cobourg. Sorry ta report that Mrs. E. M. Adams undenwent sur- gery in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Friday morn- ing. The community wishes hier a speedy recovery. Mns. J. Strong, Jordan Sta- tion, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Florence Caughill. Mrs. Lambert Sunderland Triniiy Unied Church Minister-Rev. Wma. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. il a.m -- MORNING WORSHIP Leave the Doors Open" REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmmzvill. 'Ziated Supply - -MR. J. S. HIELEMA, B.A., B.D. 10:00 a.m.-"The Sinfulness of SÙ" 7:30 p.m.-Service in Dutch. Sunday School immediately mter Sunday morning service ""Back To God Hour"" Broadcast CKLB. Oshawa, at 3 p.m every Sunday beld at the home cf Mrs. Cor-ve s U ge P nelius Van Dam on Saturd ay evening lu boncun cf MisaMs e s r e P Beppi Duivestyen, a bride-to-, be. 1-.-à Phone MA 3-3303 a are eflgble t. take part. The Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band will lead the Chul- dren's Parade. The route wil bc from the Ig h School east ou Queeu and Ontario Streets ta Argyle Street, weat to Duke Street aud South to Memenial Park wbere the judging will take place. OOPOpO Off lo010 The first established the sal-i ary for the duties of Clerk and Treasurer, and the second set forth the salary of the Town- ship Assessor. The Township Weed Program for 1960 was discussed at iength. KiùddieOLs Parade (Continued from page one) on Saturday. There will be 13 booths and a colossal Bingo Booth with specially good prizes. Ail the popular games of chance and several novelties will be pro- vided. There will also be rides for the children. Free attend- ance pnizes will be drawn at 10 and il p.m. The winners must be present. The Car Draw for a 1960 Oldsmobile 4"889P Holiday Sceni 2 door hardtop wiil be held. There will aiso be draws for a transistor radio and desk, and for the Ladies' Auxillary ta the Canadian Legion Spe- cial Draw. The Children's Parade will form at Bowmanville High School Grounds at 6:30 o'clock. There will be prizes for the four best in seven divisions: Comic, Cutest, Foreign, Orig- inal, Western, Doîl Carniage, and Decorated Bicycle. AU entnies will receive free ne- freshment tickets. Boys and girls 13 years old and under. ln Victoria County. He attend- ed the Public School near Omemee, and the District High School. During World War II he joined in the Royal Cana- dian Navy, and served for two years aboard H.M.C.S. Thet- ford Mines, in the Atlantic. On March Ist, 1948, Corpor- al Crough joined the Ontario Provincial Police. He was sta- tioned at Peterborough for eight years and three months and on March 1Oth, 1956 wvas transfcrred ta the staff of the Bowmanviile Detachment of the OPP. Corporal and Mrs. Cnough live at 208 Church Street They have two daughtcrs and one son. Mrs. Crcugh is the former Miss Muriel Henry of Peterborough._______ A number from here atten- ded the Orange Parade in Petenborough on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Taylor of Enfield on their recent marriage. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Argue and family spent Sunday in Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Smith and family spent Sun- day with relatives in Smiths Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mc- Cullough and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Strong in L~otus on Sunday. The Burketon Vacational Church School will begin on Monday morning, July l8th. Ail children are condially in- vited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith and family left on a bus trip ta the Thousand Islands on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bosgraaf and family, Whitby, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Van denBos and Nellie. Mn. and Mrs. Cornelius Van Dam and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turnbull and famîly, went ta Cream of Barley Camp in Bowmanville on Sun- day afternoon on a picnic. Mrs. Mary Dean attended a family reunion in Oshawa on Sunday on the occasion of her mother's 8th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McLaugh- lin and family, Columbus, were Thursday evening guests of Mrs. Edna McLaughlhn. Just three more Sundays left and Rev. W. A. Logan will be on bolidays Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bryan, Courtice, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Powers and family, Cooks- town. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge and Mrs. Argue attended the 25th wedding anniversary cf Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde in Toronto on Fniday night. Mn. and Mrs. H. Hoogkamp and Miss J. Siensma, Whitby, and Mn. and Mrs. W. Vander- ley and family, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Jasper Vanderbos. Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Euceles- tone, Miss Josie Archer, Sud- bury, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Archer and family. Mn. and Mrs. Burney Ho- vey and Mn. Roy Hovey, Sol- ina, were Sunday guests cf Mn. and Mrs. Dave Archer. Mn. and Mrs. Orvus Smith and Chris, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests of Mn. and Mrs. Jack Smith. Mns. W. Greenwood, Mn. Ralph Greenwood, Mn. Non- man Sproule, Kendal, were Sunday guests cf Mrs. Ethel Bryan. Boy Esca pes Injury When Hlit by Car Little Alan Bickell, age four, fortunately escaped ser- ious înjury when he was struck by a car on King Street East on Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock. The young boy suddenly ran out fnom behind a truck into the road and into the left front fender cf a car diven by Howard Hurst, 340 King Street East. Dr. H. B. Rundle examined Alan and trcated bim for a scraped back and bruises. Alan is a son cf Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Bickell, 31 Brown Street. Constable Les Ricard cf the Bowmanville Police De- pantment investigated the ac-i cident. Abernethy Family Holds received requesting council's approval of the sale cf build- ings at Manvers Station. A motion was passed that Man- vers council is oppased ta the sale and nemoval of the build- ings. The Township Council will urge the CPR ta give mare adequate train service at Pan- typool and Manvers Station. It was pointed out that summer visitors from Toronto are hav ing difficulty obtaining suit- able connections ta Pontypoal, and it was feit that trains passing through Pontypool should stop mare frequently. A delegation cf people in- tenested in the establishment cf a Fire Area for the Beth- any district and part cf Ca- van Township appeared before the council. A nepresentative cf those opposed was also heard. It was moved and car- nied that the Reeve and Town- ship Clerk, Ross Davidsan, form, a committee ta secure legal advice on this matten. Two By-laws wene passed. Too Many Counter Attractions A meeting cf the Bow- manville Ratepayers' As- sociation was scheduled to be held on Monday evening lu Memorial Park Clubhouse. Norman Han- nan, the president, decid- cd to cancel the meeting when an Insufficient num- ber of people turned Up. The flrst realiy warmx weather fer weeks and the holiday season apparentiy proved te be toc much of a counter attraction for a quorum te attend the meeting. Beacock Clan Holds Reunion The 33rd Annual Beacock Reunian was lheld ini Little Lake Park, Ividland, on Sat- urday, July 2, 1960. Fifty-eight members cf the clan met fan the moon meal with a total attendance for the day of 87. Dinner aven and acquaintances renewed, those w'ho felt like it enjoyed a game1 cf softball on the park dia- mond. Others enjoyed swim- ming or the wee tats playing in the sand of the lovely beach. A prograin cf gaines and races was then put on by the sports comniittee, Stan and George Robinson. Sports win- ners were as folows: child- nen's races - Oheryl Wright, Ronnie Brown, Jiil Robinson, Donald Wright, Joan Robin- son. Aduit Races, young men's - Benny Reynolds, Roy Grahain, Don Hawke; young ladies - Helen Watt, Bea Robinson; gent's open race - Roy Gra- ham, Stan Robinson; gent's sbae kicking - Dennis Watt; ladies' shoe kicking - Helen Watt; ladies' bail throwing - Beth Evans; men's bail throw- ing - Donald Hawke. The - busines meeting was held after the supper hour. The fallowing officens wene elected for 1961: President - Evenett Thompson, Onillia; Vice-President - George Rob- inson, Coldhwater; Secretary - Vivian Pounuden, Orillia; Trea- suren - Venora Reynolds, Rex- dale. Declded te bnId the neunion, next yeaa- in Coucbiching Park,1 Orillia, on Saturday, July lst.1 Rev. Merrill Ferguson moved a vote of thanks ta the retiring off icena and alm ot the ladies of Rebekah Lodge who served the meals. A letter was read f nom Arthur Beacock cf Weybunn, Sask., onc cf the oldest mem- bers of the Beacock family. He expressed regrets in not being able ta attend the re- union, but sent his best wishes ta ail and enclased a lovely poemn entit-led III Met God in the Morning." Prizes wene then ps-esented te: oldest lady present - Mns. Annie Brown, Willowdalc; oki- est gent present - Mr. Charles Beatty, Vasey; voun.gest boy - Keith Watt, Coakstown; the youngest girl--Shelley Brown, Waubauýhene; weddirrg anni- vensany nearest to reuinian - Mn, and Mrs. George Hawke, Vasey; coming longest distance - Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Fer- guson, London, Ont.; mother with moet abldren - Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Nestieton; tail- est man - Morley Brown, Midland. Shortest iadiy - Mns. Ger~t- rude Brown, Midland; alclest car - Win. Re'ynolds, Rexdale; girl with birtbday nearest ne- union - Launie Grahamn, Pick- ering; boy with birthday near- est neunlion - Keith Watt, Caakstown; ladies' nail driv- ing - Doneen Bnown, Wau- baushene; gents' nail dhiving - Dennis Watt, Cookstown. Final Meeting Sheep Club Held at Ayre'e The final meeting cf the Durham 4-H Shcep Club was beld on Wednesday evening, July 6 at the farm of Lloyd Ayne cf Bowmanville. Mn. Ayne gave the members a de- manstration on bow ta pre- pare a lamb for show. The membens judged and gave reasons on a class cf Hamp- sbire ewes. Mfter the judging Bob Cotnam the assistant agriculturai representative, banded out quiz sheets which were handed in alang with the praject books which the membens bave been keeping since the organization cf the club. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week cf July 4 - 10 inclusive: Admissions 64 Births, 7 maIe, 5 female- 12 Discharges -- - 63 Major openations 10 Minon operations 29 Emergency tneatments 271 Visiting bours 3:00 ta 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 ta 8:30 p.m. 1 Tyrone Wins Prize Three Mile Parade Feafures Orange WaIk at Peferboro The centenary cf the Loyal Grand Orange Lodge cf On- tario East was marked by a thnee mile long calumu pa- rade of men, wamen and chul- dren who marched thraugh Peterborough on Satunday. Wonthy Master Clinton Heu- ning and the Purpie Guards No. 2384 L.O.L. and Wonthy Mlistress Jean M. Kennedy and Pine Ridge No. 1291 L.O. B.A., Bowmanville, took part in the grand parade. There was an excellent turn-out from bath the local Lodges. The members gathened at the Bowmanviile High School grounds in the monning. A pa- rade tbnough the main streets of Bowmanville before ieaving fr ]Pcterborough hli dbeen1 plauned, but unfontunately just befare It was ta have stanted hcavy nain caused its cancellation. The members traveled ta Peterborough by private cars and a chartered bus. Thousands cf people lincd the streets cf Peterborough ta sec the colounful spectacle. The two Lodges fnom Bow- manville with the Bowman- ville Fife and Drum Band ne- ceived much applause from the spectators. A number cf local people went ta Peterbor- ough ta watch the panade. Mrs. James Avery, Bowman- ville, who collapsed during the parade, was treated at Pc- terborough Civic Hospital, and' theu wua able te retura to hëer1 home. The pnize for the beat ju- venule ladge was won by No. 1244, Tyrone. The parade route covered six miles. The, special speaker at the Exhibi- tion Grounds after the parade was Rev. D. P. Rowland, who bnought greetinga and congra- tulations on the district's cen- tennial fnom Leslie Saundens, Grand Master and Sovereign of British AmerIca. Josbpa Bell, Grand Treas- urer cf tbe Grand Black Chap- ter cf the British Common- wealth, a visitor fnom North- cmn Ireland brought geetings fram Prime Minister Viscount' Brookebonough cf Narthern Ineland and Partadown Mayor Chiarles Cooper. Accounts ainounting to $1,- present for the opening of 972.78 were passed for pay- tenders for a truck and snow ment at the meeting of Man- plow. It was decided to accept vers Township Council held the tender of A. M. Kerr in Bethany last week. Reeve Equipment of $21,545 less $1,- Robert Brown presided and 200 for the old snow plow sub- ail members of the council ject to the approval of the were present. Department of Highways and George Footitt of the De- the Ontario Municipal Board. partment of Highways was A letter from the CPR was Discuss Curfailing Township Road Plan- Due to Cul in G rani s Darlington Township Council the erection of the Courtice at the meeting held on Mon- High Sehool by the eight day evening in the Township municipalities concerned. Geo. Hall, Hampton, authorized the Totten, consulting engineer Road Superintendent, Mac for the township garage, dis- Short, to prepare plans and cussed drainage problems with specifications for five bridges the council. in 'the township. General accounts amounting The meeting also discussed to $7,774.74, and road accounts curtailment of the road pro- of $17,304.48 were passed for g ram! made necessary by a re- payment. Aý representative of duction of $ 10,000 cut in the the law firm of Greer and Department of Highways grant Kelly, appeared before council to Darlington. and requested that the matter Two by-laws were passed at of John Watson's Plan of Sub- the meeting of Darlington Division on the Broken Front Council held on Thursday, be expedited. He was inform- July 7th. One authorized pur- ed that a by-law had been pre- chase of land, four acres, west pared and sent to the Muni- of Hampton on the Taunton cipal Board for approval, which Road for the new garage for cannot be given until the 0f- the township. The second ficial Plan is in operation. authorlzed the execution of an Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Varcoe's agreement between Darling- Road North, asked council ton Township and the City of what regulations wiIl be re- Oshawa for joint maintenance quired for her Go Kart Track. of the Town Line Road. As this track is not a com- The council passed a reso- mercial enterprise at this time, lution approving of the issue it is not covered by the Zon- of debentures of $700,000 for ing By-Law, she was told. Il ÇBltts & ffiAeces EXPANDED FACILITIES - Robson Motars have opened their new large addition at the north end cf their King St. East garage. It will be utilized for painting and body work, a service which in recent months bas been expanding tnemendously. The new extension will also make available much needed raam in the garage praper. Recently, more parking space for new and used cars was acquired at the rear of the house ta the east of the property. This seems ta be the year for expanding and renovating at area car dealers. Roy W. Nichols recentiy completed a revamping cf bis Courtice showroom and offices. It is now equipped with new, colorful furniture. CO]WPETMTVE PEICES PLUS PEEISONMAL OMV14M SPECUIL VALUMS AND KIENEE OB TD s, 79con ASPIRIN lamtim d rinwm IEADACHES COLOS FumIySize 87C 100 TABLES ii U2TDEIE120Ç24 TABLETS 32, FASÇT RELIEF OMM UEAUAIDISCOMORTS 09 RIUR,UUINEURALgIA, imau3ffl7m Guick Relief from Acid Indigestion MWuWl..r., unytimo I Masf30 Tables 289 -kI of 75 Tablets 549 IhMl. of 200 Tablets $1.09 -Always curry- TAB LETS Money -Saving Specials1 KLEEM EX b»" le»»guzuWay to ilci aegetting oe aytu relax e- e hat )mpy. feeling. Enjoy tif. .ril at petty IPHOSPHO-PLEX tiD a the ueryday wuay ta, VAIllIS W»Samw4.puad viHmine $45 Isuessuis $2.50 * oooe $2.50 £IULIUWTRATMENT PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Phone MA 3-57921 NOTICE Regitratonsnow Ibeng iaccepted for thel FALL TERM ut the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE commencmg Tuday, September 6, 1960 BUSINESS TRAINING PAYS OFF! Over 100 Graduates Placed in Permanent positions in 1960. A New Record §et in May with 15 placements in ONE week. If you want a career - with Attractive Salary - Advancement- Security - Interesting Work - Excellent Conditions, then get Specialized Business Training! Act Now - Get FREE Bulletin. Get the Facts - Then Register at Once. Capaclty enrolment anticipated by early August- EURRYI RURRY! HURRY! 10 SIMCOE STEET NORTH1 - DIAL RA 5-3375 To Give 13e fer Service For Pont ypool Visitors IMA. Brand Bfeavy Grade - 100 ft. roll - Reg. Sic Wax Paper - - 28c, 2For 55c I.D.A. Brand - Pink, YeIlow, Wlat. - Reg. 2 for 29o Toile! Tissues -* - 4 For 49C L.nA. Brand -- 16 & 32 oz. - Reg. 4.5, 75e Nilk of Nagmesia - - 37c, 59c I.T.A. Brand - 4 & 16 or. - eg. U. 2.49 Slomnach Powder - - 79c, 1.09 I.nA. Brand - Pink, Whlte - Reg. S for 29o Cold Crea. Soap 2/25c, 6/73c Top quality terry cloth - 1 ft. square - Reg. 19o wasn i.iUIRE - - - Z or &l Large, colourful, good quality Dish CIoths - - - 2 Fer 29c 30 Folded Sheets plus 30 Eaîjvelo Milte, blue or grey Stationery - - * - * 29c Substandard gloves of regular 79e lin Latex Gloves - - M 29c 3 Sponge or Compact Powder Puffs wlth Plastic Eain Bat - Ailfor 29c 39e and 78e sizes - 1.17 valu» Aika-Selizer - 88 - Sc 35o and 98e sizes of Colgate Dental Crs.. 98Sc 75e Hudnut Creme Rinse Fre. wlth 1.25 size Egg Creme Shampos o 1.25 10o Curl Comb Free wlth Hollywood Wave Sel - 29r 200 off 980 si"e Stripe Tooth Puste - - - 78c 1.38 Value - Two 69o Ladies'Lli Suave - - - - - - 98C Regular 89o sue Trig Deodorant for Nez 79c 1132 oz. bottle - 1.25 vualue Woodbury Shampoo - - 79c 40-page Miss America Boohlet Free wlth Tout Home Permanent - 2.00 4 Brush Roller.s ad Styllng Booklet Preswlth Adorn Hair Spray - - -1.89 2.25 Value- 4 ounce Stops!!. MANM -ON* 1025 ( Vour Local I.DA Drug Store 1 1 PAGE SEV=q TIM CANADMS STATESMAX. BOWIL&NVRI.& ONTARIO (Contlnued from page ene) former, Miss Betty Church cf Orillia. Her uncle was Chief cf Police there for many years. Corporal Crough was born

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