TEE CANA~AN STAAIL DOWMANVILLE. OIITAD Provide Refreshments at Blackstock Fair I Magistrates CourtI TmmaAU"ua»Q thUe car, besides a bhum- JohnMicaelPolard r~the head. It is no answer ta Samuel Servinus, 17, Dallas sayi a I ijdtIkowthe Hewitt, 18, David Rockbrune, ghl ave jed. Il to thet 16, John Wayne Sm, 17, aU courts gv fett a of Oshawa, were reuiedtoStory, it would be a grave mis- POet bonds ôf $500 each as a oarriage of justice to find you conldition of beimg placed on Not Guilty," contnented the Probtionforanc year.'They Magistrate. Penalties and coots werecanvicted three weeks ago totalled $40. On three charges of theft. They Edward Miler, 18, 602 Kent heard a* 10 p.m. curfew mi- St., Whby, was placed on Posed and lixey are nat toas~- probation for anc year with sociate with each other duin a 10 p.ni. curfew. He is flot tiiis one-year-period. 1ta associaite, with persans of William Gerald Ellis of 63 a dL3rePutable reputation, he King St. West, paid a fine of canno't own a car in this period $50 and casts of $2 for care- oft ture. He had been con- less driving. He lid ed victed of Criminal Negligence clocked at 100 rnPh and this at week. aut'OmaUtcaliY means 5 de- Randoîlih William Pilon, 18, merits. 56 Grandview Ave., Toronto, RObert Smiith, 24, and Ed and Bernard Leo Derusha, 18, ward Glen Smith, 28, brothers, 319 Donlands Ave., Toronto, of Newcastle, failed to appear borrowed a car on thc niglit of onda charge Of theft of a tire August 29th and started leo and wheel, lest weck. They drive eat. On the way they were apprehended d broke into two Globe & Mail plcadedguiî ando me hePaper boxes at Pickering, two today.broke into thc pop cooler at They tel.d the court that Allins Service Station in they had a flat tire and needed Caurtice and then broke the a tire so they took the tire coin box off fthe.pop cooler at and wheel of Joseph Jillison of Hap's BA Statian in Bowmnan- Ncwtonvjlle. They were re- ville. They had been checked znanded on bail for pre-sen. by Corporal Freethy in the tence report. downtown section and then Charles D)OughtY, 30, R .4, Freethy discovered the theft Oshawa,' was convicted on two at HaP',S. charges. 1. Failing to report P.C. Harte Maxwell of the an accident; 2. Defective O.P.P. radioed ahead and the brakes. He pleaded not guilty car was intercepted at Dale and was convicted on both bv O.P.P. of the Cobourg Det. counts. The accused ' appeared in "If there is any doubt i court today and were rema'nd- the mind of a driver, it must cd in custody one week for1 be resolved In favour of the sentence. persan Who may be injured. Junior Kimnierly of Part This chiId was three years of Hope was arrested on a bench age. She ran into the side warrant for faiing to appear of your car. Yeu d-id flot meke when charged with theft af a sure that she was flot injured. tire a.nd wheel at Robson's and You did not do what a normal a second anc at Newcastle. He and prudent person would do. was released on bail. You d'idn* even give your 24 otiher charges under thc nazne and address. You said H.T.A. brought penalties of I will be back in balf an hour. $332.60. A liquor charge '«I cannot believe that you $33.00. did not know the child was Henry Buma, 75 Liberty St. injured. It was scîf-evident, N., Bowmianville, parked has the child bcd a scratch down car at the Higli School before its side and wmas bleeding from reporting for work at 3 p.m. >This attractive and well-patronized booth at ing from left to right: Carlos Cryderman, Jim Coombes, Blackstock Fair on Saturday looked after the food Marg Harvey, Marion Buttery, Grace Blackburn and needs of the large attendance. It was manned by Harold Yellowlees, and in the background Don mnembers of Durham County Junior Farmers, includ- Welsh. On Friday cvening the W.A. 2 1tfl bChlo TOr Leaders had a social eeigcnit i slides put on by Mr. Bob Vannato, a cousin of Mrs. V. Peacock's. The slides were pictures ai local interest as i1734 was shown. Lunch intoAil he oridTogeherwas served. Ladies frain Gar- den Hill attended. On Sunday, Mr. D. Whit- The 27tli annual Scliool for wifery in New York and Lon- Theme af the Sehool bred ai Oshawa, was aur Leaders of the Bay ai Quinte, don, Eng., and back ta the The theme of the School, speaker for churcli services. Conference Branch ai the Wo- United Churcli Training Scho- Into All the World Together Miss Beryl Thickson spoke at mani's Missionary Society ai ol in Toronto, trom whicli she is thie theme of study through. Garden Hill. the United Church of Canada, graduated last June. out all WMS groups this year. Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Vernon M.Ieting at Ontario Ladies' Miss Jean Carr of Wolfe The Mission Bands and Ex- Peacock's mother of Markliam, Ceýllege at Whitby, concluded Island iollowed. She lias been plorer Groups had for their celebrated lier 91st birtliday witli an "Evening with- Mis- teaching, public sehool, and cauncillor Rev. Catharine Mc- on Sunday. Congratulations sionaries" as the higli note. will noaw prepare for wider Keen Dominion Board Secre- are extended. ,Miss Muriel Stevens, R.N., service by entering the Uni- tary for Younger graups. The Kendal junior hall team Uppinted by the WMS ta ser- ted Church Training School. theme "Into AIl the World played Sunderland on Satur- ve in Africa as a missionary, Kingston Preshyterial mcm-, vuith the Bible" was cxpîored day in playoffs. Kendal won ijj rescnted witli a gift by bers follow ber with affection" by 50 leaders attending this and the next game is an Sat- tkk..hawa Presbyterial. l and prayers. 1 department, using study mat- urday in Sunderland. prfèent were stirred asMis isChstn aer re- criaIs, projects, sangs and Gravelling lias been started fflvens traced the guiding centîy retired PrinciDal af games. on aur road, sa hope ta have a hs;nd of God in ber lite. tliro- Teachers' Training College, CocrWlhOes better road soon. h~ er early years, training CIndarethOter 1 ç rfesoalah I. or, India, recaîled theMrWats,.Wacsan __________pofession,_____in____ summer convention where she Mrs. Keîth Mellow ai King- Cr Water,1 atr n lier ci iirst thouglit ai be- iston conducted the Mission i:. cwih rs i oetSound coming a misionary, feeling' Circle department; and A~Ix- tvîsîtod wth Mr.VoltW- i ~'b, she had been led step by step iliary delegates licard their tr nSîdy ta ber field ai endeavor by thle new study books intraduced Mr. Tom Windsor and iriend, Great Master. After 38 years by Miss Frances Bonwick tram Indiania, visited at Muldrew's 'S a sericein Idia a sdix the Board ai Information and Sunday. trips around the world, she Stewardship, Toronto. S b e Mr. and Mrs. Wilburt Fow- OLD*IANpaîd tribute ta ber cmploy-, said we have iound that we in ler, Peterboroughi, witli Mr. WINEe rs, the WMS. She strcssed; Canada must cancern aur- and Mrs. E. Fowler. Mrs. Gea. RELIthe necd and desire ai the In-i selves. with people ai otherI Fowler, Oshawa, lias rie dian people for more mission- countries-w mstacttapedaew aywihlr UDQlaries froin Canada.î the problems ai Uic hungry son, E. Fowler, Mrs. Fowler Concluding tic inspiring and diseased people, and onîy and tamily. evening, Mrs. Ralpli Collins united as Christians can we Art Mercer at Geo. Palmer's missionary ta Angola, Airica J1 be effective. Betty Thompson Saturday evening. pranounced the benediction in 1bas written aiflier trip around radMsC.ecran l i nlish and then in Umbundu.; tic world in "Turning World."PMr. asn MrshC. ee and wt SpentIn Sudy tlie second study book, "Tlie Philandp sntthe end witthi Spent l StudySlip) Under the Cross" by J .an Ms .Mnsa hi The wcek was spent in study W. Grant. is symbolie ai the cottage between Dorset and 4and warm fcllowship. Mrs. W.' World Churcli, helping ail Minden. F. Young ai Brockville led kinds of people. Miss Elda Launder, Part 56 junior wamen irom 16 ta Hope, spent a few days with 20 ycars, who attended the Report on Missions Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Smitli. Schaol, in Bible study. Tiey Mrs. Hugli D. Taylor, exec- Mr. and Mrs. Alaîî Pea- viewed Uic Bible as (1) A utive secretary for tic Over- cock and Janet, Kirkland * source ai inspiration aiid; seas Misions, presented thei Lake, spent their holidays guidance; (2) A record ai theme "Inta Ail the World1 witb Mr. and Mrs. V. Pea- Jesus' promises ta nmen, (3) Together'": sbe reported on tic! cock recently. Tliey taok their HEAI?NI-S Ahistio a i clves ai great variaus missionaries returning1 son John who liad been here ~ Cirstinswh made mis- ta their fields and tlieir work;! back along with Andrew son takes, overcamne difficulties, slie told alsa ai tlie many ai _Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacack. ~ * ~ and finaily triumplied; and (4)! handicaps with whicl tliey are Miss Gwen Mercer returned -nacont ai God reveaing , faced, because af the lack ai ta Toronto ater being home RimmelS lemen. peraonnel to &ive the nuch. ill for tie past week, cm Auguat 34th. At 7 pan. it was Involved i an accident in front of Mayor Carruthers' home on Scugog and thc Mid- dle Road. It had been taken by two juvenile girls fromn Cobourg. Tiey had found the keys in thie glove compartrnent and wcnt faor a jay ride. The two girls appearcd in juvenile court taday and wcre remnand- cd withl their parents to ap- pear in Cobourg on Septeinber 25tih for pre-sentene report. Court adjourned et 5:15 p.m. OBITUÀRY WILDUR C. DRITTON Following a brief iliness Wilbur C. Britton pas3ed away early Sunday morning, August 7th, 1960, in the Eston Union Hospital. Born January 22nd, 1887, at Meaford, Ontario. He spent The Staiesman Sold At Following Stores: Reg. Edmurid's Store, Bethany Jaohnson Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Ncwtanville Porter'r Store, Newtonville C. Pcthick, Enniskillen J. H. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone H. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli, Orono emu a* .a. e ShmS8 %i1 hisboyooddgsatBowm an-']ea charge. lTe choir wae west with his par-eins, thc late Richiea, Isiarn and Estoc Mr. and Mrs. William Britton, ohoirs. to Rouleau, Sask.,. where he Pallbearcrs were Messrs. R. farmed until 1919. At that Barkwell, C. C. Hodges, J. time lic gave up farming ta Brcwcr, Chas. Andrews, F. take up mcclanics in a garage. Patter and H. R. Simnone. Wilbur went ta Eston in 1929 oraybresweA., to join othcar mem1b crs af his H n ra y b re s w e A.J famly. In 1937 thy movd Etter, J. Patterson, . Cook. to Isham where thy resided L. H. Nctzel af Scttabluf, for22 eas rtunin t EsonNebraska, and six brother ior 221 ar95 tr6n.a so lodge members from Rouleau. in 156.C. Mitchell, Daryl R~M!b1e, R. He was a ohartercd life Haig, Dean Runble, W. Argue, member and thc Past Grand A. Wilson. of Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0. He is survived by two sisteru O.F., Rouleau, also a member Ellen C. Britton, Eston, anà of tihe Loyal Orange Lodge Mxs. G. W. (Lii) Smith, Re- having passed through ahl gina; also thrce brothers, Lof- chawu af the Order oi the tus, Oscar and Silas, al of Black. Estan. Funeral services wcre held Internient was made ini the frorn St. Andrew's United Eston Ccmctery with thc Estan Church, Eston, conducted by Funeral Home in charge of Henderson Book Store, Oshawa Hause That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - owav* l Rikbowmanv.- "ig2011 R Wkb' . "BBgrry W. J. Bmoerryo Jeacko's Snoke Shop Poesn's Sake Sope JuhrnysHany oe Jury &SLaeilho The's SmokDucShma Theslyng Dtchma Wesels' Stre Che sta Dma i e The Statesman Offioe Wolke1 9 r ~ £ND SHOE REPAIR BIS ï «b.g*pmoof shoes SOAIE AND ess . culM , SOL!ANTIDE % eu»m rt«aW Comptetaiy bey prWoo1Q-iaky' so " ,o ' SioAL IAIT IY[E proce..:no 1090. *#dbkqSU tb em o o Skes3 to 8for Iffl nd Fmow*moeied dealen omm sCenada or. for ai. of nerest deaerwrt-. RESouun S Nsmog COMPANY LiE ITD, lbd (eh..., AIso Children's sizes 8% to 3 $9 Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 KNIG ST. W.MA354 Back-to-School Values for Girls Wearing 'Sizes 7 to '14. Blou ore sa practicai and sinort with skirts or jwnp.rs for ch mlmod every day weer . .. these in Drip-Dry Catton or Arnei' and Caotaon came in several styles . .. Choase from wiSt or soft paes ... Sizes 8 ta 14 at Waiker's eoch 1.98. Almin zizs4 te 6z ceWalke'm.och ........1.98 MA Qou1. Umb.him <) A"ma& £CMm .(C> Daip-Dr Cou.. Juif Lihe 4Mo, --à, Orion * t» ~Girls" Shag Sweaters *m I..,um *Cerdigan w Gde Orlon* Shag Sweaters ta chose littie chilis and let S them be dressed as smortly as big sister and mom ... 'Lang-sleeve Cardigans with Engiish Puritan coller styling and iong-sleeve pullovers with an open boat neck collor ...Either in matching Frosted Red, Frosted Blue, or God... Sizes 8 ta 14 ot Walker'r. Pullover or Carg- gai. ,0" h3.9&. qbisâ Fa& rom.TA Ce* 398 Jumpeis a Faumisfer Sd.d 0 5h 7 Io14 Um... wx c A" e~o my hakff m ad~mmha.. f lad, Rmmawi M r ae m sh i 7'o 4 #* W% é L & a White Slips 0 Seoight eue f., fa a SIzu7 te 4 A- 1.98 SM...aghaiet at«Ve wtt, dliud- abi diuI sftrap i ad *aSticized wos W rgadlf.Wht.onlSiaa t Loden green. Block. Red or Blue. Sizu 14 M W .~ ~ SU. 7 to 14. Soudai ai WeIkeVs. e.k lU. 7. 'E I_________________________ -- Girls' Slms " Primted Corduroy " Sizes 7 to 14 " Lined and Unlineel Av PAIR rl' corauroy $tis onmaO voraeiy of printed DOtterrns . .-sPeciOlY Pt-. chosect and swecàallY Pnced for BOck-tO. Scbaal time.. . Choose tram colors of ' KING ST. IL MA 3-5451 -~ , .------- *W~--------.... 4 * k h f f Cottoas and, AraueI and Cott on. Giorls' Fal Blouses hL - Fm IR 0 Bnwm.d WooI a Srmstyle 0 Sb= 7 te14 M mble Mm on Tion b c ipçe it ud 7 'oMe wî* mm , WAPLKEIRS 0F B@WMANVILLE - .-..~. L VI"., 1 --.- .--. - f TRUPMAY, lm SAM IM CMADIM - Bow wAnVUM& «MAWD MA 3.U51