TME CAM« SN ATUMANUOMAYILI OTAUO whoie universe in scarch for 111,chrgeof the church service et p St O iceFi truth. Wbcn Gladstone died aridr ew a te:0 'lc.ney anc Religion for Today i a adta i ni M aritiin ew ashe :3 c ui ok.da3m ani ivas twenty years younger Ni. Rk noert Jliak- for bib than his body. He is indeed th n atcLun Robert Jack- M r. itido rich who has a "full irmd, sn!t idsy.Hu rs orMr ad W c th o i dand whose thoughi cenriches crbie Tn oiayed with anC RIly BY Rev. R R. Nicholson the riches af intellect are true C-arayedl, Can a .Russe. l mn th raetriches. Crl Dwll apoMr ne th getctgis1 Splendid aichitecture, great vistcd ber cousin, Dianne Pa fic or for John Chaml A m o g e v. D r M P. T a lin ~ ysT in k . L a b o r D a y . S e p te m b e r 5 . c a lle d o n ~ bstweupnm n îtns fine sculpture, a *There is no farce equal i neTinkhd oidya16.enrout rc think. Thinking is a latent;beautiful landscape. the f ra- compeîîîng power, ta the dyn- 1 ciampeTn a oidy 90 Lerty ail talent and has ta be devel- grant tlowers, thc singingi amic of a great thaught. Let ihercunDogaDw- BxLby 8:0&mMs.R i opcd carefully and wviseiy by bîrd's, th-e greeni Iawns, the it gain entrance into your el apo.t :0Pm ek of lifend i goe te ork il-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink Public Lobby: 8:30&an. Lake as a Ase education. umbrageous trees. stir bim entîy ertyad ucs-- n am i n i.H .Tik t. 10:30 a.m. Meredith, f, ý-A the years pass a nman's j with ineffable delight. He ob- fully. "As resistlcss as grav- ~ had a picnic with the 0. N ua alDlvr, Grave. md grows great and strong. tins more i asread sat- itation, as tirelcss as time, as Cruickshanks at Peterborough. Money Order or Savings r n A wcli-trained and well-sto r- he e t ing lîent as life, as deathless as C rsi e G y e r so - B n ui es e n a ed mmnd is indeed getrc-1 pato rm ese a!ngstu' I Cget da oe vlhiunc Goyne Precosta- Bn uies e n a rich.-than the mercenary million-truth is eat iandamoesvaeoidyd t brCOI- One Street Letter lBox called on Shakespeare say. ' Tis mind1 eds In reaiity ail things ing with a magic of method - nSlyLnmad n olcio :0i.n nday es. s es.Mr. and Mis. Wes Hillsan Mails will be received M that make hebdy rich." 1o rc and beauty belong te and resuit more wondcrfulfmlyvste r and famiMiysptc th e msimort ean thg i who oloves them and than the springtimc." temsimotn hn inwoemind is quick ta ap- Newell Dwight Hillis says: -- .Fe mnnPtroag.cmiga yaur life. is vour thinking,1 preciate and ta enjoy them. When God would order aWcstlake, Oshawa; Mr. andMr and D1 for vaur thought m o u 1I The best investment any j great upward movement Of Ms .Jhso n e and Mrs. EtV Bb ndD your chater andcnmaeisinte di-society, He drps a great ideaMrs. AllieMakLnsy ycutionstnf. manca makeand theedii- into the mind of some leader. visited Mr. adMarsLrnksy Mr .and Mrs. Ken Maybcr- on Sunday "A cultivated mmnd'. saYS neyer will be poor. Floods Such energies divine have Westlake Sr. ry, Ricky, Susan and Jack Mr. and X~ Mill. "I do not rmean that af cannai carry bis wealth away, these thoughts that they cre- hli n n nWs- spent last wcek on holidays and famîly a philosopher, but any mnd ftire cannot destroy it; rust ate new epochs in hiîstory. .' ylak ist.d Mr. and JMr s. .E t- actaeo rwLki hi ta which the f ountains 3f cannot consume it. Benjamin Through Luther the thought v. -.a.cotokgeBowmanviLake, ir. ick rv knowledge have been apened, Franklin said: "If a man of liberty in church and state, Oc and which bas been taught irr empties his purse int, bis set tyrants trembling and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome Mrs. Robert Bothwell, Bob- Trimble. any tolerable degree ta exer- 1iead, no man can take it thrones tottering. Tbrough - and sans visitcd Mr. and Mrs. by and Donnie have turned Sorry ta cise, its faculties- will find [rom bim, Ar. investment in Cromwell, the thought af per- C ed V ailo. oancouer hBC 16-10rip a sources of inexhaustible in- knovled ge always pays the sonal rights became a wea- Tanddyvarnd Philip Broomea teret i al tha suroudsbst nteest. po poerfu enughte ds- 4.,had holidays at Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Cecil Laverty, Linda, Alexander1 it; ini the abjects of naturn, r tray the divine right of kings. Mna' wa- j n th civmnso rteIt was a great moi-ai thought ville hays Bw a ve n irieturne d tiomevei imaginations of poetry. theble h Gle ue, ertre eterhm incidents of history tbe \way that shotted the cannon of tbeMaieFlp ieJ o d a nMnr.C.Lavety a fay of mankçind. past aand present, North for victory and spiked îwi ri eNe rnsikidywt Mr. andMr. m andthirprspct i tethie cannon of the South fori-ntd "I' aiy ano.GereWÏ Brrie,. mtint - uc"defeat. Measureless is thc- îNewcastl ie d îCri was beautifusîy1 ' aiyTuno.Mrs. GogeWite, Ba- These words of "Vill are might of a moral idea. It ex- decoî-ated on Ju]y 23rd for the wedding of Miss Lois~ Dean Knox is visiting hisl spent last wcek with Mrs. Holds ceeds tbe force of earthquakes Elleîi Alldred and Mr. Douglas Allun Rowc. The bride tondPar, enMr. adMs i-Rbr ave wcil illustratcd in tbe case and the- - "lv- g '-Rb Alorf R Ms.J.Dyr, - wa wreSuda af John Ruskin. No one car an ftdiwae. i h agte i i ni ik bnzr Mr. and Mns. Frank Moore,F r e a h isw o r es il'u t e a n t i e n r a ti v e th a l V C'O s h O s îng tat hs sorcesof piu - earata cntraiaur hougts,:Newcastle, and the groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. wa; Mrs. Flarence Peance,' radMs.JmsTCl sure are wcîî nigh infinite Y for sin may reside in tbaugbit Stanley Rowe, Newtonville Thywlliei N -W'owac vstdd radis. On Augus There is net a flowTer. i<r- as wvell as in action. Omdinar- castle. Mrs. Rae Pasceand family. Mran s.G doMr.4 mebs ciaud, non a tree. nor a moun -iiy we do neither a good non -- ----- Mr. and Mis. Rae Pascoe . adMs.Gro Mr-8mmbr revousv ad cilden ad pmmc ithtin and Lynda, accompanied family met tain, non a star-: net a bird a bad act witbout oeiup . ndjidrnhd ini ih by Mrs. R. L. Warden of picnic. Due1 that fans the air. nor a crea - thinking about il. I went taiMo M~' rovincia Pr. J yra h omnil n uyCo-hl tEn turc that walks the earth, school with a tlever yaur-; M a rid t ob uM rovnia an Mr.J.yeatte aw nvlenduyCo-hldtEn nata gimpe 0 se orsk~manwhoaftrwads ecae. rey cnjoyed a motar trip ta ity Hall. Ab no àlmdow ofrcenerornol teaner inaftrank. OnecMay aMn. and Mns. Frnk Walter,lIthe Kawartha Lakes on Sun- sat down ta ork 0f oworthy an: inetla molr inga the cOnMny wi ' Countice: Mns. N. Chapin, day. of food. wokofwrhyaiin temonngtecomnty w.Long Island City, N.Y.; Mn. Aften the demain of painting, sculpture,..shiocked ta learn that be had -. - aid Mns. Wm. James aid Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Richard West-PresidentN poetny and architecture:; not .ir ahsconded with thirtv thons- -adMs .Batn saaaway, Ceo;M.nd rs a thought of God as the- Gi-iat safnd dollars. Did be bt-came a viitcd Mn. and lMrs. N. wat: Murray McKinnon. Cambnay, The Secreta Spirit presiding over an (lini- thict suddenly? Not at ail. wcre guests of Mr. and Mrs. rdma i fomn l hns hti oFrmonths he biad hut Ccdric Russeil and family anCrdma f o r i n g ah t h i ~ s. t h t i 'î t o r h o u b tJ a n e t a n d R b b i c L a r g e , o f th e la s t r ta hlm a source of the sweet- about the deed. Bowmaîvillc, holidayed wîi turay slate af offi( -est pleasure. The- xide woi-Id Many a time he bad stolen their gnandpanents, Mn. and Mi-. and Mrs. Lloyd snow- as follows: ofmatr îi f pii, in Rev. R.R. Nicholson temnyi buh eoe. Mrs. W. Panrinden. dcen and Betty-Leu accampan- President- P~~the long record of humati:airt he stole it in act. Long be- Mn i n.J e ~ n n r.WsIsVc-Prg arc open ta him as the nevcr- Under proper training theI fore he became a thief in the ag failing fountains of bis de- mind grows ricb and strong, eyes of the law. lie was a thief Bowmanvillc, werc Sunday Dowis. Paul and Seott of Eb- Smith, Secre visitos with M. and Airs. W. enezer, spent a fcw days at a Ms. Elwyî Iight. In these pure realms he ind if keeps developing as the in the- eyes of God. Panrinder aid Helen. cottage on Baptiste Lake, last Committee- seekcs his daily food and has ye- i-s pass- The body inay bc- When aur miinds ai-e en- wc his daily life." corne weaker and its activit- gged witb pure and noble Mns. F. Pearce, Willow- -Tefla Tbe man who bias a cuiti- les may be liitd. but tht thougbts. there wiil be no0 dale, visited Mn. and Mns. Han- Mr. and Mrs. Phil Finneyi, given, Youni vated intellect t-an enjoy allilid bcomes stronger a:d, time for thinking that whicb old Pascac. Gardon and Gien spent las Lavenidge, da thingE without awning themr. moi-e active, oaning the is evii. M.adMs ly ndo weekend in MonteaPQ LONG SAULT neath Mrs. W. Penwarden S LE ýMiss Sandra Gibson and Mn.J Miss Shirley Jahîmston spent Norman Davis weî-o Thuî-sday I Mn. and Mns. Bruce Little weckend xith ber brother, evening guests at the Cam- and family, Agincount, were Mn. and Mns. F. Johnston, cran home. Sundaýy visitons with hier sis- Enniskillcn. Mr. and Mrs. J. i ter, Mn. and Mrs. K. Shackle- Jahîston were weekend vis-' Miss Sandra Mm-Na b. Haml3- ton. Janet and Billy Little itans of Mn. and Mrs. Cunning- toi. and Mn. Ron Stevens.on, retre oeatrsed ham. Richmond Hmil. PenyEnifieid, werc Friday e n tun e ld hme atter snsn aid Heather Lut-e 5peîî a visitons of Mn. and Mrs. W, Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist, -wet-k's holiday with tht-rm nl- Carr and Brenda. Kathy and Murray enJoyed ý,cr Mrs. J. Rider. Part Pt-r- Misiea Toasndaid holidaying hi the Niagara dis- ryr Mr. Alan Glaspeli, Zion: Miss 1trîet lasi week. Pete Barneti. spent the- week- Sandra Gibson aid Mn. Non-; Mn. aid Mns. Gerald Shack- Wnd wt Raymond Camerai. man Davis matored on Sun- 1 ltton and family eîjoyed hl- éMrn Mrs. R. Camerai wene1 day to Lakze-on-Mountai, nean days i the Algonquin Park 'Sunday supper guests of Mn. Picton -and also visited Fort district last week. aid Mrs. Oscar Adamrs, Rose-j Henry and Kingston. Sonny ta report Mm-s. E. Sayen suffered a heant attack on Satuîday aid is now a pat- ient i Memonial Hospital. Mi. and Mrs. F. Blackbur-n and Brian andi Mn. aid Mrs. S oNew Francis Thompson adfm mU Toronta with Mi-. aid Mns. W aii.'am'evirs Lamne Morison and famiiv, 5 0Tononto. ' Several from hem-c atteîded' ARE NOW IN STOCK Blackstock Fair an Satunday. Alex Laird, Maple Grave, bas been hoiidayiîg with bis fvom 4.5c up cousins, Kathy aid Murray Twist. Core ne h wle the %lection is nt, its best' Mn. jahn Twist is spcndii this week at a cattage at Rose-j dale with sevenai boy frit-ndsl J. H. bernehy's ram Town.j J. H. Abern thy's(Inteîded for, last xvok P M.aid Mrs. Ketn Shat-kle- c Paint and Wallpaper Store 1 daing naWet- ern Onario lasi wcek. r 13Kn t .MA 3-5431 Mr. aid IVrs. Leslie Welsb jM accompanied Mr. and Mns.1 ________________________________________________________ Lew sRUndle, Towî n a mfr trip Io Jack ChîIds LADIES' WEAR 37 KING ST. W. S9hirt a Tales Suzes 10 to 16 SHORT AND LONG SLEEVES $2.98 - $3.98 SKIRTS 'SHEATIf Sizes 9 to 20 SSOLIDS AND PLAIDS BLOUSES 100% n'ýTERYLENE"p CREPE Sizes 12 to 20 WHITE AND PATTERN DROP IN AND BROWSE AROUND SEE OUR SELECTION 0F NEW FALL COATS The mariage of Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Herbent Perry was solcmnized by the Rev. E. C. Kelloway in Cobourg receitly. The bride is the- former Sarah lIae Matthews of Oshawa and tht- bridegroom is a resident of Frankfoi'd, Ontario. Until ht-r marriage, /ins. Pet-i-v xas a valued employee of Tht- Canadian .3latesman foi- several yeans. --Robent Aldswortlî Photo Ontaria, returning byway of WEDDING J intled chrysaîthiemums. Mas- ê Bfala. lier Gien Varty, ncphew of the a î bride was tht- ring bt-ai-e MOFFATT - VARTY 1Mr. Nom-mai Smnitb acted as I BASE UNETT1TTheibt-st mai aid the- ushiens were DAI~ JJ.IN Th- miiiioof Ruth N. Messrs. Ronald Moffatt and Vatv, daughter~ of Mi-. dam- Russell Moffait brothers af! Mn. and Mis. Pied Wightt-S W. Vai tY of Oshawa aid tht- groom. 0 visited tht-m uit-le Mr and 1 the lat- Mis. Vaîty and Lt-on ArcptoCwI tIdi h CI e Ray Moffati, son of Mi-. aid Mrstl. . et, aoton-Mrs. Allenm E. Mofiatt ( Bo-Canadian Legion Hall, Whht- Mr. and Mrs. George Dobb- 1mnanvilie. was solemnized Aug. bfridr'-mthecain. wom a iii spent this pasi wet- t 2t. 1960, in tht- Pentecostat bidgoomm oter oe a aus o iber mother Mrs. M. ýChurch, Siîncoe St. South, ccabonftnhlc ns Benett i h Gag. Ohawva. with a matchiig foather hat Bt-ut aitht-Grane. iwith maribou trim and bnowî- Mrs. Jack Davis, dennifen The t-hurt-h w&is decorated zinc accossories. Ht-r corsage and Sut-ain. Belleville, have~ with sîandmrcls of white g'iad- was yellow roses. s;pent this past week with li-ltrioli. The 1lies' Jamnes Pionce! The hoit-ymoon was spent v sister Mr. aid Mrs. K. C. Hop-. officîated. i'hc \vtdding musi- pit*î atnnOtna kis.was playt-d by Mis. John Fan gaing away tht- bride st Mrli. Ross Metuali retuned'-St-arr and Mr. Geonigo Bate-wocapseochddesf home on Satîîrday after spend- mai sangblo-tt-crmony silk raalovot' tass ffea ing the surnier bolidays tour- and during Ilt signing of tht- white accessoî'ies aid a cor- ing the- Bitish TIlt-s aid tht- register. -sg !oci byate Coi-tin.Mns, Danny Tain-i vn i î hlar y bier muînis, Tht- newlY wcdded linonOshwa.wer Thrs-fatimi ti hl ;'i' v orr-;in cm- couple wiil rt-aide iOshawa. day vasiters xiii:Mn. and Mns -pie -w tn -ide---oie dc- --- Fr Wright and famiîv, m3ir'I .îhi ;irot lpal-ie] of Mn .and Mrus Gardon Trii- --aaiow reibî;ordiçcSOLINA. and fmilv.Tonono, ~ aptini cci iligh ini front xitb aeknd isî.Toronfobs uit-e, l0 b boty ws aid falinig Men.dy sTrs f is, l,ý o a chapel train. A scailop- In an air miail letter wc ne- M. Jaid r. Nbe e e d neckiine anmd long siceves ceîvod Atigust 26 from the Rt-v. Msh.wandwerS Ndaylvistons, styled tic bodice. A tiara F. J. Reed and Mrs. Reed OwMaid res. J. R. Mt- stnimmed with sequins aid i from Aberdeen, Scotiaid, they withMr.andMrs J.R. et-seed peanhs beicilier veil of 1 tgneetings toaait at Saluna. cal!, tulle- illusion bordered by ITe ilrtn y'li : Mr. and Mns. Elmer Flegg, 1st-a llopcd haco and'psanet-a Fincli. called on Mr. aid Mrs. cloe aarn h arià1NwYrkveon Torto erai ndpm NeiliBrowneli aid famîlv orn a cascade- of pink aid uriei NewaYrvkn ontombtr83and Friday. roe,; :that night. In Scotlaîd they Mr. aid Mrs, dames Web.' Tht hidc wiIs attt-ided bylwere only a few miles from ber, Mn. and Mrs. Eldon ht-r thrce sisters. Mrs. EvanIBalilral Castle where tht- Thamipson. Newingtan. were Grce-iicv i amli grecen; Mr,. Queci is staying aid tht-y saw Thursdav tallers with Mr-. and Alvin Had clt-y ini palt- i!the Rayai Standard fiying. Mrs. A. Bannies. aid Miss Lillian Variy i i-ot ek eesetai Mr .and Mrs. Nei Browiiell, chid - they wor c idoîtical ihousands of square miles of Valnie aid Lt-e. Mr. aid MrsJ,' gownsý of flîwering siik or- ibeatlier in bloom, near Aboylie. Roy VaiCa-mp spent it-e week-* gana aven taffota xith a ýRai fellt-at-h day i Scotland t-id ai Mhnk Lake. i cnusbcd angalîza and taffeta ýwith tht- teimperatune around. The Bpselint- Good N-ýigh-lcummerbunid. Tht-v w or e - eres nAoyet bour Club held tht-m pi-nit-1 mat-bing pt-tal i;ts and whitet-rhiai a long weekend visithng on the- iawn. at the- homneo Jilaetssario5 aid oariid xhitc friends wbomi tht-y knew i Mî-s. A. Bannes an Xednesdav. l'and tintcd t-hry.anthemums Cia h-r o acl Thr7 membens and several i'sm-iJta match ibei- povns, wa s tht-jr driver. Tht-y had itoa -"---- e-- hc t-tisae s maîy iîtercstiîg places, io.;gainent-a mor tte noinu Th lo t-r girl Mi-.. Brenda i tt :,imlsth-lada- meal afer wicbgame wee Mofat, eaÀn - h groom, Ireadv travclled at that timc.; enjoyed by ail. The committec wr in i'il siitndaqummion- As'th in charge dwarded tht- prizes1ganza axer iaffria designed, - junye h- ok to he innrs f te gllis wth ui!f 4eve an trmme j i pciunes wbich they wili shane ta~ ~ tJ-,nesa tt aIs it nfA-vs i rmndwith frhends on tht-jr netun. 1Tht- regular meeting will b.vitiih lace..lit-r beaddress wasi ht-Id ai the- home of Mns K. a petal bideaiu and she t-ar- i Next Sunday. September 4-1~ 1C. Hopins in September. ir red 4 baaket QI whilte and the Rev. Colin Rud wilJ hav7i4 Brookma., visited ad Mr- ÇJ They were guests of the] o W. Panninder. Evcrett and Mrs. Fne Mn. aid Mns. Harold Pascoe there. wene gucsts at the Peance -iMr. and Mrs. Gardon James, Young weddiîg at Goderich. Toronto, called on Mn. and Mn. aid Mns. Ted Mei- Mrs. D. Laventy an Thunsday Laughliî and Canolyn, Oshawa, cvcning. visited Mn. and Mrs. Haroldi Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Snow- Pascoe. dcen aid their daugbiter, Miss Rasmay Omitom, benz-Marian Sîowden of Toronto, R os mar Or ist n, ben z-spent a fcw days w ith M n. er, visited at Tom Baken's. and Mns. Albert Brown aid j Mn. aid Mrs. N. Leach, family, Hamilton. Tauntan; Mn. and Mns. A. Mis. Phil Finncy, Mns. T. Youngman aid family, Tyrone; Cljiss, Gardon aid Glen Mn. and Mns. D. Flett and_________ chlldrcn eîjayed a picnic at Mn. J. Kivell's on Suîday. Uad A .~ Mn. and Mrs. Hanny Maton,II An ua Mn. Aigus Morton aid Miss AnnieHarrisn, Queensvlle;Fly Pinica amn, visited Mn. and Mn. John Kniox and famiiy.M daughtens, Grand Valley, visit- a l r v cd Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- Because of nain, the fif- gomery. tccnth anual Foley picnic was Mn. and Mrs. M. Samis En- held at Maple Grave shed on field; Mn. and Mrs. F. Âbcn- Saturday, August 20 witb 491 ncthy and childnen, Manuia, inl attendance. were Sunday guests of Mn. and The nain let up and group Mrs. Don Taylor and family. pictunes wene taken. We ail Mn. aid Mrs. Harold Pascoe sat dawn ta a very delicious and Mns. Florence Pearce, Wil- suppen wbich evcnyane en- lowdale, visited Mn. aid Mrg. joycd. E. Cryderman. Walter~ Blackbun, presi- Mn. and Mns. Keith Cryder- dent, then took change of the- man visitcd Mn. and Mns. L. business. The minutes of last Stainton, Eîniskillcn. yean s meeting wene nead and Mn. id ns.Joh Thmp-approvcd. The treasuner gave son and children, Hamilton,bireot visited Mn. and Mrs. R. Vice., The officers for îmext year Jimm Aln, owmnvilearc as failaws: President- hoidayd with bis . ll :Ted Faiey, Sccrctany- Grace holdayd wth'hiscousin, Blackburn, Treasuren- Car- Murray Ycllowlecs. los Cryderman, Sparts Com- Miss, Olive Luke, Toronto; mittec-_ John Twist aid Da- Mrls. Will Mountjoy aid Mns. vid Cryderman. Starr, Kedron; Mi. aid Mrs. Next yean the picîc will be Geo. W. James, Bawmaîviile held at the Crcam of Bariey and grandchildnen fnom Mont- on the fifth Saturday of July. reai vîsited the Wenry's at Irwin aid Don then took char- Eoselandvale. ge of the races. A peanut Mn. aid Mns. Gardon Pascoe, scnamble bnought a happy Galt; Mrs. H. Cnassman, Taunt- cveniîg to a close. on; Mns. Bayd Ayne aid ________ childnen, Zion; Mn. aid Mrs. ilifford Naylon, Columbus; Mn. A new monument at Sol-r and Mns. Charles Naylor, Janet fermac, Italy, cammemorates ind friends, Mn. aid Mns. thie birth of the Red Cross! Walter Haas and chiidnen, idea and honaurs Henni Dun- Moan, wene guests of Mn. aid ant, the foun-der of the Red lins. C. D. Pascoe. Cross. Aine Werry visitcd Mn. aid ** Mns. Keith Wood, Bawman- More than 225,000 men, wo- vuil. men and childrern of ail ages Quite a numben from Soluna panticipatcd in Canadian Red attendcd Oshawa and Black-ICross water safcty services tock Pairs. and pnojects lastyear. FIRTH BROS. 47 RiG WT. E a $-mi0 LEANFRESH 3 Is 9 SLICED TUE WAY TOU LIKE Wf! BREAKFAST flAONil 1S. 89C CRIIENS 99cea .Lv.LL. Vyditer don; Oldest Ethel Ashtoi Ncarest Birtl Crydermnan, id Douglas ýPinglo cent Married- Mr. and Mms ig those from Maple! Clarence Stainton, Bowman. o attended the Ex- lville; Longest Marrîed- Mr. nSaturday. 'and Mrs. Howard Stevens, Mrs. Eric Freeborn Enniskillen. yLindsay, were; ests of Mr. and Mrs. ' Mrs. Gordon Beech and Mrs. Ira Traveil conducted suit- able contests for bath young st Boyles and Evan, iaiod. Then everyone cii. ibers, Wallace Point,j joyed dancing for an hour oir ri ndayMrs. J1m150 ota an orchestra made uti Sundy eemng jof Mrs. Howard Stevens and om Niagara Falls. Wallace, Leonard and Henry bert Jarvie spent a Stainton. Everyone then de. day at Limestone parted for their homes agree- guest of Mrs. 0. ing we'd ail had a good time ;armeriy of Maple ini spite of the rain. Mrs. Harry snow-1 iy, Bowmanviile, l'RMIfl TABLE his parents, Mr. Alan Snowden on ening.E M'rs. Tom McGuirk spent a few days EG Mrs. Cecil Burton, that are flot even 24 hours O1id bnna cailed an Mr. at the time of delIvery te ie Burton, Oshawa stores: evening. 1 fluy them at . f rs. Harold Caoe are getting setledALLIN'S MEATS ýw home, the houe 9 King Street E. ccupied by the late EOWEN'S GROCERY Trimbie and Mrs. 65 Scugpg Rd. IDAVIS GROCERY report aur men'sI 125 King Street E. tn iast ta Courtice DYKSTRA'S tgame played at VARIETY FOODS Park on Sunday 77 King Street W. FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET 44 King Street E. n ClanFIRTH BROS. 47 King Street E. A I NEIGHBOURHOOD STORE A~n n uai 87 OtroSre or eat them servcdlal " Picnir BALMORAL RESTAURANT CORONATION RESTAURANT st 20. 1960, about OLYMPIA RESTAURANT sof the Stainton FLYING DUTCHMAN for their annual RESTAURANT ta the ramn it was HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA niskillen Commup- IMEMORIAL HOSIA Thcy are the frcshest table eggs on the markt-- produced b, W. K. NOWAK'S CHICKEN FARN Winners of thrce Silver Cup Trophies and many first prizes for the best eggs at CNE. Phone COlfax 3-2567 R.R. 1 Bowmanville We specialize in producing only table eggs of unifarm quality in the mast hygienic and sani- tary way in totally mechaniz- ed hen hauses. We produce white sheil eggs only, gradcd under Canadian Govenncnt supervision. 4RS TH S O E wcll laden tables suppen hour the Wallace Stainton he busincss period. tany, Mns. Keith ead the minutes reunion. The new ices fan 1961 anc - Clarnce Eng- resident- Wilbert etary Treasuner- iDickey, Sports -Mn. and Mrs. îinton. ving pnizes were igest Baby-- Joy aughter of M. aid Laveridge, Hay- Persan- Mns. n, Maple Grove; îday- Mns. Keith Enniskillen;Re A producer who had recently imported a foreign star an- nounced te the press: "She's a nize goil - and Fmn gonna loin hier English."1 ['d like to inake an announce- mient, taa . .. an announcemnent about the top-quality dry c1eaning work we do. 1V11 even go so far as ta say you]1 feel drcssed like a "star" when you leave your dry cleaning ta us. Let us prove this to you moon. BOROTITCU WASH - SEPt. 17' BACK-.TO-SCHOOL FLANNELETTE - Sizes 8 te 14 PYJAMAS Reg. $2.98,- On Sale GIRLS' COTTON S LIP S BOYS' CORDUROY LINED JEAN SETS JOHN & JUDY $1.98 98c, 15 King St. E. GRADE "A" - FRESH KILLED OVEN READY Chickens lb. 3 3 ci The Chiees Rave Niever Bens Froen Chicken LEGS & lb . r5 BIREASTSlb c FroEen - 9 oz. pkg. FEE~HFlErs 2 for 35C GmIy ai Firth Dros. Can Yon Bay "ProTen" TENDE RED BEEF You can 50W buy Swift'u guaranteed tender beef at regular prices.. Added naturai enzyme produces tenderization during shorter cooklng periods, regardicas of the cut . . . Approved by Canadian Government Dept. of Agriculture and Food and Drug Division. WHY PAY MORE ... GET THE BEST FOR LESU! Bewananvlle 'P h ?HURDAYSEpT. lt. 190 Carl Leslie pAax Tmim î $2.98