TnUMSAY ET, luT le LsocaI( spen nd Mrs. Arnold Smith Mira. Charles Warre 'U t several days lolidaying lington, was present ini Northern Ontario last week. meeting o! tIc Board Miss Joan Luxton obtained rcctors Of Metuorînl E a Su isV'5 Certficate in when contracts for t] Primry Education this sum- wing were awarded las mer. M~~r. and Mra. W. A Miss F. M. Gabraith, King <nec Marion Wardcr St . visited with Mr. and Marys, Ontario, were i Mr.H. T. Humby, Burlirigton, manvilie and district o, recently. weekcnd rcnewing ac Mr. and Mra. Clarence Rom- ances with relatives a bough, Ottawa, werc gucats of friends. their cousins, Mr. and Mirs. Mr. and Mms. Theodo Robt. Kent. phens, and tiheir son Mr Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stew- ley Stephens, left on T art, Renfrew, werc recent for a motor trip to Sarr guests of their aunt, I&s. T. Port Huron. They wi S. Holgaf e. visit Sault St. Marie Mrs. Donald Stainfon and returning tO Bow'nanvil Mrs. Russell Wright, Tyrone, Mmir. John Mfiles, tIc wcre guests o! Mrs. Geo. W. Neflie Williamis and da Graham, JUne Street. Gertrude Miles, and Mr Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar ham, Synracuse, N.Y., w' were in Peterborough Monday town last wcek renewii attending Uic funeral services acquaintances whiie sta3 of her aunt, Mrs. R. F. Downey. thc Flying Dutelman M~ Mr. Leslie Thonipson has re- Mr. and Mss. AI! Broi tu~rned home from attending tendd tIe christening, the funerad o! his brother, Mr. great niece, Nancy Ruth Ambrose Ttompson, Regina, daugliter o! Mr. and Mrs Sasks. aid Lake, at Newcastlec Tom Mason, son o! Mr. and Church Sunday and Mis. Lawrence Mason, las re- guests at a fanuly r turned from Sudbury where held at their home. lie bas been a Junior Forest David Mason, son of Mv Rtanger for thc sunumer. Mrs. Edward Mason, To Mr. John Brillinger and one o! the top sfuder Miss Marjorie Brillinger, Lon- Royal York Coliegiate, don, Ont., have been guests Of coke, with eiglit firsf si theiir uncle and aunt, Mr. and cent Grade 13 resulfa, haç Mrs. Chas. L. Denton. awardcd one of fhe 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker, Scîoharships worfl $400.1 Port Perry; Mr. and Mris. E. Miss Denise Wcsselh Jamieson and daughter Mary, rcturned home after spe Toronto, were recent callers on tîree wceks' holiday ati Mrs. L. B. Williams, Temper- enluurst as Uic guest o ance St. and Mrs. Bruce St. Job] Miss Laura Hartt, Toronto, faxniiy. Min St. John is s- who was a mem-ber of Central ing a fcw days witl MW Public Schooi feadhing staff Ms-rs. Ernie Wessells and about 25 years ago, was in ise. town f lis week calling on ohd Mr n r.S o frieda.and Mr. Charles De C Mra. Roy Webber, Bowman- Rochester, N.Y., were wcî ville; Mrs. Mei-win Mountjoy, cahiers with Mr. and Hampton, attendcd flic WO- Alfred Brown; also Mira. inen's Institute Holiday at oId Skinner, Tyrone, and KcmptviIhle Agricultural School 0n r.BliLkNw recently. and Mm. Boss Sharp andc Mr. and Ms&s. George Morris rein. and daughter Karen spent an enjoyable holiday hast weck Anuong those volur with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Anger from Uic Ont ario Coun*fy and f!anly at tleir cottage on o! Canadian- Cancer Sc DgLake. wlo helpcd at thec Art Ex~ at tlic C.N.E. wcre: Mrs. Ms-r. and Mrs. Ray DiUling, MciMu-tcr, is. O. Plum Mr. and Mrs. Jisn Bur-ns and Mms. H. Murp.hy, Mm. Judy, Pet erborough, lave re- Thonupson and Mrs. turncd from a trip ta ftle yr Gaspe Peninsula, Boston and Cape Codi. If any o! our aider citi Mr. and Mms. Gordon Marfnin Bowmanviile have any andl daugiter 'Doris lave ne- frmation regarding a thri turneal home fromn visiting M r.fraternal socicty known as and rs. lenn McNil ad'"oya~l Arcanum" which h Mand s. C asMNeilnbrangch o!fIlhs organizati« Mr.indMe . Ca.M iBowmanvillc bctwecn 1894 Winnpcg.1899 wili fhey please ge 1&.M and Mis. D. McLelan, toucli wilh Editor John %,a and Ricky, Bnockvilie, jaes and Mn. and Mis. Stan Menzies andl Lynda, Frankfond, visîtcd Mi-. N. C. Yellowlees,:1 Mr. andl Mss. Bill BurIs and scy Street, andalier daughi Jh at week. Mrs. Ellicott, Pcf csioroi Mra. Norman Allnn îas ze- anal Mrs. Hock'aday, Soi tusned from spending a de- attendeal a reunion o! ligitful sunimer with bier son, Yellowlees' c h o oli n D)r. George Aihin, in Edmion- northwest of Branupton ton, Alfa., flying ouf and re- Saturday. Later they vis turin also by non-stop. a cousin, Miss Lawosn, 1 Georgetown andl frienda Mr. and Mnr. J. D. Cavcnly, Toronto. Bowmanville, have retuined froir an enjoyable holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John Treni Mr. anal Mm. Donald Cale at Oshawa, have returnea fi fleur sumaner home, Little an enjoyable t rip flroi Hawk Lake, Haliburton. Nortern Ontario. They. CL vi. .Yy lt: unli, 'reUCiI. n JLIiher IJULh criairmen were- asfle, of tU Bowmanvilie Lions Kinette Doll Boothi, Mira chiid- Club. Ulva Lafliangue; White Ele. Mirs. Jean Colhacutt was plant, Arnoldal Seep; Crowr Daniel C. Cattran, 5o Centre chairman o!flice Kinettes and Anchor No. 1, Stan Dunn; itteirs Street, las won one o!flice Draw. Henry Kooy, Elgin Crown andl Anclior No. 2, Dr. first bursaries awarded by TIc Street, was the winner o!flice Charles Caf tran, flic past pres. Dcicty Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com. elcctric blanket and Carroll ident; Over and Under, Ray hibit pany o! Canada, Limiteal. Vanstone, 63 Liberty Street Laflangue; Dunk tfli Clown Stan TIc bursary pays tuition at Southi, won flic train case. Boofth, Osborne Willi ams; rmuer, any Canadian univcrsify for TIc Go.-Kairt Race bctwccn Glass Pitch, Gordon Wihcox; i.E. a maximum of four years and members o!flice town's ser- Shaggy Dog, Irvine (Jake) Bert provides $250.00 towards ex. vice clubs evokeal mucl in- Brown; Firee Money, John penses eacî year. TIc burs- tcrcst. Ken Nicks was in Living; Refrealiments, B iill zesary programn is designcd fo charge o! arrangements for Smith; Fruit, Harry Coiiacutt; in- benefit sons and daughfers o! Uic race. TIc Bowmanviîîc Dant, Keifli Conneil and Bingo, yving Goodyear employeca in Can. Rotary Club was declareal Uic Carke Wilson. i fli ada. ad a )niun Dan is fhe son o! ClarlesS u h W r ie d 1*and Cattran, retiring manager o!f o t ar n e d ýt in Goodyear's Bowmnville LM. plant. Claudia Akins o! Port Credif,Ho orS ftF m l Ho-Bob Boler and Jim Lees of A* Iters, Toronto, and Ken Skeoch o! f~ f ugli, Mimico. ih F r w l it dîna, DnhF rw l iî Mrs.DanCattran graduateal from Memonmal Park Club House and Mira. Dorc Mutton. Thc ates Bowmanvile High School this was tIc scene o! a memorable set consisted o! silver teapof, lt e ar in ortas wîîa ain- event on Sunday cvening coffee pot, crcam jug, sugarý si aigîpotsaslol asang.when members o! tIc Me- bowh, large tray and amalt . ma ihscoatcstnig rial Park Association, iuigh- serving fray. ln and durcI activitiBoyScouDan Hin lo cieu BySotbons and frienda gaflered to Thc est wislcs o! ail pires- ans fo fchakefli eian r honor Mn. and Mira. Norman cnt wercýs expresseal by Mn. ls a t unicsteanal bcomr- J. Scott, fleur dhildiren OwcniPassant. He told Mr. and ibe eadtouir. yad eo anal Janet, prior fa fleur .de-I Mrs. Scott thaf whilc everyonc romparture froin, Bowmanvillc. i regrets fleur decision ta move I >ugî TIc Goodyear bursary pro' Ernest Passant on belal! o!f0 Toronto, fîcy will alwaysi niso grain was originalhy designeal the 55 people f lere presenteal nemember fleur fniendship anal -ta provide anhy two bunsaries Mr. anal Mrs. Scott witl a active intereat in Memorial eacî ycar. Howevcr, flic cali- beautiful six-piece silver teajPark, andal ah they bave donc1 hig, i ws dcidalto wad anal coffce service. The two;far Bowmanviile. TIc large, five bur ws ide or alic fr texquisitc fraya in thec ge silven tray bore the inscrip-1 yiers Ic pforam'the fra-patten nwere cannical by Mr. fion '"To Ruth anal Norman tiaofnh orms pr-Marg.Jeffey, vicprsilcntfrom nuenbers of Memoial, One o!flice Toronto winners Ascatoanal fnienas. is planning fa beconue a den.- Mn. hicott warnmhy thankeal tisf whilc fhe otliers arc tak- fleur frienals for flic lovehy gift. ing courses in arts, dhemis- Ive~ He said fIat bof I lie anal lis try anal pohtical science af tewr ocla yfer kindness anal gcnerosity. Mr.i EacI bursary is worth mare Scttspkeofli eniWys flan $3,000 anal within four in Baxvmanville anal recahical ycars, thc program mnay cm- (Continucal fronu page one) fheicoc-operation and frienalhi-1 brace as many as 1l students, sorry ta bace a frienal anal anncas le lad receiveal. ahi sons anal dauglitera O! aufstanding citizen, anal u l e congratulated tflicmcm- Goodyear emaployees un Can- vcry bcst wishes go witî yau bers !the Memoial Park ada. anal your family." Aýssociation on the fine warki In prcscnting fIe scroli Mr n.fey ave donc aven flic ycars.ý James folal Mr. analMra. Scott ýTlhanks to fleur efforts fli C hthat thc graup present lad town las an excellent park' Chares anteal ta meet witl tliem in- wliere once flere was just formahly befone flcy_ left for marshy lanal, lic said. Hel u n Toono He referreal ta Mr. mentioneal fIat flic park pro-I C a ttr cott's achievements duninglvides a good playground anal <Continucal !rom page aine) lis 21 years un Bowmanviiie, baIl park, anal le also spoke o!' anal said fIat lic lad been an flue weil equippeal club bouse. 1941, le was appointeal Assist- oufstanaling figure in tIe Mira. Scott aisa expresseal heril ant Superintendent anal in communify. appreciaf ion o!flice beauti fuI I January 1944, le assumealthfIe ln discussing Mn. Scof t'a silver service given to ber andl position of Plant Manager, suc. contributions to Bowmanvillc lier huabanua. SIc salal fIatl ceedingi fIe hate A. M. Hardy. Mn. James pointeal ouf fIat fîcy bath xiii husBwnai Mn. analMra. Cattran, fh li e lad made a great success ville anal fleur fnienls leire anal former Essie Ferguson o! io! a smaîl business whidh nom, urgeal fIat tîey came fa Toron-,ý Akiron, wer nuarrical in 1926. is flic leading anc of ifs kind al f afosee themin ier uewý j he hc ave four boys, John, an un Northi America. He refer- home.1 engner;Clarles, a dcntist; real fa Mr. Scoft's work on Cýake anal ice crcain weW Doug, studying ta be a chenu- Town Council, anal lis contri- ýserveal by Mirs. Marg. Jeffery, L cal engineer, anal Dan, about butions ta basebali anal other Mrs. Dorc Mutton, Mira. Helen, ta enter university on a mcd- sparts. iPark, Mirs. A. Deboo, Mirs.i ical course.1 "We hope fluascieroll wili Elda Brown, Mira. Betty RidI-! Mr. Cattran las na definite reminal yau o!flice ]uappylrsan s.A Psnt plans for lis retirement. Hel years you lad in Bowman- rs nlMr.AaPsat lopes ta have moire f ime forl ville. Wc also lape yu will, gohfing anal fishing. In 1948, not forget us, anal we will not A le suffereal a caronary whichiforget you. We are indecal Sw\#ji i va ras restricteal lis activiticasame- aorry to sec you go," Mn. whaf, but is now feeling fine. James stateal.P e en e He anal lis wifc arc highiy In expressing lis apprecia-ýr s n e respecteal anal admireal by fion. Mr. Scot t said tînt if plant empioyees anal othen le lad neahizea lle lad sa Àii members o!flice community. many frienals lere le mightfr\ inlarn t Tîcir bast o!fnienda will hope' nat have solcl fli Brookalale- p o for f hein good Icaît I fon many Kingsway Nurseries. Frienal ycars ta came so fhey can en- slip is important anal cannat 1hn Hampton Unitedl Ciurcl joy fleur well-earncd retire- be bouglif wifh moncy, lie as- on Tliursday cvening, Augustý ment. serteal. Mr. Scott nemankeal 25th, swimming cerfificates cd las been due toaflic fniencls1 ren wîo attendeal classes af wh a ele i during Ced an Park, under flic auspic- ST R VIL hsycars un thc town. eso!flice Durhamu Counfy Be- He invifeal everyone present creafion Services programme, ÎMisa Gwcin Stark, Toronto, to visit him anal lis wifc at under flic spansarship o!f te' spent flic xvekend af lame. fleur new lame un Toronto,, Bowmanvillc division o! tIe Mrs. 1. Plum, Toronto, las anal assureal thenu o! a warm! Bcd Cross Society.1 been spcnding hloidays at Mn. wcicomc. He also flankeal flic A capacity crowd wcrc pre-, Arthur McKay's. commiftee wîo lad arrangedi seint f0 sec Mn. Dan Marsalen' Mira. J. Murphy anal boys tIc enjayable party. o!fIe Bowmanville Bcd Cross Ispent Monday af flic C.N.E. During flic evcning dacn present flic childiren witl i Bey. analMira. R. Gay anal was enjoycd. A dlicious fleur certificates. About 250, dauglifer, Kipling, Sask., spent clicken supper was serveal. dhildiren anal parents wee n h olidays at Mn. Herb Reid's. Thc commitfee in charge o! attendance. Mr. Arthur McKay analMira. arrangemuents for the event Mr. W. W. Bagneli af Bow- 1. Phunu wcre recent aincir wcre Jim Crombie, Alan Os-: manville aiso attendeal fli guests witli Mn. anal Mrs. borne, Ivan Habbs, Gien Hugl-i- meeting anal saial, "AtIaugh Haroldl Barvowclough. Wesley- es, John James anal Tom Cow- fluai was flic first venture o! -W& d. ..a.There ware 48 preauent. " akind Hiampton and dis-' m, Dar. at thI 1of Di. Rospital he new st wcek, A. Bain ýr), st. in Bow- ver the cquaint- mnd oic ire Ste. r. Stan- ruesday n and 'Wlalsc before le. former aughter . Ing- vcre in ing oid ying at lotel. )wn at- o! her i Lake, s.Don - United werc fr. and Dronto, nts of Et obi- in re- ýs been nf aria .00. s las anding Grav- fI Mr. n and pend- rand Den- niford Groat, ekend Mrs. Har- v ehiurch huckkes by CARTWRIGHTI M a "hakthée for tii. same old frÏmÎ TV Diii- i nrs we haveeav"ry i>sss.<i night ... lI REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville Introduction of the lev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A.,, BOD. FRIDAY, 8 P.M. - INDUCTION SERVICE SUNDAY - 10 A.M. - SERVICE IN ENGLISH 7:30 P.M. - SERVICE IN DIJTCH You are cordially invited to witness the installa- tion of our new minister on Friday and to hear his initial sermon on Sunday. ""Back To God Hour"" Broadcast CKL.. Oshaw4 at 3 p.m. every Sunday 5rkfersonal MvA 3-3303 -visitcd Mi. Elmei he1r daughter Sally Jreal, former nesiden Imanville. Mra. Treî former Misa Lorna, Fletcher, Qucen Str M. and Mm. Pen SW., M. andl Mrs. B( r- Mr. and Mrs. Bun 19 Sand Patricia, Miss Ji -e Mr. and Mirs. Irvin lKaren anal Randy, wDadson, Mr. and h kence Edmondson,MAt n Ivison Mundy, Mr. tBuck Welsh and 1Bowmanville, werei [ifors wit Mýir. andl tWe]sh andl !amily, d Mr. and Mrs. B. Frederick Street, or evening entcrtaincd bers o!fIe staff o! th, YDominion Bank a Jwives anal husbands 0becue in lionour oi eShirk, wIo left on Ti Huntviilc. M. Sb l as been thc teller at rmanville Brancl o! las been trans! erre Toronto-Domniinion E Huntsville. Wins First Goodyear Bursary them to do this. n Rgr Mrs. George Ir- 119 win, Enn;skillen; Mr. and Many ,New ,oo,,,s mles wn ni o S uMrs. J. S. Eddyvean, Orono;" F in ..Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, R na l Burketon; Miss Linda Harris, iln 4 h Ra e South Monoghan: Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville Racing Pig- m las and Stephen, Columbus. eon Club flew their fourth race of the season on Satur- (Continued from page one) l'o Iinsrnen Carnival daY, Aug. 27th, from Parry of the Courtice shift. The staff e raso The Kinsmen Carnival held winner with Jimn Stutt as its Sound, a distance of 119 miles. at B.H.S. lias been increased N w P so in Memorial Park on Satur- driver. Resuits were as follows: 1 from 32 to 45 to accommodatel day evening was an outstand- Others who took part in the L. Richards; 2, R. Fredericks: the larger number of students' ing success, and attracted Go-Kart Race were Don AI- 3, Bill White; 4, C. Lemon: 5, Iwho will be attending the Takes cJver at people from ail over thîs dis- lin and Raîpli Kelly, members Bruce Stainton; 6, Glen Bot- school in the two shifts. trict. Several thousand men of the Bowmanville Lions trel; 7, G. White, 8, Raipli bRegistration is expected f women and chldren enjoyed Club, George Graham, Branch Luke and 9, Mavin Bros. e 10 aeOrno igl Scool Art Hooper, a past president and Don Stutt, president of ias in previous years. Prin cipal On Sunday, August 28th. of the Bowmanville Kinsmen the Bowmanville Kinsmen JIOSPIITAL REPORT E. G. (AI) Witherspoon has Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Grant Clu, ws te Crnial hai- Cubfour other teachers on his assumed their duties as pastors Clbman. The Cania Cai-Clb The report of Memorial istaff. of the Pentecostal Cliurch in man. he rny~ attractive uooLiIs, Hospital, Bowmanville, for the The new Millbrook High Bowmanville. Rev. Grant had Keith Hockley, 175 Perry games of chance and other at- week of August 22nd to 28th School xiii be ready in De- been filling in here since the Street, Uxbridge, was fthe tractions were kept constantly inclusive shows that there were cember, if is expected. Unti] resignation of the former lucky winner of the $1,000 busy during flic evening. The 51 admissions during that then flic Millbrook High School pastor. Cash Draw. The seller of the Home Baking Boothi run by period, and 73 discliarges. There pupils will have accommoda- He cornes to Bowmanvili winning ticket, who received the members of the Kinette were nîne births, four maie tion in the Public School affer ciglit years in Morris-1 a $500 prize was William Hood, Club attracted scores of cus- and five female. Major opera- buildings in thie village. Doug- burg where fthe work grewi ~-186 Nassau Street, Oshawa. tomers, and flic Fishpond was tions numbered 13. There las Hodgson is the principal, stcadily under bis guidance.j U Bill Kilpafrick was chairman a centre of attraction for the were 25 minor operations and and registration is expected to With God's hclp they were1 of the $1,000 Cash Draw, and children. Mrs. Lillian Hooper 21 mrec prtos ioalbut9sudn. aleobidanwchr nt the winning ticket was drawn was the Fislipond chairman. renyoeaos. t albut9std t. a letbu danech chi COMPETITIVE PEICES PLUS PEESONAL SERVICE SP RrYA I.V A 1.îM q A M ~u r ~ w m a 0 u ~ u m E a 0 ai E p B fl ai yg a 'p Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local IDA Drug Store. Phone MA 3-57921 it f o-Ha rtley V. Lewis Wins Fletcher, a 1fk ~ m~ m,6 d Mrs. A. HghSanig rz ,y LuxtonH tey V. Lewis, a studentj pursue careers in actuarial ýrt Mundy, atHthe Unilversity of Toronto, science. Telsh, Paul who received many awards for bdy Welsh, his scholastic ability during is Beauprie, years at Bowmanville High Miss Ada Schoolhsrcie ntr Mtrs. Cla- honour. hsrcic nte r. and Mr. The Canadian Life Insurance M.Underwritcrs Officers Associa- Ho, tion announced yesterday that and M's* Mr. Lewis is one of the 11l Betty of een -students at live Canadian. Uni- re e vs - hn estoreceive a prze for re. Jh high standing in the annuac examinations of the Society of L. Burk, Actuaries. in Monday Mr. Lewis is a son o! Mrs. the mem- Agnes Lewis, a member of thce i Toron to- teaching staff of Bowmanvilic and their High Sehool. He is a grand-' at a bar- son o! Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Van- "s'v >fDouglas stone, King Street West.g uesday for As top student in the exam-r hirIs, who mnations Mr. Lewis won an the Bow- award of $200. The prizesfo the bank pigh standing in these exam« d to the mations are designed to en Branch mn courage young men and women with mathematical ability to* mrtler V. Uw F 1 Tm CAADIAN STATEuMAN, EWMAwvILLI, ONTAM O ACM rU i irdilquik amvàw very good beginning, and ncxt y1ear should be and would bei i t r a o " a better. A project like fhIs'ý takes co-operation and by the'D r aM y S u loksofthng yuhave thatD u Mrs. J. Rioe, president, andi M.C. for tlic programme then The Board o! Trustees f Trutee Hugo Beall expain- calld Mr. and Mrs. J. Clemn- the Victoria HighiSchool Area ed that the Durham County ents up to the stage and pre- at a recent meeting rejcted District High School Board ented them with a token a dlaim from fIe Durham1 was claiming accessibility as of deep appreciation of their1 Counfy District High SchoolI the reason for the students donation of the pool and fac- Board for paymcnt of flie costI decision ta go to school in ilities. of maintenance of Manvers Orono and Millbrook. Anoherpreenttio ~ pupils attending school in Or- Bruce Kennedy stafed em- Anoher pre enttio wa ono and M ilibrook. Dave phaticaliy that he dd flot be- nade by Mrs. W. Smale, Tre- Thomson, chaîrman of the lieve the Durham Board "lad asurer, to Miss Bette Brown Victoria board stated that a ieg to stand on" if fhey took of Oslawa, who instrucfed the Durham County District High the matter to court. Colonel children in fthc classes. Miss School Board have tîrcatcned EM hed hrdti p Brown said it lad been a great t o sue fe Victoria Board if pinMonShhelds ed ta thisp ilesur fowok wtl hethis paymcnt is nof made. matter should be referred toi children and if asked would Mr. Thomson stafed fIat 10 a solicitor. return next year. puipîs in thc area lad gone Mrs. Janet Ferguson o! against the board's decision !yrone, assistant instructor when they decided to attendHÀ P O was tIen prescnted witb a sdhool in Mîllbrook and Or- HA P O ift by Mrs. H-. S. Coutts, Sec- ono. He claimed that adequate Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith reary. transportation is provided for spent hoiidays at Meaford, Themetig as loedbvthese pupils to attend school Owen Sound and Tobermory, ngin meeodn Sa TIc Quce n ~Lindsay, and added that tIc last wcek. angng GodSae Te Qeen. ct ciearhy states that these Recent cahiers at A. W. pupils in the area lad gone Prcscotts werc Mrs. Gertie L, Lindsay. He also pointed Hayes, Bowmanvilic; Mr. and o ut that adequafe transporta- Mrs. Jack Davis and Pamela, Morrisburg and It la hoped by the congregation that they will Previous to Morrlsburg, they p astored in Liverpool, N.S. Rev. and Mrs. Grant have two girls, Heather, age eight yeara and Colleen, age four years. Jack Knight Is Retiring From Pipe Band For many ycars Jack Xnlght, as Druin Major las led the. Bowmanville Pipe Banal witla a flair anl precision. People of flic town and district wilJ regret fIat affer 32 years as a Drum Major with experience in several banda M. Knight ias decided to nesign. On l5.arrior's Day, hast Saturdny af flic C.N.E. Drunu Major Knight led flic Bowmanvile Pipe Band for the last time. Since flic inception o! the 3owmanvillc Pipe Banal in 1950 Jack Kiniglit bas scnved as its Drunu Major. He la president o! the Bowmanville Pipe Band, and las lelal this office for Uic pnst seven years. M. Knight nas been a member o! Uic executive of 3ranch 178 o! tIc Canadiarx .egion for a number o! years, ald at present ia Sports Officer for thc brancl. lIn 1928 Jack Knight starte4j as Drum Major wifh tIc Bow. nanville Pipe Band. He inter hcld this position for several 'cars with tIc Bowmanville Brass Band. Duving World Wair II he was Drunu Major 02 te R.C.H.A. Band.