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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1960, p. 9

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TKUfSDAY, OCT. 13th, 19"S PAGE1R N ... F-Men'.s Major Bowling gJack Munday -scored the; Heating teamn are tied foi ,jý h ighgae Of 323 to top al second, both having 8 poini. 7 bowlers for one game on Wed- each. nesday night. Russ Haliman' Ernie Perfect bas certainlý was next with 318 whiie Dr. recovered from the mumpj AI Sylvester came up with a and is now on top of thE 305 score. ýaverages, having 242 forE Russ Haliman had three ggmes. Elton Brock and Kar] g a me of 318-219-268 for a Bickell are fighting for runner- .1iin g 805 tý*e This was' UP spot with 230. t c Dutchman Ms effort of ' Duke Brunt has joined thE the season. Jack Mundayý Major League. The Duke ic had 766, Ernie Perfect 764, îepiacing Jack Bîough who iE ICarl Biekeil 748, Ed Lugten- on the sick list. From ail re. burg 739 and Gien Hodgsoný ports Jack bas had a rougb .31I. time but is steadily regaining Cecil "Goozy" Osborne won his strength and the bowlerç &II low honors, bowling a are wishing Jack a speedy re- single game of 104 and a triple,, covery. 383. Byron Vanstone had 113,i Standing End of 4th Week :for one gamne whiie Gaîf l(st Schedule) Clarke had a triple of 411 and Team Stanaing '.on McLean 423. W L Pts. Nearly ail the treams have' Ken's Men's Wear 9 3 9 receivcd their shirts and every-' Liberty Bowl ---- 8 4 8 one looked real sharp even if! Selby Grant Heat. 8 4 8 * they, did not heip most of the! Kramp's uFrniture 7 5 7 bowleîs wîth their averages. 'Stephen Fuel - 7 5 7 Ken's Men's Wear team is on1 Nels Osborne ns.. 7 95 top with 9 points while Lib 1 Cowan Equipment 7 5 7 ,er-" Bowi and Selby Grant1sI Chartran's ------ - 7 5 7 Preston Transport 6 6 6 Canadian Tire 6 6 6 FAeesT RELIEF FOR'Pepsi C ___5 7 Robson Motors - 5 7 5 Lander Hardware- 4 8 4 Bow'viiie Cleaners 3 9 3 MUSC LES, r.K.Seon 2 22 Elton Bîock -__ 12 230 Karl Bickdl___ 12 230 Frank Lewins -- 12 224 'IOsborne ___ 12 220 RusOke 12_220 IJack Munday 12 218 Joe Nowlan - 12 217 Ted Bagneli 12 217 Russ Hailman - 12 217 ___________ ave McKnight- 12 216 SAFE, AND WARM thanks to ESSoO1L HEAT Esso Oil Heat is your surest way te a warm, pleasant home. And îhere's a safe, dependable Esso fuel that's exactiy right for your heating unit. Whether you use a space heater, floor furnace or automatic furnace, your Imperial Esso Agent can introduce you to a i'onderful 4 worid of uarmth. lle'll help you spend a comfortable, carefrec 'winter. -+ LWAYS LOOK Tro IMPERIA&L FOR TrHE BEST A. H. Sturrock & Sons BOWMANVILLE MArket 3-55161 91 This is the 1961 GMC 8 by General Matois of 8i in the highly successfi 7ý 61 GoodyE 5i ,5 The first five weeks i 4 Goodyear Bowling L( 3 have seen foui diffeîent c rs in a nîp and tuck season battle. Thursdayr ethe Office knocked off 12 ccilar-dweiling Lcad Pie )and the Tigers trounced IBiaiders by the same ýas both winners took as '6 point edge over the Cu î4 7-0 winners over the ý2Belts. ý) The Machine Shop, !0 week's leaders, dîopped Sýthird place tic with thec 7ives, losing 5-2 to the Br .7 The Beits halted a Comt ý7j ush with a 5-2 decision In the Ladies' loop, Daisies downed the Pet 5-2 foi their third consec win, to clirb into fiist by a single point. Frank Mohun set the with a 755 triple, folIow Art Spicer - 688, «Wl Goode- 674, Fred Smx 661, Ted Hallman-655 Arnold Lobb- 648. Lobb's 312 game took single honouis with t George Stephen -- 2 Larry Piper - 12 Bert Engiey . 12 Pete Dobbins --12 Jack Gay 12 Jack Parker -- 12 Jack Bond 12 Harry Gay 12 Morley Etcher 12 Frank Samis - - 12 Ralph Kelly -___12 Carl Leslie ----_ 12 Bruce Milne 12 Hap Palmer ---- 12 Cuth. McDonald- 12 Ah Piper - - 12 Mci Dale --- - 12 Bob Williams - 12 Murray Larmer - 9 Jim Castle 12 Bob Maîtyn 12 Bill Hearle 12 Murray Tighe - 12 Features This Wcek High Single- Jack Munday High Triple- Russ Halîman Low Single- Cecil Osborne ___- Low Triple- Cecii Osborne ___ Hligh Team (1)- Nels Osborne Ins. ]High Team (3)- Kramp's Furniture- Low Team (1)- Seiby Grant Heating - -- Low Team (3)- Robson Motors- This Schedule Bob Williams - -- Bill Westiake___ Gaîf Clarke ___ Garf Clarke---- Neis. Osborne Ins. -__ Kramp's Furniture Canadian Tire ------- Bowmanviile Cleancîs -- To Nake Boom for 1961 Nodels on ail USED CRS Now is the TimeIo Save$ $$ on a Good Used Car PROTECTION FOR YOUR CAR TRIS WINTER! UND-mA mSPRAY $0 Prevents Rust and Corrosion. $* 0 1 Complete Job - OnIy-- PERMANENT ANTI - FREEZE $3093 GAL INSTALLED with FREE Check on Radiator and Hose Connections Robson Motors Ltd. BUICK - PONTIAC - VAUXHALL CARS - GMC TRUCKS 166 King St. E. MA 3-3321 OSHAWA DIRECT UNE RA 5.2712 pick- Canai Eul chz In the ,eague lead- eariy night, 'fthe ýs 7-0 d the score, single mets, Fan last to a Bra- raves. ýbines' the unias utive place pace ed by Valer c-Up truck, one of many new GMC models introduced ida, Limited. The new GMC Uine features refinements iassis design in troduced last year, more models and r BowlingI mate Ken Flint right in step at 286. Spicer rolled 275, Smith- 272, Mohun- 271, Hailman- 270 and Lloyd Forsey -255. Carole Gould was the pick of the ladies with 613 and 244, while Peggy Frank had 506 and 216. Men'. Team Standings pt. Tigers 24 Office _________ 24 Cornets ..____23 Braves ______21 Machine Shop 21 Combines 16 Beits - ____________ 16 Braiders _________14 Fan Beits ...______9 Lead Press ___7 Ladies' Team Standings Pts. Daisies _________18 Petunias ___.. -1 andh-ENNISKTLLEN Miss Lisa Knudsen, Scar- high borough, visited with Miss eam- Lois Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson,, 216 Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. D., 213 B. Kay, Toronto, were vis- 212 itors at Mr. and Mrs. Adami 212 Sharp's. 211ý Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeat- 209 er, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. O. Buea- 208 mont and Jimmy, Toronto, 2081 were weekend visitors with 28 r.and Mrs. A. Leadbeater 206 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash- 205 ton and boys were Sunday 204 visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jack 204 Lyons and Monday visitors 204 at S. Kersey's, Hampton. 204 Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin 203 and famiiy were Sunday vis- 203 itos at W. Banks, Weston. 202 Mr and Mrs. Roy Werry, 201 Deboýah and Trudy have re- 201 turned home te Ottawa. 201 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb, 201 Mr. and Mis. Loîne Lamb at- tended the presentation for Mr. and Mis. Norman Lyons at Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee 323 and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson, Ruth and Ron- 805 aId, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. Jan Gray and David, Cad- 104 mus; Mi. and Mis. Reg. Sut- ton, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 383 Bowers, Nestleton; Mr. Leo. nard Bradley, Bowmanvilie, 1266' were ývisitors at Walter Fer- iguson's. 34186 Mr. and Mis. Mel Beîtrim, Haydon, weîe Sunday visit- 8221 ors at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce iReid's. 2823! Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. Ailan Werry on the ar- rivai of a fine baby boy. 35 Mr. and Mis. Ivan Sharp 811j! and childien were with Mr. 931 and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Hay- 336ý don. 1266!ý Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sta- 3486! inton, Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn 816 Dickey and Velma, Miss La- 26111 veine Orchard, Bowmanviiie, spent Thanksgiving Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Milton Stainton. Sunday caliers at Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton's weîc Mrs. S. R. Caldwell, Mrs. Fred Foster, Mi. and Mrs. M. Wal- ler and Brenda, Port Hope. Mr. and Mis. A. Teifer, Paul and Janet, Toronto, were weekend guests at Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn's, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn's, Claremont, were Sunday vis- itors at the Wearn's. Miss Marguerite Wright,, St. Catherines, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mis. N. E. Wright. Mi. and Mis. Edgar Wri- ght and famiy were Satur- day evening dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wîight's. Mr. Norman Avery and family, Salem, were Satur- day visitors at C. Avery's. Mr. and Mis. Frank Simp- son, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Simpson, Port Huron, Michi- gan, were over-night guests on Fîiday at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Brock and girls, Bowmanvile, were Satuîday cvening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGiil's. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weav- ing and Rîcky, Mis. C. Head- rick and Janet, Bob Booth, Thornhill, werc with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr. and Mis. Frank Dor- land weîe pîcsented with a gift frora their relatives rt- cently on their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGilI, Dale and Brian werc with 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Miss Marguerite Wright,. iSt. Catherines, Harold Spry, Rochester, N.Y., Murray and Ray Sanderson, Columbus, Miss Donna Ratz, Huntsville; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ciemens, Misses Kathy and Darlene Hall, Murray Axford, Hamp- ton; Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wri- ght were Sunday evening tea guests at Mr. and Mis. Edgar Wright'&. Mr. and Mis. Roy McGill were visitors at Mr. and Mis. Roy Langmaid's, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Grif- fin, Reather and Dale were, Sunday evening dinner guests of Mis. N. Collacutt, Bow- manvilie. Miss Marguerite Wright, assisted the choir in render- ing a vocal solo. Mi. and Mis. Ambrose-Ro- binson, Port Hope; Mi. and Mis. William Robinson, Or- ono, weîe Sunday visitors at Mi. and Mis. Fred Toms. Miss Mary Griffin, Bow- manville; John Wiskin, Osh- awa, weîe Sunday dinner guests at Russell Gîiffin's. Mi. and Mis. Pet Tiesise and girls, Oshawa, were Mon- day visitoîs at Mi. and Mis. N. E. Wîight's. Mis. J. D. Cole, Allen and Jean, Mr. Wesley Allun, Bow- manville; Mi. and Mis. Bob Emberson, Steven and Ter- PONTIAC ry, Guelph; Bi. and Mis. Grant Werry were Saturday evening dinner guests at E. A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simp- son, Mi. and Mrs. Stanley Sinmpson, Port Huron, Michi- fvan. weîe Friday~ evening cal- re t Bail Trewin's. Sunday dinner guests at Mi. and Mrs. Bail Trewin's were Mr. and Mis. Wm. Rob- inson, Orono; Mr. and Mis. Ambrose Robinson, Port Ho- pe; Mr. and Mrg. Fred Toms. Miss Winnifred M. Cole, Mr. Ward Gilbert, Toronto, were Friday cvening dmnneî guests at Mi. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin and famiiy were with Mr. and Mis. C. E. Horn, Will- iams Point. Sport Flashes Efforts are bcing made to organize a town league bas- ketbail league. Anyone in- terested in such a project should be at the Lions Cen- tre on Wednesday evening, Oct. l9th at 7:30 o'clock. Huniers Take Notice Now, the hunting season is on, many young people who have neyer had a hunting licence have been asking how they obtain one. Lyle Hoop- ci, MA 3-3958 has asked The Statesman to notify ail such would-be hunters to contact him as soon as possible. They must attend a class in hun- ter's safety, the next one taking place October 24th at Lions Cenre here. Because the instructors can only han- die so many candidates, please contact Mr. Hooper as soon as possible. Do You Remember Just One Year Ago? (Oct, 15, 1959) Skating Club suspends op- erations fior this yeaî because of increased cost of ice rentais and a muoh smalleî registra- tion for niembeîship. Reid's Auction adds another sales ring. Gord Sturrock injured by shotgun pellets. After two postponements due te inclement weather, the tri- school Field Day has been de- finitely cancelled for this year. Miss Evelyn Luxton, RCAF Station, St. John's, Quebec, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Lux- ton. Mi. Lorne Stevens left by air via TCA from Malton on Monday for Winnipeg, Mani- TIM CMADL« STATESUM. WMANV= CMAMO Here they come! The bold new lUne-up of THE GMC's for '611 The new go-getters of the trucking industry and the most advanced T R U C K tucsnvr ithowrloffandasml ie trcknvw eriteo rid!A offa Gasmb ne- -. . . . .-..-. . ." M 1#W AI4OW a r. you the outstanding success report of the 601s-the big news about the big GMC Breakthrough in truck design, way-ahead engineering and unbeatable on-the-job superiority. Here is proof that your surest costs lies in the investment of the right ~II-I 6 ~ ~s trucks-trucks specifical ly designed to OF TE 6 0match yo urparticularoperation-trucks like Naw GMC brnngs you important news of an overwhelming success-the big news of GMC's tniumphant achievements in every truck category! lt's news *that's coming in right off the road-from drivers, mainte- nance men, owners ail across the country. the new GMC's for '61. i. h extra-long lite, are cutting fuel costs to the bone . .. GMC trucks are spending more time on the road because they spend less time in the shop. See ail the new advances in engi ne, chassis and cab engineering that are dramat- ically reducing operating costs and increasing trip. GMIC's engines, specially designed for your nearest GMC deaier's-todayl FROM %-TON TO 60-TON ... GMC LEADS THE WAY New independent front suspensions New torsion bar front springs make GMCs bondie with amazing ease. Provide greater roud stabillty. fatguefree aide and i mproved cwoerg potcto m BUICK 166 King St. E. Sh"rde, quioln, eondletcabs GMCs new cabs are roomier. more corntfort. able. Engin. and road noises are hushed out by new sound insulators. And because they're stonar-they keep their good looks long. -VAU XHALL CARS the 6O's at à SENERAL MOTORS VALU§ OMC-161C i Set L.'m.te GMC TRUCKS MA 3-3321 and 3-3322 TR-IUMPH Pewegful, uconeud u s Rugged 348 cubic-lnch Workmast.r Specla VS mives top fues economy with impresilv loed-Pulang torque et low speeda. Typionas thdedbllltY etai GUC's mlghty engAes. Robson Bowmanville toba, where he la vislting W. Longyear, Ross, and Mms friends. 1Brimacombe are visiting in Mr. and Mrs. George Rih United States. They went by ards were honored on the 25th tan anniversary of their wedding Tyrone: ?&a. Otto Virtue re- recently by two delightfully turned home last week after arranged parties. spendmng the summner with her Darlington Council rescincis relatives at Carsonville, Mich. $400 Land Separation Tax. Morrish: Mrs. Robert Har- First game of Ontario Juven- ness returned by plane recent- fie Final ends in tie. ly from a long visit with rela- Orono: Red Cross budget tives and friends in Manitoba. $200 for resuscitator., Bethany: Mr. A. H. Monk Newcastle: Council approves went to Sarnia to visit with debentures for two Durhamn his son and family, Kari Monk high schools. for Thanksgiving. Starkville: Miss Donna Soueh ___________ entertained a group of yOuflg AiRaloStasp friends at her home, Friday Ai.RUo tasi evening. T 1 C K E T S Kendal: Mr. and Mrs. George TO EVERYWHERE Clark, Toronto, were down for1 Coiisult1 the weekend and had the JURY & LOVELL luck (?) to catch a mnarauder 15 King St. W. M 3-3361 in their garage in a trap. Dowmanviile Eli ab th lie:M r. and M rs. Momm

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