PAGE TEN UntdCuc t8.15. 5 MAL4R V were gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. New n C Ni '_ Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuirk1 of Mr. anad Mrs. Jim Colllss. Les Jones, Bowmanville, on -and familv, accompanicd by! Mr. and Mrs. Everctt Beech, Saturday cvening. f ýFrcddy Bailey, were weekcnd Port Hope, callcd on Mrs. AyI- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dobbs gucsts of Mr, and Mrs. Charles mer Bech on Saturday. an mlywrsup get Jum ps P eri Cober at Breslau. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Fa-w- of-Md.fandy wrcsuer-t Mrs. Aylmer Beech attended cett and family, St. Cather- pentcr in Toronto. jhc Richards-Smale wedding mnes, were weekcnd guest5 0Of About 20 mothers attendcdM li n f o et Tiniy Uite Chrchon is istr Ms. awsn Bck-the Grade One Tea which wa-s Saturdav. 1 ctt and faniily. hcld at Maple Grove West The report of Building In-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grant,. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Becch School on Thursday afternoon. spector, Me! Moore, for Sep-, .-Mr. a-nd Mrs. Robert Bates,ý a-d Janice wcrc gucsts at the Those in charge were the soc- tember, suibmittcd to Council Marjorie and Merriday, ail of1 Richards-Smale wcdding and ial convenor, Mrs. D. Bow- on Monday evening showccl Bowmanville, were Thanks-, reception on Saturday. man, and Home anid School that 17 building permits were giving dinner guests of Mr! Mrs. T. Colliss spent tihe Pres.ident, Mrs. Robert Both- issucd during the month. ,nnd Mrs. Bert Snowden a-adiholiday wcckend with Mrs. L. weil, Grade One roo i 111t1- The total cost of construc- 1family. îWoodcock at Tweed. crs, Mrs. Mel Holmes and Mrs. tion, a-dlions, and alteratiorn *Mrs. E. Ashton spent thel Mr. and Mrs. Rov Colliss R. Johnson. Those who help- started in Septeinher wvas ;weekend with Mr. and Mrs., and sons, Minden. visitcd Mr. cd in the tes room wcre Mrs. $1,104,899.40 as coniparcd ta ira Travell, Oshawa-.; Ernest Colliss over the holi. Bruce McDonald. Mrs. Tom $9,100 during Atigu4t. This i 1Mr. and _Mrs. Harrv Larmer,1 day. MeCGuirk. Mrs. Jacek Rose, an increase in value of South Monagilhan. Mr. and -'%r. and Mrs. William Bra-gg1 Approximatcly 400 were $95.799.40, rnnlvi due ta fthe Dirs. Everett Beech were re- and family, Providence, were served whcn the Ma-pie Gi-ove new lhospittal wlng. tent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thanksgiving dinner guests of United Churcil Cir 1,s hold a The nîonvY 1c ~'d (î Cordon Bcech. Mr. a-ad Mrs. Gordon Becch. turkey supper la-st 'Wednes- building peilts wi%4 $493,45 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, The Couples Club %vil] meet dav. Reveî-end FI. Stainton as ligainst $2(1.95 ini Aigust for Oshawa. werc weekend guests Thursday (tonight) in Courtice, asked the bltcssitg a-t the be- thus pin-pose. This 14 an in- ginning of the stuppez-. Tit,'_ ladies servcd thrve sitî ings tturkecv itwiwi. on oct. à.'Th(, from 5 to 7 p.. and %v ish teIo metting openî-d (j l, :sîîe tha-nk al those w-ho doirited %%,itll t-ùen ii l, c hitli-. food and gave their support. Hyman 249 was saaaîg and prav- F R EE i FR EE iWM.S. Meetingcs erh th pesi' 11 i With every purchase of W.MS. xvas hcld in the chu-chIiot Presbyter-î caia ier.Wv $.0o moeof with Pres. Mrs. C. Grenhan-i werie up $2- frein la-st year ut $1.0 ormor the chair. Meetinie openedl the saine t«ne. GASOLINE - OIL - ACCESSORIES by siaging hyrna 502 and pi-a yv- Presidvnt me't-iîuw<î itt l t wiIIrecive onu Coponsenttlin yo to by flic president who con- t11w Autui liiillyIo b la- ld yeu illrieBnsCuon niln o o ducted the business, on Ort. lth, Ei'stî-i e ti t ! AfIet- business, the' worshin a-t Maple C eîliih E f~~ a-ad progra-m sa-s in charge 'Il Atter lxisiîîess bc oi:îl F ~ i ru Mrs. H. G. Freeman and Mis. and pw~rn as t a-luîî h Fi REE GIFTS! ~S. Tvler. The themce of t le Mrs. R. L. Xo-dcn «<niii 1\1 : : new Study Book "Into Ail the- M. Bunrgess. Mi-s. Wor<lcîî bnoki Catalogue Available at Service Station World Together?" was ta-ken the chair for wvorilip liv-ii- and explained by Mrs. D. Arrn-I being "Ser-vic-e of liîcs;v istea-d. assistcd hv MVrs. 11. inig." Cal te Wishiil)anîd in- j Freenian. At the close of this vocation to prayer taken hb part, the theme h *rynn "Recon- Mrs. Worden: hIimn 41; scrip- ciliation" was sung. ture Luke 17, 11-19, hy Mps. The worslîip wvas taken by H. R. Foley. Thi-q parît -ioscîl Mrs. S. Tyler, a-ad Psalir 69 3 with prayer. SR V R f awas rea-d in unison. Sciipture, Mî-s. Ross Stevens gave tiu John 5 1-17, was read by Mrs. oufline of the second chapter C. H. Snowden; rea-ding by of Study Book, refugees 130 ~a aw* & Mrs. S. Tyler; praver from the thousand a-nd one million ini 43~3 2i~Monthly, followed by hyiwj Middle East. Topie, "A Home ~ ~R9.164; prayer read from Montlî- for the Hornneless," was takea SericeStaionly, followed by rizpah bene- by Mrs. M. Burgess and Mrs. F'or your convenienceSevcStio diction. S. Tyler. wiiî be open from 8 a.m. to 9 pan. The October meeting of the Meeting closed by ail re- ______________________________________W.M.S. was held on Weclnes- peating thc mizpah benedic-i - -~ ay, ept. 2Bth, beca-use of thelic ln. ___________________________________ME IUAUNt2IAN A1 l ZL MVUU, BfVL~J ANV LLL O lAieworld. The spacious, attractive nicab rta ~lounge a-nd cafeteria were Bray ita'i W ingava-ilable for thc use of the matior guests, a-nd in thc latter, the ment 011M hostess and hosts servcd deli- buildij m its to co ershmçc weta c on-Mapici PM $ &flo duc thebusiness of thc Oc- m $9,100 er meeting. Prcsdding for Uic business, President Mrs. K. Hopkins an- Lcrease of $472. aounced that Mrs. Ceci Milîs EDWý e- Seven plumbing permits would be officiai delegate to i werc issucd duriag September the Central Ontario Area Con- FoUl i while five were issued during vention to be held in Toronto month ethe previous moath. Money in November. Mrs. Charles Suaay reccivcd for piumbiag permits Greeaham a-ad Mrs. Ken. on Sui ta Spteberwas 66.9, -ndKuhnke consentcd ta lead the Edwar sfor this purpose In August $45. girl's current 4-H homcmak- Thc s Mr. Moore macle 92 build- ing club. SholdE oing inspections anad 12 trench sinspections Ia September. H1e Mrs. Clifford Swa-llow rc- was fi fmade i16 investigations during ported for good aighbors' Belscy ethe rnth, a-nd 12 ia August. committec a-ad Mrs. Stua-rt Hc att iuring September the Build. Morton comirnnted n thc mot- a-d la r in Insectosupliedinfoma-ta "Iadustry is fortunc's rmght. 31, 19: iugInsectr sppled nfoma-hand nia-n." She sa-id that the mer G 5tio inl auswer, ta 108 inqu tries. rl'licrt weî-c 14 inquiries durlin blessings a-ad satisfactions of For Atigîst. lis iflieuge for Sep- lf corne from al working t- death, eibeht're -pnî-ted Io bhe717 gcthcr. Referring to the ba-sic have r tuet suime as lu A ugus. idustry of agrict ur , Mr 1ca t t Onmoton f ConvilorKenMor-ton sa-id tha-t farming, once chiaist Ou otin a' Contdia- K-fi way of life, was now a way ployed Niv-ks. .4eronded hy Coinucillo- of rnaking a living. Smith KthLIllage, the Building 1-~'jIii.itreport was rece ived In ma-ny instances inade-1 The 7t ( 1ed.m quitte cap)ital1 to finance a farra memb( hacluta-ide it necessary for c- 1 yoimng mca, idea-lly suited ta fariniug, to ta-ke part timne M aple G rove work in other industries. This eai:e- of revoltitionary mceth- w .I. VI sits >nls of fa-m'ai ing in a ina-h-ilý- agi-. C.ish crops have hecome y a ome'<f extra incoine- in the Bell Com pany neîw look of fa-rming. With in- dusri îls <Iepf-n<icnt iipon onel titbe t 11 R lt <1 t t I ii el mlt ituide of articles, gad- îb >j ,< * <In t * pc-b; anad <-quijprn<nt for each thtl 11lb l Tladitami (omopa-îîy iiotîcm an(] for the use of ma-- al Cîmul, a-titi <e loi mowuo îuîurt kind, it is evident the indus- on oot. 1<1. tyisy 5f<rtuine's right-hand 'hicl iaI e r t- eî,îît ian anad t-îI4îîî--î îî-iîl l Ille Mrs. Mor-le-yFlintoff, con- plant hy Mi s. CtWî-Il ira, Mr. venor of the standing commit-: Nrni. Gaonimcl iandtMr. »Dontee'on Agriculture anad Ca-na- welsh of Oudhîa-wl oand Mr-. [)on<lia-n industries, was in charge Taylor of Sol il. of the program. LThe nmyriad ofatwires i<md -N<>vpitber pr<>gram iwill be equiinienh servicî'd hY a well in charge of publicity direttor, traiaed staff was mast enlight- Mrs. Chas. Grcenham, whea ening as to bow the telephone Bowvmanvile W. I. will visit does sucb an efficient job for the Ma-pie Grave hranch. millions of users around the1 Appreciation on ehaîf of icl 4 >rs was cxtendcd ta, Mrs. and Uic hasts for iafor- in givea la cach depart- of the large telephone Ig and for the gracious tlity extended ta, the Grove W. I. OBITUÀRY 7ARD JARVIS BELSEY lowing an illness of Uirce 's, the death occurred in ,brook Hospital, Toronto, îday, October 2, 1960, of rd Jarvis Bclsey, agcd 57. Sdeceascd was born in en, Kent, England, a-ad hc son of Edwa-rd Henry Sa-ad May Ellen Laslett. tnded sehools in Eagia-nd âter ini Toronto. O)n July )6, hc married the for- ,ladys E. Smith. 13 years prior ta his Mr. a-d Mrs. Belsy rcsided a-t R. R. 2, New- .He was a wood ma- tby trade a-d was cm- 1by tie J. Anderson Comnpany of Newcastle, late Mr. Belsey was a ýr of St. George's Angli- tic Veterans, J. Anderson h'urch, Newcastlc; a-ad wa-s on Uic Newcastle Com- munity Ha-ll Boa-rd Conittcc. He wa-s a- member of the New- caste Bowling League a-ad of Bra-aci 178 of The Ca-na-dia-n Legion. Bowma-nviile. He was a- retircd lieutenant of the Bri- tish Royal Na-vy, la which bra-nch he served 28 yea-rs. Besides bis wifc, the deccas- cd is survived by a son Peter of Newcastle, two da-ughtcrs,I Joan Bedford of Bowma-nville a-ad Pa-tricia of Newca-stle. Also surviving are bis par- ents, Mr. a-ad Mrs. E. H. Bel-l sey of Vancouver, B. C., a-ad al A son, Jar-vis Edwin, wa-s killed in Korea on Nov. 29th, 1950, a-ad a- sister, Florcacel Ma-y Douglas, also predeceas-1 cd flhc la-te Mr. Bclsey. to thc estcem la 'Which thle dccea-sed wa-s hcld werc fthe ma-ny beautiful floral trihutes from relatives, fricads, neighhbours, Bra-nch 178 of The Ca-na-dia-n Legion, Newca-stle Hall Boa-rd, Mca's Bowling Lea-gue, St. George's W. A., Newcastle, Ladies' Auxilia-ry ta the Ca-na-dia-n Legion, Newca-s- Smith Ca., a-ad Uic Bell Tele- ~1e~ta~s~L¶N phone, Oehawa. The funerai service wa-s hei.d On Wednesda-y, October S'th'. from St. George's Angliéa-n Church, Newca-stle, a-ad vas conducted by Rcv. D. R. Dcwd. ney. Interment wa-s ini St George's Ccmetery, Newca-stle&., whcrc a- guard o! honour wail frmd by Uic Canadia-a Leg-v, ion. Palîbea-rers werc Messrs. Fred Ada-ir, Tam Spencer, Taom Brawn, Sa-m Brerton, Irwin Colwil a-ad Ha-rry Jose. HOW ttNrect an* RACK - The CaD a ian, Statesman Get the Jump on oid man Winter! See us for Free Estimates on Aluminum Doors and Windows COWAN Equipment Co. 134 KING E. - MA 3-5689 MqUnRY ]FURNITURE Trade-in Studio Couch with Chair, like new -____ $29.50 Refrigerator, guaranteed $29.50 Walnut Bed, Spring and Mattress, complete - $29.50 47 KING ST. W. MA 3-3781 LLOYD ELLIS SHOES We Carry a Full Line of Naturalizer SIRGES FOR WOMEN Ail Sizes - Ail Styles 49 KING ST. W. MA 3-5941 Ail Sha-des MA 3-5556 Robson Mo tors Ltde Pontiac Buick1 Vauxhal GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MArket 3-3321 "Seo Our Fia Selection et Uaed Cars- Associate Store Sce this week's SPORT PAGE FOR WINTER ITEMS 160 Church St., MA 3-7111 Denhertog's Clothing Girls' 3-Piece COAT SETS Sizes 2 ta 3xt $13.75 Sizes 4 to 6x $17.75 43 King St. W. - MA 3-5041 Lander Hardware ~ C.I.L Paints 43D Enarnels Cilux - Super White Phone MA 3-5774 KLING ST. E. 80 WMAN VILLE STEPHEN FUELS Farnous Reading Anthracite Fuel 011 Stove Oil Fi11 up now! Winter Weather Ahead Downanvile, Ontario MArket 3-5410 WV,7' OF BOWMANVILLE Corne lu sud se the Great Savingsinlumom Children'u Departrnent 5 King St. K. MA 3-5451 LIBERTY BOWL LTD. For Clean Fun and Farniiy Recreation VISIT OUR NEW AIR CONDITIONED LANES Base Line Rd. MA 3-5663 Bargains on New Case Traclors W. H. Brown J. 1. Case Dealer PHONE MA 3-5497 NcGREGOR HARDWARE LINITED VOUR ONE STOP HARDWARE SHOF PHONE MA 3-3386 BO WMAN VILLE, ONT. WESTERN TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY Ca. Now is the time for WINTER TUNE-UP Make sure of qulck stant in winter weather! 85 KING ST. W. MA 3-3134 LET GEORGE DO IT ,500/o OFFI ou &Ul Summer Merchaudiso THE 13EST FOR LESS BO WMAN VILLE SURPLUS STORE 42 King St. E. flowrnaville MA 3-3211 J. BROUGH DURO WATER PUMPS AND SOFFENERS Plurnbing - Heating OUl snd GugBurners MA 3-5615 DO WMAN VILLE Do You Live In This House? If you are the householder of this home, cali at The Canadian Statesman Office anad you will receive FREE a $5.00 cheque good at onc of the places of business shown here. BONUS NqONTLY PEIZE POLAROID LAMD CAMERA Yes, you too may win a Polaroid Lanad Camera. Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your free coupons. There's nothing to buy, no jingles ta write ... simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local draw will be held monthly. The customer whose name is on the coupon will win a new Polaroid - and so wilh the merchant whose name is on the coupon. satisfaction WME SHEPPARD & GILL I~I LUMBER MUMffEDCOMPANY LIMITED Guaranteed Phone MA "Evez'ything for Ruilderst Phon MA3-3388 B3OWMANVILLIE 96 King St.. AL . E.STIJOCK md SONS Lid. (~) Fuel ý)Oil MArket 3-5516 DO WMAN VILLE See the latent in Naleraily Fashions Dremse - Separate Skhrt amI Tops - Sliu - Slack Suit» NOW TV and Hi Fi up te $150.00 off list RARRY LOCKE NAPLE GROVE TV PHONE MArket 3-2312 B WAN VILLE SEGES & REPAIR Repairs While You Wait Repairs on ail types of Canvas 80 KING ST. W. PHONE MA 3-5073 F. A. KRAMP LTD. HOME FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS 37 King St. E. Rowrnanville Phonoe MA 3-7071 Royw. NICHOLS Oldsrnobile, Chevrolet, Corvair sud Euvoy (British Built) Cars Bowmanville MA 3-3353 Courtice MA 3-3922 FRANK'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Dealer lu Sheil Products 72 SCUGOG ST. MA 3-3231 JEWELLERY Afl GIFT SHGP 43 KING ST. W BO WMAN VILLE Phiono MA 3-5463 COLLISS ELECTRIC Corne in for a Demonstrati of the 6 SPEAKER BLAUPUNKT STERE( with AM, FM and Shortwa Radios SALES & SERVICE 44 KING ST. W. MA 3-59 BOWMANVILLE DYKSTRA'S Variety Food! Heinz BABY FOOD 10 for $1.0(l 77 ING W. MA 3-354 ]MGON ELECTRIC gaies and Service PHONE MA 3-3305 42 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Corne in and see the G. E. TELE VISION for 1961 I il ) 1' 'I s M I I I e s NEWCASTLE & NEWTONVI LLE MERCHANTS P.G. NEWELL Lumber Company We Seil the Finest in Building Materials NEWCASTLE 3456 Lubrication adTowing Service It's Time Now to Winterize Your Vehicle rercy S. Luxton. Prop. PHONE 2081 NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO sa MLACASITR roua MASSEY-FERGUSON DEALER FOR CENTRAL DURHAM Cone Iu aud sece the new Massey-Ferguson "35" Diesel n.w on dispia>' NEWVCASTLE CLARKE 2703 IB.RECKARD FOR PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE General Electrie Appliances NEWCASTLE PHONE 3938 PAUMIESg SPECIALTY SHOP for BaCck-to-School and Nc ecadtle ervaied Phon M21FMtNIK IOAR, Prop. Phon-20 1 PHONE 2671 GOODE'S IlPORTERS AID WARE GRL TR NIEWCASTLE Il SNCDTR CAR VETUl MOTORS Ford - Edsel Sales and Service 24 Hr. O.M.L Towing Service NEICASTLE 3251 NEWCASTLE GARAGE FOR Dependlable CLEANERS $6900 PHONE 33m Qnality Merchandise with Plersonaitzed Service NE"VON VILLE CLARKE A3020 1. . J.3. ABERNETHY Try Pittsburgh ONE 1 COAT Wonder White Bouse Paint Special Price to Introduce 33 KING ST. W. MA 3-5431 HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & Gif t Shop 29 King St. E. MA 3-5747 lOmWAN VLLE LOCKER'S SPECIAL!! 22 eu. ft., New GENERAL FREEZER s319.oo' Lifetirne Warrant>' 73 KING ST. W. MA 3-5578 WOOL Ail Wights - 27 King W. Ion )01 r N -l - m MIL m 1 m m 1 Imm rAlgAnTalu ^WfflA"Vý ý&. ONTARIO . TRUFMAY, OCT. 13th, IM a 1 i