2»UIISDAY OCT. l3th, 1900 TEE CANADIAN STATERAN. flflWII&WUIT.Y.~ flWPAD1~ - - --------. -- -- ~~~*~~~1 FAUS lady bowlers playing in New- ctle each Monday evening, Classified Ads naeyteKnaie n h Saturdy nigta try it out. NQtfice ta Creditors1 Notices Wensa veigKna Public Notice to the residents in the church ta make plans THE ESTATE 0F LEWIS! Of this municipality, in effect 1 for the Anniversary service OSS WOOD.i that the municipal snaw-plow-; next Sunday and the turkey Ail persans havîng dlaims ing equipment of the Town- spe h olwn ens against the estate of Lewis ship of Clarke will flot bel day. thFul ariulas ae n ROSa Wood, late of the Town available for snow-plawing on. a.Futhrtclrsaei of Bowmanville, in the County, private lanes or roadways dur- te coming events columin. of Durham, Retired Implement ing the winter seasan of 1960-i Thursday evening 14 tram Dealer, who died on or abouti 1961. (Sigped) H. E. Walkey,: here attended the banquet in týÉ2nd day of Septernber, Reeve. 41-1 Hampton's new community IMM, are hereby nati'ied tai centre ta celebrate the 60th aehd in ta Strike & Strike, the FO OMLT anniversary of the West Dur- olilcitors for the E 'uos at T jge ham district of the Women's BOX640, BwmxveutO, nsurance uuverage Institutes. The delectable tr taio rBeowmatheile, On- key supper was followed by an Of October, 1960, full par-, Se ill oriol excellent program and a visit tiaronor bhefre the 3 1 a1 Se i iirwith -many old acquaintances. tlcula of t their daim 26 CONCESSION ST. W. Mrs. W. Mercer spent the Slst day of October, 1960, the MA 3-3048 holiday with Mr. and Mrs. amuts of the testator will be Fire - Theft - Automobile Vance Allen and their family distributed, having regard" at their cottage at Mink Lake. only ta dlaims of which the' Travel - Lite Mrs. Neya Little visited Mr. aaid sOlicitors for the executors 22-tf and Mrs. Aylward Little and ',hall then have notice. family at Markham and tookr DATED at Bowmanvllle, this Repairs in the fair. Ilth day o! October, A.D.' 1960.1 - Guests with Mr. and Mrs.1 Strike & Strike, RADIO and television repairs, John Thompson and family 38 King Street West, Prompt service. Pick-up and Saturday night were Mr. and Box 640, delivery. George's, 85 King St. Mr,- . n...4,1, - -,ý- IMagistrai Peter Pischart and Walter C. Innis each paid $21 for fishing for trout in the clos- ed season. Douglas C. Colbourn, Rich- ard Hallett, Terry James Hal- lett and Kenneth Penwright ail of Oshawa, elected triall by Magistrate R. B. Baxter on five charges of theft and damage ta Bell Telephones in the area. They were re- manded in custody until Mon- day, October 17th, in Cob- ourg for pre-sentence report. Prov. Const. Francis Dry- den stated "On October 4th, in a car owne' by Colburn's sister, the men went ta the White Rose Station on Var- coe 's Road and No. 2 High-, way and removed a coin box forcibly from a Pop oler, damaging the coin box"and netting $2.50 cash. "They then went back ta Raglan and ripped a tele- Bowan'ill, Otaro, E. hýnJean,.nayandes Mr.lorand Mrs Ken JDTTf1L V 1"'UN Soliitos fr te Eecuors1-end Min. and Mira. Jack Elliott Guesta with Mr. and Mira. Slicitofordta Eecuors GUARANTEED télévision and and Dorothy. Jack Stapleton Sunday vere Mr. M. H. Staplea of C Richard Wood. 41-31 radio service, toa ah makes. Min. and Mrs. George Clark, Mr. and Mira. Chas. Cooper, viii conduct aur morning Same day service. Télévision Toronto, vere dovn ta their Mina. Morris, Min. and Mra. vice at 10:30 e.m. on Sur 'Service Ca. Phone MA 3-3883. aummer home for the holiday. Jerry Doat, Lori and Stephen, October l6th. A cordial Noie aCedtr 4941 Cold veether must be on ita and Mir. and Mrs. Dean West, vitation is extendcd tuaie, Notice_________________1 REPAIRS and rewinding, arn- vay bere, as lange !locks o! Terry, CLndy and Deanna. Mn. Alden Hubbard ati 1KTH ETAE F LIEatunea turned, toalal makes of geese are seen vinging their Mn. and Mira. John Bird and ed a Sundey Schooi Supi IN TE ESATEOF OIVEDougie o! Bav-manviile spent tendents' meeting in Hamc MAY JOLLOW. eiectnic matons. Higgon Elec. way southward. Fridey with Mir. and Mira, on Wednesday evening. Ail pensons having dlaims tric, 38 King East. Phone MA Guesta vith Min. and Mirs. Percy Burley. Min. and Mira. TeCG.T.vi cc against the estete o! Olive May 3-35 -fCr angs !Sndyvn Shirley Vennatto vere visitons Wedncsdey cvening, Oci Johlov, hte o! the Town of REPAIRS toa ah makes o! sei- .adMira. Gardon Lang- Saturday night. the730pmintec Bovimenville in the County a! ing machines. Free pickup and safM.and Mira. JackNe, Miss Nancy Breneton, Ton- hall' Durham, Widov, who died on delivery. Laverty's Bargain M. and Mina. Ariel Langataf! onto, spent a !ev days with or about the llth day o! Aug- Centre, 51, King W. Téléphone and thein families. Min. and Mira. Frank Stoker. Çanvessens viil be cenN Ust, 1960, are hereby natif ied MA 3-7231. 44-tf Min. end Mina. Bob Young- Mn. end Mirs. Art Low v4re ing thlis district soon for ta send in ta Stnike & Stnike, mniu and daughtens spent Sun- guesta o! Mn. and Mina. Bil Blind" and the "1UNICI the solicitors for the adminis-' REPAIRS toalal makes o! ne- day vith bis parents, Mir. and Turansky Sdy ivegnnosytati traor Bx 40 Bvmnviile, ngrtrs1oetcan a-Mr. Ed. Youngman. Allen Fosters vere to Delhi cnt U.N. eppeal Ontario, an or before the 3lst mencial; milking coolers. Hig- day o! October, 1960, full par- gon Electric Limited, 38 King Mn and Mira. Gea. MacDon- necently and Mins. Maniatt ne- Anyone having cbildirer ticuhens o! thein dlaims. St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-t! aid and !amily vere with ber meined with relatives et Bur- be baptized, please contact mmeiatly !te th sad other, Mra. Selleck, at Orne- gessviile. minister as soan as posail 8-d rrr'el ftr h s mec.Th flvrpacdo SI ay o! October, 1960, the TThelAT Mra. Aexandr andMira asseta o! the intestate xill be ftENDLIL Mr. leaneran' s.commiunion table on Sur distributed, heving regard only Flsae iig i rntfo ]R W SMon nd Mrina.C.Va emr ta dlaims o! which the said Thenksgiving time ia bene vith relatives for a !ew weeka. fM. dMsmp. aniDaxtm solicitors for the administretor again and saime o! the many Min. and Mra. Gardon Miar- ]Brown'a Busy Becs held tarily mpt iexr shaîl then have notice. thinga vie can be thank!ul for tincil viaited Mira. Hattie Mien- their tirst feul meeting at the ing of the fA.miy of hB DATED at Bavimanville, this are the vondenful veathen ve tinell and Min. end Mira. Clan- home o! Mrs. Wellington Fer- M.A ikya Ilth day o! Octoben, A.D. 1960. have been havlng, the îoveîy ence Therteli Sunday. nov on Thursday evening, menville. Stnike & Stnike, scencry and aur flowers stiîî Mra. Edith Ferguson and Sept. 22nd, vith 13 members Sym.pathy is extended 38 King Street West, bnevely blooming outaide. Miss Laing o! Toronto vere and anc visitor present. The Mn. and Mira. Charles Te Box 640, Mra. Hatcher Faster andi weekend guestao! Mira. Alva ladies spent the cvening quiît- families, and relatives in Bovimanville, Ontario, Canolyn left last Thuraday for Swarbrick. Rosa and David ing. Duning the business part, sudden passin-g o! their yo Solicitors ton the a fev veeks' holiday vith the Roughley vene dinner gucats the Club vatcd ta present Mn. son. Administretorfre' ohrM.Gny, Sunday and took the ladiles for and Mira. Pric-stly, réemnt vie- Mr. and Mira. A. E. Ri Gardon Osborne Jollavi. anrmeaothereliraesneyhe a scenic drive in the afternoon tims o! a disastrous fine, vith spent Mionday witb relel 413Raeand ther relatie inth and tu allaut Mr. and Mina, a Pair o! flannelette sheets. in Baltimore. 41-3Ranoki n vl ra nGnent'saet Leskard ta sec Mn. Next meeting et Uic home o! Mr. and Mna. L. R. Ar Vqgiiaan-d Mira. Fred Anderson and Mira. J. Hillier. and famniiy vere Sunday Boarders Wantedl Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, gneat granddaughter Laura. Mr. H. Pitt recently haci a guests of Mr. and Mm. Mo< ROOM and ýboard eveilable fo-- day weekend vith bis parents witb Min. and Mira. Bert !actory vbnhe i mlyd Mn ly iignad 15or2 nen Anet3337. t aceBe.Thompson, Sunday, viere Min. severing part a! thc index fin- MrLodSigla, 36-t!i Rendal bas tva tems 0f and Mra. Lrne Peden and ger on bis right hand. gere-on-the-Leke, is spend Mn. and Mira. M. Camnpbell a tevi deys with Mr. Che! Laurie and Denlene, spent thé Hoakins and family. veekend with their people atMr.abo nd tMily, Oar 1 Collingvood. a ao n aly sa On Sunday, Master SamM ene Mondey gucats o! Redi hadthemiafntun ~and Mira. George Allison naes.Hae expctdtane t Sorniyt eotta break a banc ithe aide af bis familyt eotta tn trame oia isexete u e Everett Strutt is on Uic oun fWednesday. Hspia it. F O Rn. enedMia. Aci rvn Mir. John FeU, Oshawa, spi Mr.andMrs Achi Brwnthe vcekend with Mn. a spent twa dava iToronto lest Mr.R .Hne n a veck. Master Roy Browin M .T avyadf-u s tayed with Leigh Wilson.. Wc hope good heelth is Mn. A. Clarke ia ili and in store for Mira. E. MêLaugbl 1H c MrEST;.: :::e::: ;ys22 J. G Mémovile. sitl owa-chell and Mira. A. Hughes. EMaster Sam MicReelis enter. Mn. Ailan Larmer, Toron teined somne young folk ne: spent the weekend witb 'lm Weckend visitons with Min. thermnes, is spending a ve j- Mra. . Mocelavereher ith Mir. and Mira. K. G. Rc and nephev, Mn. and Min. Anmbrta hr te Coven, al o! Hamilton, h b mer d ro and Woodbni aunt and uncle, Min. and Mira, teins. Knight o! Peterboro. Mina. E.Dr Blackatoi Mira. E aispent Ia v eck M.Rsel. Darcy, Oh withlierdeughten, Mira. R i. re usaSpins, s ofMr a Simpon.On the holiday the __.TomsHdg n jSmsnfamily matored ta Arge. aa og n Kleinurgvith Mir. Simipson, Mn. and Mms. Kennetb Car rtrigvia Makham whcre viii and John, Toronto, h thystopped and had supper Fred Carter, Toronto, we wihteMasters family. veekenci guesta o! Mira. M.and Mns. Mi. Dovns, Carter. Toronto, spent thc vcekend Mran s.SmeGa bih er siater, Mir. and Mirs Mn.a n mir a.au e W. Cali. On Sunday, Min. P.n amlOhea i Cali, sons and familles, visite weekend gucats o! Mirs. viith Bill and Hilda . - avey Mira. Mi. Pickering retunned Miss L. Knight bas been 1Cr ~ the sick liat. We hope h' ta ber home on Friday from condition vili saon be impro Oshawa Hospital where she ed bas been confined for the pat Eseveral veeks, folloving an Baktc nadM To make the next yeers the best yeers of your life ... means planning Tbrok ber nkle. or whguernsat r . an nd r.Ay din and saig . .. novi. Wbatcver your hopes and desires may be-a Min. and Mira. Russell Powell Garrard's. zMw honie-coilege éducation for your children-new leisureto enjay, wr r .Mnoms rK Cowling adMs Canada Savings Banda cen heip you reelize them. Heard, M.adMsGol Buffalo. CANADA SVINGS BNDS arecashabi et anytîme atfuil fae MrNiM. and Mir.H it. M.adM. W. Blackbui CANAD SAVIGS BNDS ae cahableat ay tÙn at ull fce MNairMr. nmotoneH.PittamoHaediburtonurt anonSS a ý5 d phone from the wall of phone booth, netting $20.1 and damaging the phone ani wîring ta a cost of $116.76 ti replace." "They then went ta Por Perry and ripped a coin boi from a pop cooler, nettinj J"They then went ta Blythq and Miller's in Caesarea anc ripped the 'phone from th( wall. Cash nil, damage tc phone and wiring $66.36. "They went ta Vine's Serý vice Station and ripped ana. ther 'phone from the wail anÈ received cash of $15. Damag( ta phone was $66.36. "They were stopped Ir Blackstock by Prov. Consi Den Hoed and questioned by MacDonald, Dryden and Der Hoed. A black leather wind- breaker contrining $44.60 was recovered and the boy.; were arrested. l"Also recavered on search« fIg the car was a set o! bur- glar tools ta which all men pleaded guilty ta having in their possession. None of the accused offer- edaystatement. ta the court whe they were asked if they bad anyhing ta say for them- selves. The remand followed. Th. es O hroewst woti71aJnsadtmiy-e er inrgesao 1.1 n r.Cei isn at.. Oshawa Wood Products Io make Ihose necessary HOME REPAIRS NOW! Small Down Paymeni For the Do-If-Yourselfer we have al the Materials plus Free Building Advice or our Home Improvemeni Division will look afier ihe complefe job for you! 4 FOR TUE DO-T-YOURSELFEH #INSTRUCTI ONAL COURSE RECREATION ROOM BUILDING STEP BY STEP BUILDING ... ALL QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY SPECIALISTS .. WATCH TRIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR START- ING DATE! Oshawa Wood Products Ltd, MAIN OFFICE AND SHOWROOM 9 TELKPHONES TO SERVE YOU BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2130 AJAX ZEnith 2-9600 DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. ite's Court1 rt mttér 'ws tried ýi ueile Mr. and Mrs. Milton S. Miss Catherine Power, Tor- and Mrs. Victor ]Robinson, R Court and remanded in the Bireh returned home on Fr- onto; Mr. James Power, Osh- Oct. 2nd. tg custady o! his mother for pre-. day from a months visit in awa, spent the weekend with Mrs. Orley Chapman re- sentence report. Carievale, Sask. Mr. and Mirs. Gardon Power,iturned home hast week tram ie William Rockbrune, 22, 86 Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan and ail attended a famiy visiting er sister Mrs. Eva ci William St. West, Oshawa, spent Sunday with relatives party at the home of Mr. and Afin at Port Perry. te pleaded guilty through count- in Tweed. Mrs. John Stark at Starkvile Congratulations ta Mr. and a sel ta a charge of causing a Mrs. E. H. Samuel and on Saturday evening. Mrs. Roy Barraball on their disturbance. daughters Lisa and Kather- Mir. and Mirs. Clement 25th wedding anniversary. Prov. Cons. H. R. ( at) e returned hom e last Thurs- W ebb, M idland, w ere Sun- M s i t r R b n o e -Cornell gave evidence that day from two weeks visit in day guesta of bis aunt Mrs. turned home an Monday after d Rockbrune with several ather Toronto and were guests of Howard Walsh. visiting in Toronto for sev- ýe parties, tatalling about 30 Mir. and Mrs. J. Rosenfeld. Mr. and Mira. Wm. Mitch- eral days. matarcycles with two persans Mr. and Mrs. Marshall ell returned home on Mon- Thanks g 1 v 1 n g weekend n on each and two carloads o! Chatterton visited her sister day from several days visit guests of Mr. and Mirs. Ains. tother persans, appeareci at a Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ken- with Mir. and Mrs. Burns Kit- ley G. McGee, were his pr Y home in Courtice. They drove nedy at Sault Ste. Marie and tmer and sons, St. Mary's. enta Mr.and Mirs. Ainsley Me- n into the privcway and spread travelled on the recently Miss Florence MicMillan, Gee and daughter Miss Jane 1- out over the yard. They were apened new highway ta Wa- Toronto; Mir. and Mrs. Bruce McGee of Wiarton. 0ail members o! the same club via last week. Thompson. Cobourg, visiteci The Anniversary Service 'S in Oshawa. Mir. and Mirs. Haroldi Awde, Mirs. R. Waddell. of the Orono United congre- The owner o! the praperty Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, gation will be hehd next Sun- came out o! bis home with a D. G. Hooper. Bowmanville, visited Mr. and day, October lflth at il o'clock shotgun and ordered the peo- Mirs. J. Noden and daugh- Mirs. Chas. Wood on Friday. in the marning and at 7:30 ple from his property. Rock- ter Viola were in Toronto on Mrs. Gardon Watson is p.m. in the evenîng. Rev. brune directed his friends ta Saturday ta attend a produc- staying with her mother Mira. Philip Romeril o! Blackstock leave and a discussion en- tion of "Camelot" at the new Frank Parker, Newcastle, wili be the guest speaker. 0 sued.1 O'Keefe Centre. who is il1 at ber home. The gist of the story is that, 1Mir. Bill Tamblyn, O.A.C.,' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones ' rthe clubhouse in Oshawa had. Guelph, spent the weekend visited her aunt Mira. Wm. Zion(H p Township) been entered and damaged. with his parents Mr. and Uglow, Newtonville, who vas When Cornell savi the shack Mirs. Carlos Tamblyn. celebrating ber 8th birthday. Mr niMr.Ca.Rb - i va ashable. omene Miss Mary Bawen, Niagara Mir. Wm. Mofatt who bas spent Sunday with relatives i gave information ta Rock- Falls, visited ber mother, Mirs. been a patient in Memorial Fenwick and Welland. n brune and the club that twa Fred Bovien. Hospital, Bowmanville, for Mrs Ralph Geraw accom- boys at Courtice were res- Miss Lillian Archer and Ev., several weeks is nov conval- aidteSnoCtznsn, rponsible. The boys denied George Shawi, Lindsay, spent escing at his son Mr. Jack thpan theSnor oCitizens an rthis and advised them ta calliday with Mrs. J.E. Rich- Maffat and Mrs. Miofat's bt dis ultr o! at heHdali- the police and let them make Frdaybuto isritomtehusdy teirninvstigatin. Robrud- Miss Laydi Normart f ni Mrs. Jean Barr, Erie, Penn., left last Friday for the north- ne nd is lubmeber de Mis MryNoranto! hi visited ber cousin Mira. Alex clined. They found that the adeiphia, U.S., visited their Watson and Mrs. Watson for lands, in search of big game. poiehad nat been co-aper- sister Mrs. C. B. Sissans and severai days.Mran s.DlWhte ative with them an anothen Prof. Sissons. and Mira. Thos. Maris off Osh- occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Motta- Mr. and Mins. Frank Parise, awa were visiting Mirs. W. J. Rackbrune had two things shed and !amily, Simcoe; Mir. Toronto; Mina. Douglas Car- MClog audyeeig painted out by the Magistrate: and Mirs. Jim Lamb and Kan- ter, Mr. and Mirs. Chas. Mut- Miss loghsiaturday ,noevnng If your conduct is nat desir- en, Ottawa, spent the long tan, Bowmanville, called on MisZiaLncknoe- ablMiuttonpslictherlMins. pioyed in Toronto, vas home aeteplc viint 9goiveekcnd with Mrs. T. Wil- Mrs.Mto' hr r. for Thanksgiving veekcnd. rout on a limb ta help them son and Mirs. E. Grady. Viola Smith on Sunday, Mira. Mms. Thos. Maris o! Oshawa 7as the police may be misled; Miss Pearl O'Neil, Toronto, Smith celcbratcd ber 87th i pnigteweedwt fJust because someone says, is visiting Mrs. Wm. Seymour. birthday on Thanksgivinglasednthwekd il 1go throw someone in Gaol, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Rb- Day. Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Del. Whitney. Mr. and Mirs. Harold Casvcli 1that is no reason for the pal- inson, Part Hope; Mir. andi Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton entertained their family ta ice ta act. You can go ta the Mirs. Wm. Robinson, were spent Sunday and Manday hnsiigdneonS - J.P. (Justice o! the peace) guests o! Mr.and Mrs. Fred with Min. and Mirs. KennethThnsingdneonS- and ldge a cmplaint. Toms, Enniskillen, on Sun- Gray and David, Cadmus, Mry. ac ia .Mnil "Wha yo wee dong as ay.and attended the Turkey Sup- Mir. and Mms. Arthur Meneilley taking the lav inta youn Mr. A. G. MicGee, Mrs. per at Yelventon on Mionday. and Douglas had Thankagiving - own hands. You are the pres- Fred Lycett, Mira. R. CarIe- Mrs. Eldon Essery,Co-dinrwtbM.ndia.Jh idet ! tisoraniatonand ton, Mira. M. Lunn and Miss tice and Mira. Sid Barrabail Mieneilley, Port Hope. must accept resoonsibility for Bertha Cain o! the Orono have returned home by 'plane M.adMr.Hrl od themebes.Th fnewill Public Staff are attending the from visiting Mir. and Mira. and Terry, Newicastle, spent be $1.00 and cost o! $57.50 Public Schooi Teachers' Con- John Hathaway, M cli ta, Thanksgivisg with Mirs. Fred with the warning that if you vention o! Inspectorate Of Manin., Mn. and Mira. Robert Tufford. came back bere, I will nat East Durham on Thursday Gilmer, Carievale, Sask.SudyShowabedt be lenient." and Friday at Limbenloat Mr. J . ih satend Zi ndaO ct. , l a. here vas Jan Vanderveen, 23, R. R. Lodge in the Huntsville dis-cd Sp EeRiSchordo! Ittruc- a fir aOt.tendlac. M. N.ere a No. 3, Pontypool, was re- trict. e pne colo ntu-afi tedne r .Gr manded out a! custady until Mira. Hilda Sinclair, Tor- tian at Genosha Hotel, Osh. 0W had charge o! the Bible April llth, 1961. He had been onta, visited ber sister Mirs. awa, on Tuesday afternoon. clasa in the absence of Mira, canvicted o! Indecent as- Oda Laing and !amily. Min. and Mina. Wm. Robin- Raby. Ncxt.Sunday, Oct. 16, sault. He is ta repart ta the Mira. Chas. Wood with hen son vere in Peterborough il a.m., anniversary services1 probation officer once per sisten Mira. W. R. Y'oung and hast Thursday and Friday and will be beid at Zion. month vihile on remand. daughten Miss Sylvia Young, attended the funeral o! ber Eani K. Harding, 523 Mont- Bnidgenorth, visited ini Tor- uncle Mir. James Trotter. rave Ave., Oshawa, pleaded onto. Mir. and Mira. J. C. Gamcy, Ns1fn ffjr guilty ta a charge o! Indecent Mr. D. N. Myles with Mr. Miss Ama Cuttel and Mrs. Neteo tto Exposure. He is also remand- and Mira. Jack Davis and dau- J. Gibson spent the weekend cd out o! custady until Oct. ghtcrs spent the Thanksgiv- at Golden Pheasant Lodgc, Dinner guests witb Mira. H. 25th and arrangements wiul ing veekend vitb Mir. and Algonquin Park. Sarnmells included Mina. Edith be made ta have him exam- Mira. Henry Smith and sons, Mir. and Mira. Craig Myle, Lyons, Mn. and Mira. Norman ined at the Ontario Hospital. Gravenhurat. Mr:. and Mira. Wm. Ramsey, Lyons, Mn, and Mira. Jas. Ly- Four liquor charges nesuit- Mn. and Mira. Gea. Joncs Mn. ndMira. Vincent Lovey ans and Ronali, Uxbnidge, ed in penalties o! $102. Twen- and family, Bovimanville; and Dianne, Toronto; Mn. and Mn. and Mira. Gordon Rodman ty-scven charges under the Miss Carolyn Jones, Oshawa, Mina. D. G. Haaper, Mir. and, and Mn. and Mira. Herman Highway Tra!fic Act vene visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mira. John Shether and Miaur-1 Rodman, Litt.le Bnitain, Mn, value, plus interest. They are really like dollars with intenest coupons attached. THEY PAY INTEREST ANNUALLY-with an average yield of 4.71 per cent per year for ten yeers. THEY ARE AVAILABLE in uits ranging from $50 to $5,OO0. Iffe liniit of the new seies ia $10,000 per persan. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are simple to buy-far cash or systematically out of current incarne. To make the 60's the best years of your 11f... BUY THE NEW OAN BAVE Bol 4> p LDA les NOW I AT VOUR BANK, AUTHORIZED INVESTMENT DEALER, STOCK BROKER, TRUST OR LOAN COMPANY, OR THROUGH VOUR COMPANY'S PAVROLL SAVINGS PLAN., >ronc gser. iday Lin- tend. cerin- npton ýton tober iuralh C. ner red G. et rn urday to see the lovely colored foliage of the trees. HAYDON Mrs. W. Thompson and Gail Thompson were Thanksgiving Stewards of the church held dinner guests at Mr. Roland a meeting en Wednesday ex'en- Thornpson's, Hampton. ing making plans for the Auc- Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm tion Sale tis month. See fur- spent Sunday with Mr. and ther particulars later i "Auc- Mrs. L. Wilson, Lakefîeld. ian Sales.", Mrs. Ralph Vanstone and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- grand-daughter. Paula Van- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, stone, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Linda and Janet, Enniskillenr, Graham, Bowmanvilîe, called Mrs. M. Brownlee, Leaside, on Mrs.. Rd. McNeil and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and H. Crossman. family were Thanksgiving dîn- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Singer, ner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Swansea, spent the weekend Lloyd Ashton's. with Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, Mrs. W. Martin spent a few Brad and Lea, were Sunday daYs with Mrs.' G. Ferguson, visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Oshawa. thur Read's. Thanksgiving dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton with Mr. and Mrs. J. Potta and fami]y, Mrs. Ed.na Mc- were Mrs. A. McNell, Mr. and Laughlin at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mrs. A. Trewin and Wiliam. MýcLaughlin's, Nestieton, Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham day. and Mr. and Mrs. David Mal- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gar- colm spent Tuesday at Hamil- rard, Barrie, were Saturdav ton. Mr. Roy Graham and Mr. viSitars at Mr. and Mrs. C. David Malcolm attended the Garrard's. First Showing of the 1961 Mr. M. Slemon visited1 Mr. Studebaker car. Mrs. Graham and Mrs. R. Gilbert, Bowman- visited her sister, Mirs. M. Smi- ville, Monday. !ey, Hamiilto<n; Mrs. Malcolm Mr. G. Andrews, Mr. and qpent the day with her daugh- Mrs. Miton Waller and Bren-! ter, Mirs. Burrows, Toronto. da, Mrs. S. R. Cadwell, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron P. Foster, Port Hope, cafled on wiere dinner guests of Mms. C. Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Ashton and F. Rice, Bowmanviîle, Sunday. family. Mir. and Mrs. Walter Love- Mr. L. Thmpson and Terry,! idge and Joy, Mr. Fred Castie, Toronto, Mr. anid Mrs. Roland Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto, Thompson and Dawn and visited Mr. and Mirs. David Heather, Hampton, ivere Sun-i Morrow, Aurora, on Sunday. day visitors at Mrs. W. Thomp- Flowers placed in the church son's. Other callers Were Mr. on Sunday were in memory of and Mms. E. Thompson, Mr.j the late Mms. Tom Potts. Purdy, Mr. Donald Thompson, I October W. A. meeting this Ava, Debbie, Bowmanville. j Thursday evening, t ,-night, at Mir. and Mrs. L. Griffin, 1 the home of Mrs. C. Garrard.,1 DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM 84 SIMOE ST. S. - RA 8-1617 * 4. j j i 1. ý 1 1 The Orono News STORM DOORS cand WINDOWSI mm. 1 enari mb--ý ý -mm- TM CMAMR STATESUM. BOWUANV=.& MTAWn MAàý