PAGE FOURTEEN1 THE CANADI". STATESMAN, BOWMAN'YfLE, ONTARIO TRURSDAY. OCT. 1th. M0 i1nd ustrial Rubber Producis Sales Staff Moving Here Class are in charge of the! Bible Society canvass. The turkey supper marking. the 601h anniversarv of the i Women's Insfitute held in the, township hall on Tbursday evening was much enjoyedl and largely attended by the i varicus branches ini the Westi Durham district. A bounteous' dinner was servcd bx- the La- dies' Service Club after whichý a pleasing program consisting i of numbers from the differenti groups was presented. i1 e, -CSALEM Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Janes,j Buffalo, Mrs. W. E. Nichols, and Wilma, Mrs. Wmn. Hamp- shire, Port Hope, were Satur-1 day visitors with Mvr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery anid Mrs. J. Lan-ý caster. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards: were guests at the Richards-, ~ f.~,.Smale wedding in Trinitv Un-' ited Church on Saturda.v. ~ .,Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig at- tended the christening of theirý grandchildren, Stephen and' Several new members of. the Bowmanville plant of Goodyear shift were the following, from left to right: AI Lancefield, Geo. V. Sunday morning and were din-' Tlire & Rubber Company of Canada were welcomed to town last Davis (Dept. Manager), Dave MacKintosh, Alex Lambe, Frank ner guests of the twvins' par- Wednesdav. A special dinner was held at the Flying Dutchman Irwin, Frank Dudgeon (Eastern Sales Manager), and Charles ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Craig. Motor Restaurant when the sales staff of the Industrial Rubber Tompkins. As most of these gentlemen own their own ho mes i Mr. and Mrs. Bob Collacott, IJim and Joan were Suniday 1 Produets division of the company was introduced. The move was the Toronto area, it probably will be several months before they, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. made fromn New Toronto for better coordination. Included in the will be able to arrange for the transfer of their families here. Chatterson. Brighton. Master. Gordon Allun was aý D urh rn rignalmemer. as skej M AA~..weekend visitor with Mr. and, 10 eut the cake. Shie said she 1 Mrs. E. Twist. Mu. and Mrs. W. DrhamW. Mar1kýs oignI u e, a akiH MPTON~I' hiad seen Bownianvîlle Buanch Fred Twist were Monday din- groiv trom 14 members to Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Horn,r lin and family and Mus. Sarahi ner guests. 6 Oth Ann ver aryW Hughes,. er daugliter,,is fatheir W. W. Horn, during Mrs. Donald Orrkie, by, were Sunday guests of Mr. oves7at pesent. SMus. L. Mntheal wee vistors it Altin; And ons.oa Mu and M Mr s . Wacln. Kr Memnoutes of days gone by: The tables were graced with, Public Relations Officer for Mr. and Mus. E. Twist n wee ubroughit tbmind in the yellow 'munis, while h edteae. r.K ael e Mr. and Mrs. K. Caverlv Miss Louise Goodman spent fail wr Sndyviitr Sixtieth Anniversary celebra- table was highlighted xith in 'ommunity singing wiîîu weue Sunday dinner guests of 1 tbe weekend with lber sister with Mu. and Mus. Howard lion f West Durham Districtr the three-tieued ai versary Miss M. Niddery at the piano. M. and Mrs. Bruce Caverly and brother-in-law, Mr. and Crvderman, Maple Guove. Wornen's Institute. Since this cake and yellow and bitte Mrs. H. Vine expressed our! and family, Oshawa. Mrs lnPueTrno r n r.Buelhman fliýtr;ct is among the first candies 10 signify ou r Insti- tbanks to Hampton Service Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trul Sunday services were f airly and familv were Monday wiliobave reached this occa- tute colours. Club for such a delicious din- vere guests of Mrs. Hazel Rut-! well attended. The morning: guests of Mu. and Mus. Doug sion, if was foît the event Among those seated at the: ner.l tan, Gravenhurst, on Sunday, worship service was in charge; Reynolds. should be mauked by a real bead table were: Mrs. M. ýMrs. Wiseman made a fev and on the holiday were at of our pastor Rev. F. J. Reed - celebuation. So, on Tbursday, Wiseman, President o1th' emarks about the original, Chemong Lake witb Mr. and wbo presented a fitting mes- Oct. 6th. oveî' 160 members District: -Mus. W. eH. BriownIi, District. -It was founded n' Mr. Lewis Truli and famnily. sage. The choir music was of flie District gathcred at Past President; Mrs. H. Vine,' Oct. 6. 1900. by Mrs. J. L. Mr. and Mî-s. T. Wray weue aise in keeping with Tbanks- Ilanptoit Tuwnship H a 1l, 2nd Vice Puesident; Mus. I. Smith frorn Whib. Now we' Sunday evening dinner guests giving. Tbe beautiful Thanks- wlrc a bountiful turkey Munday. Sec'y-Tueas., Mus. R. shalh treasure the past and r. a eae iv;ng decouations, so attuact- dinnur was served by Hamp- Preston, Pu-es. of East Dur- face th~e fuîture. Mrs. Wisemn an d sns Osha . ively arranged, added mucli to tnLxidies' Service Club. Thisibain District; Mus. M. Emer- thanked Mrs. W. H. BrownM.adMs.R enndzvtbe sr ri and loersof was followed by a program- son, F W.1.O. Board Member; and Mrs. R. Davis, convenors DeMir. i and David,. an kndd l tlsuit and arrangedý iucli ahead of the usual. Mrs. C. Moynes. Area Chair- of this eventvi,.n',kndy uple ad rane mani for Central Ontario; Mrs. Mus. Carl Movnies. Central' Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Frost' by Mr. and Mrs. Win. Axford.. T. Sowden, Lifetime Member Ontario Area Chair and family, Scarborough, were A baptismal service will bel k,~ .'~of District: Miss J. Lillycrop, ase t d resstberouw us sofMs. S. G. Niddery held next Suniday morning. rHome Econoinist for West She said wve should ceIebrateian~d Mary on Saturday. Service at 9.45. t';kuDurham; Mirs. Win. Milligan. this occasion with bath pride Mu. and Mus. Hilton Peters, ..Ist Vice Pues. of District; and n uiiy oto e u.Rîl ees ootad Mr. Arthur Allun is a patient _ Mrs. Steeves, Se'y - Treas. East Dubam Ditrict. talk was stuessing our Citi- Miss~ Mary Peteus were visitors'llMmra optl î East Duham Ditrict. zenship. We must justify, Our' with Mu. and Mrs. Harold Sal-Iayfinstutlem Mrs. Wiseman welcomedMoo- "For Home ad eradMsT.Strdrigsoon be improved. - i ~~~ ail the guests and called on Country", teach our childuen , hie weekend. AcnasfrteBidwl Mrs. Milligan to ligbt five loyalty, bonour, couutesy andý Mr. and Mus. Pearn Lock- b odce ex ekbi- candies in turn, one to repue- rsosblt;gv , odadfml iie n members of the Women's In-' r . -z- set te Banc, te Dstrct.healtb, love, sympatby and, Lindsay on Sunday. DHu;SIU~hn aiydn .~-~ he re, ie edratd o-encouragement. It is o pos- Mu. and Mus. Blake n Aar ~ .men's Inistitute of Canada. silebv abpyhm rokivstd u n was held at the home of, Éi -and the Associated Country if there is dire need next Raymond Farrow on Monday. Mu. and Mus. S. Kersey oný SWomen cf teWrd Witb dccx-. Our homes sbould beï r M. and Mus. Murray Yeo Mdeer f ngLdes.ibe - t Iis ceremony concluded we combined with ouu churcb and visited at Algonquin Par k dur- Mmeso h ais il joined in singing tbe Insti- also our schocl. ing the weekend. tute Guace with Miss Horîx at We should ahl have know- iMu. and Mus. Oliver Hubbaud Oo- L et a DUIRO do tbe piano. ledge cf cur state laws. We and Mrs. Lottie Hastings, Osb- COURTICE AIl the ladies did justice to sol e rtcz ed fawa. Mu. and Mus. Goudoný ru p n helvl ine hc ol- o rtcz easo h cobe etn fE tjLe PUM ing thlo.tvedne crssoC- cuganizations. Help to build Wakely, Ernest, Catharine and!he Obe e etn. uing of Ebe- loe. ewen oussC-theni, up, flot tear them dowil. John, -Toronto, were Sundayr eerEenniuihau a Ç AVlNG TIME R EDUC- Ibharine Baiiey of Blackstock Buiîd aur wor]d future On "isitrs with Nîrs. Luther A- held at the home of Mrs. ak à- LG ABOR . .. INiýREAS- favoured with a piano solo-, the four freedonis: freedQm' AU Pearce in Osh*awa, ING PRODUCTION. DUROý In a Monastery Garden. President Mus. W ilifr e d Punpsdesgne fo Fam dîy, Mus Wiema ancunedof speech, fueedom of wcr- homes. Whiat wouid these B Purpsdesgne fo Fain uty; Ms. isean nnonce ýsbip,, frcedom fuom want and, pioncer women bave thought Brown o.pened the meeting and supply fresh water where and' that Mus. H. Bradley and Mus. >fuc"re umfa. ct-c u oe o oa n aisfrterrprs whenyounee .... n te brneC. ilî mae te bautful; The best part cf our ct- rin any profession you can Anucmn a aec barn . .. poultry yard . .. cake, then Mus. Sowden, our, zeîîship is the piviiege of: taeng' wrdhs nonemn md f truck garden ... provides reserve using our franchise; the chlanged greatly in 60 years.1teAum altobhld for fire prctectiot I est is to commit espionage cMus. Emerson ended w'tith at Maple Grave on October 19.1 See your Plumber or DUROI against otîr owcntr.W cnld ie forOde Itatomember e attenut70h leaher for full information about sot wlcrencty. ,-o ec saseektth wmere gvaten cltoe70, the type of DURO Shallow or: and have faith ini ouI' leaders.i Common Weal, the Good cf1 Anniveusary of Ebeniezer W.Mv.1 ôeep W\,eIl Pump you nued,' or Mu-s. Mcynes concluded hieu ail Mankind". i S. bo be lield aI Ebenezer, write for folder, "Running Water, remarks by admonishing us Mus. 1. Mundav read a iet_ i Chuuch on Novemnber l2th aI, the Farmn Necesity". <.,E.. nevu' to gorget iicw fortun- ter frcm Miss Helen MeKer- 12:30 p.m. THT ~ EALYRIGHT ate we are 10 be Canadian cher. Hon. Pres. cf the Pro- Mus. Harrv Gay, Steward-i iiEVR WMNiciien- Gcld cf Wisdom vincial Board. Shie expresdsp Secretauy, gave a reading; IWiHl Give us lappiness and regret at not being able 10 on "Time." The new study' "I EEN DELIGHT!" Trust, attend Ibis occasion, but sent. book was intuoduced by Mus. * ,. .'Peson expuessed.brgo ibe.Ms u-Gordon Chartran. r eetings fucm East Durhaniý day namaied each Branch cf I A humnorous reading was IDistrict and menticned thatý the District; Blackstock or-' given by Mus. Lloyd CouuLitice, ___they will celebrate next ganized in 1915, Bowman-, a former president cf Ebentezer S - , spin thir 01 Anîves-ville in 1900, i Hampton in r Evening Auxiliai-. Mus. Ray- ayMs June Liilycrop con-, 190_1 Kendalin 1937. Maple mond Osborne and Mus. Robert1 * l~rtafltie District on be- Grove in 1946. Nestleton, in Muir sang a lovehy duet, "In! e5IwVIff ihaîf of flic Dept. of Agricul-ý 1906, Newtcnvile in 1912, fli Gai-den," acconîpanied byr turc andi gave lieu; Oroniin 1909. Schina iin 1903,: Mus. Lloyd Down at the piano.1 thanks for the assistance gv- Stfnukvil!e in 1906, Tyroîîe in The devotionai period xvasý eni hex'Ny fthe Institute menti- 1914. led by Mus. Angus McDcnald. a bers. At puesent there are eiglit whîo chose "CitizensIiip" as her î 4Muis. M. Enmerson, oui' Bu- branchies iii the district. Mus. theme. Mus. McDonald quoted' ar Dieto, xpes e o Munday named ahi thie prs-, the Citizensbip Creed cf Jolhni EL C D LD ood w~ishes tb ouir District. idents there bave been i he .Rockefeller and aY J A K R U H cmRA1HGAII Ou arse watOHC 'District starting with the: by George Washington. Hvn ff1 JACK BRO GECO)UAam MaIS ou May Sewat Colec, ,vresnt:Mrs M. isean,511was sung followed by the1 Ca adrepeat if as a prayer aI Mus. W. H. Brown, Mus. S. presentation and dedication of PLUMBING and HEATING REFRIGERATIOiI-eELECTRIC our meethî'is. She said We Grant. Mus. M. Emerson.> the offeuing. 5PEchiAL5 Dnso tetSub MOTR-SALES -SERVICE xv"e a d, NI of gratitude to the Mus. O. W. Rohoh, Mus. S. E., A pleasant social lime fol-1 5WE.t , UICv, CHOIGE DiiinSretSuhTV-RAIO -APPLI ANCES îionc r v started flic first Weury, Mrs. W. Jones, Mus.: lowed and delicinus refresh-' sOUTH AFRICAN Iisýi'tp \vith sucli sincere ef- L. J. «Goodman, Mus. J. Thick- niments wcre sex-ved by bue lios-ý NA3-565 JBOVMAIN.VILLE e : forts. Tlir eîr al pîtrpose w~as' son. Mus. R. Langmnaid, Mus.! tess and heu assistants, Muý.' temie uestndrdii te oscuF Igso n ow Mi's. Alex Muir and Mus. Gordon O RNE ______________________________ 1 C. Smith), Mus. J. R. Cooper, Chautran. Mus. Jack Baker. Mrs. Blake________________ Poîhard, Miss Edna Reynolds, Mus. A. A. Powers. Tis dat-' os Nack as far as 19,18, as far as our records go. «FRUE Thie fohowing numbers cf: tue pucg1ram ente-ut;aind - OTROGRWFNC R rence* Malcolm,' Nestîcton, home, car, business are fulIy "The Second Minuet", with: protected. Cali us for your Ms. Albert Cole at piano-, peace of mnd,. Recitation, Mus. Cithcart of;I Skif'. s M. Mountjoy. Mus. j B. Holin and Miss Darlene O C O B R 14 h 15 hHall ail of Hampton, "Thei OCTOBER 14th~~~ l5th Gossipy Neiglibours. x TJI R AE 3 pressd the appueciation cf S U R .J MS q3 a]those present for the de- 2OW5 ~ ,9 ighl cveiiing. Tt had been INSURANCE REAL ESTATE W35 Sm 9 C w n E u pe t C .satisfying. enjoyable, instruc-______________________ tive anîd brought to minc the Klflg St. . Bowmanville'; 134 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE pas! anîd hope cf a brighter future. Ail joiîîed ini earty Office Resîdence PHONE MA 3-5689 appiause. The momnentous oc- àU 3_56g, MA 3-54931 casion was chosed by singing- the National Anthem. Proclamation To the Citizens By virtue cf nîy office, I hercby proclaiin the wvcek of October 16tb to October 22nd, 1960, as In recognition of the achievemnents of the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Wornen's Clubs, and particularly of the contribution made to our com- rnunity by the local club, we salute tbe business women of Bowrnanville and wish tbem continucd success in their efforts to elevate the status ot employed wornen. W. D.CARRUTHERS, Mayor. 111h-AAWý/ Iu 2 btis Ile-AVE Om IUP 2Ioz bf35 IT BU1TR " k3 GE CF ftRe 2 tins 31o-SA VE 7a EBANS 4 oz tns 55C MARMLADR.g. jw, W39-BAV E 2e MARMALADEjar 37c Reg. 4 tins 46e-BAVE 2a AiN mN Fqat KETCHI PEANI AIlVWurei ANN PAM ORANGE Am. Paga TOMATO SOUP 91o~DZhflS99( M E PAKEUX SA R AY fA 1 BAKED IN A&P"s OWN BMAKERY DY MASTER BAKE h J.. P.*.., Reg. CHERRY PIEa Jame PakrReg. 5c--SAVE 16k LARGE ANGE CAKE «h39 SWpW-Rght Qwwity Met Spelulfs! Fresh KiIIed Canadian Lamb 0c--SAVE 14e LEGS Ih69 -cýIb 33 c b RtOAST, M>OS Cu STEW LAMB in1BASKET FRONTS CHOPS fb37c LAMB STEW MANSING RIOS ib2.7' PORK SAUSAGE SCHNEIDER's COUNTRY STYLE PURE lb 5 3 GROUND CHUCK LEAN SHOULDER CUTS iî69c WUENERS SWwî'S PREMIUM I-rb cello pkg 49 c SUCES PORK LU VER FANCY QUALITY lb 3 3c BACK BACON SWEET PICKLED, 2 10 3-lb END CUIS lb 69 URC BACON SWEET PKLED, CENIER CUTS or SIjCED lbc Supèr rket - w ff Agi Prao.a In This Ad Gua,antoud Through Saturdoy, Oct l5th, 1960 >' 'v 1 m ýýusi*ness Womeri es Weelz 1 1 : 1 VRES