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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1960, p. 2

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!AGE TWO - ~ ~* ~J ~* J~~~I~I1l.juWY JAVILy jJ' ONT.1ARIO> -, THURSDAYla, OAvBkCT. A m th, 1m96i 1959 Vauxhafl Victor Station Wagon 1954 CHEV. 1-Dr. ]Radio 1955 FORD 1-Dr. Radio 19 53 METEOR Sedan Radio 1953 CHEV. 4-Dr. Radio 1954 CHEV. 4-Dr. Radio 1952 CHEV. 4-Dr. Radio 19 51 OLDS. Sedan Hydramatie Transmission. Radio ALL ABOVE CARS ARE CLEAN, INSIDE AND OUT, AND HAVE BEEN THROUGH OUR, SHOF.*,.. SO ARE GUARANTEED IN A-i CONNDITION. 40 more O.K. Used Cars from which to choose KNOCK-OUT FOR VALUE! (:Thànýs'. . for the wonderful responsée at our Auto Show. To those who were unable to attend . .. drop in at any tie .. . we will be glad to show you the 1961 models. ROY W. NICHOLS OLDSMOBILE - CHEVROLET - COR VAIR AND ENVOY (British Built) CARS - CHEVROLET TRUCKS 130WMANMVLLE PHONE MA 3-3353 NE WTON VILLE Mr, and Mrs. Rex Thompson o! Toronto wcre guests of Miss j3ertha Tbompson on Saturday. Mr. Clive Cox was a patient ln Memorial Hospital, Bow- znanville, for several days but ,is home again. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dowdcil ef Montreal were holiday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. x1liott. Miss Alice Nesbitt o! Toronto end Miss Anne Nesbitt o! Osh- _Awa spent the weckend ai home. Congratulations to Mr. Harry ~Iatherly and Miss Marion Doust who wcre marricd ai Fort Hope on Saturday. Mr. Jas. Wcbster of Port Granby who is attcnding Quecn's Univcrsity, Kingston.0 vas home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nichois o! Port Carling were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. *Mr. Wm. Hallowcll returned lione fromn Toronto on Monday. Master Jim Stacey under- -#ent a tonsil operation at Me- frorîal Hospital, Bowmanville, on Thursday. Y Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie gipent last week up north on tiolidays. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade end Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wade ;spent Sunday with Mr. and >Irs. Mel Tousignats of KIngbs- ton. 1Mrs. Clinton Browvn returned bome !rom Memorial Hospital, 13owmanvile on Friday. Mrs. Margaret Day o! Toronto is gtaying wit.h ber. A number from here called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilbcrt Ogdcn Saturday evening when they were celebratin-g their 5th wedding anniversary. M.r. and Mrs. Geo. Hender- Son o! Port Hope spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephen- *on, Debbie and Jil, o! Clark- son, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ware *nd Mr. and Mrs. Rod Gilinore, Michael andi Michele of Tor- onto and Mrs. Abe Jackson o! ,Milliken were weekend visitors« with Mrs. Geo. Ovens. *Mr. and Mrs. Crea. Stapieton. geith and Dorothv spent Sun- îywith Mr. and Mrs. Allan1 iartin o! Port Credit. j Mr. and Mm. Arnold Wade and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade attended the funeral o! Mr. John Patterson at Toronto on m Thursday. Ss Mr. Donald Grayson of Ham- yilton spent Sunday with his It grandmiotiher, Mrs. J. T. Pearce- it Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nor- ]and and family o*f Sarnia were holiday visitors witb Mrs. Win. SMilligan. Several ladies from. here at- tended the 6th. Institute Anni- versary beld at Hampton on Tbursday evening. it Mr. Trueman H en de r s o spent the holiday weekend moose-hunting forth of Cap- yreol. Lt Congratulations to Mrs. Wm. Uglow Who was 80 years *you.ng on Sunday, Oct. 9th. CMrs. U'glow received many callers who came witb gooc *wishes, lovely gifts and a com- plete dinner. s Mr. and Mrs. Raymond *Bruce spent the weekend witli friends at Herman and attend- ed the 50th Church Anniver. sary held there. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Joncs, Douglas and Dianne o! Bur- iington and Mrs. Zena Carlaw of Whitby were holiday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Willis DJones. 1 Sandra Lee, infant daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCrone, was presented for baptism Sunday morning at the regu- 1lar service. Rev. R. C. White -officiated. Mrs. Victor Wayg 'of Mark- bam is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mrs. G. W. Joncs and Miss Bertha Thompson were Sunday 1visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. LHarry Griffin of Omemee and ,Mr. and Mvrs. C. J. Moase o! LLindsay. Memorial Hospita, Weecly Report For the week Of Oct. 3 - 9 inclusive: Admissions ............... . 50 Births, 3 male, 3 female -.6 Discharges ............... ....56 Major operations 13 Minor Operations ...... 10 Emnergency treatments .__ 21 Visiting hours 3 -,&,Par, and 7 to 830 P.._____ Nestiefon Station Mrs. Wesley Campbell lc!t for an extended visit witb Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bonny and family of Gaît. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford and Paul and Mrs. Ford Sr., of Toronto, were Sundiay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip enjoyed a trip through Algon- qumn Park on Thursday. Mn. and Mrs, E. R. Wood spent several days in Toronta with their family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grcig and Miss Dorothy Harris of, Toronto spent the weckendi with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Fricnds trust Mr. Harris will soon be feeling mnuch better. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Me- Keown, Bruce and Allen and Mrs. Wiiey McKcown ail of Mono Road were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hcsiip. Mrs. George Forder is visit- ing in Bnooklin for a short tine. I COURTICE' PHONE MA 3-3922 friends of Leaskdale and Cart- wright bonoured them witb gi!ts et their shower. Ail wisb them much happiness in Gwen's new borne et Uxbridge. Mrs. M. Colley, Patricia, Lynda and Virginia of Weston spent the wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Langfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fallis and famlly o! Gananoque wcre at their summcr home for the Thanksgîving weckcnd, and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson. Australian Kin Feted By Abrams Clan Professor D. O. Jordan and Mrs. Jordan of Adelaide, Aus- tralia, were entertained et a family gathering o! the Everest Clan, pioncer famnily of Scar- borough, on Sunday, Sept. 25, at the Guiid o! Ail Arts by iLss Frances Everest. -1Sympathy is extended ta Dr. Jordan is travelling 3Mrs. Ivan Robrer in the loss many thousands* o! miles on a o! ber grandmnother Mrs. John Carnegie Scbolarship. Granted Long of Tilsonburg. Mildrcd a year o! absence from Ade- attcnded the funeral lest week. laide University, hee bas visit- ed universities in Russia, Pol- Fourteen memibers o! Nes- and, France, British Isles, Cen- tieton Women's Institute at- ada, and at least ten import- tendcd the 60th A.nnivrsary ant universities in the United Banquet o! the West Durham States. W. I. in Hampton on Thursday cveningr. Mrs. Lawrence Mal- Dr. Jordan bas written two colin sanýg a pleasing solo "The books on science and is bead Second Minuet" as Nestleton's o! the Chem-istry Dept. at Ade- contribution to the program. laide University which bas an attendance o! aver 4000 stu- Mr. and Mss. Walter Dur- dents. Ten ycars ago lie won stan returncd vie air from a Rokefelier Se b o 1 n r sbh i p Vancouver wbere they spent a whicb entitled hlm to a year month visiting with bis bro- at Princeton University, N. J. ther. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow Although English by birth, who visited tthe Marlow's andi he daimis compiete ailegiance Thompson's took Mrs. Grant t Australia. Fired with youth- Thomnpson ta see "Camelot" at ful zeal and interest,,bis opin- the ncw O'Keefe Centre in ion o! Canada was 'Wonder- Toronto and also enjoyed the fui! Second best to Australia."1 Furness Production *'The Boy Relatives attending the din- Fricnd." ner !rom Bowmanville includ- Mrs. Kenneth Samelis was cd Mrs. John Everest, Mis. C. kostess to the October gather E. Abrams, Mr. and Mrs. Glen ing o! the Nestîcton W. I. Martyn, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mer- members at lier new home in~ tyn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Blackstock Leask, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A very enjoyable evening' John Abrains, Port Perry. was hcld on Saturday night in Forrestcr's Hall for the ncwly- Grace is but the glory be- weds, Mr. and Mrs. Norman gun, and glory is but grace LYOns, nee Gwen Wilson, when perfecte--Jonathau Edwardâ% CAR LOT UN 1961 CHEVROLET TRUCK This is the Chevrolet Medium-Duty Sta ke, one of the many models in Chevrolet's 1961 truck line. Among the refinements in the 1961 line are a smaller floor tunnel in some models which increases leg and foot room; improved heaters; new exterior colors and interior trim. at Enniskillen Nov. lst at 8 o' dock. Mrs. H. Skinner's group had charge of program. Mrs. R. Coombes gave the devotional ______________________________________________on "Thanksgiving," and ail re- peated "A general Thanksgiv- inig from hymn book. Mrs. F. Scott read the scripture. Mrs. TYRONE A. His gave a short renort on W. M. S. met at the home of C.G.I.T., Margaret Harvey and s r Af1or eaersanWiter- Mrs. A. His with 19 ladies Miss Kocins. A vote of thanks estîng A.H-tror gave n inoe, ad3children present. Roll to Lauraine Cook for ber spien- "Into AUchperldf S tyBoo, eall was answered by a did help given the Mission closed with a Thanksgiving Thanks.nivingc verse or poem. Band. prayer by Mrs. Skinner. Tea Thirteen cails were made. The Announcement for Autumn and cookies were scrved by the frouh t o nhsptameeisntg. RaIly at Maple Grove, Oct. 19. group in charge. brouht t nxt eetng. Trensurer report was given by Congratulatiins to Mr. and Leaders for Mission Band ar-e . Mrs. Arthur Rahm who cele- Jacqueline and Esther Anne Ms. Percy Werry. An invita- brated lheir 4th wedding an- Rosevear; Explorers, Mrs. T. tiO4 was extended to Tyronelniversiry Oct. 6. Scott and Mrs. D. Fergu.son; W.M.S. to hear Miss Baxteri Miss Mabel Awde, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wringht. On Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. James Wagg, Osh*awa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jew- el! and boys, Mr. Sidney Jewell were dinner guests to cele- brate with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright their 36th wedding an- niversary. Congratulations. Mrs. R. Burgess spent a week with ber sister, M.rs. Gertrude Stephens, Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller and daughters, A:gincourt, recently visited bis grandmother, Mrs. W. Miller. Mrs. F. Scott spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Macdlonald, Bowmanville. Mr. David Drain spent the holiday weekend with bis par- NOW FRIL, TOTALLY DIFFERENI TYPES 0F CHEVY TRUCKS! Miss Meta Campsall spent the holiday weekend with her parents at Kingston. Mrs. W. Miller accompanied 1Mrs. Ross McRoberts and children to Ottawa over the weekend. Mrs. Miller was goe ing to visit ber aunt Mrs. Sara]% Tennant who is in ber 102nct year, and Mrs. McRobert ber sisters. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hatherli and family, Lakeview, visited Mrs. Annie Hatherly. Mr. and ivrs. Walter Park. Cecile and Douglas, attended the 25tb wedding celebratioa of bis sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murney, Peterboro, oit Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue, with Mrs. C. Shaw, Oshawa, on. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE REAR-ENGINE CORVAIR 95's - THIE TRUCKS THAT BEGAN WITK * 4 WHEELS AND A FRESH IDEA! Here are trucks that are a full 2 feet shorter than conventional haif-tonners - yet hold more payload! (Corvan, for examnple, bas 191 cu. ft. of cargo space!) Trucks with one-piece body-frame design, independent 4-whecl suspension and near constant weight distribution. You get light-touch manocuvra- bility plus the economy of a gas-saving air- cooled rear engine. Your Chevrolet dealer las themn. Whitewall tires optional at extra cost -WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE!FI Chevy's '61 fleet brings you the latest editions ....... of the trucks that proved the overwhelming worth of independent front suspension. They're here with the most advanced com-à fort features ever found inside a truck cab. And when you add the all-new rear-engine Corvairs, you'll find a Chevrolet truck7 custom-made for you and your job. You find new rugged qualities in every size Chevy, - pickups, tilt cabs, tandems - al of them. Se your Chevrolet dealer today. Try the totaIlly new rear-engine Corvair trucks, and the work-whipping, work-proven Chevrolet ~.* . ,- trucks for '61!1 Mode! Illustraiedt C80 Chassi, and Cab SEE THE GREATEST SHOW 0F WORTH NOW AT TOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZE CHEVROLET DEALER'S CT- 1i ROY W. NICHOLS DO WAN VILLE PHONE MA 3-3353 Oldsmobile - Chevrolel Chevrolel Trucks and Envoy Cars. Corvair COURTICE PHONE MA 3-3922 ROY W. NICHOLS USED le is B. 1 s lu PAGE 'MG TRE CAMADTAN r,'rAMr-qV,&V- IRnWUAVIIYTT-V rwriçAnv^ 30 9 a

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