!'HUSDA, OC. lth, 960TE CANADMA STATESMANf. DOWILANVIýL&E ONTARIO) MUILDREW - WliMTRED1 and ferns forming a lovely SA wedding of wide interestý settîng at the altar. took place in King Street, Given in marriage by her United Church, Oshawa, onîfather, the bride was ovely Saturday. Sept. 24, at 3 p.m., in her floor-length gown ofý when Rev. Merwin A. Bury, peau de soie fashioned with Ow arn sA ison sh a wntde sycoop neckline and Warrn A Dicson Oshwalonglil-pointed sleeves. A performed the double-ring wide band of re-embroidered ceremony uniting in marriage alenohela e ckas lihl Marilyn Evelyn Muîdrew, used t frame tencln daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L and form two panels whicfl Muldrew, Oshawa, and Don'. swirled to the back of the ald Arthur Whitbred, son of gowfl, contifluiiig down either Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whit- side of the skirt. Her flow- bred, Oshawa, Ont. ier embroidered elbow-length veil of pure silk illusion fell The church was beautifullyi from a tiara of pe-irls and decorated, with taîl standards1crystals. She carried a white of Yellow and bronze mumisIbible with rose corsage, satin for A utumn ... DECORATING We have a large stock of UP-TO-DATE WALLPAPERS ON RAND - and - Folios of the best in both DOMESTIC and IMPORTED SPECIAL LUNES ALSO MURALS '>'ALL TYPES 0F PAINTS - ENAMIELS CLEARING SPECIALS THIX FLAT -THIX SEMI-GLOSS SATINHIDE ENAMEL and WALL HIDE SATIN Ail Being Cleared ai Reduced Prices J. H. Abernefh y's Paint and Wallpaper Stcxe 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 Have Late Summer Wedding, Shbwn above are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas de Jong who were united in marriage in a late summer cere- mony in Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bow.- manville, on Saturday, August 27, 1960, at 4:30 o'clock. The bride, former Eleanor Elizabeth .Drew, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm'. F. Drew. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob de Jong of Newcastle. -Photo by Mary's Studio streamers, ivy and stephano- tis. She was attended by Mrs. Harold Whitbred Jr., as mat- ron of honor, Mrs. Williamn Richardson, Misses Donna El- liott and Joanne Bell who were identically attired in coffee colored silk organza over taffeta with wide Ber- tha collars and very full skirts. They wore matching Wed in Early Fali Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Edward Tobin, shown above, chose early autumn for their wedding. They were married 'in the Chapel of St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, at 3 o'clock Saturday, September 3, 1960. The bride, former Amy Sophia Carson, is the daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson of Newton- ville. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin of St. John's, Newfoundland. -Photo by Sneyd headdrcsses o! pcarl trimmed a softly pleated drcss of navy crowns with nose veils and blue with white accessories and matching shoes and gloves. a corsage o! red roses. The They carried a cascade of bridegroom's mother chose tur- yellow mums tied with bron- quoise bitte with whitc acces- ze ribbons. sories and red roses. Little Nancy Fowlie, cou- As the couple left on their sin of the bride, daughter o! honcymoon, the bride was Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fowlie, wearing a light blue suit, pink Detroit, was a winsomc flow- accessories and a corsage o! er girl wearing a yellow silk white roses. organza dress with flower Mr. and Mrs. Hcrrington are headdress. She carried a bas- makn hi oei saa ket of yellow 'mums and red inthrhoenOhwa roses. Master William Fow 11i e, TOBIN - CARSON brother o! the flower girl, Ai etn !fr n was ring bearer. Ai etn ffr n Wedding music was played mauve and white gladioli in by Mr. Rhyddîd Wlliams. Mr. the chapel of St. Andrew's Ross Metcalf sang "O Perfect United Church, Oshawa, at Love," "The Lord's Prayer" 3 o'clock Saturday, September and "The Wedding Prayer" 3, 1960, Bey. George Telford as the bridal party arrived officiated at the double-ring at the altar and during the cerernony uniting in marriage signing o! the register. o!y Spphia Carson, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Warren Car- Mr. Harold Whitbred Jr. son, Newtonville, Ontario, andi brother o! the groom, acted Mr. Patrick Edward Tobin, son as groomsman. Mr. Gordon of Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin, Fowlie, Detroit, Mr. Clifford St. John's, Newfoundland. Smith and Mr. William Whit- M1iss Eugenia Nahorniak, bred acted as ushers. Oshawa, played the wedding The bride's mother wore a muic sheath of taupe Italian bro- The bride, given in marriage caded silk accented with sa- by her father, chose an orig- tin, matching hat and acces- inal costume styîed by Rene. sories and corsage Of deep The ivory peau de soie dress pink roses. The grooms mo- and jacket ensemble was ac- ther wore a two-piece dress cented by a chiffon blouse. Her o! beige chantilly lace over hat was pouf! de maribou taffeta with matching acces- trimmed with peau de soie bow sories and red rose corsage. and she wore white gloves and A guard of honor was for- shoes. The white Bible she med by the 2nd Cub Pack, o! carried was crested with a which the groom is the Akela, mauve orchid and mauve for the couple wheri leaving ostrich plume with white for-, the church. gtm-o is Immeiatly olloingthe Mrs. Barton MacNeill, Osha- wedding ceremony, a recep- wa, her sister's attendant, wore! tion was held at Centennial a sheath dress of white silk, Hall. The wedding cake was organza with overaîl pale blue cut in the traditional manner cbodr by the ride ad grooband ahat o! With it she wore svdby the bieadgom an ahto white feathers andi later'accessries. er cor Following the reception the sat cesris e o- happ coplelefton hoe s-ge was comprised o! pale' hapo optolaklef Plaoda ndpink carnations. Cae od. Fip orae llid ngdh Mr. Eddie Zotz, Whitby, per- CaDeCod Fo traellngtheformed the duties of best man. bride chose royal blue French The bride's mother worc a wool broadcloth in two-pieceýbaksl esydeswt! effect with beige and ablackldcn sieek jerpress withe accessories and corsage o!fo green tadoveninlden Teey ill resid i' Oh-corsage o! bronze 'mums. awa i these ihome shy For their honcymoon boat hwaeinuthfinis hd. hecruise to Manitoulin Island,' hav_______ised the bride donned a drcss of gold, beige and green printed Hcrrington - Ferguson arnel featuring full skirt and cummerbund. A green grass In Enniskillen United Church ostrich plume hat with loden on Saturday, Septembcr 10, green feather trim, loden green 1960, at 4 o'cock, Irene Lillian gloves, brown shoes and bag Ferguz: n ber-ime the briJýe o fcrnleted lier outfit. Kenneth William Herrington. On their return Mn. and Mrs. The bride is tne daughter o!, Tobin will reside in Oshawa. rï. ad Mrýs.Carl -Ferguson o!- Enniskillen and the bnidegroom is the son o! Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Liam Herrington o! Oshawa. The Reverend Walter A. Lo- gan officiated. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Mil- ton Stainton and Ross Metcalf sang. Given in marniage by her1 father, the bride wore a full- length gown of white nylon and lace over taffeta. The lace bodice with scalloped bateau necklîne was embroidered with sequins. Appliqued lace mo- tifs decorated the front of the skirt and lace panels, the back. A lace-edged nylon veil was secured by a scalloped crown and she carried a cascade o! deepening pink roses. Mrs. William Parker, matron of honar, was in green, and the bridesmaids, Miss Diane Aýeavitt 4nd Miss Leowna Fer- guson were in pink and blue nespectively. Their dresses o! nylon over taffeta werc styled with pleated taffeta cummer- bunds, scalloped necklines and cap sîceves. Thcy worc match- ing !eathered bandeaux and carried tinted blue and pink carnations. Mr. John Herrington was best man and ushering were Mr. Boyd Herrington and Mr. Douglas Ferguson. A reception was held in En- niskllen paish hall. To re-i ceive, the bridc's mother wore KEDRON (Intended for last week) Sunday, Oct. 2nd, at Kedron 48 children were promoted in; Sunday School. From the be-i ginners to primary, the follow- ing childrcn wcre aavanced:ý Wendell Williams, Reggie Da-ý vis, Dennis Werry, Gloria' Mountjoy, Patti Rosnak, Dian Barnett, Sandra Mitchell, Joe: Wright, Scott Harlock, Neil: Mahaffey, Jerry King, Tommyý Flintoff. From Primary to Junior:, Ralph Barnett, Bruce Dale,i Harley Davis, Donna Glover,ý Robert Smith, Claire Skuce,' Pat Rose, Joanne Harlock. From Junior to, Senior: John Simpson, Donald Werry, Rose-! mary Greer, Ann Bishop, Mar-1 garet Maidman, Brenda Hop-! kins, Janice Selleck, Joan Ogle.! Norma Woodward, Br en da' Shaw, Douglas Wilbur, and For Old Appliauces Cet Cash Today tbrougli 8 TA T E MA N C L A 8S 1F 1ED8 Phone MArkct 3-3303 Alan Wright, Tcddy Ronnie Craig, Jimmie Bobby Dale, Michael Larry Flintoff, John Tommy Ogle, John Douglas Montgomery. Brock, Joncs, Hurst, Davis, Rose, Senior Girls to Young Peo- ples' Class, the following mov- ed up: Karen Pascoe, Jean Hamilton, Yvonne Hicks, Mar- lene Wood, Janice Craig. Mrs. Richard Moses was guest soloist at the church ser- vice conducted by visiting minister Rev. J .K. Braham, M.A., B.D. The Sacrament of Baptism. is to be observed Oct. 23rd. Those wishing to have child- ren baptized are asl<ed to con- tact the in-ster. A uxiliary 1V For Armisti At Legion1 At the opening of the meet- ing of thc Bowmanville Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Le-r gion President Millie Bates. draped the auxiliary's charter in black as a tribute to the late Comirade Emily Darch, who died last month. The meeting approvcd thc application for membcrship of Mrs. Jean Cookc, East Beach, for membership. She will be initiated at one of the next meetings of Uic auxiliary. It was decided to hold the annua-1 Birthday Part of the organization on Mon day even- ing, October l7th. It will be a Pot> Luck Supper for the members, and each one was asked to bring a contribution. The event will start at 6.30 p.M. The Canteen convenor, Com- rade Georgina Carter,' present- cd an excellent report. Com- rade Audrey Bate, the lst vice- president, submîtted. her re-1 port as catering convenor for1 the Downey wedding lastc week.1 President Miflie Bates gave( the September bingo reportt which showed the success of this weekly undertaking. Com- rades Edythe Rundlc and Jean Burton were arnointed co- convenors for the bingos tobe held during the balance of the ycar. The following m emb er s were appointed to the bingo com.mittec: Comrades MiUlie QUALITT MATS 47 KING SV. IL - MA 3-5081 LEAN, FRESH HANDuIG.3 Ibs. COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAE . 3 Is COD FJ.LETS m 3Ibs. * - aident. The Auxiliary will cater for V iii oter the Armistice Dinner te be held by Branch 178 of the '.. ~~1Canadian Legion on Stra ice 'iflfer evening, November 12th. Comn- rade Ana Piper was appointcd catcriag convenor for the event. N o v. 12 Thieauxiliary decided t Bates, Rena Bathgatc, Jean banquet tables. This will en- Hicks, Ana Piper, Bella Bois- able thc tables to be joined for vert, Hilda Humphrey and larpe events held ini the Legion Florence Knight, the past pre- Hall, Queen -Street. H4V YO 'E 'D TH S O E An easterner visiting a Mid- western clty was getting the full treatment from the local Chamber of Commerce mcm- bers, lnciuding some enthus- iastie but bard - te - believe dlaims about thefr town. Finally, lie remarked that al tbis city needed was a seaport, which couid bc easiiy acqufred: "Ail you feiiows have te do is iay a six inch pipe lune a thousand miles from here te the ocean. Then stick as bard as you can biow and youli have a seaport iune time."1 --...... Well, I don't want t0 make any fantastic claims you'll find hard to swallow, but I honestly believe we do the fincst dry cleaning work you'll find any- where. Why flot gather up those garments to be dry cleaned now and let us prove this claim? Carl Leslie CANI..DLITZ - NON., OCT. 17 Porterhouse T-Bone or Wing STEAKS IL 89 STORE SLICED IL 59C BACON -l.J7 PORE A& NOCKS ..b.. HELP' THE BLIN-D HELP THEMSELVES When you support the work of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, you support a realistic program of Rehabilitation, Recrea- tion, Residential Care and Research- C.N.I.B.'s 4-R Program now serves more than 22,000 blind men, women and children in Canada. In addition 60,000 victims of defective sight received timely treatmentthrough an efficient Sight Conserva- tion Service. THE BOWMANVILLE WEST DURHAM ADVISQRY COMMITTEE is conducting is BLITZ CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS- on MONDAY, OCT. l7th 7 TO 8 M - Orono - Blackstockc GIVE GENERQUSLY ...... .AND GIVE NOW If the volunteer C.N.I.B. canvasser misses you, donate by mail, send to Mr. Jamnes Bell, Treasurer, Bowmcm ville - West Durhca Advisory Corn. mittee, Bank of Montreal, Bowmanvile, Ontario. THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITKJT1F 'OR THE BLINI) <I Newcastle Courtice - Bowmanville - Hampton .1- a IWUPMAY, OCT. 13th, 1960