THURSDAY, OC. l3th, 196nTHE CANADUNI STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE ONTARTOPAEFV white velvet, was flower girl. il//I VHer headpiece was a green *If W e atng bandeau and she carried ai nosegay of green and white GOTTID- OKE gown of white Chantilly lace' The groom's brother, Mr.1 On te 2nd nniersry'and net over taffeta. The Thomnas Gould of Oshawa, On te 22d anivesar billowy net skirt was inset was best man and the ushers of her parents wedding, and with two lace bands and were Mr. Hon Mutton and at the same hour. Carole Di-, swept back into a brief train. Mr. Don Bishop assisted by an,; Oke, eidest daughter o! The short-sleeved fitted lace Ted Gould and John Oke. Mr- and Mrs. Morley Oke, bodice was designed with a The reception was held in and Mr. Patrick S. Gould were peari and sequin encrusted the Sunday School and the united in marriage by Rev. sweetheart neckline and shegswre received on the H.te A. urner in St. Paul's wore' matching lace mittens. lfawn by the bride's mcther Unied hurhBowmanville, Her elbow-length veil fell in in a brown tone-on-tone bro- on SturayOctber ist, 1graceful folds from a peari caded jacket dress, deep dlo- 1960, at 3:30 o'clock. The and sequin crown and she che brown featbered bat, groom 15 the son of Mr. and: carried a cascade of white matching accessories and cor- Mrs. Perey Gould, also o! carnations. green tinted 'munis sage o! yellow carnations. To ]Bowmanville. land ivy trails. 'assist, the groom's mother Standards of white shastaBrna kews ai chose a peacock blue wooli formed lovely Mwas saisheath, matching blue feather smumns frmda lv sett- of honor for her sister andha bac acesrs an Ing for the ceremony and the hthe bridesmaids were Miss guest pews were marked by Karen Oke, another sister of coraeo ht antos white ribbon bows centred! the bride, and Miss Sandra: The wedding cake was with white shasta 'mums. Candier. They wore identi-! made by the bride's aunt and Mrs. Stanley Payne played cal princess styled frocks of! iced by ber father. the wedding music and ac- jade green velvet with em- As the happy couple left on companied the soloist, Mr. pire waistlines accentuated! their boneymoon to Ottawa Glen Prout, who sang 4:The by matching satin bands end- and eastern points, the bride Wedding Prayer" and 'Be- ing at the V-back necklines in 1 was wearing an imported cause".flat bows with long stream-! brocaded satin dress, with IThe bride, who xvas given ers. They wore matcbing vel-1 jacket, in shaded green on inmarriage by her father, vet mîttens, green satin bow brown, matching feather bat wore a floor-length bridal headdresses and sboes, and' and blended brown accessor- carried cascades o! white ies. A muskrat fur jacket FINE QUALITY Little Miss Judy Froats, and Mrs. Gould will reside at MONUMENTS AND erigamiitreo 3 Rehder Ave., Bowmanville. MARRERaminatreofthe Out of town guests were MARKERSsenior attendants' dresses in? present from Peterborough, b~f~i~ y. _______________Midland, Lucknow and Osh- OF STAFFORD ATT ENTION The bride was guest of hon- BROS.- or at many parties prior to BO.LADIES 1 hie r marriage. Neighbours You are invited to were present at a miscellan- open CHARE or eous shower given by Mrs. E. èfho.d oen aCHARE orPreston, Church St. She was BUDGET Account assisted by Mrs. H. Raycraft at and Mrs. Violet Colwell. Staffrd Brs. VSThe bride's attendants, MI%;- Stafod Bos K A ES ses Sandra Candler,Kae Monu entl Woks A Y Eand Brenda Oke, were hos- Monu entl W rks SPORTSWEAR & tesses for a miscellaneous 318 Dundas St. E. whtby LADIES' WEAR shower at the home of Mrs. Phone Whitby S. Candier, King St., when MO0hawk 8-3552 68 Simcoe St. N. friends and relatives were OSHAWA present. ______________ The Goodyear Tire and "Tropicana" PURE FLORIDA Orange Juice DRIN .. . Mlilk and Orange Juice FOR GOOD HEALTH Children and aduits should drink at least a pint cf nîilk daily because milk is the world's most complete food. Milk contains every vitamin and minerai the body needs except Vitamin C ...- and TROPICANA 100% pure Orange Juice is rich in Vitamin C. TROPICANA 100% pure Orange Juice is made from highest quality Florida oringes and lias a delicious flavour. One carton contains the juice of a dozeiî oranges so the cost is low. Look for the USDA shield on the carton . ., it is your guarantee of purity. Rave TROPICANA Delivered Daily by Your Milkman Glen Rae Dairy 98 KING ST W. STOCK UP TOUR BIH! WITH FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE (Red Trade Mark) The Vorld's Finest Hard Coal STOVE P EA NUT MA 3-544 0RDER NGW!i And assure your home cf having a steady supply of heat ail winter! USE THE BEST LIQUIFUEL FUEL OIL STOVE GIL FURNJLCE OIL PROUIT DELIVERY UN4-OU SERVICES PHONE MA 3m5410 ,STEPHEN FUELS Office: C.NR. Yards, Dowmaayils i Setti ng Was St. PauI's United Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Gould are shown signing the register following their marriage in St. Paul's United Ch urch, Bowmanville, on Saturday, October 1, 1960, at 3:30 o'clock. The bride, former Carole Diana Oke, is the eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Oke, Bow manville. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gould, also of Bowman ville. Rubber Company office girls %N made a presentation o! pantry sheif gifts and white chen- ille bedspread. Mrs. W. Adams and Mrs. S. Adams were co-hostesses for a pantry shel! shower at- tended by neiglibours and !riends at the home o! Mrs. Z. Adams, Liberty Street. Relatives and friends o! the groom presented the bri- de and groom with a triliglit floor lamp at a party given by Misses Donna and Nelda Gould at the home o! Mrs. P. Gould. The Goodyear office staff pentd the bride with a stpedtable and the staff o! The Canadian Statesman presented the groom with a magazine rack. On Saturday, September 24th., a trousseau tea was held by Mrs. Morley Oke in honor o! lier daugliter. Pouring tea were the bride's grandmoth- er, Mrs. Norman Holmes o! 1Oshawa, the groom's grand- mother, Mrs. J. Morrow, Mrs. i Frank Oke and Mrs. Milton 1 Elliott. Others assisting were1 bride's sisters, Misses Bren- da and Karen Oke, Miss San- dra Candler, Mrs. Shirley Tennant, the groom's sisters Misses Donna and Nelda Gould and Miss Linda Ogden. Following rehearsal the bri- dal party was entertairtrd t the home of the groom's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gould. Hampton W. 1. Hears Mrs. K. Werry Hampton W.I. had its Octob- er meeting Tuesday afternoon. Our bazaar will be in No-i vember. We will canvass forI the blind and delegates willý attend the area convention, Nov. 3, 4 and 5. The West Group with Mrs. Chant as convenor took charge o! the program. Miss Horn favored us with twe lovely piano solos. The Motto, "Keep the riglits of others uppermost in our minds. It is the key to gracious liv- ing," was given by Mrs. Gil- bert. She explained that gracious living does not depend on surroundings but comes from within ourselves. It is everyday living cushioned with thoughtfulness and considera-i tion that places the comfortsý o! others above that o! ourf own. The topic, "Citizenship," was. ably discussed by Mrs. K.ý Werry o! Bowmanville. Shej referred f0 the early days o! Hampton; what wonderful citizens the pioneers proved te be and that we should be for- ever proud and thankful for sucli an inheritance. Newcomers te our land are se thankful for such a free life but, we take it for granted. We must have brotherhood ati home before wve can have it throughout the world. Let us study and learn what Dominion 1 Day really means. We are glad to report sev- eral new members. A lovely lunch o! pie and ice cream wasl served. PONTYPOOL We are going to bave a res- taurant going in a very short time. Reeve Robert Brown has purchased the former Sex- smith Restaurant anid is mev- ing in next week. Since Mr. SSexsmith's death we have had ne restaurant and this pur- chase should be a great help. 1We wish the Brown family every success ln their new Iventure. Another presentatioai and 1 dance took place li our vil- lage on Saturday. This time the honoured guests were Mr., and Mrs. Ban-v Stewart. Wei were sorry we were unable tei attend but extend our very best wishes to the newly- lett, Millbrok, spent the ~vÂ. aa iirs laner i.- weeU1W-;411 vÂr. A u £Ub.a.Q Saico Solid White - 7 oz. tin FANCY TUNA - 29 C Evaporated Miik - Tali Tins CARNATION 4 for 55Sc IGA Sweet Mixed - 16 oz. jars PICKLES Zfor49c Regular or Instant - 48 oz. pkg. QlUAKER GATS 39 C Vacuum Cooled - U.S. No. 1 Grd 1 LETTUCE I Crisp Solid Heads 25 N.B. No. 1 Grade - 10 lb. bag POTATOES - Sweet Juicy Valencias SUNKIST ORANGES Fresh, Solid - No. 1 Grade - Quart BEUSSELS SPEOUTS - VOLUME 1 Volumes 2 - 16 - -39C Do.49C Box 25c - GILY 49C OnLY 99C a STAIT TOUR SET TODAT ! SHOP AND SAVE AT Týable Rite Rolled - Darreeh. fast Inprovenient since his re- Mr. and Mms. Harry Stuck- turn frein hospital. lies and family, Toronto, Mrs. Sheep breeders were present Freeman Eddy o! Orono, Mr. froin as far, as Paris and Oril- aorndtom el Morrayiso o!lia attending the Dispersal Sale Toroto ereSunay isiorsf Registered Sheep at the with the "Paynes". home of Ken Moses on Satur- Mr. Ken Fallis is sbowingi day. 1HARLEY'S 1 USED CARS King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3073 1960 HILLMAN CONVERTIBLE - $1875.00 1960 PREFECT SEDAN $1275.0 1958 DODGE V8 Automatie 2-DR. HARDTOP $1595.00 1958 DODGE MAYFAIR SEDAN V8- $1595.00 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN, Automatic - $1575.0 1957 FORD WAGON, 4-Door, 9-Pass., V8, automatic, Power Steering - $1795.00 1957 BUICK HARDTOP $1695.00 1957 FORD SEDAN, 6 cyl. $1275.00 1953 PONTIAC COACH $ 325.00 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN $ 225.00 1951 CHEV. COACH -- $ 225.00 HARLEY HAYES NA 3-72 18 Salesman: RALPII WHITE - MA 3-5397 NO DOWN PAYMENT - Boneless Extra Lean POT lb.1 RUASTi Lean - per IL Nrinced Beef 39c Fresh, Meaty - Pork Side Ribs Lb. 59C Burns Shanirock - Sliccd Rindless - '1/2 lb. pkg. Side Bacon 37c Frozen - 10 Fathorn Sole Fillets lb49c Begular - Nippy or Swiss CHEF"ESE SLICES 28 oz.Af IPkgs.49C Kraft, Cherry Hlli or Black Diamond ILD CHEDDAR 12 oz. cut 4 C Kraft, Cherry Hll or Black Diamond OLD CHEDDAR c5 9c Dr. Ballard's Reg.-Chic.-Liver-Champ-15 oz. tins DOC FOOD- - - Plain or Chocolate - 12 oz. tins OVALTINE - Se Off Cleanser GLD DUTCH Jewei - 1 lb. pkgs. SHORTENING 3 ror29c1 a 0 69C 2 - 2or33c 2 For 55C 0 a 0 Bowmanville IGA Market gO WNaNVLLE . ONTAUIO Toms' IGA Market EEWCASTLE# ONTALIO tetmeâsow. you howT casy iL i to safègiard yoIn3 vauables in T-D SA.EIY DEPOSIT Boxes "Believe it or net, there are stili lots of people who ding to the idea that the saf est place in the world to store valuables is in a hideaway at home. But for every one of these people there are hundreds more who have learned th&e better way and are now using Toronto- Dominion Safety Deposit Boxes.- T-D Safety Deposit Boxes offer you maxi- mum protection for such valuables as property deeds, mortgage docu- ments, insurance policie.s, stocks and bonds, jewel- Iery and ail of those small, important thîig. that would be impossible to replace should they be Iost, destroyed or stolen. Safety Deposit Boxes are located inside the rna--e- mum-security, fire-proof vaults you see in every Toront o -D om i nio n branch. Your valua bles are doubly sec'>re be- cause you are the offly person who can open the box. Renting a Salety ljepm l Box is easy and eeýonom'i- cal. For less than two cents per day you can enjoy the satisf:-tcl linansi peace of mind thaýi corne. with the knowlenore thit yotîr valuables are saf e and secure. Safety Deposit Boxes *i typical of the many conl- venient services a v; lla 1 1e at your neighbourtfhoodi Toro n to - D)o m i n i o.n branch. Be sure Lo vî:ýît. the one nearest \'QU 500. You'Il really enJoy our kind of "interteted]' service. See for yourseif why ... peoplmake thol TrORONTOg DOMINION 13 . UBK, Manager B.ewmuvile Branch Il i 7<J~ PAGE rIV Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Kel- ý weekend with Mr. and Mm. S. 8 ORDER, -)It 1 Gr [ D-EN. BoO E N 7CY PEDIA TffURSDAY, OCT. 13th, 196n ,Moowoý -A