?HURSDA?. OCT. lSth, 1960 TME CANADIAN srATUMAM B OWMANVI.L& ,ONTAPUO Mr. L. B. NichoIs is visiting! very enjoyable week's holi Mrs. Hayward at Calabogie. day in Detroit where they Mr. and Mrs. Les Coombes visited relatives. have moved into their homel Mr. and Mrs. Jim Levett on Liberty St. North. *and family, Whitby, spent Mrs. Jack Carsweli, Mor- Tbanksgiving with his par- den, Man., visited with Mr.I ents, Mn. and Mrs. Joe Lev- and Mrs. Cliff Trewin recent- ett, Liberty Place. ly. Miss Heather Webb, Peter- Mrs. Amty Tait, Chunch St., borough Teachers' Coibege, 18. a patient in Memnorial Hos- spent the weekend with hie' pital, folowing a stroke hast parents, Mn. and Mrs. T. J. Friday. Webb, Bnown Street. Mr. Jack Brougb is con- Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams, valescing at bis home folhow- David and Nancy, Guelnh, lng surgery in Memoriai Hos- spent Thanksgiving with his pita reentl. iparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miss Marion Gibson adWlimCuc tet Miss Dawn Purcell, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hay. were recent visitors with Mrs. ward visited their daughtcr, N. S. B. James. Mrs. Raye West, Mr. West Miss Ruby Aldworth, Ton-!j and !amily also visited Mn. onto, spent Tbanksgiv i n gand Mns. Alb. West, Orono Day with relatives and friends His many fiends will be i Bowmanville. happy ta learn that Mr. Stu- Mrs. W. H. Birks spent art James who was hospîtal. Thanksgiving with bier dau- ized las t Thunsday by a heant gbten, Mn. and Mrs. R. Stap- seizure is progressing favour- ley and fambby of Toronto. abiy. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Black Mn. and Mns. Paul Symons, and famnily spent the long Robcrt, Janet and Teddy af Weekend in Sudbury with Mn. St. Catharines spent Tbanks- and Mrs. Don Riggs and fam- giving weekend with Miss Vi- lly. vian Bunnen and Rev. and Mr1F . Bgel co-Mns. A. W. Harding. Mrs.* W. .anehi accoill Miss Chnis Dawson, Peter- aied nadMn. boroghDistrict Home Tea- 1loNY.,of no the o weekcher, was in town Tuesday end. - ,fo h on ekwiib Mns. Clif! Trewin plan- ning the Blindcnaft sale ta Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wynn be beid in November. and famihy, Brantford. wee Mrand Mrs. Jim Frank, with hien mother, Mrs. C. W. Tait, fan Thanksgiving week- Mn. and Mrs. AI Lobb, Mn. end. and Mrs. AI. Stnike and Dr. and Mrs. AI. Sylvester spent Miss Matha Goudy was Thanksgiving weckend a t guyest o! ber sister, Mn. and Gray Rocks ia the Lauren- M ns. O. Richmond, at their tians. cottage on Pigeon Lake last MnadMs.KnCvly ~reked.Hampton, were Thanksgiving M'!rs. Joe Taylor was with dinner guests o! thein son, her son, Mn. and Mns. Arthur Mn. and Mrs. J. Douglas Cav- Taylor and famnily, Belle- erly and family, la celebra- ville, Ont., for Thanksgiving tion o! Mrs. Ken Cavenly's Weekend. binthday. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Chris- Mn. and Mns. E., W. Poiey tian, Richmond Hill, spent a accompanied Mn. and Mns. pleasant Thanksgiving week- Clarence Bell and Misses end wîtb Mn. and Mrs. W. Karen and Patsy Bell on a Westover. scenic drive tbnough Aigon- Mn. and Mrs. Clif! Tre- quin Park and surrounding Win and Mrs. Jessie Prout district recently. spent Thanksgiving with Mn. Thanksgiving gusts with and Mrs. Neil Britton, Belle- Mn. and Mrs. Denver Daw- ville, Ont, son were bier parents, Mr. Mn. and Mrs. Denver Daw- and Mrs. Peter Smith of son, Durham Street, recent- Stnatford, Ont., and their Iy bad as their guests, Mn. daughter, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. Ed Henhing of Den- Rlley (Barbara) o! Tononto. ver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Col- Mr. and Mrs. A. Samelîs wel , Tononto; Mrs. Mina Col- and Mn. and Mns. Chas. Wri- well, Mrs. Bent Coiwell and ght were guests at the Love- Irwin spent the holiday week Conway wedding in Ottawa end with relatives at Bond last Saturdav. Head and attended the Bre- that - Sutherland wedding,1 Mn. and Mrs. A. Majerni- Saturday. son have neturned from a MisCnlMgne M. and Mrs. Arthur Maguine and, family, aIl o! Scanborough,i and Mn. and Mns. James1 ST. P ULS iScott and family o! Oshawa1 were with thein parents, Mn.s and Mns. Jack Maguine,v UNITED 1Brown Street, for Thanksgiv-t U iNi Mr. and Mrs. Robent Gil CH URC Hned last Sunday vng they visited bis narents, Mn. Minister and Mns. R. F. GuI. Traveil-a Rev. H. A. Turner, ing by motor they neturned BAB.D. by way o! the Lake Superior B.A.,(northcnn) route which open- Organist cd last September l7th. b Mrs. Stanley Payne, A.T.C.M. 9:50 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.- PUBLIC WORSHIP Important Congrega- tional Meeting After Mornlng Service. 7:00 p.m.- EVENING SERVICE TEEN AND TWENTY CLUB. A Hearty Weleome to Al Mrs Mary Jamleson and Mrs. Ida Jamieson retunned hast Saturday fnom a tbree- week visit with the formcr's daugbten, Mnr.and Mrs. W. C. Cockshott, Winnipeg, Mon. They travelied by air both ways, returning on a Trans- Canada Air Lines DC-8 Jet- liner. Holiday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin wcre Miss Doris Martin, Ontario Ladies' Cohiege, Whitby; Mn. and Mns. Alec Martin, Tom- my and Donnie, Newcastle, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Martin and Mrs.d Fnrk , andMr and Davi. FrantBigham and Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B, L.R.S.M. il a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP Guest Speaker - BEV. S. L. OSBORNE, B.A., B.D., Th.D., Mus. Doc. Principal of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby 7 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP Guest Speaker-REV. F. J. REED, BA. of Hampton Nursery and Beginners - il &.m. Kindergarten and Primary - 11:20 a.m. Junior, Intermediate and Senior - 12:10 p.m. REHOBQTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Seugog Street, Bowmanville Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D. Minister 10 A.M. - SERVICE IN ENGLISR 7:30 P.M. - SERVICE IN DUTCH Sunday Sehool immediately after Sunday rnorning service. transportation for those willing but unable to attend the services. Phone MA 3-5037 before 9 p.m. Saturday nights. '"Back To God Hour"" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m every Sunday 0S<)IO/ £Jerswia. Phone MA 3-3303 (Continued from page one) road on a bill near bis pnapenty be impnaved by ditcbing, drain. lng and gnavchling. It was explainea that the noad allowance bebind the barn there bad not been opened. It was expiained that thene must be an original sunvey o! this land, and if liability o! town- ship were established something wili be donc. Cauncil decided ta have the Township Solicitor, A. H. Strike, the Road Com- mittce, and the Road Super- intendent confer on the motter. Afterwards, council will work out a policy for this and other similar situations. Road Cnmplalnt Mrs. H. Coutts and D. Shuttlewonth, Hampton, mcm- bers a! the local Home and School executive, appeared be- fore council and dnew atten- tion ta tbe dangerous condition of the noad betwcen Scugog Road and the Public School. Councillor Cornisb, second- ed by Councilan Smith, imoved that the Road Committee and Road Superintendent investi- gate this pnoblcma and have the hazard rcmaved as soon as possible. This was carried unanimously. Eight Room Schools M. J. Hobbs, Secretany- rreasuren o! the South Darl- ington Public Sehoal Area Board, addressed council. He! stated that T. R. McEwen, týhe School Inspecton, bad reco M- nended eight room schools. He held the .opinion that langer uits are botter fan the pupils, Mrn. Hobbs cxplained. The gnowing population nakes it necessary to increase accommodation for pupils in everal schools, he assentcd. Hampton naw bas a four room chool witb 165 pupils. He predicted the numb2r of pupils thene in five years will be 183. No. 12 School now bas 178 pupils, and in 1965 will havei 43, Mn. Hobbs claimed. He spake o! the extra accom- miodation nceded at the Salem Scbool and said that Provi- I dence also bas a problem. Mn. [obbs told the council that Mitchcll's Corners is the fast- est growing unit in the area. On motion o! Councillon Muir, seconded by Councillor Connish, Council a!greed ta in- truct the Township Cierk and Mr. Hobbs ta arrange a meet- ig a! tbe Scbool Board and te Township Council ta dis- cuss the exact additional ac- commodation rcquined in the schools. Mn. Donevan, wba was en- 'aged some ycars ago by theI thn Darlington Councîl, ta wonk on the registration and suvcy o! more than 200 acres Df land on the wcst side o! the twnship, confcrned with the members o! the council regard- Ig this work. Councillor Muin moved, sec- 2nded by Councillor Fred G. Smith that a meeting be an- mngcd with the Municipal Planning Consultants, the rownship Solicitor, and Mn. Danevan, ta discuss the matter. 'bis was carried.. Asked by Mns. J. W. Watson lr news concenning the future rgistration o! ber busband's ian, council assurod ber that n amnending By-Law wili be irpared and presented ta the Dntario Municipal Board as »an as the Official Plan fan he townsbip is appraved. The rownship Clenk, Walter Rundie nformed Mrs. Watson that he will let ber busband know by ýgistered letter whcn the date >nr a hearing la set. ey !tt nt r. e, e J. ýk ;t r. X ýe .t 3, Mn. and Mns. Allan Fishe: were supper guests at Archiî Parrinder's, Myntile, on Thurs. day. Mn. and Mns. Samn Lee, Ton. onto, Mn. and Mrs. Roberi i Kilien were Saturday auppez *guests at Wes Camenon's. In the cvening the faxlly of Mn, 'and Mrs. Killen and some 1neighbons and !niends gethen. c d at Wes Canienon's to wisl LBob and Mns. Killen "Bor Voyage." They are leaving Malton by plane on Wecines. day morning ta spend the win. 1ter la their homeiand, North- ena Ireland. Mns. Clarke Moore spent the weekend at Keith Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Tam Currie, TOMMY and Lyncha, Hamilton, were Satunday supper guests at Michael NemUs. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrcd Frank and David, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunnie and family, Hamilton, were wcekcnd guests at Robert KillcnIs. Mn. and Mrs. Wcs Cameron wene Sunday supper guests at Percy Plintof!'s, Maiple Grave. Mr. and Mns. Robert Killen, Mn. and Mns. Tom Currie and !amily, Hamilton, wene Sun- day supper guests at Harvey Balson's, Oshawa. Kcith StaInton retunned home on Saturday a!ter hav- ing surgeny at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Mn. and Mrs. Wlfrcd Fnank and David, Toronto, wene Sunday supper guestsa t Mi- chael Nem.is'. Mn. and Mns. Roy Thomas, Kim and Debbie, Scarbonough, were Sunday supper guests at Russell Stainton's. Mn. and Mns. Robent Killen wene Monday supper guests at Delmer Killens, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. H'arvey Web- ster, Little Bitain, were Wed- nesday supper gucats at Ailan Fisher's. Miss Joyce Fisher, Teachers' College, Peterborough, spent the long weekend at home. Mn. and Mrs. Alan Pisher wenc dinner gucats at Gardon Pisher's, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mn. George Soniey, Toronto, was dinner gucat at Fred Cam-. eron's on Sundav and accom- panied Mn. and Mns. Camnenon ta Aubrey Hircock's, Oshawa, for supper. Mrs. MarY Leach, Oshawa, Mn. J. H-. Wood, Toronto, Miss Pearl Leach, SaUina, Mn. and Mns. Douglas Plett and family, Solina, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Youngman and !amily, Tyrone, were Sunday callens at Non- man Lcach'a. Shatter Records I i i e IN ar .Mr. and Mrs. Ken Logan .and famIiy, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at Nelson tFice's. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Down and sons, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Terry and Laurie, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson and :Pattiý twere Sunday guests at Percy Davidson's. 1Mr. and Mrs. Guy ChanrAber- Llin, Della and Clifford, attend- ed the Norwood Fair on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Abbott, iOttawa, were Monday visitors at Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs. George Caeh- rane, North Oshawa, were Monday visitors at Nelson!' Fice's, Mr. and Mrs. Clhuck Terry have the symipathy of the com- munity in the deRth of their: smail son, Edward. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley O'-' Brien, Sutton, Quebec, visitedý at Guy Chamberiin's on Friday evening. Seventeen Explorer girls gathered at Mrs. Jim. Stain- ton's on Monday afternoon and went on a hike back to Stain- ton's wood. They came back and had supper In the orchard. Mrs. Watson accompanied the girls as well as Mrs. Stainton. ~&ts & £Jieces MANY RUMORS FLYING - Reports continued to buzz around the town concerning properties which may soon be torn down and replaced by new shopping plazas, supermarkets, etc. At the present time, we have been unable to learn of anything definite, but are informed that the pros- pects of such an event taking place within the next year appear good. t t i. t i. LEAVES TODAY - Jim Stutt, of Jury & Lovell's drug store, is scheduled to leave today for a free trip to the Netherlands and other spots ini Europe. He will travel on KLM Airlines and plans to return in tirne for the big Rexail One Cent Sale next week. KLM officiais had picked one special flight as the prize-winning one. Any agent who sold a ticket on that particular flight last January won a free ticket. Jim was lucky and has been Iooking forward to seeing how things are in Europe. Unfortunately, the free trip was for oniy one, so Mrs. Stutt and the family were unable to go along. Mrs. W. H. Carietfon Entertains Family On Thanksgiving -Colleen, Toronto.1 Mrs. Bert Budai,*Jr., Secre- Thanksgiving guest~s with tary <of the Darlington Rate- Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, King payers' Aoito se h St. East; were their son, Mr. Township Councli why the Iand Mrs. Charles Hoar, Bar-! signa requested for the aide bara and Tom, Mr. and Mrs I roada leadlng off No. 2 Hlgh- H. T. Hoar, Mr. Russell Smith,I way in the Maple Grove dis- jMr. and Mrs. H. Farneil, ail trict have not been erected. of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. Rundie replied that the E. Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. 1 application for them hlit been C. P. Smith, ail of Oshawa.! sent to the Department of ýy Holiday visitors with Mr.1 Highways. Mrs. Budai also and Mrs. Fred Smith and inquired about the possibility tt family were Mr. and Mrs. j. of a Hawkers and Peddlers kt M.* Woodward, Deep River,; Licensing By-Law belng pass- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith,' ed. She was told that a study -Long Sault, Mr. and Mrs. C. of the matter is being made, H. Taylor and Ron, Oshawa, and such a By-Law consider- -Miss Pat Taylor, nurse-n- 'ed. ,training, Hamilton General rHospital, Mr. Doug Taylor, rMcMaster University, Hamil- ton and Mr. Andy Lunin, Choclk Town. Messrs. Norm Scott, Tor- sonto, formerly of Bowman- S hom e kville, Don Morris, George (Continued from page one) Stephen, Don Allun, Bill Mut- btmvda mnmn ton, Geo. Cawker and Jim btmvda mnmn Crombie left last Friday that the Mayor appoint a morning for New York City committee to make the In- to see the three weekend vestigation, so that the res. World Series basebal games ponsblîty would be dele- between the New York Yan- gated., kees and the Pittsburgh Pir- The mover and seconder *ates. They arrived back in agreed to Include the amend- Bowrnanviiie early Tuesday ment in the motion, and it t morning. was carried. Mayor Carru- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Car- thers stated that hie wouid ruthers were guests of honor appoint a three man commit- at a family dinner party in tee at an eariy date to deal the Balmoral Hotel on Sun- with the matter. day last to celebrate their Debenture Bida 58th wedding anniversary. Council recelved nine bids Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers (the submitted by varlous bond former Grace Riggs) were houses on the debentures for married on October 8, 1902, Bowmanviiie's share of the at Thornhili, Man., and since cost of the Memorial Hospital moving to Bowmanville in addition. On motion of Dep-1 1915 Mr. Carruthers has spent uty-Reeve Hobbs, seconded a number of years in agri- by Councilior Hughes, that cultural and municipal work, the tender of Dawson Hanna- serving on the board of West ford Company, Toronto, in Durham Agricultural Society the amount of 98.76 for five and as a councillor and reeve and a haif per cent deben- o! Bowmanviile. Bath Mr. tures be accepted. This was and Mrs. Carruthers have carried.1 been active workers in S. Deputy-Reeve Hobbs, sec- Paui's United Church. Their onded by Councillor O. J.1 son Wilfrid Carruthers, the Presson, moved thet $18,0081 present Mayor, and Mrs. Car- be passed for payment to ruthers were host and host- Memorial Hospital as theI ess for the occasion. Other first instaliment of Bowman-3 members of the family pre- vilie's share of the cost of sent were Mr. and Mrs. Roy the new wing, and that mon- i Lunney, Mr.and Mrs. Robert thly installments of this amn- Carruthers, Bowmanv i 11i e; ount be pald. This was cçr- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith ried. Bowmanville'S e ntîfre and daughter Kim o! Gaît. share amounts to $180,009. Their other two sons, Mr. Councillor Presson announ- Ralph Carruthers of New ced that there will be an ar- York City and Mr. Douglas bitration meeting on police Carruthers, Dunnville, were in the Council Chamber at 10« unabie to be present but sent o'clock on Saturday mornlng, their best wishes and congrat- October 8th. ulations. (Contlnued from page one) E. Nimigon, K. Ormiston, H. Panas. Basketball Speed Throw-K. Orniaton, J. Jeffery and E. 5Hughes; J. Lander, J. Bain and M. R. Osborne; H. Panas, sC. Caurtice and G. Baker. Softball Speed Throw- H. Panas and C. Courtice; K. Sorensen and S. Wllilams; J. Jeffery and S. Lucas. 75 Yd. Dasb- H. Panas, K. Sorenson, M. Stewart. Senior Girls CStanding Broad Junip- S. Chaskavsch, J. Allin, B. Gil- kes. High Jump- S. Chaskavich, C. Austin, N. Stephenson. Running Broad Jump- J. Allia, S. Chaskavich, B. Gil- kea. Softball Distance Throw- B. Gilkes, C. Chaskavich, C. Austin. Basketball Speed Throw- C. Austin, N. Stephenson and J. Allia; S. Chaskavich, B. Glkes and M. Owen; M. Net- ten, P. Knox and J. Owen. Softball Speed Thnow- B. Gilkes and S. Chaskavich; C. Austin and S. Allison; N. Ste- phenson and J. Aihin. 100 Yd. Dash- S. Chaska- vich, J. Afin, B. Gilkes. Junior Boys 100 Yd. Dash- Bob Sleep. Larry Hately, Larry Vesna. 220 Yd.- David Neads, Gary Crombie, Ai!. Alldred. 440 Yd.- Talbot Thomp- son, David Neads, John Kil- patrlck. 880 Yd.- Talbot Thompson, David Neads, John Kilpatrick. High Jump- Andy Mur- phy, Pat Vinlsh, Talbot Thompson. Running Broad Jump- Larry Hately, Andy Murphy. Talbot Thompson. Hop, Step and Jump- Larry Hately, Talbot Thomp- son, Bill Cobban. Shot put- Bob Sleep, Day- id Neads, Talbot Tbompson. Intermediate Boys 100 Yd.- David Werry, John Twist, Alex Wiseman. 220 Yd.- David Wenry, Don Kerr, John Twist. 440 Yd.- David Werry, Jim Finn, Alex Wiseman. 880 Yd.- David Wenry, Hans Strikwerda, Jim Rogers. High Jump- David Brent, David O'Rourke, Bradle y Yourth. Running Broad Jump.- Don Kerr, David Brent, John Twist. Hop, Step and Jump- Don Kerr, Hans Strikwenda, David Wenry. Shot Put- Don Kerr, Day- id Brent, Jlm Rogers. Senior Boys 100 Yd.- Charlie Trim, Jim. Finn, James Rickand. 220 Yd.- Charlie Trim, Bill Allison, James Rickard. 440 Yd.- Charlie Trim, Bill Allison, James Rickard. 880 Yd.- Bill Allison, Charlie Trim, James Riekard. High Jump- Joe Bothweh[l: Bim Rickard, Wilbert Lemon. Running Broad Jump- Wilbent Lemon, Chanhie Trim, Joe Bothwell. Hop, Step and Jump- Wii- bert Lemon, James Rickard, Foc Bothwell. Shot Put- Joc Bothwell, Bill Allison, Wilbert Lemon. Open One Mile-Bll AI- ison, Robert Hagerman, Jam- es Rickard. On Saturday, October 8th, a Pole Vauit event was run. The resuits are as follows: Senior- Joe Bothwell, Wii- bert Lemon, Jim Moorcraft. Intermediate- Don Kerr, WoTodrow Perry, Blaine Ad- ams. Junir - Antan Treibal, Jrry Falls, Larry Hatehy. New Records (Continued from page one) il for Intermediate Girls, 18 for Intermediate Boys, and 12 for Junior Boys. Vincent Massey School with 20 points for Senior Boys was seven ahead of its nearest competitor in these events, ai- though it did flot gain any points for Senior Girls. It had 10 points for Intermediate Girls, and 9 points each for Intermedlate Boys and Junior Boys. Complete resuits will appear next week. YGIMUUNIBUYm and SAVE NMEY TOO GIANT ECONOMY SIZE HIL LIPS' 26 OLIncOS AGNESIA ONLY I $113 *LSO AVAILASLE 4 ouncoes 12 ounces 33Ç 67,Ç .c.. jui pian oi e .LI tU larm ens which would be necessary ta finance the plan. A!ten discussing tbis matter thon- oughiy a motion was passed cndorsing the plan and ta co- openate fully with Mr. Dal- nymphe and lend hlm ail as- sistance possible. It was feit that those fanm- ers wbo are now- using the Parm Account Bock should be given prefenence ta enrohi la the plan. A list a! those wisbing ta ennoli was stanted and aimost the rcquired num- ber- are now enroiled. If the ennoilment should rn con- siderably beyond the requin- ed numben, 'possibly' the Dept. o! Agriculture might consider giving Mn. Dalnym- pie a much needed assistant ia the immediate future. It also show pictures taken on William's - Reg. 16e ab's Own Soap Delegates chosen ta attend the O.P.A. Annual Meeting on Oct. 31, Nov. lst and 2nd, were Bruce Taylor, Harvey Malcolm, Clarence Allun, Mrs. Kathleen Dorneil and the Jr. Farmer nepresentative. Annual Meeting Nov. 26 It was decided ta hold the Durham County Pederation Annual Meeting at Orono on Nov. 26. Plans will be made, ta arrange for a noon ban- quet and Mn. Howard Mal- colm bas been asked ta be, the guest speaker and give an account of bis impressions gathered during bis recentý trip ta England, Scotland, Europe and Russia. He willi, m m BABY NEEDS Aqua Seal Baby Pants .39c, 59e Baby's Own Tablets 49e, 1.09 Castoria 53c, 85e Diaper Bag --- - 1.89 Diaperene Olntment 75e, 1.25 Heinz Strained Fooda _____ 3 for 32e I.DA. Brand Baby Cream ____ 50e Mead's Dextri Maltose - 1.15, 2.55 Mead's Pablum -.25c, 45e Mennen Baby Magie 79c, 1.00 Evenflo Nipples 15c, 3 for 45e Nursing Botties -- 15c, 20c, 29c, 42e Q-Tips-- 39c, 59c, 98e Softie Rinse 75c, 1.25, 2.00 Steedman Soothing Powders -----------39e evening was Mr. James Sinl')- son of the Ontario Crc'ý"t Union League. He expiaiprd that, the League helDs ÙthI 1500 local credit unions of >Ontario with, bans. Mr. Sinmp- son asked that the locals Ïn- vest their surplus funds j.ii the League so that it mighit rend,'r botter service. Lunch was served by Or- ,ono Credit Union. Air. Rail or Steamship TI1CKRE TS TO EVERYWVIERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 Bowmanville EXTRACT of Cod L ver Compound VItTonictime.Winter's coughs end colds are Iust around the corner. Help your family f0 better health this winter, build up their resistance to colds... give thomn Wampole Extract vegulwzly... siait todayl 15 OUJNCES - $1.59 34 OUNCES - $2.89 ECONOMY SIZE 7 SAVES YOU .I We Deliver Vour Local I.DA Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 la hoped the plan will be un- the trip. This shou]d prove a der way by the first o! the very interesting feature of year. the Annual Meeting. Receive Conslderation Bruce Taylor was agairi Bruce Taylor reponted on appointed to represent Dur. the Federation Zone meeting' ham Federation as Member heid at the Welcome Court to the O.P.A. Motel on Oct. 5. Resolutionsi A most deiicious lunch was were presented and endorsed served by the hostess, assist- which will be forwanded ta ed by Mrs. Lawrence Stapleý the O.P.A. Annual Meeting and Mrs. Floyd Stinson. The for its consideration. A ne- thanks of those present wvas solution presented fnom Dur- tendened to the hostess by ham County last sprîng ask- Howard Maicolin. ing for the planting of a new An invitation ta hold the orchard ta be aliowed as an Nov, meeting at the home of expense at time of planting Mn. and Mrs. Rai ph Larmer, or as a capital expense de-ý Nestleton, was accepted witii preciabie oven a period of pleasune. ten years for income tax pur- poses, bas alneady been pia- ced among those to be pre- , sented at the Annual Meet- C e i no ing. Bruce also reported that ..rdiU a rebate o! 9 cents per bushel for ail wheat sold in 1959 H olds Session would be returned by Oct. 31. One million bushels of the m eprd a cost of 20 cents I O ron o Hall a bushel but had this not been The Oshawa District Chap-' done i is estimated theie ter o the Credit Union hield o! Ontario wheat could have its regular meeting on Sept. dropped to $1.15 a bushel. 26 in the Odd feblows Hall. 4-H Auto Club Orono, with the Orono Credit Mr. Daîrymple was asked Union as hosts. ta report on the 4-H Auto T he Chapter president, Club which the Pederation i ames Teefv, conductcd Ii(, had helped ta sponsor. He' business and thon but roduc' ?d said the club has 15 members Mîr. Fan'ýr Bradsýhaw. area re- and an achievement day xviii presentative of the Co-onnýr- be hebd on Oct. 22. The Fed-I ator's Insurance Association, eration decided ta provide a who gave a briof talk on re- tnophy for the bigh boy or cent developmoents of the C. girl in this club and askod !IA. and introducod the CI.A. Mn. Dalnymple ta select this agents present. trophy. Th.e guest speaker of the Mrs. W. H. Carleton was1 daugbtcr - i - law, Mn. and bostess at a Tbanksgivingl1 Mrs. Thomas A. Carleton, al, family ne-union on Sunday oa! Toronto, and ber daugbter wben she entertained 26, and san-in-iaw, Mn. and Mns. guests at a deiight!ully an-, Jack Sugden and their sons, nanged dinner party at the! Peter and Stephen, Pont Cre- Balmoral Hotel. Her grand- dit; and twa Bowmanville childnen sang the blessing fr!iends Mn. and Mrs. H. G. before the delicious meal. Powell. The beautifully appoinited Atrdne h at d table wa scentred with loy- jA!terdinneMrstH parla- cly dahlias in autuma shades joun ede ns.W. H. CaIe anranged in a crystal bowi. tW' esdece, ae R ad The attractive place cards West e ah.aer oeanhuge were miniature pennants held boenfie sp was njoycd ad by tiny crab apples that add-pircspeW5scvd cd a gay touch o! seasonai red to the table. The guests were: Mrs. Car- Ieton's three sons, thein wives Fa om and children, Mr. and Mrs: W. H. Carleton, Jr. Tononto, P lan their son and bis wife, Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Canleton 3rd (Coatinued froni page one) and thein ittie son, Biily, Burlington; Mn. and Mrs. Eî. farmers in bis county. Noble Carleton, and their If this added rcsponsibiiity childnen, Susan, Dan, Stephen places too. great a burden on and Ross, Toronto; Mn. and the Ag. Rep. the Dept. wilI Mrs. J. H. Carleton, and thein give him an assistant. It was sons, Timotby and Pbillip, also feit it would be better Toronto; Mrs.' W. H. Carie- ta stant in a smaîî way witb tons' sister, who is aiso ber 25 or 30 farmens the first sisten-in-law, Mrs. James A. yean nather than !ollow the Carleton, and ber son and nriLlinal lan nf th..#41,- nlflÀ *.m. Oshawa Fiùri J t c s n si ti 2ý di c st ir ci st oi tic in i o TI re ai th in ýFre PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs' 1 1 ZION PAGE SEVEN ce , 3-5792 Phone MA