TM CAMADIAN STATESMAi. DOWMANVOlLU. ONTARIO ePOR TOP ic sl By Frank Mohum MA i13 INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY Terry Masters. Ray Preston. Fred Cowle. Ron Pt.laff. Don Masters, Bob Marierrison. Bob Fairey. 'Arduhe" Crtsiey, Bon Burgess. Bill Lyle. Clint Ferguson, . Nltrt" Rieh.*rds just to naine a few - were seine of the player-s wh.., wre out to the first Intermediate pactice. Sunda.y night. In Bownianville we have many fine hocke'ýpayu who should be able te form a pretty fair hnn-br-ew ,.'utb. Up until last year the Bowmanville-Om.n nbn tutid out a good club, but attendance was poer beiaus.e no players were on the teain. and the B.O.C. s wre t,% x poer- fuI for the rest of the league. But the main reason appeartvd to be the lack of BoNvmanville talent. Now we have the'opportunity te ire a honiebrew club. Maybe they wont win any titles but the' fans ikhoill be getting what they want - and more important the ' ytign players will have the oppeirtunity te play as Bowmalivill representatives. and irnprvve. In future yeans aur averatge juveniles and juniors wont be on the out-.ide lot'kig lf. We don*t know aUl the' details. but a lot et cr-i must go to Terry Masters for the turne and effort he has spent trying to retumn Intermed.iate hockey to the town. atfler a' year's absence.1 The' major stumbling block at the tinte of writingIsý ice tint'. We understand that the Arena Board met Tuesday; night to decide whether or net they could make Wednesdav' nights available for Interntediate gaines. No icv nivans ne teaxn. If these young hockeyists are eager te form a Bow- manville entry, It is to be hoped that the Aena wvas wlliing, to give thein tht' oppotunity. We expect te have a late flash on the outconxe of the meeting. t t t t t KINSMEN BOWLING Kinsmen Bowling bas been going on Sunday after-,i noons at Liberty Bowl for several weeks now. We had meant to mention this sooner, but neglected to do se. Howeveri it isn't too late te join the Kinsmen Bowling Club, whîch Ws open to ail bowlers. t t t t t WORLD SERIES This reporter was sure tht' Yankees would win the, Series without much trouble. Maybe they stili night win- -; taking the seventh gaine to-day. but the Pirates dîdn'tt out as quickly as we had thought. Perhaps, there Is gaine to-day, the Pirates having won the series yesterd If the series is over we may get a few bills froin people v took our advice, and bet on New York. We should have Inside information in next week's sports pages, when roving reporter Geo. W. James returns from Pittsburg. nonYD H. NcKiNEY representative MKUTUAL LIFE 0F CANADA Inquire About Our Mortgage Insurance Pension Plans Mearns Ave. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5372 SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORON TO Good going and returràng same Saturday only. EXCURSION PAIE PROM: Belleville ë $4.80 Bowmanville & $1.90 Cobourg . 4 3.00 Oshawa î ri a 1.45 Port Hope & 2.75 Whitby à a & a 1.30 Correspording fores from intermediate points FULL INFORMATION PROM AGENTS i Il B ijFICCAA04NNAIONA 0529 IMemorial Arena kowi Hanlan J. Armstrong, R. R. 3, Bowmanville (Maple Grove), is holding the $5 ;vhich he won for having a photo of his home published in last week's Home of the Week contest. He drew the en velope containing Lander Hardware's advertisement and is shown here with Jack Lander, left, and Glen Lander, pro- prietors of the popular hardware store. Next week, the big monthly draw will take place when two more Polaroid cameras will be won. The draw will be made on Monday and merchants are re quested to have ail coupons at The Statesman office Monday morning at the latest._ ww in both divisions, rolling a 7161 90 Io triple which included a big 280' -day AJ single. Lorraine Martyn was who M ied B wln next at 634, while Dot Bond Bow in bowled 614 and neEcW tehad 613..1 Our~ Brock defeated Brock to Team Standings Onie Etcher registered a 263! break a first place deadlock Team W L Pis. game, followed by Lola Wright, last Friday night in the Mix- H. Brock __Il 4 26 259, and Helen Piper 243. ' ed League. No it's flot a mi's- E. Brock ----- 10 5 23 TEAM STANDING print- Hilda Brock's teamnYo9 6 2 defeated Elton Brock's teain Yake-_ __ 9 6 21 Caiptain Pts. 5-2 to move three points in front, as the co-leaders met Spicer 9 6 21 Hilda Brock ___9: head on. Yeo fell four point Sleep 8 7 18 Bernice Budal 91 tsEtcher ___ 6 9 14 back of the pace-setters afterPaer694 Joyce Lyle 7 drpiga4- eiin to Nowlan 5 10 12 Ollie Patfield 7 Sleep. Yake trounced Brunt's Brunt 2 13 4 Doris Joi - .*7 cellar-dwellers 7-0 and Spi- cer downed Palmer 5-2 to Averages Onie Etcher6 leave Yake and Spicer tied G Ave. Ena Etcher - ---6 for fourth, one point behind Onie Etcher___ 15 231 Kay Beauprie ..~6 Yeo. In the remaining gaine, Elton Brock ___ 15 224 Dot Brooks 4 Etcher hung a 7-0 upset on Hilda Brock___ 15 221 Nowlan. Bob Yake 12 221 Helen Dunn --4' - Onie Etcher was really Hap Palmer 15 211 Lorraine Martyn - -4, - hitting the pins, Friday night, Art Spicer - 15 210 June Baker-----3: rolling gaines of 331, 302 and Arnold Sleep 12 203 Avrae 193 for a tremendous 826 Jin Castle ___ 15 201 Aeae triple. The season's high ef- Ken Luxton 15 196 Bernice Budai ___-221' fort sent Onie into first place Emma Bromeil 15 193 Onie Etcher 214 in the average standings with Joe Nowlan . 15 193 Hilda Brock 197 a nifty 231 mark. Elton Brock Gord Wilcox - 15 190 Muriel Holroyd 195 took over second spot with a Cec Mutton 15 189 Ollie Patfield ____191 714 triple, hîgh for the men. Duke Brunt--- 15 188 Dot Bond ~ 189 Other big totals were turned Pat Yeo 15 187 Ena Etcher 187 ini by Hap Palmer- 705, Art Morley Etcher -- 15 187 Joyce Lyle 187 Spicer- 690, Glen Fry- 684, Norm O'Rourke - 15 186 Shirley Davis -____186 Jin Castle- 675, Bob Yake- Matt Harrison 15 182 Kay Beauprie 185 640 and Aura Trewin- 635. Lou Welsh -___ 15 181 Vi Coole 185 Glen Fry--- 15 179 Dot Brooks 185 Following Onie Etcher's Cliff Trewin - 15 178 Donna Preston 184 high single were Aura Tre- Aura Trewin - 15 177 June Baker 183 wir- 306, Dave Park- 275, Bob Glanville - 15 176 Helen Dunn 183 Glen Fry- 268, Elton Brock Ada Luxton -- 15 174 Marg King 182 -260, 250, Jin Castle- 256, Howard Bromeil - 15 174 Helen Corden 182 216, Art Spicer- 251, 233, Glen Hodgson . ..... 15 174 Peggy Haynes 18o Hap Palmer- 251, 235, Essie Madge Hodgson- 12 174 Grace Blackburn 179 Cox- 251, Cec Mutton-- 243 Don Bradley - 15 172 Bernice Terry ----- 179 and Bob Yake- 242, 212. Dave Park_ _ 15 171 Essie Cox -----179 Fred Luxton - 15 170 Sadie Bucknell 175 Essie Cox -- 15 167 Lorraine Martyn 175 fiMary Wilcox .. 15 167 Connie Osmond 174 Afternoon Bob Mitchell 15 166 Virgie Brown 173 Mary Nowlan - 15 166 Barb Bathgate . 173 Murray Grant 15 165 Wilma Bates --173 Jui Co - 15 64Thelma Forrester 172 Bo ln Audrey Sleep - 15 164 Eileen Hickey 170 On Friday afternoon, Oc- Mary Harrison 15 163 Doris Holroyd 1691 tober 7th., high single and Joan Brunt 15 163 Em Bromelli ---- 169 double went to Gin Ellis with Kay Luxton 15 158 Helen Piper - -- _ 168 266 and 161 for a 427. One Jim Thompson - 15 157 Norma Norris ----- 168 other hi gh garne went to Aud- Mel Wiseman 15 156 Nancy Bryans 166 rey Bickell wîth a 249. Shut-. Ruth Grant 15 156 Joyce Almond 164 outs were scored by Holroyd, Dorc Mutton .... . 15 155 Joyce Tennant --- --164 Crowe and Sellers, while Ruth Mitchell - 15 151 Marion Sla,7ht 164 Coyle and Davis split the Marion Wiseman- 15 150) Hîlda Simnick . ...- 164 points for 1 each. Fern Bradley 15 150 Marg Perris ----- -----163 Team Standings Marie Yeo--- 12 150 Lola Wright ---------- 163 Team Pts. Duaine Palmer - 15 148 Helen Vivian ~ 1631 Vi O'Rourke _ 15 143 Jean Sellers - -___ 6 Crowe 7 Doreen Charles -15 141 Audrey Bickell - --1611 Sellers -_______ 6 Dot Castie 15 137 Dell Vînson---- 160 Davis _________ 6 Ruth Yake ___ 12 137 200 and over Holroyd ...- 6 Marg Welsh - 15 136 HlaSmik22 ole Patiel _______ 6Helen Park ___ 15 133 Hid Sinc 22,Dle Patfield 6Joan Fry ---- 15 132 Bond 202, Doris Jol 233, Coyle ------.-___ .. 1 Nettie Glanville- 15 126 213, Joyce Lyle 211, 205, MacDonald ____0 Ruby Spicer __ 15 106MrilHryd 2621,80 Richrds _____ ODotThomson-- 1 9~Ivy Coverly 203, June Baker RichadLa0D ies highsn gle- O9ie225, Bernice Budai 212, 215, jAverages Etch hsiger- 331. Bernice Partner 212, Shirley Ollie Patfield 189 Mtcen'-hghsig3-1a. Bickle 210, Dot Brooks 228, Audrey Bickell ____ 171 Park- 275. 22 o ite21 li Sadie Bucknell ____ 167 Ladies' high triple- Onie Patfield 221, 201, Lola Wri- Doris Holroyd-____ 165 Etcher- 826. ght 259, Jean Sellers 200, Be Sllrs~160 Men's high triple.- Eto Essie Cox 219, Ena Etcher Elsi Rihard 15 Brok- 14.203, Norma Norris 206, 217, Marion___ Brock- 714.Helen Piper 243, Babe Brown Shirley Davis _____ 147 219, Joyce Tennant 203, On- Evelyn Large .. 146 L d ~ t4 nie Etcher 263, Wilma Bates Gladys Bain _____ 146 Lad es' ;,i r 206,' Vi Coole 211, Pearl Kil- Marion Gibson ____ 143 I patrick 215, Lorraine Mar- Marg. Coyle ___ 142 I tyn 203, 232, Joyce Major 208, Gwen Reynolds 141 Bo ln Nancy Bryans 213, Duane Jean Harness ____ 140 Palmer 202, Hilda Brock 210, Bar Curtey140 212, Helen Nicholson 231, Mag cDonald ___ 3 The two leaders both reg- Bernice Terry 204, Doris Hol- iHilda Simnick ____ 138 ised2- is inorMowlnay royd 207, Dot Bond 216, 222. Audrey Holroyd .. 137,ngtsLde' ao oln Marion Macdonald - 136, action to increase their ad- Mabel Williams ____ 135 i vantage to two poits. Brock, ;Jean Lobb ____ 133, edged Martyn 2-1, while Budai g u Millie White -_____ 132 registered a 2-1 win over frx Alyce Hodgson 130 Brooks to keep pace. f e June Clarke -____ 2 Lyle moved up into a three- Rose Cowan ~. 129 way tie for second on a 3-0 an Betty Richards____ 126 shutout over Baker. The oth - SeSomAc Jane Hicks _____ 121 er two runner-up clubs bothi Hig sigle Gi Elis 66.lost ground, Joll dropping al- Highsinge- in Elis 266 -1 decision to Beauprie and High Double- Gin Ellis, iPatfield losing 2-1 to Ena 266, 161 for 427. Etcher. Ini the night's fnal 200 Games attraction Onie Etcher edgýed1 Gin Ellis 266, Audrey Bic. Dunn, 2-1.' Uoombs 14Junior Girls Paeden -------_--- - - 12 Bal] 7-- -- McDonald ___ Luxton 5 Dadson Vanstone 2 Park Muliday . 2 Osmtond___ Brown_____- In the teenage boy's divi- Oke- -------- sion Rundle upset Brown 5-2 to wrest the league leader- Beauprie and Etcheri ship froin the losers by a sin- rnained undefeated atopt gle point. Phillips downed junior boys' division, wi Mason 5-2, leaving both clubs 5-0 victories over Bron deadlocked for third position and Carter. Burgess heldt and Vanstone edged Rackham runner-up position on a 1 5-2 to push the losers into the decision over Seibarth. C cellar. John Oke topped the' ombes was the day'st 600 mark with a 639 effort,! bowler, rollîng a 334 tril followed by John Rundle with and a 193 single. 564. Several fine 200 gaines Junior Boys were bowled: Larry Vesna setting the pace with 248, Beaupie-_____ John Oke- 241, 231, Lee Rackham- 235, D. Gay- 230, Etcher ____ Bob Hellai- 224, John Run- i Burgess dle. and John Carter both Carter with 216's, Bob McManus- Siebarth- - " 202 and Jim Callan- 200. Bromnell Pts. 5 -5 .5 or re- the ,ith mell the 3-2 Co- top ple Pts. 10 10 6 2 2 0. GUARDS THE COOLING SYSTEM AGAINST RUST and CORROSION POLAR BRAND fulI-strength Ethylene Glycol Anti- Freeze gives permanent protection - at big Cana- dian Tire savings. Equal quality to many top brands selling ai much higber prices. Recommended for al cars and trucks (except certain late models, which require the "built-in" EXTRA contained in new pro- cms PERMA-FILhÀ listed above). AUTOMATIC MOT"4 WASHER PURl Easy way to clear vi- Combinatior sion! Twin Jet spray and condîti( inoves ru s1 forces water to, wind- sludge . ..c shield. t i r e coolinj Complete &59 Twin with fittings.... can . ... ....... WATE iPUMP1 ExchangeI I'~"Ç ~ L Save up toi 40%. Per- formance a nd vacu um I ~ tested to new-car stan-I dards. Guaran- IOl teed. From.. .e ME ncleaner ioner. Re- t, scait', cleans en- g system. g98 2 49 QUART .69 K. Davie E____ Le i nH. Bennett ___ R. McKnight D. Bothwell __ g N. Mooney Bowling R. 'ono F. Burns -___ Ernie Perfect rolled Tues- R. Lockhart ___ day night's high triple- 654, W. Wallis_ _ 1 while Frank Sais camne uP R. Ellis-_ __ wlth a 273 gaine to take high' J. Beer _____ single honours. Bill Bates took over the average lead- ership with one of his gaines hitting the 257 mark. Perfect knocked off a 250 effort in - his triple. F E Perfect _________12 ______ 71 O IL - na e Bowling ' yo Av-e-ra-gs 2 <Up to and including Oct 4.)!i W.Bts6 208' VO Th, ocni riri sialita)f, In thp Teenage Boys J. Martyn --- 6 207FO flqtIo f-k, fply ,!nýPis. R. Perfect___ 6 207 FRIEN<OLY flrt tW( 'o fn place Int Rundle 10 M. Yourth - - 6 206 C o,ç~ nofrt Il nBrown -- - --- _- 9 R. Cale ___- 6 202 -à SERVICE thço JTrnapG i ic Luigui .Mason ...._._..71K. Yeo . ....._____6 198N Cornrrds trotiriîcd Vansgtone, Phlliîps ~71 E. Perfect 6 196 MI GIVE us 7-0I. whiiç Pîçde adrnainimter- Van'stone ---- 5 H. Geddes 6 196 . CA4 P thr lu. qnmç'trpiitrnr'nt to Lux- Rackham --.--4!i .ASockr 6 17 441t.twr pîn imk f he unor irs wun itoR. SHayer 6 175 tor, Io hi hld thr' runfer-up R. Wright ----- 6 175 iç'ivter5. I'.il (Ie('i.qi)ned Mun- their initial action, on Satur- F. Samis 6 175 dny 5-2 for sfevf.r points and day winding up with three D. Taylor 6 174: th,îd place. l1leçn Vanstonc, clubs tied for first as ail gain- C. Anderson 6 1741A . T R ond Shirley Coombçes tirdfo es ended in 5-0 scores. Mc- I. Beauprie 6 173A.B T R high triple horiours with 5(,,6 Donald defeated Brown, Dad- R. Wheaton - ----6 16 tottsr. C. Meadows took the son decisioned Oke and Park!T. Grahamn 6 169 & O SL high gingle with 208. wýon tover Osmond. J. Purdy J.*McKnight 6 167 had te high double with 262 V. Connors --- - 3 1611 BOWMANVIL Teenage Girls and M. Yeo topped the singles î Barclay --- 6 159 MA 3-5516 Pt. ih 18gane R. (Bob) Hayes-- 5 159 LUIBERTY -~BOWL LTD. NX BASE LUNE Featuring AUTOMATIC PIN-SETTERS OPEN BOWLING EVEIT BAY Phone MA 3-5663 Tins. Available for More League Bowling BUIOWS oit COOLING SYSTEM PLASTIC SPRAY PELLET TYPE Conditioner Chrome Gbard Thermostats Works 5 ways to pre- Tougb plastic coating Original equip- vent and cure most seals out weather, cor-~ ment quality. For top cominon c au s e s of oin oit .Po engine t emnp e ra- cooling systemi fail- rsomitr.Po ture control, efficient uire. Works with any tects grille, bumper, heater perforrn-1 49 anti- g etc. 1.3 ance. From ... reeze ....... f 16-oz .........ia - DS1~9 ~-~E ilWHEEI ICboke Cuver'e lîuuau Elirinates autom atic î SHIELD SE LR Moal.u coetroubles b laliuid seals stops leaks, Snug fitting, attrac- making it 1791 etc. pernianently. S ti c ks to i tive, 3 -aua ..... . -. .rubbr, etal, etc. cm otbeý....3 Beinforced. Resistz anti- ~~u Stops common ignitions RADIATOR DOSE freeze, etc. o IGhIUTIONMSPRAY troubles. Seals oui 189 Per. f. as low as .... 15 moisture. 6-oz. *..... . Resists corrosion, boiling Prevents overheating and anti- wae, nifree freeze loss. Tough, long- Ï ANTI* REEZ TEST RS -Tests ail types of anti-freeze. EaLy to read scale. WATER PUMP UBRICAIT -Protects against rust, corrosion. Eliminates squeaky pump. .... ,66 M5 RADIATOR FLUSH- I RADIATOR SOLDER- ENGINE WELD-I Liquid. Improves circulation, rad m44 Liquid. Permanently neais leaks, 31 Securely weids leaks in cooling MI~ efliciency. lO-oz. can 10..- jl-oz. . - [ sy0temo. 20-oz. can .................. I HnvV-OIy HEATER MOTOR s 12 volt ......7.98 Radiator Ilose Connecting CGfloIIfflTIRE Honer hu-Ofs-f Ford produets *.. ...... .......21 eat Iemp. R.gulator valve - mont Ford producte. Fr=p ~---21 S BOWMANVILLE I BIGHT ~kv -4,. 0 IR. Kep You Car Wiater-Sufe - et Extra Suvng "POLAR" BRAND IR.5% Pre Ellylme Glycol Poramut ui-Frsuzo BOWMANVI LLE PUBLIC SKATING 8-10 P.M. FRIDAY, OCTOBER l4th SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th ADMISSION Adulta 5(k - Children 35e - Spectators 10e CHILDREN'S SKATING wEDNSDAY, OCT. 19 - 3:30 t. 5:30 p.m. Childien---------------------*.-25e AdultsacacomPanYing children - . 25 Check Btoom Facilities Available for uhoes, etc, while skating SIIDAT SIKATING - 3 Io 5 p.m. Membewshlp Tickets Avallable et Arena or from Skating Club Dfrectors MEMBEESHIF - 25e ROCK rn. LLE