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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1960, p. 11

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qi~ £!AhTÂT'ITAI( ~TA'l'ESMA1i. BOWMA2~VflLLU. ONTÂRJO PAGE ELEVEN MJAY, NOV. 2Zttf, 1960 [1ke/euAcaït/e à* f?4U(n Gordon Agnew, Ediior Ail Quiet Here on ~ENýe of Nominations For Clvi c 0fficers Newcastle- Witb the an- council, school board or hydro nual nominations for candi-I commission but, as usual ru- dates to fi offices in the mors have been going the local civie administration set for tomorrow, Friday evening rounds of various citizens at 7:30 p.m. no public announ- seeking offices. Tomorrow ev- cernent has been made of pro- ening will tell the tale and posed changes in the admin- 1ail citizens are urged to be istra tion. Nominations wiIl be1 present for the nominations rece-ved for the o ffices of ether to offer bis or ber Reeve and four cou"ncillors name for nominations or to for onîe year terms, for three take the initiative in nomin- members of the Public School ,ating a citizen whom he feels Board for txvo year terms would fi an office to the and one mer-ber of the Hy- benefit of the community. dro-Electrie Commission for a It should be understood two year term. only persons who are present Polled at the November at the meeting may be nom- meeting of the village coun- inated unless previous notice cil, no mernher of the council of bis or ber willingness to announceci his intention of accept nomination has been, dronpiing out of the council giviŽn to the returning officer, and the general feeling of the Mrs. Nettie Butler. This is members was to let the people the reason it is the duty of C?'2cidý- whether or flot they every civic-minded resident should drop out of the admin- of the village to attend this hsý ration. Thp rmembers ex- important annual meeting of pressed the feeling they bad the Ratepayers of the village. started somne things in the vil- The meeting also supplies an lage which would require a opportunity for residents to lot of tirne and work to com- hear reports of the activities plete and feit iA wou ld be un- of various civic leaders and to fair on their part to drop out1 question them on their ad- in the mîdst of it unless the ministration. If there are electorate decided difeenty complaints on the way the No public announcement village affairs are being con- lias been made of aspirants ducted, this is the time to air 'to any of the offices in the them. Tlewca stde Socia/ andc1(£/)eorsona/ Mrs. Violet Williams bas submitted handivork to Blind- craft Sale beiii, - -d in Bow- manville this 1 y and Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. David Wil- liams of Kettleby were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hodgson. Friends of Mr. John Pluis- ter will be sorry ta learn that he is s2riously jîl and is a patient in Mernorial Hospital in Bowmanville. Mrs. Kathleen Byam of Con- cord visited with Mr. an~i Mrs. John Voutt and Neil on Friday. Mrs Perl Hutcinson spent ]P~ARU SERVICE, DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charge Immediate 24-Hr. Service Ask Your Operator For ZEnith 66550 No Toi) Charge Nlck Peconi - PeterboroughU the weekend in Toronto vis- iting witb Mr. and Mrs. Char- lie Misener. His many friends will be pleased ta learn that Mr. Henry Bowen bas returned borne fom Memoriai Hospi- tal in Bowmanville and is feeling much better. Mr. Leslie Kinneli af Lind- say visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and Neil on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Eccles- ton ai Toronto were Sunday evening visitors with Ma. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew. Mm. Gary McCuilough, who ia student this year at the General Mot ors Institute in Flint Michigan, won the Sin- gles Championship 'recently in the G.M.I. Badminton Tournament. 55 students com- peted in the taurnarnent. Gary with bis partner Miss Sharon Hancock, won the doubles championship in the New- castle Badminton Tournarnent last spring. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. McDon- aid of Toronto spent fhe weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. Compare These Pricesi Centre Loin PGRK CHGPS a m White's Sliced BREAKFAST BACON First Grade BUTTER - Grade "A" Medium EGGS . .- 63C1 Lb. 49C1 m m m Lb. 66C 1 m m m m LEAN MINCED BEEF Doz. 55C1 Lb. 39C KEL.SEY'S QUALITY MEATS NEWCASTLE PHONE 2411 New 0..New Phone 36211 Basebail Umpires Enjoy Their Annual Banquet Newcastle - The annual thougbt the besf fbing that banquet af the Lakeshore could happen in basebail or Basebaîl Umpires Association other sports in the area would was held in the Elmburst Ho- be for parents ta learn, not ta tel on Monday evening, Nov- send their boys fa play bail, ember l4th, when fîffeen men but fa f ake tbem fa the garne. sat down ta a delicious meal He said parents do not take with the president of the as- enough interest in the sports sociation, Arnold W. Wade their offsprings are participat- presiding. ing in. He also said if is bard Foliowing the dinner the ta organize and promote president calied on W. Mur- sports because af lack of in- ray McKnight, president of ferest on the part of adults the Lakeshore Minor Basebali in offering their services in Ass'n., who compimented coaching. the umpires on fheir efficient He said if is becoming in- handling cf the minor garnes creasnl adrt prt throughout the season. Mr. C. aateurasingiyhrer fn perate R. Carveth, secretary, also er aceutreaueith sra- congratulated the u - cs entrenspbecausone wit pe- and said the organizing of the fns tran otion faiites Umpires Association bad been fants re oinegamte arger a good thing for baseballin scentres thsegPes.boouhe the lakeshore area. sgtd tbe Ptroog Sneke ofth evni Junior A Hockey club as a Speaer f th ev 9ng example. He said they draw Dud Hus o Pot Hpewasan enormous number of fans introduced by Jim-Gilmer.-of. from the lakeshore area. He Port Hope as a formner umnpire said the samne situation ex- and member of the associa- - ts in basebal tion who had urnpired games 1fal up and down the lakeshore The dean of local urn-pires area for a period of 17 or 18 Ray (Bory) Brown expressed years. Mr. His addressed the the. appreciation of the as- gathering in bis usual hum- sociation ta Mr. HuIs for bis orous manner and said be fine address. New Beauty Salon Opening in Village Newcastle- Announcement onta and Alex's Beauty Salon bas been made of the open- in the Oshawa Shopping Cen- ing of a new beauty salon in tre. She should be well quai- the village by Mrs. Elaine Dost in the former barber ified fa aperate a modern and shop in the Hare block an the up te date salon in the vil- north side af King Street lage. West fa be knawn as Edaine's Much of the new modemn Beauty Salon, opening Dec- hair dressing equipment bas ember 1sf. already been moved into the Elaine the hair sfylist bas salon and Elaine wiil be ac- bad considerable experience cepting appointmpents pre- having been employed at Rae- viaus ta the opening by f ele- melia's Beauty Salon in Tor- phone af er home. Lions Wl! Sponsor Decorating Con test For Village Homes Newcastle- At Ifs regular dinner meeting on Thursday evening lasf, the Newcastle Lions Club passed a motionJ autborizing tbe civie improve- ment commiffee to orgamize a Christmas Decoration Con- test awarding prizes for thej best outside decorations ofi homes in the village during« the Yuletide Season. Vice President Lion Frank Hoar conducted the meeting and, after a deliclous dinner served by members of tbe United Cburch Woman's As- sociation, Lion Dick Lovekin coriducted a lively sing song with Mr. Norman Williams at the piano. Mr. William Eaton of Tor- onto, the guesf speaker was introduced by Lion Brenton Rickard as a man of many tal- ents who is employed by tbe Federal Dept. of Publ1iec Works. He said his chief hob- by is amateur photography and is a member of the Tor- onto Camera Club. Mr. Eaton presented sldes he had taken showing many histor 1 c a 1 buildings in Ontario and a group of pictorial sldes sbow- ing many beautiful scenes ex- plaining the many different points to be observed when taking pictures. The apprec- iation of the club for bis talk and pictures was exprcssed to Mr. Eaton by Lion BillStorks wbo presented a gift to tbe speaker as a memento of bis visit ta tbe club. During tbe meeting Lion Irwin Colwill reported brief- ly on plans for the minstrel show being presented under the auspices of the club in December and told members tickets were being printed for advance sale. Affer considerable enthus- îastic discussion a motion wvas passed committing the club f0 sponsorship of Lion Brenton Rickard for District Governor. Lion Brenton asked for time to think it over and said he would give bis answer at tbe next meeting of the club. Early Canadian Farm Cy. O mo e a0 R 3tiII Iaking Tranglewood Farm,"I R. R. No. 3, Newcastle, wbich was once said ta be a top quaiity producer af grain, horses and fine cattie, is still maintaining ifs aid reputation, even if only in a somewhat smailer way. Wbile Mm. and Mrs. 'Gene I Butt are carefully restoring- the aId house, the land is not being neglected either. Fmom varlous experimental, growing plots good varieties ai certain vegetables bave succeeded in takng prizes at the Rayai Ag- ricultumal Winter Faim in Tor- 'h. ý Look Elaine's Beauty Salon OPENING DECEMBER lst Phono for Appoiniment Until Dec. 1sf, Newcaustle 2157 AFTER DEC. 1sf PHONE 3686 Located at King St. W. in the Hare Block - Special- Special Pricos on: Cold Waves, Shampoo and Sels, Flaircuis ALL to Make You Feel Ready for Christmas Elaine Hafrstylist: formerly fron Rasmelia'. cf Toronto Alex's Beauty Salon cf Oshawa Shopping Center Community Bowling Resuits, Monday, Ladies' League- Velma Watson 236, B. Lake 235, Ruth Couch 227, D. Lang- staff 222, Myrtle Naylor 220, M. Baskerville 220, R. Irwin 216, D. Youngman 215, Mar- ilyn Couch 209, Betty Major 209, Carolyn Garrod 202,G. Gamnsby 201. Tuesday, Men's League- Ross Montgomery 336, Albert Pearce 308, Ken Whitney 303, Tracyr Embley 252, Don Par- ker 243, Doug Walton 240, Verne Rowe 240, Bob Glan- ville 225. Wednesday, Affernoon La- dies' League- Wiida Simp- son 258, Marilyn Couch 254, Janet MeCracken 236, Kay Powell 233, Irene Wincop 225, J. Miklos 224, Jo Zwier 221, Irene Cunningham 212, Alice Rowe 208, Helen Hancock 207, and Bessie Ferguson 202. Wednesday Teenagers Lea- gue- Jim Stephenson 245, Bob Brown 229 and Don Rud- man 223. Thursday, Mixed League- Joe Lewis 2,19, Brian Rowe 234, M. Lewis 226, Grace Coui-hI 214 and Bessie Fergu- s on 2 02. F riday, Mixed League- Jean McCullough 251, Ken Whitney 245, Brian Rowe 243, R. M. Munro 243, Murray Paf- erson 242, Betty Brown 238, lrv. McCullough 236, George Kimbnîl 225, Garrit Boumees- Ster 2'15, Jim Carlisle 217, Stan Powell 212 and Eleanor Per- rin 206. Li onettes Plan for Yule Party Newcaste- The regular monthly dinner meeting af the Newcastle Lionettes Club xvas held on Monday evening, November 21, in the Honey Hollow restaurant with six- teen members in attendance. Foliowing a lovely dinner the President, Mrs. Pauline Storks conducted the business meet- ing. The main item of business discussed was a change in the plans for the annuai Christ- mas Party to wbich the mem- bers invite their husbands. If was decided ta hold the party in the Haney Hollow Restaurant, faking fhe forma of a dinner foliawed by the usual party witb excbange of gifts etc. The members were insfruc- ted ta bring ballots ta the Jan- uary meeting containing eight namc-s, being the members choice for the 1961 directorate of the club and the officers will be chosen fmom the eight members receivîng the mast votes. The regular monfhly draw was won by Mrs. Tom Lennard. Following the meeting, Mrs. Faimbrother demonstrated the making and arrangement cf Christmas decorations for the home, inciuding decarations for the table, the windows etc. for the members af the club and their guests. Affer the demonstration the members and the visitars invited by the members wcre served cofiee and cookies and a social fime was enjoyed. St. George'fs Evening W A Elect Officers P~rizes INewcastle-Th vng Branch af St. George's Wa- 1man's Auxiliary met in the onto, each year, for the pasti Parish Hall on November l6tb, four years. Their 1960 entry for a regular business meet- in the 'Vegefabie Marrow ing. The President, Mrs. Dew- class' obtained 2nd prie i dney spoke briefly regarding thi prtculr oprîz the new Prayer Books, and thispartculr grup.dîsplayed a copy showing the Sa the aid farmn is stili keep- members the lettering on the ing up ifs 133 year old tra- front. dit ion. Reports were read by al _______________ officers present and a final decision was made witb re- gard te certain material for teParish Hall. A card of St. eorg s Thnkswas received by the WA Branch fromn the Diocesan Hose for the carton af tays Afternoon W BHeie fotte. h mad the salaries af Womnan H ears Lecture Missonaries and their expen- Newcastle- The Afternoon ses was ordered paid fa the Diocesan Trea surer. Branch of St. George's Wo- The Corporate Communion man's Auxiliary held a spec- of the Woman's Auxiliary will ial meeting on Tuesday, Nov- be held at botb Sunday Ser- ember 15th, wben Mrs. T.H. vicesr in the Church on Dec-, .ember 4th. This Sunday is Coibourne af the Technologi- chosen because if is the clos-ý cal Departmenf for Women's est Sunday ta the day set, Work, gave an illustrated lec- aside ta honour St. Andrew,ý tume on the work being car- patron saint af ail Missionary, ried on amongst the women Societies. of Pakistan, sponsored by the The following members Anglican Woman's Auxiliar- wcre appointed ta look ait er; ies. the caterînrg ta the Lions Club The women are faught em- dinner meeting on December Ist. Mesdames, Dora Kelsev, broidery and knitting and Audlrey Gogcrty, June Al - then supplled with materiais, drerd, Shirley Denny, Kay the articles made by tbemn be- Stephenson and Betty Collier. ing braugbt ta Canada and1 Th'e nomination ai officers soid for their benefit, tus of the Brancli for the coming. providing a means for many'yca r was conducted with al of them te become sef-sup-ý offices being fiiied by accla-i porting, and raise their very mation. The officers for theî iow living standards. coming year wiil be Ms. D.! Samples of the very beau- R. Dewdney, President; Ms.' tiful embraldery done by, A. Gogerty Vice President;: these women were displayed Miss Mary Dewdney, Secret-i and numeraus orders wvere ary and Reporter; Mrs. K. Ste- taken. phenson, Treasurer; Mrs. A. A grup i laiesfromBow Ste phenson, Dorcas Secretary; mAnvîlleoflawergus o o teMms. Ross Boyd, Flowem Sec- manill ranch ts f t etay Mrs. Simpson, Food Newcasfle Bachfr thejCoveor. r. .Hed meeting. After the lecture, tea ittlnenoHelpers A.crerndy was served and a sacial halfIle H Keis' e aitan hour waa enjayed by those' Mrs . eas nnouncistaent present.regular meeting would be hedi The collection amaunfing ta on December 7, and the meet-, $7.00 was given to Mrs. Col- ing was brought ta a conclu- I bourre for the furtherance sien wif h the serving of re- of this work. jfreshments. .L±1UI and Mrs. Roland Thompson~ called on Mr. and Mrs. Russeil Citizen s lnvited To Hear New Organ At Special Recital Newcastle- An opportun console and the overhaul of ify will be offered to th e iti- the pipes of the organ bave zens of the village ta hear the made if like a new organ and many comments have been Pipe Organ in the United beard regarding the tonal Cburch on Wednesday even- qualifies of the. instrument. ing, November 3th, wheil the Mr. Norman Williams, or- organi.st and choir of tbe ganisf and choir director of church present an Organ Re- the church, will be at the con- citai and musical evening in sole of tbe organ for the re- the cburch auditorium, citai. and the choir will be During the summer and fali singing some selections. Mrs. this pipe organ has been com- Louise Rundle will be the pletely rebuiit and a neW el- guest soloist and a male quar- ectrically controlled console tette will also be participat- has been instalied. This new ing in the concert. n~TPlain-Sis. L. Taylor; Guardiani LONG'< SAULT - -Bro. Brooks; D. of Cermý- Sis. Verna Chamberlain; ist MTr. and Mrs. Tom McClel- Lect.-Sis. M. Milhench; 2ncd land and family, Toronto, Mr.1 Lect.-Sis. giand; Pianist--Sis. and Mrs. Manseil Wright,, G. Smith, Inner Guard--Sis. Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.I Gable; Outer Guard-Sis. Gra- Miler, Orono, were Sunday, ham; 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5f1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orme1 Committees, Sis. R. Bradley, Miller.1 P. Aldread, R: Murphy and B. Mr. and Mrs. James Sawrden Partner;, Auditors, Sis. Brad- and family spent the weekend'ley, R. Murphy and Ohamber- with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunter. lain; Sick and Visiting Com., Keswick.i Sis. Alread, Goble, Bradley Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, in Bad Bowmanville, were Sunday, These officers will be in- guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. stalled in their chairs at the Smnit'h. !December meeting fo be beld Mrs. R. J. Fleming and fri- Dec. 8, when we hope ta have ends, Unionville, Miss L. Hor- with us P.G.M. Sis. Cora John- tenious, Whitby, Mr. Kcnneth~ son, R. W. P.P.G.M. of Ont. E. Perrin and Mrs. Perrin, Ajax,!,AIl members please note the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwar-i change of date for this meet- den and family, and '%,r. Don- ing when we bave our Christ- aid Davey were Sunday vîsi- mas party. tors of Mr. Robert Sim. Sympathy of the community H Y is extended ta Mrs. Harold H Y ON Murphy in the sudden passing of ber grandfather, Mr. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Claytan Read, Woods, Orono, and fa Mrs. Robbie and Steven, Peterbor. *May Johns, a sister-in-law Of ough, were Saturday visitors Mr. Woods.1 with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tyrone L.O.E.A. Read and family, At the regular November Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wil- meeting held Nov. 16, wîth son, Miss Ann Wilson, Lake- W. M. Sis. Margaret Milîson field, were weekend visitors in the chair, a goodly numberl at Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm's. :attended for the annual elec- Saturday cailers at Mrs. W. tion of 1961 officers, wîth Thompson's were ber nephew, ,Guardian Bro. Brooks presid- Mr. Lloyd Lasbway, Niagara ing. Falls, N.Y., and brother-mn Officers elected were: W.M. law, Mr. Harry Hill, Toronto. -Sis. M. Miîlson; D.M.--Sis. Sunday callers were, Mr. Lloyd :E. Johnston; J.D.M.-Sis. J.i Thompson, Mrs. E. Bastain, 'Vaneyk; R.S.-Sis. A. Phillips; Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. F. Os- F.S.-Sis. Ray Scott; Treasur- mond and family, Mr. and Mrs , er-Sis. R. McRoberts; Cbap- Earl Thompson and Cindy, Mr ir Central Ontario Branch Oshawa Shopping Centre rs 40 J. A. NICHOLSON, Branch Manager A SURG-ANEINF- EMPANY ...N. I r . iQI I ý m I Harvest Time Nutritious and Economical - Canada No. 1 Grade PEI Potatoes Crisp and Tender, New CroP U.S. No. 1 Grade California - Large Stalks CELERY 2 For 29c Ontario's Finest Eating Apple McIntosh - Fancy Grade APPLES Celle 33C Garden' Fresh - Solid Heads U.S. No. 1 Grade LETTUCE 2 For 25c Sweet and Juicy ORANGES Pineapple Grapefruit - Save 22c - 48 oz. Tins 1 MOEL D IK3fr95 Black Dlamond Mild MONTDRIK 3 or 5Ccoloured IGA Choice - Save 10e - 28 oz. Tins CHEDDAR TOMATOES 2for3 9c CHEESE IA Sunny Mcmn - Save 10e TEA BAGS Pkg. of 100 69c Buy 3, Get One Free - Westinghouse - 25-40-60 Watt LUGHT BULBS 4for7.5c Save 8o - 1 lb. Bag CHASE & SANBORN CGFFEE - 69c Save 6c - 7 lb. Bag MONARCH FLOUR . . . . 53c Buy 1 - Get One Free MIR LIQUID DETERGENT 2 For 85c Save 9e - 612ý oz. Package KELLGGG'S SPECIAL "KR" 2For 49c M0/ oz. Package KELLOGG'S FRGSTED FLAKES 2/49c 12 z.4 Mexlcan 5 lb. Cello 59C Fresh Frozen Fraservale FISH & CHIPS 24 oz.- kg. 45c FRESH - BONELESS OVEN READY WITH DRESSING PORK Shoulder ROAST * - PORK BUTT ROAST m-a FRESH, MEATY PORK SIDE RIBS SHOPSY ALL BEEF WIENERS nIb. 49C - b.55c l b. 49C NOW ON SALE - Volume 12 Golden Book ENCYCLOPEDIA SHOP AND SAVE AT 9 0 0 DG WNAN VILLE m ONTARIO IToms' IGA Market NECASTLE, ONTPTO 1 Bow manville IGA Market and girls, Hampton. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Li Ronald and Ray were recent Wilson, Miss Ann Wilson, wýerelý dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Saturday supper guests withl; M. Stainton's, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm, TY- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard rone. and Barry spent Saturday Mr. and- Mrs. Walter L.ove- ý evening with Mr. and Mrs. ridg an Joywer SunayýWallace Griffin and f amily, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.nisle. Douglas Strawbridge, Hamp- Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts, Tom- ton. my, Debbîe, Mary and Billie Mr.andMrs AlredGarardwere Sunday visitors at Mr. Mr. nd rs. lfrd Garar and Mrs. Arthur Trewin's. and Barry visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr n r.W.Bakun L. Griffin, Blackstock, Sun-'Dale and Mrs. Cowling visited day. Mrs. M. Blackburn at Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siernon Mrs. Gerald Shackleton's, Sat- and Mr. Milton Siemon visited urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Messrs. Ronald and Ray Bowmanville, Sunday, and at- Ashton were Sunday dinner tended the service at Trinity guests at Mr. and Mýrs. Ivan United Cburch Sunday even- Sharp's, Enniskiilen. ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Asbton stone, Whitby, and Mr. W. attended the Royal Winter Mark ealled on Mrs. Rd. Mc- iFair and spent the weekend Neil. -with Mr. and Mrs. J. Aiken- Sunday school at 10:30 Sun. tbead and were dinner guests day mornimg. Church service J of Mr. Gordon Werry and Mrs. at 7:30. *Muriel Brownlee._________ Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn, Mrs. K. Cowling amd Mrs. C. During 1959 immigrants to à Garrard attended the service Canada established 1,750 new at Trinity United Church, Bow- small businpsses, providing a *manville, Sunday evening and, hvelihood for 6,518 people. GORDON *LCLARK 1 ýq m PAGE ELEVEN "M CANADIAN STATESMAN, IROIMANVffl.& ONTARIO FRV=TTI5127%Alqtr %T^17 ObA4u 1 ne* R.R. NO. 2 PONTYPOOL, ONT. -l Look IL

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