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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1960, p. 12

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ýVA« TELVICTHE CANADIA!N STATFSIIM, OWMANVMIL, __Fifty Years in Foresters Lodge ILocal "A A" Bro. William R. Williams, 33 Lamb's Lane, Bow- Ranger Bro. James Hurvid, Oshawa, performed the manville, was honored this week when BowmaýnvillIe ceremony while Chief Ranger Ken King of Stouffville Court, No. 964, Canadian Order of Foresters, presented looks on with approval. him with his 50-year pin. District Deputy High Chief Honor Oshawa Déntist at Testimonial Dinner Over 50 of his1 at the Flying Dutchma br. Wesley John Langi from the board of Surgeons. H1e has rep eli-ht years. Dr. Langi ton Township and ma: -of Bowmanville, vas Magistr Jack M. Reid, 20, W worth, Ont., appeared on t] charges of theft. He was xnanded one week in custi The Southview Golf Country Club set a trap catch the persons respons for stealing froin their g; Une pumps. ' They filled enipty storage tank with ter. A car pulled in. Fi up. Pulled away and stal Nceighbours had been f( war'ned and saw seven yoi puwhing a car. ulice % FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS 0F S AFFORE ',15 BROS. Stafford Bros. Monumental Worh 318 Dundas St. F. Whitl Phone Whitby MOhawvk 8-3552 HAVE YOU TI GO[ CR Fish 'r 22 DIVISION ST. (Just North of E FRYING HOUR 11:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. OPEN FRIDA) FOR A TASTY - DELI ter, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Per- 1 natngate andt Ann piper cy MCoy. ICioak Room convenors, Coin DSympathy is extended t1 5rdesAnnf Dilling and Rosg David Phasey on the passing 0,rade yFlorence Konight;rPianis of bis grandfather, Mr. Chas.1 Comrade Susie Graham, anc Wood, Orono. Several from1,Birthday Box Convenor, Com. here visited the funerai homeirade Grace Murdoch. Sunday and attended the fun- The Bulletin Editor, and con- eral Monday. venors for the Bereavemeni Mr. and Mrs. George Ail- Committee and the Sick Com- dread spent the weekend with mittee will be appointed at thE Mr. and Mrs. K. Lam.b, Port first meeting of the Auxiliary gatere wach y D. S J.Phllis, pat pesientof heCredit, and also attended the to be beld in January, 1961. professional colleagues Rahrdwthb r .J hllpaps rsdn fte oyal Winter Pair. Foilowjng the election o: an on Tuesday evening to honor board. Visitors were present fromn Toronto, Peter- Mr,. and Mrs. Lorne Annis officers a delicious lunch wa: ýmaid, Oshawa. on his retirement borough, Oshawa, Lindsay, Port Hope and Cobourg. were Sunday tea guests of Mr. served and a social hour waç the Royal College of Dental The photo shows, from lef t to right: Dr. Gordon Adair, and Mrs. Herb. McKinley, enjoyed. presented District 2 for the past secretary Durham-Ontario Counties Dental Assn. Dr. Coidsprings. rmaid, who was born in Darling- Jack Langmaid, Dr. S. J. Phillips, Dr. Wesley Lang- vstMr.andarmerEr.naCe irried the former Louise Morris maid, Dr. Doug Langmaid and Dr. John Phillips, Presi- Cook. o h Nesileton resented with an engraved gold dent Durham-Ontario Assn. The smali bazaar and after- _________________________noon tea of the East Group, Sorry that Mrs. Ivy Hooey the exttim he etsint 1 W A.wasquit a uccss. was taken ta Bowmanvjlle the ext ime he gts ito . . ~ .M . A w sL ute S ainucces s. Hospital by ambulance Thurs- trouble, lhe will be sent to the Ba trJ mmaI Mr. LuthereStainton, Mrs I ef.JhfI.JIIIL.JIHenry Stainton attended the fday night eIyouaeso 'ate's ourt J GeorgeJ. Jonecu pleded a' funeral on Tuesday of the late feln9 eteIy rate' Cou t Gerge . JoesSeleHeId r ErlBtt, r Rki. B1Miss Adelaide Jacks on, gruilty ta failing to stop for I rvicear y, roon. Miss Rwie Fallis and Mr. a stop sign and being involved Bill Taylor wr udyvs rark- calied and today James Ron- in an accident on Church at Hamilton, Bowmanville, who itors with Mr. unday viChs- three aId Von Guuten, 17, and Lee Silver Sts. on Nov. lSth. Pen- At irini celbaedofber bi rthdyaMt. 1 eerae e brha a 1cFallis. Sre- Somerscales were convicted. alty $27.'oeafM.nd sM. Mrs. Kenne t h isal Lody. Tbey were remanded for two Hamilton, Nov. l6tb. Those Wayne and Ronnie Miens'he and weeks for preý-sentecne re- A conviction for Careles's The following chiîdren were attending the tu.rkey dinnsenerh Dpiving bogtafn f$0weedi Waterford visit- pto port. wt ruh ieo 5 received by the Sacrament Of were Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Ot- ing Mr. and Mrs. Harold AI- sibe Te mgisrat reuse a 1thcosts of $3 Plus a sus- Bsiptîsm on Sunday, November tawa, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. mas and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. laso- two week adjournment out per ne mnof rnth to John Tan- ' he mrnng sevice Mackîe, Ebenezer, Mr. and Aimas. t an f cutodyto Federck J H. ed Tiity United Church: Alan Mrs. Douglas Mackie, Nestle- Mr. and Mrs. Sid Powers, wa- Ward, R.R. No. 2, Oshawa, had been driving around wn o fM.adMs oM.adMs odnGa Pontypool, visited Mr. and lied g 38, Lyle T lgt 8 ihu ihsadnal a Glenn Buttery; Stephen Ro- ham, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Armstrong on Sun- Red. James W. Burgess, 19 and down a pedestrian. Police re- bet on of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Mrs. A. E. Hamilton. day. ýore- Brian H. Luke ail of Oshawa. ceived three complaints dur- bert Coombes; John Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Em- iitbs They had pleaded guilty to ing the night of this car. son of Mr. and Mrs. James family visited Mr. and Mrs. erson visited Mr. and Mrs. ,er"- charges of Breaking-, Entry The crown attorney rec- Frank; Thomas William, son of J. W. McMahon, Toronto. Frank Emerson and girls on - and Theft, two charges of ommended a license suspen- Mr, and Mrs. John Fowler; Mr. and Mrs. James Wood- Sunday. being in possession of stolen sion. The magistrate told the David Allin, sonl of Mr. and ley attended "Open House" at Farmers Union had a suc- good, oe carg of amae ld "hen ou re rivngMrs. Thomas Gatebeli; Barry Gabriel Ltd., Mimico, Nov. 19. cessful dance on Saturday to the interior of the Bow- you are flot playing with kid- Ewardsno Mr. and -Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ott, Deb- nigbit. manville Golf and Country die cars. This type of driving Clifford Macklin; James Ro- hie andi Bruce, Toronto, were vm Club. is highly dangerous t and I bert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Sunday callers of Mr. anti Mrs pou Said the magistrate, "If I feel you are not mentaîîy se-i bert Marfyn; Lianna May, Rowland Coombes. I A1 let you go free as you ask, 1 cure. 1 feel you should lose ýdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary MradMs.AE.HmtoJ Oo w r D would be a party to your de- your license too." Piekard, Kolleen Grace, dau- and famiiy, Mes. R. B. Hamil-1 predations. This would just be Garnet Armstrong, 13, RRH.'- ghtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ton visited Mrs. Robert Styles, givinig you a license ta go and 2, Pontypool, andCecil Miller, P reston; Barbara Jean Mary, Queensville, and Mr. anti Mes.ý e r sd continue. You xiii be remand- 20, Newcastle, each was con- John Francis\ Cyril, and Carl T. Miller, Newmarket. Mes., wi e incustody for one week.'" victed of Imnpaired D ivigPatrick, children of Mr. and' R. B. Hamilton remained a on J.K.Mldr 2,13Wve-and each paid $53. Eachd e.Gge S ith;M a r k uesil o e as tLegio Brandi .yKRoad, 26,as 3convice fbs Iies sedfr Jame, sn of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mes. Walter Rabm driving witbout a license and three months. Lione] Teinnant; Mark Ever- attended the funeral of hi. Thie election of officers and failing ta give the right of Two intr paid $36 for sin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cul- uncle, Mr. Frank Westlake,1 exceutive for the coming year wywhen leaving a private huntiig on uîiauth<orizcd pro- 'ford Trewin; Sancdra Elizabeth, Solina last Thursday, and also of Branch 178 of the Canadian [S deiveway. Penalty $30 perty. Twenty-one other char- Oauv 'eL of Me11. and Mes. Ian visited Mrs. G. Niddery an'Legion was held at a special by Bruce T. Burgess, 19, R. ges under the Highway Traf- Ttîriir; JLk Ann, datughter Mary, Hampton~. cetinc beld in the Legion otfie Act paid $409. of M1r. and Mrs. Allan Weray; Mes. Russell Best, Mr. gHl ýSida feno.E R. No. 6, was remandedou Eleoy Leadbetter, 18, R.R Jchý1n Thoina', son of M. and Mrs. George Carson, Orono, Rundle, who bas been presi- of custody on a charge of be-1,Oha , idK5fofal ' ingin osssson f sol Ohaw, pid 5~ fo La]-Mes. Pliilip Passmoee. weee Sunday guests of Mr. and, dent for the last two years, in npseso fsee n oînin ep afi'oc. maki"' Ms.A.Hils refuscd ta stand for re-election. god, ih h -anigt a iforljc' anýig and MefieJ. Gibbs, Mr.:President Rundie presided. I left -nd tî 1 acr*. tand-Mrs. . ibs r afic and eininvolved tin ani.and T. R. Gibbs and Patsy, Those elected are: President feaccd ein e was inanLRJ.à E Ms T.Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woodward, lst Vice Pre- RIED ac *crentess rivng convicted of Mr. Robert Hynes, Stouff- T. Janezyn, Miss June Taylor, sident Ross McKnight, 2nd careessdrivng.Mr. Ralph Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Vice President Ted Sheehan, Lane Hggns ls pad 50 ile, e.GeogeHynsWil- Gordon Milison attended the Seceetary Hon Richards, Trea- -for a Careless Driving con- loxvdale, recently visited their Gibbs-Ross wedding at Black- surer Jack Rice, Chaplain John - vctin. e file tasto be brthe Jon.stock United Church on Fri- Living, and Sergeant-at-Arms fore entering a theougb high- Mr. Herb Camnecon returned dav, Nov. 18, and the recep- Jack Knight. The secretaey, LD E N way and was involved in an ta Tyrone aftcr several montbs tionj in the cliurch hall, fol- treasurer, and chaplain wee u E 'ý acient. He said tbe brakes in Oshawa Hospitalad slwd adance. Gbsteec utivaclaatinBtes Mfailed an bis gravel truck. nwsaigwt i duh aud o. eecedby acrmataon ~I S i~ Court adjouened at 5.00 P. o tyngWt i duh audaNv 9tM.ad Those elected members of N S P iMes.. Goodman, Bowman-1 Me. and Mrs. R. Gibbs and Jim Firth, Doug Walton, Glen r~mnT~7yY~ ville, is staying with ber sisI Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. George Virtue, Keith Ferguson, Peter h ITARKIVLLE tee Mes. N. Woodley. i Gibbs attended the Mortlock- Bathgate, Ernie Perfect, and Mes. Edith Murphy spent[ Stearns wedding at St. Mathias Alex Maies. hiC j r andMes. Gant Slves-the weckend with Mr. and, Anglican Church, Ottawa, fol- Temmeso h iac ~ C'7afrJ ,ete at Mr. Jim stock. id Jarr;:tcou les, .aCongratulations Rice and Clarence Oke we ý Strk's and bestwishes to bath re-elected. Those electeti Teus- ~atn' Ode Ofic) t e. ee Tims. spent the weekend with Mes. Me. and Mrs. L. Wilson and ing, Joe O'Neill, Monty Gos- viste atMr BetOrm ls R. S. Murray and daughters, Anne, Lakefield, Mr. and Mes. lett and Glenholme Hughes. ýatn' Od Ofie)iýMr ad rgusts itrme . Toonto andattended the Clem Rahm and children, Hay- and Mes. Carias Tamblyn,j Roval Winter Fair. don, were Saturday evening S:Orono, MeI. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott dinner guests of Me. and Mes. ts Mr DonHart, Toronto, Mr., and Ross, Me. andi Mes. Bob W. Rahm. On Sunday Mr. Andy Gray, Tillsonburg, and Hudson, Toronto, Me. and and Mrs. J. E. Griffin and - 2:00p.m. i Misses Ceileen Falls andi Helen ýMesr G. Shaw, Dianne and family, Enniskillen, were din- 'iHallowell, Toronto, w e r John, Mes. C. Shaw and Ralph, ner guests. - 7:00 p.m. weekend guests with Mr. and Me. and Mes. L. Virtue, Osb- The Explorers openeti their MA. .. Mrs. Sd Halowell awawere guests of Mr. and meeting with Explorers' Pur- 1À330 Saturday afternoon, Rev. H. Mes. E. A. Vietue and John. pose andi theme song. Ral e Y 'TIL 9:00 P.M. C. White officiated at a wed-: Mr. and Mes. Dan Vivian cail and minutes were read ê dig f ntret tNewtanville and Lily, Bvmanvile, Mr. by Anne Skinner, followed bv IT" TREAT. . Gweri Stark became the bride ily, Janetville, were Sunday the scripture, and Arlien Hall IVC ~ SO E T DAY Frday evening Me. and Mes.ý Vivian. closed with our prayer and Y SOME TODA I Llew Hallowell entertained at Mr. andi Mes. Henry Stain- hymn, and then worked on their home after the rebearsal.'ton and Lynne were Sunday aur craft. Many attendeti the evening visitors of Mr. and Mes. Roy Club 49 are quilting a quilt ci u r . ception at Newtonville hal Scanlon, Toronto. this week in the Sunday school following the Hallawell-Stark,,MeI. and Mes. Norman Cox,ý kitchen. wedding. Souffvile, Mes. Albert Poul-

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