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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1960, p. 13

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TEIE CANADIA] STATESMANl, 3OWtLNVMLLP, ONTMO - PAGE T' =Eq '3 LACKSTOCK Navemben meeting of the notes from Penny Cassiy W.M.S. was held at the home Mrs. C. Graham and Mrs. C.. of Mrs. Stuart Dorneil, Wed- Hiil. Mn.. Romenil gave same nesday evening, with an at- gleanings fram the recent tendance of 16. ra lly. Vice President Mus. Roy It was decided Mrs. Roy Taylor apened the meeting Taylor would receive the rest with, a poem, "A November o! used Christmas cards also Day" written by Mnn ttn for bandages, since Tyor Fond, (a former resi- Mn.. HilIle stili unable ta do dent o! Cartwrigh). A hymn it. .- "vas Ig and Lord's Prayer repe4 in unison. TheL rol cal was well ans- wered with gleanin gs fromn Homne Missions. Calis made and book read were recorded. Correspondence consisted of a letter from Mrs. A. Patter- son, Brooklin associate mem- bers secretary and thank you M ----- ---- /~Your home ahas two owners... You and the When you take out a mort- gage on your home, the barmk makes sure its investment is insured. But this only pro- tects the bank! Check your insurane... make sure the unmortgaged part of your home - the part you've al- a'eady paid for-is fully in- sured. Call us today for a p.roperty insurance checkup.. STUART B. JAMESI INSURANCE King St. E. Office MA 3-5681 REAL ESTATE Bowmanville Residence MA 3-5493 For a Good . Good cheer work for Christ-. Oec< mas was discussed. Decided ta TN wait until after the WA'O.N meeting ta see what they of M wish. .Mrs. R. Taylor was ad- Novi ded ta the committee. Mrs. nigli Romeril has ordered United catei Church calendars to be sold iry1 and given for good cheer. Any bers who haven't ordered the mis- cônti sionary Monthly or World get Friends kindly leave your D subscription with Mrs. Roy Perr Taylor very soon. Treasurer $25 gave a satisfying report. Sea]: Dianne Taylor received t he R, offering and it was dedicated whii by Mrs. Ernest Larmer. Mrs. Renz Roy Taylor gave a very fine whit devotional entitled "The Gol- and den Rule and Justice". She Cam chose as her scripture Matt: sho.m 5, 43-45. This was followed sOcIEl by prayer and the singing of Tt another hymn. ColT Mrs. Fred Dayes group con- Sun venor took over for the fol* Sun( lowing progranm: Day. Study book was taken by Tv Mrs. John Carnaghan inl the which she very ably deait their with the "Home for the dinn Homeles"- Refugees in var- Man ious parts of the world. Rf Miss Lorraine Dayes play. and ed a piano solo. Mrs. Dayes Mal( gave a reading "Prayer", Mrs. Edil Romeril showed beautiful a tC coloured pictures- and in her Rick fascinating manner took ail Blak as on their trip ta the West- toasi ern Coast this summer. Meet- Vanl ing closed with prayer after Al which lunch was served and Whi: soifial time enjoyed. high Owing to the very rainy son night there was a small at- Cam tendance at the L.O.B.A. eu- the chre party Tuesday night. It Mr. Flem Thompson won the ase gent's prize, Mrs. James Gib- bers son won thie ladies prize and Flor Marlow Thompson had the husi lucky p umber. ed 1The ladies of St. John's Wo- M men's Auxiliary had a splend- ed tI id array of fancy goods, home ity( Cbaking. candy, Christmas gifts cher and miscellaneous articles on Nig] Ddisplay for their bazaar held day. in the Parish Hall, Thursday Ecor afternoon, Nov. l7th. .SP Mns. John Hamilton presi- Mrs. dent of the W.A. introduced a dE Rector's wife Mrs. Ashmore sant e"_was a USED CAR SEE ý--.Cowan Equipment Company 134 King St. E. Bowmanville 1957 FORD 4-DR. STATION WAGON 1956 FORD 2-DR. 1955 DODGE 4-DR. 1955 METEOR 2-DR., radio. 1954 PONTIAC 4-DR. -' SPECIALS- -1950 FORD 2-DR., radio, heater, good tires, good motor 1952 MORRIS OXFORD, good rubber, good motor ----- -- -- -- - -- $ 60.00 $150.00 Inquire about our easy payment plan Oak-ville. Thirty-sever teachens of t FORGET tfl<~f0 ~Let the en inerdoyour drîîg car f res an~d oaref ree I by train and arrive relaxedi, ref reshed. ed those present. words of praise kchurch women a r diginali Mixed Bowling me ta punchase tent, a deliclous The Mixed League has de- Onie Etcher «- --_ 33 215 ýrved. veloped into a two teami race, Hap Palmer .-... 33 209 iand Mns. Ash-; with Hilda Brock's team hold- Art Spicen ---- 33 209 move ta Black- ing a four point matrgin over Malt Harrison 33 1W9 nh.Elton Brock's bowlens. Third Arnold Sleep 30 199 onsthe huc place Vake fell 12 points off' Howard Bromel 33 194 er akfinhgchre- the pace Friday night being Jim Castle -- 33 193 - defeated 5-2 by the league-,Joe Nowlan . 33 13 ling much re- leaders. The runners-up kept Norm O'Rourke 33 192: ithe Rectory. pace with a 5-2 win aven Spi- Pat Yeo ~ 33 1 91 embens of the! cen. Morley Etchen .. 33 190ý met at the home Sleep edged Brunt 4-3 ta tiei Lou Welsh----_ 33 189, Dornell for thein Spicer for fourth, while a 7-0 Cec. Mutton .... 33 189, ,eeting Thursday win by Yeo aven Etcher, en- Emma Bromeli . 33 188, wene made for abled the victons ta take aven Duke Brunt 33 1871 ;e Donlands Da- sole possession of fifth place Ken Luxton .... 33 187, Nov. 29th. Mem- Nowlan moved out of the cel:1 Don Bradley 33 184; rtds ane asked ta ian on a 4-3 decision aven Cliff Tnewin 30 1 841 ing coupons ta, Palmer., Bob Glanville -- 33 182' trolleys.i Aura Trewin bowled 'a Gond Wilcox ----- 33 1 82, donate $5 ta Port spectaculan 350 gaine ta win Glen Hodgson.-- 33 1 801 al Doîl Draw and high single honouns and a Glen Fuy ----------- 33 18 T.B. Christmas $10.00 merchandise eentificatc Joan Brunt- 33 177 tion. frnmHaopen's Jewellery, aw- Mary Harrison --- 30 175 answened with a arded ta any lady bowlen who Mary Wilcox --.. 33 1731 nt or 'fifty cents, hits the 350 mark. Fred Luxton 33 173 iuctioned off the Hilda Bnock smashed out Murray Grant -- 33 173 nts, a baby spoon a 726 triple ta set the pace, Bob Mitchell 30 172 given Ruby Van Whilc Matt Harrison's 70,3 Marge Hodgson-. 30 170 anothen baby total was tops for the men. Marion Wiseman 33 169 ged. Lunch and Othen highs went ta Aura Auna Trewin -ý 30 1 69 as then enjoyed. Trewin- 681, Frank Mohun- Jim Cox -.----- 33 1671I Il W.A. Corparate 678, Art Spicen- 666, Donc Penn Bradley --- 33 167' Service will be Muttan, Elton Bnock and Pat Dave Park ----- 33 166 John's Church, Yeo all with 665. Howard Dore Mutton --- 33 164 27, it; being the Bromel- 653, Don Bradley Aida Luxton ---- 33 164 re St. Andrew's -647, Joan Brunt-- 644 and Jim Thompson - 33 164 Arnold Sleep- 635. Ruth Mitchell -- 30 162 jr membens af Frank Mohun took the Essie Cox --------- 33 161 C.lub entertained men's high single with a 303 Kay Luxton 33 160 Js ta a deligbtful game, followed by Art Spi- A'udrey Sleep - 33 158 augens Barbacue, cen- 297, Joan Brunt- 277, Marie Yeo -- --- 30 156 Saturday night. Hilda Bnock- 200, 255, and Bill Charles ---- 33 155 nril said Grace 271; Pat Yea- 268, 238; Duke Vi O'Rourke .. 33 152 the. Queen. Neil Brunt- 268, Matt Harrison- Ruth Grant ----- 33 152 in a sing sang. 266, 212 and 225; Donc Mut- Mary Nowlan ----33 152 ighlin pnoposed ton- 264, 214, Glen Hodgson Marg Welsh . 33 149 te husbands and - 264, Dave Park -263 and Doreen Charles .. 33 149 Camp responded. Mary Wilcox- 260. Joan Fry -- -----33 148i ýr pnopased the Teams Standing Dot Castie -~ 30 145 wives and Norma Team W L Pis. Duaine Palmern-- 33 144 plied. H. Brock 23 10 55 Mel Wiseman ------33 142 ýd playing Court E. Bnock -- ---- 22 il .91 Helen Park - 33 136 thy Marlow was iYake-------- --- 18 15 43 Nettie Glanville 27 125 td Ivan Thomp- Sleep --- 18 15 40 Dot Thompson .13 .107 nt. Norma Van Spicer ------------ 18 15 40 Ruby Spicer _. - 33 107 lton Dorneil held Yeo----------- 15 18 36 Shirley Mobun , 12 93 re. ~~Palmern ---------- 13 20 .31 Ladies' high sIngle- Auna pleasure ta have Nowlan --------- 13 20 30 Tnewin 350. -o former mem- Etcher ---------- 13 20 29 Men's high *single- Frank sy Fonder and Brunt ---- 12 21 29 Mohun 303. lins and their Averages Ladies' high triple- Hîlda ýth families mov- Frank Mohun - 12 233 *Brock 726. wa this summen. Elton Bnock-- 33 222 Men's hîgh triple- Matt .e parents avail- Hilda Bnock - 33 218__Harrison_703. __ a! ofthe opportun--__ ging with the tes- gh School, Tues- MA PLE GROVE rls of the Home ru omteMein ass unden the Bonnie and Janice Beecb ru Cmite etn of their teacher were guests at a family gath- i The Grnoup Comtmittee of VanCamp senved erin'g at the home of their' Maple Grave Scouts and Cubci tnch and a phea- u.ncle and aunt. Mn. and Mrs. met at the home of Howard eresting evening Stanley May, Tononto. The Oc- Bradley on November 1 4th casion was the birthday of Chairunan Tom McGuirk tanki iand Country thein gnandmoetber. Mns, E. C. charge of the meeting. Plans b cansisting of 21 Ashton. were made fou Boy Scout. oe be congratula- Mu. and Mus. Del Hendsbeel week ta be held in FebruarY. success of their and family wene tea guests Of The fallowing activities were 1when a delic- Mr. and Mrs. Elmen Des' discussed: Panade at Distnieli as seuved ta 425. Roches, Oshawa, on Sunday- level for the opening of Scoutl een aundaey af Miss Dora O'Neil. Oshawa,' week; Scouts and Cubs are toi es, salade, pies, visited Mr. and Mus. Del penform anc good deed Pachi irts. Hendsbee lasi. Tuesday. day during Scout week, for a is extended Mn. Mrs. L. C. Snowden attended neighbour; Boys to wean their Ibert Marlow, also a family dinner party at the uniforme tae school during ;Iran Shook and home of Mus.' L; . -Williams, Scout week; candlelight ser- nToronto, on the Bowmanville. vice al, the chuueh ta mark te ladies mothen.. -Gîtests wih Ms. yltierthe- si of the week. Manlow in Part B3eech lasi. Wednesdav weue A rhange of Ciab leaders tal. Thursday. MnadM-.Dn au o -a discussed and it was de- Neals and Paul manville, Mn. .and Mus. Charles cided that. Bob Barnabail ýry Neals. Peter- Snowden, Min. and Mrs. Robent would take the Thursday nîght ene Wednesday Bannabaîl, Judy. David. The pack with John Geddes% andý ns. John McKee .party was ta celebrate birth- Bob Laird assisting. B erni tvid MeLean.* days of three a! those present. Snowden will continue with Mew and Robent, - the :Monday night pack, assist- ,e spent a few Mrs. Chanlie Bridges, Peter- ed b-y Bill Laird, Joyce Milîls r. and Mrs. Aus- borauýgh, spent last week as a and Barbara Hughes. guest of ber sister, Mrs. Ro- Th Cbsw11 eseig rs. Russel Mount- bert Jarvle. -Theanill andwil dne he Mrs. Ceeil Fergu- Evening Auxiliany wiL meet proceeds ta purchase a coffeel le, Tuesday. at the home of Mus. Howard maker fan the C'hunch. Otheri tScott has re- Bradley on Thursday, Novem- ways of eanning funds werel fuom a pleasant ber 24. discussed. rnte. Ernest Celliss bas î-etuî-ned Suggestions wene mude asi .d Swain. Jack home after a t.wo-week hunt t tours the boys could timke,- visited Mrs. Lu- ingtrip near Minden. He gotadthpoibiyofteo- >y, shaa, at-his quota of ane deer and mation of a Rover cnew was -s. Harry Sander- otheus in the hunting party got diseussed. awere Suniday more.LoaAscitn r. and Mrs. Clan- Mrs. Coyne. Toronto, (form-' oalAcltu 1. euly o! Maple Grave), calledi The Local Association of' ýHenry is visit- on Mns. Robent Janvie on Sun- Maple Grove Girl Guides and ihter, Mn. and day. Bnownies met at the home o! !ebb and family, Mr. and Mus. Les Jones and .Mrs. Howard Bradley. Chair- Paul, Bowmanville, called on man Mrs. William O'neil took en puipils ami Mn. and Mrs. Jim Laventy _ cane of the meeting. »School went by charteupd bus ber 22. J m It w U meidedNVLI ta Toronto Saturday ta at~ e 2 twsdcddta the Local Association would: tend the Rayai Winter Pair. be in charge of Cookie Day ta, ICongrattulations to Mn. andbehednteSrig Ross) GeorgeeGihbs (..ton Mus. Rd. Holmes, Mus. R.' Ross wh wee mrnid ~Cannons and Mrs. Lloyd Snow-, the United Church Fuiday af- den were appointed as dele- tel naon.! gates ta, attend the Anea' Miss Ruby Mclndno spent Training at thme Y.W.C.A. in, the weekend with hen father Osaao Ivme 5 in Bowmanville. ,saw nNvme 5 Mrs. John Beacock bas il~ Bratherhood Meeting Pturned from a wèek in Wind-' The Courtice Circuit Ra-; son visiting relativels and at - therhood meeting was held at tending the funeral o! a sis- Courtice United Church oni ter-in-law. ,Novemben 10. Wes Dawn tooký Mn. and Mus. Gar-net Wrti- the chair in the absence o! the' ght, Port Penny, visited Mu., presîdent and welcomed the and Mus. Will Farder Sun-: men ta, the first meeting this, :st.5 ay ail. The meeting opened! ~' Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Thomp-, witb h ynfloelb son visited heu mother Mus. prayer. Wm. Cobbledick, Onono, Sun-! Minutes (if the hast meetingi day xverP read by Secuet.ary Bon: Mr. and Mus. Bruce Ash-!Brooks. The report of (bei; tan, Doris and DennIs, wene nominatirîg committelt w a s .iii Toronto Sundav atteimding!read and adoptd.Mn. Leslie! flbirthday cellebt'o f! Collacutt played two selections: ( Bruc^s rm-other Mus E Act- on the piano and also played torn at thr homne o! bis sicter for a sing-song wibich was led Mus S May. bv Reverend H. Stainton. Mr. and Mns. H. McLaugb- TdHutrinodmdth <à lin visited bis mather Mus. TdHto irdue th Wtt, shawaguet speaker, Terry McCauley, plesdtl Sunday and werlm servation Branch of the De- pleàed a fnd eu uchim-partment of Planning and De-, -puoved. ~.~é M r and Mus. T. A. Mitchell, velopment. He showed slide.5 mChiliwack. BC.. are -guests ofj and gave a véry inteuestingý -thein cousins Mu. and Mus. talk on the conservation a3ra- - .Couutney Grahamf and al! vir- jects il, this arCa. flan Brooksl ied friende at Seabright Sn thanked th~e speaker on behaif: îted of the graup.1 SRev. C. H. Penguson, Lon-1 Reverend Stainton pnonoinc-1 don, spent the weekend with ed the Benediction ta brin the Roy Perguson's. Cecil the meeting ta a elose. and His and Stan Rahm's. lunmch was served. *Roy Penrguson visited bis The following is the new, familles in Oshawa and Tor- llst oi officera: P n e s i d e n t onoSunday - Tuesday last Glenn Pickle. Vice Pres., RanI wekand attended the Royal. Brooks Sec., Wes. Down, Tues-I surer, Don Muir; Song Leader ndPiênist, Ls oiautt; For OId Appliances Speaker Cornn-mittee, Ruse De- cole, Mick Brown. - ~ ~ EProgrnm eC.nmittees: (a) C etlCs oday là h Don Thompeon; (b) Ebenezer, Keith Ormiston. Hilton Tink; ST A TESNAN (c) Maple Grave, Harvev1 C L LA 8SS1F 1E D 8 Brooks. Gord Belch E Phene rMArket 3-3303 Social Com-mmittepps: (a) Fb-ý _________________bWAM &oui Stock Up ai these Low Prices HUNT'S CHOICE - 28 oz. tins'- P-EACHES HLE 3for 9 9 DELICIOUS - OAK LE/W CHOICE - 28 oz. tins DESSERT PEARS 4for99C KRAFT - PURE ORANGE - 9 oz. jars MARMALADE 5;o99C BAXTER - [5 oz. tins PORK &BEANS 7for99-C LYNN VALLÀEY STD. o. tins C ORN CREAM STYLE 7 for 99c STANDAIII - 15 oz. tins P EAS KOUNTY KIST 7 for9 9c Iliet andi Servxe - 7e Off Pac k PURUTAN MEAT BALLS 1") 07.111 2 for 5 9C] BAKIERV FEATURE CANDY FEATURE Ille Imported from Britain - Asstd. - 14 oz. (Celle Isag Oîile at D)ominion 1 RUCHMELLO SLADES TOFFEE 39c FRUIT CAKE BISCUIT ETR , 1b ! b. *41 lb. 4 th. HillItop - Chocolate Chip Onte h F outi on 59c 1.18 1.77 2.29 COOIS39C Fresh Produce Specials MEXICAN - JUICE or EATING - Size 144'r, ORANGES 3 dz.99c ONTARIO No. 1 TABLE POTATOES 3 Ba. s99c Ail nierchandiie solci at your Dominion Store Ltd. Values effective in Bowmanville until closinir time iç linconditionally guaranted to give Saturday, Noveniber 2fith, 1960 I 10c0% sati sfaction. DOMINION STORES LIMITE[) __ 1~ là nnZ!!SDAT, NOV. 24th, 196n Courtice, Kejth Crago. Charlie ff in Eldad Cemetery, Solina. ells and Sharon of Petvrbor- Osborne; (b) Maple Grove. VJJIL UARYl Flower bearers were his ough were Sunday gues.s of Steve Jeffery. Steve Doyle. grandsons and close neigh- M.adMs.Lre y Jack Hurrie, Cecil Milis. FRANK WESTLAKE bours.lad C o ffe e Makers. Clarence abres alnphw, Penfound, Glenn Pickle. A lifetime Solina resident, PallbMerers,. ail nepesla!Lan ced.agl Frank Westlake, died sudden- weeMàr.W .Wslk, arneMLuht1 ~ Phone Committee: R on~a i oeon Tedy Carmen Westlake, Ross West"jhome from Agniculturat.Cei. BroksHoardBrdlc, Wl- Noemer 5,1960. He was and Clarence Avery. lekige.aGuep. hreh.'i lv Piekie. Edwin Ormîiston,. in his 84th year. tkn errCus Don Muir. Rex-. Stainton. A district fermer, Mr' West- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mtcb**- Circle Meeting lake xvas born in Solina on ghla iiln Fin cin ToronoissFrin,,*ge The L. N. 0. Circle nie-, a December 3, 1876, and wa iesiieton til FrinTot.FiccWa the home of Mrs. Aylmer the son of the late William:t pleased te know HarrtsW' i. Beech Thursday. Nov. 1l7th Westlake and Liza Mantin. On! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eldred ished with difficuli denlet with 12 members and oný October 12. 1910, he niarried of Detroit, Michigan, have exttractions. viio peetthe former Ida May Avery been visiting their cousins Sympathy is extendectI i) visid pent M-. Br n who sur-vives. Mr. and Mrs. .Marvin Nesbitt. the family and fniends ai Uhe den welcom-ed ail present. The The late Mr. Westlake was Mr. and Mns. George Bow- late Mrs. John Marlow whe xvorship service opeord %with a memben and faithful at- ers attended the Winter Fair passed away in Port Perry a hymn. and pra.ver led bv tendian t. as long as his bealth on Friday and Ralph an Sat- Hospital last week. Mrs. A. Beech. Mrs. Alher*t' errmitted. of Eldad United urday. Mrs. Harold 'Cra\viotd î3 St. Pierre gave ther Bibk- E, 1 Church. At one time he ser- Miss Muriel McKee and Mu. derwent an operaf ion fi.p ing. Mrs. MI. H. B3rown mdv"d On the School Board. and Mrs. Ray Barber. Bnian pendicitis in Comniniuy Hem. Mrs. WalIy Bothwell Pavr Mn Surviving hesides his xvife and Lanry of Oshawa were pital, Port Peut-y, and frien teresting rcadii.E aire a dauighter, Mrs. Nelson Sundgy visiton., with Mns. S. trust she makes m The busine'ss %va.s <pciied h F'ce (Mac). Taunton, and McKee. icovery. with the readitg of flic n1in_ tht-ce sons. Thomas G. of Arthur Hulbert was inPe- utes. The Circle nirners arc' Mlillbrook, Percy A. and Fran- erborough on Sunday ta visi to cater for a tîtrkev up -siHttho aua ixenMn. and Mns. Bruce Freelove R LE O for the Woodchoppers of Arjn_ guaidchildren and four great- and faRELEFly0 erica on Dec. loth. The South' grandchildren aise survive. Mn. and Mns, Eli Maisaem a Circle agneed to assist in theý One of a famiIl' of 13 child- visiti*gi Bw airseihI II catering. Mrs. W. H. Brown, i-en. Mir. Westlake was pre- the Bud Vintue and George and M'is. Jack Hurie %vcre' dcceascd by his 12 brothens Selers failles with two Members fri-omtieý Arnong the many lovely of Tilsonburg visited his daul- Soutth Group. floral tuibutes, evidence Of ghten Mns. Ivan Rohner. IvanPA N The December mieting w11l the esleemn and affection in and famnily aiso Mn. and Mr,:. be a joint, meeting of'ail Cii,- wic-hI the deceased was held, Win. Weston and family,,P I dles at the church on Dec. 6th.1 weuo those from Hampton Bowmanville. The members agi-ced fo each Ci-eaniery, Rural Bowling Le- Callers at the Heaslip.s take a small gift te pack in ague, Solina W.I., Eldad Bible wene Mn. and Mus. Rupert1F a needy Christ.mas parcels. Class. Goodyear Tire & Rub- Byers of Bowmanville and 1j lý 1 Mus. S. S. Mouton shoxved ber Co. Departments 205P, Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce of 0 AN films whicl- ail en.joyed. 232. 233 and 237. Seagrave. C FPI A tasty lunch was scrxoed i jv fThe funeral service wsMn. and Mrs. Lew Watson those in charge of the evening, heldi in Eldad United Chunchý and Mrs .John 'Watson of: Mns. Cecil Burton. Mus. Wally on. Thunsday, Novemben 17, Port Hope called on Mus. Jas. Bothwell and Mrs. Avî,mer "and was conducted by Rev. Forder on Monday._____________ Beech. iFred J. lgeed. Interment was Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Sam-1 ON QUALIe

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