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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1960, p. 17

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',URSDAY, NOV. 24th, 196r'TECNDM TTSABWAVLE NAI PAGE SEVENTEN - ~~~~for à lightertoc onsdHrtsi, ur1h __CLASSIFIED -ADS I_ _ _ReordYear Fr he. - In Me! -_ai- _ '-Hartz suggestedtesaPin Afrdrcioacnro R~Âepairs 1 vWafteu LO .uUy In_______ L nJYemorin .AL oproaches to safe wierdi- otaedrdcesedb RADIO and television repairs STRAW, 100 bales, delivered.HAMILTON-In loving me-,PATTERSON-In loving m1- inW rkn adrtr boiia Prmp srvce Pckup anà Newcastle 2156. 47ý-l0rnory of adear wife, mother mory of our dear friend Ceia -uutIç I . Aceerae sowy ad pthofBravn. rop-srie.grk .aualr0at oidspinnn~Bae hudb eti we ivcrY George's. 85 King St. FOUR str idwapo-ad grandmother, Elsie Ham- Patterson wopse wy Phone MA ï-5713. 29-tf imately 70 x 34. Apply 5 r 3 ilton. who passed away Nov. Nov. 25, 1956. Record earnings, assets and The balance sheet shows tires and wheels.evnautmtadtre UARNTEDteevsin ndOrno 4.125, 1958. A sulent thought, a secret tear, deposits are reported by The total assets of $1,904 millions worse? To help, here's someý c GUradorvc toal aksWANTED-A Beaver or Dý----Gone, dear mother, gone Keeps hier memory ever Toronto-Dominion Bank for as at October 31, an increase advice from one of the na-I 2. When possible,a .Same day service. TelevisionWalt power table saw. Phonp forever, e ar.teya ne coe 1. o 14mlin hear, theegeo ml "iion ptiejutoitis o tins in hîc a u so etltb on moh i Service Co. Phone MA 3-.18831Newcastle 2696. 47-1: How we miss your smiling greoeg f Net profit, after taxes, was Cash resources are $40 mi Diigsfj niyo sncsay upbae sadd Tae;ir et itakes i telin hgaway$92milonsnow-covered roads requires you stop to maintamtern InfcHrz oched AL id flv olrBtyou left us to remember, ;Btmemory turns back2prenthihear anin th elinsger iaet $2921millionsfar more sensitive car handling control and 10 preetcrih ienîtrs ilit~s REPAW and rewinding, arm- 1feathers, new goose and -duck. None on earth can take yu! every leaf. $p,65,16ous yea aountito cengf eu st ivan tie .3 perthan the average motorist ex. from going into a sidin itetrssuha h _ elcredto al Higg ofe ihs rce d .Fat place. ____ $5,462,929 in the previous compared with 15.1 per cent J. J. Hartz, tire development so that you won't hv ogvira ubradtedd trie, 38 King Es. h Bethany R.R. i. Phone 7 r l3A happy home we once, PATTERSON-In îoving nie- $ye7ar. T n hiis equian 10 ein the peiu ea.Raiymanager for- The Goodyear the steering wheelasddnepclyitnedfrnc- 3-0 7 î Phonect. 213$2.77 a share on the bank's realizable assetsincluding Tire & Rubber Company. "Inyank in one direction u rcio n tpn _tc1et._______ H-f o edth m mory tlw o! myedawifeNoC.lia, outstanding stock as against cash, equal 52 per cent of lia- general, winter driving calls "If your car shoudoiîîoaaiiyo lpcyras" HIGHEST prices pald fHowv' w etthem orstlwo ase awyNv25$22ashrinte15-9biietoheplc. od- -.. for livetoBut deatb b as ieft a loneliness 1950. $fisca year nte1985 igs 'th arle od ePIRS tmac ils. cso! poultry, goose feathers, feath- Th wriscnceyrlil. Ilony aks inglssac 2of securities aedown S2ngmcie.Frce pickup:er ticks, scrap iron, rags 1_h_ ol a ee il I nytksaltl pc Provisions for income taxes $25 millions to $432 millions. and delivery Laverty1s ew.' ais and raw fu-s. Phone Aiways remembered and 'To write how mucb ms ahne ale2155 ervice.IR 3-2043 Oshawa collect. sadly mîssed by husband her; was up more than $1 million Total boans, including N.H. I 10~~~t $7,070,000. A. mortgages show an in- FRA GO U E îng Machine Sales & RAorg and family. 47-1* But il will take the rest of my crease of aimost $100 millions. _________________ ___________________ life After payment of dlvidends. Cal ioans at $226 millions -REPAIRS to ail makes o! re- 1eso __HR-I -vngi mryo To forget the day I loat her. $1,852,167 was carried for- 54 l~hh 1 frigerators, domestie and com- Pers47.1* $2. millions o! ndivided prof merciaadla uncie, Aîhur Jobn -Lovingly remembered by ward to undîvided profitsan are $54 millions higher tan iira:mlkncoer.s. Hig. eruce rhr onle ubn ic.vddpo erago. Current lbans aI gonEletri Liite, 3 - Ostrex Hearl, who passed away Nov. 47-er$.husblinndo Dickmllias yeear$37miM go lcreLmldI ig'OLDRUNDOWN. ________ 2 195. 1fits were transferred 10 rest $797 miliosMreRp 370 1i St. E Phone MA 3-3305. -igToi-Tbltship"eup 8159morngs. odsho f nt NcreA 7-tfthousands o! men, women past You hold a spot deep in my THOMAS-In loving memory acemînt, bringing the latterlin.Hdng ofN.A 4.Only 69c. At aIl druggists. er. o! our dear father Frank 10 $60 mnillions. mo $7 millioan et 10 ilnces. HYLRPYO ~~ursing Home 47-1 Thetesu iNalasTomas2, wh pss34w. The teachers of the East ises rose during the year by' OGE-iIC SOUTH Haven Nursing Home HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber ' sr hrilnevea N eti eaeda htyAe ettgte t$ lons tnt1in llankspem-FARGO AND DODG RU -Accommodation for private goods) mailed postpaid in plain Frteewiinyrbe another Ma o eti ec erWib ramttgtheraI$6millions10 $31 millions a n d seipiae ptets eldevlp wt rc iI 1 me fteMxelSho nTusa Total deposits rose by $114 lonemiTrV. Ful ptientaed ensampe 25e, 24 e L ik ta wneru uce !Until we meet again. after sehool. President Mr. millions 10 the record level of lug TV uy iesd ix samples 2c 4smlsLk htwnefluceo -Ruby and Eddy. 471 Waddington presided over the$172mlin.Proasv- new building, modern. Visitors $i.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, mine. *________$1,79uies2atoftedeois $6 millions.Proa a- WPlcome. Reasonable rates. :Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hani- -Lovingly rernembered by Tenders Vanted Mr. E. Simpson of the De- are up $22 millions. Govern-' S D A .PMe Nwcatle444 8-f:ito. Ot. -52niee Jcki. 4.1partment of Lands and For- ment deposits and deposits by ests showed two interesting other banks are $38 millions films on the subjeet of Con- higher. Other deposits, main- servation. The program was iy those o! business concerns2 e o s r t arranged by Mrs. A. Sinclair increased $54 millions to $691I D e o s r t s, ik n w of Maxwell Sehool. millions. There was a meeting of the TOWN 0F BO ,VMANVILLE Guides, adBiroi e n We13 O ther M akes n.M d l Muthes' au lrof hes n 201 af * Tenders will be recelved by nesday evening at the h ome SatendVLonker the undersigned untîi 5 p.m., of Mrs. Harry Rose. President CreiiadLo hm Oe NOVEMBER 28, 1960 Mrs. Clifford Hopkins report- rv Ail at BargainPie ed Ihat a total o! $55 was D ifl" for CRUSHING and STOCK- raised at the tea and bake sale PILING approximately 5,000 this month. Plans were made Want bo gel through vyour! 20 KING ST. E. BOWMANVLEM 58 Yards of 1/2-inch GRAVEL. for Christmas parties for the xinter motorîng wî t hout Lowest tender not necessarily Guides and Brownies. Lwrnkling vour fenders, ori Visit accepted. R. B. REYNOLDS, Town Clerk. OSHAWA WOOD ______ Cars for Sale PROD CTS TD.1950 DODGE, running. Make PRO D CTS TD.an offer. Phone CO 3-2589. OSHAWA WOOD PRO DUCTS Downtown Showroom L1141TED Main Office and Showroomn 94 SIMCOE ST. S.-RA 8-1617 COURTCE-RA 8-1611 9 Oshawa Telephones to Serve You BOWMANVILLE-M.NA 3-2130 AJAX ZEiiith 2-9600 DOWNTOIWN SHOWVROOM OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.31. 1956 FAIRL1ANE Ford, auto-, matie. Phone Newcastle 2896. 48-1 1957 PONTIAC, Standard, or-' iginal mileage, in excellent condition. Must seil privately. Bargain for cash. MArket 3-3395. ____ 47-1 ALLSýTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay.' For personal service aI your home caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802,, colleet. 2-tf ]KEDROIN 1Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Mountjoy Ibis weekendý were Miss Beryl Mountjoy of- London, Miss Olive Luke of Toronto, Miss Beatrice Mount- joy of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Everson Norton and sons from Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dale' on Sunday bad a family birth day party for Mr. Dale's fa- ther, Mr. Percy Dale of Tor-, onto. Other guests were Mrs.: Percy Dale, Mrs. Luella Fîtz-, geraid, Mrs. Willfred Warner.' ail o! Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Dale and family cf Cobden. Many Kedron residents paid visits 10 the Royal Wlnter Fair, and Mr. Harold Werry exhibîted a Holstein cow that made a very creditable stand- ing in the judging. Guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson Ibis week were Mr. and Mrs. Barry Barker and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snape, ail o! Scar- borough. The sympatby o! the com-j munity is expressed to Mrs.! Fletcher Werry on the death. o! ber brother, Mr. Earl C. Batty, who bas been living. near Brookiin ini recent years.' Sunday guests o! Mr.ad' Mrs. R. S. Bishop were Mýr.' and Mrs. Charles Bîshop of Toronto. A sale of candy washi by the Senior Room 0of Kedron'1 Publie Sehool Ibis week, whîch netted $5.00 for the Junior Red Cross. Instead o! holding a turkeyl, supper this fail the W. A. are, spoYnsorin'g a special service iný the church next Sunday, No- vember 27tb, at 7:30. There will be special music, and an Oriental Travelogue will be presented by Miss Irene Paw- son, o! the staff o! O'Neill Collegiate Institute, who Iookz a sunimer trip around the world. Ail friends who usual- ly support the turkey supper are inviîed 10 eome out tb Ibis service. Among the hunters during the deer season have been Mr. Ha.rry Rose, Mr. Orville Greer and Mr. Lisle Noble. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer, Rosemary and Elizabeth, and Mrs. Walter Bryan o! Burke- tbn spent Sunday aftemnoon witb Mr. and Mrs. William Greenwood o! Kendal. The rapld* growth o! the Kedron community is beîng reflected in the Sunday Sebool attendance this fali. This Sun- day the attendance was 136, wbich breaks the previous re- 1 cord set the week before. Il bas been necessary to form, two new classes. A ciass for j girls, ten and eleven years o! age, was started on Sunday with Mrs. Stanley 0gl a,3 leacher. A simnilar class for boys has Mr. Ronald Werry' and Mr. Brian Lee as leachers. Plans are being made to di- vide the main Sunday School bail wlth curtains 10 provide 'extra class roonis, as every avallabie corner o! the church lu already being used by clas- ses. AI the regular morning church service on Sunday Rev. Ronald Love preached the ser- mon and the choir sang "Bless- ed Are They That Hear the Word of God". There was a meeting o! the Board o! Stew- ards following the church service. s, v '~~'1 - 1 1 . .11 -... . ý , - ý , - .1 ý 1. . I.-ý....- -'lý TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO

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