TEE CAIUADTAII STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY. NOV. 24th. 1980 Warm and Comfortable Because They Are Wel Mode 0f Soft Flannelette * Sale Priced Too! Boys', Girls' and Toddlers' Nightwear Boys' and Girls' Pyjamas " 'eSanifarized" fobric keeps ise effer washing. " Styled for girls with navelty prints on white and pastel grounds. " Monnish style for boys Fm stri pus, prints, and novelty patterns. " Sizes 3 ta 6x. Duy Four Pair - Save .91 BOYS' FANCY SOCKS " Wool end Nylon Knit Pre.Christmnas " Neavy quelity fer Winter Usually Sale9par " Six..8 te 91924 Pair2.25 Heavy qualitY for Worm wnter, foot comfort knit cf waol and nylon yarns for wormth and àtrenigth. . choice of two neot cdock patterns in colours of grey, blue, navy, charcool, or beige . .. Sizes 8 ta 9V/2 .. . Usually .79. Pre-Christmas Sale, pair .59, 4 poir 2.25. Bedford Cord, Kasha Lined for Warmth. GIRLS' LINED SURM 0 Durable fabric Pre-Christmos " Loden, Gold or U sually scie, pair Antelope 2.98 23 " Sizes 7 ta 14 2 3 Specially purchased slums in favourite Bedford coro fobric- Kosho lined for extra warmnth. . . toilored in slim lin. styla with hoîf boxer woist end two pockets . . . Loden, Gold or Antelope - Sizes 7 ta 14 . . . tJsually 2.98. Pre-Christ. mas Sale, pair 2.39. À Timely Special Purchas. I Qui"lted Rayon DUSTERS 0 100% washable 0 Bonded'acetate lining 0 Jewelled buttons 0 Two styles 0 Small, medium or large ~L 7.98 value Pre- Christmas Sal@ toch Quilted printed rayon dusters-so daintily feminine and Worm too . . . see two styles, completely washable and at a speciol Pre-Christmos Sale Price . . . shop for wear- ing now or gifts for Christmas . .. Sizes smoll, medium or large ... 7.98 value, PRE CHRISTMAS SALE, each 5.77. Favourites for Gifts Embroidered Pillow Cases * mported *Hand Embroidered *Standard Size Reg. 1.98 Hiand-embroidered pillow cases in fine cross stitched mufti- cnlIotir patterns on high count white c.îîcn . . . oltroctivelv .)oxed. readly for qift civinçg . . . a moderoîelv priced cift that ,vins appreciotion. Standard sze. . . chocse from five leosing de-,.gqs . . . Req. 1.98. Pre.Chr;ssmas Sale, Pair 1.77. Save on Mode in Canada Lino! BOY'S COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS a ý'Senforized" fabrie 9 Perme stoys ln colars a Foncy check patterns a Sixes 8 te 14 Smartness and warmth for young fellows ut a money-soving price . . . neot check designed "Sonforized" cotton flannel, combined with cut and qood toiloring, assure worm good looks... llreast pocket style . ., Sizes 8 ta 14 . . . Reg. 1.98. Pre-Christmos Sale, eoch 1.77 or 2 for 3.50. SPecially purchased in time for their sleeping corn- fort during chilly nights . . . an excellent value for little boys and girls- well mode, fully cut and "Sanforized" sa you know they'll kecp their size wosh after wosh. Pre-Christmoi Sole, pair 1.49. Pre-Christmas Sale, pair 1*49 Soft WashabIé Flannelette assures Warmth Infants' Two-Pants' Sîsepors 0 Bottorns corne with feet for added warmth end button-on for easy chonging. e Nurserv prints on pastel Ilonneletre. 0 Sizes 1, 2, or 3 Sleepers are so ideal for the little taIs - they're completely covercd in sîcepers, even when they kick off the covers . . , these are a special value pur- chose. . . Top ond two bottoms, during Pro-Christ- nias Sole, set 1.59. Regning Favourites - Sav@ 1.211 Ail WooI Slims I n worsted plaids eSix.. 12 ta 20 Reg. 8.9877 Pre-Christrnos m77I Sale, pair7 On@ of Walker's most poPulor numbers il Waal worsted slims . . . tailared wish the. cor. you exPect, by a top moker . . . choose from Hunting McKinnon, Ancient Black Wotch, Manteau, Gigi, Ancient Hunting ~Froserr Reno, or Versailles . . . Sizes 12 to 20. . . Reg. 8.98 . . . PRE.CHRISTMAS SALE, pair 7.77. Another Favourite - Sole Priced! Corduroy Slims " Fine wole fobric " Suxes 10 ta 20 Reg. 3.98 Pre-Christmas Sale, pair Misses' slims in "the" fabric of the. seasn- fine Wale corduroy . . . finely toilored for smaoth-fitting comfort and looks . . . con- c eoled side zipper, one pocket . . . Block, Brown or Loden green. . . sizes 10 ta 20. Reg. 3.98i PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE, pair 2.99 I E From a maker of Higher Priced Lines Swiss Mini-Cars Blouses 0 Special Purchase 0 Choice of fi,. tuck-in (A) and overblouse (B) styles 0 Sixes 12 to 20 Usually oser 5.98 Pre- Christmas Soe, «.Ch 388 SpeciallY Purchased f rom a maker noted for better quai ity blouses-("Magee"j blouses usua I. Iy seil at 6.98 end up) ... choose f rom f ive styles in Swiss embroidered Mini-car e cotton-some tuck-in and Some ovorblouse styles . . . White only . . . sizes 12, to 20 .. . Usuolly above 5.98 ...PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE, mach 3.88. Pre-Chmistma.e Sale, set 1.59 Save on Walker's Own 'Celebrity' Nylons Economy priced nylons - full-fashioned with fine dorkc seams and panel heels or seamless sheers with lace in- sert full-stre.tch tops, and especially neot-fittirg ankles ...first quolity of course, and ot special Pre-Christmas Full Fashioned Wcalking or Dress Sheers 0 Beigetone or faupetone plus PRE-CHRISTMAS white in 45-30 or 57-15. SALE, pair 0 Sizes 9 to 11. 0 Chojce of leg lengths. Reg. .79 .681 Seamless Sheers Micro Mesh - 400 needie 15 denier a Rose beouty (beige) amoke, PRE-CHRISTMAS charcool, taupe, glaze, bronze SALE, pair or white. a Sîzes 9 ta 11. Reg. 1.00 e7 Ta Fit Children 4 to 12 years Mitts and Gloves Pre-Christmos Sole, vair " First quality oII-wool and, wool and Nylon " Save up ta .30 pair 0,5 9 A special purchose of Children's mitts thot brinqs you savings of up ta .30 a pair . . . both plain and fondies in the lot . . . shop for extros now or for Christmas.. . Values ta .89. Pro-Christ- imas Sole,, poir .59. 5pecial Purchase! Save 3.10 GIRLS' REVERSIBLE SKIRTS Pro-Christmas * Various plaids USUally Sole, eoch *Sizes 7 to 14 7-98 4,88 Girls' reversible skirts in a variety of wool, and Orlon* and wool plaid fabries .. . tailored carefully with smart appearing knife pleats . .. Choose from colours of Red, Blue, Mauve or Tan . . . Sizes 7 ta 14 . . . Usually 7.98. Pre-Christmas Sale, each 4.88. * Reg'd T.M. of Dupont. Towels Make Such Use fui, Appreciated Gifts, These by 'Lady Gaît' known for their çuality - in popular "Chequers" pattern . . . fine value at regular price and ex- ceptional ut these sale prices . . . buy in matched sets of Bath towel, Hond towel and Face cloth - for home use naw or Christmas Gifts while there is a saving. Choose from pink, oqua, blue, or green, with white. Bath Size Hand Size Face Cloths 22" x 42" 16" x 28" 12" x 12" Reg. 1.29 Reg. 1.00 Reg. .35 1L00 ach M66each 2 for A Coloued Stripes - Big 22 x 32 inch Size Imported Linen Tea Towels " Linen dries better Pre-Christma A " Pastel stripes go eg Sale . . .. . os 4 wit ' m st k itch en .4 9 2 fo r 3 Colourful heavy quality linen tea towels in thle big sizes (22" x 32") with lots cf drying surface. . lint-frce linen dries dishes and glossware ta o sparklinp lustre. . . and vou sove on every one durinq this event ...Reg. .49. Ore-Christrnas Sale, each .44, or 2 for .79. Canadian Made of Canadian Fabric . Washa b!e and So Low Priced ! Flannelette PYJAMAS 0 Fully cut 0 Soft worm fiannelette " Two styles-mandarin or tailored " Sizes medium or large Pre Christmas Sale, 1 399 If you prefer flonnelette you'll like-these pyjamas for their pleasing patterns, tailored or mandarin styles, goo. full cut - and the low, low price .. . specially purchos- ed to give you a fine f irst quality pyjama - low priced . .. Canadian mode of course .. choose for wearing now, of gifts later from two styles, and sizes, medium or large. PRE CHRISTMAS SALE, pair 1.99. __________________________________________________________ * I .~,-' - I I s f a f I 5a77 Pre-Cbristrias Sale, pair boxed 1,77 Sale, cah Reg. 1.7 ocor 1.98 2 for3.50 New ! Foam Cushioned Vin yl Plastic Handbags lmported from New York 0 style end Coleur, ta fli elut aven' wish. Christmas 299 suelly 5.00 Iue. 3UEACH Hondbags f rom New Ycrk, beautifully shaped in many styles . o f vinyl plastie that stays smort sa long, mode claud-soft with fom rubber interlîning . .. choose from stock, Brown., or Tan for riow or Chrstmoas Gifts and save . . . Rec. 5.00. Pw*o.lmus Soe, .«Ch 3.99. a -»ý ýi THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV' 24th, 1984 1,859 399