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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1960, p. 1

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Speaker Returns on Anniversary un4 Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 106- 18- Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 241h, 1960 10e per Copy NUMBER 47 More Polaroid Cameras After a week's delay to allow lime for more participating advertisers te ship in their coupons, the third monthly draw in the Home of the Week Polaroid Contest was made on Monday. A. de Groot, Hampton, left, was one winner and the firm sending in the coupon was Harry Locke's TV Service from Maple Grove. Mr. Locke is holding the second camera. The next draw will bake place before Christmas se that two more winners will receive these fine cameras as presents. The next ime you are in one of the contest stores, look for the coupons on the counter and be sure bo fill in your name, se you will be ,eligible te win.________ ___________________ Set Up Pension Scheme For Non Teaching'Staff Vi-At District High Schools * $%.ee radinswreie outside pupils after June 30th, t t _y-aw seling up a pen- 1196 1, unless a letter is e sion plan for non-leacbing1 ceived from bbe High School employees aI bbe meeting Ofj Board concerned agneeing te the Durham County District pay the fees. Parents of sucb Higli Scbool Board held ifl Istudents at present in tbis Port Hope on Wednesday area sebools will be notifiedi evening, November l6th. Reg- of Ibis -decision. inald Fallis, Millbnook, pre-' sided and 13 members of bbe, The resignation of Mns. board were present. IMary G. Colwell, a member James Speens, Elora, was of the Ieacbing staff of Bow- appoînled principal of bbe manville High School, was new Ceurtice Higb School. accepted with regret. The re- This appointmenî will be cf-: signalion of F. W. Johnson, fective in Augusl, 1961. Mn. bead janitor at Port Hope Speens bas been principal of Higb Scbool, was also received bbcEloa ighScbolfor with regret. Mn. Jobnson bad theEloand previhosly adbeen janiton at Pont Hope FHigb four years, Sbool formore than 4 been vice-principal at Whil- holfr metan 0 by for a similan peniod. -years.______ r FolloWing the recent ap-! praisal of Bowmanville Higb 01 tsinurnc ws n-O utstandii e0ne witb increased costsý il was pointed out, and will give 100 pen cent coverage. The limits of liabiliby were raised le $500,000 fnom $200,! 000 aI slight extra cost. Approval was given for a night scbool in French for Orono. The board will pay thec teacher, and accomodation wiIl be provided by the Orono Public Scbool. A report was received fromý the committce which had dis- cussed witb the Lindsay High, Scbool Board matters relative te Manvers students attend: ing High Sebool in Ibis area. The Lindsay Board claimed that as transportatiÏon is pro- vided 10 Lindsay i il xviinot pay fees. The Durbam County Dis-' tniet High Sebool Board de-, cided that il will not provide any more free education le Good Crowd At Euchre for Handicapped An enjoyable Echre Party, 'was beld by the Cerebrali Palsy Parents Council on a' recent evening in Memoiall Park Clubhouse. The pro- ceeds were for the Districîl School for Handicapped Child-1 ren. Despite the inclement! weather Ibene was a goodi attendance and eight tables! wene in play. Mns. A. Clapp xvas the luckyi winner of the door prize. The g nze winners aI cards were:; rs. H. Hoard, Newcastle; Mnrs. Jean Bothwell, Maple Goe Mrs. A. Clapp, Mns. M. GarI- The, Newcastle, and Mrs., *5nche Carn. ~,ns D.Clark wstegn convenor. Other members o0 the cemmitîce in charge of, arrangements were Mrs. î Rose, Mrs. R. Campbell, Mrs.! J. Bothwell, Mrs. Alfred Sam-~ Ils, Mns. D. Gray, Newcastle-i *Mrs. IL Bacon and Mrs. W.1 *Brown. The next Euchne Party tb be held at Memoial Park Club- house by the Cerebral Palsy Parents Council will be on an evening early in the New Year. The highlight cf the Durham County Junior Awards Night aI Orono on Fridav was the announcement that Helen Strong of Bethany and Donald Welsh, Bowmanville, had been chosen bhe outslanding 4-H Club members for 1960. They were presented wlth gold watches by A. L. Hooey, canadian Banx cf Com- merce Manager in Bowmanville. Durham Club 0f Toronto"- Meets Tonight Tonight. the Dur h a in County Club of Toronto, will hold its Nov, meeting at IODE Headquarters, cor- ner Lowther Ave. and Spa- dina Rd., Toronto, with at least one importait Bow- manville guest. Miss Jili Ames, winner of the Publie Speaking award for Durham wilI be present to deliver her ad- dress on "Racial Discrimin- ation". She will aise receive the trophy which bas been presented by the Durham Club. Guest speaker for the event wilI be A. R. Cousins, whose topie is "Air Cadet League of Canada". BO&P.CIùüb Marks lOth Anniversary As Service Group and Professional Women's Club celebrated ils lth An- niversary at a memorable banquet held in the Balmoral Hotel lasI Thursday evening. In a short address Mayor Car- ruthers commended the club for ils excellent work during the decade. At the head table were the president, Mrs. Mary Gili, the Mayor and Mrs. Carru- Ihers, Mrs. Doris Trew, Osh- awa, the charter president, Miss Nazia Dane, Toronto, Past Provincial president, Mrs. Victoria Frank, ist vice-pres- ident, Mrs. Ethel Armstrong- Collins, Toronto, field-secrel- ary for the Canadian Federa- lion of Business and Profes- sional Women's Clubs, who was present at the club's "Charter Nîght" 10 years ago, Miss Jennie Pringle, Oshawa, regional adviser for District 5, Miss Violet McFeelers, a charter member and the clubs' first Ireasurer, who is now a member of the national board as Ontario chairman of Re- search and Survey, Mrs. Jean Temple, formerly Jean Nokes, Oshawa, a charter member, ponding secretary, and Mrs. Aileen Turner, recording sec-ý retary. Other charter members pre- sent were Mrs. Mel McNulty, Miss Helen Cryderman, Missý Isabel Davis, Mrs. Marion Jef- fery, Miss Mary Jewell and Mrs. Anna Watson. Unable to attend were Mis., Frances Hearle and Miss Margaret Purdon, charter members, and Mrs. Beryl Hughes, char- ter vice-president. The club's colors of gold and green were carried out in the decorations with beautiful golden 'mums and greenery adorning the tables which were lighted by gold and green tapers in crystal candie- sticks. Large bouquets of 'mums in the, same color in- terspersed with greenery ad- orned the piano and manties. The exquisite centrepiece on the headtable featured the letters BWPC surmountîng an arc with golden numerals 1950-1960 which was held by a column arising fromn a base covered with a graceful ar- rangement of gold 'mums. A (Continued i~n page seven) iii Ames Chosen Top Public Speaker At Durham Finals The Durham County Pub- lic Speaking finals, sponsored by the Trustees and Rate- payers Association, was held in Oreno Hall on Wednesday nigbl, November l6th. The five contestants repre- senting East Durbam and their topics were as follows: David Polla.ck, "My Trip 10 Quebec", Dr. Hawkins Sehool Port Hope; Arn Reisler, "Edu- cation", Dr. Hawkins School, Port Hope; Grant Wade, "Ice Hockey", Newtonville School; Brian Greer, "Wby I'm Pracid To Be a Boy", Cork Scbool; and Julie Armstrong, "Elec- trîcity", Millbrook. Scbool. West Durham was also re- presented by five speakers,- Nadia Schwartz, "Ruled By The Better Half', Cartwright Central School; Francine Ver- leysen, "Crippled Children", Hampton Scbool; Charles Ash- ton, "Big Time Sports", En- niskillen School; Jill Ames, "Racial Discrimination", Cen- tral School, Bowmanville; and Nancy Dorreil, "VicI o r i a Cross", Cartwright Central School. Mr. M. SluIe, presîdent of the Trustees and Ratepayers Association was chairman for the evening. A highligbt of the program was the rendition of a group of three selections by the Orono Public School Choral Group. When the judges, two tea- chers from Cobourg and a high school principal from Oshawa, had completed their difficult task, Miss Jill Ames (Continued on page seven) Merchants Announce Dec. Hours The extended hours for the convenience of Christ- mas shoppers to be kept by Bowmanville stores were announced by Glenn Lan- der, president of the Bow- manville Chamber of Com- merce yesterday. Starting on Monday, Dec- ember 121h, stores in the town will remain open until nine o'clock each evening inlu ding Wednesdays, with the exception of Saturday, December 17th, and Sat- urday, December 241h. On these two evenings shops close at six p.m. Whitby Man Misses Curve Dies in Crash A young man lost his if e as the resuit of an accident early Friday morning on Courtice Road North at Concession 4. Brian Edward Churchyard, age 23, Har- wood Avenue, R.R. 1, Whil- by, was driving south on the Courtice Road at 1:15 a.m. He failed to negotiate a curve and struck a tree on the west side of the road. M.r. Churchyard dl i e d from internai hemorrhage in Oshawa General Hospi- tal at 3:15 a.m. Constable Jim McDonald, OFF in- vestigated the accident. Ç/3its andi £Aeces PERFECT HAND - "Hap" Hobbs was an extremely happy fellow on Monday. He and Ted Sheehan were playing oribbage at the Legion Hall when "Hap" came up with a perfect 29 hand. This only happens once in a rare while, but must have been a great thrill for "Hap" and those who, witnessed the incident. t t t t t FAST ACTION - Sponsors of the Industrial Dinner here last week were thrilled over the affair, but didn't expect any concrele resuits to corne overnight in the industrial promotion f ield. However, they were extremely happy when one of the guests 'phoned later in the week and said he had an industrial prospect who would like to see the town on Friday. While nothing definite by way of a commitment has corne out of the interview which followed, the visitor appeared to be quite happy over what this town has to offer new industry. Unfortunately, Industrial Commis- sioner Ken Morris took iii shortly after with the f lu and is stili under the weather. t t t SQUELCHES RUMORS- R. C. Berkinshaw, chairman of the board at Goodyear did an excel- lent job of squelching persistent rumors here that this organization was not too enthusiastie about additional industry coming here. He and other top members of the Goodyear Company made it quite clear that they would welcome new industry. They couldn't understand how anyone might have arrived at any other conclusion. Sounds reasonable too. New industry would help share the heavy tax load which continues to spiral upward. BIG SCHOOL NIGHT - Tomorrow, Friday, will be a big night at good old B.H.S. which also houses C.H.S. (Courtice) this year. It will be the annual Commencement Exercises when graduates and others will receive their diplomas and prizes for outstanding scholastic and athletîc achievement. Man of the hour, as always, will be the valedictor- ian with Howard Rundie, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundle, Queen St., making the address this year. B.H.S. will have some compelition from the north where Cartwright High Sehool will also be holding their Commencement Exercises in Blackstock on the same nîght. t t t SPECIAL EDITION - Next week, Bowmanville rnerchants will 1participate in a special Christmas Shopping issue ol The Canadian Statesman. This will be in the mails at the regular lime, f illed with store news and wonderful gif I suggestions. Citizens will also be happy to learn that the new Christmas street lighting has been ordered and should be erected in plenty of lime for the December Shopping spree. One sample bracket adorns the street light outside the Balmoral Hotel for those who wish to see what our main street will look like when the Job is compleled. READY FOR RACES - Last night, a dinner wvas held at Orono's Odd Fellows' Hall under sponsor- ship of Orono Chamber of Commerce. Repre- sentatives of the new huge Mosport Racing Track north of Orono were on hand to answer questions and bell of the tremendous strides which are being made to have the track ready for operation in the spring. This will be one of the biggest tourist attractions evei to corne to this area. Crowds of 15,000 to 20,000 people are expecled to attend the races which will be held on weekends. 1 The special speaker at the Bowmanville Business and Prof essional jWomen's Club 101h Anniversary Banquet last Thursday, Miss Nazla Dane, Toronto, is shown above with Mrs. Mary Gill, president of the club. They are examining part of the effective centrepiece from the head table. Miss Dane was herewhen-the Bowmanville Club held ils first meeting. Darlinglon Should Have Permanent War Memorial Reeve Rickard Declares Attends Conference *Miss Barbara Vermeuleni daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacki Vermeulen, R.R. 2, Bowman- ville, \as iii Toronto last veek- jend attending a Studet Tcacher Conference. She was one of the representatives ofi Peterborough Teachers' Col- Darlington tb honor Ibose from the township wbo sac- nificed their lives in lwo world wars was pointed out by Reeve Garnet Rickard at the meeting of Darlington Muni- cipal Council last Thursday. The meeting was held in the Township Hall, Hampton. Rceve Rickard said that to- dlay people enjoy many priv- ileges thanks to the men who died to 1keep this çountry free. uThis'should be recog- nized and there sbould be a fitting memorial for tbem. This is long past due, and I cannot understand why one was flot constructed some years ago," tbe Reeve stated. He asked the members of the council to think about Ibis important matter, so that plans for a lasting and proper memorial for those who died on active service can be made at an early meeting. The council authorized bbc township building inspector, E. A. Varcoe, to attend the Zone Building Inspector Con- ference 10 be held in Cooks- ville on November 301h. Il was also decided le send two dustrial Conference bo be held in Toronto on November 241h and 251h. First rcading was given to a debenlure By-Law for $150,000 for the Public Sehool Building program. Members of the Commitlee of Adjust- ment were appointed as fol- lows Donald B. Dodds, B.A., Oshawa, R. DcCoe, and R. Pascoç, 2th of Darlinglon. The secretary of bbe Dar- linglon Ratepayers Associ'%- lion, Mrs. B. Budai appeared before the council and asked wbat it intended te do about the recommendation subrnit- ted some lime ago by the RPA. Reeve Rickard replied Ibat the members of council are considering the recom- mendations. Mrs. Budai also inquired why the Township Council bas net passed a by-law for the licensing of peddlers and salesmen from outside bbe township. Reeve Rickard in- formed ber th"ýt a study is being made of Ibis question with a view bo the possible drawing up of such a by-law. Wins Public Speaking Late News FlashesI i ooto-CI arles V. Hoar, J so of Mr.and Mrs. F.V Hoar, Ring St. E.,BownI vile, ;aselcd prosident of teOntroAutomotive Trans- por Assciaio at their 341h anulmeetngithe Royal Yor on Mola.y f he new presient s wel knov.n in Bowinil bore le re- ceie.dhisScholing and stl Newciale-AmtonYrs, contractors, plan 10 stant' digging the new municipal waterworks system next Mon-I da.y. While they hope their1 efforts xiii cause no incon- venience, those wbo may wisb information or bave a com- le Kralik, construction superin-~ tenden t. road bad tlieir hopes raised, this coýek vwhbn contractors began laying pavement at the south end. It is expected the1. worlc will continue rapidlyp now that most of the curbing bas been completed. Town lialI-Follow,ýitg the'ý announcement in the Ontario Legislature Tbrone Speech on1' - Tuesday, officiais here arek confident that the long-delayed cloverleaf at Waverley Roadi :<'~ and Higliway 401 will be in-I cludecl in tbe extended bigh-I * way program for next year.i Congratulations te Mr. A.! W. Pickard who celebrated bis 851h birtbday on Tuesday, No- vember 151h. A famiîy partv AI the finals of Durham Counity Public Speak- was bold at tbe borne of bis' ing Contest, Miss Jill Ames, daughber cf Mr. and Mrs. daughten, Mr. and Mrs. Jacký Ralph Ames, Bowmanville, was chosen the winner. Dunn, on Sunday and on Teeetwshl nOoo isAesenhr Tuesday sorte of bis friends ,Teeetwshl nOoo isA esonhr zind ncigbbors called to ex-' in her baton twirling costume, spoke on "Racial Dis- tend bcst wibhcs.' criminatien". Win Two ing 4 -H Club Members ý 1.

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