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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 9

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~Ufl~DAY~ DEC ~th, 960 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE N1141 Town League Hockey Oy Dobuglas Riga e' *1 U d fae i'; Minor Hockey nie Bothwell and Ricky Dew- final period. lKn SE iEEne f a e t hn the first Pee Wee game ell were the goal scorers for In the second Pc. Wee game hayed la.st Saturda y norning ',ne iied Wings. Allan Brown the Hawks scored their second . he Red Wings deteated the, kept the Rangers from being straight win by defeating the gg i!ltstlwip of the season. Don- i the 17 minute mark of the aid was the big gun for the h e '1onHo e Rangers 21 to chal upatheircshut-outwhen lie cored at anadians -1. Weirlp McDonn, Hawk colecingtwogoal Ke'a en' Wer apearedi dwellers would liand Ken's gap, an-d Ron Pollard tied thel and assistlng on the other two to b. on the way t osigj their first loss of the season. i score at 5:53 of the final ogoals scored by John Taylor. their first game o! the season, 1 Dan Girardi finally dented period. John Rogers accounted for in the second bal! of lasti goalie Vince Vanstone's arm- Ted Fairey f ired the winner 0 the Canadians ion.e goal. Thursday's Town League dou- 1 our at the 1:32 mark and the; at the 14:09 mark and wlth In the thrd and final Pee ble beader, but a te» goal i league-leaders went on to pour'little over a minute rernaining a Wee gatne oîf the morning the third pertod gave thc Men's lin nine more to win 10-4. Stephens put the gaine on ce Leafs defeated the Bruins 6-2, Wear victory number sevei Jenkins set the Pace with a on a goal by Phil Gilmer. ta chalk up their second strai- instead. In a hard-fought firsUtbree goal effort, while Gir-~ League Standings Gght win. John Oyler (2), Paul gaine Stephen Fuels downedi ardi, Larry Chant and Mort Up te and Including Dec. lut. ô ~Huggett (2), Lanny Burns second place Hooper's JeweU- Richards each tallied a pair.1 GP W L T GF GA Pt. and Terry Smith accounted rs 4.2.1 Bob Abbott added a single to'1 Ken's Men's Wear- for the Leafs six goals. Wray Chuck Kilpatrtck scored the, complete the scorlng. 7 7 0 0 69 20 14 Rendell, John Qyler, Lanny only goal of the first perlod, [In the opener, goals by Ter- Hooper's Jewellers- Burns, Dalton Dykstra and and when Raye West with a ry Masters and Dave McCul-ý 7 4 3 0 41 32 8 Terry Smith ai picked up as- pair and Bob Osborne made1 lough got the Fuels off toa a Stephen Fuels- sists on the Leafs goals. John it 4.0 for Harley's Used Cars,j 2-0 first perlod lead. Green 7 3 4 0 30 53 6 Ballantine (Randy Beauprie) after two periods, it seemed' counted the lone marker of Harley's Used Cars- and Paul Meadows (Paul Par- almost certain that the cellar-i the middle session to close thel 7 1 6 0 34 69 2 ker) accounted for the Bruina goals, Paul Huggett (tripping) MU >SIOLD M'At =SMN1h1ONE1W GOAWAy ùfthe Leafs and John Wor- in the beginning it wasa aques- Competition lias hclped Cana- th okng)oftheBr In uvsuC u sh U xberidgeG oo yea tion of who ate whom. For a dians achieve one of the world'a 1the g am eales f1 n ea ue16 - owlina while it must have been toucli and go whether man went fishing or fish went manning. Looking *round we assume man won out. At first mn competed with earth's other creatures-today inen compete with other mea to devclop nature's energy sources. Inl the process our standard of -living lias sky-rocketed. thme executi loo0k - top level Ini perform- ance but not Ini Prce. 27 jewçi, Sockrt- mteL $3975 43 King St. W. highest living standards.Take the way it works in the cil business -Imperial Oi and hundreds o! other companies compote to aup- ply Canadians with oïl. As a result, oil is available at reason- able prices wherever it is needed -and Canadians have turaed to oil for more than half their energy needs. PRIME MINISTER FW SAI1ONESS ", utYa liUmn 23 jewels, water- 17 jewels, 10 karat LA PETIT proof', shock-resst- roled goe Id plate, A tlny 23 Jewe wate at, luminous Iands adjustable expansion lit WIUth tire et and dia[, enreakable bracelet, unbreakable bWîllant diaMofs. mainspring, s w e e p mainspring. $49580& secnd tant, expan- sion band. 75.00 As Little As4Jj A WEEK Does It At MARR'S J EWELLERY ------- ----- --Bowmanvill In the first Bantain gaine of the morning the Flyers de- feated the Cubs 4-1. Wayne Beckett, Lary Perris and Don McMurter (2) were the goal scorers for the Flyers. Garth Webb (Mike Gibbs) scored the Cubs lone goal. Each team picked up a penalty during the game. In the second Bantam gaine of the morning the Tigers de- feated the Pirates 2-0 to stretch their undefeated string to three games. Stephen Burns and John Gilbert (Kerry Dickens) scored the Tigers goals. Each team collected a penalty during the game. In the third and final Ban- tam game of the morning the Tee Pees and Huskies played ta a 1-1 tie. Tim Prout (Peter .Vanstone> accounted for the ÏTee Pees goal. Irwin Colwell Scollected an unassisted goal to account for the Huskies lone goal. Tim Prout (body checking at centre ice) and Mike Leddy (tripping) of the Tee Pees collected the only penalties of the game. Atom League ln the first Atorn game played last Saturday the Bar- ons defeated the Hornets 5-2. Mîke Cawker (2), Kim Rog- ers (2) and Gary Wilson were the goal getters for the Bar- ons. Doug. Hayes collected bath of the Hornets goals. The Hornets picked up the only penalty of the gaine. In the second Atom gaine of the day the Bombers camne up with their first win of the season defeating the Rains 3-0. Charlie Cattran scored alI three Bomber goals with Jin > Robson picking up assists on the thrce goals. l» the third and final Atom gaine the Indians banded the Bisons their second straight loss by a 5-0 score. Ronnie ,Webb (2), David Passant, Randy Roger and Tim Taylor accounted for the Indians goals. Ken Tabb (2) and Har- ry Willoughby collected as- sists on the Indians goals. Ronny Webb (tripping) of the Indians and Mike Wood (trip- ping) of the Bisons collected the only penalties of the gaine. 2n Midget-Juvenile League In the first Midget-Juvenile gaine of the afternoon the Or- phans defeated the Raiders 3-1. John Bruce (2) and Eric Fernlund accounted for the Orphans goals. Don Rickard (John Dcpew) scored the Rai- ders only goal. The Orphans collected three o! the four penalties handed out in the gaine. In the second Mdget-juv- enile gaine of the afternoon the Cornets handed the Gen- [e erals a 10-1 defeat. John Twist Mz (4), Andy Murphy (2), George Bowmanville again appears goals and three assists, and to be the powerhouse ini the Terry Black with a single Juvenile League, following a tally and four assists, col- crushing 16-3 wln over Ux- bridge in the locals' home op: lected ten points to pace the ener, at the Memorial Arena, Juvs ýj2 point attack. Don Saturday night. Bagnel racked up a hat- After an evenly contested trick and an assist to continue first period in which Bow- his prollfic scoring pace, while manville grabbed a 2-0 edge, Alex Wiseman also collected the visitors were unable to four points on a pair of goals stem an unrelenting attacl< and assists. as the locals piled in Il goals Vern Rowe and Don Kerr to lead 13-2 at the end of the each blinked the red llght middle session. Bowmanville twice, with singles going to rapped in three more third Grant Flintoff, Dave Werr, erîod markers, against a Doug James and AI Woodloc sngle reply by .Uxbridge to Bowmanville wxll journey complete the scoring. te Whitby tonight with Port Brent Hughes with two Perry here Saturday. I 7Legion Bowling Sarnis appears intent on holding first place I» the Leg- ion League, after taking over froin Perfect, a week ago. Last Tuesday night, the new lead- ers hammered out a 7-0 win over Yeo ta increase their margin to nine points. Runner- Up Perfect helped out by drop- ping a 5-2 decision ta Martyn, as the Winncrs took over the show position. Taylor's cellar- dwellcrs upset Bates 5-2 ta move within a single point of fifth. Manager George E11i o t t showed the way with the high triple of 803 and the high single game, 333. Ross Me- Knight was next at 702, fol- lowed by Jack Martyn 691,ý Kennedy, Bob Hellam, Bob McManus and Walter Elîts were the goal scorers for the Cornets. Jack Whalcn (2), John Twist and Andy Mur- phy collected assista on the Cornets goals. Paul Mclntyre accounted for the Generals only goal early in the first perind. The Generals collect- cd two of the three penalties handed out in the game. Saturday, December lOtis Bantam League 7:00 a.m.- Braves vs Cubs; 7:45 am.- Flyers vs.Lions; 8:35 a.m- Huskies vs Pirates. Pee Wce League 9:20 am,- Bears vs Canadians; 10:20 a.m.- Rangers vs Bruins; 11:05 a.M.- Hawks vs Leafs. Atom League 11:55 a.m- Giants vs Rains, 12:40 p.m.- Hornets vs Bisons; 1:40 p.m.- Bombers vs Indians. Lions Midget-Juvenlle Lea- gue 2:25 p.m.- Maroons vs Cornets; 3-10 p.mn.- Orphans vs Generals. Girls Broombal Ernie Perfect 681, Pete Dob- bins 675, Keith Yeo 643, and S. Nelligan 625. Other high singles wcnt ta McKnlght 271, Bill Bates 270, Dobbins 266, Elliott 264, Mar- tyn 253, 261, and Yeo 250. Team Standings Pts. Sa,ý ......- ............ 50 Perfect........................ 41, Martyn .............- .... 33 Bates .. .....................-31 Yeo ........... .........28 Taylor----.-............... 7 Leglon Bowl ing Averages Up to and including Nov. 29 Name Games Ave. P. Dobbins ......... 9 227 G. Elliott ......13 222 E. Perfect .. ....30 215 K. Yeo ............. 30 211 J. Martyn .......... 30 208 R. McKnight .. ... 30 206 S. Nelligan......... 24 200 R. Wright ........30 195 W. Bates......- 30 194 M. Yourth .......... 30 194 D. Taylor .-... 27 192 F. Samiis............ 30 191 R. Perfect .... .. 30 190 R. Stocker .......... 27 185 J. Geddes .......... 21 184 H. Bennett .......... 30 183 T. Grahamn......... 30 183 R. Cale ............30 180 V. Coninors...... 27 180 Russ Hayes........ 27 178 I. Beauprie .... 24 177 C. Anderson ....... 30 171 K. Davies .......... 27 171 P. Bathgate....... 15 169 R. Johnson......... 30 167 J. Knight -.. ... 27 167 D. Bothwell 30 164 J. Barclay ....- 24 163 R. Lockhart......... 27 162 N. Mooney .......... 24 146 J. Living Sr ....... 21 146 R. Williamson ... 21 146 H. Gibson .......... 21 133 W. Wallis .....~... 30 126 R. Ellis........- 18- 125 I. Eaton ............. 18 123 The standings in the Goodý year Bowling League under- went a major reshuffling last Thursday night, with seven of the ten teains stIll in the race for top bonours, as the first schedule draws to a close. The Tigers bounced back into first place on the strength o! a 7-0 win over the Braves, which knocked the losers from the lead into a fourth place tie with the Machine Shop. The Belts movcd up a notch into second, tbree points back o! the leaders, on a 5-2 wtn over the Lead Press. The Combines, with anly five bowlers, downed the last place Fan Belts 5-2 ta nove into third, whiie maintaining their four point difference from first place. The Office comeback attempt suf!ered a severe joît, when they were upset 5-2 by the Cornets, who now trafl the white-collar Maybe you ore the *"ideal driver" ...but what about the other fellow? 1No matter how good j driver you are, you're talc- ing dangerous risks if you drive without the right kind of car insurance and enougli of it. Protect your- 3self against bad luck ...1 and other drivers' mis- takes. Ask us about our automobile collision, com- tprehensive and liability insurance. STUART B. JAMS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE iIng St. E. Office M&A 3-5681 Bowmanvllle Residence MA 3-5493 t Produce Specill CALIFORNIA NEW CROP, FANCY GRADE NAVEL ORANGES 79C 5-lb colla bag 8 5 siz. 88's dozen GRADE UvA" - 018LETS REMOVED, 21/2 TO 2-LB AVERAGE CHICKENFor BEEF LIVER 45e Off Deal FAB Regular & Quartera MONARCH MAI Choice Quality A&P PEAS CASE OF1 A&P Choie* Cut GREEN BEANS CASE 0Fà Henley Choice Qualili FRUIT COCKTAIL CASE 0Fà Std. Keiffer IONA PEARS CASE 0F1 Jane Parker APPLE PIE Jane Parker Spanith BAR CAKE Super-Righi QuaIif y Me Reg. box $1.09-SAVE AN EXTRA 100 king size box 99c Reg. 2 Iba 63e-SAVE il1-I MGARINE 4 1 -lb pkgs 95c Reg. 2 tins 27e--SAVE Se' 2 1lO-oz tins 21 c 24 TINS $2.52 - BAVE 72c Reg. 2 tins Sic-BSAVE 20 2 20-oz tins 29e 24 TINS 13.48 - SAVE 24o tyReg. tin 31e--SAVE 74 L 2 20-oz tins 554 24 TrINS $6060 - SAVE 84o Reg. tmn 21--SAVE la 2 20-oz tins 37< 24 TINS $4.44 - SAVE 60o Reg. 49e-BAVE 106 each 39e Reg. 39e-BSAVE 106 each 29e eat Fecdurest OVEN-READY frying, Roasting or Oro-ilng FANCY QUJAUTY UNIFORM SuICES MEATY PORK FREBHLY GROUND SPARI RUBS îb49c CHOPPED SUIT îb25e BIEF BOLOGNA lb 45c GROUND CHUCK lb 5 9c [' le u eA U a Next Monday, December 12th, will mark the opening. of the girls Broombaîl rEgu Ian schedule, with the Dais- ies and Roses playing thein finst gaine at 5:00 p.m. Listed below is the Broomball sched- ulc: 1 Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan 12- Daisies vs Roses 19- Roses vs Violets 26- Violets vs Daisies 9- Roses vs Daisies 16- Violets vs Roses 23- Daisies vs Violets Who Gets TB In the 1960's? About 125 Canadians a week break down with tuberculosis for the finat turne. Another 30 to 35 have a second or third trip ta the Sanatorium. This goes on week a!tcr week, year after year. The end re- sult is that there are about 10,000 patients with TB in sanatorium ail the time. We are a long way froin beatinq TB, even though the death rate bas dropped so steeply ln the last few years. These patients corne from aIl over Canada, from every province and from the North West Territories. They corne from the outposts of New- foundland, the mountains o! British Columbia and the prairies i» between. And they corne from these United Cou»- ties, where tbree patients en- tered San in the last three weeks. At this turne o! year, the Northumnberland-Durham TB Association asks us ta think i about preventing TB about i what we need i» public cdu- cation, in case finding, in fol- low up. They ask for our backing, flot just aur finan- cial backing through the Christmnas Seal sale, but aur cooperation, aur attendance at tuberculin testing surveys,' TB can't be wiped out by doc-! tors alone. It needs you and me. Help now by mailing a cheque for your Christmasi 'Scals you received in thse maIL ý#-Q n 1 Il - (p n4q.0 0 ln4 i9e IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED ..for8Oyears Canada's Ieading supplierof energy 4 h h3 5 c ib 3 9c ALL PRICES 9N",THIS AD GUARANTEEO TMPQ.t'GH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 1960. 1 -V;-- - - - - -- crwby only a single point. Offie ________49ý Fan Beits --- ----------- .27 In a major upset, the Machine Cornets ..............481 Ladies' Standings Shop dropped a 5-2 decision1 Braiders .. ~37~ Daisies ...- ........... 0 to the Braiders to fal froin Lead Press . ..311 Petunlas . -.... .... 30 second to fourth. Kari Piper continued his bot 0*0110090 00011096 6S00O@1000 0 001 0 0S0*S treak with a 708 total to grab 0 off the high triple honours. ID Other hlghs went to F89,0 Sh n oa nEX R phn Smith 696, Ron Mayriard 68,0 S en ds nEX R ph e Ron White 660, Way~burn Ad- 0 ams 657, and Ted Haliman e in the kitchen I 648. 0 Smlth's 279 effort took the high single, followed by Art Se Rowe 271, Jack Bond 263, BllS~, Shotter 263, Piper 258, May-*~ nard and Charlie Vanstone* both with 256 games. In the Ladies' League, the* Daisies having already clinch- cd the title, handed the Petun- tas a 5-2 sctback, to increase their advantage to 31 points. Joyce Sellick was top bowler for the night with a 588 tri pe and a 229 single. Brenda 0k Vyvien Rogers 211,oCarobe 1Gould 210 and Marg Osborne 200. MW Standings 00D YOU? To order-cail your Tigers .................56 * ,ehon business office. Belts .......................t53po Combines......-52. Braves 5-.1s Machine .....o....... 1-)i 1960 0-'tMSDAY, DEC 8th, 1 PAGE NUM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO ý ý mv-.-mý - ý - dé S e s e i e e e o e i e e i e i e I e e o 'o

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