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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 10

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PAGE TEXV ----------- 9imL14AiJTURDYDC.Oi,10 squadrons werc formed; a quarter o! a million dollars Durham Club of Toronto toas tagised inyo hs own choice went into the Has To Gue! Spekersir adtsCfrmthi nry, navy or air force. After by Aleen Aked i enjoyed is the speech givon won ber top place and the: trained to be "Good Citizens." The sweet sound of an or-! by the winnor of the Durham Durham Club Shieid. Instructions in mental aI- ertness, physical fitness andi gan playîng melodies from!County Public Speaking con-! Presenting the trophy, asiaeronautical knowiedge werel past years groeted Toronto,s test; each year it seems to get' usual, ,vas the originator of'ie.Eeyoewrso Durham County Club at thethcntssMsFrdows voutrbaiexein th I...E. Headquarters on thebte n utb adr~ of Orono. but this year ac- RCo fficers who arex e p aidh evening o! Nov. 24th and bld1Jwin. President G. J. Spicer, Icmayn e a rs.L. f o irds wonlyrevery- a welcomo to rnany guests!who was present at the fin-'B. Williams of Bowmanvilieltigi rct h osa from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oshawa,aiin rooHlon ov who graciously expressed the lclcmite opsdo Orono and Blackstock. ! introduced Miss Jill Ames of wish to givo a new shied- serce clubs esc as tedKi- 1Bowmanville whose timely ailrvpaeeclbeing filaedton Ki- The annual event always topic "Racial Discrimination" old one which xvas given wbenJ wanis Cu, cmmunity Dr. L. B. Williams was Pro- groups, or school boards spon- sident.sor the League while uni- forms and cquipment are sup- R Loud applause burst as Jill i plied by tho RCAF. concluded. That a child would Boys botween the ages of 141 DRtIvE SAFEL Y m us W INTiER ýàl ecome agitated enough over and 18 or in High School are racial problems to choose and oligible. Canada has 25,000 ~.V i1< jolct clippings on that sub- bys in the Air Cadets; On- jec an raseber small voice 0taria bas 6,000. Opportunities - ih T to suggest solutions gave lare many, two woek's sum- wt K E L LY thougbt t ber audience, mer camp for 6,000 boys; Son- ~ "Canada bas no racial prob-1 ior courses for six weeks for lem close to us but T.V. brings i 200 boys and for 400 Seniors ~~ A rLV K EK ~~~~~1 ate close to us and spilîs itasiwekFyngTing lnto our borders."l Jill plead- course where solo flying ils THE FINEST SNOW TIRE ed sincorely, "The United donc by the succossful Son- ON THE -MARKET Nations ils the highest power iors; International competi- today working for minorities. tions and vîsits to Great Bni- - 6.70-15 TUBE TYPE If Peace would enter thetanU.A.ndErp fo hearts of mon; Evil ho repla- 25 picked Cadets for a month g. ed by Good and Selfishncss are held annualiy. Six out of -by Unselfishness." 9 of those International Com- 'e ~ Mr. A. R. Cousins as speak- petitions are won by Canada. .nd er needed nu introduction by In rcturn Canada plays host g.cappaiblte l Mr. O. J. Henderson having to Air Cadets from other been an interested club mcm- couintries each summer at an KEL L 1i ber for ycars. Born in China Algonquin Park ranger camp. KELLY Iwhere bis father was a ms An excellent coloured nio- TIRES îV IIIDEPENDABLE FOR sionary Mr. Cousins mrovodito vie film, narratod by Fred ARE I u!L U 65 YEARS Bowmanville and attended Davis, produced by Crawley tJHigh School when Mr. Hen- Films, was projectod by for-1 TOUGH? (%> URE derson was in the sanie class. mer Flight Lieut. Ernie Wri-r ORES As chairman for the Provin- ght of the 246th Squadron.z ciai Committee o! Ontario and This film showed the Aira national director o! the Air Cadets in ail their activitiesc Corne in and Test Drive Cadet League o!fCnada, Mr. drse ntei at i Cousins knew bis subjet'Air Force uniformsprdnte ç the 1961 LARK by Studebaker Cadet League of Canada." drilling, paradingmarhon Mr. Cousins told how the manship, life-saving, acro-a R A y C Air Cadet League had been plane riding or in a blind- 1 S s~tarted by a group of bus- flying tramner, ending by( inessmen, in 1940 ho became showing Air Marshal Roy i interested in it through sup- Siemon as the speaker atae SUNOCO STATION plying acroplane parts, whiie dinner for thoso civîlian mem-C 181 King St. E. Bowrnanville MA 3-3503 bis World War 1 oxperionce bers who by their efforts makeu 9 ~provod usoful. In 1941, 400 the Air Cadets possible. SuchJ a owed by the chairnian's ad- and Mrs. R. J. PayneonSt 11 Edress. Mr. W. W. Lord, sec- PONTY POOL urdayenigTh star Food rai~~~~or A ~retary-treasurer, intro d u c e d neeîg u et r the guests and staff. They Congratulations to Miss LoismongoVacueii e were: Mr. A. D. McLean, con-. Gilbank who won first prize near future. After lunch was Ec. 5 ~~~tractor; Mr. Francis Reid, fo h etesa n"e served gifts were presented I~~EEE D rcitc; ev Wigtor1Ths9ones and an enjoyable evening pastor; Reeve S. Gray- Mr membrance."1Ti onetws Mac Wilson, Guide reporter;! sponsord b aain ein as yal 0H W I'roducts T ested M.Homsor npetr !Branch 42 ilbrok is eýM.and r. HreyHm Tr CruteMr . th, M .L. atns Pont3rpooi P u b 1 i c: ilton of Whitby vislted friends Miss Mary Langtree was Economics Classes. She dis-RbnoG ctA mt~Sho.Tewne o h here on the weekend. hostess at the new Adam cussed the fact that Home Mrs. Milne, principal, and Mrs.J High School essay ,'vas won Jueie .OL 44 held Scott Collegiate, Peterbor- Economies is on a unit sys- Simpson, Mrs. Crowe and by Miss Norma Earl of Mill-, thei letio o 'ffier4 o ough, for the regional meet- tem, anid subjeets such as' Miss Carruthers as teachers., brook. These winning essays FheriaT election o offio ing of the Peterborough-osh- Foods, Clothing and Family Theguet seakrThseitroewiitbesen onforcometi awa District Home Econom- Living are taught as separatedJTd uel paer as into i n t onifon contet. cers was conducted by Wor. ics Section of the O.E.A. on: units rather than the inte- dcdltr ini h oiincnet Sister Gwen Curtis, Past Mis- Satrda, Nvemer26.Mrs grted sytem In Senor Mrs. West.heuser our msc Neighbours and friends of, tress of L.O.B.A. 1314, and Margaret Arnott, District Pre- Home Economics, she men-1 teacher and the pupils render- M.adMs hre etsvrlohrmmeso h sident, presided at the morn- tioned that students could l ed several musical selections. gathered at the home of Mr. Lodge. ing session when reports of select a major topie for which: Mr. C. A. Holmes introduced the O.E.A. executive meetings they could be given a Senior, D. C. A. Brown, Department were given by Miss Louise credit on graduation. of Education, as our guest Poole, Whitby District High Group discussions foiiowed, speaker for the evening. He HAVE YOU TRIED S Sehool. ed by Mrs. Ruth Conlin ,andi spoke to us on Education and M rs M W e st r, ail rs G. G a bra th Co ou g, also officially opened the H ighM . W s h eo , F alls b y rs. G eb t er.Csbh oog , C h u r c h i r g i n d bH i g h l i g h t eo f t h e e t i n g M ro . S r y a d M A ia, rc bro ght greet V rg - ingsiwas the f t he n mr s e e rng aM r uthe r as ok brnd yM r. I A . - spoke of the work being car-lMiss Elaine Collett, Foods Francis Reid asked for permis- G O LE ried on in American Home Editor of Chatelaine Institute. sion to speak to us and told- In a fascinating taik at Rock us what a pleasure it had been wodr are ask e or t boys Haven, Miss Coliett descri- to work with our school board- - wh r sedol ogive bed how the seai of approval and any others connected C MUM P one night a week!! iwas given to products which with the building of the school Through the social hourlare advertised in their mag- and that in fact it was the and during the meeting Mr.iazine. She discussed how re- first time he had ever re- Geoffrey Clack played a var-!cipes are tested so that they ceived such good cooperation. iety of tunes on a loveiy Ham- wouid suit ail groups of peo- Mr. McLean added a ew55 h ' C h ip s inond eiectric organ supplied 1pie throughout Canada- in- words. by the courtesy of Heintz- cluding the technique of food Rev. Wright then gave the man's Nortown Plaza Music photography. prayr of dedication and the 22 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE Store. Mr. L. W. McNeill Nationa Anthem was played. thanked both the speaker, the Afterward everyone was self (Just North of Eaton's Order Ofice) projectionist and the organist E Z B H IL served in Mrs. Simpson's room. not only for giving their time E IA E H IL Everyone enjoyed go in g and labour but for their will- On Friday evening the North through the building. FRYING HOURS: ingness and capabilities to Hope Central Sehool was of- Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler at- give others pleasure. ficialiy opened. About 300 tended the dedication of the 1:0am :0pm M)rs. Bert Ashton assisted gathered for the occasion. In new legion hall at Bewdley 1:0am :0pm by Group 2 served refresh- the third and fourth grade and the initiation of new memný- ments whiie Mrs. G. J. Spicer roomn tables were set up to bers on Sunday afternoon and 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. and Miss McLean poured tea serve a buffet for sandwiches evening. and coffee as the Hammond and cookies. Miss Muriel White, Mon- M,.r organ supplied the back- The grade 1 and 2 rooc was treal, spent the weekend with OPEN FRIDAY 'T.L 9:00 P. M ground music. The hostesses for ail the chiidren. The other Mr. and Mrs. R. White. were thanked by Mr. R. two rooms were filled with Misses Marie Merner, Ruth Crowthers for contributing to chairs for guests. Mr. Peck Mercer, Gwen Mercer, Suz- FOR A TASTY TREAT e.J amost enjoable evening. had arranged a speaker sYs- anne Thickson, Mary Ann Ha- "Good wishesy for a Merry tom for ail the nooms. The naka and Glenda Mercer were Christmas" ended the nmeet- Board and guest speakers were involved in an accident Sat- *. TRY SOME TODAYI ing as there being no Dec-. seated across the piatform of urday night at Canton when ember meeting the Durham grade 7 and 8 room. they skidded into the ditch. Club wiil not gather together Mr. Howard Quantrili was Miss Gwen Mercer required- D E L ICI OU S - until the fourth Thursday in chairnian. The program com- four stitches to close a cut on January. menced with «'O Canada," fol- her head. The Canadian Statesman APPLIANCE SPECIALS 15 cu. ft. Freezer - $249.00 il cu. ft. Refrigerator - $239.40 Only $5.00 Down No Payments Until 1961 1961 PHILIPS TV We will allow you up to $150 on your old TV COWAN Equipment Co. UA4 KING E.- MA 3-5689 MURPHY FURNITURE Full Line of Furniture ai Lowest Prices 47 KING ST. W. MA 3-3781 LLOYD ELLIS SHOES Complete Une of SKATES for boys and girls, men and women 'J, RADE-INS ACCEPTED '19 KING ST. W. MA 3-5941 Maiing MA 3.5556 Robson Mo tors Ltd. Pontiac - Buick Vauxhal GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MArket 3-3321 I'Se. Oui Fine Seleoon od Used Care' J. H. ABERNETHY Decorate Your Children's Roomn with DISNEYLAND WALLPAPER 4 rolis pre-pastedIr0 wallpaper and p .95 water container - Reg. $4.89 Value 33 KING ST. W. MA 3-5431 Associate Store WINTERIZE NOW .. . We ivili check: Anti-Freeze, Radiator and Connections, Battery, Exhaust System, Motor Tune-Up. 160 Churcli St., MA 3-7111 Denhertog's Clothing Corne in and look over our large display of Christmas CGuis 43 King St. W. - MA 3-5041 Lander Hardware .1fflC.I.L. EI~ Paints Enarnels Cilux - Super White Phone MA 3-5774 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE STEPHEN FUELS Farnous Reading Anthracite Fuel Oil - Stove Oil FilUp now! Winter Weather Ahead Bowmanville, Ontario MArket 3-5410 '1OF BOWMANVILLE CHRISTMAS SALE Is on COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND 5 King St. E. MA 3-5451 LIBERTY BOWL LTD. For Clean Fun and Family Recreation VISIT OUR NEW AIR CONDITIONED LANES Base Line Rd. MA 3-5663 See Us for The Best.. KEMAC DIL FUENACES W. H. Brown J. 1. Case Dealer PHONE MA 3-5497 McGREGOR HARDWARE LIMITED YOUR ONE STOP HARDWARE SHOP PHONE MA 3-3386 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. WESTERN TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY Co. Now is the time for WINTER TUNE-UP Mýake sure of quick start in winter weather! 85 KING ST. W. MA 3-3134 Let George Do It! fluy Now for Christmas Save on ... Men's and Boys' Wear Footwear Hunting Equipment GEORGE'S (Formerly Surplus Store) 42 King St. E. MA 3-3211 J. BROUGH DURO WATER PUMPS AND SOFTENERS Plumbing - Heating 011 and Gas Burneru MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & Gif t Shop 29 King St.* E. MA 3-5747 ...... Do You Live In This House? If you are the housohoider o! this home, cali at The Canadla'u Statosman Office and You will receive FRIEE a $5.00 cheque good at one o! the places o! business shown here. BONUS MqONTHLY PRIZE ,&POLAROID LAND CAMERA Yos, you too may win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your free coupons. There's nothing to buy, no jingles to write ... simpiy sign your name and deposit the slip. A local draw will be held monthiy. The customer whose name is on the coupon wil win a new Polaroid - and so will the morchant whose name is on the coupon. Satisfactlin 1 LMR SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER 4.UJTED COMPANY LIMITED Guaranteed "Evei'ytbing for Builders" A.B. STURRGCK and SONS Lid. ~ Fuel BOWMANVILLE MArket 3-5518 LADIES' WEAR BOWMANVILLE We invite you to corne in and sec our large selection of CHRISTMAS GIFTS 1961 ADMIRAL TV 21" CONSOLE MODEL $219. after trade HARRY LOCKE NAPLE GROVE TV PHONE MArket 3-2312 BO WNAN VILLE SHOES & REPAIR Repairs While You Wait Repairs on ail types of Canvas 80 KING ST. W. PHONE MA 3-5073 F. A. KRAMP LTD. HOME FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS 37 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-7071 N EWCASTLE Po.Go NEWELL Lumber Company We Seli the Finest in Building Materials NEWCASTLE 3456 LUCKY'S B.A. O L ubrication and Towhng Service It's Tirne Now to Winterize Your Vehiie Percy S. Luxton, Prop. PHONE 2081 NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO SID LANCASTER TOUR MASSEY-FERGUSON DEALER FOR CENTRAL DURHAM Corne In and ne the new Massey-Ferguson ""35" Diesel now on dlsplay NEWCASTLE CLARKE 2703 ROY W. NICHOLS Oidsrnobiie, Chevrolet, Corvair and Envoy (Britishi Built) Cars Bowmanville MA 3-3353 Courtice MA 3-3922 FRANK'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Dealer ln SSheil Froduets 72 SCUGOG ST. MA 3-3231 NARR'S JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP 43 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3-5463 PHILCO now presents a revolutionary new COOL CHASSIS TV Beats the Heat, the major cause of ail TV breakdowns! Ex- clusive air-flo mounting o! components on ventilated base -no parts underneath, no heat traps - Beats ail TV in per- formance, reliability an d serviceabilîty COLLISS ELECTERIC MA 3-5901 44 King W. DYKSTRA'S Varîety Foods We carry a compiete lin. or Homernade Products COOKIES, PIES, CAKES BIRTHDAY CAKES, ETC. 77 KING W. MA 3-3541 HRIGGON ELECTRIC Sales and Service PHONE MA 3-3305 42 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. SPECIAL G. E. VACUUM CLEAINER Reg. $88.50 Special s6988, & NEWTONVILLE MERCHANTS Sec Our GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIAN CES One week's Free Trial on Automatic l)kbwashers Re. B. RICIKARD Plurnblng. Heaing and Electrie Newcastle Phone 3938 PAULINES SPECIALTY SHROP CHRISTMAS GIFTS for YOUNG AND OLD Make Your Selection Early Newcastle Phono 2021 GOODE'S HARDWARE NEWCASTLE Corne lni and see our New Lune of CHRISTNAS TOTS PHONE 3321 I LOCKER'S SPECIAL! Home Freezers from $239 up 73 KING ST. W. 1< for Overseas 27 King W. 1 Phone MA 3-3388 BOWMANVILLE 96 King St. E. CAR VETH MOTORS Ford - Edsel Sales and Service Used Cars - Expert Repaira 24 Hr. O.M.L Towing Service NEWCASTLE 3251 N EWCASTLE GARAGE FOR Dependable Personalized Service FRANIK HOAR, Prop. PHONE 2671, PORTERS GENERAL STORF SNACK BAR Quality Merchandise wïth Personalized Servlcp NEWTONVILLE CLARKE A3020 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROÇVMAMM.T.V nWTAllYe% 1 BOWNANVILLE 1 96 King St. E.

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