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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 11

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THURDAYDEC th, 960TE£ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEE j ci n ewcastle 1ndependent .Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3621 'Ch urch Choir Presents 'fine Musical Recital N'ewcastle-- A good crowd cluded the Prelude in C Minor was on hand at the United! by Bach; Grave-Adagio from Church last Wednesday even- Mendelsohn's Second Sonata; ing to enjoy the most lovely "The Grandmother", "The musical evening presented by 1 Blind Man"-"Urchin whist- the Choir, oraanists and guest ling in the street"I by Nevin artist, Mrs. Louise Rundie. -Evensong by Beirstow and The Rev. E. C. Woodland, "The Rosary" by Nevin. minister of the church wasl Solo numbers by the guest the chairraan for the evening. soloist, Mrs. Louise Rundie 'Evening Prayer" from "Han- included "Stiil as the Night". sel and Gretel", "Border Bal- "The Message of the Violet", lad", Psalm 150 and the Sanc- " Shubert's Serenade " and tus and Benedictus. Organ "Count Your Blessings". numbers by Mr. Norman Wil- Baritone solo numbers by liams, the church organLst in- Mr. Glen Allun included 'Where E'er You Walk", "The Big Bass Viol", "Forgotten" and the old favourite "Qi1 Man River". A male quartette composed of Messrs Jack and Glen AI- lin, Don Staples and Merrili Brown presented four fine numbers singing unaccompan- ied and bringing rounds of applause from the audience. They sang "Jingle Bells", "lSmiling Through", the old spiritual "Dry Bones" and completed their portion of the program with the hymn, "'Now the Day is Over". Newcastle- Thie Newcastle and Brownie motifs. Guides and Brownies held a The chairman of the iocal most successful Mother and Association, Mrs. Brent o n Daughter banquet in the Sun-. Rickard, very capably carried day School room of the Uni- but the duties of chairman for ted Church on Friday even- the evening and, in her open- fng. The head table was loy- ing remarks, welcomed the ely with a bouquet of yellow Mothers and guests and thank- and blue tînted chrysanthe- ed them for their support of mums in a silver bowl and the local Association. tail yellow candles in silver A toast to the Queen was candiestick holders. The place proposed, followed by the cards carried out- the Guide singing o! the National An- themn. . 1Following a dlcosdn W aterworks ner of ham, scalloped pota- toes, salads, ice cream and cake, those at the head table Underwaywere introduced by Mrs. Ri- U d r a su-ckard, as flos r.Sd Lancaster, Mrs. Henry Bow- Newcastle- SidewvaIk s en, Mrs. Wm. McCracken and erintendents in the village Mrs. Lorne Johnson, ail mem- have been having a field day bers of the Local Association; this week, seeing to the con- Mrs. D. R. Dewdney and Mrs. struction of the village water E. C. Woodlandl; Guide Lieu- system. tenants Mrs. K. Stephenson Armstrong Broth e r s of and Mrs. Wincop; Guide cap- Brampton (Peel Construction tains Mrs. H. Quinney. Mrs. Co.) the contractors for the! W. M. Rudell, Division Com- job, moved some of their missioner; Mrs- Robt. Simpson machinery into the village on and Mrs. Wm. Caîl, Brown Monday and have been digg- Owls of the lst and 2nd Packs ing the trenches for the water of Newcastle Brownies and mains. Miss Lynne Stephenson who The headquarters for the was on staff at the Guide construction Co. is on the vil- Camp last summer. lage lot on Manvers Street The Guides and Brownies and the digging started from took turns in leadîng a sins- the village well on Wilmot jog Street. Several local men are Aprostd to the mothers was employed on the job, to date pooe by Judy Powell and and it is expected more wiîî Mrs. Ken Dean very capably be eployd a thejob ro-replied on behaît o! the moth- be eployd a thejob ro-ers. gresses. Mrs. Rudell brought greet- ___________________ *ings from the Durham County FAIRM ERVICg Division thanking the moth- FARN SRVICE ers for the wonderful support they had given to the guides DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED and brownies. She also con- FARM STOCK gratulated the local associa- Removed Free of Charge tion on the excellent manner Immediate 24-Hr. Service in which they had planned Ask Tour Operator For the banquet anad carried out ail arrangements and lastly ZEnith 6655 rs. Rudell thanked the Gu- No Toll Charge* meînbers of the local associa- Nick Peconi, Peterborough tion for their wonderful sup- port. Mrs. Quinney presented 1 year stars to the following Guides- Jean Clark, Susan Flintoff, Joy Harris, Eliza- beth Kozub, Judy McLean, Leslie Stephenaon, Candy Storks, Hilda Tendam and Janie Zwier. Two year service stars te Olga Bezubiak, Lyn- da Caîl, Mary Dean, Dorella Lancaster and Nancy Simpson. Mrs. Rudeil presented a 3rd year service star to Carol Gibson and 2nd year stars to Debble Darling, Georgie Sim- pson, Margie Zwier, Judy Powell, Yvonne Guay and Frances Hoar and 1 year ser- vice stars to Elizabeth Pearce, Caroline Majer, Lois Barch- ard, Pat Rudeli, Mary Adair, Joan Kimbail, June Kelsey, Kathie Wallace, Sandra Go- uld, Janet Jacobsen, Karen Lee Parker, Debbie Adair, Janice Rickard and Glenda Johnson. Mrs. RudelI presented sec- ond class badges te Lynda Cali, Bertha Clark, Patsy Darrach, Mary Dean, Nancy Simpson and Nancy Stephen- son. First Aid badges and Hos- tess Badges were awarded te Bertha Clark and Nancy Ste- phenson. Swimmers badges were awarded to Lynda Caîl, Nancy Simpsonand Patsy Dar- rach. Tina Kozub played veriy nicely on her accordian fol- lowed by a couple of well rendered numbers by Candy Storks, Beth Powell and Bey- erley Rickard, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Stan Pow- ell. Susan Flintof! made the presentation of a gold brace- let to Miss Lynn Stephenson for her help at the camp dur- ing the summer, to which Lynn made a fitting reply. Mrs. Ken Stephen,'n moved a vote of thanks .o the girls who served the dinner and coloured slides of Guide hikes and camping were then shown. The Brownies brought the evening to a close with the Grand Howl and_-Taps.- WE HAVE A COMPLELE OEF: Plumbing - Heating - Electrical Supplies and Fixtures WATER SOFTENERS....... $119.00 AUTOMATIC - SEMI-AUTOMATIC- MANUAL 011 and Gas FurRaces General Electric Appliances One Week FREE TRIAL -ON AUTOMATIC DISH WASHER! Credit Plans -No Payments until May 1, 1961 Re B. RICKARD PHONE 3938 NEWCASTLE DON"T MISS THE Mi nstrel Show Produced by the Oshawa Branch of the Society for the Preservation and and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singlng in America, in the Newcastle Community Hall Saturday, Dec. lOth ai 8 pa.. SPGNSGIED BY THE NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB Admissio go75e mmd 50c Minstrel Show Coming to Newcastle Above is a picture of the Oshawa Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America taken at the Ontario District Contest held at Orillia on October 29th. The Newcastle Lions Club is bringing this groupi to Newcastle on Saturday evening to pre sent theirý Minstrel Show in the Community Hall. The Oshawa Chapter was formed Il years ago, one of 27 chapters "I Tlewcastle I Social anad £Jersona/ Mrs. William Baldwin and Ms. D. M. Bernard and Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Me;Cib-Mr,. and Mrs. T. Willoughby bons of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. I o! Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pingle and sons anid J. Asties, Mrs. T. Greenlaw Mr. and Mrs. William Barr 0f: and Mrs. R. Gynane o! Peter- Bowmanville, and Mrs. Ken! borough were weekend visitors Gamsby o! Orono were Sun- with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Car-1 day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.1 veth and family. G. H. Hodgson. Messrs. Charles Gilkes and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew Gerdon Agnew visited with o! Peterborough visited withý Mr. and Mrs. John Ecclestoni Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnewlin Toronto on Saturday. Mr.1 on Saturday. land Mrs. Eccleston lef t on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelsey Monday for England. and Mrs. Branda Howard o! Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hancock Brampton were Sunday '-vis- and son Dougie have rnovcd to, itors with Mr. and Mrs. Berttheir new home in Orono. Kelsey and !amily. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennettl Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Gould:and soni Joni o! Oîemee visit-ý and !amily were in Newmarket ed with Mrs. A. R. Spencer! on Sunday visiting with rel-Ion Saturday.1 atives. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bernard' Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Matthews ivisited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl and family of Trenton were Brown in Toronto on Sunday. Sunday guests with Mr. and More Newvs on Page Twelve. Enroll Seven èrownies In Special Ceremony Newcastle -The Brownies begai). o! the First and Second Packs f The seven girls enrolled were held their Enrolment Cere-IJanie Whitney, Heather Hoar,, mony together last Wednesday Wendy Wilson, Catherine evening. For the first hour ofLovekin, Alice and Freda the meeting the Brownies didiWesselius and Mary Jean Car- their Brownie work and enjoy- penter. ed a few games. Following the ceremony the The mothers o! the girls bé-Brownies enjoyed a couple' ing enrolled arrived about 7:30imore gaines and the meetingi and the enrolment ceremonyi closed -with "Taps". Village "Pretties Up" Wkth Christmas LooI< Newcastle- Despite the, decorations are springing up lack of snow this wînter the and noticeable in the evenings village is beginnîng to look in variotis parts o! the vil- a lot like Christmas. Property lage. Chaîrman Fred Couch has There is only one week been on the job and has had: left for residents. wishing to! the coloured lights on King, enter into the Lions Club Con-' Street turned on and has test, as judging is scheduled Christmas trees installed1 at to take place the weekend of the poles on the main street.* December l7th, with the prize Gradually, local merchants winners to be announced in and householders are gettin the Christmas Issue o! this that Christmas feeling and- paper on December 22n d. 'United Church WMS Christmas Meeting Newcastle- The Women's1 read by Mrs. E. C. Hoar and Missionary Society o! the Uni- 1 the Study Book was taken by ted Church held their Christ- j Mrs. J. H. Jose and the de- mas meeting in the Sunday! votional service closed with School room on Thursday a!- the singing of Hymn 54, "'Hark ternoon with the President, the Glad Sound." Mrs.* Gea. Allin presiding and Appreciation was expressed oening the meeting with al by r.J Baskerville for Chritmas poem. the "Lufe Membership" which Group 3 o! the Society con- had been presented to hier. ducted the devotional service The supply secretary, Mrs. and the Study Book. The Jose reported 180 lbs. o! dlo- scripture lesson taken from thing had 'been sent overseas Matthew 25: 1 to 13 was read and several bales had been by Mrs. C. Fothergill, follow- sent to the Fred Victor Mis- ed by prayer. Mrs. Fothergill sion in Toronto. also gave an appropriate read- The meeting closed wîth ing, "No Room in the Inn".* prayer led by Mrs. E. C. #A Christmas Story". was Woodland. in the Province of Ontario and now has a chorus of, the Raytonc's and the Dulci-tories, interspersed with 35 members. The society is a combination musical black face comedy by the four end men. organization and service club which turns over theý This is another of the fine programs of enter- proceeds of its concerts each year to some Oshawaý tainment brought to the village by the Lions Club to charitable institution for welfare work. The program which will last a full two Iioursi entertain the citizens and using the proceeds for wel- will consist of choral numbers in barbershop stylei f are work ini the community. This group recently without accompaniment with solo numbers by Ozzieý presented a similar pro gram in the new 600 seat Port Croxail and Ray Hatter, and numbers byv two ciuartets,1 Perrv Auditorium to a f ull house. Ever, It's a honey! That's what many new Falc how they feel about their cars. to ride in honest comfort. Pl the big 23,cu. ft.-trunk. EVer full 4 feet wide! Power? Falc< engines, giVing up ta 35 econ( Why flot chat with a Falcc the facts for yourself? Then sc 'y minute of every dlay someone, somewhere, buys a Falcon P.J on owners say when you asic thein Plenty of room inside for six adults [entyr of room for their luggage in ,ithe doorways are bigger-up toaa mf giVes you a choice of two lively . ýomical mpg on regular gas.. . )n owner one of these days and get ee your nearby Ford Dealer. - -A The wriften warranty on lil 1961 Falcons is 12,000 miles or on@ full y.ar, whicheve« cornes firs?. tJSED CARS AND TRUCKS For Oshawa and Whitby Districts For Newcastle and Bowmanvie Districts SEAWAY Motors CAR VETH Motors LlmitedJ 200 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY NEWCASTLE- ONTARIO il Guides and Brownies HoId Mother-Daughter Banquet i. ~ -~ 1 . TRURMAY, DEC 8th, 1960

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