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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 15

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fTRMAY, DEC. Sth, 1960 raIssifiH ed Ads hi emorianim VJTUF-In loving memory a dear brother-in-law and ýbicle, Russel Virtue who pass- cd away Decemnber 9th, 1959. Without farewell he fell asleep, .Ieavng memories for us ta .keep. '-Ever remembered by Lean, !Warguerite, Jon, Paul, and Grace Maore. 49-1* ,VIRqJ6.4n loving rnemory of our dear brother Russel who passed away December 91 1959. .We who laved you sadly miss you, As it dawns hnother year; In aur lonely hours af thinking Thaughts of you are eler * fear. * -Sadly mlssed by sisters Violet, Edna and Grace. 49-11 VIRTUE-.-In loving memory of zny husband Russel Virtue, who passed away December 9th, 1950. 'When evening shades are falling, And I sit in quiet alone, To my heart there cornes a langing, ! f he anly could corne home. Priends 'may think I have forgotten, *When at times they see me s mile, But theY littie know the heart- ache, That smile bides ail the 1while. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Mlyrtle. 49-1* WOÔOLNER -In laving re- mrembrance of my dear brother W.iliam Woolner who passed la;vay. Dec. 8, 1955. Pive long years have passed, - brother, Since you were taken from 'our arms. M long as we live your name is aur treasure, Deep in aur hearts you are with us yet, We loved you too deeply to ever forget. -Always remembered by the family and sister Barbara. 49-1, KING ST. E. ï1958 1955 19551 1955 1953 1952 19501 1950 1È.4 1952 JIARLEY HAYES GO Business Opportunity Àdd $4,000O b $8,000 To Your Preseni Income with a Small Capital Invesiment 7 ~WITH A 1 Philco-flendix Equipped KING KOIN rLAUNDERETTE Featurimg I DOE-OA ULE-PROFIT WASHERS with AUTOMATIC SOAK CYCLE PLUS COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING MACHINES Koin Laundry Sales, Lid. 20 COLLEGE STREET TORONTO, ONTARIO TELEPHONE: WA 5-45]i 49-1 Wanted DEAD and crippled farni stoc, picked up promptly. Telephane COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farrn, Tvrone. 37-tf SOLINA The sixth meeting of Sol- ina Claset Caperettes was held an November 19, at Sol- ina Community Hall. The meeting was apened with the 4-H pledge follawed by the minutes of layt meeting. The rail caîl was answered by tell- ing "How I store smail acces- sories, beits, gloves, scarves and hase". A discussion took placè an« sectional boxes and seasonal' starage ai clothes. Patricia MA 3-2301 $3400.00 1795.00 795.00 775.00 995.00 525.00 350.00 95.00 995.00 395.00 145.00 . MA 3-7218 000 regardiess Of SNOW MO SAFER WINTER DRI VING ET US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES De-Sidding gives you 25% more traction, icruses tire life 15%. Drive safely in inow end iliiih - your tires need flot be Oew FOR HEAYY SNOW DRI VING LET US (UT SNOW CLEATS Do owoy with choins - we con cut mud ond snow chats on your present tires that will pull you through in sofety. OnIy $2.50 Per Tire THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILE, OTARIO Knox told o! ber interesting week in Toronto with other 4-H Club* members. Miss Lii. lycrop, Home Economist, was present at this meeting. Con- struction on shoe packs. con. tinued. The December meeting was held at Mrs. Eakins home on December 3. The 4-H pledge was repeated in unison and minutes of the previous meet- ing read. The rail eaul "My plan for shoe starage"' was answered by the girls. The skit for Achievement Day wvas read. Work in the sec- tional boxes was continued. The next meeting will be held on January 7. The Brotherhood o! Hamp- ton Circuit will meet on Dec- ember 12 at .Zion. The Women's Institute will meet an Thursday night, December 8, at 8:15 a'clock in the cammunity Hall. The profgram is in charge af Group 1. The rail caîl is "A git for the County Home and an ex- changce ai cookie recipes." Mrs. Cecil Milis ai Maple Grave wil give a demonstration on cake making. A ladies trio frorn Oshawa will provide musical selections. The short course on Mill- inery held in the Community Hall last week was well at- tended by Solina ladies and several from nearby corn- munities. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lang. maid, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langmaid and family were Sunday dinner guests ai Mr. and Mrs. ROY McGiil, Ennis- killen. Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr., is visitinti Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and Vernon, Linds.ay; Miss Dianne Westlake, Oshawa, visited Mrs. F. Westlake Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. ard family. Karen, Ricky and Douglas Broome, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and sons. About forty relatives enjay- ed the Tink family Christmas party in Sauina Community Hall, Saturdny night. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shack- Jeton and Barry, Bowman- ville, were Sunday guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ger- Iman, Pîcton. Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Aber. nethy and family, Manilla, were Sunday guests af Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and children. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and children were Sunday tea guests ai Mr. and Mrs. J. Dycr, Oshawa. Mr .and Mrs. Wm. James, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Watten. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten and Frances called at the funeral parlours in Port Per- ry ta pay their last respects ta the lite M\/rs. James Henry of Blackstock. Wayne and Jack Ormiston, Oshawa, Mr. Edwin Ormiston, Ebenezer, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and family. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hardy and Stanley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Glaspell's, Peterborough. Dr. George Werry, Carolyn and James, Oshawa, were Sunday tea guests ai the Wer- ry's at Roselandvale. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smales, Oshawa, were aiternoon callers. Mrs. A.. Balson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Frictag and sans, Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman. Mrs. Sam Carr entertained several friends at a party, Friday niglit. Mr .and Mrs. E. Davis, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellow- lees and Gladys were Sunday tea guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pat. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carr and Brenda, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîsan and sonq on Sunday. The Three M's graup met at the church on November 28. The president Wesley His cone.Ldcted the business per- a e v 1 F si a a ci CI si a] ti el k t! c a ai ai di ti Sunday evening candleligIht service arranged by C.G.I.T. and Explorer graups was con- [ucted by Pat Knox with Gail Baker presenting the story and girls ai Explorer group alsa taking part. Christmas 'arols were sung with the choir also cantributing a election. BASE LINE Mrs. Kenneth Hartley, Ricky nd Heather, Englehart, spent the past week with ber par- nts Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hop- kis. Mrs. Sam Battams was the weekend guests o! ber daugh- t ter Mr. and Mrs, Gardon, Turnbull, Elgin. Mrs. Robert Lapumn and Jackie, Peterborough, were, the luncheon guests ai Mrs. K.r C. Hopkins and Mrs. Kenneth: Hartley on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foleyi ind Dan, Mr. Rager Bickers ttended the 4-H Club ban- quet in Rawmanville on Fni- av cvening. The Milk Producers beld' Leir Annual Banquet in Osh- t yawa this past week. Among tice United Church on Thurs-. service elosed rthose attending tram, this day, December lat. Presidentl Ted Huttan community were Mr. and Jim McGregor apened the Mr. Lockhurst Mrs. Edward Foley. meeting with a hy-na and the: guest speaker Lord's prayer. Secretary Mrs.1voiced a votg Jack Hurrie read the minutes!thase wbo hac S ALEM of the November meeting. TheI the program, Several from this comnunitY Mrs. Hurnie read the corres-1 Lunch was iattended the Oshawa Milk pondence inciuding the an-, and Mrs. Russ Praducers 'banquet at Har-1 nouincement and invit at ioan and Mrs. Chai mony last Tuesday eveniing i from the Young Peoples' Club' and the Holstein Breeders' ta, attend their dance this!1 Several fror banquet at Trinity Chiurch, month. A naminating com- Pter Holaec Bawmanville, last Fniday ev- mttee was appointed as foi-PtrHle eving. lowvs: Mr. and IMrs ecl ý¶ with other Bc Congratulations ta Mr. BobM.an rs eith Ormist ' h rceve Cragan eig eeced a heMr. and Mrs. Gerr3r Est1 Scout book ený schoo boar on Mnday brooks. It was decided ta make the BSum t! sehol ba.rdan onda. a1 a donation ta Courtice ChurchthBoScu ~family party was held a for use ai the hall forth The presentati the home -of Mr. and Mrs. meetings. the Lions Cen Farewell Blackburn last Sat- ville by the1 urday evening ta honor Mrs. M. Program Cammittee were District Couni *Blackburn on her 80th birth- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hutton, Mr. Brown. On t] day. Those present for this and Mrs. Murray Osborne. It Cub leaders, occasion were Miss Esteila opened with a reading, "The and Bob Bai Blackburn and Mrs. Nettie First Christmas Party," by their Woodsrr Cale, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Fol- Mrs. Osborne, and a bymn, certificate irai *ey, Tawn, Mr. and Mrs. How- played by pianist Mrs. Lloyd I Commissioner. ard Foley, Maple Grave, M.-. Down. Ted Ilutton gave a! svas servcd b and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Bible reading and the worshipt Scout mothers, family, Mrs. K. Cowling, Hay- -p-z-~.:. don, Mr. and Mrs. Walter ~ *Blackburn and family, Done HR ST A Milîs, and Mr. and Mrs. Ger-ý C RIT A ald Sbackleton and family. There was a gaad attend-' P CA ance at the travelogue given eh *by Mn. Ross Metcalf under the auspices of the Home and Johnlsonl- School Club recently. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Allin, !I OUTBflAPID Kirby, were Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. K. Shackle- ~ Q ton. DNew 1 0 .0Up A iamily gathering was held >at the home af Mr. and Mrs. 35to 75 h.p. W. Craig on Saturday evenmng D ta help celebrate Mn. Craig's !'! ASK ABOUT OUR birthd.ay. t Messrs. Eric Shackleton, Ran' LAYAWAY PLAN and Larry Welsh were guestsVl at the Lions Club dinner Mon- V ALSO BOATING ACCESS day when a numben ai 4-H .9 bers were present. OBITUARYOTRSA LESLIE MALCOLM KEITII 4A HYLE LY OT Leslie Malcolm Keith died 5i on Sunday, December 4th, P FARGO SIMA DEAL! 1960, at Sunnybrook Hospi- ýi20 King St. E. Bowrnanville ta, Toronto, foilowing a! yersillness;._______ ___ He came ta Canada from , . . . - England at the age ai 20 ta teach at Norway House inJ Northern Manitoba. Enlisting t in the spring o! 1915 in Win- nipeg for service in World War 1, hie was discharged in 1919 from the Can. Corps Sig- nals attached ta lst Brigade Heuvy Artileny. Mr. Keith returned ta Tor- onto and aiter attending the Ontario College ai Education he became a memben ai the Toronto Public School teach: ing staff serving at Winches ter and laten at the Duke o~ York School where he tatight r social studies for some years. He was very active in the Toronto Public School Ath-q letic Association, particular]y in soccer,and played tennis and badminton until he was 67. An enthusiastie music laver with A.T.C.M. standing as 4 voice, he was weli known a a reliable reader and tenon lead in church chairs and as a member ai the Oratorio Se- . ciety led by the late Dr. Ed- ward Broome, the Men Tea- chen's Choir unden Eldon Bre- . thour and, in company withMI bis wife, ai the Mendelssohn Choir unden the late Dr. Fr1-_____ cker, and under Sir Ernest MacMillan and Frederick Syl- vester. Travel also, along with photography, became a major hobby ai bis especially aiten bis retirement in 1955. Mn. Keith leaves bis wiie,: the former Manian Van Nest, a brother, Alan G. Keith aio Toronto, a nephew Leslie G. Keith ai Montreal, a niece in England and in bis home, bis r sister-in-law, Florence L. Van Nest. rie Dr. Alp, acting minister af St. James - Bond Unie Church ai which Mr. Keiht was a member, conducted the MAPLE GROVE Mrs. L. C. Snowden was a weekend guest oi Doctor and p, Mrs. L. H. Coates in Brantford. Ç Mrs. H. Johnston, Hamilton, and Mrs. W. Johnston, Brant- ~ ford, were weckend guests with Mrs. Robert Jarvie. Mr. Mac Laventy, Dunn- ville, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty on Tuesday. < Mns. Cecil Milis, Barbara, Ivan, Bill and Ralph visitedi Mr. and Mrs. Rny Goode, Part '- Perry, on Sunday. Mrs. Wilmot Prouse and Charlie, Osaca, were Sunday guests of Mns. Robent Jarvie. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bath- well, Bo>wmanville, callcd on,4 bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Dave~ Bothwell Sr., an Sunday aiter- noûn. Mns. Julian Magee and iarn- ily, Oshawa, spent Tuesd ay.,i with Mrs. Cecil Milîs. Mrs. T. Colliss ind Ernest drove Mrs. L. Woodcock honel ta, Arden and spent the week end there. The followingc new members . wene enrolled in Brownies ~~ iast Tueday by Brown Owl, Mrs. Wally B othwell: Betty . and Agnes Bierema, Susan ' Henry, Joanne Bothwell, Nan1, cy Symons, Dianne Barr, Ail-~~ een Walls, Louise BlylevenIi3 and Brenda Bamber. i The Girls 4-H Club, the -Mv Hi-Teens, met on November. » 30. The meeting opened with the 4-H Pledge. Ail members and the two leaders, I'4., Charles Greenharn and Mrs.I1 Ken Kuhnke, attended. TheI girls who had brought their f matenial for garment bags pinned an thein patterns. The1~ athers worked on thein note books. Next meeting will be: held December 14 from 4 ta : », 6p.m. Couples' Club The Court ice Crcumt Coun2 try Couples Club met at Cour-1 - RELVINATOR Wringer Washer With filter. Il lbs. capacity. Automatic timer, pump, heavy duty wringer. 12-year wanranty. Christmas I l SpeczanrI - - - - - 1 And your old washer 1with a hymn. j introduced Rev. ;t o Tyrone, the ~ *r Ron Brook's Dring the Kiddles lo'se. te of thanks to i contributed t ' OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Courtice Showroom on was made aj uSanta will be here: nrinBowman- President af the FRDA cil, Mr. Georgel I RIAYEVENING# 0 the same evening' Bert Snowdenl JV'M R I xraball, received IDECEaBE5 91h ian badges anal m the Regional 7 o9-m .A buffet liench 7l .u by Bowmanville -and- SATURDAY I.MI 10 l 12 rn.Have Your - Î Child's Photo Present for Taken Free Every Child on Santa's SOSHAWA WOOD PRO DUCTS Downtown Showroom IMTE Main Office and Showroom tJ4 SINICOE ST. S.-RA 8-11 COURTICE-RA 8-1611 SE S O AN IL A9 Oshawa Telephones to Serve Tou VALIANT BOMNILEM -2130 AJAX ZEnith 2-9600 , iRS 358 DOWNTOWN SHOWIROOM OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. MA358 Dow n Payment >w- FEBRUARY, 1961 KELVINATOR APPLIANCES KELVINATOR AK ELVINATOR 30" ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC RANGE DRYER Fully automatie, 7-heat rotary jy With f abric guide. . Choice of element heat switches. Surface six settings from normal load ta flood light, automatic aven timer , fluffing . . . illuminated back guard . . . automnatic time cycle minute minder, aven flood light, dil. abi coc dial... o'ven window, roaster pan and porcelain drum. Capacity to 18 grill pounds. Christmnas 1àL .9 5 Christmnas Special -lY ' Special-il.179 ID KELVINA&TOR %REFRIGERATOR Il cu. ft. refnigerator with 55 lM. freezer across top, plus storage door. _ 249 -95. * CHRISTMAS SPECIAL-__ KELVINATOR 15 cu. ft. FREEZER 520 Ibs. storage capacity . . . 4-wall cold for fast fneezing any- where in food campartment . . . removable campartment divider n emovabie storage basket ... interiar flood light ... magnetic safety latch and lock. Christmnas 249-95 Special . . . - -. y OWAN EQUIPMENTCo. MA 3-5689 .1 ~1 'j j :1 j 1 -.*-Ww .--Powr. ... **r. #MF -r.- .- .rVV. . acpw . fl duun a flrdvwl PIF".. r .r. 7Vfl 9 HARLEY'S, USED CARS Is Christmas Shopping getting you down? Like a Car for the Holiday Season? Corne and See Harley ... For this month only with each car sold $100 - $300 Cash Loan, PAYABLE OVER 30 MONTHS Bulck______ _ __ Mere. -________ Chev. Ford -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ OIds._ _ Chev. Belair ______ Chev. Coach ____ Ford _______ _ TRUCKS Ford 3%/-Ton-_ _____ Chev. Panel Chev. Panel NO DOWN PAYMENT CASH LOAN WITH EACH CAR 134 King St. E. Bowmanville 1 MA 3-5689 m ula âanla ai 6 0 0 r e4r "JP a

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