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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 1

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Polaroïd Draw SMonda y, Dec. 19 Ail merchants participating in the Home of the Week Contest are asked ta send in their custom- er coupons in time sa, the big Polaroid Camera Draw can be 4?rade flot later than December 19. On tht at- rqTnp @,-ivleu Cusorer ll UWi a Bowrny Tesaiy1a abig day inj cuto er wil in a Polaroid omnil. . . the dayl Camera worth approximately $90 when the ew ChristmasYIý retail. The merchant whose stamp on for the f irst time. Up 5I is on the coupon will -also receive and down King Street,,~ JI r merchants and shoppersiz aPolaroid Camera. couldbeseenlookingupat Sa, f iii out those coupons ýbrackets of green, yellow adred bulbs hangin g f rom______________________ when you- buy Christmas Gifts at the hydro poles. o VOLUME 106 16 Pages BOWMÀAI any of the stores in the contest. f For many of the' You may be a lucky winner.: merchants the event Smail Vote brought to'realization a' eral weeks ago. Sore1 members of the Retail Sec-,K t r o m r C Elections Un District ltion of the Chamber of! D ri tn T Bring Several Changes !cerned because B:wrn- ti n D rigto i horg uncalte On Monday Municipal E-:Mui r, and Fred G. Smith werer In Cou ncil. Personnel neot beng as attratieas etonsClare, M EiDalg relctd Bruc Astonx~a reelet- ounîl eat onCiake own during the Christmas seas- etoswr edi Drig eeetd Brue Ahto wa reelet- ounil eat onClake own' tn, lareCartwright and! Councillor Sidney Cornish ed as Reex:,e of Cartwright ship Councîl, J. W. Stone was !HopeTonhis0ad oin'Cuclo ui eevd 1,26 Township with 552 votes. His re-elected with 765, R. A. an effort to correct the, peTowshpsandailthol Mir ith13ilvts oppnen. Wsle Swetre-Foserre-leced ith 557 situation. the Police Village of Orono.! votes, and Councillor FÏredG. oppoent Wesey wee, re Foterre-leced wth 57,The number of eligible voters Smith 1,119. Mrs. Mary Budai, ceivcd 212. Bert Gibson scor- and R. C. Chater elected with 1 Meetings wvere held without, who wvent to the poils in each secretary of the Darlington ed a victory in the contest for 500. Other candidates in this too mucli success. until a aeyrsAoctin whi the office for deputy-reeve.. contest were E. Dent, who haîf -hour morn ing coffee -break municipality xvas average,Ratepaysascaidati o of-o H-e received 484 votes against had been a member of the, session was held at the Bal- with the exception of Darling- fice as a councillor was de-! j1"e /incumbent, Fred Trewin council for many years, 483,, moral Hotel. This m~eetin~gton Township where there feated. She received 703 votes.: E. H. Samuel, 270, and A. M. The three members electect Knapp, 64. weil-attended by retailers wholwere a smaiier number ofý Four candidates contested Carwriht re Scool Rturs fr te olie Vl-voted to go ahead with the voters turned out than iast'tetosaso h ot to teCrwih raSho eun o the Plc i-lighting which vould costi year. 1 DarEngton- Area S c h o o i1 Board wcrc Neil Malcolm,,lage of Orono Trustees Elect-labout $2,500. Volunteer car<i-' alntnReeGre ord oetCag~a lc~ 482, Walter Wright, 45., and ion wvere: R. C. Forrester, re- vassers contacted each merch-1 ikr ndDpt-eve'ed with 624 votes and Harryl Harvey Graham 380. Returns elected, 197, G. E. Simpson, (Cniudo age seven) RcadadDpt-e for the two defeated candi-: re-elected, 197, J. L.Loey____A.LBanar reee-Olrwth 5.Ted- dates, were Mrs. Charlotte elected. 206. Other candidates ected by acclamation. Ail the feated candidates were Her- Smith, 362 and Ralph Lar- werc H. M. Mercer with 161 ' * present Darlington Council-1bert Mackie with 526 votesi nier, 232. and C. Hutton, 149. lule '..ift lors, Sidney Cornish, H. C. and Russell H. Dow with 335.1 The three 1960 counciflors HoeTwsi wvere re-elected as follows: Hp owsi For Councillors Lawrence Malcolm. 554, Mer- Stewart Gray retained the Sugg stions r'il Van Camp, 469 and Jack ýreeveship of Hope Township u g Poli. Sub-Div. Budai Cornish 1%luir Smith 1-amilton, 457.- The returns; with 590 votes. His opponent, This is the trne of year' 46 122 112 99ý J'or other candidatcs for the Weston Banister, a member when we pîug our own pro- 2 9 ----- ----- )101310 three cour'cillors scats were: of the 1960 council, received duct, The Canadian Statesm-- --3317,13 93 H-arry Wotten 237, Mis. Ev- 532 votes. Fred Bamisey, the sa da gf o noem.!__11628031 eiyn Prosser 233( and \Wil- Deputy-Reeve xvon a VictoryýaForan el $ifthorecnyon 4 - -131--------16- 227196 170 liamn McLenachan. 96. . with 670 votes. while his op- wFolre only 2 mesthes reci ent4862147 1688 Clarke Resuits ponent. oa oee eev homne. We say in al modesty1 ------ 0 1 5 Ini Clarke Township Reeve ed 385. tiiere isn't a better bargain 6A ----B-- 021614101, H-. E. Walkey was r--elecced George Finnie vas rc-clect- anywhere. 16B ----------------143 137 166 107 by acclamation. Deputy-Reeve cd a councillor with 640 votes, Just send us the money and .6 C -124 131 145 109ý F.08 votes, r-elctandwthLois Witpponent.61, ndWilliam] te Lightlc.t 7 4 12 9 97ti68dvte, ad hs.opgreetWilinmgihcard.ect.It60s simple cad.andssimle n- S. B. Rutherford, reccived 456. George Stapleton, 396, andeasy. They'11 appreciate i In the contest for thue threeSimDickinson, 220. every week. Others d". Total------ 703 1311 1286 11191 )RrlSafety RalIy îPoster Contes t Winners Receive S afet y A wards -1The Durham Rural Safetyl out that of the one hundrec Council sponsored a safety accidents reported in Durhamr Kiwanîan raily iin the Orono Town Hall~ County in the recent farnm Kiwa ianson the evcning of Monday. accident survcy, it would ap- November 28th. 1, pear that aIl but one couic LernAbutThe highlight of the eveni- have been prevented. He r Lear Ab ut Nin wa a tlk y Cnstbleged farm folk to keep young *Corneli of the Bowmanville people t'romn riding on farîr n l)Detachment of the Ontario machincry, especiaily on trac. A lumMinu Provincial Police, wbo dis-' tors, pointing out that many Canadla with its vst and cussed farm and highway saf- , 'youngc people had been killed elhcap sources of hydro-eiec- ety xith vehlicles. He men-! in such a manner. tric power is fast becoming tioried such subjects as care The Chairman of the even- the world's leading producer 1 in winter driving, the proper ing Mr'. Milford White, Pres- or aluminuin. H. Arrnstrong,; maintenance of equipment, ident of the Durham Safetv Toront odte1omnii travelling on highways with Council, along with Marshall _4to, tis lub the dmniner machinery of specific sizes Larmeî', Director of the Assoc- nct'ing held in the Flying. and the tise of iights on mach- lation, presentcd Ithe prizes Dutchman Motor Hotel on înery. He also ernphasized in the poster competition. It MVonday, Dec. 5. Mr. Aî'm- the importance of safety to was pointed out that over Strong, anl executive of the, the young people who were forty schoois hiad been repre- ,Alummlium Company of Can- present at the meeting. scnted in the competition with ada, Ltd., was tîýe special; A. 0. Dairymple, Agricul- one hundred and thirty-four gpe-riker at the meeting. tural Representative for Dur- posters. The resuits of the ham County. discussed home poster competition are as fol- (Continued or page seven) and farr safety. He pointed (C o -i ti nu ed- on - page seven) Liberty Street Contest Winner '~' John A. Honeyman, 84 Liberty St., North, Bowmanvilie, was the lucky w.,inner of the "Home of the Weék" $5 contest prize last week. He drew the envelopc confaining Jack Brough's adve¶'tisement, s0 the two winners got together on 'Monday cvening to decide how the money would be spent. If didn'It take long because M1r. Brough hiad just finished cleaning the Honevman furnaces go the $5 arrived just at the appropriate tiine. For School Area Trustees 4-- 6 A '6c jTotal Sub-Div. Crait 110 131 169 69 77 64 624 335 526 ÇL8ts and1 Dow 79 86 56 38 52 24 Mackle 42 102 88 113 120 61 OyIi 12 17 55ý £Pteces IN THE NEWS - Two of our subscribers f rom out-of-town have been in the news recently. Elmore Scott in the Campbellcroft area received a certificate for having made an outstanding contribution to agriculture in the area. The jýaward was presented by the Port Hope Agri- -1 cultural Society at its annual banquet. On Mon- sýday, another subscriber, Mayor Lyman A. Gifford týof Oshawa suffered defeat at the poils when Mrs. Christine Thomas. wife of Tommy Thomas, the CCF member in the legisiature, obtained nearly 1,000 more votes in the Oshawa election. Former Bowmanviile resident Walter Branch was re-elect- eto Oshawa Council. iREPAIRING BRIDGES - The Dept. of Highways is now in the process of making extensive i&-pai*rs tto Vanstone's Bridge in the hollow at the west end of town. Further west, maintenance crews have been repiacing timbers on part of the bridge over the CPR, and also the one on Elgin Street. PLAN CRUISE -Mi'. and Mrs. Harold C. Rickaby. Toronto, are leaving the end of the month for a four-month cruise to New Zealand. They have been widely entertained by their friends. The Rickabys were formeriy of Orono. H-e is a brother of R. P. Rickaby of the "Big 20", Bowmanville, wvho at the moment is flot contem- plating much entertainment in the next few weeks with the Christmas rush in anticipation. Harold Rickaby is also Ontario Deputy Minister of Mines, a position from which he is retiring. .1... - .- j DON'T STEAL'THEM - As'Christmas approach- es, more and more potentiai Christmas trees are being removed by motorists from aiong Highway 401. Also, private property is being invaded by people *<,ho feel it is cheaper to take somebody else's trees than pay for them. Both the highway robberies and thefts from private property may spoil someone's joy at this joyous season. The magistrates probably will take a dim view of such activities wvhen the thieves appear in court. There are pienty of trees availabie around the district at reasonable prices. It could be much cheaper in the long run to buy one than take a chance on being caught. FOOD MUSIC- The Flyîng Dutchman Motor Restaurant recently inaugurated something new for this section of the country. They now have a Hammond organ in the main dining-room and on Sunday evening from 5:30 until 8:30 o'clock will try an experiment. AI Davis (not to be con- fused with local grocer AI Davis) well known Toronto organist, who plays regularly at the Park Plaza, Town & Country, etc., will be the guest organist. He will present a program of dinner music for the guests. Should be much more soothing and delightful than watching cowboys shoot each other on television at home. ~STREETN Durhamn County's Great Farnily Journal NVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1960 lOc Per Copy NUMBER 49 L IGHTING Celebrate 5Oth Anniversary On Thursday, December 1, 1960, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis celebrated the 5Oth anniversary of their wedding with an evening 'reception at their home, 20 Odeli Street. Many friends, relatives and neighbors called to extend best wishes and congratulations. Lovely cards, f lowers and gifts, including a sum of monev from their famîly, were received by the bride and groom of 50 years ago. Durin g thie evening their granddaughter, Mrs. Jim Harris, and great-grand- daughter, Miss Sandra Hockett, both of Oshawa, poured tea and two daughters, Mrs. A. Hockett and Mrs. GlenGordon, Oshawa, served refreshments. Pass Ttiree By-Laws Five Member Commission .1- 771rowng ver îte ioss of their pets, w~ere also thank- 2 feel that there two month To Control Our Cemetery' 3 aid son was not in his bug- )5 g9y on the verandah sleep- j8 ng In his customary place. Bate___cktaenp c'Se t Up by Town Council a few hours later, it might i5 have been a different story.î At the request of the Dur- expressed counc Ils sympathy! to the Burgess and Ledd'.? *1ham County District Hîgh for Fire Chief Walter Hack- pioperties, which are across ~ is-inSchool Board L.A. (Ber t) ncy on the death of his wife. the CPR raiway lines north Kinsm n Parer wa re-appointed one It was decided to send flow- of Chapel Street. j of the tow~n's representatîx es i crs frorn the Corporation of, Mayor Carruthers stated I 14 ..J4 onthe board by Town Coun- i he Town of Bowmanville .: that a road or lane could b H~ear A-du ress oni.Te apitet\a Cuclo et ahnu instalied if permission of the imade at the meeting hed in Cuelo et ahnu the ounil hambr o Mo-,rported that the Mayor and owners of adjoining land is the Cou eil Cha ber on on-j le w ent out iast Thursday to obtained. "W e w ili have ta O n n Safet y dayevening. w1rc nac-' gate epossihility of sec what xesi nvld anite b in-hi atter to Don Stutt. president of the ted b\' council. One xvas f0 road that would give accessi (Continued on page seven) Bowmanvilie Kinsmen Club, establish Cemnetery Com. t presided at the organization's; take over control and manage- Safety Night dinnler meeting mentL of the cemetcry. It wil in the Flying Dutchman Mo- have fivc niemnbers. Two mem- a e e a n u e for Hotel on Tucsday evcning. bers; of council wxill be on the Mr. Stutt announced that the board. They are to be ap I club's annual Christmnas Par- pointcd annualv The threI a c i e t ty ill be heid onj Tuesday others will be dppoiflted for C r A ci e t evening, Decemnber 20)th. thre years. tw o veai s and The birthdays of Murray ofle yeaî' îespectiveIx Larmer, Harry Collacutt, Jack' A B-Laxvw ws pased to 0/ver the Weekend Lanider and Keifh Connel authorize the construction ot: 1werc celebrated by their fel- ' a sanitary sewer at Third and John Osborne. age 21. 23' r son a asn low Kinsmen. W. A. Kilpatricki Liberty Streefs. The thirdMrOson waapsen infroduccd the special speak-' By-Lawv passcd on MondaY:Second Street, Bowmnanvil]e-,iger in a car di'iven by En. er, George Han, Toronto, authorized the borrowing of xvas injured in a miotor acci-' merson E. Ellis, R. R. 3, Bow- an officiai of the Ontario Saf- $66,000 for canfital expendi- dent on Saturday evcning at manville. It happenied on No. efy League. turc. The fourth was f arn-, 7:45 o'clock. Mr. Osborne was 35 Highwaý north of Enter- Mr. Hammn's address on end By-Law 1708 bv insrting trced o cl acrtospise Hill. Mr. Ellis was driv- 'Safetv in the Home'" drexv the nexv nanic of the iown's in Mcioi'ial Hospital, Bow- ing north. He pulled out to, attention to the fact that many, auditors, Humnphrey, Taylor: -tanviile. and xvas able to re- pass a car and had rcturncd accidents, sorne serious, hap- and McDoîiald. turm to his homne the following to the right side of the road (Continued on page seven>_ Mayor W illrid Cdi ruthers: dayx when his car wcnf out, of cou- - ---- -trol a.nd crashed irîto the difc!i, ~-lJ The driver wvas not injureil. Cele rate ~ o ~ n I- II[îverdryDarnage to his car amnounted- Cee r t o -e n ie s to approxirnatelv $60o. Cons- table Howard Wight, o,.p.., investigated. Flioyd Serviss, 34 Gold St., Oshawa, received unninî- juries when his car 'vent out (Continued on page seven) Shown above are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Richards who were married on November 30, 1910. Mrs. Richards is the former Edna Sprv. On November 3th a reception was held in honor of their 5th anniversary at Memorial Park Club House. During the affernoon and evening over 200 attended to offer con- gratulations and best wishes to the anniversary couple. Tree Grows ýIn Window OnP Of the most attraci. ive Windows along~B~' manville's Shopping section featurres the Chrlstmnas dis- Play Of Hggon Electrie. This year, the window is filIed Niiha e'ah apple tree. painted white, Colourful glas.s bails and other dreor- ations haut from the bran- ches wVhich hold man), sug- gested gifts. But, that Is not the full %tory. The tree for many Years grew on the lggon property on Centre St. Ev- ery season, Il; messed up the Iawn by deposltlng hun- dreds of crab apples' ail over the place. Mr. Higgon feels It; serves a niuch bet- ter purpose ln the store wln- dow and, after Christmnas. the wood will keep someone Warmn. * The tree protested the move and refused to enter the store portais until its base ha. been sawed apart. even then the ltgons and the SYers wore themielves Out puillng it Into the store. But, it certainty do« 1o.k mont attractive ILew. ,B rings Favorable Comment s CHR ISIM AS NEW >un cil vnship Rabid Fox Attacks Dog On Verandah A fox slck vîth rabies caused considerable excite- muent and sadness around the farm of Stanley Milison, southwest of Enniskillen, last Wediîesday morning. It came up on the veran- dah of the hoîuse and at- tacked their four month oîd cole pup, drawving blood. Mihen the Milisons caine out to investigate the noise, the fox nearly caime in throughi the open door which theY closed just in time. 31r. M1ilîson loaded his guil, went out the' back door and around to the front. By this time, the fox had retreated to the garage 'vhere it ivas shot. Later, their dog and three cats were also destroyed because the Milîsons had no way of Kinowing if the agiimals had contracted the disease in thejir contact with the fox. Dr. Ivan lVoolsey of the Health of Animais Branch, reported later that the fox had been suffering from ra- bics. TRAN.SF'ORMS erý zo Ili STREET

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