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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 6

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-. - - i..-. -. . ~ -- - ~. Y &&I ANA TAq 1'WA ¶flAeVV u-'-.v'..,a"'T .Z1LL&LdE, OTJLN IC) TI and Cheryl of Alliston visited e Mr. and Mrs. Grordon Lang.N W O Religion for Today staff and Allen frwins. Ki wanisLi.Go ero M.and Mrs. Hatcher Fos- Mr. Chas. Pi ter and sons were with Mr. safls NeOffces of Pordthe Nij and Mrs. Bob Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. Brotherly - People Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young- weedwt ro t h r! P e o le f m'and ebx:n aae day îv eeri wentSn-a d r.Wm:h A weekly Talk- By Bey. R. R. Nicholson. and fimiTorAnto.aThes. m.n' Mrs. Carl Langstaff, Linda A t III piriIIee in held a very e W e ail l1-e brathery people1inon la the ability to bear in- Phillip s Brooks, t e f n O s a d D b i p n e a s T e d n e e t f the sV c rei e t o al e n aturthe C< because they aIways have gond-!juries without beîng vengeful, preacher of Trinity Church, in Toronto wlth her sister, Th dinrm tngote2dVcePsdnRnad nStrayf will towards others. They are ta be reviied and ta revile not Boston, Mass. was a tail, hand- Mrs. R. Moore and returned Bowmanville Kiwanis Club Brooks. ing about $55. broad-minded, generous, kind,ý again, ta be wronged and in- sanie nan with a great heart of Sunday with Carl. held at the Flying Dutchman The ceremony ended with Mr. and Mrs. tender-hearted and unselfish, ai-J stead of 'getting even', ta help sympathy and brotherly love for Tobacco growers and own- Motor Hotel, Monday, evening, the Lieutenant - Gavernor well (nee Gwcl ways wiiiing ta help others.1the offender. This is brother- ail people. He was the bestiers from this community at- Nov. 28, featured the installa- charging the president, Ted moved into the They carry a benign a nd gra-I liness. known and best loved preacher tended the annual banquet of ticin of the ciub's officers for Hutton, regarding his im- apartment. ciaus atinosphiere, which upiifts! of bis tinie. the Durham and Northumber- 1960-61 by the Lieutenant- partant duties. Mr. Hutton Mr. and Mrs, and inspires ail whom they meet. Dr. Lymian Abbott, a dis- land Tobacco Growers Ass'n Governor of, Division 6-B Of thanked Lieutenant-Governor wvent by Burley Dr. H. E. Fosdick says: igihdcneprymns- held recently in Cobourg. Miss the O.K.M., Bill Whyte, Lind- Whyte for coming t0 Bow- the weekend ini <'Whoe-hearted goodwill, such ~- ter and journaiist, has told thîs Kathy Foster was present as say, whose club wvas also in mnanville, and for the inspir- Mr. and Mrs, as is described in Ephes. 4: stor about his intiniate friend. Tobacco Queen. Aniong those charge of the pragram for the ing advice he had given. and son Barry 25-32, lis the most characteristie'h lvn winning prizes were Mrs. A. evening.Te with Mr. and M "A young nman who was rliving Presîdent e Hutton pre- quality of a true Christian." One with his wife and their infant Faster horceived a case The Lieutenant - Governor sided at the dinner. He an- wha really bas it, is a marked'cidi. oadn-os of glass and Andy Planke- urged the active particiainnucdta h in nycopan, ndasvermiculite for his green- by all members in the club", Governor's Conference f George Eliott said, "he înîpres- pr- ih~hc a u nitrs n Mr n r.EmrPt on, ts andplans. Tii s Division 6-B O.K.M. will be ses one like a fine quotation MI~ the business in which hie selrvedan is tle r.atn, especially important for ahl held at the Empress Hotel, f rom the Bible, in the idst of ý-ateddTintanrd reg-Ptrbruh the executive officers, direct- Peterborough, on Thursday a newspaper paragraph." He is - rl- on Sundays, sitting in the Mr. al Ptton r. ors, aind cammittee chaiman December lst. thebet aguentfo Chs- - Cllig n Ms.Mary Lu- he asserted. tieanit n arutfor r iser- gallery. His child died suddeniy. xon Sunday night were Miss Mr. Hutton also made the than y iospàrhicfar dscusoneihe young wife was heart-bro- Jane Thonipson, Toronto, and He challenged all the mem- anucmn httePei ever devised. Somthing hike this - ken and half-crazed by the sud- Roy Mercer. br ahv o nyiesdn' ofrnewl was dauiess Dnicin i Weter'sý denness of the blow. She would Congratulations ta Mrs.ac but ideals in their efforts ta held at the Flying Dutchm meaning wben he said, "that the ,,11 not relinguish the babe, but held Stapleton who wasthluk live up ta the 1961 interna- Motor Hotel on Manday e -it in her arms and rocked it as winner of the draw at the tional theme of "Building Res- ening, December l2th, fol istrongest argument for religioni though it were asleep. Nothing Athletic Banquet in Orono. ponsible Citizenship." lowing the dinner meeting of tha hekne, ~as n ad antie couid say had anyefct The A large crowd was in at- During the installation cer- the Bowmanville Kîwani s of his who lived up in the Newv i-nîotherly landiady suggested tendance Saturday night at emony Lieutenant - Governar Club. Hampshire huis." Is anyone that he eall on Phihlips Brooks. the presentation and dance Whyte introduced the eight Teprsdnthntre '"C Iiel a hikofau ives, as a He was reluctant, he had neyer held in the Orange Hall in directors of the local club, the meeting over ta Norman gi-cnt reasan for believing in met bum, and was not a member honour of the reccntly wed Cranston Scott, Peter Fed- Skitch, secretary of the Lind- BEST BtU Christ? Bev. R. R. Nicholson of the ehurcb, noir even of his Carson sisters, Helen, Mrs. dema, Gerald W. Brown, Ca- say Kiwanis, in the absence Jesus was a bi-otherly man. regular and recognized congre- Barton McNeil and Amny, Mrs. sey Denhertog, Flayd H. Me- of that club's president due Mp La He was aiwavs kind, gentie, Not long ago wve rend in the gation. But despair for his wife Pat Tobin, who now reside in Kinley, Harry Lacke, Bill ta illness. The Lindsay mcm.L Iaving, seekîng ta, helpi nnd lcss. Bell Tclephoîîc News, a story reinfarced the counsel of the Oshawa. They were each pre- Camneron and Dr. Derry Hub- bers led a rousing singsang. gyM in One of His dearest friends, thewhich revealed the Brothcrly iandlady. He went tai the rector's scnted with a comfortable bard. He emphasîzed the fact Apostle Peter, said, in a now spirit in twa cmployees of the bouse; found acceas easy ta the chair, a coffee table, a smo- that these men are the admin- President Hutton asked that famous phrase, "He went about Bell Telephone Ca., Mr. and rector's study, as did ahi cahiers; ker's stand, a rose-bowl and istratars of the club, and that alinembers of the Bowman- doing gond." Mî-s. Christopher Talbot, of and befor-clhe had finished bis money. thcy determine the club's Pal- ville Kiwanis Club hand in! Dr. Charles E. Jefferson Toronto. Whcn fire gutted a stary was interrupted. III wiil go Tobacco sales bave startcd icies. their mcmbership informa- asks: "What mare beautiful Nursing Home for eldcrly with you", said the rector. an serlshpet hveinfom sahttedrc- BEST B31 eulgyba eer ee witen eole aros te tîet i-rn Thbeen made by local growcrs. "Managenient rests on the ors may plan the activitie [ about as max than tawritteihope, rosther et fwre Tey ent together ta the W er n adaeaeishoulders of the directors, frtecoigya. eas Van Camp abot mn hanthtWih;h(,ihoetherbousswe e oWarw adfudte c ear, nlb. wbic incled the Lieutenant-Gavernor said, frnidthe min emb.eso wbat mare lovely wreatb ofitouched with deepest synpathbouseife sroadfudte6eprl.wic nlddrmne h ebr h rases could you caver a inan's and brotbeî-ly love for the afflic- wf and mother stili rocking the ticing bonus of araund 4c. as he cangratulatcd the dir- committee chairmen will be career?" ted and aged people, the babe In her armns as though Voting was held in the Or- ectors and extended bis best appoînted at the dinneriB a . asleep. Phillips Brooks leaned ange Hall, Monday and evcry- wishes ta them. me~eting on Monday evening, Jesus says that "Truc religion- This led ta prompt action and over and looked at the sleeping ane voting bad a good view The executive officers wcre December 5th. involves brotbeî-liness, i-cal, in- it wasn't long befoî-e.gallons af babe. "Wbat a beautiful cbild l" of the scandalous condition of then prcsented by Lieutenant- Guests present were lan 4 f ward, brotherliness, and that cofl'ec were brewing in the TaI- 1be said. "Wauld you let me r-ock the sidewalk in front of the Governor Whyte as follows: Turner and Bill Lycett, bath BEST BU7 nothing extcrnaîîy relîgiaus, bot's kitchen, and passed along hlm for a little while?" The hall- extcnding from the Treasurer, Jim Colhisa; Sec- of Bowi-anville, President, which a man can perfairn, ta firemen, police and rescuers, mother laid the babe in the rec- cburch over ta h onr ertrTryMCue;ls yPwl fteOhw gli e means anytbing without tat. battling the eaîly nios-ning blaze. tor's arma and bie took the Kendal folk he ldcrner. W ie Prey, TcR s M cCa s yPwl fth saa Oîv -D 0f ail expressions of brother- A up of the strong, wnrning motber's chair. Then, respond- getbcî- and go aftcr the new - B o kewasClb Iincss the most comnion isacie coffcc did mucb ta helli and ealm ing ta a gepture of Phillips council for a decent sidcwal o *ac t secrctary, and practical ser-vice; far lescn_ the lderly folk wniting for Br-ooks, the *husband led the -and if we don't get it votk Business uîrectory two Bte branh s ofte C k -- ambulances, and also taecer mother from the moant Wheîî them out ncxt year. Club, Harold Davidson and, the woî-kers. lie îetuind Dr-. Br-ooks askcd Mrs. Blake Alexander left 2 f Mr. and Mrs. Talbot were late whcn the funci-al wvas ta bie, Monday ta try out the rest A C OU li a n cy Kcn Zimmerman. A number 'B A D for voî-k thiat morning. Tbey hiinsclf pî-oposed ta attend it, 'home in Orano. Mrs. Falls re- ___ of the Lindsay Kiwanis Club. hadaspent mai-e than five houî-s, and an boum- aftcr he had gone, mained with Leonard awhile RAY J. DILLIING- members wcre also gucsts k BSTB Thal Special Gi în humbly hielping others, in a there came a bunch of lilies with to close up the bouse. Certificd Public Accountant The attendance of local mcmn- BSiB 1tume of sudden and great need. bis card for the moairavi. 1 93 Cburch Street bers was excellent, 31 out of1 Instant - Sh Port of Cobourg Their actions î-evealed in a very Phillipa Brooks xvas, indee'd, a MEMORîAL HOSPITAL MArket_3-386,1 the total mcmbcrship of 32ý and otiler poemns by - simple and neîgbbourly fashion great leader amang those dis- WM. J. IL COGGINS were present.M FOTE M RSSLL that thcy vicre "brotberly pea- cipfles of Christ w-bai we eall WEEKLY REPORT Chartered Accountant FSE M.RSEL pe? "Bî-otherly People". For the wcek of Nov. 28- Second Floor pubisher The Cobourg__ Dec. 4 inclusive. New Library Building C p .J a b Sentinel-Star ~~ Admissions ---------------- 52 Cor. King and Temperance Sts' . . an attractive cloth ITY R O N E Births, 6 male, 3 female .... 9 Phone MArRetu3Here FEATURE Discharges -------6----- -----, -ms boun book in embossed, ivron nterested, kindly Sympatby is extended f0 Major Operations YALE,& COMPANE e ur s H r Cateli gold letterlgatnthAnulMeing o Mr. Artbur Rahm on the sud- Minar Operations ----------23 Accountants and Auditors ror C u a eS a -$4.00 postpaid- Tyrone Community Centre, 1den passing of bis brother B3ill Emergency treairnents - 17 Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcyr r Cr s d Order Now From consisting of Hall and Park, Hudson, Ottawia. Mr. and Mrs. Vstn bus3- 4 p.n. 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Dec. 12 at 8:30 in Tyrone,1Rahm attcnded the funeral at and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. Oshawa, Ontario Widespread intereat was The Cobourg Hall. Ottawia hast Saturday. B. L. Yale, C.A. prevalcat in connection wîthý 28 oz. tin Mr. and Mrs. Arthulr Wcb- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver F. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A.,,the five-day Gospel Crusade g e e ar ber, Manitou, Man., Mr. and a-nd childrcn, Fenelon Fals, MOTEIH -MONEIT conductcd by Captain and Mrs.ý 6 Mrs. Roy Webbcr, Bawman- vst r.PryMCy RIEHL & CO. Armny on Division Street.Th coborg - Ontario vlle, r. and Mrs. S. Rahim,-Mr. a-y inayUio-R.W.1.D N 135 Slmcoe St. N., Oshawa Captain, who ia now stationed1 Feature- 'Blackstock. recently visitcd ville, visited Mrs. A. Hawk- Floiga lreso hree conat tSmoOtro a ________Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm. ey at the haime of Mr. and Folwnga îhcs 18 ChRrdAcc-untants reyas at Simcoe, Ontaria, had - --- - Mrs. C. Bigelovi. nmontbs the death occurred a A532 he-ersa at Bovimanvillforle Dish95-55 B Mrs. A. Shortt, Mrs. F. Mac-1 Strathaven Rest Home of Su- BolimaEnillvle ro495-5.750~~ Lachian, Toronto; Mrs, .T a Thmsnibe nd ane-1 Ent455 In the first gathering, EA V 8OWMANVILLE Findlay, Thornhill; Mrs. Elvi \-ear. ons Saturday, DecemberHo.JW.Mneh,.CA Captain Normnan Cales welcom- I. ABeckett were Sundav guest's 3 90 A. B. Monteîth, B. Com., C.A. cd Captain and Ivrs. Ham,: Feature-S R O YL A -.58 ofMr. . ir-e The deceased, who was born: G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. stating that there was keenl Mr ndMs.M Mrhatin Glascovi, Ont., was the (Licensed Trustee) anticipation on the part of the Ilawe's-K Mr n r.M acatdaughter of the late Mr.nd GE.TewyCA. conaregation for the succes Mr. Ken Pearce, Kitchener, tended seboolalt Claremnt___ R. F. Lîghtfoot, C.A. ofteCuae THIS THUIRS. TO SAT., BECL 8 - 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. . Jew- Ont. At Toronto in Apri C"iro One of the helpful features ell. 1893, she marricd W .J.Chi ro i ac « f the sermes of meig was ArMr. E. Smith, Boe7vman- Dunn wba predeceesed ber 15- - the "question time" hcld eachl Feature -S ville, Mr. and Mrs. G. May years ago. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. evening, when members of the1 Uncle Ben's fic n EFOOTIawNIie TelteMs.Dn wsaChrprco cnreain ee betEa ONEMASCOi5 COLOR by DE LUXE Mr. and Mrs. J. Reyenga. ýresident here for 40 ycars Office: Chqesropractorsecil Mr. and Mrs. Allen Browin, nmoving fa Toronto several 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St.1 pamphlet pravided, which cav- 1 S -Peterborough, were guesta of years ago. She returned here Phone MA 3-5509 ered a varicty of subi cets on, Mm-s. F. Scott, Sunday. about four yeers ega. She was Office Hours: By Appointmeîst the spiritual life of the Feature - 10 -Mr. and Mrs. R. Perfect and a member of the Anglican i Christian. Xmas Stoekir Richard werc Sunday dinner Church. D..>e iniai Supporting Captain and Mrs.! With Alan Ladd and Don Murray guests of Mr. and Mrs. J~. She was a member of Hill- ~ M - Hem on veriaus eveninga were A K Ixtra- Coor Trveloue an Caroon Gbbs.crest Chepter of the Order of DR.M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Commissioner Frank HM A IA 5 htr - olr Tavloge ad artonGibs.the Eastern Star and the Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. Captein J. Reid, Port Hope,' __________________________________ Mr. Henry Hill and Miss White Shrine of Jcruselem. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville and Captain H. Roberts, Whit- Crisp and Crui Mary Ellen Hill, Kendal, Surviving are two sans, Office Hours: by. The vocal contribution of ïNo. 1IJumbo Si N XTNO . O E .IDE . 2 t-1 Mrs. Elva Beck- Stanley G. of Bovimanville 9 a.nt to 6p.m daily Captain R i. n ase alyr -y Giad ta learn Mr A. H. The funerel service was Office Phone- MA 3-5790 ly radia broedcast "Showers CIE LEI Bd-rent is fee-ling same better1.1,l1nte arsFnra os hne-Nwatl+51a1,esn"wsinprtaa k~ot1'ery m repet i vis.1930. The deceesed fermed bis Noary Publie Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Fletcher i bupreme Brani James Henry, Blackstack. Mr. entire life in Clarke Tawnship. King St. W. - Bovimanville vicre honoureci on Saturdey Supremne Bran Lades Brsh Cmb ndNirorSes and Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. F. The late Mr. Andrewsis Phones: Office MA 3-5688 cvening on thse occasion of Australian Sul Ladies" rush, Cmb and irror 1 L. Byem, Mrs. Percy McCoy survived b two daughters Residence MA _ 3- 55 -53 - __ their 35th wedding anniversary! NlwShaesd Nw attrn W. Rahm attended and two sons, Mrs. Reg Rab- MISS APHA I. HODG;INs by a wonderful surprise party Supreme Fruit fuca n usa. inson (Mar-y Beatrice) of Bow- Barrister, Solicitor et thse Leg'ion Hall. Supreme Fruit $3.98 - $4.98 - $6.95 - $ 11.95 -$ 19.95 mrvle ila rdrcNtr ulcMs iThampsan was eleet-' ENDAL Mrs n D. Moffat (Hilda _____ __ St - Bowmenvlhle cd president of Memorial Park r L a d es'M a n c ur C u e x o n d K tt le x n d e , a l o O r n o.B a rriste r, S olicito r M r . a n d M rs. W . H . (M ick ) ! Wallets Sets Sets Sets Miss Nellie Hill and ber; Alsa surviving are twa, sis- Box 9 Nvcsl rw eaeStre o FOQDS fai 3.95 -5.00 1.49 -2.98 1.00 to 35.0 1.49 father, Mr. Henry Hill moved1 ters, Mrs. Erwin Farrow (Mer- W. KAY LYCET-T B.A. vacation in Florida. This tripB this weekend from their home; aret) of Newcastle and Mrs. Barrister and Solicitor la an aviard won bit Mr.' Men' Ol Spîe Save ESET FLWERhere ta Tyrone. lfarry is me- William Cowan (Maria)ofIthofie of Brown in a Case Company Set 1.0, .25 2.5, .75meînîng in thse home here. Orono, and six grandcbildrcn. R. R. Waddchl, Q.C. sales comlpetitlon. Ses150 .5,27, .5 Soap (3 i a box> 1.75 l Mrs. Bort Thonîpson was The funcral service was Main Street, Orono, Ontario Rifleman Ralpb Clark bas , - Gillette Shave Sets _ 2.39 Tollet IVater_ 1.50, 2.00 not s0 wcll lest week but we 'held at the Morris Funeral returncd home fmom Germany, Gillette Razors 1.95, > Spray Cologne 30 hope she will be able ta be Up Chepel, Bowmanville, at 2:30 MosedCrsta n e Shae Bvil --.50 89 Had cd-Bdy oo .5 around again vemy soon. p.m. on Tuesdey, November M r g a ge s tarsend hrisaenndNMr. Mm. and Mms. Orval Zea- 2n.Re.EO.ROdad fSDI AITCN-adm's.ibRhss parent, Mr.h Men's Wallets 98e to 7.50 Bubble Bath - 2.00 land and family wcre OinrNwatecnuce h e-Poe1 r 16 aSt ree. H Ralesa ark igbi Ke Cse 15-195 Ses- --- .2,4.0,5.5 guests with dinnay u- e.r tex-ment was in the Firat Martgage Funds Toronto sometîme alter the o uday. Also vsitîng ber family plot In the Omono Cerne- Residences - Farins New Yeer. Yardley Men's Sets 1.85, 2.65,3.35 and Mrs. Harry Mercer, Mr. Palîbearers were Msrs BuiessPopre Newcastle: Recreation Corn-mm Yardley Ladies' Sets 1.65, 2.30. 100. 4-95, 6.25 laend Mms. Fred White of pet-! Nelson Couvier, Theodore Ste- 0fl1n Me*fr mrittee plans Ballet party-may W II cerbarough, Mrs. Havi a r d ffliens, William Reid, Leslie om eIrY fax-m art classes. O N Qu!rl n m n r.Reid, Clarence Buriey and La- rKIHA BI ET, 6O..1 Orono: Mm-s. Gea. Henderson Elmer Elliott of Oshawia. verne Patterson. Optametrist fell and broke ber wrist hast Mm. and Mrs. Alec Little, Plower bearers were Messrs. 141 Kfil St. E. - Bovimanville week. MqANpi C O W L IN G sToronto, spent Sunday with Arthur Farrow, Stanley Ste- Office kours: By appolntment Yelverton: A uaimable loss M "FT Mrs. Neya Little. phens, Everett Couvier, Alfredj Telephone MArket 3-3252 was sustained by Mr. Gordon RU ST R1Mrand Mrs. George Pal- Jakeman, Charlie Robinson, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Stx-ong cf Beilyduff wben fffp~ rRUSE ýmer and Jenîce were guesta, Russe! Memill, Perey Robin- M-,nday ta Saturday three cows and one caîf fel M ONBU ______________ !of Miss Helen Boyd. sSn, Hax-ry Farrow and Austin Thursday eveninga into a well when the to~p cap-; - Mm. and Mrs. Roy Vernon 1 Turner. Wednesdays. 9 to 12 sized. 'ofEBoavill manville. W ILLE Mrs. Gilnser Smith and Mx- . M. and Mr. rëifE-jhrley Parker bas left' and Mms, Milton Kimbahl have of Cobaurg vere Sunday'sup. ,ter in Florida. moved up from, the farm ta per guests wiih Mit and MMs ;Lennax Vase - speid the winter ini their vil-! Don Vinkle. cal spent the, age propex-ty. Mr. Jas. Ntoeoitt left Maiton her parents, Mr.i . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood by plane on Fridey to'~i Stapleton. and son of Lindsay spent Sun-' bis brothler -,L1'i wife, Mr it Institute ladies. day with Miss Anne Nesbitt. Mrs. Frank Nesbitt of Seaka- successful bake1 Mr. and MIra. Frank Gilmer, toon, also bis sister Jane and !mmunity Hall Mr-. Tuppex- Johnston and Miss ber husband. Mr. and Mrs. temnoon, realiz- Olive Johnston, Mr. Jas. Nes- Jo.hn Sigswortýh of New West- bitt and Miss Anne Nesbitt'rminster. Maurice Hello- vicre guests of Mm. and Mrs.ý Sympathvy is extended to *n Stark) have~ Wilbemt Hancock of Peterbar- 'Mrs. Sid Stacey in thse passing eChas. Parker ougb on Wednesday of ber siSter, Mrs. FreA Cal- Mr. and Mm-s. Bud Stacey1 lin son of Toronto. M;rCol- 3Arnold Wade and family have moved into linson vies a victini of that me- ybus ta spend thse Argyle property. cent gas expblosion in bhc city. n Buffalo. Mr-. and MIra. Murray Por-i Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephen- *Cleland Lane ter, Sandra, Donna and Wm. !son, Debby and Jill of Clark- spent SundaylFranklini spent sundiay with, son viere wcekend visitors Irs. Chas. Gray, MIrs. TIsas. Harneas of Boy- with Mrs. Gea. Ovens. JY - SAVE 4c f- 28 oz. tin ýcemeat 41C UY - SAVE 9c - 20 oz. tini is& Pork 'r 69C JY - SAVE lic iluxe - Stay Fresh eMixes or 63C fY - SAVE 10e :im Milk Powder jiko pkg. 89C E- SAVE 4c li's Cooked ghetti 15 oz. tin 2 for 29c Brookfield Sausage Save - Detergent I49c 2 For 59C 1 CANDY CANI SWIFT'S RED OR BLUE, BRAYD B"'PF Round STEN c-ÀEr RýT ItOUNDJ T-DORE andIVI STEAK or MS Ibo THURINGER - Sliced or by piece SWIFT'S - Skinless - i1lb. pkg. IFeature, êave lic ing Size qbr_ Save 7c -14 oz. pkg. m a 2 Fr43c c off pack àg Deal - Large Size SELTZER G68 inchy' - Califomnia size RY bch. 19c Id - 1 lb. celko bag iSprouts 25C Florida - Na. 1 Grade Y, Pnt BickDaily Fresh Pint rickAunt Mary's - 24 oz. loaf EAN - 25c SLICED BEAD 19C isimas Baking Time!" BMSOÉR îing, 4c off 1 lb. - --28c OUS FER ard, 1 lb. pkg. -_____21c 25 ft. rolli-- -------- - ----- - 39e 4SN O W 't Mixed Fruit, 8 oz. pkg. 24e ,t Mixed Peel, 8 oz. pkg. 21c 5L lE Lace Cherries, 8 oz. pkg. - 35e SH O V EW id Walnut Pieces, 7 oz. cello 43e d Blanched Almonds, 3 oz. 25e Push-Sno Type d Currants, 12 oz. cel. pkg. 27e Large 18" Blade tana Raisins, 2 lb. pkg. - SiedcaelFns 1Cake, 1 lb. size 59eReEnelFis ýCake, 2 lb. size 1.15 Regular $3.98 Value raservale - Save Oc - 24'~ USN & CHIPS sa. 59C$19 Irdu Eye - 12 e&. pkg. REEN PEAS 2 Fr 45C with Order Feature - Save 6ic National - 50 Bags TEA BAGS Stinbeani Feature Angel Food Ca Kleenex - Twin Pack P A PER -TO 0w]1 Ail Purpose - No. 1 Gramde- YEuLLOW 'yONI 1'amous Japanese ZippE 45 - 50 Oranges p Mqandarîn RJ m Lb. 39C Lb.- 75c g ES29C -a39C ike £a. 35C ELS 49c - 3 lb. poly bag IONS 15C er Skinned per box ANGES LNVII GROI Lr . *Mcluinn's Market IVE* Naple Grave Groceteria * * * *Cornish Marketeria PAGE SIX 4 h - T-.- ILm ---j- Ow Una-M - mmumma TEE CANADLAÏN STATP-qMAM- JRSDAY, lm a 49c 1 Lean Minced Beef a 87c 1

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