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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1960, p. 8

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f49E rTGH? TEE CNADII< SATL~AN. OWMAVILL ON"ART Mixed BwigLau P O Tp C -VI"It wiIl be strictlyafziyTsaSadn affair tomorrow nigtU i en .Pu teams. with Elton adHlaHPok 2 1 8 By r» NbunMA3-2"the captali, willbafr -~top spot on the fIlnigto l -2 6 RIFLE CLUB FORMM >int P'rm 's acoi . by dUP2 A rnall but enthuslastlc group have Joined with the ln r' 161 8ton revolver group ta formn a Rifle and Revolver Club in Bow- setb run.,pp>ilim.lth# 6 2 3 manville. The drive is on now for memberu at a fee of $10-00Ote tia# fi WPm A.ph~~-A~ac the tit year for senors and $5.00 for a first ymyjuor ffhl~2~ ~ il~~Oa inembership. __________________18 22 A range will be built on land which was donated b>'<u Ç- 3 2 Charlie Nesbitt, and as sonn as possible work tu expected to 1;f 'p~"e' f A f er» gV) get underway on a club bouse. Towards this end, tickets are Goodyear Hockey ID * :, ½iÀ4 f$ht *< îef 1JCPr'k9 21 now being uold on a Christrnas turkey draw. ir uv'Q u' .*g,ýta 0 ~"~'~ 9 1 JuirIVla herfe oGatWrgta à ihen'sM or'Bow ling ], 1,40 h#y a 217 School, while an>' Goodyear employees who are interested ___ E-- t 'e' '$ should contact Frank Mohun. IV l1 .~ ic For the tint Urnme thl.s sonnonA veagpeo'1o'" 3 9 M atsEi. O ffcei6 tot both high single and hi%-h Nam# IMe# t t t t t i.triple prizes went taoune bawl- 2îeU4, Ap* ~,~W~~~3"'~J .2 9 EU UD ~i I ier. AI Osborne had hish single ICI ,Iiiw lbl* A«fqqtp >w19 HOCKEY PLAYERS NEEDED gm,33 ndhg rpe t# 11ImIn 4 * ~ Several ef the teams in the Town Hockey I*ague areH o s W n th S tMcLesn imd a > 034 eu~ o '~ ~"..3 9 ln dire need of more players. Anyone who lu lnterested in for his firet 300 garm. mince Pr, CKil ltrtywn 44 2e4 t%)004v* ij0owyt; YS;upç. 39 18 playing hockey should get in touch with Ted Dadmon, Jack oinihenoenihegam of un- head lth ob Fir adj gva te Hoe an arl> 2-0 '0h4Men4Ma4rlj> Bkro rdCl.day's regular Goodyear Lea- Masters coming back to even lead, before Bill Crosse>' tai- mn t ioe d ower i tm ii'nk I4èiuas2> '<i et , fu.u i>f.....39 1 t t t t t gue twin-bill, the lead chan- the score both limes, lied for the Fan Belts. Clark ""agu oe.A b iperts In the0 UI,<>I!tQ.s *t xii >i,~] 3 8 ged hands several limes be- Then it was the Office lurn put the leaders two up agaln, l T AbPre hd30 lidJtir, _-et0 24 ly >u'<î~ ,~ s>~q~vj, 3 8 JUVENILES OPEN SCHEDULE IN FINE FORM fore the Mats edged the Of- bt take the lead with the Mats on a pass from Burgess, but Twelve other buleatolw.c i tt w tj*e ~ Çun :x...3 8 Judging b>' Saturday night'a game here ln which the fice 6-5 10 take a four point tylng the score. Jerry Mar- "'Archle" Crossey got that ane cd OSbornc- over th. 700 imark. 4 t >îA ~ ~ >*gi g<>IqlyItha . 3 18 locals scored il limes in the second period tb win Iheir home tbule isecod paceove jrinmad it 4-3, Bouk"bac anuea ndte ecnd rne efethit 73, Dh~?~rg. .ing . 0 21 w#04CmMu't..., 9 opener, Bowmanville has no worries about winning the group The nightcap saw the lea- Sheridan put the Office in While playing a man short Howard IlLndle 73:1, Ctith M ?.. 'lad igti,1Ji4 212 U-Ub wP J<i , >< Lonrdi'39 18 tte ue-leading Hose defeat the front again but Hughes got the with Frank Mohunr sitùngout Donald 725, Jnek M.tndsiy 711)îf e~l,, 11111 bl.tf L 'V42O:ý 'f Te!n...3 8 Once the "Juvs." got rolling bhe visiting Ubig lu paeFa els52,t qulze 5seodsltr. ahodnFsnece lakWPee.tl 394iii isrli l 179jlltilo:11 2 was o mtch or hem.Las yer th lem maageentextend Iheir unbeaten streak Ted Faire>' finaîlly ended again clicked on a pass from nett 713, Gcorige Stefflin 711.: nîî ùîe (.)h,,, 14#1<. - Hdgon39 17 10 omthfrten at erteta aaeett seven straight games. The the scorlng wlth lime running Burgess to make il 4-2. The lion Mcliere 710, 1111 01l ?(ite ýCkjLe-Jiie;s e21' t hAn bl e f'vr Th~Fy~ 7 brought in several higher division apponents - St. Mike's, Fan Belts went down 10 their out to give the Mats a 6-5 same combination work e d tci dJaikLiin<er 704. Jauck liwl 80 2011 i';ý> i;.).~ ~~j uJyGat 3 7 De La Salle and Woodbridge, ta give the Bowmanville crew fifth loss without a win, with win. gain late in the garne with Ne Osboî'nels Iflaurance îrry 1hpor 1$a2(,,) ~ t f,~, 0.Mfl' ligo ..3 7 the opposition the>' needed. Even againat this opposition, only two lies to show Ihus far. Goalte John Fowler was un- Clark bagging his third goail teamn had a i1188 for a14 lil d bu8,tilbur>g 2Uaxv1{r fl. 7 thelocls an p agret ubetenrecrd nti th>' etDon Masters opened the beatable against the Hase big and Burgess his third assist. single score aînd Preston'fi Jack iGoîy 2U iî Pe IJtbdtrb'c:par Jlbi.eî3 12 te li sran h pOna rsemi-finba. eor ni t e scorlng at 2:05 of the first Une, but John Clark and Ron Team Standings Transport won high tripfle :1384. lud Moýit- .. 36 2VA hamged tht hilih sri alnWs-nn- 7 Eliai h nai eifnl.peniod bo put the Office in Burgess took over wlth four W L T PIs. Cab 500 had iow triple, 2788, Murray ig~he 3.- 6 2(j8 ours with a 3 19ga, idFeLuon.9 17 We understand that the T.H.L. wtll no longer permit front, but Bnian Hughes camne scoring points apiece, to pace Hase ------ -7 0 0 14 and Jury & Lovel bit. a low of Joe Nowian----36 208 alân carne up with a2]efr. en]rde . 3 6 their leams bo play' outside Toronto, and we're wonderin back to even the score, and the league-leaders to a 5-2 Mats-------- -4 3 0 8 824 for a single game. Ab Piper 36 208 Hap Palmer rolleda29,f-DvePr....9 16 whee ange Do Glhol Igong10di upan' ppsiion. Barne>' Woodward and Jack win over bbc Fan Beits. Office-... 1 4 2 4 Duke Brunt was a double Harry Ga>' 33 207, lowed fry Ken Luxtn21ArJi Cx9 17 whr angrDn ihoy sg- g odgupayopoiin Bond each sent bbc Mats Sam Thompson and Burgess Fan Belts ---- 0 5 2 2 winner with a low 118 single Mel Date-....-.. 36 207 Spicer 257, Jim Cate29JiTh psn3 16 adavr'bd40bpe. Murray' Larmer 33 '0210, Joe Nowlan 240 oadAr rwn3 6 harnrocks Port ~ ~~~Culh McDonald - 36 207 Bromell 235, Jim O 3,20, iaLxtn- 3 6 SHM OK I W NPS EKS o r c s Trou nce P r H ope 12m2 L Aliey Chatter Harold Bennett- 36 207 Fern Bradley' with telde' urvSep3 6 Bowmanville's Intermediabe Shamrocks made it bhree tnaLiberty' Bowl beam bas re- Kari Bickell 33 207 high of 231, HildaBok27,Drc uto. ..316 row, coming from behlnd bo edge Lindsay, and burning i Bowmanville Sh a m r o c k s1 visibors were a man short with with a four goal output. Mar- for the runncr-up position to Bill Hearle 36 205 another high-scoring home effort ta rounce Port Hope last spotted Port Hope a pair ofPhil Gilmer off for tripping. jerrison bagged his second _a Kramp's Furniture. Kramp's Ralph Kelly 36 204EseCo. ...9 15 week. early goals and then explodediVanstone made a tremendous tbe third, with the remainder has a total of 26 points and Russ Lane -~ 36 203 A a utn . 3 5 t t t t t for a dozen withoub a repl>' save on Walcely's breakaway, going bo Terr>' Masters, Bill Liberty' Bowl 22. George Piper 36 202 After nooiiICals - 3 5 10 whip Port Hope 12-2 la an, but bad no chance on tbe re- Lyle, Ted Faire>', Bob Faire>' Ernie Perfect came oui of Jack Parker - 36 201ViOore3 15 BADMINTON FILM TO-NIGHT Intermediate "B"' Lakeshore bound. A minute and 50 sec- and Mort Richards. Oisi his slump and bumped his av- Hank Janzen - 36 200 IMaiYo....3 -15 A tp-oth adintn il, eaurig ord ha League game, at the Memorial onds later Wakely fed Fenton Ra>' Preston, Jim insi erage from 237 10 239 wbile Frn ou 6 20B w i topnocb adintn ilm fatuin WoldChmpion'- Arena, last Wcdnesday night. a perfect goal-mouth pass for Don Masters, "Bun" Welsh Dutch Halîman dropped to 229. FEATURES gJa r'3 5 ahip player Tan Joe Hok, will be showa at bhc Badminton Bownianvillc forwards back- the visitors' second markcr. and Bob Faire>' were bbe top Honorable mention Ibis wcek Doresn Chanles .... 39o151 Clulk to-night. W'rc flot sure of bbc lime as we go ta press, cd up b>' another fine defea- After 25 seconds Bob Mar- operators in another fine team« goes bo Harold Bennett witb a T 1kTee eeol hee20Mr ola ..3 5 àixt suggcst being Ihere about 8:30 p.m. Everyonc is weîcome sive effort b>' goalie Vince jernison potted the Shamrocks effort. 291 game, Jack Lander 282, High Single- games bowlcd Ibis we-E-Mr es...3 4 to se Ibi filmof bdminon aiits est.Vanstone and bis defence first bal>' and goals b>' Buck The Sbamrocks now have Bill Oke 290, AI Osborne 280: AI. Osborne ______333 el>'n Large had a29anîDtasl....314 b1Dr Keîthfilm Slbadinto299, George 1 1High Triple- Betty Richards 208 n 0'MlWsma.. 3 4 Wbilc we'rc on the subject of badminton, it should bee visitos tb bura bbc game seconds apart gave Bowman- games and 12 in a pair Of tpe 282, Dr. Howard AI. Osbnge ______47312.bakelbbchiandobeo unePlr...3 14 mentioned that anyone intcnding on going to bbe New Ycar's' into a rout with five goals in ville a 3-2 edge before tbe awayý-from-homc c o n t e s t s. Rundie 299, Ross McKnigbb Due rut118___ remained on top agIela eti lnil Dance at bbc Club, would be well-advlscd tb start making the second and four la bbe fîrst perlod endcd. Vanstone bhas allowed ten goals 292. Low Tr e.geaurlalgbtniIei t..3 2 their plans now. third. Playing-coach Don Masters against la thrce games, wbihc . UbTiplepîcer... 39 109g b Paul Wakely, easil>' Port went on to colect two goals John Fowler was shelled for Standings End% of 12th Week Duke 13runt 410 games. McDonald adRc-DtTopo ..3 0 Hope's best, set Cancilla up on in the second and another in ten in bbc season opener at Name W L pts. Higb Tcam (1)- ards also took 2 ponseh.SilyM un..18 9 a rebound ai 6:02, while the tbc third, bo pace tbc winnersI Cobourg. Kramp's Furniture 26 10 26 Nels. Osborne Ins. 1188 Averavet ais 1g ige-Fr Liberty' Bowl 22 14 22 High Teamn (3)- Ken's Men's Wear 21 15 21 Preston Transport - 3384 Ollie Patficld______15Baly2. L B RY Pepsi Cola ------ 21 15 21 Low Tcam (1)- Joyce Lyle __9 e'sHg igl lo Preston Transport_ 19 17 19 Jury & Lovel___-_ 824 Audrey' Bickell_____15 rok39 Sh m o k d e L n s y Nels Osborne Ins. 19 17 19 Low Tcam (3)-- Sadie Bukel 17 BS I After a sbaky fîrst perlod, the final goal, but ecd time Lindsay Selby Grant Heat. 19 17 19 This Sehedule BcalbyRirs ___ 6 thr67 Bowmanville Shamrocks stag:1Gasb Nto n Ja>' came back ta stili command a Canadian Tire 18 18 18 Ed Leslie ______ 401BeSler____.. 15 Mc'HihTpl-Eto Featurlng cd a complete reversai of,(sn i ndoals nrn by Huhead two goal bulge at the end of Stephen Fuels 17 19 17 Russ Oke 836_____ Gin Ellis .______12Bok74 formn, culminating in three b>'tbb period. Don Masters con- Cowan Equipment 17 19 17 Ron McLeaa _____ 91 Marg. Coyle AUTOMATIC final peniod goals to post al n-d-way mark of the fîrst nected with the aid of Sheri- Bow'ville Cheaners 15 21 15 Garf Clarke ____ 336 Doris Hohroyd .15 PIN-SETTERS comc-from-bchind 6-5 w inIpcniad, but Pollard drilhed a dan and Pohiard ai the 2.42 Cab 500 ----- 15 21 15 Preston Transport - 1318 Marion Gib151 o ver Lindsay, in a Lakeshorel loose puck in from a scramble mark, but Graham quickhy got Jury & Lovdl . 14 22 14 Kramp's Furniture 3486Maln iba_____ ___Intermediate game, hast Tues- b t put thc locals back in con- that one back 25 seconds later. Charbran's---- 14 22 14 Chartran's ------- 808 Gwen Reynolds15 --iday night in Lindsay. tention. Bob Sheridan and After Jun Olinski combined Lander Hardware_- 12 24 12 Bowmaavillc Cleaners- 2611 Marion Crowe ____ 4 O P EN B OG W LIN G ~ Oni>' great goal-keeping b>' Bob Faire>' drew assists on witb Ray Preston and Bob Nance ..Colzncr .. 14 Vince Vanstone, kept bbc host bbc pla>'. NeaIl got another Faire>', HorIon fired thc home-ri Evelyn Large --5 club from putting the game Lindsay tly eoetepr sters final goal ait 9:18.Al oneMD ad E VERT DAY oui af reacb in bbc apening bod endcd.'> bc hougb bbc Sbamrocks wcre a Ladies'M a o Bow ling Alyce Hodgson14 MA session. The Shamrocks trail- Witb ail the scanîng con-1 man short for seven minutes, 1 Dais>' Bell ___ . 3 ]Phone M 3-5663 cd 3-1 ai bbc end of tbc first, fined ta tbe firsi hall ai thel Lindsay couldn'l gel bbc puck tltiernngotnShlyDas20,JceT -JanLb 5-3 afler two peniods and corn- second, bbc Shamrocks t.wice: past Vanstone, la bbc Bow- it lim e nuing oInaShiley0avi208, Jogyce Tn-eanLh3 Time Available for More League Bowling pletel>' dominated the play' bal shaved the leaci b a single! put Up a geate s sthed ol21 hc ope 08 6;Mre or 3,Marg. McDonald13 ___play. with a Buda>' hoss, enabled Dorc Mutton 209, Hilda Brock Betty Lau Locke13 R ~~D . ~helcaguc-lcading Brock club1 241, Marg King 204, Doris Joli Jean Harnes~ ..18 VINL I Bun" Welsh scorcd aI 6.11 to increase Iheir margia ta 221, Marg Pernis 213, Lorraine Elsie Richards12 Teena e B ol g from "Buck" Cowle and Don four points. The Manda>' aighi Marlyn 201, 221; Bernice Bu- June Clarke ____ 17 SRII Masters, and Bob Marjerrison' defeai was pinned on Buda>' dai 273, 209; Emn Bromell 201. Milîie White _____ 2 IEU 111 miicricjI / rericj 1 A big 7-0 win b>' Vanstonc 202; J. Callan- 247, 210; T. 12:03 on a pla>' set up beauli- Brooks edged Ena EtcherTemIES Evelyn Butler .. 16p L over Pbillips, enabled second Caîan- 230. fiill>' b>'Bill Lyhe. "Mort" 2-1 ta bold third, but Lyle CaPtain PIDS PMs Dorothy Nicholai .. 2 o\~ v N iL Eplace Vanstone la draw witbin Teenage Girls -G. Park- Richards also picked Up an moved to within a point b>' Hilda Brook -......30599 26 Cozeite Neads -___ 2 BO M NV L Eeîght points of league eading 187, S. MeMurtr- 183. assist. virtue of a 3-0 shutoul victor>' Bernice Budat ._... 29373 22 Nellie MeFeebers ____ Brown, in bbc beenage boys Junior Boys- B. Coombes l ook just 18 seconds afler over Onie Etcher. Ia anoîher Dot Brooks .. ..... 30191 20j Jane Hicks------~ 2 I eague, on Saturda>'. Brown -221, J. Conners- 210. "Jumiba" Graham went off for shutbout, Pabfield t roaun ced Joyce Lyle .........29869 19 jusi managed b cedge lasi Junior GinlsJ B. Brown- elbowing, before playing-coach Baker, while la tbe final con- Onie Etcher ....... 28973 171 placeRackam, -2, hile 88, . Benett 171 teA.DuH.waSTU2-ROCKe CRundhe consolidatcd Iheir hold Dion ripleson a as fromnowthe wnner aver Beauprie.KDoris Joli......2817 117,TIREST plac Racham -2,whi 188 J. enniles 171. D on Maesashed mCla bbctortiuan ws a -...pe..Ka'.Beap .ie 28h07 176 ~-:~ -' PU U LI ~ on Ibird with a 5-2 victor>' Teenage Boys- J. Callan wne BerniceBuau ook both cnîie Patfield -.....28516 15' *29 n ~wih&NOSL D aU L ven Mason. -4, aOnm 60 ce marc bbc Shamrocks bbc high triple and single bon- Ena tce.»232 4' C 'u A" Tr!eLu O M NI _ Teenage ~YTeenage Gil-G.ProyspaydafieIamefr, ours with a 667 total, includ- Lorraine Martyn . 27319 12 A ESNTR .2l. Bown-T________53 76,C. luxo- 4G.Pak in a rugged contesl. The ho- ing a 273 effort. Pcggy Haynes Helen Dn. 24792 10 I A 3-5Il D~CA I. BVan -- - 3 76iCeLuof- 68rloyd m ilto fln ln lle ao laurt À& GV I J& 0 M #î a s e r ib o t h e s r vcI Nc ae.p w t h a 3Va d th J n B i e n- 7 0 6 1 _en e- the "wîè' 1arb Bathgate .............744 Fa iy S aig - 3 o . .lb eingu. se ldob> do t i1Norma Noris........... - 173f AT Fail Satng* l 5p..club s. idomo weORTING GOODS er s.- _______________hv i n bowling, but Va ers........... 1721 Saturda>' a pair airgames. B .... .... 171 CHLRNSSAIGeded deadiocked, la produce WHEEL GOODS Wilma Bates .......... - 17 ROBSON LTD1 CHILDEN'SSKATNG1 scores as Bromell upset' OLCRIAE od....... 71 0ýI K WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14 - 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. j Perfect and Burgess turned DL ARGEEsLe olaWng. .........« 169' Chilren . . . . . the25c bbcsame rick on Beauprie. . bCHILDREN'S SKI SETS Sde ukell.....6 - lsacmpnigcilrn2eJunior Boys TOBGGAS rBernc T ............165 RSOESM FTA Adlt ccmpuln hldr 5crR. Etcher-------------NS i Helen Piper..... ......14 R. Beauprie ..___ 25 SLEIGHS HConi er ...............164RE3ES R. Perfect C___________...........2516 ________DC 1thjR.Catr 2 PEDAL AUTOS Audrev Bickell ....._.. 163 *<~ NEW ENGINEPEFRAC WED ES AT D C. 14 hW. Crgers__ 15 ,Ad a Richards -- 163, N I EO L INTERMEDIATE R. Bramel Io! PEDAL TRACTORS1 Thelma Forrester .... .... 163 E CN i ; ~~Nancy Bryans . . ...........1031 - --In an important clash firsi KIDDY KARTS Helen Cor-den............. 162'ri N Dm lf HO C KEY place Osmond trounced rua-!i SPRING HORSES *Shlirley Davis .......1 r2 S-13A 1qPE0e 8:0ner-up Dadeon 5-0 la bake an' Babe Brown .-.1........62 Reg. $5.00 Value..... 8:30 p.nLunbeatabhe il point lead iný WAGONS Dell Vinson ..-» .... ..... 162, the junior girls' iaop. Kitson j Betty Westlake............62' GSAAupsel Brown 5-0 la île lhe HOBBY CRAFT CHEMISTRY SETS 'Joyce Major .............162f oiiwilasers for fountb, and MeDan- Ji0Sles..... 6 VS.I ald had trouble before edging WOODBURNING SETS MECCANO ciSelr_...... 12 GAS PUMPS NOW CLOSE]T930PM Hilda Slmnic'k ...........lo JunIplceor G3r2. TRAINS -MATTEL GUNS Joyce Tennant.............. 101 BO ANILESENOCSJuio irs N MN, AN OR'Karen Beaupnie ...... .... 160 AMd DOW AN IL E HA RG KSV. Osmond _ _36 ND-Cane s mo0 nd 20 11. erL I Adnùssion S.Dadson 5i on__smn_2V,_li L.__ (lame. 223and Oser M oi Adulte SOC Students 25e LMcald 2 Patfteld 201 Lola Wright 208, W M B. Browa 1:21 Jean Sellers 204, Eusie Chfldn unde I yr1et3g P A. 'Kiion 21,A Cox 224, Grace Blackburn 216, MA 3-3321IC VUXAL K. 0k. 9 He1en Piper 227, Joan Engle>' 16KngSE Il as ompanied by adoit Rirh ies 1246, Virgie Brown 228, 205; O16WA DKECgUNESA.52E. rTeenage Boys- L. Rack. Kay Beaupnie 205, Wi1maOHW IETLN hami-- 217, 201; P. Sweete- B----es 212, Helen Duna 233, 1 s 4 t. t r TER CANADIAN STATISMAN, BOWMANVnJýt ONTARIO q9mTlDeTA'w .%.É" Ï. MI 1960

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