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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1963, p. 10

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The Canadian Statesff.a, Eowmanville, Mar. 6, 1963 1' 0 9 AS ONI Y (AN BAKE ITI This W..k Featuring CHERRY PIE Large 14-ox pie 4 5 Meg. Prie sacli 55c-4AVE 10c JAe, Parkeer Large Reg, Price cs ANGEL FOOD CAKE Jane Parker, Raisin Twist Reg. Prite t ari, COFFEE CAKE *lah 3 9c 49e--SAVE 1Ne A&P LOW, LOW PRICES!I Popular Brands CIGARETTES c3rc-mOf 2003.07 Mervel, Aisorted lavours ICE CREAM Ç04m69 Sicim Milk Powder A&P INSTANT- MILK 5bpg39c Jane Parker POTATO CHIPS' 2nz ox45mc A&P Fancy Quliîty TOMATO JUICE 4480 oz tins 953< Betty Crocker Reg. Pricesplia 43c-SAVE lie CAKE MIXES 2 19oz pkgs75C <36c Off Deal) Reg. Price box $1.23-SAVE AN EXTRA 4c TI DE DETERGENT kngsz box i1.1 9 Shirriff's Good Morming Reg. Prie@ jar 57&o-SAVE Re MARMALADE 24-fi oz tar 49c Moriarch Reg, Price pkg .3e- SAVE 4c TEA BISK 37ozPkg 49c BROMO SELTZER famîiy size bî79c A-Penn Clear Reg. Prie* tin S5--SAVE 6e LIQUID WAX 26flozt79C Jubolef ýM id. Nppgy, Pmento, Swiss> Reg. pkg 27c-SAVE 9c CHEESE SLICES 4R.ozpkgs99C Thn o The MANA4GEMENT and SIAFF wish to thank youj, the people of BowrnanvilIe for the woiideîful welconie y ou gavm A&P's new Food Store on ils recent opening, Il was ttul y heart-warming and we want to thank you most sincerely. Stop around again soon, and ofteri, won't you? We promise to make tl worth your while with outstanding food buys. A&P Handies OnIy Meats Purchased From Federally Inspected Packing Houses CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF F BLADE EOE MEATY SHOULDER GROUND CHUCK WIENERS STEER BEEF tOASTS WSHOR TRIMMED S OR O CROSS (UT RIB ROASI FRESHLY GROUND CI4OICE SHOULDER CUIS SUPER-RIGUT BRAND ALL MEAT STOCK Up AND SAVE DURING lb 59 eb 5 7c A&Ps SIG CANNED Ct olce Qualit BEEF KIDNEYS Choice Qutlity LAMB HEARIS Bones,. Solid Meat, Pork BUTT ROASIS Schnieider-s. Vac Pac Rings BLOOD SAUSAGE .Aligoil, Smokeci. Sliced, Rindies SIDE BACON Snowbird Brand COD FILLETS Ccinked andl Breadeil HALIBUT STEAKS FRESH BONELESS ., SIDE PORK By The Piece FOODS SALE ib29e lb 33< 1b 59C lb 39c 1 lb pkg 29C b69c 9 c CHOICE CREAM STYL Reg. Pric* 2 tins 25c-SAVE 14e HENLEY CHOICE QUALITY Reg, Price 2 tint 49e--SAVE 24c 1i 5-fi-o A&P CORN 9Atinso 99c BLACK CHERRIES S tins 99c CASE 0F 24 TINS $264 -SV 6 CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.75 - SAVE $1,13 CHOICE QUALITY Reg, Prie* 2 t;m 27e--LSAVE 3r)4 LIRBY18 FANCV QUALITY Rcg-. Prite tUn 23e-SAVE Ifit, 10 fi28 -fi-oz A&PPES"'-noz99c SAUERKRAUT o inS9 CASE OF 24 TINS $2.39 - SAVE Bic CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.75 - SAVE 77e GARDEN PATCH, CHOICE WHOL KERNEL CORN CASE OF 24 TINS $2.97 &LACK'S CHOICE WHOL 14-fi-oz99 MUHOM ti9nsUSROM Reg. Price. tin 37e-SAVE 11C 10-fl-oz 3 tins1,0 VISIT A&P's NEW FOOD Fresh STORE IN BOWMANVILLE LOCATED AT.--. 185-187 KING ST. E. OPEN TNURSDA Y ANDV FRIDA Y NIENTS UNTIL 9 P.M. LOTS 0F FIEE PARKING KIN &LIBERTY STS. Fruits and Vegelcibles 0-lArriving Daily Texas, Fresh Greeni, No. 1 Grade, New Spring Crop CALIFORNIA JUMBO, CRISP. PASCAL, NO. 1 GRADE CELERY STALKS ONTARIO GROWN, VELLOW COOKINCa O N IONS NO. 1 GRADE OREGON ANJOU, SWEET, JUICV, LARGE BIZE P EARtS NO. 1 GRADE each 25c 3-lb cello bag 35 C 6 for 3 9 THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIRIC TEA COMPANY MTD All Prices Siicwn In Ths Ad G us rant Tkrougli Satu rday. Moteh 9th, 1963 I E! A 6--z. pkg. of Burns, Flaveur Saied Sumnmer Seîîsage, free w th the. pur-dia.. f e 6-oz. pkg. f Burns, Flavur Seaied Cooked Hum at regujar prie, wkui, tieY fast, (Banded Deal), AFE! A falf d0zen et,. of Grade "A" Large Eggs, free vit the purcliase of a dozen FE! A 30-fi.oz. tti f Yukon li Ginger Aie Contents Orly) free with the. pur-chas. of t-c 30-fi-oz. btUs at regular price, whi i.tiey fast. FRIDA Y, MARCH 8Rh, 1963 FFI! Alb. cf Allsw..t Mergarî "efre., wthe ptii.pr-f14 ,f l ' e*à îe@ v-gui ri,, à m g. cf X.uy, .Vpl~ttake*. f .% -Gi , * .k4~rfa1l Uc ~ PP'~', *, C~ eef'ýtr»k a et 5 p'gular rr-î-.r. h '1Iic ai. FREEF A nig. -f %ui 4el d Cod Pil;afp, 'i iý iira.rfa I-.e "ua fRti! ~rilr-e, wl, Jf t01-ylait, tFua tDÇif A 30 fl-oi. btl cf Yilkr,tl Clujb GIr - g . Cntents OrJy), frps a wîti tlie eIvm ureliase cf two 30-fi.oL btUs At reguar price, %,ile thr-y lat. SA Tf«RA Y, MARC/I 9th, 1963 FRIEE! A 16-oz. tin, f Pard Dog Fcd. fre. nA)t ~tii ir.as. rf I f i. t e'pi t giular prce, while tiey fast. fE ' A 6-mz. pi.g cf Hostelis Pt.sîrChips fem - tkti tii puci,;4s« ci a 6 mz. plg. et FRE'E! regular price, nuil. they fast. iBariced De.1il, FE!A p1kg. of fMcQuaide*s Stealk Pies fre.t i t tr,'ase cf e pkg, et reguiar price, v.%hile tiiey last. FE ! A 30-ff-oz. btl. cf Yukon Club Ginger Ale Cc'r-te,,ts 0,,' tes t ,t th pur chas. of tw ý 3-fi-oz. btli. ut regîîlAr piî-i re. il. t",ev lasc MONDA Y, MA 1R lth, 1963 FREE! A Qf zjar of Smitii s Sti '",eivJam hI e t t . c ' f g, .q jars at i egtilar pice. wiile tii,>'fast. TUESDA Y, MA 1CR l2th, 1963 F E! A 100 Watt Sfiadow Ban Ligiit Bulti fce %t r't,- o % 'îS;,-:, RE! Ban Light BLîlb et regîila,- price. 2%,lIeý 'ait WEDNESDA Y, MARCX 3th, 1963 AIEE!.n7îîîtm;of Haw.s Fl0,' Glosa fies 'r tIi t,. n 'Ajés -f a t n at -ogul4 ris 'Il --.--.--.- - .---- ------ - - . Il il. - - ~i> ,..t -. - --....- Z 2. - - - ~ - . - - ------. I - - - -- --. - h 1 0OVEN FRESII PIE. 62aAhi r. i. tii 'v KI G -.E * rLh ' w W 0 lz~ -l'a

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