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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1963, p. 11

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W in r i o p tto panv . Daniel Massev xtarted ~Arod 6 arus8,tl h olwn A iL toryinBondHeaaminto847e haraes 36. ca stle n 18 4 8 T h e vA u stindtw h ere a n de srbtI bloneiinthe240eF.L, GodnAnw dfrPhn 61Iulignow occupied b *' the* 213, M. Couci 1.B edmvar h a osati J AnesnSmith thompany.r suf08.n faiishave lived in the 99, Bug- , Ip 8 at 9 ffrso el sw a WednesdayLa d s S e ie fis Rte hir two litte girls,, (175 and ov)E llot21 S rie HeId The 'v camne from Nova Scotia.iD. StarkI8 .Mcoal f1~ ~ enDk~ ID o w ing~ O ron o 8 to 6BAIenn A Mrs. H. S. Britton live waq, Team standns~Soposln fmc epfo é, O W W~~~~~~~~~ I~~~ think, bu it by D oc, A lfred ! 101, M ars 85F e u 7 l t n s n e t e b g n i g ô Farncomb for bis wife, the 73.telclcuc pnoul Neltcastl- Thé Bôwffian- schêduled to résume at thé ÈrAmé ôf thé bést thrtee n fîvé Newcastle- The members . former Miss Hannah CoIdIw:ýl FridaY MidLeuebldhruhteSe ville team tôok thé first game Néwcastle Memorial Arena sériés is schéduled for Sun o the Evening Branch of the and bim. Many people have and over)- K bte 5, Cide udi 95 In the Town Leau best three this (Wednesday) evéning day evénmnt, ice permitting, 1Womàn's. Auxiliary of S.lvdtee utbfr ri.Fruo of fîve séries efrom drono by when thé OooClub hpst ndftrlaesiivesay1Gog'sCuc et ttead thr.buit eo re been i chargeof thi a score of à to 6 on Wednès- make a comeback. Thé third néxt Wednesday and Sunday. church on Wednesdav for the man Allun and Miss Maion;L. Pearce 21 .Sok 2,o httm h olcca¶ day evèning last wîtb Danny Ash Wednesday service be- 21, .Cunigamshped bae o. ih~t Girârdi performing thé bat1 fore going on to the Panish In early days the bouse now 216. A. Row 1, M er wc 'a.Ti bk1A trick scoring 3 goals for thi V > ,Hall for their regular busi- ondb r r.Dk 0,A ereda obrhatadhrIa winners. Lloyd Hamîl 1 o nriIi ness meeting. wndBar r.wand r.Ccuied '2025, M. Ptron20 eqetwensewntt soé.2and Nelson Yeo, RayI e c st ho.pital was that, a nM.gPat CobeadJgsCwigÎ e c sloDuring the business mcet- iMrs. Pope. Tben. Mr. Duncan'iTcmstandns-Rsbd ol rnlt ad"e Crmbe n Jgg Cwing, officers' reports were Galbraitb owned it, tb M onie eacb. îg M n r. ý 14, Shreddes11Uneos iedtadyfomt i- c' ~ ~ ~ ~ a1 heard and items brnugbt by 1Ernest Patterson. '81, HiJacks8,Mift79Sutiboi.Vena nEric Carlton led the iosèn; c,,ia i LP ro a the Dorcas Secretary for tbe wT~i axxn vsorv*New.garj .ets 65, Ht1 t 4 ie- S ei seiiymue ndVneVntnGr S cid c i -e s fa displayed. The members dis- Nineteen-year-old Doug Jose, son of Mr. andceut me down. No one wiîî rc- ________b hs bmsemd e ' Cooper and Phil Long scoring1, cussed vanlous needed repairs Mrs. Harrv Jose of Newcastle, whtô is attendiri Mac-gret my passing but ebjîdren.'aii.MHryAst} one oal acb for he Oono M n. and Mrs. J. H. Jose ac- AW 1, Beverley G ikes of, and rnefovations to the parish donald College in Quebec, was the- top competitor Faîl aboe , fa set e t cewta I U R rod H ri, Tu a Cu.i (ompanipd bv Mr. and Mns. the R.C.A.F. Station at Donws l. from that province in the Junior Judging contest held gather their treasures my *geOpBntaIom ne There were no games onfl Daws~on Bebee of Morrish bave \'iew lias returned to the sta-, A committee of four mcmr- in connection with the seletio f All-Can-J t Hol filen hetnu MRS. KATL NTIT becreWila Edn d Sunday and the series Is returned home following a tion after spending a twc> bers volunteered to make air- co aalnio-antsus bolhday in the sunny soutb. weeký; leavA witb ber parents, i rangements for catening to the' steins.Doghad a se o 3 u fa osbe10 rs. KathleTtth " Tefura sevewa Cal1 hsbeing one of th îghest amongst the 644-meKahenAneH i-'cdutdoSuavae- rovinies Mexic and itvnip. it and family. mittee includes Mesdamnes1 members who took part. Doug is a member 0fte ofl1I llikY sn asdaa nPr oeno tteJxadSn Br w i s on termtrti.Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew June Alldread, Betty Collier, South Durham Senior 4-H Dairy Caif Club of which'R~I~u Hospital ear ls rdyOae nPr oeb b Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coucb or Peterborough, were Satur- Kay Stepheoson and Miss ledriBisbohrFani oe n 90admrnnMrb1,16,fiRe .M remnadW. p id duhe BtysendE iioswt M.GroI lDewdney. General plans thowinadtwo strokesrotbe prr-nattJnded by ber0 many frierîda A uda isiin wib M. ad gne.1fr he banquet were discus- agaNeincastl te-bîhsorersin tSRhe dgtw Sna iiigwt ran ge.f'giin1962, Doug won the James T. Brown Me- Nwase-Flongsa vious da%~.Sh wainbrom one unndneoî. VVLIVL.lV us. eadMtiei ot M.adMs .H gapsd . morial Trophv as the top 4-H member in the dairy r vauousf auo the com 84h yar nd ad ee in muiiean akod n Credît. ~~and family of Wbitby and Mr.1 The meeting was brouglht caif clubs in Durham ony He was alsoamebe munity bowling lanes for th,- failing heaitl o oetm ocyen B ad esMrs. G. Boumeester andr to a conclusion with the serv-ofth wnnng teamin te dar intercub compe W eek ending Mauch 2nd and i bt semrigd ee fe h aîerr Badges ~~~family of Oshawa were Sun- ing of refreshments andan htmri dyvisitors wthMr. n.uncment tas maderMendhamLadies' Leaghew- the first siuewsalEdn rheF Necsl- pca éýBen Hokapand f l. etmeeting on Mai-eh 6thn. inDurham in 1960 and this past yeai, stood first (20 nd v Les'J. A 26,G.during the diet h o-Saltn aye utn Newasle- secii e&-D.JJMrs. Shirley Enwrigbt, AMrs. hs(afan2hid0ns0wash e a be -ove) .N M'66 Gpitl, to eljyadnmr erg ufr n o ing of the local Brownies waF wih hGladf nd El din dbwasi p. H a b amsby .242, N. aill231,b th.d zer on edinesdth ebnmuny tb.al P Bd er Ganicia acco andedauMr. Pend bo oughonSundav'in Vice-President in his caîf club and was secretary of, H. Coureoux 222, Y. Peel 218, aboutice bnsa h aeTemlyfoeswr onLdnsa, Muur 7t.Is. Peter Belsey of Wbitby company with efther membhers the Durham County Junior Farmers for twvo and a U. Dunlop 209, M. Nayior 202.'rbl obr oeadBr Following the new sixer songse an d Mn. and Mrs. Tom Har- of the Cubs, Scouts and Rov- haif vears I 162he gna id ath o standings- Corvettes~enbra-~ie Se iIb end games around the Toad F r... phI 16, h onagol ahfrbeing Tan * 94 Kndi-ed Tutt hd~ râî Stool; onda ilneraltbusinesssand enjo'ed ano fter-, Durham Couintv's ottnig4-H bvand attcdd11:3, Oronoettes 9,Kna e r husadad tl ise n ol'f finl neo n eea usnsgr Is o udy hr nsswi. uttadiebd ies 84, Whirivbirds 81, Wiid- son ini the frtwrdwrbttoesrne e came the Brownie Prayer and Necxastle .-be Cenlasr o seog M. oaMs.SanCn t he 4-H provincial leadership camp in 1961. Altogether, cats 73, Ponliaes 71, Jaguars and came toeaaawi u cvd e vptei ep Song. Cmmîtîceat ils ebruarythe falis in ah ils winter and Linda bave moved mb ý ih as cornpleted 18 4-H pro jects. 52. I-lavseeds 48. Currelly of Cno n12.Ilretwl ei ely The girls were given i- meeting. let the contract forbeauty. their home again follnwing1 Men; s League - (225 and She remained ithsfmiyileeeeratbreqs. struction on the correct wav the village Cenotapb to the! Dr. L. S. And Mus. Mikios extensive rénovations atr over) H. Aiken 273, L. Taylor'~- to wear thein uniforms and Oshawa bouetlCm ave returned following a the fire damage suffeîeua I A"~~2ô1, C. Glanville 263, K. Wbit- thn et her rwnepanv, the iowesl bidder. The . vcto pn nMx oîsao ~ ~ j7 ney 262, G. Johnston 261, B.ý corners for a work period. Fol- cotatcaî o'hecml-ico. Welcome to Mu. andM Lake 245, R. Pearce 243, E. loigtewr eidtei in o h okb uyIt r Menton Water of Osb- John Sinclair aod Cindy xxhnýShi 232, R. Munro 231, L. Phii hr girls Anjoyed games and a With the letlîng of the con- awa was a Sunday gue.st wilb bave moved down 10o oui sec i P'r "c 231, D. Parker 231, H. singsong. tract. the committee bave M.Lsi ln u.Fe lo rmTrnoadn rParîner 228. ecs Si.Lsi lln r.Fe to mTr nto cndaresO liu'.snut iree Pac tnig - ur- Nwate46 ecsla3 When the Buownie Fairv sbown hi atinhepoeCucSr and Mrs. Norman occupying Mu. H. ilarsTenstdng--Hr- Ring had been closed for tbpe of the village te raily 10 com- S i.hou se. MrAs canes 93, Ouphans 92, Sabres closing, Packîe -B" Bertha plete tbe fund for payment Smî.Mus. Hilda Cali field a meet- 'MryA~ y, formeri 'v iived Mr. flobeut 84. Spitfires 78, Mustangs 74, Clarke presented KAthy Love- I wh c odae sjst of t e rouk ing at bier home on 'Moidav, F or mnanyveaus (just bow GogeCwan and Iben Mus. Wildcats 64, Typhoons 61, kmn wib ber toymaker nrBR W S aflernoon in connection wîvhb marw 1 Icailoot recall), I stood Patrick O'Neil and Mr. aod Pautneu*s Plumbing 42.A a&katers badges and six of thee$00 ak the approaching Card Pauîv and grýe\w nuiside the bousiMrs. Frank McMullen andj Wednesday Ladies' League h M&SI P O oider Brownies with their Memesorh cmiîe M. Ross Boyd was in But-;r and Draw. i h(, second orle s'uth of whatý famiiy. 1--Teain standings- Gumdop final Brownit, Badge, the Nt"inb el nth oal aeas lnin Safo on Fida,' and Satuud3y Mu. Joe Grant lias been is iïow the United Cbuuch. The bouse now owned bv 97 Cand y Canes 88, AlîsorîsiN RA~ "Golden Hand". and took part in the ABCr confined te Oshawa Hospital In the eaulY days o? Newcastlel Mus. George Snmith xas bilt 79, Jclly Beans 60. (Rolling 200 GENERAL _f Those receiving the Golden! Bowling Tournament aloag whene lhe underwenl suugerv. if was the Methodisl Chuuch. Iby Mr. and Mus. Percv Hare.rOi' over) - G. Hughies 280, . MadBde eeG enda m anl.dinerawimabe rwith four other men from We wisbhlm a speedy re- Wliat changes 1 bave seenl The bouse wbere Mus. Gou- 24,J JhstBox, .Whn Johnson, Joan Kimbaîl, Kalby S e adagrn nw ade Osbaa.coverY,.inlu liehuse! Mv carliest re-IdonAshfil]ives, was once oc- cp26 bso 1,L hn 3 Wallace, Debonab Adain, Eliza- frbe 00.Onir 150 tickets i Mlra. W .MIryhdte o 0.PO betb Peance and Karen Lep e sold. All proceeds of the M.W .MlryhdIe___- collection of ils inmates is Mu.1cupied bv the Misses lledges. Teenage League- (175 anîd Par~r Tes Bowieswiî vein wli o o heCeo-misfoutune to drop a beavy L o ve makes everything and Miss Curtis. 1 do nol' The blouse wheue Mu. and, over) B. Tendam 273, D. Rud- Parkr. hes Brwnis wll venng illgo o te CnO-hammnen on bis foot, and aNi. ovely; hate coocenîrales ýt- kuow wbetbeu the lady was Mus. Frank Parker iived wis man 262, R. Good 226, J. Pow- .rel continue as Bnownies for the taph Fund. though non bones were broken. self on the orle thiog hated.-- daughler or sister of Mr". Cur- ecupied by Misses Barbaral cil 223, J. Cunningham 220, remaînden o? the tertm wouk- Donationli fe lis suffeuîng muceh discom- George MacDonald. tis. Miss Curtis taugbt in the and Chaulotte Rose. I tlîink J. Baskerville 204, J. Allduead Ing for proficiency badges Previously ucrporter! $957.61 fort and will be off work for If we spend ou-lives In public seliool started in 1845. their father wasa docior. 185, B. Heallie 180, G. Alhin. th e d"F w i n t p e r G id s un g In ocke y e1fro.M5nors erl days. loviand, w av n l is r T h e i cam e M . S tev e P e -1 W it b p rid e an d sa lsfactio o 176. P R Y A L NB i l the 'FalyigUp ermny ockey Ni dte -18.7--Masters9Ke..16Caîl and complain, ou b feel unhappi- rnu and bis wife. Mr. Perrinrlwatcbed the erection on the Team standings- Peanuts Tl!1 ae----963 ude isnmooe es Jsp obr.______ Wisnutrdt es-oeh obr. Lsed 10 repair docks andr--____________________________ watcbes in tbe downstairi fuont room of bis bou.se. Mu odGrxi-.1srog mrs - ' --,Peurin was the first one in F ibtis village bo own a "horse-L less buggy." ino arbymot thewSnt Mr n r.CrsLwSuses( . ue a hselT then occupied the bouse fou s y,pe f r a c'i over fouty yeaus.Tbiey Mkr i oon fte îhistV8 v'ery fond of flowers and thév had maov beauliful onles. As ro long as thev were able they, 0op l rt -g t o reft e rodtdy45h..hneb out i styl, colur, cnvenînce, omtoe wrked wilh Ibeir flowers Cos rn og ivl i.o ndl- Mu. Law converted the bouse c mbnî a double one. eaL s r s I e n t e f m u e"o n It is now owned by Mr. and t h Mus. T. Lennard. veiec Feursyunoynevy - The changes 1 have seen inor Ibis secetion of Mill Street are' GaieNothsincacnbeyrsta ýwnutbv o? notice.supiigyowpcenth prtcaFr Nex t tbMr. an d Mis. Law wL Mi300.Akyu eiraotFR' o Muand Mrs. Chaules Cowan i~n. A. l and Dannyi visiiedi the Paynes Mu, Maurice Bradley, Town- ship Road StipI., bas bàeen con-,~ fined Io bcd with a dose of the 'flu. Mus. Lily Richardson bas hepn lunder thp. doehor'ç rare. A speedv u ovrv10al]. 'Ponbvpool Cbuucb wai wPll1 afttndfd on Stunéay. Commit- t"qin rhargf, of the visita- HOW MANY A~E ANK CUSTOMERS an canvassing report "-.,- HOW ANYARE ANK CUST MER ? zond rsrepiion and hope trm romplrte canvass in the near ........... This witer bas ni covered A .afe guess would be evéry oneO of them /That'u bèéouàé, in Caliadà, thh acivitips of our local hoc- :.. k(ev plavers wbo have been rîerformîng well wherev'er practically evérybody has regular dealings with a chartered bank /Deposit îbev pllav. Special mention ~, r sbnîld be made bIb te Tad- -- polfs wbo are under the guid- v5 accCoufts number more than 121/j million - or better than one for Ovêry ance of Mu. Curtis McKav ~-" and Mr. .James Slrong have wr bad a very fine record. Some f;iwto o'q aduit. And on the books of the banks at any one time are 1,800,000 loans Manvers *boys played In bbthe~, Ppe Wee bournament witb Mîillbrook on Salurda1v, win- Ford Galaie~Q~tD ~ /, for just &bout every personal and commercial purpose /Through ning ail thbnue games bv 1he'~ zhutoffh métbodi. Oldr* boys > 8,000 branches, from one end of the country to the othér, the chartèred ibv enpaigwb rn 'Cr~ slruif*Wo aând doinoR a fine Job. TtI s'<î. r realy 1to badi that our village - i bànks bring a full banking service wlthin the reach of everyône. n r ~ja oa as""__ r can cueeÂthu eir lans onto greater beigbts. .Mn. William MilIeu o? Oronr, was a wp1côme visilor la our S TRIS CHAATERED BANKCS SERVING YOIJR COMMUNITY town last week. Éili was a visitor ho a lôcal 'Senatte" IF~ méeting and was able to listén ~,. to local orabors diseu3s thé i problerna of the. day. 1 200 Dondan lÇt. W. ~SEAWAY MOTORS Ltd. _ne68-u

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