- - s. - ~ ~ The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor SMr. and 'Mrs. Archie Lunn atténded the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. SJohn Lunn of Mllbrook on Mr. Russell Robinson of Port Hope spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rob- 2fl5o% Mr'and Mrs. Marshall Chat- terton and grand daughter Carol Chatterton spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Keith Tay- lor, Nancy and Bonnie, Bramp- ton. Mrs. Lorne Atkinson and son, Douglas of Whitby. vis- ited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. J1. L. Johnson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wat- ron, Betty Ann and Larry of Waterdown spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stapie- ton attended the annuai Good Roads Convention at the Royal York Hotel last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Mr- Nally of Coiborne, wvho are spending this week ini Oronro were dinner guests of ber dau- ghter Mrs. Chas. Hutton. -Mr. L. J. Skaife C. A. Cbartered Açcotintatit Whitby P. 0. Box 209 Phone Orono 138 Whitby 668-8197 Are making1 of al Banking . Yeur local bran ch of the C Commerce offers a compiE Ices. Here are a few exami 78 9 2021 23 AUTOUATIF AINCISPLAN Ali you do s authorlze usto- to a special Savings Ac Your savings end interest gç PERSONAL LOANS... Èvai1h -new furnIture, a niew or u iïteans of consolidating sn TRAVEL PUNDS ... thé Safu ali trips, at home or abroad Cheques purchased atany E 0 0 0 c BANKING BY MAIL-. seâ!' es close as the n1eares: xiii tomers who fnd it diffucuil SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES... yojr %Uabýes-for less tnr Iea.evýoir bonds or stocé s ý- ior saie-keepinig. Enqure -,M These are just som-e of thei th-e Bank of Commerce. Ec nearest branch. Let the Ban business of banking for;oul CANADIAN BANK 0F C, Overl2GO branci Eaton's Make $400I bHutton and son,, oniManday. zuésti af Miss Edra Éèst, Toi - *Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saiter onto, on Sunday, F'eb. 24th.m of Hampton visited Mrs. Char- Miss Marian Brown o! Osh-' ltes Wood on Saturday. awa spent the weekend withii Mr'. Wm. Leamen in a pat- her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.! îent in Memarial Haspital, D. Brown. Bowmanville. Mr. Tony Mitchell of Keene Me. ruceChaman i Ti'- staying with Mr. flan Tay- Mr. ruc Chpmanof i,-lor thîs week whiie he is at- noa spent the weekend with tnigcassatteGn Mr. and Mrs. Orvile Chatter- ending clsse tt.Gn ton and fanily. Visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leland Keat and dau- Luther Barrabal were Mrs. gbteî' Miss Eleanor Keat, Mr'. Eldron Essery and daughter and Mrs. Wm. Found and son Marioni, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dane ai Toronto, visited Mr'. Barrabaîl, Courtîce, Mi. Robt.: Wm. Davey an Sunday. Barrabaîl, Maple Grove. A presentation was held iii Mr. John Patton and Mr. the Newtonville Cammuiit.yIRoy, Patton attended the 501h Hall on Saturday everiing,;wedding anniversary of Mr. Feb. 23rd, foi' Mr. and Mrs. i and Mrs. Johnî Lunn in Mill- Ted Lanie, the former Miss brook on Sunday. Gail Cooper of Orono. Gifts Mrs. John Morris attended included a smoker, combina- the Slst wedding anniversary' tion cabinet and platform o! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Staple- rocker, followed by lunch and -ton, Newtonville. dancing. Mr. and Mis. J. Russell Orm- Mr. and Mirs. Everett Cry- iston of Ennîskillen visited derman af Enniskiilen visited1 Mr. and Mes. J. D. Brown ast Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Friday. Several mernbers's oh e Mernot tai Hospital Boa Me. and Mis. W. KaY Ly- Mr. and Mrs. Ernîest Bowetn nesday afternoon when Eaton's of Canada mnade a ge cett, Mr'. and Mrs. Carman attended the Garage Opera-thbor.Te onypo blwIleusdopr Carnîshi, left by 'plane on Mon- toe's Banquet in Oshawa oi thebad h oe rbbywl eue op day aîîd wili spend titis week Friday evening. equipment. Shown here at lef t îs Eaton's Oshawa Si holidaying in Nassau. Mr. and Mes. Stan Seymour, handing the chequeIo ta ice Chairman and Chairmai Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lowe:.Toronto, visited Mrs. Wm.gq cf Peterborough were Sunday Seymour on Sunday. dinner guests of ber uncle! Mr. and Mes. Leslie Alh- Me. John Patton and Mr. ana dred, Miss Joan Alldred, Mr'. Mers. Roy Patton. and Mrs. Boyd Waod and Jan- Mrs. J. Noden anîd Miss ice were Sunday supper guests' Viola Noden of Toronto vis-;ai Mr. anîd Mrs. Dougla5s ,ted in Orono on Saturday. Rowe. Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Malles' The prize winners at theI attended the Gilebrist - Kuntz card party on Monday evening1 C i wcdding iin Grace Lutherati 'cf iast week iin the Parish Chuech, Oshawa, on Saturday Hall ai St. Saviour's Angli- and reception at The Cao- can Chureb were Mis. Ben adian Legion Hall. White. Mis. Ed. Dean, Rev. Mis. Frank Ardron and son D. R. Dewdney, Mr. Hollings' l11y Marlene pelletier Il atnd also for, thoir annual Allaxi, Mr. and Mrs. Waynelworth. Mr. Gea. Dunlop. M-., T'wn promotions have breei sprintg showv ta be heid saune- Hooey of Toronto, Me. and 'Fred Truil, Mx'. Clarence Ai-!tmadc il) the staff ai C.I-.S. lime in May. Mr.z. H-orace Best and sons. Un and Mr. Wm. Davey. Congratulations ta Me. Rutli-'1 anyt.v tittits~tii atiihetes Ronald and Bob were dinrne.r On Tuesday, Mareh tli, tht'ierforn arhis new p ositioni as have turnod out fox' the boysý -Orono United Church Women 1 assistant ta Me. Withîrspooî 'gyîî team whieb is now being ! lîeld seven unit meetings. In land alsa ta Mr. Carter who is orgaîîîzed tindex' the direction! the afternoon Unit two was ;now the head of the Science af Me. Lowry. lield at the home af Mrs. AlCx Department. On Thursday îîîux'îing the ýWatson, Unit three was heîd, The Gice Club is prat-tîsing pîctiures fox' the first C.H.S. you t th hom ofMrs.Wm. ."foi an appearaxîce at Bowtiati- Yearbook wvee taken. TliesE- Armstrong, and Unit seven ville Hligli Schooh on Marchi included a group picture afi rwas beid at the home et Mes. each ciass and also the var-1 the ost veret Brwnlotis cluîbs, teams, and other! Ino as thJe evennUnit acriewas OBITUARY groups in thîe scbool. held at the home at Mes. Lent: Pears; Unit four was held at WILLIAM lJ. K. STEPHEINS hy Dit-k Brinkînan th hhelb orne of Mns.C. S. Mc- ' olloieatî a Wieiii leb~s spaiord y t aedclre Laren; Unit five was beld ahthelwn îe iues i rdyngîadtc S ~ ~ ~ h ehocmever Ui six wsbE At toue;Kirkhîani Stephexîs. aged .; 2,Higl School Glee Club. Tbný Serv ces vir; nitsix as eldat heoccurî'ed on rTuesday, FebeuLat,! danc"e started at oighît o'ciock home ai Mrs. Don Stapies. 96, 1963, at Stratliaveri Nun'- xvth elimination dances, one: Caradian (niperial Bank of Followingoanilness extend* ing ovel' several years Mî's.Iîg oeBwaivll. so dance sqîadnc e aîd ete range of banking set-v. HebrE.Brsrond Son ai the late Mr. anda aboxîdne bigbl pies: Herbert E. B, sr* iieMîs . .amnes Stephets, le dux'htg the evenixîg. Mrs. But- by er failypassed pa elizbeh-ate or-y te o'loi' asked that thie teens do fully ta iest at lber home ini ia, Los AnelesFeb. itb. E i-ceased was borniii 0 'p the twist for lier' and ahmr 5beth Helen Cuthberton, wats Townîship. He attended Zia ous session ioliowed. AtL elevei e!and Newtonvnlie schools, ai-d thirty everyoxîe leit for the born in Seotland. while young idtegnrliecon fhme 10 il 2 ~~she came ta Orono ta make cri pi 15.,t1908, mar'idtegneadicio aihn. lien' homne, wiher uncie uni- wbo surnvives. ý6 17 819 ied wthth rebyeia Mr. and Mes.Stepîîeîs carnneAq uarium Soc.' 2 6 he Wa.sevunit e in mai'riage Bowma iin 1932 and 23 2 sh ws uitd i mrrige sieethe hve esdedat40 Anno n e a ,with Herbert E. Beer of!Or- Br o ntenounces Jarmrri 31 ana, later moving ta Victoria., befarnt United Churchi. 3 3 then on ta Las Angeles, where Before bis î'etiremoat, îîirie, iMr. Beer beame a pro ' r e years ago, the decoa:S how JIIIJ NY m- i . he. W vr te«". en coli'ratà;rand' bilder in w», erMpoyed as a'laundryman - transferen agneed aniunt that rapid.iy growing metrop- at Memorial Hospital, Bow - T[he meeting ai Bowmaiî-, ount at regular intervals. r olis. Funeral services were manville. and prior te that ville and District Aquariumu grow automaticaflyl held in Evergreen Chapel, was with the Boys' Training; Societv was opeîîed by Presi-i withbunal n te Ber am-School, here, in the same capa-1 dent 'Dtuncan Sye ' on Feb. iiy plat in Evergreen Cerne- city. While at the Boys' Train- 1 l8thî at the Lions Community tery. The profusion of mag-, ing School lie was instrument-! Centre, Bowmanville. Hie ex- niceuit floral designs testified aila eînigadplnigpressed bis thanks ta thosel ta the high regard in which Itefoe grostee coming out and aise severali this deepiy Christian lady was 1 eie i if e~sr who joincd tbe Society. Sev-j hei. he caes ou sos, vived by ane son Austin, Bow - ceai1 announcements w e r e e ~~~and daughters, eight grand-mniiadtogadhid- made î'egarding the next children and five great grand- i con, Margaret Louise Stepii- meeting and the registî-ar's chiidren. She was in hier 94th en n ae areSehn-repaît was giveil by Trudv ea'and in deepiy mourned.1 Amang the iovely floral tok- Kemp. Sbe stated that Betly ens, evidence af the estecai '1 Ash was Ieading the Jurriorsi wbich the deceased was held, with Tauno and Kim Back-1 able for any good ourpose was one tram the Goody'ear strom following iin second arîd îsed car, anew TV or es A -H hee1Hase Dept. sivc third place. The seniors -Irenel al r s.ýThe funer'alsevice wasSedgwick is.TuoBk- held from the Morris F'uneial strom second. and Arthur Ashi Clu M e t Chiapel, Bowrnan v il e, ail tbiid. C~bIJ~es iv:~i.~îLeThursday, Febx'uary 28, aund TeLcyDla-Da Durham 4-H Sheep Club was Housiandex' ai Trinits' Uiited made and it weîît to Dauinvi held ani Thursday, Febeuai'y Chîueeh. Interment xvas inu th, Welshî ai Bowmanvilie. Ai'- 98, at 8:00 pm., in the Depart- Lang Vaulb, Orona Cemeter \x rangements weee made la alI- f ii ent ai Agriculture Board Pal.bearers were Messrs. tend bbe aquarium in the lob- e ~ ,.IRoomn, Bowmanviile. At Ibis 1 Floyd Bradd, Laurence D. by ai the hospitai for the meeting, the election of offi. i Goddar'd, Kennotb Hooper, next moiith. cees took place witb the new Keith Jackson, ail af Baw- Sldes ai Aquariumn Keop- offîcers as foliows: Leader, maîîville. James Murray anîd ixîg in Holland were showný James Coombes; President. Albert Nayhor, bath of Ne\xv- witlh some terrifie views (C Ted Skinner, Vice President,icastle. aqunarium sel-ups and plants sstwa t crr fnd. or James Byers; Secretary, David - --aîîd bow' ta propagate aquar-; Brent ay d cPrrysfReporter, 1ium plants. There wore scv-1 1 Bet Books wrescRpondrt.enrMsJ ' aero i atTîO meetng wasadjoueed nybook HoptalanFxidsbeeui'ixghe smiid adt - th saest tac for&l im.this work. He later .oind the afes plae fo &IlMi., A. J. M\cLaggaiî, Hea- tic staff ai the Ontario, Hoý- Foliawing a vcx'v iivelv aitc-- n .éa dat - You cari aise thon', Bruce antd VicIor visited pi'nal ah Whitbv where 'l io ho e Uicwnners* of the Jarý .1n tne Bar- ef Commerce Mr. axnd Mis. Alex McLaggan, workod as a psychiatrish ijý Show were anaounced as foi- irl Keswick, on Sunday. til a moiuîh prior ta bis dca:h. hows Openu Live-bearers Juit- ofterd ~,Home & School meets F-i- Di'. McAuthur issu-ie ion', lst Betty Ash, 2nd Tauno -or fy l etavic si day evcning. March 8tb, ah bv anc brother, Dr. John Aý Backsteoni Jr.: Open> Egg-iav-, rita fu iôstals, Iy t- Uitheusual houe, and Club 50'McArthui-. Biackstock. Ho was ers Junior. Ist Tauno Back- r î~ hatBu:ds .mpfy he ladies Tucsday evening, Mi.' predeceased by two brothuers, sîronu Jr., 2nd Donald Clark, - 2th. De. A. D. and Donald. axud ot.e 3ed Kini Backstrem. Me. and Mes. Wm, Cari' and sîster. Mes. A. B. Maxîson Fish ai the Month: Gup- IMPERIAL family were Saturday supPerý (Elizabeth). pies. lst Betty Asb, 2nd Taunua guests af Me. and Mes. F. LN The tuneral w-as Field Mo!,- Backsteom Jr., 3rd Donad :OM M ERCE cétt, Oshawa, Sunday supper day tram the Kane Funeral Clark. O penxI Live-bearer-s guests of the Carrs wee Mr. Home, Toronto. The Rev. %Ii*.Senior, lsb Art Ash, 2nd Bob Ites Io serve yout and Mes. D. Lycett, Oshawa. i McLean. Wiliowdale. Presb'.,-r Ash, 3rd Tauno BackstrornS. Me. and Mes. John West. terian Cbuecb, oficîatcd. Open cgg-layers Senior, 1t Osbawa, called oui Mr. and Palibearers were fouir nep;-.- Irene Scdgwick. 2nd Rc'v Mes. Robt. Cameren and fanu- ews. George, Nt'il and Aî-c:s Kemp, 3rd Art Ash. Fisli of ,OPP xaae lv on Saturday aflernoon. McArthur and Alex Manso:i: the Month Seniors - Guppit-ý, MaagrMe. and Mrs. Deug. Oke wei e a cousin, Wm. Sommerville: lst Art Ash, 2nd Tauno Bac- 13owmanville i Sunday afteenoon callers. and a iniend. Dr. Richards'strom Se., 3rd Duncan Syer-.- Intended for last week: Nh- fronu Ontario Hospital staff Congratulations hoallaheb' anud Mes. Bill Vivian and Al- The Rrv x'n arriscor.- wnnners. len were Sundav auppEr.,ducted tbeý n ortta: irr\ 're 'rhe meetihng wa,-,id.îoire. jguests o! Mr. and Mrsà. R i at Bethel Cerneteiîy. Greer.- foliowu'îg distribution o! door ermon. 1 bank. 1 prizez, rold Estabraoks, en March. The Canadian Statesman, Bowxnanvifle, Ma.r. e, 1963 1 Donationl4th, with Mrs. Norm Gibson' and Mrs. R. G. Lamant in charge of the Devotional. Mrs. Shlg.mi CclAasta take the Mis-. MIIMMion SUhorthorn ' stan Study period. A letter was read announcing the UCW A e ~ a ~ 7 4 i . meeting at the church Feb- P'ISOC. *IolMs 57th ruary 28th, at 8 p.m.,ai o in regards to the church kmýihe benlocked. Mrs Bob FowI Ann u n M nru er and Mrs. Jcrrold Estabraaks ý held the Mission Studv ari One of Canada 's oldesi enice for a cros, bred, resuit. "The Bible and You". This breed socicties, The Canadi n'Ing froni the use of a Short. was taken on Genesis the first: Shorthori Association, hc d hornbull. If this trend con. book of the Bible. A film wvas its ani ual business sesions tlnuesa,; have Cever-%îea- s *'î Make Room tn Hong Moi treai Februarv l8th ît n aeîeet i WC ecan King" giving the Unit some al the Queen's 1Ilotel, Thisisexpcîa cese lmn idea as to the crowvded candi- the 7th ai nualilmeeting or for Shoithoîn builis foi the tions that exist aver there the Ass~ociation, cci a rasin g t -ade jMrn. Lloyd Courtice read "Be- organized i Jax iary. 0 Of f i c e. r s arc: Pricient, leve in Tomarrow" faliawed and i îcorporated at thiat timc C.George DePape W innipeg, by the Bendîrtion. Valentiines,; under the Federal Act rgrdf i rst vice president, R_ wcre banded out ta each mern- in', livestock reICord associa- W. Gardiiouse. Miltonî, Ont.; ber. lionis. second vice pr'esxdent. E. J, ... .. tCaminiacrl. Rorky fard. Alta.ý T'he }riendship mUt This c\ ciii îîaîrj iI ithtecadiiialdrc t:îie in history for, the lbraie %tr, rtimses, Hitonalr S Trhe Fricildsip Unit (il of this mieeting to be held cas* lor,albritimB.,Quobard MStv Court ire Unitedi Chuicl' mct af Toronto. One af the cas-it lel .B;QeeMs attehome af Mrs. Lloyd Ir- ans was, uîîidaubtedlv, t 1g eT. C. Stuart. Arundel: On. at n the n r c e n a st e t aria. M s. T. B ear dm ore 7 vinethonpraeede ii caî i'cogxiition la Quebec's plie-Moo it.N.DHggUx ta the Retarded Childrens nomnenali nerease in Short- Monu, o hll.N. D.kard, New- Sehoal in Oshawa for suppet'. îorn activity ini the past vear -Johnle WiliamSith, Geiph;w rw'eiity five nîcmbeî's anîd Official records shawing a ask aztche Wilan hSiiiliam.sph fî'ienîds attended. Mrs. ILloyd 12'%increcase n iim, 'sîs îî'il. rainl vs illiam-,.-, Irvine lheld a short business 21I 5 ', n iregist lral îon.z oaid ilias meetng.A crnmitee~va ai' 105% a Irnsiîs.Melville., John i Small, Craven:- Tnceing A ommiteewasar- 0-5r' n Irnsfrs.Alberta, Alan Wilson. Duha- î'anged ta take charge of the ln lis presîdetîtial addrCss, melý British Columbia, Wil- )ad wvvre present, last, Wed- Variety Nite the Units pro- Georg;e DePape. Winnipeg, liani Turner, Victoria. merousdonaton of 400 b ject ta take place at t'le Man., strcssed the pi-ogressi n iR WieGcpcn chae aditona Iaoî'tor eui'b o Ma'cl 29h, t 730and (constr'uctive' bi-ed pro- nected %with the Associationt Store Manager. J. C. BaxterIta make candy for thîs ile. gan cril nnhe pa1s¶ for the past 24 years as Sec- ' Th cady illbc bgge al vear, ilîciuding. Hlerd Type retarx' Treasurer, and mors in of Finance Kcith Jackson. Thsad il ebge a Classification, Judging Pani'ls recent!l. Managing Director. Phito y Rlidr Ms. Vîî. Peirsoîîs. A So-anîd Type Coîîfoîeîîccs foi' theanucdbsdeiint e -Phoo b Rederiat UCW meetinig anonvas an-isontor nounced aiîd all members ar'e, PulP ai ho lc]iing ta stand- titre altirec cîd ai the month. asked ta attend. The Unlit 'arize typie. Assistance toi le- Appointed as Secretary Trea. diRTCEteu travelied to the Bell gionulan îd internationial ShowVs ~~ is Mes. C. C. Gave. Telecphone Companîy wherc and sales, Sîxpox't or 4-i Cltiub pli who has 16 years of i l C I uiiî te(Gxil Guide thcy werre joineci by some of \vork., etc, service with the, Association. C'ompîîany ard Browvies frain the yaung people or the dis- "Ill]dhS heci n ' N 1-1iic . . Stoitz, Rockwood, mq A antd B Packis, i8th Oshawa trct for a conductedi tour, ini the past \'(ar," saîd Me ;Editor*, Shortlîorn News, Pro- - - DePape, "ta taik with îîniaîv nmotion Manager and Type BOY Scouts and Cub Packis ommnercial cattienien, wvb', Classificr for Canada. lheld a Joint par'ade al Caoir- YEL ERi have indîcated their profer- The net worth of the Asso. tohson' n Uîîîcd Cîuriî. Pmeh ciation, as of the end of 1962. Joiiîanaiî Rnad Pddcklow wiîo, rio doubt. forgot oi $105,936.93 (in 1940 it was recevec at he oor.Rev. Jmmy tacV Te f]p 149,850.) renevd ahn oeridorf evfserJmy tce e fihis calendar and came tnp- - -- _ ei'od ohî Roeî'h ofîiated quired medicai attentiaon duc, a mlonth too late foi' Ground-i xvithiîMargaret. Goyne aîd 'ta scalp and face lacrations iîog Day. First tîme we everi Leý:iiiy Cai'penter assîsting,lsuffceed Mienî he came iiîhdtn]îi a ih ot SMark Penfouiîd aînd Vickey cotat it askteantu l n dîift sooanet oo-' Oi'mstrut b the offering schiool î'ink on Fî'iday aller- Clhuckl. Tht' ~ wlr usir VIBob Gray,,Smp,,v sexcn, t. lMai'kPenfound. The' Junioi'r"' SEitrJn P . aicxtne i ni Choir sanîg two solos. Contgratulationîs ta CsarctilecEio onM.Jmsi l Kum i Page on bis elen-tion to vice1 deatiîof ai s iother. Also ai president of the newly amai-spoedy convalescence ta the 'lhe hum Ail Uit iof Cout gariuated company ai the Far-! long "suffering wife of that: :licc United Clîuî'ch imet w~ mers .Mutual of Lindsay aîd irîesîn i'eeking' raconteur the, b!ute home ai Mrs. R. C. Fovi- the Maple Leaf Of Calumbus,. affable Ed YoungmanTi cre; cir, Febuarv 141h, with h0 pre. also ta mnakiiig rotogravurei is nothiîîg like tak ng aven tlle' sexît Mis Lloyd Courtice section of one af the localIcdutios oi the dîstaff sd apeiteel vibl "Lord's Prayer". weeklies.i along with your own, ta makel Mis. Wilson Neill opened the On Feiday evenîîîg Mr, ancn appreciate one's spai ring Devotionai peî'îad ith !adPartner we find. Of course v.e poun"Wo ladsVur Ton- e.AlJbsn v e- neve- admit il, "out loud" guie". assîsted bvM. Di ry and Mes. Jakemnan, Mtr. and' iThomnp.oxî xith the Scripture Mes. Perey Jakemani and the;,-- "t' Lcadeth go" and "His Hîv alom iMnvers' Wa~'Is esi" Mi. Wisontownship attended the recep- Nci!l cta0sed wih rar tion ini bonor of Warden Eaî'l f 1Meis. Normar i Gbsox gave the Walkev sponsored by Clarke sIw s mIninutes oi the hs etn Township. The comînittee i z. lfsC11 witli Mes. Doi Thionmso charge is to, becangratulatedi readiiig the treasurer's re part for such a well organized ev-1 CIAcrd.o thanks xvas sent t o eing's entertainiment a ;the use ai their home for the and humorous speeches and, . PLUMBING and IIEATING Units card party. taiented enteetainment. %Up* f#WS'y Division Street South Tire îîext meeting will be On Marchi 2nd we saw oui',. 623-5615 BOWMANVILLE held at the homne of Mrs. Jen'- 1iirst t1963 groundbog- a fel-' _______ SEE AL.5O THE TRIM-SIZE BUICK SPECtALS-AND TH-E SPORTY IBUICK SK'YLAR< A GENERAL MOTORS VAL.UE Wholewail tires coptonul ai extra cost. M- 66 3C Be sure to watch -The Tommy Ambrose Show- on the CBC-TV network. Check local listings for time ancd channel. ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED' 166 King St. E. Phone 623-3396 Bowmanville l. R. G. GRC 1 King St. W. yýý