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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1963, p. 10

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10 1%@ Canadien Statesrnmn, Bowmanville, Mar. 13, 196.1 mer Trimble, Base Lin@, spent' - Sunday with Mrs. Niddery t nd Miss Mary Niddery. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Axford attended a banquet and even- ingOhwao Saturday even- Goveroment Says Russeil Honey i Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clem- "The real issue of the elec- The Conservative record j MNr. Hone- gave Iwto intan- manville: Mr. and Mrs. Ron tion campaign is wbether or a succession of disasters which ces of INIr. Deifenbaker s delav Clemnens and Brent were Sun- flot this counîtry is ta have ta- have resulted in large defi n caling parliament. He day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ble governiment, and the Lîb- cas each year. The Conserva- pointed out that the govern- Lavcrne Clemens. , eral Party's policies are de- tives have fraved the bounos men, did fot convene until Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cham- signed ta put Canada back on of friendsbîp with our strong-Ii ree and a balf months after the path ta progress. Diefen- est and staunchest al. They the election last dune desp îlepan. elvie:MsAd Tamblyn. Orono, were Sunday . baker's phony issue of ob- have lowered Canada's sta- the se-riousness of the foreign vsîr ih M.adMs struction is Im. is merely a ture in international affairs. excbange situation, and des- LwCyemn Emoke-screen ta hide the pol- Mr. Honey declared. pite Opposition appeals for LwCyemn icy bankruptcy of the Tory He accused the Diefenbaker an earlv assembly. Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Orange- Party," Russell C. Honey, government of failing to pre- A request by Lîberal Lead- Brlt, owaville: r.an Ms.Hr Liberal candidate for Dur- sent legislation. -Under our BateBomnil, er ham County, tld the Cart- parliamentary system the Gov- er Pcarson to shorten thé, Saturday visitors with Mr. Wright Liberal Association 'ernment is in contrai of the Chi0nsrcsswsas g and Mrs. Sam Dewell. metn n lcsok nodrof business ta be pre- nrd r oe ttd Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowery, mting y vingBlaMstockoyn ordr he"us f o-Yet Mr. Diefenbaker now has Boviranville, visited Mr. and Thurdayeveing Mr Hoey entd t th Hose f Cm-the effronterv 10 say tbat the Mrs. Wm. Holroyd an Sunday. Was the M.P. for this riding mons.. The Opposition cannotOpoiin oudotetim r.ndM.BnKies in the last parliament. Neil present legisiation and it can- geliinwudno e i r ndMs e iln Malcolm, Blackstock, was re- :rot prevent the Governmentt ahead wib the nation's and family, visited on Sun- eletedpreidet o th or frni resntig i. M. Def-business,- the Liberal Candi- day with Mr. Merrick Foster, ganization. enbaker and bis followersdaeMrHoedeaed and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fos- have overlooked mentioning I is al 100 apparent ta ter of Wellington. 1/ , ~ tbese rules of parliament wbeil Canaoians now that tbe real Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke vis- 1vthey cbarged obstruction. obstruction vI.as witbin thp ited en Sunday witb Mr. and beLiberal Opposition rp- cabinet ilseif. Mr. Diefen- Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Courtice. petdyasked Mr. Diefen- baker was grimly trying to On Saturday, Mrs. Earl Luke -baker to bring dlown tbe bud- hold bis xrangling ministers and Mrs. Ron Luke visited -Iget. He failed to do so. As a logether. Heie as afraid ta Mrs. Elmer Hawes in Oshawa matter of fact tbere bas not bring forvard legisla t i o Il Hospital. We are pleased ta, - b een a budget debate for Ibe xvhicilimiglit be the slighitest know that Mrs. Hawes has » Apast two years. Opposition r'e- bit controversial. Sucb legi- -beeni able 10 return borne. -- quests for long range legis- iatioiî mighit weillbave open- Mr. and Mrs. Len Player lation ta deal with Canada*s cd up the dissension in bis and Tommy, Bowmanville, --leconomic is were also 19. cabinet Io the,.fui] view of xvere Fridav visitors witb Mr. h > nored," Mr. Haney charged. the' Canadian public," Mr. and Mrs. Sid Kersey. 'ltis a fact that as of Mareh IlHoiwytlid bis audience. Mr. and Mrs. Mounitenlay 31st the Diefenbaker- Govern- The' meeting off the Cart- adcide pn the wcek- 4 .ment will have spent $800(,- w'vrighit Liberal Association re- 'end witb bier mother, Mrs. :000,000 received tbrougbnin- tlected the entbusiasmr of the Brenton Selby, near NapaneeTe]o odr terirn supply without having buge Liberal rally beld in Port an ntewy oevstdwell îîîustratcd oin thîs x oum ,on dolarof hisenormous Hope two nigbts pi-eviausix'i relatives in Trenton. L et a DUIRO épedo ureOapved by par- .whei) more than 1,800 pcoplce Mrs. Fîed Holroyd, Mî-s. R. v'ertical position - just standi the pUM ing !liament. The spending estima- jarnmed the Higlb Scbool audi- Farrow and Mrs. Jack Mac- a maîx',ellotis accomplisimc t u iping!tes were neyer brougbt before, loriuLm to bear Liberal Leader nab attended tbe Music Festi- childi-en. Ex'eî'v cip h tbe House. Pea rso n. ,-al al Peterborough on Wed -cipldc CAVING TIME . REDUC,1 nesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Far-' tomlearn to stand or wxalk or S ING LABOR ... INCREAS-' n row and family visited Mr. tal do a multitude of' thingîs ti ING PRODUCTION. DUROI ' ~ U * J~and Mrs. Clarence Allun, the ptîhlic's support of' the Ea Pumps, designed for Farm duty, H A M WW M M Woodville, on Saturday. 196:3 Eastcr Seals are iin ther supply fresh water where and Tebatflfoesi h CrsinCuc rf hit Master Aifreil Page had a when you nced il.. in the homne'Hamrptan Churcb on Sundav ian life can stand still. irtdypryo atudyti opiohlssm *.-barn poultry yard -weepîaced tbere by Mr. and Next Sundav"s services willî andboyerîeand anubî- truck garden . .. provides reserve IVIMrs. Clarence Tink in merm- be at the cegular bloucs withis boy fri es. k the ser-, for fire protection. Rry of Mr. Page Iohiteîk B E T H oryoffMr Chrli Wite bygust speaker at ail thcee vices al, Nestieton Church on' Sec your Plomber or DURO the Dickie famiiy iin remory points Rex. Wm. Dav-is,.B.A. Sunday, wbile Rev. Mr. Swann 1Mc. and Mrs. Keniietli .Stur--lai dealer for full information about lof their motber; and by Mr. off Wi'nîipeg, Se<-. off the Christ-,took, our Thank-offering sec- mnaî, Serîgrave. x'îsite'd xx <h sil theý type of DURO Shaliow or and Mrs. Cliff Robinson, in ian Bible Society. vice. Rex. Mr. Swann. Bow- l Mr. and Mrs. Clarenue Rowanî Deep Well Pump you need,' o.r memary of Mr. Robinson's Regýular monthly meeting of jmnvle was a tea geta uigteý write for folder, 'Ruaning Wat,,, mother. AOTS Men's Club will be in! the manse on Sunday even- Pt.Jh .ak<i, aîî< the Farm Necesaity". The cangregation at the H-ampton Cborch on Mon.,'ing. t.Joi acsn Crl) Spring Thank-offering service March 18. 1Mc. and Mrs. R. M. Shor-t Bordenî. spent Ihle xx eeke Iîd was iairly well attended, Hamptoni week-da ' v meetinigs visîted in Campbellford and xitli bis parenîts, Mr. and McaI-. wben we consider tbe large -Subeam Messetîgers, Gi Peter-borough on Saturday. V~îicet <Jackson. f nunmber of people whoare ifl ads, rsEporrSig- Mr ndMs.ErlBl]an r.ad r. oan ctta Mr. Swann from the Presby- Club meeting bas been post- Short. dal,.CO OUO ýterian Churcb, Bowmanvilie. oidfawe. Miss Dianne Prescott, En- Mraî l- Rhî i-i This surely is a good sign off At the Officiai Board meet- field, spent a couple days with - 'x-eal Christian feeling, and a ing. Mr. Alex Carcick, was ber 'grandiparents. Mi. adu anditîi o Trx f * mave toward fîrmer union -)f re-elected Sec.-Treas. of the Mî,s. Hoskin Smith. Maitori spent thlle xceeki~cîld p ail Christian Faitbs. It is only Cburch Board. Mr. arnd Mrs. Allun Taylor itbM.adMs ls ar through Christian unity such Sym pathy ofthie commun- and daugbteî-s, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Monk, af as Ibis spreading and grawing *ty is extended 10 the Diekie iwere Sunday evening supper Peterborough, (,vee , 11es 1 h an that the worid wili lever family, wbo are mourning the1 guests witb Mr. and Mvrs. Hos- wtitb Mr. and Mrs. TI omias c know peare. loss off their mother. kmn Smitb. I Jennings for Ille \vc(kencl. Rev. Mr. Swann's story ta Everyone was saddened ta Mrs. Levitt Reeves, Wiilow- Roy Jarvis bas retîîriîci thechidre ws etited-laroof th dethOff Mrs. dalle; Mr. Tam White and Mr. home fiomn visiting xvîth Mr. 'The Foiish Spider". His Robert Hodgson, who l'ad Tom White Jr., Toranto, vis- and Mrs Hugh McCairthi i JACK s ouci sermon was entitled "The! been sa much loved and res- ited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stev- Calgacy, Alla. PLUMBING and BEATING Marks of a Progressive Christ- I pected while living in the vil- ens on Sunday. Division Street South ian", and painted to the fact lage. Deepest sympatby 55 ex- Mc. and Mrs. I. Harreil and Mr. and Mis. Ce-cil McGul1. ~2-65 O MNVLEthat a church which isn't gain-! tended ta the menîbers of ber family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, spent lasti xveeCkc-odi 623-515 BWMANILLEing ground in al churcb work, famiiy. Interment took Place Don Goode and family. Lake- xitb Mc. and Mrs. Ja mes Mc- is certainely going -baci'. No in Betbesda Cemnetery on Mon- field; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dad-,Kinirioli. day.etedd a son and ffamily, Peterborougb, The IUnited ChurchWoc-s Sympatby i xtnedt visited Mr. and Mcs. Clarence Association met in the Sun- the' friends and relatives Of Tink on Sunday. 'day Scliool room on Monday Mcs. Joe Cbapman wba pass- Mr. and Mrs. Chai-Iton Me- *t ihMs hmsJn D on 't ilss! ed away following fieu an~d Bride, Peterborough: Mr.and nins reidg ly missed in aur community. Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mc.Hod Whe br' Interment took place in Hamp- Clarence Tink, faliowing the1 char-ge offilhe worship servit-P ton Cemetery. funeral of Mr. Charlie Wbite.1 witb the themne 'What The W . H. BROW N'S mWîyof thevHamp :Mr. and Mrs.Edgar Horncos- en in, off Mcs. Hodgson and Mrs. Thank-offering and were tea teui season, î-cading the scrip- Cbapman, two dear, sweet, guests of Mr. and Mcs. Lorenzo ture lessoîî aiîd eading in Christian ladies, friends to ail. Truli. prayers. Hymois relating t'i C AEMr. and Mcs. Ciiff Robin- Mcs. Skuce and Mrs. Cari The Cross, wece Sung. son have also suffeced a sad Wiibur, Taunton, recently vis- ýMcs. Addison Scot ead the heceavement in the deatb Off ited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilh minutes and coccespondence Mr. Bobinson's roother. Ibur. vbich inciuded niinvitation WMiss Jane Reynolds enter- Mr. and Mrs. Champagne, ta bear Missionarv spcakerg lairicu a number off uttle girls Belleville, and Mrs. Fred Tam-advivPkitn mbo- recentiy on the oc casion of ber blyn, Orono, called on Mr.leî-ic-s at a meeting ta be bird birt1cday. . Wm. Wiibur on Sunday. in St. Pau]'s Anglican Ci-lîcch BOWMANV'ILLE TOWN HALL famlily. and farnily. Ms rI n aiWahîit the--41\ pc1-lngF<Tbank - c.ad _r. a-.ild - B arl illh-d nril 2 an home, Mrs. Grace Bartondale, Mc. aind Mcs. Rai Debeau 'Oak Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. adsuA'hi e-nl'sei DaeKernoban and tbree a wcek with ber paceilis. Mi-. L Echiidren, Wbitby. were Sun-adMc.Ritc. ichl S AEday ývening supper guests sa r. Ricc icc wxeire guests un Suîîday witb and , on fln-i, Ni:. and NMiz M on ay, M ar h 2 thMr. and Mrs. Sam Keane. Osb- Mickv Dou-zon. Ziainer 1963 - 1:00 p.m. brha.M.adMs ak r.E enp 3lr To d atTDVIUU&V'1N WADM !TD.aiso part off the happy gather- Mr'. and Nrs. ('ýlîc; Skip- heda l .EV~A Eaa' A .ing. pr hta,%eeekr which is on the Seugog Road 15 miles north of Bovrnailville and ý à mile Mrs. C. Conway and Miss p.Chtmxeexek-i south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highway 7A. Mae Conway, Oshawa, visited Mcr. and Mcs. Stephen Je Jffcirs'. on Sundav' with Mr. and Mrs. leasovitdM.Lre 50WE OFFER PURE BRED 5 Bob Christy. PumradPr 15 0A large number off Hamp-Pumnc rd iiiP' ki tan people visited the under- Hope. anîd Mr> and Mi-. Oxî'e'îi HE&D H O ST I C TT E EA aking parlours, ta pay their Nicholas,Bixiîixil H . u H LST I r ~ EADrespects to Mrs. Hodgsoii unit '2off tht' u.C.W'. xvili We are offerint a useful croup nt Fresh and Springing Young (aw-s and '2-.'rar- and Mrs. Chapman. flic-et next Mondav. .'tarciiîtl elds, as weII as a number of Yearlings and Caîves for Caîf Club prospects in On Wednesday off last week, ai t p mn. Pleasc- noie the bath senior and Junior claisses. a bus load off Hampton pupils, changue of date. Dant Miss This <pportunlty ta Ptircha-se Ymur ('air Club ('aif. acconipanied by txwo off th(- A Sciîui.s' F anad Scr, teache-îs. Mrs. Atclîison and bli)nqîc i s u-i d la , . -! ACCREDITED - VACCINATED LOO[>01 TESTED Mi'. L 'vcett. îîîotuced Io Peter- dax veî !]. r*hi"', lirah to t'uni pete in a Iuj-u iiît i id x- wiel a: - The maJorlty are readY for imniediate expui-t. Al cattle tested or MiN.( Festival. Theîe \were te'ided. Tiiv,'io \' ; eligible ta enter listed or certifit-d area herds. teui schoois c ompeting in tbis sived lit.' inui'. Reli J1'. NEXT SALE WILL BE HELI) AfIltil, 29th tiass anid Hampton came ficst, Ronicril asked tliu he .: Congratulations, ta the teac- -anîd a -<s'119 SC ns ciIS ci gale M.anated hy: ers, pupils and ta Mr. Ross wîîh Mcs. Cla%",ol Hhi TIREWHfAVEN FARIM LTD., Auctionrr Melcaif the music icacher. speciai -uç-st. prc-sidin-, aI JL. 1. Burketon, Ont.HýADTE Naktk. Miss Linda Couleter came piano. A film. *Bo-,-Srnii* sI Phono Blackstock 986-4957 iOADTEI, lcsok n 4th. oul off a rlass of ftwen- Camp,"xa- ox'hx- 'l ty six,.in thp Vocal Solo class. FXýgrr' lVuha ý\\'Io a ,uXa ci iCongratulations Linda. ia short addre-3. 'Speaks at Courtice HighSchool Canada Is No! Committed To Accepf Nuclear Arms Says VOW Presîdent on the face of a child is ngstet- - for he is trying a ing on his own two legs - lent foi- man 'v crippled ild rnust have 'the chance rto use a wheelchair - oi- liai ar-e made passible by ,aster- Seal Campaign. The mail toda>'. Every gif t la rippled chlild. ANY înip foi- the manîse. The re- igiiatioî off Mcs. Sam Brownî ,va uccepted xvitb cegiet and Ur.,. Roîss Davîdson was ap- oiîîted as the iiex treasurer. Mr-. Brownî xiii be lcaving îe village to make ber homeý il Boxvmaix'ille iri the rieui- Utiire. Mrs. Clarenîce Rowaui gave in iilustrated talk oni Kai-a Leing, something off that -outitr ,v's bistocy fo- wbicn Aii h-ave records datiîîg back ý1120) BC. She discussed the eopie offthe country, their uutii.low thcY have been ffected b * outside interest îîd sonîetbiîîg off whîat The :ii'cîî is tcying ho accompiisi icre at thc present time.. The i>'.rq Canadian Missionax-" vcnt ta Korea ini 1893 and On Februaî-y 22 the Student Assembly off Caurtice High Sehool bad the opportunity off bearing an address by Mrs. C. B. Macpherson, Ontario President off the Voice off W amen. VOW seeks to bring about a wvorid off peace and gaod- will. Their immediate aum is Ito prevent Canada's accepi- ing nuclear arms. Mrs. Macpherson admnitted that lber busband, wbo 's a professor off politicai science at the University off Toronto, had belped ber ta compose ber address. Mrs. Macphîerson quoted General Ger-hardt wbo stated recently in a speech ini North Bay tbat Canada is flot com- mitted ta accept nuclear wea- pons from the USA. On tbe contracv, Mcs. Macpherson pointed out, Canada, as a members o tbe Unîited Nations. is definiteiv committed both ta preivent tbe spread off such xveapons to countries flot ai- î'eady possessîng them, (whîcb wouid include îîat accepting them berselfi, and never- <o tbreaten miai or the use off nuclear weapons as a means off settling a dispute. Ibere ai-e now 37 missionaries thece. Mrs. T. Jackson told items off intereSt cancerning Dr. Florence Murray wbo wcnh to Karea un 1921 aîîd was bas. pitl superintendent for 20 y cars. Mrs. George Waddell cc-ad an article conccrning the Kor- cati Orpbans Choir, which is spoiîsared hy the World's Vision arganizatioli and wbo bave recently appeared in Canada on tour ta raise funds for educational. work at home. Mrs. Waddeli also made an appeai for used ciotbing ta he sent in a bale in the near fu- tur'e, destined for Korea. Mrs. Herb Coppins tald brîefly offthe native Korearîs, their employment and social habits. Mrs. Raipb Prestoni gave 1i,îformation on Korean stu- dents who came ho Canada ta furtber their education. These students deplore tbe poverty ioff their home land and one Lwas quoted as saying "The Christian Cburch is the ane ihopetul s'aice in aur land." Faillwing the closing benEo- dictioni lunch was served by IhKe host es-s gru.-- ---- Bvresisting the present pressure ta accept nuclear arms. Canada. Mrs. Macpher- son explained. would reta"n ber present prestige witb the neutral or unaligned nations, a.s. a country genuinciy de- sirîng peace: and ber action ini rcfusing sucli weapoîîs would aiso bcip ta î-eassure Russia anîd heip lier feel <bat perhaps she could afford ta feel a littie safer and pas- sîbly ex-iinimake a correspond- ino peaceful gesture. Mrs. Macphiersoni also spoke off theffact that people are still dyine iii Japan as a resuit off tiie elfect off tbe two bombs dropped thcre in '45, and that diefocmed babies are stili be- ing barn there as a resuit off the parenlts iîax'iîg beeîî ex- posed to radiation at thit lime. A filmi "Oîîe \Vocd or None" slîoxviîg some off the dexasta- lionî caucsed ah Hiroshiima and xvli.ît woiid i'usult if onîe bonîb feul oni New Yack Cils' was; shbownii Thle studeiuts slîoxved xei.- keen iîîterest, askiîîg sa maîîy questions that il was bard ta briîîg the meeting ta a close. L~WW1JffYfff~J!i 111-e ELECTRIÈC LTD. - CONTRACTING REPAIRS- MOI OR - SALE S - SERVICEI T RADIO-'APPI ANCES X tP; : n Speaker: REV. K. KIDDELL PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED pet CANADA NEEDS GOVERNMENI WIIH PURPOSE \lorr hall anl.i inz eriv(ana p nes a gvrn jh-eu it at ail (t anad ;ian 'Y hv;<3 n1(Ient wtt hl IjnnpIoSr' .. a gott-nmenltfwiI h lai wh'n aeeotphishH, o mak r ý iretht al szta <cri of .t ivsfor t he cn n i r seî-oîîoî cfuit i e ( *:i niid jrl i~ -nt rs i e lu(,1 r-tbo il t (J ec'ononuic a n ci forth le pe'oplo xeiI-einglha t ki nd of gav .-Tht' .1 ierai [Parityvasks foi.t'his gi-cat guuitt'ittti-ni - ptîoseftil tî deie--anoîi its) i<ltt- l uîil îg tIlîat 1tle -job i> o li tone ('tio lt'îi li ai tl a t kitxvs whevre t 's guli' g 1 s i., ti ;Mdî' us:îiiiIli il ia lt-ige. E ur Inut-a tl-tixes aie cleai.: (1)tut pr'îtîideî'-x i.iitt-riui t"~urîuljtiatt' a-.ks \uuii t<> t 111<1 tii <lit- lnl'r'îaI go\t etttt so t bat 1a- au (n -an (Io ls job; oni'iv ii <'i titi uiv. .\prii X. sut1 t lia i-ii <2~~~ ~~ tinîîît~ i 'îtV a i d ii-al ins orlalîuîîr, 1.i -nigui(IîtI meIllt tanrigv I- %oIl t'n o buisjrIl 's, nî;itagetît'tt -fatîî guitii~ ati uivIl'in;tri an antiad ltt i-i uuiu xts ePaIýtilitng eu,(iuiîtiy t liat ilvîlitae the jobs and IT'S TIME FOR ACTION- VOTE LIBERAL The President and Board of Directors of the CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY of Northumnberland and Durham cordially invite you to attend the ANNUAL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 26th 1963 - 8:00 pa. Dr. Powers School, PORT HOPE Durham-RUSS HONEY LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS If you wish information on Voters' Lists or Polling Places VISIT 74 KING ST. W. - OR PHONE 623-5191 v~I

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