Report from Queen's Park by Alex Carruthers, M. P.P. 1 ' As Duirham Countv is be- comirig an important tnurlýzt area, it is perhaps of interesý to review some nf the featureý r of the debate on :,he estim- ates of the Department of Travel and Puhlicitv. In his introduction ta the estimates, The Hon. Brvan %aij cart po-inted out the -foi- lwing facts respecting th-~ tOUrist trade in the province during 1962. l. There was an increase of 8% in incomr to tourist operators and allied service Industries. 2. 5,285.5e8 crs rîee Canada in 1962 ontrvle' *permnits - an increaýe of 47n, *ovpr 1961. .1 - 73A9' of aIl such -tra- Vellers came ta Ontario. _4. 224 new to) eslab- M MN EY AVAILABLE lFOR MORTGAGES JONES & GREER RINLPHl S. JONES~ THOMIAS H. GREER 130 Ring st.JF. <Oshawa 72Z8-6246 l'oit neyePr know sviat t) expert these djays... bill yoiî can depend on us for compîrte automo- hile Service! r I I I 1:: 1- 1~:1' I i -I lishmenîs were developed additions made to 3.58. 5. 30,1.58 more inqu were received liv the Der menu than ;ur11. Alex ('arruthers. M.P. 6. 41 historical p)i a qt were erected. Durham several of ihe imost cent orie hein ý tht ek lin Plaque a, Tx rone .A1 que Io the Ba]cdýv n FarmilIo bic erceted lnar Necw(a' n the spring of this \'ear. 7. A ,; h arp ices Wintcr facilities lias beeîî coided. The ilirce ski cl Let Uis Put Pcp in Youir Car ivith a... SPRING TUNE-UP We Nvill give vour car a t horougl i ine-up.. corne in toda v! Re sure ta gçet the hest per- formance fîrom vour car ini the peak driv'- îng months ahcad. All w.ork done l'y licenscd imechanies. 72 Sctizo.- St. M w r A A - STANDARD WHITE CEULUNG TILI Whbite 12- x 12" tongne a Igroovecd tule for, fast, aecuî' installation. Carton lots on 0(coverage 64 sq. ft. per carto CAROADSAVIIM. VELVET "100V TILE ACCOUSTICAL Double eoated, vel\et \white 12" x 12', tue with oci' 1,000 soun d ablisorbi up. icrleo per'- forations per t ile ,. ..longule anîd grooved (carton lots anlyt ('ARI.OADI)SAVING. I MAHOGANY DOORS SPE( IAIl Frnm $29 1Nome Brand -o PAINT 20Vo OFF REGULAR LINE IUTILITY POPLAR HARDBOARD PLYWOOD $1.4 9 11', 4' x 4' Sleet P>ER 4 \ SIIEET ony9 C 4 ~~1 4' & In a month's time, t] begins . . . sa flow plan yaur 1963 buil perienced "Farm Re is at your service ta h you fram start ta finr ...just Phane Bea- Lumber 623m338 6 23 -:')2:11 would bring Ontario back In- ta the tourist industry." OET EAO RHRW OBC Mr. Cathcant in reply stat- OET EAO RRRW OBC ed thait he job of bis depart- ON RIS BIRTHDAY ment was to promote Ontario aod flot to build establish- B3' "Longboa" ments. It was the policy of ils department, lie said,' ta' Ta Arthur W. Roeliuck, this Ode I will lodite, * ad peatn~10 luha a Kr-cipalities ana other depart- AaY Rc in inirty Seven, I admired him. i and opmenus ofgoverrhmentttaide-'My Verv Deep Esteem, The Years Cao Neyer Dim. bx. ava an Betan'. ~'t~velop tourist attractions, not ure.s having an excellent zeasol'îin anv one area but through.! Roebuck -quit his job,. a thing lie had to do. ýpart.- ManY communities are S:i0fl out the province. If he held his job, ta himself lie masn'î true. soring successfnl Winter Car- Mr. Robert Nixon. Brant, This split Hepburn's Party, they'll neyer were the same. nivals. su ggested that our highwa 'v; Roebuck wouidn't play, Mitchell Hepburn*s Game. 8. The introduction ut tlie should be named in a mor Thus of this Arthur Roebuck, I hold opinion high. Econiomies Developmeni Act attractive manner. As arr etidt c h a.a i lasiy lias provided loans for fur- example. he reterre tate etred to ac h MnhsI o leýsly ther expansion of tourist fa- highwav passing through hi VaM sl ect, FMoe Tnev Gold. cilities. toric Indian country in hisIVau tFrMoeT nGld 9. 300 miles il[ accc.s road riding. and suggested that it Sa naw Dear Sir. I seod you Birth flav Greetings. were opened Lip during t!ie> be called "The Iroquois Trail.", May lite flow pleasantlv. in'al] your daily meetings. vear loto new tourîst arPas The Minister replied that i Our traubled World, is torn by Strife. of the north. his department has a repre-, Its Hard ta Get, Much Peace-In Lite. ~' 10. S e r v i c e centres on sen-tative on the Highwav Highwav 401 are being pî-o- Signing Comimittee a! Th e Ali we hear is Xar, with brother killing brothrr. vided with arcas to suppiy, Department of Highways. and, They do not even kno,.w, why the,, fight qpcd other information for local bourist that this matter was preseoîlY; Every\%here you look, ts a fight for Power, areas. under consideration. With the Situatioo, Changing In An Hour. Il .A verY large increase The annual question was during the v.ear has been n'- raised respecting a slogan for Sa rnany men have gone, far away from God. corded iin convention busi- Ontario license plates sucb as The Devpil seems s0 often. ta reallv 'get the NodE ness. Toronito nlow the rnost are used in same States of the Each Day we hear of War, but seldom hear of Peace. popuiar convention centre ;n. Union. I Guess The Lord Alane, Cao Ever Make War". Canada did $100 million worihi The Minister poioted. out of convention business in 1962. that the difficulty in adopting: If War should start, it would kill us ail. *Mr. Catlicart pointed ont this in Ontario laY in desigo<ý This would take the mightY, and the verv small. that of some $5.0,0 ing a plate to accommodate a: Death would place ail men, exactlv 'an the ]evel". spent in Canada in 11962 liv slogan aod, at the same time, This Would Surely Hit The Big Shot, 'Like The Very Devil", toursta 739"-or the buisi- the use of the preseot emblemý n e s canme t o Ontarlo: an of the crawo. The matter, klei I do not believe the Earth eaui be destroyed by' Mao. u2s amouint equal to some $3.5(,- -laid, w as, however, beilig God didn't make this earth, for such a crazv Plani. bas 000,000. givern consideration. If al the Nuts and Loooies, ta "Limbo" went awvay. 1 C- The toun1iSt iiîdîitr 'v, lu' The tourist trade is orle of Earth Would Be A Heaven, Every Blessed Day. iJ'ii said, lias becomie verv com- On1ta'io*s greatest sources of Plâ- petitive, and everv effort is, incarne and we of Durham, 1 sfled You mY' Uoad Wlshes, maY von r lite be grand. Y IS being made to expand tllc shoîîld be ever conselous of, bm sure the things 1 sa.vanyo wilî "uiider-statnd."' s tOLil'it scasoix from t %vo the attractions we canoofferý Happy Birtidays ta on.ou Dear Friend froni Thirtv Severn. monhs o tele. he ipn- ounatsaîd te ptetiaitisMaybe We WiII Meet Dear Arthur. When We Go T'o«Heaven?, n in- of the trout season il we have for future deve1o0p*-Witnfrm iprfin oorbl ea rhrW r.- FatrnOtris uic- ment. In this respect ourla-Wrte fomvdr indH oiab eao Ahîr . ubis cesstuî effort in this respec, cal Boards of Trade, Chain-1 Roebuck hy« "Longhoaî". pen ninme of Raîpli R. Toole.v. 184 - The leader of the opposition.,, bers of Commerce and Muni-' Simcoe Street South. Oshawa, Ontario. Mr. Winterme 'er, in is re- cîpaJ Councils are doing an37BySte, marks on the estimates. criti- excellent job. :7 a tet cizod the Departrment for faîl- Toron ta, progranmmg, and pI0 1 i c % OBJTUARY Youar Ra Oeîpli: uk s imlx Ma(i rdi. 196]]3O Ontario, fie said. had an irn-Yu d aReukssml ndrîl eIyn balance of tourisi trade aid WILl'REI) GEORGE SAMIS there are not miaoY people cani match ' ou in writing verse. that more tonrist dollars Thank you for a splendid effort and for the confidence iand leave the countrv Ilian entc, The death of Wiltred Georgel the friendship which it expresses. it. Samis. 68, occurred suddenlv: Much water bas passed the bridge since '37 but oIdi Criticiziing fic Jack ut fa- ai bi, baarding place, R. R. -,,; fieods like -yau do flot forget those fine days and what I cilîties for large conventions Newcastle. Thursdav, Mardi used ta eaui the "Spirit of Belwoods". ouiside unr cities, Mr. Winter- 7tb. Mr. Samis had been in But 85 is flot 50 aId and I'm now off ta the 90's and niever sîîggested lhit ll, poor liealtb for the past five I sincerely hope that yotn will camne along with nme (though I 5~ut he $<0imillon peniy'eis.some years behindt in health and happiness. and ma\ the bv Aoîcricans xvould corne 10 Bairn 'ebruLarvl* 4tb. 1895,ý mental keenness which made this Ode passible neyer dîm theOnarî Gvermetl, inl Newvcastle, lie was a son Off, or youn natumal force aliate. Plvase accept mv thanks, provnceshold le pepaed1the late Mr. and Mrs. janasý admiration and good wishes, for theY are fnom anolad friend. ta ptimp real credit and e.- Samis. Sioce his birth, Mr. A .Reuk tension ot eredit imm the ic-'Samis bad] resided in tie A .Ren dustrv. 'I siigaest." lie saidl Newcastle area, and as a boyv -that' oîe of tlle mnost draia- lie attended the schools ila tile thi gs whicli conld b'ý tiat area. dou wold c fi' he oveu- Mr. Samis xvas adheî'ent ta ment to promote ln somne par, the Newcastle United Church, ut Ontario, the Georgian Bav and tîntil bis retirement tiNe At the regular momoing much their regular atteridanî'e21 region is suggestccl, an expai- years ago was active in farm->chtinch service, biook< awaî'ds at chîîîch meant ta the con- sive modern \'eai'-roii ltur- iiig. an occupation lie had io-i weine pre.-enteci ta members of gregation as a \vhole. i. accommod'ation and facilli- lerited. tih uirCnrgto v TecmuiYwudJk tirs that wuuld attract peuple 1-le lasnrvived lic a sis er.teJno Cogeginlv Te muît wldik froni al] parts of the cont;n- Mrs. Vida Fenton of' Oshra iAa, Mrs. William Werî'x. Gloria, ta express ts s mpathv to Carl Munt"Mrs. Walter' Davis and lier euit, that WOnIld attracu people aîîd a liiece, Mis. Horst Soin-1 Harold and ao onjY1,faivo teY1h fle lu al] seasons, and that would mei of Oshawa. aod Donald and Dennis Wer" uth emho e attiact conv entions ut conse- Thle tuneral services werelatteoded cburch 50 SundaYs mother', Mns. J. H. Cookson. quence. $25 miillion spent on eld at the Marris Fuinenal 10 the past year. Brian and of Mapie Grave. Mrs. Cook-D a iotei anid accomniodatic.t Home, Bawmanville, on Sat- Alan Star', John, Harle;' aîd soi had been in bospital for M urdav, March 9tb, ai 2 p.m.1 Reggie Davis, Linda, Breîîda mor'e thaîî a year.p ___________________ *Rv F 'C.W odland, ministerand Sanîdra Hopkins, Pattil, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snow-c Newcsl United Clinreli CathV and Jimmy' Rosnak and dien are spendinga a few weeksp h0,evies Ite-Sylvia Wood alo eceived witb iheir daughtei, Mis. Jimi ment ;ca ite Bowvmanvilieý books. Alil members, includ- Pengelc of Broakîhu. f F ,W allac Gibson, Robert Rev. Ronald Love express-m'i l<dron Chuinch, with M:. Kon, elvleSamie. t h boysq and girls bow Nelson Wrighît, the vice-pr- - I KENDAL IMr. and Mns. Eddie Counoux. marie and Lyon and Diane lLittle visited in Torono Sun- Iday with Mr. and Mrs. RaY Moorme. Due ta the stornîy weati er last Wedîîesday evening th, IU.C.W. meeting at Mrs. Caur- E 3/ aux s was pastponed until ,4 TUesdav o! this week. anid On 'Tuesday Mms. H. Foster ýatec took Tommy and Bolibie Fos- ýny ter ta Peterborough ta camn- oEn)TI8Epote iii the Kiwanis Musical PER ILEFestivai fî'om Kendal Sebool. I .e* vd id 'nv well consider- ing the large ntîmler in their i class. M.and Mrs. Allen Foster - 1,4( Sud Mr v ta visit thei ne- C latives in Virgioba. Mrs. M. '/ 2 c E. Fsteris staying witi Mrs. 1 3 1Marattwhile lie;' are awav. enin andwon their play-oft gameaganstZion. On Wed- ALUMINUNI Mr. anîd Mns. Jack Fonk and Ison, Donald John, had dinner COMBINATION Sunday wiMr. and Mrs. H. I Chc was held as tisual D ~OSLunday morning ai, 11:15 witi 1 be pastor' Rev. R. C. White Ipreachiuîg. He spoke an. to tise CARLOAD SAVING moder'n phnasbng --"Th e AU ný\, 1, t1lcknes 1Churcb Goes Inta Obit', also Aite eldos umew14Ibrifelv ai] the World's Day of Wimîtr Sea l i Pra&u' pnogram, whic oi- bunlg , éreen to mp iated in Koiea. I-e nead a hatorîmg acu PIen. p 'fîonithe iiew book b'. barxne. Msoid arshll "The Prayersý iliu. F:it'lt'it0u Peter Marshall". 'l'le choir ____ eng eet Iloui ot Prayer', $ ~- ~ lb Ira. Jack Fank aI theý 3 £ I l.l. anmd Mrs. Sidnev Bnî'lev $3 2 -95 f 'Toronto wene dinner gi.est s I witl Mi'. and Mrs. PercY Bur- INSTALLEI> 42.95 beY Sunda *v evening. For theThrse lasi Couple of year!; f'r icîli range or Snndav Sebool sciolars e- WVinter seal Comblruation .min nchniu.t. bu Brovr. 1n inox e haîf the service i., aven and Beaver. m i pnoceed into the Sundav * ____Sdlool for theur classes. Tua. -pasu *yean there were a nnm- ~ ~ Iher of Smndays that for on@ .% neason and another tbey ce- OJ'%S O N E 1nained in lie church thkus r edmcing the number of Sun. he Spring Thaw davs At Snnday Sehoal and is the time ta ('art and Ross Jackson. teaci- Idin s. 1eus. iav-e pneseîîted attendance dins. Our ex- Pis ta the eight wio had at- Iteîîded lîver font.%,Sundays Dp" ,Rornke Stel, last year. Thev were Dorthýv Mencer, Shirley Mencer. June elpI Geacl). Bolily 'Geaci, Dougla,4 Mercer, Bîllv Mercer. Bannie iish Cece and irene Mei'cer. At- *tending aven thirty-five Sun- iver da s vere Bruce Mercer, Tom- ni* Fosten and Joan Falls. ' *D i'th 'v Mercer aîlz inissedê t , a Sundax s that tienewa SLIidav -Schaol. chlrnspent the ekn ,ývlb Mn. and Mrs. Tueman 96 KIN(; ST. E Gambimîl who took tiem ta Toromnto a'tiimn Snnda, BOWMANV ILLE MM rý 'I1iti nu¶Ga rny alid eJ rhî~r spent tie weekeod at themr cottage liera. sident, in the chair. It was Th@ Canadian Stateqsman, Bowmanville, Mar. 13, 1963 1 reported tiat 110 bushels of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aPPles %were sold ini the last ~d y e e i g drive. The Mothers provided rul'lyruuLMrs . J og a ae refresiments for the Scout P N Y O LMs .J og a ae skatiog partv wich was held ta lospital n Sunday y arn- recen t l au the North Oshawa Our village -as glad ta wel- bulance. She las beenl in por Aena. The Scouts and Cus (Ore back M. Keiti Badlev lealth for some tre. will lie takiog part in the: who had speot some lime in Drive for Crippled Civilians., R,,, Memamial Hospital in Bags %vill lie distributed on Manci '23rd for the collection Lindsav. of used clothung and otier We heaî'd recentlY ituai I items wbich cat i e sold byý Ray Brown liad purchased tie the Cmippled Civilians. The McLaren propemt.v beme. SinceP liags will lie picked up thei graduating fnom Barber Coi- followiog week. The Mothersj lege Ray lias been barberin% wene asked to Sav'e .se.dIin Orooo. We dorit kc.ow sta mp. w ich can b e tuWd w iv'i le will le aking vn' inl cash on Scout work. M m,: hee. but ls many ove-ilnds Borb Camneal showed pictuî'èsiwill be wishing him the verlv of the local boys at Camp Ac'-' best. He is the son of Mn. and venture in haliburton lasI Mrs. Lloyd Brown, sumranati Camp ompeac Good cî'owds attended the aiAV CapS M in euchre on Friday evening an1 U.c.w. Metingthe dance an Saturdav in The Kedmon U.C.W. beld 1k -;Ball.vduf!Sclîool. Mn. Waler general meeting in the church F'allis was the bîgli gent and on Wednesday' evenîng. Th'Mms. Mansel Finnev w'viiiner service was opened liv quietfor te ladies. Consolation music plaYed b;' Mrs. ruce awads went ta Mrq. Lia Note to newivwedtq: Searle. Kerr and Ronnie Richardson. as surelv as love and marriago Mrs. Claience WemmvMrs. The firsi meeting of the go locether, need for farnily Laureta Cossman and Mrs. election campaign hee ill Cliff Hopkins took part in le sponsored in the Orang-' security follows imniediateîy. presenting the %warship ser-lHall on this Mondas' liv the. Don't delay' callhng us. Weeau Mrs . Alice Sinclair intro- Messrs. H. M. Richiardson. Yduced mie new studv lbook R. Brown, W. Fallis, Wilfred "The Word and the Way." and Richardson and R. J1. Paylle i made some venv beiptul sug- atteoded the biig Tory Rallv gestions as ta *how the new i Port Hope on FridAv atter .- IMi,.uand Mrs. Si. clair Da- hîlitie% tflinat 'l'lie Spring praect of the mch -.nd familY have r-etui-i- UT.C.W. "vil] lie a Dessert Lui]-: ed haine aftcn -i wock's boli- chen and Faslîion Shiow-, o day* in Nortbern Ontarin. be beld ini April. Ladies'bats: Mn. Fred Yonigmalec, H R and pla\,cpyjamas ed word last wCePk that hlý S U R andplccoths orebldrn:sist,î-in-law, Mns. Gordon wiil be modî"llc'd. and !ater Yoiungmran. vas ini bostîita lmi A E PlacEd a n sale. Winnipeg,,;er'iouisjN iîilu:'c Uîîmîit s planing a quilîioig when the car dniven liv h"i'r oni April 3d at Mrs. Bob, ws ht by a train. Heî' tlre NSIRANCFE D ale sý. There w iltl ibe a pot ('idrcot wene \with heu' a d K nR S. E l'tk lunch. and aoy other a- were alsa ijnned, dies who rani eip'ont on this We were pleased ta learnoOffice ProJeet for the bale will hie that a neighbor al ours won 6 ver-Y welcome. a sizeable snm of cash at a 63-5681 At the conclusion tft[i, biigo in Peterboroughi on Fmi-, meeting, lunch wai ser ved. check vour needs promptl! and arrange a sotind plan of 'nmurance wilhin %lour budget gainFi the REAL ESTAlUi BASE LUNE 'Ir lisvmpatbi% of this com- mLunity Is exten*ded ta Mr. and Mca. Roc VanCamp, and otier sornowing relatives, bn the bass of lien brotier. Mn. Alan Su owd en. Mus. .1. R. Metcalf and Mn. R o ss Metealf attended the Music Festival in Peterbor- oughl ast week. Miss Esth..r Cryderman was one af! Hie contestants and placed v'er*v veil in lier elass. Congratu- lations 10 Mr. Metcalf for baviug so maric\,winners. M. and Ms. Bruce Ba- tains. Judy and Kevio wcr,ý Stinda \1 guests or bis parents,' Mn. and Mrs. Sam Battams. Manv in the communitv art, plague .d with saî'e tIroats,' colds, titi. and aches andi palins of aIl descriptions. Wec hope evei 'vane will sooo lie, feeling ninch lietter. Mc. Grant Metcaîf, Oshawaq was an overniaht PUeSt of hi. ;Zramîdparents, Mn. and Mrr. J., R. Metu'att. during lie week- 'nd.1 COME ON IN! ENJOY THE MANY EXCLUSIVE FEATURES OFFERED AT YQUR NEW KING KOIN The famnous Philco-Bendix pre-wash that means a cleaner Iaundry for youl Pre- conditions your clothes . . . actually botter tha.n overnlght Soakingl a q 1 Rtfidenc.t 61.3-5493 SEE and HIEAR Hon. Michael Starr - nî DIro abu Garnet B. Rickard Progressivxe Conset va tive Ca ndidat@ COURTICE HIGH SCHOOL On FRIDAY, MAR, 22> 9: 00 P. M. e Commercial Philco-Bondix Equipment -featuring 2 washss and 4 rinses Per loadi e Cut Iaundry time in haif a Open 24 hours à day, 7 days a wsek 0 P~ umlessnrl datoi 0e àt Plmnt relxdomospridlvs osa U KING KOIN 77 KING ST. E. LAU NDERETTE BOWMANVILLE PROM PT, COURTEOUS. (iUA RANTEEL> S ERV ICE FIRANK'S GARAGE wu - -- - -- -- - DEPENDABLE QUAITV .,ND SERVICE BEAVER LUMBERI 96 KING ST. F. PHONE 623-3388 M -- -m - - - - - ý HOW TO* GET THIN( I A F. ~II L -' No Obligation, of Course Romke Stel Free Estimnates. (NEXT TO IGA MARKET) AMPLE FREE PARKING Featuring both sin gle and double load washers a Protection agl 0 The Clainest Wash ln Town tumble action