14 Ths- Canadlan Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Maxr, . i~ f~Fi DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.nr1 __ ____ ___ _ 5 1R1 stae fogSa B1 r ths Deaths in MAemoriam ComingEvents __Articles for Sale Articles for Sale- Help Wanted 'Real Estate fori e e CLUB- Mr. and Mrs. Jack and READER-At Memnorial Ilos- ARMISTEAD-In loving me-! Brown's Case Show, Bow-jOAT ta,30his CllRG pceavr.hse-WATESfulim plyXHNE Jî 1 announce the arrivai of pital. r3owmnan\vil1, on Wýed- mory of a dicar brother, David! manville Town Hall, March'263-2019. Il-lýfields. Hollywood divans, kitcb-.Fireside Bar-B-Q. Highway their 1963 edition Cornz a nesday, Marcb 13. 196:3, June W. Armistcad. March 18, 1960. l5th, 1963, 8 p.m. 02 o uts itrssm,1. 11-3 128 Acres betweet e n qimn.Poe186 lupnt l hw oteLouise Reader, aged 36 years, God's greatcest gift, Gro,0!BALED hay for sale. Phon e suitcs. atrese, some 111 castle and Port Hope onN.2Ooo 02 1 Hcarcalter Trade-in chcsterfield-1 atSALESLADY, full time, ex- Highway . Modern oo public on April 4. 5 and 6 at beloved wife of Ernest Reader,ý remnembrance. ea iaca xet o - -- ot rd-n cetril _______ ll 1 -124Ad bdcr ot e r cf a isye, - n i nd Wmanvile Hg eh o, T e-:RODNEY oats fit for seed.ichair. space saver and electric perienced, if possible. W rite isolid brick ouse, al co -g and phan oather one andAMSTA-Inlvngm-daMrc 6h,8pm. 1 Phone 263-2525. jI-I* range. ',4 Buick. gond con- Advertiser 322, c/o The Canad- veniences. double grg t erenyee nd RMITEA da, Mrch26t, 8p.m 112 -dition. best offer. Murphy Co., ian Statesmnan, P.O. Box 190, tached. Painted bankil ns CO)LE Don and Sali.- nec Don. Resîng aitheMornserra f -derInln e-d 1ni umg Sl iî21" WESTINGHOUSE tele- KingW, Phone 623-3781. *Bow~manville, Ont. 11-1 new greenhouse 27' x 10.ToRELO Pîinch) are happy 10 aninounce Fun-ral Chapel, Bowinanville. brotncr. David, who passed be open every Friday from q9viSiÛf. Cail 623-7264. ll-1i.AA-1TEAS01 Company water.ols n peî'wl cnierC 6350 .1 nthiary. agtr e,,'c ntecae on Thur-a. day, 18 160 to 9 p.m. at former IGA Store,!WATER for sale ana delivered. MOVING to an apartment, soli- needs man over 30 as travel- go oei saa Cyti a n' 7 16. oathMmi-al 1day at 2 o'clock. Intemment .iways rcmembemed bY nicce King St. W., Bowmanville. 'Caîl Cliff Pethick 263-2131. irg surplus furnitume in excel->ing representative. Wýrite ý odhm nOsaa efsric rcr tr l-osial Bwanîle AbayBowmanville Ccmnetery. 11-1 Doris. ken and famnily and I-f32 1lent con~dition: one bu cakba rs10A res rlabaisoue.xîbtw oue, aag 'sita fo Alan lt-iA - bybrother John Robert. 11-1* S.,tcasitnalbankabr.soneîrst cwaesterrvicestation oo.,1Boacres o ssefo la.Monster Bingo, ThursdaylGIRL'S -spring coat, size 1-casionl chair. one be chest- wetr erlem C. oitomato land. On]yImieof'ad ullivavN.21On S.-MDIS--Suddcrîly. ,at R. R. 2, lith at 8 o'cdock, sponsored i.erildcaion ounge'789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. 11-1, - b mcmomy of our nigyears, two coats, size I8 years. green Ni. 2 HigbwÀay -close Nc'-cseln fo'bahrasn ~îrs. on Tbursday, Marclb BURNS--Haim old . (ob îe)C the Junior Chamber o hn 2-12 chair, a set of cbildren's en- WANTED-Three ladies for, casile, $12.000 cash. Cosi w-Ruleî potni o INI iIN Mr adINI Mr.96, ifrd eoaoSm-drthWiaollfrcoe-62-321.Georgeooda,16vouSam-altmpraybrot wrk Mser $6,50b.byyar pmoud to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W-(Bh'e'ommerce, Red Barn, North ccoei,1 ouera eprr fiewr.Ms r$630fv cr g. prur.(ieu nofr iïýthur CovcrIbare Pis age d 68 years, son of the Burns who pas-ed aa c sawa. 45-tfh FOUR tons cruslied green mnix-' barg1ains: electric stove,tw haepesnilpbevic. 20Arsloe Lda.Toforciknhoe aunitoutice the birth of ihe.ir late Maria and Jonas G. Samîs, 15th, 1960. - ed hay, best offer. Telephonei bIne tbrow mats. velour chesi- "Excellent salary. Apply Fridaybank barrn 40' x 90', rm îî qipe.o 0arso 1LUh grandidaugbter Lavcnria broither of Mrs. Vida Fcnton., c'rcmmrbemcd by sisters Dance, Tyrone CommunitY 26,3-2129 after 5. lt-I crfield throwý, also pressure!9 am 2 p.m. only. Flying bhouse. AIl level lanno~ omfi ,0 ries L'aria, 7 lbs., born March ',Osilav.'a. Service \vas held in Lily and Meloria. 11-1 Hall, Saturday, March 16, Clara -coe.Cl 2-34. 1-'ucmnMtrH"e.M.soe t ar od pka, augte o Jon ndBom manx'ille. on Saturchw, BROWN, James Tamrblyn bl mission $1.50) per couple. 114 h. p. motors. Paddy's MMaonn1-lr$.00for 50,.baacs5. SieNIdi.Akn rie$,0) 01claIfsîi ther grand- March 9ib, ai 2 o'cIock. Inter- lo\în" nirrmorv of a dar bu.s- Everyone welcomne. î Mrkt Hampton, 263-2241.r o ae ATD-w mnfrlg parents are Mm. and Mrs.'mn omrvleC'o(" adidfthrwopse city delivery work in Bowman- I Acre garden land vibfv doî celt.$0 ah ment Bowmarsiniviilcv. 11-1el'r. b u n at e b as d Bowm anville Liberal Coin 1955 DODGE sedan. Telephone ville - Osha' a uI a e c r rocii blolise, al co uiven c s.I- Acsid nfsni t1y l awI Io~ay M\ar-cb 19, 1960.1 aMuthvcr ----- - Th Fough ii s mo uc 15 gineÂApartmeni-s, 74 King-W., opeën you wait, at MeMullen 'iard-, ýSNOWDEN. Alan udly forev2r, daily I - 5 in afiemnoons - andiware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- -on Wednesday, M1oich 6, 1963, And bis hand we cannot'eeig.Tlpoe6359.vle 3-t f, fAlani Snowden of R.R. :3, Bcw- touch, evnns.Tlphn 2 -91.vill manville. in bis 61sf yeovpr, he- Stil1 wc lhave so many 1- O' coats, size 12; 2 sports1 loved busband of Dorotliv, meniomies, Paneake Supper, Salvation jackets and reversible topcoat,p Wilkins, dear father of Mî's. 0f the onîe %we lved so much. Army Citadel, Saturday, March $5 each. Phone Newcastle( Wmn Davidson (Ruth), Toron- Hîs memorv is oui' keepsake 16 from 5 - 6:30 p.m., sponsor- 2816. I t: Mî's. H. Hagedorn (Edoa), With which %ve'll neyer part, ed by Cubs and Scouits, th ýVARIOUS item, of housebold Petersburg; Mrs. .1 .Aitc bisool Gcd bas bmin i His keeping, Troop. Adults 75c, children!furniture, electrie ppiace (Mary). Blackstock: Mirs. 1-. \Vehave bim io oui- hearts. 50C. 1-* ad terefeis aîPl aeen- Goodmurphy (Margaret>. and SidIb missed. Gî'ace andan teefcs.Ciev- Saamhw;îly.. ogr 11-1 Enebre card party ai New- iflg5 623-3637. 1- Sa i s a a: M s . R ge st n i le H l , M r h 5 t 1 Y N G o r sellin g fu rn itu re va a y, Dwav\idl. RSandra LWatr o wo8 o'clock. Admission 50c, or applances, callElmer,d 1n 1ms omnîle ct ONL.Y atrBy h Ladies please bring lunch. Hapo:bsnes2329 c d ai the Nortbcîitt & Smith passed axaV in Osbawa,, Sponsored by the Hall Coin- residene uis 263-2296t4 FuIncrAl Home. Siviexa; March 2nd. 1961. rsmilice3265.6- 1 eld on Satiida >v afitcmnoon it jusi as vou were von xill ite«-11-11 'o'clock. Iiterme(nt Bowrnan- always he. h horo Tiiy ntdBEATTY Wasbers, new,, asr r2 h hi fTiiyUie low as $99.00. Fl ieo ville Cemeiery. 1-1Chcriisled in oir rmernoi'y. Churcb will preseni on Good Bettlappianes.P adfdy p __Lovingly remembere by Friday evening, April 12, theMarket Hampton 263-2241. TRIMBLE--Ai MemomialIlios- Momn. Dad. brothers and si.si-!sacred Caniata "Olivet To Cal-î pital. Bowmianvillc, on Mon- ers. 11-1 var.ý"'. Guesi soloisis Ross: 11-521 doy, Momch Il, 1963, George - Meteaif and Ross Cotton. 10-2 ýCARPETS and DR APE 1 Trimble, aged 86 years, 79 CONNEI-LS In loving me- Unid Cuc'oe,(Samples taken to thc home). 1Scugog Si.. dear hrothcr of mnorv cf a dcaî' brother. Wa lier: ntd Cuc oeFree estimates. F. A. Kramp Arthur Trimble, R.R. 2, Bowý.- RoyV Connelly, who passed Maple Grove, St. Pairick's- SUP- Ltd. 37 King St. E., Bowman-' mavle esiga heMr wYMarcb 2, 1961. per, March l6ib. Sitiings 5,1ville. 623-7071. 20-tf manvlle Resingai ie Mm- . 6,O 7 Tickets $1.2,5 and SOc: - ris Funeral Chapel. Bowman- God took bum home, it was His fror Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs.INSULATION, blowing meth- ville. Service in the Chapel \vill. L. C. White, Mrs. Glen Bam- od, with rock wool. Work-1 fon Tbursla.v ai 2 'ciock. In- Pub in oui-r beamts wve love ber. l0-2*;manship guaranteed. Free esti-ý terment Bowm-anv ileCerne- b ini s5ilI;mts ar .Wd.Tl- Ily.1-1I Ilis; mcmomy is as dear today, Bowmanville Skating Clubslte.HryLWa.Te- tery ~As iii the boum he passed ThirdAnulPpC cet phone Clarke 2420. 39-if ___ xxav. Thursday, March 14 at Me- ALUMINUM do o r s a ni d W- offen si and think cf him meniaI Amena, stariing ai 7:30 windows. Cail us today for FlowersWlien xve are al] alone, p.m. with Service Club Broom-,; free estimate. Terms arrang-, For- rnemory is tbc only friend bail. Admission, aduits 50cled. Cowan Equipmeni, King FLOViER SHOP That grief can rail its own.ýchildren 2,5c. 10-2 St. E., Bowmanvýille. Phone' CARNATION Dorean and family. bx' : Sprng Hat Show, spnsr451TYEf by the Business and Profes-TY. WRITERS, adders, cash- Sep. lis for the hest in: AN Inlvgmeni o sional Women's Club, wili beiiers, duplicators, chequewrit- FUNERAI, ARRAN(;EMENTS EaNdarsisbboila n s mem o cfhld oa l Theatreliers, cemptometers. thrce hund-' WEDINGBOQVES assdeai' sist r ill Ean h o Thursday, March 2lst, 8 p.m.ired new and used. We buv, XVEDIN BO'Q'ET pacc axo~~Marb 01h 190.Door prizes and lucky draws.1seil, ent, service. Hamilfon1 HOSPITAL ARRANGEMENTS Oh how patient in thx' suffei'ing Tickets 50c. I10-3 Office Equipmcnt, 137 B'-rock: Cosgsand ail Ct inwoers Whcu no hnand r'ouiid give - South, Whiiby. MO 8-5849. Cosgsthe(' rase. An invitation te Open House 1 0-tf SLEMON - Lloy d and leon (nie Tomis) arc happy to au- nounice the safe arrivai of tbeir daughten Susan Marie, 13 ibs. 2 ozs., Morcb tb. 1963. Mlany tbonks to Dr. Keiih Slemon, and nurses cf Matern- itv Ward. Memorial Hospital. Bowmanviiie. Ill Deaths CH-APMAN Af Memorial 3-h spital. Bowmanviile, on Suicîay. March 10. 1963, Mar- gcf Elizabeth Pascoe, aged 8.3 vears. wife of the laie *îehChipman. dear sister of Addie (Mrs. H. E. Tink, H-ampion. Service was held in the Morris Funerai Chapel, 'Townianvillr, on Tuesdlay, Marcb 12, ai 2 oclock. Inter- ment Hampton Cemeterv. 1l-1 COOKSON, Fiorrie -At Me- niorial Hospital, Bowmnanville, on Fridiay, Marcb 8. 196.3. Flor- rit' Cookson. beloved wifc of James Henry Cookson, dear niother of Fred of Seagrave, 1-arr ' ,cf Ajax, Edith (Mms. Walter Davis), Tauntoni. and "Victor, Mapie Gi'ovc. iiilber ui 'yeor. Resterl ot Northcutt ptnd Smith Funenal H-ome, 53 Division Street, Bowmaovilie. bSrv-ic vas lhcld inI he chaliel cii Moodlay, Mai'ch il at 2 p.m. Jnici-nient Groveside Cemne- tervN. Booklo. Ont. Il-I (COX, EhlBaci-.tie i,iu uest un Oslia\va Generai 1 Sp)iial lin Sunday, Marcb 10, 1 6;.. th'i Blanche Pingle, hb- I ir c wif2of Aib.it t"F. Co\, runtii'r cf MIrs. Fred H. Smilli t ~.cen'.Fr'ank, Arthur anîd C' uî'iîcr, a l] cf Oshaowa and r ter cf Mrs. Floicc 'Gi-iiî- ui le oîîd IMrs. Rota Glauvilie, T',Wnllivl\ille: Xalter Piîîgle cf Ta~:unitoun. Noiai cf Bowniaii-' ,ville, Howvard cf Toronto anîd 1',-;:îen cf Bcwmanville. in hemý RII: h veuir. Rcstcd aI tbc Ar'n- x1i onol"îiiîcmoi Ilonir. Oshawa. ,wuii oniciioi'ial service in flic Cliapel. Weclnesday. March 1:3, a: 2 1.ni. Inerment Bow,%nian- ville Ccmetet. 11-1 Phnone ,r(l(rs rrom .Newcastle ancd Oronn - (',ll ('olect PHONE 623--7141 .Itter Hours - 62:1-2 184 IVe send flnwers hy ivire a,îywhere 1)1f Reception Mn. andi Mis, . l. HJose wiii be at homue tlu (hein fricîîls aîd r'elatives cii Satumclay, Via ich '2:1d fi-on)i'-, unI o ici 7 iii 9 p.m., on flue occ asieni of Ilhiui 40tiî Wccldiîig Annu- D'ICKIE -Ai ber r-esideuIce', King Street East in Newcasî le. Jiaîiptoii, o n Wedncsday, \art-ti tb, 196:3, Ela May .1- S i utt, aged 86 years, wife of M' udMs.CaeieVc hlie laie Rober't (Roy) DiekieM.ad rsCleneVc cl-,ar mother of Rita, Allan, will be happ'v 10 receive Ibeir C.iirence, Ross and Georgge, al eaives, fricnds and neughu- ci Hapton;William, Sarnia* boums at thein home. BPR. No. 1, ând Jleanî lMrs. Bernard Mos- nnskilcîî. oui Saîiurday' . Monr. cs> Oshîawa; sisten of Edith 101h fî'om 2:001 10 4:00 )anîd 7:00) (Mrs. Mollon), Port Penny; to 9:010 p.nî. on tbc occasion cf Peal Mrs.lames Avery): iboir foriietb rvvddin.ig auiî- tiz5- ZO4 1 -' adil musI4~t JX!Iw d!Ud. l..;LcY[ 1 ~lent, earnings. Apply Friday, '53 METEOR in good condition. 9 a.m. 2 p.m. only. Flying Phone 263-2:168. U1 Duichman Motor Hoiel. Mm. 1961 CORVAIR, auItomatic. in MeMachoni. 11 * good condition. Phone 159 DAIRY fanm help. experienc- Orono. 11 c:d, waoied; separate bouse '5.1 CHEV. Coacb,ý radio, good xvith modemn batbroom, 3 bcd. tircs. \ery little i'ust. Gond roonis, living rooni, kitchen runninig order. Phone 623-5896. and basement. top wages, 11-2 sicady job. Phone ATlantir 2-6685 Scarborough, or wriie '58 CHEV. haif-ton pickup, B. Scballock, RR I. Siouffviile. used os c'on, excellent con- 11-1: dîitoii; sacrifice, S800. Plione Neirveýastie 2219. Il-1 1962 MERCURY Mcîîterey v2- Dr. Hardîop, poxeer steering, p)ow~er brokes, duaol 'ange auto- mouec, cuistoni radio, whiite Wall tires.,xviodsliicld masieî's, on]l': 11,0(M1) iles, Iîexv cal, con- ditionî. Cuxva îu quuipilieiif Co., 1.34 Kinîg Si. E., Bowmanville. 11-1 KO U SE D C AR S 1959 Buick 2-Dr. Hardtop Aî,tnmatie, pow'er brakes, rustnm radio. Gleaminz black. ILoeaIIy owvned car. 1958 Morris 2-Dr. Nfechanieally A-I. Ideal second car. 1957 Chev. 4-Dr. Station Wagon God.ic heiclpci of thelielpfless ai the Princess Margaret Hos-' COMMERCIAL barlev',îe- 2-tone green. Saw thv painî and gave thee pital. Toronto, Sunday, Marchljistered and commerci'al oats, p co ce,. 24 froni 2 - 5 p.ni. Everyone certilied vernal and al l y "ou 2Dr Eveu' niemnhei'cd hy her is welcome. The Cancer So- jgrs1sedned6Yor rssC b.J1v. -r hîclur F'e aîd ie sste- iey Volunteers will serve teaseeds mixed in our new mixer Tete ehoose frm. , oth Vilr'\irgic Evanis of Ponty- iin the cafeteria. Il-I * pooll. 1-1 * Tu .d. i1f you wxish. S\vain Seecl standard transmission. Real Enchre card party, uslyCenr and Dealers. Phono, sharp aind dean! .JEF'FERY'--In loving nemoîI'y March 19, 8 p.m., Memoria1l Bîackstock 986-4331. 10_-54Dr *Park Club Heuse, Liberty SLI.1c'411tell you PIONEER Serd 1955 Dodge -r nf a dear hîusliaid oîîdfather. South. Lunch served; doeniCorn ls the best vou can huy, Ciwav Ma er i v h 1962. à prîze. Admission 50c. Pro- but you will have te plant it ('Ieuii car. aWc littickiie6tliui1962. keceeds for Cenebral PaIsy' ul elze10 ICI clipap transportation. 'lctliatmcrn dywudSho adCoe 11il has been costing you te plant 15 or -r 'l'ie orrw te dY wuld Cartwright High Sehool pre-!other hybrids. Call or e 195F r 4- . hriuîg:1 sents Music and Drama,ýme noii'. ED. RUTHVEN, Port' For the rail w~as suddeii, the Thui'sday and Friday nights,!HoPC. R.R. 3;Phone WVelcome V-8. automatic. Local, onîe slîcck seveme, Maî'ch 14 and 15, 8:30, Comn-1753-2281 colleet. 10-4 owner car'. Immacilate. ~To port xith one we loved munity Hall, Blackstock. Two' IES irs-trstre,_i'_ Don'> miss this one! so dean. 1-adt plays, Gîce Club selec- ,Tracton, truck and car, nevv N Su eae -Sadly missed by wife Elva!iens. Admission 50c. 102jand used, and a (cxv ncw snow I \ 1 tde a aîîd daughtem D)oneen and Woodview Comrnunlty Centre tires aireduced rcs Tio 3-tnP ku fail. ~-Monster B i n gui.. wenty [50 eralmilking un ts wo-of icu games-twenty dollars. five in., good, at $35 each. Palots. Farmiers' Speu'ial! 1,E!7ROY b I loIviuig îernory games-thîrty dollars; $150j hardware, cement, lime anud cf a dericamnîiler, Harrici, whoýjac.kpoi, and two jackpots ai. morban mix. Fouir single u'ord. passoni xa Mar-eh 141h, l955.S2)5ü Door pruzes. Next of lm body wood at $6 per ROY 'W'. NICHOLS A silcuit ubord onicmory s Monday, pm.Re Barn, cord ai the yard. Hoskjn's haî'p. Osbawa. 46.ttjGeneral Store, Blackstock. - Lots ai 3 Bedroom bose, Nexe castie Beach --S6_500. S510 Building loi 9tt' x 38l'. $(;of) Speciai. We biave a large sluiî cf large and smoial fa rns. Hetises iin Oslhoxva,Rova- ville.,cvos eand Orono. Money to loan fori' ll pur i- poses. Sec ils fil-SI,.wecaco) Save yOu mone.v. j!WOMAN who ('an drive to cou.1l ruweiLuedi .L.Iiie regularI each montb on esta b- NeAcastle Plionie "856 - ishcd Studio Girl Cosmeti'es - clients ni and around Bow.- manvil]Ie. aking îîcccssary Jhn F .evlî Il delivemies. etc., 3 or 4 boucs pe-ri on I.D W t Y day. Route will pay np ho ELO -$5.001 per licur. Write Studio Girl Cosmeiics, Dept. CWM, Biiiman%,ille - Il Frank St. ?840 LaFleuir Ave., Monireal, 32. M)al 623-39.50 IO3 6 Roonied home infia t ov, EXCEPTIONAL opporfiunity new oil fur-iiore. Pmue ' 000 for amUtiouis persoti seeking'Reasoîîable dcxvi paymnî. profits p io $85.00 weekly. Hiisbuil l-u r irspecn- Youî offer customers bcauity fiatioîis iii Burviîaivilic or producis,nmedcine, euiinary Newvcastle. Lnxv icirviîasv- and domestie needs. 45"' corn'- ni"lt.2, finaiituuigaiaig. mission; nc risk witti cir 30 6 Rooîîued home ini vil loge, day trial uîeriod. OnIl.y $2.500 north cf Bowviiaiivillc. 2Askiig- foir y our demoîîsiraiion sample $8,11))0 vjlî$50)dovil rase. Jito, Depi. O, 51301 St .50 Acrmes \vithl ovcl 'v brout 'Huibert, Moîîircal. 1-1I sineaîuî, close bu main rrod. Pice $5.00)(0.Tens W k- f Roomed home îîcar ('ourt- VorK W anted ice, modern conveieîîces, large - .........I double grg.Asking A. BAARS Plumbing & Heating PHONE 623ý7127 46-tf UPHOLSTERING Saive Dollars! Have your chest- erfield and chairs re-upholst- ered. Free estimates, samples taken te the home. RON'S IPHOLSTERING 1% Silver St. Plione 623-5252 2-if SEPTIC TANK PUMPING WHITEWASHING STABLES BERT TOMPKINS PHONE CLARKE 4721 NE WTON VILLE 38-tf Plastering Repairs Q'ICK SERVICE STI CCD AND) NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 Ring St. E. Bul'kcion: Ma-îd L ms. ýZ I-I'CI-"t'versanv. i<- Is softly touceo ccay.Teana etn fte____ 11Colirti<'e Bwasil Bon eggIlnad-Ever ircnembcred by dauigh- Teana etn fte _Ele( Erurvo> Sctt ugog Islnd, a-M.an s cn - t- fer May andci r\&iii. 1î 1* Coi-muniity Meniorial Hospital, A S N728-6206 612 3- 315.3 ire xvos hîcîc in the Morris Funi- tonî will be happy 1n receive- Port Penny, Ontario, will be S M O 11 -1 For Surnr emal Chapel. Bolvvîîîouuvlleon tbu-ii relatives, frieiids aoc) MORRIS- bI loving menionv beld ai the bospital on Tues- TV TOXVERS Bathroor Friday, March Rtb. at 2 i'cloc-k . nighîboirs, in tueur hocme, En- cf ci dann Rhutayevn. The Mar ie ar;th, 196an3, UXE Livestock For Saleingheu: Ilinmcnt Unionî Cemetemyýl nisk illen, oui Satulýidav-, Mpu'chi Willianm, who passed away sud- ai 8:31) PAn h ulcae EOOI adDL'E>ae g1e Osharv. nj 2 frni -4:3) aîd - 020cluil Mauli19,î~s. odially invited te attend this Byne o tebeip Ice lmod igs. ciglîf weeks ____p.m. on flic occeasionî of f hîcir Hs iuii-or"' 5 ,oui' keepsake meeting.10-2 B Fnancigfrnge d od. tîouic26224:)). 11- DWEHcoJ. ude 25r edn til*I*a,, With iclihiueIl neyer part, Plan to attend the Oppor- FIlFR )lc il;f,-.dr'igg DOWEY,1-eufr ).-Suchmci- 2tiiWedi11 _luvrsa,.GocI lias hinîi ii His kecping, turiiy Day and Home Baking O H VVA1-EEonDîc 26d3-24,17.eedr11- 1 gg lv, oun Thiursday, March 7, 1963.,112 'Xe have hini iii cuir hearbs. Sale to be held on Friday, OSHAWAiui 63247 l J-I cicr i. Do%&ncy\, 301 Pine Axas reunihrcd by April 19 and Saturday, Apil TV SUPPLY LTD. 'PURBRED leu'sev cxs fresli 623 3305 Ave., Oakville, iii lis 7O;tli Photography niotlier anid fallier aîîd family'. 20 undie' the auspices of Dur-i e-a r, beloveci husbaunh of Coi- - 1-1ihani Chapten 181, Order cf the 361 GIBBON ST. aund suînuigituîg. Phone 203-2368. cm, of Donollîy (Mms. W. H. PHOTOGRAPHY S M I'lH hulvîgmui fonETR Fund. 11-1 ho e72 -18SEVEN pisPLUMEr' ck B R Clark) cf Toronito: MurielPas rta drsuuclx',Donald W. Kvnzmilov fopr AIvaTundyDay or Night P.Dui s Rv, 3, Burkc'ioui.PL. <Mu-s. H. Paynie)cf Islandl Portrait,,,Pas rs Snmith., xvbu passed away ftu'opn, arcial h u ai hy LLES~PoPhotiue Blac:ksock 986-4316. SAI ( ite:cMabel (Mu's. RB. îîit) ldd.îs nvrirs vîas1?cailhu16. 1960. Lion s Community Centre. f0-tf lt-I 1, ;ýhî:an 3rct, b1M's.oRfBuak- a speciaulIv Wc canîuicthboItf hlia uînds ofTikt on sole froni Bownian- 120) CHOICE Hler'efonrd and01 E h>aî 'nd th, bîhlcfmae-vice nts uil fs.Mny uhaistces ii n teau ui atc Russcli C. ASTOR STUDIO or live n m t iatsî. xille situdite m eers. Man T ACT RS ver co d. olsuîlieu fers chuer 10 EP Divux.Resteci ai ftbu Funu- But i u cii erts <inemories Home incîig ire quilj bo tJSED TRACCb w ThpORS Dun- -rlianu .Seens nusu on SF ci-il 1i jcuuie cof S. S. Russell anîd 23 King St. E. HB oinville WVihl forcvcm lasi.bang cnd botFralCb itpow ct-frsei. Se disd, Oavnl, iei'ci (iflic fuke)aI Phone 627-2.502 Ee enmee b r.étronta 5.Diaw ativator and mower; FarmalManub 27. Gcc. A. MiGovauî, HA S,îuîl, )wiuî Sc(afti e ae>, Even "d M eicnareî-cd by M11 - 8 l.m 0-2>Super C with 2-row cultivator; telcphuîur 778-2213 Havelork. H u'ýr\ici' reas fiel oui S:îtuurdaî.v1-f uiTMis.RbafiFner.IlIbus trips. EasterlFarmall Super AV. hi.-h rIeur- We ciiven. 11-Ti i!eu'uiuî ai 2:30. Ili! :Lieuf CEîNSE'D;î î lilxug mciei-i NewvYork, Apnil 11-14, siyay tirs' ric W4,n Tro,-falizar L.ax'.uiCemt'ncn> N'rsn Idrn (nce ocfa incuir son. Donald a t Dixie Hoiel ai Times Squar'e. . reantd eae x'- 11-1 NurigHm Wocidrow~Sumithu, who passed; Florida, 4 - 19 May, 15 nights jive hydraulics for W-4; B-275 Seed Grain for Sale SO0UTH i - Haven -_Nur suuîg hm-le axvov March lOthi, 1961). in AAA approved accoe Diesel, guaranteed like ne%%., 1-IOD(;SON, Moud Alice-Onu Acoain for privaýteNMorec and muore ech day we dation. Vers' neasonable. Write'Long tractor, 3-plow sîze, S295. Smuurdayý mou'uiuug, Mardi 9th. a n di senui-pruvatc' paticits .iiss hum. 10 Colmen Tnax'el Service, Box T r1 NOW IS THE TIME TWO bc, 196.1, ai Mamrvood Nu'siuîg otinge TV Fiflv liu"uised, Frrenucs un'av fhîiuk the 631, Boxvmanville. Phone aoy-USE VIACHINERY mnhY M-omne, Mauii d lanî of 1lauip- ncxx', building, niodetru Visitns wouunci is healrcd. tinie, 623-3265. Il-I 115-run Seed and l'ertil,7( r to order fm, n er85h u'r.hiloccLvscmr Reasonable mf.Butfî tlko he ATTENTION -AIl World Drill, double dises: B3-run Seed SRN W svufc of tflai e Pcb i't .T., rdeai Phnoncwair 11 13f: , riWar I Veterans living in Bow- and Fertilîzer Drill-, Il-ruin S RIGRAIN 'h',wt in g,È nithr ifNîîac W'.uiigcu.Lies rvîlîiuu ohm lhcarts nianville or Darlington Town-' Seed Drill, Massey: 3-sections Lradinz Varietie% Au'ailablf'i P.C.: Nns. R. Cioîmp (Haze,)ltoN tce niln. ship. tius noct necessany ihat of Sprlng Tooth Harreuvs; 'Z NEW u Tv'ionu', oaî(]Dean cf ,-Jax. oicsSonlîx uîîsse-d 11Y D;d and xcii br a mnemben cf the Royallsections of Smoothinz Hai-- CERESMOBE nient, r Restec al flime Noiicitit and If youu have a druiiig Pu nb- 1Ifie-r 11-1 Cauiadian Legion te attend a rows; Case 3-furrow' Plow, on Liberty 1 8riîli Fuîiei'l Hom.c Secr (o Phoiui 623-35f), C-I f Dinner and Eniertainnient 0nsel -a ieRk 't FARMS P,;a heI lco :o'cicck MciiI 11- T \hc I u .CunrnS I.lui loxuuîg mei(nîit cf Saiundav. April 6tb. inthe':Tedder* International 3-pointMDE <iloy afeuiu i: nterumeut nvonîe laviog c (-ls oîîîs odanrhuushauich and (aihl'. Le-ion Hall, Bowmanville, clin.-ýhitch NMower. Massey 3-point C re .RcadiMoDEr Brfhk-sdo C-miicrý . 1-o1'1 iu>mxrlei0 iu .Dnilch W\ý. Smithî xhîO Passed ocu' ai 6:30 p.m., on celebra-, hitch Mower; Nem- HoilandIs.A killenuu uuust Phiciîe202-u15"-ava Mai'cli16, 1960. rmesLI «f tioui of Vimy Ridge. This ev-lTractor Mower; International R. R. 4, BI'lN'IlE 12Kn LOVFRIDGE - On Monicav, fore.pi- 1f îuexuci 'ul a coideuil. dun sfe synx ib14o2 Kiengvrhuid n Mari 4 i 163 unEuulauhbu olc ic chfio., >m ) , luaIlthu xcrl xv shîl lotgu sîs freenascb 178. Int 5 al.venainle. n In llth wrl sal nt uetsofBrnd lB.Coli- guaranteed; IPhonetio823-7.150 FURNISI C i tî'uunhnEx a.iin her 75th c 11ares. -à.un finmation cf 'oir attendance, 501' Baler uuith Cub engine, 1- and kitch ý-c i-n. hmlovc(d xvfe cf Fî'ed- A licrn su r'wciderfull kiiid. must reach P. E. Greenfield,j$150.00, International M,%odel 2A store. mi c"'u'k Lo\xeridgc. dear n uuthrmNtc t rdio ýSo sort a voire .so swe'et a P.O. Box 239, or telephone Hay Conditioner; International boiards. (if W~altcr n ud Graur (Nlrs.' Notce o redtos 623-5521, 623-.3814, 623-3562 on No. 46 Baler, top condition: . A uto aeh. Phoi EîîugasStuwnidcî litr- NOTICE TO CRtEDIT'OrS lipmtouslxol lie 623-5430 by April ist. 11-3,C. No. 66 Combine with pick - n'utxarInck tefoniEiv plot, Ahi rlaiuuis auuuthie estaule uIptve so b ure, s o deep, up and straw spreader; 2 Case Euîire bo)usehold effecis cf COMFO] Chodsock Dvoi. uuzlaid ~Fr(,enick Tox.siex t-,aeo<f Alo em betifuîlh kepS E ETHEM l- HEAR THEMITractor Spreaders; F'leury 4- Nick Kloostnhcf. Loi 29, Con.'ment api 1il'i lue Townishuip if Clut rke. xvhu ir1 i( or u ceuuandred by bs MEET TI-EM :wheel Spreader. 8, fHope Towrnshiip, Inmille bath, n die<h ouior about Iflic 2fîttî Sîm- I. fu' ndcre c il dug T OMMY NDOUGLASncî'tl cf Elizibah-lle, sefling dean 1 POLLOCK. llarrY P. Sud- 1962 IUuusî bc filed uiiir atuu'.> Fd TRUCKS Saîurday,..Marrh 23 at 1 p.ni. monthl. cinnly ai ishomue oui Thuins- xxif l thue uîndcmsîguucc <on iior'DTReDeral Leader, New AIl finiiturc andc ecetnical fiy vevcnîng. Manch 7, 1963. bcfoîe ftue Iih NMarci 19t3. RIMA~~Ri Democratie Party 11961 6n ardatio aci-14. pphacshk u.Tni 17aryPoloc o 34Caliie ftr wic te ases f te ENRALCOLEGAT 6yarENTRALy aplinCOLLEGIATEerrîs_- Eann Polock f 34Canîsleafie whib the asets<if he M IVIO IAL SIMOE SREETSOUT Exellethcoditin. csh. Pmopnty old aJcc Axenue, Pox'.uuanivilc. bcbox'cdestote wull be distrîbuiec. hax- M M RA SSMO TETSUHi Ecletcniin ed LCinç-' l-- husaudu DmiuyBîrul. n eladoix 01usea- Mnmnso dslya S .W A1958 International A-160 3-ton Bedaicine-r 1- hubn f ooh' trildli, rar nv otoe c Mnuet -ndipa i S A Aitb 14 ft. stake body. DA der aiir f rs Grldcortsofhiu ha . a,-ýI2Simene St. S. Oshawa,1155International 9-passenger IERYstoc'k, p Brxi Shirley) cf Boxx'nan- reu'cix'cd uufo"Phione 723-1002 i StationWagon.1LIEST1955SA E M on %ille. and dean bî'other (if MNs. Dated ai Nex'.ca-tu i uuOt. "('omplete Monument and It P. M.Stio Wan.LV TO K A ESMrw If. Adanis (Frcdai cf Toronto. ibis 22nid do' <if F'e)l 9t;:î. Inscription Service" AIse AILEEN HALL O i/Nai Dirhamn County Sales Arena Li(enc-e Rested at the Nonthututt anid LILA 'ORP. P-tf New Democratir Candidàate O A Orone - Everv Thurs., 7:30 p.mn. FOR pic] Smnith Funeral Honme. 53 Di- \dtniuiisttrati___ - In Ontario Ridinc. ECIPN ENTH rses. Cattlp. Svkine, ('-lves,lanv anti vison Srvet. Servic'e \vao hv flirsltic in EVERYONE WEFLCOME EQ IM N etc. For truick pickup Phonp article fo hi-ic a' Il o'clock Monida>' F, R Lovrkun, Pin uning Phone 725-8731 134 Ring St. E. Bowvmani'llle Orono 5 r 19 by 1 p.m. day of Sale c'al] mnorning. Intermeni Aureu'a NewNcastle, Ontario. PACTn Atlu Co1- l- hltby 668-5329, Ajax 942-541:, Phone 623-5689 sale. .1. A. Reid & Son, Sales ton Scott Cemetery. 11-1, 9-3illison. Phone 623-3900. 36-tf' ii-& -ii *-.%iÀ,*asaa*. 2t 623 -5030 Peter Feddema RE~A LTOR Ilighway 2 Eaîst ofBomnil Cali 623-3644 i 6 Aires - 120 acr'es under ciii>6 itiiOrooni bouse, aIl rcivculcrsbaik barn 30X 100. Soîl sîiîtale for growing cohaccn. Seil.s for more in- foimat joli. ,w> Acres - 7 roomr brick liotcsmai bol-Il,excellent iota> ii. Pri'crd fr0 scl. Terns. 6 \i AiCs - O6iconihome, at- ticird gaae, iank born 2ux w', SiiIl 11stricanî, near scliuicl aund storec. Priced ta SeIl . Loiv dcxvi paymeit. -1 Redrooni bungalow, full h:î~eîitil la th, fui i'iace," two aiurestif land. Price $10,500, Lo',r dorvuî pa ' nient. 11, o'ir f igai-ren land, exc.Pruce $2,600l.00. Down S1, 11)x). Salesman: C. Rez. Lov'ekln Newcastle 2248 Il- 1-I Peter Kowal, Jr. REA LTOR and GENERAL, INSURANCE 52 Kinz St. WV. 623-2453 oeibc f Oshaowa & District Real Estafe Board $980. jii.; t. 3Bedrocii unîîgalow neaç 20)Acr'e DAIRY FAR.siol uipic $5,500. goiiig concemo xvifhu 100)) id 6 Rooni modern bungalow~ of puretîrcd Hclsteiiis. Excel- on SC1JgoZ Sf. Spaclous lot lenît soi] and buildiiigs. aîî.l garage. Oniy $10.500,00. 18f) Acre tarinî. Goori luîîld- I15 Acre farm ilb new iîîgs.Str'eami. 11g wv location. b« oal anoid smil barn fer fPrice $1 7,1)11<) xvlh S.5.10)) dowin. oîilY $16,00)>. Ternis. 1200<)Arme faiii cas> cf Nestle- Cal-isIe :\vr., 6 room brick tlon. This propertv is in ex- 2 ..orrev liuise. This is a cellent shape. Watcri'nluialciceiocuation. Total price, buildinîgs: Streami. 20 Acres $7,500t. iin fou whcat. Price $30.000o. Cnti' Strerf, homp consisi- Terros. imuugf' if roorns aîîd bath on a 2,51) Acre Beef i"arm on goud bheautifuJI lot. Real Value î'oad %vith "ood waicr suîpplY. . $10(f000. 10 Rcomecd bik home \vii i fco ndnî hii coiivcnicnces. Laroige biarni. b1iiugalow witlu sevenal exti Pnîce $21)000. Ternis. oui Duike St. Thîis is a w( 1M Acre, Famni on No. 7 (ut hiîcand pî'iced for ir, Hliglî%rav ,West cfOiec. mediote. sale. Good ternis. Lauge stonec lîuise wilb uicîc- 2 Aîiartmni. brick income cru rconveiiieuîces. Gooni bonis. homne. faîiy central, for only Lots of water. Prure $26,00(). $11 ,5.iO T, i mî-s. 40) Acres \viih îîew brick buglwjuist, off 115 High- A fter iuourîs eall: wav nîcî'îh of Kirby. This is a Don Mount.loy - -3,3-314 veux -ý-good locationi and tre, Idso Wiersnua - Orono 161(. incnirous valuie. Asking $13,009 Ross Davidson- Bethany .10r'! ()î' wull trade foi' bouse in Bowâ muixil.Art now. John M. Sandy - 725-801)0 e muianv ut bers. Walter Frank E yen ings. A . . IoO!' P. Koital un-uu i~'î.'.îr 'v'ç~p 623-7264 623-5868 il -t ,ctric Heating 1171( 6 r 2i 3t.-B3393 xbile Howe & Peters iroomn, Rerreation Roem, 6339 )M . amy roomn need- î5 Ac're'farluiî :1, iules ccii i- or* complete home. B.ixviaiixile.e > o>himck Pi"lemperance Street rQualified Electrie h01)5<. potini <<I uma cii '. .Onti x'ah1ahle roail i uuItagu- $2,0) Iuilc'oi ois-iic'a ratinz Contractor Ternis. nrx io ;mix'iîii'uif îonu lb u5-ycar- T41 125 Acre, lavco, Nîx'. «':ýI 1<'ci 3 î'h'îuîhome. If as n .Ldec~1c L L~.la k shiore. \c verduumcluivr la r-'lix'inug-roomu, guond kitch- 38 Ring St. E. soi , I nerv (crs, s3" ui -<e.- t>c--i uit"1hi1and a lot 5Beurmanvilu monmbouse S 2) 1 , il))0i. S 11.))ili oi) x no (i. cii guicucih way. 4-fdoxx . W" hure o ý1sî iall onie with 2-f . 0)Aci îc fui cii. I 2 niil esN. E. <<-,lu pil e ,n cs oui a gnond MES & BYAM (if Olir *.2 streams. liouii', loi. Canuhibc, igîlfor $500.00 4 liarus reith rcîîuuîfor dwlauîd smalnnhly pay. B NG( & HEATING caifle. Asking $2,000). Tenus inuiî.s. ýLES & SERVICE 2,18 Are daurr' (amui ai Ner':,- PchronîI lhue ai, Zion, 24-HOU'R<'asile, longe uîu il: iciru' Il fnî icc' <-nui)ctiion, liaI f acre - Ronuu brck hurselaurge poiiu- liit.,<-os' tisc(uii. $1.000 for Burner Service dbr. rw rild il' ninad$7 pe 'TIC 'TANKS AND ag"('. Pri-icdias aO'goul.,-ii(ii1- uîîî>l vii h hmi'y thîs outstand- TILE BEDS ccu'uu xx-utl80 hieai nf I(Ji"lsîu,ý('ti îg umugili. PHONE (catlle caafuill Ind' of purin lita I Pyini a business op- MPON~6-28 equuipmc ii>,11<1tullt \ Oi' ailr] a lhait il) ,6 -28 19su'u'ic aci'î i th stif'iiii. - V î<i itdli'nii bu'ick home k'RONJE 263-2650 2 puonuds, iuuar K'îui S:î,.900- xxi iat>acluduparuage on itwo, 19-if 'l'c'ni s uîu ;iluf piui)ui t*. lienru ouse 10 Aires (cxcvîiiak(I-ugiii i î~f iwarIy uew, rom- For Rent $3,500,itevs. ir(i' pl. tililh buildi,'ng 40 Acres ail tiuàil ip10 wi- 2u 2 f Plpi-c.u*fx'lias two 'drooni apaninient, $35 cd Su'otu'h Pilili' (hristiau- riev.ýîî wh. 'Ibhis valuabie Phone 623-232o. Tboiisouds retîdx foi-uîu c <. i ts Iciof 5'niffnles eaIstcf 11-2* Lo,'ui icîuaî' PolihYpool, $6,00. ). o. >:uiuc111i îuui*ti -e'. Owner bednocni duplex, <mil T,'tis. xx I 'uosrlrr ranle (<unsmaller hcax'y dlîtv wiriog. 26 A(ires xxîf lu fa si rimii uîuui it lmelh una 1) mile radius >evu'ost le 2950. 10»3 truuut streanmnir 0 roui. tlood fof < iîua jpstairs hrated apant- ,mtg sites. Askiuug 2131,0. U ; .*'50 )Doxvî i ii buiwy a 5- irivalfe venf1ranrice. 24 'ni5 uidm lu1 --fctrrc houe a t Place: aflernoons onîr. ('ft;g:uO ,ok (h aco 'u r ic ,neloi, double nc'p-r B<irmauî ruile'. $4,5))))(il). C. u rc enouoiiic'ýal heating, Tcrmta xc-.. This home iq at- ,N bcatcd aparntu, (ue'.e i 'il t -vlfuttreii<eanioc ih arking; available April hr'n-k home' oiPok.i('n-miiii rIsrm,î 'l kepi, with a il- Apantuent No. 1, c-ent. A--kuig 2111900. Exc,(!-l-f csj' f sbruhs and flower E. 1Il Icui rns. fi-ci:-, $8,900O (nIl pnuce. Owner 3i-lD bcd -sittig rnom îcmoîuîbuubt i ctx-gtu Peterboîrough. .-nette, equippc xrith () i Souuthwxxi2l)n r'.$1 1,5001. 9 Ai-ut'farni, R.R. 2, Bow- -efnigeraton and ccp- 'I'ermrs. uu,ýithlbuu'îî'nrg north side A, aihoble innmediate- E-uhu'iOlîiiii(Miuh51 <o f toi Il ighway. This prop- ne 6'23-3591 evenngs. Rit" lako ah trn 310 1:î f. r'l.'bas Il rornbrick home 2-f no(] idhîighrvr friut;ugc', xxth iîiv-dro. Cool funnace, mod- STALE -ncun bae-401) fi. rhecp. 2$5.5!). $21 .0t00 mi ahic gocci basement, 1Rantuei xxi h bs-picedo>u, ri. h i11 uu ruK i uig o ltheu'nfanibutildings. This pteau' bosital. Viee 'Ccîîon-iifî-ohl ii] ig r ig o agood iii esimeni pnoperty. .211.000. Tc-r Vîu..Si'aIl tus for ian inspection, Parking spore. 267.51) 'N.A. lîcriws - bu j l Iiou <in,. A1,ciii $5,0001<1down. Phone 623-2453. t1 i<.'. las mnts. Ext-cl- Our Spenial Puy is a home 6.llnt local i0i, il, powuuaruvilie in exceptional \VantedA tîî Cali 6231:-nn: 'i)fî,:,39 3bpdroonis, di ning- Wou red room hliv'ing-room xvith lovely Afi rhot; iefun'luîî-u' nd screen, good and enippled far-a'kRtrd - - 623:1,154,biinci ihnwGrWo pîrked up -Menoopfon . ' e ohc'b 03271,Any Ieil - <)mon<u I 07jocul unaiug. Lonai, onpuy- lFiur Farm. ,'mciie.eeBamnOski - ('larke 20:'lsiepuoedieaCI 'q 245--02 3.1-I g;cgc.jr, A rt'a.sonahle down k-u cfdontios f pilî'unuis acceptable. rIe.p lotintions f on' Lr tgages('ail Ouir office - 2-1'J mnr Kixvanis Rurrmad' î,' uui IlBon Brook7, Cran'ý- \IORT(;AGE mccc'.' ar-ailhlleBnh .Iohnnn - 7Z8-2548 ,or Ross Jackman Prter Feddemna, Realtor. Cal] Ron Hetherington - 6Z3-3637 113-t! 623-3644. 25-ti 11-1 a à à, l i illanag ers. Di,-", àà -ar