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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1963, p. 3

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ocal Students Win wards in Legion's peech Competition Censiderabie interest was evoked by the' Royal Canadiani Legion, Zone Fl Pýublic Speak- lng Contest, which was heId eit the' Legion Hall, Queen Street on Saturday monning. and -, representative audience ettezoed. Zone Public Speak- ine Chairman Ed Hannab presided. He was assisted hy Zonci- Commander Ah Mavin, %vho also presented the Inn- phies and certificates. The' winners were congratuiated by- District Commander AI Bur- gess, Dunbarton. In the Junior Elementary Division the' winner was Don- ria Watt, Rouge His Sebool. She spoke on the topie '"M,, Dreams of the Future." Patsv Blake, Ontario Street School, Bowrnanvillc, v.'as theriîn- up. John McGuirk. Maple Grove, School, was the winner in the Senior Elementary Division. His subject was 'Telestar". Scbool was tht' runnen-up. Scbol was tht' nunner-up. Marie Foran, Bowmanville High Sebool, was the' winner of the Senior High Division. Her address was on Japan. There were no contestants in the Junior High Division. Tht' winners of tht' Zone Fi Public Speaking Contest will cempete in the' Royal Can- adian Legion District F Pub- lic Speaking Contest. It wil be beld in Lindsay on Sun- day. March 3lst. at one' p.m. Contestants will be the' win- nens cf the. five Zone Public Speaking Conlests. BIRRETT - IHARRIS A quiet but pctyweddiiir wÇas solemnizcd in Blackstocl United Cburch on Saturday February 16, 1963. wben Reta Lorraine Harris, daugbter ol Mr. and Mrs. F-'. nd Harris R. R. No. 3 Brrketon, becamc the' bride of Murray Rov Bir- kett, son of Mr. and MIrs. Nor- man Birkett. of Raglan. Ont Rev. Phiiip Romcnii was t1w officîating clergyman. The' bride wore a stre Roi-al Cotiser î',alory of Mu sic of 1,01-011101 MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS JUNE, 1963 Appli ans endi fee mnust I h heCons,vtory fnot ltrthn A PRII. 15, 1963. 23 BLOOR ST. W. TORONTO 5, ONT. i i f 09 Wicks, Oshawa. After a reception at thbe Irngtb gown cf white peau de Sandalwood Restaurant. Osh- soie satin., ith shoulder awa, Mr. anîd Mrs. Rundie length veil cf white nylon left for Toronto and later to tulle. and carried a bouciuet'Flonida. cf white 'mums and red ruse - __ buds. à à- The' on]iv attendant was ber sister, Miss Verna Harris, whl wnre a street length gown ofj peacock blue peau de so'e satin with shoulder' length For the' week cf March 4-10 c' xei of peacock bine ny lon. inclusive: tulle. aind carried a nosegay cf Admissions 80 white 'mums and binte mums. Births. 2 maIe, 6 female .8 * Mn. Douglas Moore, Port Discharges î. Perrv. was best man. Major operations........ il A reception was beldidn h Minor operations 24 "eEmcprgency treatment., '28 Recreation Centre at w'ich Vsiin. hur.3- pm approximatelv seventv - f'Ive. Vstighus.3-4p guests attended. Tht 'bride's and 7 ho 8:30 p.m. mother reccived, wearing a dress cf beige rayon brocadeR and a corsage of vclio%, rmums. She was; assisted bv eports f rom the groom's motiter who wcre"Â a teai blue crepe bîncade dress 'o le s and ber corsage m'ascf pink Tht' delicions diniier was' jInstitutes served by No. 1 Unit cf the, United Church Wotien. ROIVMANVILLF W . 1 Fnr the wedding tnp 10 ( ORRECTION Niagara Falls and îbiîts vt narenteptoftr thc bride chtose a dî'ess of gnld Bownîanviile W. 1. thîe date Silverware (learance DISCONTINUED UNES biCANADIAN WTM. A. ROGERS OR 25?/o OFF MORE Due to thec manufacturer's discontinuing of Canadian Win. A. Rogers Holloware niakes this 251% Discouint possible. - SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY TODAY- OOPER'SJEWELLERY & HOOPER'SGIFT SHOP 29 King St. E. Ph one 623-5747 ___j I 1 e onain a ltuer' iomý Miss Vanî DLIsei, shnuld bave' been April 5, îlot March 8. NESTLETON W.. Nestîctoîs Womnen's Insti- tute hi Id t10c March meet- ing ai the home cf Mns. George Heaslip with smailer attend- aîîce than tisual due te the' poor day. Mrs. Herbert Vinîe, President, welcomed aIl who bnaved thle inclement weather. Mî's. Adelbert Beacock wzýs Secrelar 'v aîîd Mrs. Richîard Davison officiated at the' piano. Correspondence included in- teresting letters from a Nes- tîetoîî member Mrs. L. Lang- feld no\v wiîîtering in Flor- ida, and from Mrs. L. R. Tri- vers cf Thessalon, newly ap- poirited President cf tlîe FWIO. Tlîe Trcasiîner's Rt'p o rt s-hoxved a baîîk balance chief- ly accrued from the sale cf ne- cently completed quilts. Ont' nexv top xvas displayed and f basket weave wool, wlth gold' Samneils read an appreprite accessories. and black Persian poemn by Edgar A. Guest. Ail lamb jacket. enjoyed singing -When You Mr. and Mrs. Birkett are and I Wene Young Maggie". residing in Columbus. Mrs. C. T. Graham gave an Prior to their marriage the interesting account of the' bis- bride was entertained by the' tory of Uxbridge, originaliy groomn's sister, Mrs. Gary Oxbridge named after the oc- Tummonds, Port Perrv, to) a casion when two teams of kitchen shower. Mrs. Everett oxen formed a bridge across JWra -v, Raglan, was bostess for the river. Uxbridge a one'- a pantr ' shower. Miss Beth time renowned Indian bunting McMullen and ber mother, ground, was founded in 1806 Mns. Howard MeMullen, Jan- and settled by the Quakers- etville, entertained the gil:ls the Society of Friends. Tht' of ber grade in high school. speaker closed with the quo- whene she was the' recîpient tation -Yesterday is gone- of miscellaneous gifts. Thenl you cannot change it. Today is also there was the communitv yours- use il." sbower in Blackstock Reenea- Mrs. Milton Fisher read, tion Centre a week ago. the story of dlocks and told of the collection owned bY RUNDLE - LEMON Charles Williamson. Mns. Lew- is Fitze read "The Winten of Tht' Reverend N. T. Holmes 1936". Mrs. Herbent Vine read officiated at tht' marniage I'Soft Soap" and Mns. Kenneth eenemony of Irene O. Lemon, Samelîs read "Tht' cutter was Oshawa, daugbter of the late cozy on a cold night." Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Brown,i The meeting cI osed with the and Mn. Albert W. Rundie,' singing of God Save the Queen Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs., and the Institute Grace after Herbent Rundie, Hampton. , whicli Mns. Allen Beacock's The ceremony took place gopsre eiiu uc Janar" 11 163 a 4 'cocand Mns. Malcolm Emerson in the Manse of Harmony extended the thanks of the' UnitedChurA. , ladies for the' fine afternoon. BLACKSTOCK W. I. Blackstock Women'.s Insti-ý tute met in tht' Communiiyi Hall on Wednesday evening,i and in spite cf a veny stonmy J evening there were 25 ladies T present. After thte opening exercises Arthur tht' business period was he]d. Februai Mrs. Percy VanCamp and Mns'! Frank,1 Roy Taylor wene appointed :Is, R. M. S nominating committet'. Tite i1ea correspendence ineluded a re- port on tht' pnogness and the' home of tht' adopted boy in," Korea, and an invitation to a'rr St. Patrick's Dessert TeaoaliF r Prince Albert, Manch 15. The' moll caîl, a common mistake .A s English, was weii answered.~ The' prognam, witb the' theme Historical Reseach,' was in charge cf Mrs. W. W.La f VanCamp. Tht' motlo, -Ilie to Set' a man prend cf tilt place in wbich he lives; 1 like to set' a man ]ive so that bis, place will bc prend cf hlm." was replied te in an interest- ing manner Oxo Mns. W. Arclî- er. Mrs. Herb. TaYlor gave -Happy One-Year-OId Phe cheerful littie fellow shown above is De Frank who celebrated his first birthday ry 6, 1963. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.1 town, and his grandparents are Mr. and IStephens, Mrs. Victoria Frank, ail of Bown' id the lette Mr. Arthur Frank. it Sign of Spring Hampton UCW lies Show Hats Hampton UCW hcld thleir seconîd atînual Spriîîg Millin- erv Faslîion Show in the Christian Educatioiî Centre, on Tuesday evening, March 5. tht' Cu rrent EÉveîîts'.. M r.s. TOe auditorium was filicd Lorne Thompsen was pianisît t capacity with ladies and for communit.y singing cfgirls, who camne to welcnme Irish songs. Mî's. Gilbert Mar- the fiist sign cf spring, the lew condueted a venv interest- appeai'aice of "m- lady's îew i iîg and informative quiz 01 sprng lats." Cartwright Township, past Upoîs eîîteriîîg the andîtor- and present. lum anîd lookiîîg lowaî'd the' Mrs. Chas. Smith now show- stage, spring seemingly had ed celered slides of seenes at'arnived within those four tht' Agnicultunal Fair and par- walls. As ont' walked nearen ade, local weddings and go]- tht' stage tiîe feeling of spring den weddings, the' Marlow grew greaten, aîîd as yen walk- flower gardeits, and some -f cdi 1P thle centre steps on te teHamiltonî Rock Gardens tht' stage if was like walking taken on tht' bus trip lasI irîto a heautifnil garderî. Flow- stîmmer. AIl pictures h'sd crs both real and artificiai been taken bOx Mrs. Smith and filled lthe entire front of tht' Mrs. Gilbert Marlow. stage exccpt for a ganden path. The rou seved deiVAt the end cf tiîe path an open Tht' guncho fruit d kal,'-gardonî gale ]Pd tote ît ear vio lunhcfpfut oktioff lie' stage wh iclîwas' decor- UUUfllUs ad ieaIC. Skating Club WiII Present Pop Concert more blocks handed in. A $2.001 Tle Bowmaîîviiie Skating donation was received fnom Club presents their annuelý Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heasiip Pop Conceert on Thursday, faid S2.00 from tht' secnetany, 'March 141h. Tht' Club iW neceived fnom a Tenonto lady sponsored by tht' Bewmani- for the used postage stamps1 ville Recreation Dept. and' turned in by the' group. Ibis concert is sanctioned by A donation was made te the' the' Canadian Figure Skating Cancer~ Reseanch Foundationî Association. tht' collection and Pennies for As an added attraction the Fniendship wcre rcceived and Lions Club, Kiwanis, Kins- cards signed by ail present, men, and Rolary Club wtt] to members unable te attendstg a robiTun- through iîîness. mstg. robî ora Mis. Kenneth Samelîs, Con-met venen cf Histonical Reseanrch Tht' club programn consists ind Current Events was in cf 33 Senior Skaters depicting charge of tht' prognam. Tht 'some Military Manoeevers. Roll Caîl was answered by A solo will Oc given by Miss-ý "Soniething Mother Used teo Yvonne Anonichuk. Tht' goid Purciîase at the Store". Mns. daîtees are tht' h i g b e s t Allen Beacock reviewed Cur.- achievement in the cdan csc- rent Events for tht' past montît. tien cf Figure Skating. Thescý In kceping wit bte day's: consist cf five. Miss Anoni-ý motto "'Among yonr foetsteps ehuk has already passt'd thne, on tht' sands cf lime, do not Icf these gold dances. SOc hs leave the pnint cf a bcel", Mns. . wcrking on ber sixth figure test. Tht' Binîlîdaxo Party featuires 116 cf the' Junior members of~ tht' club. Miss Avelyne Lyct is tht' seloist after tOis. S0e bas passed ber 2nd figure test and is working on h,,r Senior Bronze Dances. NexI come thc Pair wbi-hý consists cf Miss Patricia Ru- dcli, wbe is working on lier Ist test and ber Junior Bronze Dances, and Miss Sandra Mc- Gregor xvho is working on 0cr 2nd figure test and ber Junior Branze Dances. St. Palnick's Party stars 12 cf tht' Intermediete Skatcns. The Irishî Colleen is Miss Shewn Leddv wbo is wonking on ber Silver Deîîccs and ber 2nd Figure. Forthie Western Patîxo we bave five Senior skater7, sliowiiig low tfl icIidian3 could wbooD it up. Miss Mary Oke is the bndian Princess andr is wcrking oii lier 3nd test' and 0cr Silver Dances. Tht' beys then show tbcîr ability in the' Cowbev number iding bonses on skates. The litîle Cleaner is otherwise known as Dennis Bamber. The next wicrd and wo.î- derful numben is called the Comedy Cats. Il wes dncamned up bv thc Club's Professional, 'Miss Barbare Ann Smith, wîîo selects tht' music. routinesi, and does al] thet'rtaining. S'ne %v'as s0 intrigued bv tht' wav tlîis number tunned out, thet sOc decided te skate in it ber- self. Il bas te 0e seen te br believed. Wt' daet' on tespot the' professional in this. Sue is aided 0v five of our Senior Skatens. TOc Wee kitten i Joanne Dillîng. Panade cf the Clirîwns fea- tunes 22 cf tOc clubs bc sktî.Master Wa 'yne Anoîni- cbuk Iben does bis solo endi shows thaf 0e cen 1ev cdaimn to being tht' smellest Hobo ever. Tht' wholt' show ends I with a Grand Finale. Ited te repiesrtît tht'oc f îeld orîlside the' gardon. this field paper' birds swt lazily from make helieve trc aîd over the garden walls flewers anîd ivy grew to gr, beights. Vai'ious coloured bi szoared below great xv cloiins '.aîting lOh' rturiî ciller tlîe bird Ilouse xvt formced part cf liie scelle. sPring st'ttiîg xvould îlot conîplete withniit the lit white lambs wlîich frolie the fields. Tlîese littie wrc candbcard creatures scampcr overi the wall and jîsto1 gardeîî and some eveis buîîg np on the wxiîdew di pes along ',ith some spi flowers. Tht' President cf Ilampt UCW welcnmcd evcryone the' show. tiien calied ut Miss Cindy Ayre cf Bowma ville for a vcr'al solo. Cii sang i-r festiv-al selecti khîich she is giviîîg att BELL UNE by John W. Lowry your telephone manager FROM THE MOUTHS OF BABES ..J, A small representatinc an amusing littie anecdote which illustrates a point the Zion U.C.W. ailr neon which might mean something to nianv of us. IL unit met in lte Sunday Sehlý-, st'ems bis four-year-old daughter answered the' tele- rooms on March 6t0, 1963 - Phonie attached to tht' kitchen wali. She elimbed eleven members and two visi- tons. tnp on a chair beside the' table to reach thet"Phone. Mrs. Bnalyoee h Tht' caller wanted to speak to hier mother. As tht' meti dley topee tfe little girl cllmbed dowsn, she dropped tht' recelver bymn 374 being sung, anîd whieh bit tht' table wlth a dlaller, feil off bn swing follcwed by prayer. from the' spiral cord and bounced against the wall. Mrs. Henry Dant, convenon cf the' Devotional pcniod, caîl- She zot bier hands on tht' instrument and inquircd cd upen Mrs. Mark Alkins te' of tht' caller, "Art' you hurt?" . . . In this story of read the seniptune. Mrs. Dart tht' tiny toi and the telephone you may set' tht' thon presented a most inter- reason for teaching children, even at the' tender age tstiilg papen on "Our attitude cif four, tht' importance of gond telephone manners. toward God. and how wc ce- qînîne our reîationsbip wilî Shle may not have used tht' saine apologetir phrase Him.*' Closed with a brief voit or I migbt bave used, but you must admit that prayen. she certainly ivas considerate. We wenc deligbted le have witlî us, Rev. and Mrs. Page Mn. Page continued witb bis CLEANINO PBOBLENI senies cf telks on the' study' book, using seipture readinpýs People ask me occasionalîv: 'Whal's; the, bcst fnom MaÎttew and John. way te dlean my telephoiie?*' Well, the' answen is These are very interesting quite simple: a damp clotb kceps ariv 'phonie cean aîîd gneatlv eppreeiated. A and shining. Neyer dlean your telephoiîe with soap bu-zz sessionî, with tht' subjeet "What is Love," proved to and xvater though, as waten mayv penetrate int the' bning forth a numben cf sug-, set aîîd put your service out of order. Aise, tOe gestions, and made for an in- outer plastic shell doesn't nequire env special waxes ieresting discussion period. or polishes. Just by way cf interest, you miglît like T ime ailowances of fifleen minutes seemed of very short bo know Ibat tbere's no rieed bo keep your telephone duralion - bnt we'll look for- surgicalîy dean. Laboratory tests bave shown thet ward to more of 10cm. a teleplîot' does not serve as a shelter for gcrms Witiî a lovely vocal solo from a previcus user. So, if yorî tust give vourj set Mrs- Page eecompanied b", th(,dam cloh teatmnt ccasonalv, 'phone Mns. Tom Sobil on the' piano, the ampcloO teelent<îcasinaly. ~ oii ronght fOis period te a close. wvilI 0e shîning and spctîess. With sincere thanks to Rcv. - and Mirs. Page, Mrs. Dant turn- Pd the' meeting back te Mrs. BELLS ARE RINGING Bradley. Lest meetings minutes were Ei'er been in ont' of rnd and approved. tbese situations, ladies? - Reports were given bv Mrç. .Iust about bo take a pieBrnadley, Mrs. Tom Sobil and from tht' oven . . . 'phone Q.-Mns. Hcnry Dant wbo were rings in the living room: mn h'lde ledn washing the' dinner dish- " r m~o nnuteaiesby ttenalne es . 'phone rings in ing in Bowmanviile on FeO. tht' living room; after J 2t0. coaxing tht' baby to eat Seme rof our ladies attended bis lunch and be's taking tht' first spoonfinl . . . the' World Day of Prayer at ,phone rings in tht' living room. Sound familiar?, Hampton on March Ist. You've had to drop everything and dash out of the Cornespondence was ned kithenb aswe th' 'hon. Prbas yu raliedand acknowledged. kithe inanwerth 'pon. Prhps oureaizdýWe have pnocured tbr-ce Just at that moment how convenient a kîtchenitableclotbs. Ibrough Canada extension telephone would lie. Wlth a 'phone with- Peekens labels, and are quite in your reaeh, you could continue with tht' jobs pleased witb 10cmn. Labels to mentioned witbout an abrupt break and a dash Le, 0e turned in te Mns. Gerny Glespeil. another room. Maybe IL was eost that ht'ld YOU Decision was ncached thet baek when you thought you should pick up your we support the' necommeîîda- 'phone and caîl our business office to order an lion of tOc printing and dis- extension. WVeil, If that is tht' case. you'd really bie tnibution cf 'encws letters", tO Oc sent monthlv le cach bomne surpriscd hou, littie It costs .- only a few pennies in the' community. These Iet- a day. Why don't you give us a (ail rlght away? fers will contain information on church and eommunity ec- tivities. Closed thi-7 meeting witb I "'in of lest two verses of 6/1/ ymn 374. followed by our 'piedge. 1 Pe.terbcrough Festival,. qer 'The Canadiai, Statesrnan, Bowntauvlle, Mar. 13, 1063 'voice is very sweet and clear and everyone enjoyed her per- Co formance. Mrs. Killens then iman of Wideman's Ladies' a i n T r o d n ,Wear, the commentator for the millinery show. This needs no formai introduction as she is very well known tof c u e B g T r l ail ladies in this district. Mrs. Killens explained that Mrs. C. Stewart M.%cTa-x îsli et raiig i g from Kenora, Ontaxjp, Wideman provides ail the Canadian Tire ]eaves for a through Quebec. the Maritimr. hats, coats and accessories veek of exciting festivities in e(s, No'vfoundicland, and witli which the modeis wiii be Toronto at the biggest Canad- one decaler fronm Nassaui, Ba- wearing. She then called upori ian Tire convention ever hieid. hamnas. ),viii participate in 3 Cinay Ayre, who presented Two bundred and twentY inde- da.ys of business sessions and Mrs. Wideman with a hou- pendent Associate mernbcrs social festivities in Toronto, quet of reà and white carna- attend. Mrs. McTavish xiiconencing March l2th. The tions. attend the special events. Nassau dealcr, Mr. C, Noel Thanking everyone for the The 3-day festivities began Brooks. lias aptly named i hi fllowers, Mrs. Wîdeman gave on Tuesday, March l2th. C.T.C. store "Tropical Island a few comments on the coi- EtrF ic- ours and styles for the spring "Since tinie began. progress ~sepie bhats. She told the ladies of can he measured by the iii The'onli'y lady dealer ini the the facts of basic colours ventors, the musicians. the group is Mrs. Aiibrev Sex.ý which are always popular. artisis, and flic businessmen nitlb Of Bancroft, Ontarioi These being black, navy, who stuck out their necks to N010 iS dOing a floutrishing i beige, gray and white. This advance and progress". So býusiness silice bler husband i spring pink and yellow head state, A. J. Billes, president died several years ago. 'the colour list, foilowed bv of Canadian Tire Corporation Registr'ationî takes place at apricot, watermelon and mint Ltd. A ciant turtle captioned ý1:30 a.in. Tuesdav, at the green. The crowns are highcr "Behold Ibie turtle" is fibe CIravslad Office, Yonga ithis spring and look very tbeme of tbe largest conven, Street, witb Dean Muncaster, smart. Wide brims are also tion ever bield bv Canadian vc-rsdu ecmn h more prevalent and soft travel Tire. Two hundred and twent *v dealers. A "'spcciaI evenit" of hats are much in demand. She independient associate dealers fblicconv'ention ,viîll be tbe of- then introduced the models ficil priewoeigo new .T.C. store at Kecle and for the show. Appearing on LiRît nortVi of Iligbiway No. the stage and each wearing il î r n o .0 vcr e vtî pr their favourite hat, were Mrs. sni:crsoe efsl ýA. Blanchard, Mrs. C. Terrili,,cliî eu nigrtd iMrs. H. Balson, Miss Alne Tbe store. on sc\veii and a hait Short and Mrs. Lewis Truil. acres of grolini xiii dupli- avid To the accompaniment of suit. 1'aie flbc Onitario De.partrlnent iable music provided by Miss'c igwv aft-etpo !f Mary Niddery at the piano, grarni witb' a safet.v brake, Ron they modelied a total of 65 hca'liighîtcsting service that M'rs.,bats, each bat being of a dif- anViv motorist cati ta1ke advan- ian- ferent style colour and fabric. fage of for fre.a The new descrîhed each bat. Addîng j cascading i'ontiniiously over variety and enjoyment to the' its 2.1-foot bigb. 106-foot tvide evening's entertainment were firont wno.The pools, sit- twio vocal duets by Cindy uated belo\\-tflc vindows, iii" Ayre and ber mother Mrs, corporatitip watr'r fourntaing Lloyd Ayre. Their choice of anîd mi l-ciîrdi gbt dis- sciections were very much in plvs xiii mak thie store keeping with the spring theme - ttc otatactive in and spring is flot completeý ra Nvtbout music. Miss Mary Nid- Ciaa dery added a touch of humour terpretation of a travel worn REAL with MRECCA iprn and rnixed up lady's views on i Get t jicki reliif front painfîîl Ples bY îsing , In the countries she bad visited.1 pther of the lt'Mpcca oteca1 arseiltic PilaI rung This monologue brought smiles Remedie3, soid il ail drug coiinters. est h ae fmn of the MECCA PILE REMEDY NO. 1I sn adec.Sharon Dilling oý foi prolirîdrng pIlPO and i' solit7 reat The lucky draws were con- i oe iaPiat o irds ducted by Mrs. P. Deweli and Foliowiîig graduation last inierîral applicatimn bisMrs. H. Wilkins, Mrs. Wide- Novemnber as a Certified Nuis- MECCA PILE itri manl drew the tickets. Mrs. E. ing Assistant, Miss Sharon REMEDY NO. 2 hich Werry of Enniskillen was the Dilling is 00Won rithc -;ta ff (if io or eriuîrl, tý ing pieo S id A luck ' lady* v Iobave ber naine tbe Hospital for Sick Cbildreniî,n lai nd istoi extitfll use (niY. be drawn for the bat certificate: Toronto. Sbie is a former itile donated hy Mrs. Wideman. student at Bownanviiie 1Iligli SSeveral other ladies were the Sebool and daughter of Mr. ioly lucky' recipients of prizes don- and Mes. George Dilling. Lib- red ated by local firms in the dis- erty St. S., Bowmanvitie. the triet. ___ goit At the conclusion of the'r ira- show tbe modeis received nit' ing beartY round of applause fnom Ili tbe audience as they ne-ap- uleaners Cknucdle tnpeared together on the stage. )tn Mrs. Killens came forward A farmer'x barn bîîrnrd' boj thank Mrs. Wideman for Pu"' ber patience and work on be- ýdown, and tht' agent for the ian- b aîf of the' UCW. Those work- insurance company, expIaining ndy ing with tbem bad enjoyed it ion as much as those watching. the' POlicy that covered the the' Mrs. Killens thanked ail com- structure, told hlm that bis mittees responsible for the successful evening and aiso firm would bulld another barn 1 e kind donons of the prizes. of similar size but Nvould iit A special thank you to Mrs.j Ayre and Cindy for bninging iPay the claim in cash. I.he musical part of the even- The farmer was furlous. "if ing. She then invited every- one to partake of the lunch ,that's the' way you people do provided by the' social com- 'businf,,s." hie exploded. ".voit kmittee under the' guidance of ýcan just cancel the' Insurance W Mrs. E. Luke. After a very pnlicy on my wfe"Ed. Lestie I*weicome cup of coffet' and Icta biscuits everyone started CLOTHES CARE HINTS: ily, spring was "Just anound 1oadhm eeigta ue Your PloerslApaau îaiyipoe nf's the corner." cendcobs 31APrLE RO ~~VE U.C.VV.'willsponsor ST. PATRICK'S SUPPER, SATURDAY, MAR. 16th 'Çzz4>/c/flqs 1 5~iî U1 MLIJing th r Lidld cuple wene Mr. and Mrs, Russell Memoricil Hospital Weekly Report VOTE LIBERAL RE-ELECI RUSSELL C. HONEY SCANADA URGENTLY NEEDS A STABLE GOVERNMENT *No one, not even a government, can continually operate "in the red". *A Liberal Government will immediately present a responsible budget to Parliament. KEEP ENERGE TIC REPRESENTATIO31N INSERTED BY DURHAM LIBERAL ASSOCIATION FIRTH BROS. QUALITY 1IEATS 47 KING STr. E. PIIONE 623-5081 F'REE HOME I)ELIVERY PORK SPECIALS Pure I'ork, LEAN, STORI11' SLIC('D SNALL C reakfastL Sauscige45bBC- j l LEAN, FRESH PORK 10)-12 1h. 've PORK flb LOINS lb..5.5c Shoulder 39tb;('ut into ('hops or Roaçits WE SPECIALIZE IN SUI>PLYING... CHURCH GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS l'OR DINNERS . . . S'CIAL I>RICES! ('hnistie's Brooksidc BREAD 6 LOAVES $ 0 BEEF SPECIALS' SWIFT'S TENDERLI> BiLEI- XHORT ]RIB or EXTIRA LIAN BLADE A lC Cross Cut c ROAST 4917 b 1ROAST J59lb EXTRA LEAN, BONELESS ONLY CHUCI< GROUNU STEW C C ROAST CHUCK BEEF jJ lb KING OF 'EM ALL! ST ANDING, PRIME BONI LI 5 PRIE RIB C RIB L ROAST 59lb 1ROAST 69lb STEAKS and ROASTS SIRLOIN - T-BONE - WING - ROUND ROUND STEAK or l RUMP ROAST - ONLY 79lc FOR VOUR FREEZER SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF F RONTS SIDES JIINDS Ib.39c lb.49c lb.5,5c CLT AND IVRAPPED FREF- BUDGET TERIMS MAY' BE ARRANGED ON ALL FREEZER ORDERS Talking to an old friend the other day, 1 hcard 1 ZION

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