5The Canadian Stateiaman, nowmanville, Mar. 13, 1983 On Saturday, plaving before a good crowd, teams from Port i lupe, Coboiurý, and Bovvnanx'ilIe ini three age groups play'ed sorne excellent hockeY tliat finished with Port I lupe winning the J r. A tîtie, Bovw- manville the Pee Wee crown and Cobouîrg taking the Bantam charnpionship. Photos, fr'm~ left to riglit, iRonnie Smith, Port Hope Jr. A. Captain, Capt. BobbIlowes of Bowman-ville's Pee Wees i'eceiving their trophy I'rom Keithi Carrutiiers. Past President of the Little MIL anid Cobourg's Bantam Capt. Gus Bain- bridge with their newl:, acquired trophy. The tîriee finalists xiii comipete in the Ontario pÎayoffs at St. C ath arcines. Thiree Towns Split Wins in Little NHL ToUrnament Biekie 212, Elsie Spencer 204, Dais'y HaYnes 263, Bernice Buday 294. 286, Heleni Nich- oison 205, Irene Whitne'v 221, Jaekîe Trimble 216, 243, Paitii- mne Willatts 245, 200, Mai-ion Mailin 210, Dot Brooks 226, 202. Barb Buttooshaw 2.11, 242, Connie Osmond 204, 235, MArg King 203. 5PO IOPCSocaI 189 Hockey Finals By Frank Mohutn 623I-723I4~,"i -- - l * The final series for the Local 189 hockey championship 1j3 diýeleopin)g ilIto quite a battie between the C'nets and -.Raiders. After txvo gaines, nothing lias been settled. In the opetier it xvas a 4-4 tie. Sunday morning, the Rie .1ed most or the way, but the pennant-wioning Conets roared bAck, and with liime rinLiig' 001 appear-ed tu have Ilie gaine Ani the baig. 1-lowever, using six attackerýs the Raiders tied it 4-4 with 27 seconds left. So here we go again -- Suîîday miorning the best off five set xii resurne, and the way they're going it's bard to pick a xinner. We sbouid point out that it is not n1ceessary for the champions to win three gaines - the first clnb collecting six points takes il ail. t- t t t 7PEE WEES EARN TRIP TO ST. CATHIARINES Bownanville Pee Wees walloped Cobourg 6-0 at the *Arpta, Saturday nigbt, to wini the Eastern Ontario Zone p1oyýfs anid the righit tu enter the American League A Championship in St. Catharines. Port Hope xiii represent the area in the Junior "A" division and il will be Cobourg in the N.Il.L. plavoffs. The litge Little NAIL, Ontario Clîanpioîîship weclý wilI be hield during the Easter holidays. t t t t t LOTS 0F GOLF HALLS TI'be is a cbain letter goiîîg te 'ounds îîuw, wb'iclt Promises yýou ani accumulation of 11)0 golf balîs, if you seod -one out lu keep the "bal' s'oling. This reporter sbuuld be well equjippeil this seasoul, becacise cîp to date we have receix-- -ed three of these epistles, îneaniiîg foi' tbree bails we cuis colecet 30t). On the scîbject off golf - tise popolai' questiont being a-skrd these dax-s is "Wiiicbi course ai-e you ging 10 juiîî " Ail w'.'cail saV is --- il sure is lîlce lu have a chuice, or eveit S oe; ve don't wisli tiiose day-s back of hiaviîîg lu drive ail oc-ci the Counitr'yho puy grc-uuf's foi' a nîîîîldoff golf. t i. t t t AIIDGETS ir'?' BUT PILAYED WELL, Bowiiauiville NMidgets met thie end of te hockey pluuy-ý -off Ira il, Suiday iiglit, but iiiey' sure put cîp a greal fibtý before bowcing out. Yoii crti ut couldî'l faclt this citib for detei'miuiatiunt andt goiîîg ail out, anîd w-e klowx tai Keiî Suroei-s;fid andr John Osbtorn eî'ee pî'ocd off te clu b. Butît C u ut reniicnber te vor-k titese Ico nieu fi ic, fuir it is their type cchivlikep hockey alive iin Bow'uîaîîxil le. It was 6-4 at Trenton., gixiîg te Trenthon bovs bue - eries lxvi gaintes 10oune wiit %ie tied. Peniîaps te big game was the fi'sl gamie li're and the unix onec piaYcfi in Bw talviîe nhcT renttontcamte froîn beliinid 10 ie, 8-8. 'rentuoni won thue uext but Bowmiai-ile bucnceci hueR to take a clutlis 8-7 viclory, ly ing the senies. Stii'day imi gu the locais led 14-lt.ah ce end ut the fi-st, il \%as ait eveit :3-3 a fier two periods and lBcwmtaitville wentt ut fronit 4-3 caniN' in t he tbii'd, befuire Trentont oapped in hree ho top a 6-4 dec i sion. Thcy ail pîayc'ti w-clii viiîspecial înenhiont going 10 IDon M(-it'Mrhe, lannx' Pei'îis. Dace Puil, Kei-iy Dickenis, George~ Bail antid i~k"i ugies. - t t t TORONTO) M. BOWLING A g'.>cd-siîctid dlegatiuiî of joutior andtd ectage bowlers ciilpet cd iii te 'Tcnutoî antd District Jrî. Bowling 'Tourîna- * ment oin Suiidlay', ciiiî Boxvmaitcille's youuig ladies tcîruîiug i n top efforts. Gail MiîI)i"laiîuitiik thue Iiteriidiate sinuges crowvu, 11;i)i npA 7(1 scorie, and the Batilam girls ended up secontd in theur divisionî, a incre 16 pis back of the leader's. Mecm- bers off lirte eant arc: Nauic ' Edinondsoit, W'euidy Lecvis, Nancyx Goodw1in, Joaîîne Broriiell, I)ebbie Seilers antd Juanita 'iee. j- -- t t t BASKETBALL FINALS h w tilbc Coronation Cafe and Bow'na uicil le 1 louin i the Meî's'Iuix Baiketball Leagcîe fintals. Actualli'vthe best off 1w-ci series saried Ttîcday îiglit antd conttinîues'fte foliow- îng Tsiesla.v aIt Il igli Scittittugy in nasiurit. Cconat lit ,noc'ked off hilili-rated Stepiîcî Fuelsu, whule bt -oc overcamne a cone pointl deficit 10ox'verwheim McQtieeun Mîttirs. LOCAL NETTERS IN PICTON TOLTRNEY Thte Bow'inatiille Badminton Clu.b w'as busier tait *ev'er cîxeî'thie eekeîîd as thie eaints pi-actiseci up for- tue forib-eoriîîg Centlral Ontar'io Opcuî Cîauipioiislips itis wec'k- *ertd at Pictuit. E,îtries tiu'oîiBow'mialitiile inulide Geoirge Long, Dou'cen Reddocit, Bill Burgess, Gary 'rigîte, Jeanine Siemot, Dr. Keith Sienton, Coilccîi llutcbiîisoi anîd iliat great star - Franik Mohit. Olit btc. This guy lias flippe'f.. EDITORS NOTE Sinte the aboxe w'as wriîten Ktitii Siemon pîllî'd a leg iz iisut.Muîmonda 'v rugltah i te t'lti andt umfortuniatelylisas becii ide-liîtcct fur t)he lourfnaniciit. ILadies' Major Bowling LeagueI iK a iu e rs i oie zjco re 4 -4 First place is stili wide 'hanl 234, Shirley Green]i openin he adis Mjor205, Mveg Gibbs 222, Ka opnin h, Llie Majr BeaLiprie 214. Ethel Moi; tL'fague with on'iyN four. pointsý 216, Shiirley Bickell 244,f W î h O Iy 2 e o n s L f separatiog the top four clubs. ,, 2l18 Jean' Sellers 228, J MnlvnhtHYnes whlip- Beauprie 254. 243, Vit ped Dunn 3-0 bo take over the1'ie 24.Jv Ll e 'ennlant 21,Mar lead lrorn Baker who was UP- Wiganis 202, 227, Shir c a ch set 2-1 by 0. Etcher. Don Bagtnell's goal Nvith 27!into hIeol,I tilt, chippv aIl imies, but Io move up bowing 2-1 to enl- seconds reinaining and goailie 'ot Richards took Prout's there wvasn't a player on cither lai' - dweiling E. Etcher and Vince Vanstone rc uîoved in pasut 1:45 of thec1h ird to put club who d idn't tuî'n in an in- Ga ' Vbotinced Joli 2-1. tving faorof LI SiNtilîttaZcher, hIle Cornets baek imb con- spired effort. Both goal-keepi- the losers for- fout-th. in a ga ilte Raiders a 4-4 tie lentioîî. and tlle pair b * Prout e'rs playcd big gaines, as did match that included a rare tie aga luitftiele tsSoiiday aiii).ziredi tu have thie gaine Prout, who was iii on al four game Buday kept their hiopes înî'îîiiig. Bîth ignies playeîl ail xc iaîopeii up, util Bagîiell's off bis club's goals. "hei'e \ere aux-c', dnwning Brooks 212 - lu dzote iii thle bvsh off rive i.o- thrilIlingug qtializer. T'he sec- so nmanv top performeis, it ý2. 111the final conteSt it W'aS cal U"')9 finls Ilave iin\Vre- 011,1 Prtot ta lly was a stick- would be un fuir tu single out Lvle 2 - Biekell 1. sulIted in 4-1 dil aloch 5. iaiid Ii ig nii t('-rpiece, as Don any othier plavers. Hitleji Dcnn î'ol led up a 'J'liî~ e l nai iîîailIîe a xciiilî-oLgIlî the entire Raid- Bob Mai-jerrison andc Viîîee 3128 garne for high silngle bion- luaL untl o(Illeut'i î I cr5 tuaint an(l turned Vanstoîîe Vanstone dre\ majors for ouirs. followed bY Muriel Hol- period whîcii Don Prtot firea iniiiit1-out. f*iehîiiiîg al, 9:21 of the third ro-ovd304, Berîîiee Budav- the equalici' aîid hflîet) siiot Il was a gond, lia rd-foughit peiud. 294, Shir'ley Bieýkell 2-87ý, Dor'is SV bbe Coiits il,, ront for the jolI 2'-75 and Joyece Lyle - first tile, fine scodsmd' tI * f268. EIRLY BI Bue Bnit. ive re L UUITVShirley Bickel's759 total bilte cruîi.i'throl.g i i z fw a the night's top triple othier îAacis D# hgi series poing to Bernice 1963 VAUXH.A Ru VCdi b~ oed tîe I~ isBudliv 737, Doris JolI - 700 liiega thIi u tedeI I >O 1a iKyBapi 6 cyl., hrand op asses fr'ontî > b Jow.Teani Standings l Rego yu lr pri a nîd IJa V e M eC t'LII OL I i 1 3 r 2l 'i~'iite ýByDowning Cobourg ------2 *A i-ciie' CiîL:u 11bu g - e- - ----2-------car for. '2-0 tai' cin tescod w ig Baker ------------------- 19 the lar0crner'l011 il i'uir fil(-id A Bo xmanville Pet Wees - 1ai y contest on a goal by Peter .Pres ton -------- 1160FA CO '1'e ilV1ot, iil Bb asir igpindil nwicali Leaguic ilat is, weie Charlc itluthe final Port Hope Gay --------------- 16 aînd Lill cri uiib ho1 oIe :'oiîc pluyuffs livre, Sut- Cuoug doubledt!hieio' uE i -iiiid l oe localeeJotl' t---in-n-do-----Cobu-------2-------16 ILow iileage sendil Bob M r iialiiiî i-ic "lie 'tliice divisiolls 0on Port 1 i>pe 4-2 thI> ntet 1512 I,------------ H51 fui' fie Couies liist ta Il ' Lit a t N'lU e eil I v slud as Porît B n llî,i iv le n ftle Pet W!'e Bickell -.15 I th 1:1 ilak I ollýlok10 tope \wonithie i'igh tto cinter finaul. "he lîost club grabbecl Lyle -.--1---1959- METE--OR file Ruiers to i nu iiitslu I-lit Junior "A" ( A¶uiî anid al, cas\.iG-()vichurv, 19r59 M.ETEObrR1 rugauiVitoestuxi' ass liliiguiCuobourg xil Ibe the N.111-I t, ivet'unieseii ' i St peiiod un- 12Com pletelyr ~uÏ i fronr ~i l .c(Illill ruhrtuiiatvt'l11 anîd vrap piuig up the Scorhîg i1!1Bî'un --------1--12 Lelyor "Si), Zwin(ýtvodto ul-zrnues dcîriîig the Easier ' li K i ii Rogers led the Bow- E. Etcher -_- --- - 9 ilonbuor iost .li ilap c ls. iliaiiv il le attacit 'witlîaa bat- 20 ae 99C E .4 Port I lopc-' oustited IBuw oan- rick performnice, Lai-ry De- 20Gie 99C{V villu 1-0 ini tile Atoiii pi-eliiii- viti udded a paijr andi Hon Ejia Etelier 225. 257, Thelmia Ne", clith,c We-Lbb cooIîled the uthei'. Forster 209, Donnia Preston Rnd white. GOODYEAR li t he Bantain semii-linaýl 200, 223. Mai-g Pei-ris 247, 236, 199V XH BOW IN ORERYOU TCKES OW obitHbtilt tîp Ian earlh 3-C) Norma Gay 201, Loraine Mai- B W I GBoxvnaivilie 3-1. Jeri-y Bai- MarWNI î! 1V Cole '-)13. Helenc aydie bidige opeined the suilî af- Burgess 25.5, 2 37 Mai' i o rinaydie I.boaur oo vr 11)1) Ii' oily \,4,,seconîds off play,'Brooks 238, Dor'is JolI 231, 275, spot bbc oofi 'ai'Leugu- xvilî Stveîiliaroldci lick ing utShrly Davis 228, Oiîie Etch-g stanîdinîgs lThuiî'>Liv 'i gh:9.n( Pullase uot-1- - Lub wllopd tu' Offce 70, - 4:11 aitl Pal Masev ioich et'237, 229, Enid Teniiant 2016, I~ P N I P- lef C rg the thiî'd al the 10:47 Dut Bond 24:3, Helen Piper %vililc .Lezicdi trs. fel ontmark. '2'2,r"-' -c Alrnond 213. Du- tom icw billes tu a 4-3t %viin, irippiiîw'f, ~ ' thleni out of firist, a Poinît of1":1y Alter a scoreless iniddle ainle Pal mer 20î7, Jurie Bu' kerAit aici te pace. ' session, Sandv Brown trig- 209, Joyce Major 206, Emma 15 O TA Cornts lelfit lird.clow- 't12:4 tu ihefi al slaiîza. Co- mari 213, Doireeii Park 222, C~onrd iîîg Bclts 5-2. anidthie firit bourig took the fioal 5-2 over Peggy Hp.vnesý 232. 208, 246, schîiî ilec'h-lamîpion Braici rs PrtHoe Ada Ric'ba rd 233, Nvhl Sbee- f'eut nilC( l11ai OI Echis lic c1, d 1958 CIIEVROI fea;m ban els -1.'lli Open Series onTuesday_6claioi test~ ~ ~ ~~~~~1 tP.:el lcti'tlt~ 11 1,ik i~aitY.stage and pool -cl~aîo of Ilie stvasiii. (l,5,.~*iiving ttîiiiiii * Alpu Previotis own A 7-i l iîitîîîit over Ilbtle ,titt titii~*;iii.I:ilt eris eia blodt!hie lu> e lu vlix .llrinîinîh î FEU ý otl andu Coronatuo n i1958 VAUXHA: lototllii lais-'. ,'e /it-T-L;-) Meet in' Finals of 29,010 rgn lai- clobs lio-h Iîcad-oii aliîcI ili h tit\ ucx t-v.le oue tilde /J/LJI$J *-Y EWM rEradio. Excel] wxas cn i ct ill aloîîe iutit uohhoniiof tlliceui. It w\xu95YÇHEVRO BziI)II"Mahil so Town League Basketball i57CER TdBaicîv -l as hii iop 2V8.utint op boxler, î'ciîig ip a 746t DIRECT FROM MIAMI BEACH Bo '.tia î-ile Ilotel a ni d l6bpoits andI Don Mairtin -8ut ai rple andf a 3.59 sinîgle tu cap- atre a te enato l Coronation Cafe will c'lash mtr i icd 1f. brut Rs otalp . ked6up RYSL uic ail tchelonoui s. Arnoldl '" ~~~ "' a hwo ouît off ihree series for baUoff e Qughcen swCtota n AJ ..LnD L'obb rolleil1cip a 740) tota,l 6th ANNUAL tie Men's Town Baskethaîti inhe rnîgcap s orrîn- Fil,,eup folloiced - IKarl Pil>t'i' 99, CANADIAN NATIONAL I.ea4iie Champiouiship. J' ion Cfe - i'-26,rioci ve s- uly qhip Jn louit-697. Yrank Wri-HO day nighh, thie Hoiel îombd pheît Fuels 32-2.wnigtoeclettr ~bt095 Do Ok 66 a d ÇflDÇMM'çMCQeC'î'~Mohîrs~6î afertohal point set 58-47. Nnrm 'Bcîcl" o Oe-66 andenniiîMg 62SHO m cQeerIUIiItor156-12'fl' B iîcc-aldn .with 15 and Dan Sein See thik out.it EXHiIIONnAinOROTO MtQucii hac! ccoitthe fiî's, tion's atack. Ben Kinr, waq the OhXIBTO PAi'RKoi-TnOROefNoOtsgainW' bya single point. vtelu tiîi'nctl igiefr s- MARCH 15tii -23rd (except Suniday) 1iteuciggue o ngtstppihmn op 955 CHEVS. c 292, "omni 'v Grahan- SEE NORTH AMERICAS FINS Fueipad bwin-sihTdDalotole-dfor p Severàl in ch '183, Jiîii Allii- 276, Johni SPRINGTIME EXHIBITION OF HUNT- .îîxtiui'27:3, Frank Wright-- ING. FISHING. BOATING. TRAVEL, A 951 FOR RUSS HALUNIASpo 92C E .D 268, Jilnt i'.UCk -262, Dave CAMPING, COTTAGE AND AUTO Park -261, jackHoeint- EXHIDITS. Itui.-s "L)utl" Hallrnaîi was icalîx' on thb, hall in Wed- New tires, cw 161, J oh n I-ndc':oi25, r Peruritiiice ,-vice dai:y aineda v. night's Men's Major League action, coming up withh iiodLb 259, Bc'nvKng- (x1hSij) k 1.5n.h 11.M."oioi25. Kura r icl Ieiîisanîd Satîrjay gatiiiws, of 3011, 397 and 2531 foi' a hcîge 9.51 triple. 'lhe total 'i-r24anti Alex Cameroai abeîions scîi clinfiibition ickeits' 1 clipzed "Mue" Richardis' leagcie mark for this season off 9 174, 22. I~s ei 1 ie 2?i(nli- Iandi xa s 1 pis bether thaii the previous record.- 1iqi adiiii' iifi t> the bildings) ic "eani Stanîdinigs _ for Cluntren. Bargaiii weekdayIi lit e seconid gaîtie "Duhcfi'" camîe up %vîlb Il st îî kes p IS.ts, uittee (excepi Saiarday> R ush oudt offI12. but "at-sif the firfth fi'are spoi led a great bld for 11oan ------------ 53 (Phii Adiimi un la bittailg>Ad.- the peifeut gaine, anti coiig wben they did ex'en made a* I owi lls ----------- b-î5c-si2 lti 1i-i ltu twudift-oily .0 iii i ti ý 400 )gaine impossible. co tii nui b i ttiLi,m ,j -udîîuiv (tel)t ,jiîConigraui ilation uîî o Rubs lia u i lailifur a top efforh, as -rius43 , f - 1 .1.i 11pý.lucal boxvler t nens etquite apar-e in rc ',eeks. 11.af ost ý_ ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW Manager' Georgeý Elliott poiîîted Ocît thait Mel Bur'gess' Pre i * *d---- -- 33 Ottî ~ 4u1 of last xveek xas't lte highest al Liberty' Bowi this 166 KI NG .tI1 The Canadien a e a saeî ,i t(,besti oliîg Bx-aî Fai coits -National Sportsmen's Show 1 î i~ 'îd~lt 9~îST. E 0% iiispilles, hutWhi'sNit'kAdams lsth1926 -'11 EXH'ITiN PAK, ORONO ~ record c'. l a -105 gaine, bo\wc-d inil BPAO tournaieo Machie Sho--------- cvcra1 wccks back. b a un rilgie 268, rilvi r]ey làMi BIG~ud CAI RD SPECIAL 0F TH E WEE< LLL VELOX 4-DR. SEDAN d new car. Big car cornfort with srnall car eenno ie $2,550. For the hest deia!s be an early bird and buy this .....1990 i4-DR. STATION WAGON r, one owner car, atitonlatie and custorn radio. iday Safari. tCUSTOM COACH refinished, economlical 6 cylinder engine. ied. Special This Week -- --- -- $1 ,09~ in turqui OnIy 25, CSTRATOCHIEF 4-DR. SEDAN vith power brakes. Spotless. On@ owner car. SPARISIENNE 4-DR. SEDAN r,. Very cipan car. Lo('aIly o%,ned. LET 4-DR. SEDAN nati(', custorn radio, w~hite wsaII tiret. One ownc 7ner' s name on reqiiest! ILL ai miles. Lady' driven since new4. Custom AM-] ýlient second car. )LET 2-DR. STATION WAGON ic. Lo'aIIv owned Veî'y cdan car inside and out ER SARATOGA 2-DR. HARDTOP ped, power steering, power brakes, , electnr rat 's aind mechanical condition. A one-nwner autonioh %tanding car. and PONTIACS ,onse from. $395 tgoi$795. ELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN ustom radio. This car is in sp intlesq condition! nmy. 00 ,000 car. FM t! idb. hile. PHONE 623-:;396 _________________________ I -~ ,.~)w z-t ~ - Euy The 'BEST Spring Footwea r Wf gell nationally adverti.çed brandio * NATURALIZERS * HUSH PUPPIES for men. w~'nlen and ehildren * SAVAGE SHOES for the Pntire faml! hwcludlnc Chlldren'a Orthopedir ghoe* hy Savate * I)A(K and SCOTT -McHALE *SISMAN and GREB WORK BOOTS ANO fillillinf of RURBER FOOTWEAR Ali %Izfe ln Poptilar Price Range Lloyd Ellis Shoes ,19 King Street We-st BOWNIA NVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMA NVI 141E Telepbone 623-5729 FRIDAYI MAR. 15 PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 11) P.m. -DR. SAFARI WAGON custom radio. SpolIess condition, finihed Excellent transportation. ILL 4-DR. SEDAN i snce new. Spotless with cuîstom radio. miles. V!IYANVIIMMEJ iL vr% TIE AGAIN